Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, February 11, 1916, SECOND EDITION, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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    mwonn mail rumvsv, Minroun, nn(,n inrnw MMiru.Y n i'i.
Thr Ml fnr,. ? ryi, ,,,,!,.
rnlofi Th. f,r-f i- ,,, rard ti
it ipjitir tuns, mi win. h -vlem rt
Chtrnt" mnrrrn rlnimt Mter pat
ent. The amount demanded Is Mot
eieeive and ih? rtaniiiMl of ,B(,
pftlfmie, wilt pmbnhlv be complied
with. The second relate to title to
tin Iterkelev iprinjr, frotn which the
'"ty get il -ulphnr water by ajmvlty
pipe line. The tv got tM 'proper! r
lr h mere ion, ."i0, and if it goi
into litigation over it the conts will
pindruple that sum. Tim Home es
tnlc rlniMN ppor water right np
Hied to this mipplv and in nni1y to
line. lh olnim through the court, in
spite of n title which convoyed the
priiut to the eity. City attorneys mid
other attorney nre jtcttiMK in loud
incH to Nohe the problem, whieh in
n tnitUcY Hint tho elty considered set
tled in Kond fiiith for nil time.
The old flrniul Anny hall on Clinn
tnuipm grounds hns been imderxoing
o.xtensivo repairs particularly in re
Xfinl to now roof.
Mr. nnd 3Ir. Orville Click of
Hiwliylvniiiu. 0., who visited numer
ous lelntives heie Inst summer, hnve
planned to return to Ashland pennn
nonlly.' Suvcful fnmllies Imo nlso
sijoiifictl on intention of coming with
tlicin. Mrs. (Hick was fonneily Miss
j Mny Heaver, dutijtlitcr of Mr. nnd
Mrs. J. M. Ilouver, nnd (might sehool
in this vicinity.
The tnnsled renltv ntfnirs of "Dr."
K. A. Fisher, an exponent of kulttir
here, nnd who home time oro shook
the dust of Ashlntid off his feet, nro
now passing through mortgage fore
closuie proceeding. A sheriffs .salo
will be held on Mnrch 11 of four lots,
, well improved. The amount involved
including oots iiggregiites tMOU.
Stockmen from the l.nngoll vnlloy
Klninnth count, report that MOO
rabbits weie rounded up nnd slaugh
tered in n single drive in that terri
tory leoently. Probably a slmrc of.
these eaiensM's will he shipped to
feed the poor of Portland.
A missionary relumed from China,
his next friend a pieaeher in Port
land, and u totem pole soiit to the
inissionnry from beyond the wens ns
mi evidence, of esteem from the con-
cried heathen, recently fiftuied in n
censor movement at San rinncico
The Society for the Proposition ot
Curiosity passed upon the demerit
of the tolcm befoie it was nllovvcd to
p through this toiritory on its wn
uoith in bond, wiln tho re-tilt that
the offending- image was censored
with ii mullet and chisel,
Tho Holluviow parent-lonelier ciiclo
meets nt the scIiooIIioum" on- r'ridny
Hflernoon of this week. County Hit'
porillf undent Wells will uddiexs tilt
.Mi. A. F. Hunt of Poitlnnr'.
mother of Mr. Will Dodge, nnd who
lifts been viMtinir her dniwhter her
for some time w-.t, left for Menied,
C., on Thunitliiy, wheie kIic will Join
Mr. Hunt for an indeterminate slny m
ceil I nil Californin.
X. W. (loriiHin, S. V. brMkeman ic
siding on Fourth stieel, linn traded
a Iioiim.' and lot in Kldoitido, Oklu ,
for a five-acie tract in Overlook
addition, whieh he will improve hiii'i
cvouUiully may locate upon it. I lea
ver Realty Co. nwde the deal.
Dr. Xehibfts of Lelnud, .loitcjilrino
county, was in Ashland on Wednes
day looking over the scope of muni
ciprtl improvimeiitK here. He is thu
owner of the drove creek ranch ot
I'JO acres, in tho ieinity of I.olnnd,
on which true! tho icmnins of Jos
epliiue I.elund, after whom Josephine
county wns unined, vveic buried. Dr
XelubitK is a leliied dentist from Or
otoii C'it;.
IVnMHwl M)itmituie, the niieient m
Htmpr(sl with the modern, will be 01,
exhibition in a distinct display At the
entertainment by tho Wednesday At
teiHoou club, on Washington's liiitli
dny. All other soeml iippointrouiitM
havo Kivcn wav to the annual event
iiw "staged" bv this popular club. Ke
fuhmeiits on the New Kujfiand plan
will bo served by the ludie in colon
ial costume, fiilo. nnuiniueement i
msdtt to the contiHiy, tlie loan exhibit
will bo hold at tho Presbyterian
The Klk jrivc h social dancing
party on Friday evening of tlm week
Dennison T. Law ton of j.edford
and fire inspoetor of that oity, wa
here oil busiucMS Thurxday. In a con
versation regarding bis family sur
name, it developed that he is a dis
tant lelative of the late Geuetal Law
ton of Philippine fame.
The banquet at the Lincoln birth
day unaiverarv ohserrantio at Med
fold ou Saturday evening of this
weok, February 12, will take place at
7:30 o'clock. Tickets ?1. Indica
tions M)iat to & large nttendauee ft urn
this vicinity.
Mi I5eie Apjiletfate. former in
structor iu the Klamath Falls high
Huhool, is a candidate for sehool su
perintndtHit of Klamath count v.
J. H. Wr left on Wednesday for
a visit to hi oU home at (Jraad Ha
ven and ittber Muhijjuu point.
W. L Moor, W. D. K'mcaid and
K. T. Ktaptat are among the panel ot
petit jurora, unnoiwd to appear
from this vicinity at the nt term ot
t limit court at Jacksonville, Kebru-
hi i0, at In in tiipb-" i icall
the onlt one from Ahlnnd, inamueh
a the two forwer trMe m almrhan
K. R. thMt f JtfH9 nrf vrs
rialtifit reWMrfc ami Metwls Uurr on
ThniiKlay, Im altMithhf ( Fmalaess
Dr. Gilbert of tb faewlty of the
Mate HMiren((T rJtaJtmfl, will lee
tnre here In the hour future im xnn
drv toples. An effort vMH be inade to
hnve him make an address on fruit
Injrie sieeifiil(y.
I'nirerMl porch Hghtn may bn in
order In town before long. A certain
element wants the city coanclt to
grant this privilege nlMolntely frw,
iimsmueli as they will ndd to the gen
eral illumination of the town. This
the city does not sen Its way to grant
just at present, but will probnhlv meet
citizens more than half wav by In
stalling the improvements "at cost.'
A nwninder to keep out of the state
prison nt Knlem is the repot I that
smallpox is prevalent nt Hint institu
tion. W. C. Senchrost, general ngont of
the New York Central lines, with
headquarters nt Portland, wns iu
Ashland on Wednesday, calling upon
official in tho Southern Pacific of
fices. He wns on his way to San
Ashland mombcrs of Mnlta com
ntnndcry, Knights Templar, are inter
ested in the forthcoming triennial
conclave of tho order nt Los An
geles in June. The grand jurisdiction
officials of Oregon plan attending iu
n body. From San Frnneisoo tour
istn have choice of rail route or by
water on the .steamer Great Xoith
em. On the assumption that the aver
age preacher likes chicken, Hev. Wni.
Xortridge, 'J72 Orange avenue, ex
hibited some extra fine specimens of
buff Leghorn fowls at the Southern
Oregon Poultry show at Medford this
Southern Pacific employes from
various portions of the system who
have been in this teiritory of late, re
noil tho heaviest snowfall of the sea
son ns occurring nt Summit, iu the
Nevada Sierras, not far fiom Winnc
niueca. The depth theie has been
'220 inches. This is the highest and
most exposed point on the entire line.
Redding is contemplating installa
tion of a municipal electric light
plant, nnd will hold a special election
iu April to determine the question. In
the meantime il is investigating the
cxpcricmc of Ashland and oilier
towns which have iutioduccd the
Jnmo I'ellett and wife and Mlm
Sophia Walters of Tulont were Kiiests
Saturday at tho home of Mr. and .Mrn.
Oatman of Talent.
Howard Kramo was taken from A.
S. Furry'" place Snturdii) to liU homo
woat of Talent.
Mr and Mrs. C. IC. (tatea and Mrs.
Margaret Farmsley, Mrs. Galea'
niothor, were pleasant callers nt tho
homo of our correspondent Inst Sun
day. Mr. CtarrlBon of tho fiurrlion poul
try jnrds, was In Talent nnd Phoenix
Saturday soliciting ordeis for norno
of his flno birds nnd took several
Oregon Camp No. 138 Woodmen
of tho World at Phoenix held public
Installation of offloors Saturday,
Kohruury IS, 191C. One of the most
ploasant times It has been our pleas
ure to roaord was enjoyed by all
present. Medford Camp No 90 was
most happily jopronontod l) their
team dropping In on PhoenK nnd
vvero asked to do the team woik In
the Installation, which they did very
nlcoly. A number of short addressos
ware given, one by Mr Canada) of
Medford. which was heartll) enjoy
ed by nil. Several other short talks
were made by charter members of tho
local camp, as follews: K. (! Cole
man, A. S. Furl), Iteno Coddard,
Ulln Coleman. Oak Circle No. 242
vvero Invited guests, and were repre
sented by Mrs C Carey In a short
talk on fraternal Insuranre Music
b) l'hoonlx guartette. A most ooun-
S. S.S. the Proper Safeguard.
Catarili la mid In in iluonl
form The jr IIIUJ mill i irrlu
watch It tukni Into the iiioulh ami nuae
thrftuali Oie ioiin of busthluK Wlitii
tlie butl Is in u ht-jlllu ioHlition no
hftrm jull Bui iUi uur Hiydern
motlioda of HJoor II imr siul nJiitry
osouiMtiloufi, tlio mucou atviHurait ru
tisualb not nbl to "throw-oft" this
ItHrutful imctarla, luuklnK uaturrh
ei) common ailinont. Tsnm Kens
jrnrtl and inultipl causina iiifUiniua
tl. ih blood raslia to I ha mum
hranaa u ht otr Ihr bacilli. What)
tb bluajd la I i a vigorous loaditlon il
"oWrcnalve' efforts art auttaastul
OtisVrHlar lbs cold 'b'mya ou' turns
Into uuirh
Catarrh t a chrssle inUsiHiiwtioM of
thr muooua mnbr(Mt Mucous fsww
rans ar th Mtut oh all tka iNler
nal cavhiaa o( th W Ut thai
AU' laOtlas' Tbara Is tba "aadlaas
okaln ' -Uiuhi ( daasor
The oaly way Iw Iraal taUrrh U to
Kiarlfy th blood Tha auraat to
ntuif) tha Mood U Iu laWa t
Writ us fQf spatial advlaa. owltt Spa-
clfle Co, AtUutu, Qsora-u.
ti(tii '.siKpff iih mifift 'li m('
esf trwi numetoiia o menllon
W M t'nter of Talent tlalted nW
fr1frla Ifl Jteflh Titlcnt Mlav
8nfttr Ton iter Mellon of Magic
I'Hiit. was a alaaafltlt dlrtnet gst
at m homo t Vtot. Iteimer ami
wife af tho fflcperlrfiont itaiwii at fsl
ont Monday
MlaMs l.lnMle Utile aad Anno
Kro"h of ?8rlh Tnlont altandotl th
Snndny sohool cmas party of tho
ChrbitMn eitureh nlven Tuesday even
Ink at Talent.
Mrs. C V Creed of Ashland vlsltml
Mra. C. Carey of North Talent Wml
Herman Offenbocher made n bus
iness trip to Medford Thursday.
Tom Lovvmnn nnd vvlfo passed
throiiKh ApnloKatc Saturday on route
to Missouri KlntB.
.Margaret Hoffninn of Thompson
creek wont to Gold Hill Monday for
a couple of vvooka' visit.
Wood Jeter of Steamboat camo out
Monday on IiIb way to Ashlnml.
Thoro was danclni? nnd card party
nt Jim Spencer's Krldny nlRht nnd a
Kood tlmo wns reported.
ApploRnto was well reproflonted nt
the Murphy and Qrnnts Pass basket
bull Ramo at Murphy Wednesday
nlRht nnd Ramos wore mnde between
AppleRutc nnd Qrnnts Pass for the
near future.
Dr. Sweeney wns called to Win.
Camoton's .Tutwdny. Mr. Cameron
was suffering: from n sovore attack
of heart trouble. i
II. M. Clute Is hutilliiB hops to
Grants Pass nnd tho ronds are Ret
tint? so bad It Is quite a sott Job.
ApptcRato nnd Missouri I-'lnts bas
ket bull tonms played quite an Inter
jsIIiir name nt Itoso's bnll Monday
nlRht. The seoro was 20 to 13 In
AppleRato's favor.
Mrs. James Moe who has been away
for some lime returned home Mon
day. A very enthusiastic ineotlnR was
hold at Prospect rcIiooIIiouso Fob. C,
101C, when the Prospect Ileerentlon
club was organized, the purpose of
this club beliiK the social and Intel
lectual advancement of tho lommun
II). The officers elected nt the meet
ing weie Frances T. Aiken, presi
dent; Hurt A. Nnson, vlco prosldunt;
and Katherlne Doollng, secrotury
and trensuror. Tho charter member
of tlie club nre Harold Lower, Harry
Aiken, Stanford S. Aiken, Jr , S. Aik
en, Sr., Itert A. N'nsnn, Fr.'inros I
Aiken, Ilelvn 1.. Walker, (ieo. W.
Walker. Mrs. P. C Scholl, Hoston
Orlove, Mrs J. i:. Crleve. Mrs. O. h.
Irwin, Laura livvln, Chas. Walker,
Newt, flootllow, (trace Walker, Win
ifred A. Walker, Krnest llollenbeck,
.1 nines K. (Irlove, Supervisor K. It.
Peterson, Katherlne DooIIuk.
Tho business meetlni; was followed
by a social time, during which the
membnrs participated In an old fash
ioned spelling bee This wns fol
lowed b) delicious refreshments serv
ed y tho Indies of the community
Tho next meeting Is to bo held
February 12.
When a cold Krips our system it is
convincing proof that your condilion is
weakened remember that It is risky
indeed to .simply trust your strength to
throw it off, because neglected colds
have brought more serious sickness
than any other one thing, while weak
oning cathartics and stiinulntingsynips
are often depressing and dangerous.
The one best treatment for any cold
the one so often relied on when others
fail.isthe powerful blood-nouriblunent
m Scott's Emulsion, which feeds thu
very sources of lxxltly strength toup
press the present cold and generate
strength to thwart further sickness.
Get Scott's first not last and insist
on the genuine-ahvajH free from al
oohol and injurious drugs
Ikolt Ik Howne lllouiuAdd ft J, 1V1J
Xovs comer -old timer- stranger or
citizen If )ou will come to my office
you will bo Interested I have ready
for our examination a lU'SIXKSS
Tho owner will Mil at Invoice then
lease from purchaser, paying, pur
chaser 50 of his money bark for a
five )ear loose; at the end of five
oars will turn business over to pur
chaser or purchasers stock that will
Invoice 50'r more than It does now.
rtemembei" you double your capi
tal, and have empleyment: a Rogue
Kiver Valley, Medford, Oregon,
1 ask you to Investigate this then
ask any Ilauk or Backer in Medford
as to Us merits.
10S West Main St. o Phone 799
11. ......t . fW.. K..I.I. IK.
' tract Co.. Sixth and Fit Bis.
Addle ItslleY r- Suit hem Pacific
Co., amended ewmfdainl.
Sell! I.. Turpm . TtMNmia Tur
pl. atlpulalwil filed.
Mmaie iVwh at al vs. C. II. Math
waft et a I., saaff to foreelnne mort-
J. W. Van.T vs. Wmnr C. 1kw
rev et al., H it) fnreelnsa anrtrare.
C. M. TfaHftM et al vs. Southern
I'neifie Co. el al., rep4y filed.
I Ion I ItstnlR Tmnsnn-s
Lulu WiHi nl vir to Joseph
II. Ware, hit , .Matmwa Ad
dition, Ashlnml Id
.1. .M. William" et u to .hrsnph
II. Wine et Ht, land iu afr.
ltl-.'tU-lH. ....- - - 10
Nnhelln Kowley et vir to Aium
Delude, land in sec. ttl-ltl-1W.
... .10
S. Kbeeumher et u In .1. .M.
Williams et u, land iu sec.
l(l-3ll-lr 10
Joseph II. Wnie et u to Ash
In ml I'lintiiijr Co., undivided
half intei est in tup. .'ID-IK. TiOn
II. II. Kieuter to Kiniiia Kieu-
-i-i-i--"i.i-t-i-. ----t.t--i-
Hopes Women Will
Adopt This Habit
As Well As Men
Qlats of hot water each morn
inn helps us took and feel
clean, sweet, fresh.
Happy, bright, alert vigorous and
vivacious a good clear skin; n tint
urnl, rosy complexion nnd freedom
from Illness uro assured only by
clean, hcnlthy blood. If only every
woman mid llkovvlso cvory uuiu could
reallzo tho wonders of tho morning
Inside bath, what a grutlf)lng cliuugo
would tako place.
lnstoad of tho thousands of sickly,
nnnomlc-lookmg men, women nnd
girls with pasty or muddy complox
Ions; lnstoad of tho multitudes of
"nervo wrecks," "rundown.!," "brain
fags" nnd pessimists wo should sou a
lrlle, optlmuulc throng of rosy
checked people overyvv hero.
An Insldo buth Is bait by drinking,
each morning before breakfast, n
gluts of real hot water with a ten
spoonful of llmontouo phosphato In It
to wash from the stomach, Ilvor, kid
neyB und ten yards of bowels tlio pro
vlous day's Indigestible wnsto, sour
fonuontatlons mid poisons, thus
cleansing, sweetening und freshening
the eutiro ullmontary ciinnl before
putting more food Into tlio stomuch.
Th oso suboct,tti. sick huaduoho. bll
lousucss, nasty lrresth, rheumatism,
colds, and pnrtkulary tlioso who have
a pallid, mil low complexion and who
ii ro constipated verj often, urc
urged to olitulu u ipiurler pouud ol
llmostotin iibospb.iie at the drug store
which will cost but u trltlo but It
sutnclont to demonstrate tlio ipdek
nnd remarkable hmoce In both beultb
and uppenranie awalllng thoso vrhp
pnioltcn Internal saullHtlou Wo must
lomembcr that Inside clenulliiess h
moio Important than outside, be
onuso the skin does not nbsoili tmpur
ItloH to contamlnnte the blood, wblU
thu poros Iu tl.o thirty feet of bowuli
I horoby nnuounco that I havu
(Hod my doclarallon of Intention to
becomo a candldnto far tho repub
lican nomination for tho offlep of
District Attornoy for Jackson county,
OMgon, subject to tho decision of tho
republican party, a, too primary elec
tion to be hold May 19, 191 C.
Deputy County Treasurer Myrtle
W. lllukeley announces her randldaey
for the office of county treasurer.
I hereby announce my eandhlnc)
on tho republican ticket for the of
fice of count) tnasuror, to be voted
on at the oomlns primaries. I have
held the position as deputy In this
office for the putt oar and am con
fldont thai I can fulfill thu duties
connected therewith.
I sorvod two ara as deputy coun
ty rocorder before taking the posi
tion as deputy county treasurer; I
have also had experience as account
ant for several corporations, suoh as
tho Medford Couerete Construction
company and Medford lee and Stor
age company, before taking up coun
ty work and will say that iny past
record Is open for Inspection to the
voters of Jackson county.
If nominated and elected I wilt run
tho of floe without the oxpsiise of a
doput) and continue to serve tbe iub
llc just as efficient In the future as
I have iu the past
Leave Medford dally oxcopt Sun
day for Achland, Talent and l'hoonlx
at S a. m., 11. SO a. m., 1:15, 2:30.
3:45 and 5.15 p. m. Also on Sat
urday at 11 16 p. m. Sundays leave
at 10 a. ro., A p. rn. and 9:30 p, ni.
Leave Ashland for Medford daily
exeopt Sunday at i a. m II: JO, 3:30,
3:30, 4:45 and G:lfi p, m. Sunday
leave Ashlapd at 9 a, m,, 1:00, 5:00
and 10:30 p, in.
Il I Ml II V t f
I Mi I ii It.- I" Mnbiri IIhIIh.
ImikI in . W-.IA IK IHNI
fok mkVT notirinn
i i. amfcMw
imaw a,ian. tm
POIt ftRMT- FHrntahsd roem: ate
Illlht keuwiftMplHR rnoajM. tl
Sontli CeHtral ate. 7
POrt HrtMT -PVtrntehed an, four
raoms strictly HNMlsrn rto In
Cftl I at 343 X. Holly st . or phone
MM.. -
POIt MINT I'miuMimi bvinaalow,
SI 9 W llth, PIiom Jis-M. John
V. WTilte.
KOlt HUNT 6-rofl.m modern hauso,
1 Vi acres bottom land. Reed chick
en and Rardon proposition. $13.60
n month. Itonnett Invest. Co.
KOlt ItK.NT Colonel Sargent's res
idence on Oakdale avo., tolophono
owner nt Jaeksonville, or Inquire
of 11. II. Nye or Itoy H. l'eoblos nt
Medford 379
KOlt 1U5NT IllU?ftiiUliKlllNa
KOIl UKNT Furnished housekeep
rooms, 331 Knst 9th, Call after
5, 296
FOR SAl.K Houses nnd lots. 31 So.
Orange St., $1300; 824 llennett
Avo. R0O. J. A. Henderson, Ml.
Kcclesln, Oconnslde, Cnllf. 2R0
lOU SALK Or trade, fi acres In
Talent. Walter He) nobis, Talent.
Pro. 2J 7
l'Oll SALIC Flno poultry nnd fruit
ranch; city water. (5, Mall Tribune.
FOIt HAI.K Two Incubators, ono Cy
phers, ono Pctnluma. Phone
S92-L. 278
POIt SALH At once, oak chiffonier
and dresser, two bods, flreless
cooker, innchlne and heater. 3tl
.N. Central. 370
FOR SALK Carrots mid Bimar beets
$8 per ton. J. W. Shirley, SS Al
mond street. 277
FOIl SALK Iron Agt). Improved
ltobblns potato planter; Fnriiilinr
ulovutor uiotnto digger; Hoover
potato serter: In perfect condition;
hnve hnd light use. Cost 1S8.
Pilco $125. K. W. Carlton. Cen
tral Point. 2S0
FQIt SALK Stock nnd tnlilo carrots
$S. 00 per ton. Chits. J. OUon, It.
F. I). 3, Itox. 11. 278
FOIl SALK Ford ono man taps and
toji work of nil description. Med
ford Tent nud Awnlug Co., 101 N.
Fiont, Phono 78-11. 29ti
FOIl SALK--Kggs fiom range raised
S. C. Huff Leghorns. Win. J.
Ferns, Medford It. F. I). I or phone
Mrs. A. II. Foms, 19-F2. 391
FOIt SALK llurrod Uock eggs for
hatching; young thoroughbred
roosters. J. II. Webster, It. F. I).,
Tnlont. Phono 3-F2. 3S9
FOIl rMLKSooil barley, ebenp feed;
baled barloy straw. Call 732-J2.
FOIt AiiH-MrrmtOK
FOIt SALK Four Kood milk cows,
two fresh and two coming In
Phono 777-L. 277
FOIt BALK Team work mitres,
cheep. (1. Adder, I leas' Lane 2Sl
FOIt XALhV--A heavy Clyde ninro,
good worker and puller. Phone
Jacksonville 1-IIL 377
FOIt SALK Team, wagon and har
noss; bnrKuIn If taken soon. Nash
Slahlos. 278
FOIl SALIC 20 horses; must bo
sold. 8eo Walsh, ut Vinson's barn
X. Itlverslde live. 297
FOIt SALK Tonm of mule, weight
900 lbs. oach, 0 year olds, $225. O.
C. Hoggs.
WANTICD A hustling, energetic man
with god lefernce and houd to ea
tabllsli tea and eoffe route; IHieinl
commission and opportunity to ad
vance to right mill). Address 118
Washington street. Portland, Or.
WANTKD-d'oslllou on ranch ly
good housekeeper and cook, one
that will appreciate good home.
liox C, Mall Tribune 2M
WANTED -Wlah"lo make tontraet
to care for orchard A Wllsou
Clark. Hex 73 1, Medford, Phone
S.17.L; 2S1
WANTIID MlrHmli.l'vr.OUrJ
WANTKD Modem r. or B room
house close In ; bungalo preferred
with garage. Itoom 307 Hotel Hol
land. 270
WAKTifl)- First class suUlou and
Jack man wlshoa position fur season
or by yotir. Address Imx 8xs, Mall
Tribune. 278
WANTKD nressimtkliig at home or
by day. IIIB. Central, Phone
VANTHI--To oare for cblldien day
or evenings during absence of par
ents at theater, etc. Phone 728-J.
WANTKD Vour vuleaniilng and bat-
tery ekanpng. Phone 51 U. Cass'
Trading Button. 281
WANTHD Knlttlng'mlll wauts worn
on, full tlmo; salary $15 weekly,
distributing guaranteed ltoslery, er
25 cents an hour spare time; per
inuiisnt work; experience unnec
essary. Address Manager Interna
tional Mills, Koiriatowii. Pa.
-aa a aa a sSaaSaijSPS SsSsi sSSSjeSsaSSasaaaaasasjSSl iaS 1 .aji 9
LOtT Betr4ay night, OretMiit
shaped brooch, net with nine tipala.
fleward, Mra. J. C. tlarnes, Ml
X. Itlverslde. Phone 387-L. 271
fori RENT or sla, rhsn fer
cash pood small ranch floaa ti
ellr nhn eli? sir -T" v t
POR rllBJIT- Concret frr- prnnf
bUlMlfiff 34st feet, v.U- for
atorss and manv ather miri m.o
I Mill .ftaaaafthla L I L'l
Hon. Paftterlnm Dye Work ;
Tf) LOAM SlTIOfl on Improved rsneh
Holmes tba Insurant Man
"CiltlSTIAN"CNn;YbVJltev. Cliai.
F. Dole and other t'nltsrlsn llter
atnre sent free to Inquirers. Ad
dress Miss Ilsrel Ilurton, Central
Point, Oregon, It. F. D No. 1. 279
Auto Huppltcs
tiro operating tho htrgost, oldest
nnd host equipped plant In tho Pa
cific northwost. Uso our sprlngi
whon others full. Sold under guar
antee 20 North Fifteenth St',
Portland, Oro.
0 lib! v. CI I BliuY Attornoy.. and
.Notary. Itoom 9, Jackson County
Hank Hulldlbg, entrance N. Con
trnl, Medford, Oro.
Attorney s-nt-Utw, Ilooms 8 'ud
9, Medford National Hank btdg.
A. K. UKAMUS, LAWYKIt anrnott
Corey bldg.
0. M. UOIIKIITS Lawyer.
Medford National Hank Dulldlng
Oarnctt-Coroy Hldg., ultn 310
Mcdforo, Oro. Phono 8CC.
Collections nnd HcMjrts
collected, eonio nccounts 14 yonr
old. Wo know how to got the
money. Tho Hunock Morcnntlt
Agency, Inc., Ilooms 1, S, 3, Has
kins' Hldg., 210 13. Main at.
ICnglnccr nml Contractor
FHKD N. CUMMINasl-Snglnoor ant
contractor, 401 M. P. & H. Hldg
Surveys,, estlmatos, Irrlgatlor
dralnago, orchard nnd land Im
HAUL S. TUMY aonoral Insurance
offlco, Fire, Automobile, Acaldpnt.
Llnblllty, Pinto Glass, Contract
nnd Surety Uoiids. Kxcollent com
pantos, good locnl sorvlcu. No
210 (Inrnott-Coroy Illdg.
Instruction In Muslo
401, Onrnott-Coroy bldg. Fred Al
ton llnlght, piano; Mrs, Floronct
Ilnlllday llnlght, volco. Pboni
OAHHAOK Qet your promisor
cioancd up for tho summer. Car
on the city garbugo wagons foi
good rervico. Phonu 274-L. F
Y. Allen.
Physicians and Surgeons
MAINS CAHLOW Ostcopnthlt
physicians. 41G-417 Oarnett-Coroy
bldg., phone 103C-L. Hcsldenc
2G South Laurel st
DIt. W. W HOWAUD Ostoopnthli
physician, 803 Carnett-Corej
building. Phono 130.
DIt. J. J. ICMMKNS Physician and
stirKeou. Prartlco limited to eyo
oar, nose and throat. Kyes scien
tifically test ml nnd glasses sup
plied. Oculist sod Aurlst for S. P
H. It. Co. Offlcos M. F & II. Co
bldg. opposlto P. O. Phone SC7
DH. It. W. CLANCY Physlolan ant
Burgeon Phonos, office 36, real
dene 7x4-J. Office hours, 10 t
12, 2 to 5.
olan nnd surgoon. Office Palm
block, opposite Nash hotel Hour;
10 to IS, 1 to 4. Phone 110-J.
T. (I. 1 1 KINK, M. D. Kye. War
Noso and Throat. Headaches u
nervous conditions relieved b)
properly fitted glasses. Cross ever
straightened. Office S2X K. Male
st , phone 303. Consultation froe
Ilomoopathle Physician, Surgoon,
m Uast Main St.. Medford, Ore
gon. Office phono 143, residence
phono 732-112. Office hours 1 to
4 p. m.
DR.'o W. STBl'lIiSNaON I'hyalrraii
and Optician Calls answered.
Kyes tested, Classes fitted that
will correct any defect of vision;
prices reasonable. Phone 8S2-X.
Office at residence for tho present,
Medford, Oregon, 14C 8. Holly.
Printers and I'lilillshers
beat equipped printing offlco Ir
southern Oregon; book blwllnp
loose leaf ledgers, billing ayateint
etc. Portland prices 27 S'orf
Fir st.
-ss" r 'i s- i ii 1 1 i hi i.
--W iiiw. ..
Of rice 43 North Kront sL I'bom
31S. Prices rlKht. Bervtee gusr
an I end
Pevtlnt; Much lues
I A LB OK HBNT ssowe used ma
eblnes also for sale. Cleanitig and
repavjrlitg. C. . Cavaaman, at Bed
ford I'wrmltuM k Hardware aiue.
IteavldMes) ITS la. CfBtml. Pheiu
4I f - .
Ost a mnall pashafa r Mnmfcorg
Tinai Tea. or as tse ftrrmm Mkit
i ill if "ftsfNtmrasT Urns 1be,"at any
lsrm'). Take a taMesftoisjiral ef Km
t's, put a fup f heiliag nnirt upsn
P. pnur thrmiifh a sieve aal drink a
trsrap fall st nny tirfte daring llm
rlny vr hrforr n tiring. It Is tbe mrtt
etfwtivo way to hrmit n raid end euro
grip, as It opens the pures Of the nkln,
relravlng entigratien. Also Inoerns tho
Unrsta, Uilia breaking' up a eold.
Try It tra nrrt tim ymi milfer (mm
n enld or the irrip. It i inrtpensive
nnd t-nUrrly VtgilShle, lhtn.lute iwtfa
sad ha rath.
Hub Soreness from Joints and muscloi
with a small trial boltlo of
old St- Jacobs 0U
Plop "dosing" Ithcumitllmn
It's psln enly: not one cone In fifty
requires Internal Irwtfment. Hub sooth
ing, prtielruluig "SL Jacobs Oil" right
on the "tender spot," and by the tuna
you say Jack I lob In son out comes tho
rheumatic pnln. "Ht, Jacob's Oil" ia
a ImriuloM rheumatism ours which never
disnpiolnU nml doesn't Imrn tlio skin. It
takes pnln, soreness nml stllTm-n from
noldug- Joints, nuisclos ami Ixmosi stoH
sclnllni, IuiiiUko, txtcknche, nriirnlgin.
Liiuhcr up I Cct a 25 cent bottlo
of old-time, honest "St. Jacobs Oil"
from any drug store, und In a moment
you'll be free from pains, sebes and
stilTiirfH. Don't sulTcrl Hub tIruiiu
tiim away.
Bargains in
200 Tnree-y car-old
Caroline Testout
Hoses for salo nt it bargain
Tho finest rusos In Medford
from the bust roso bodgo In tho city
Tho Carolina Tostoiit Is n perpet
ual .bloomer, largo pink roses and
tho host hodgo or street roso for this
Pierce, the Florist
Take a glass of Salts boforo breakfast
if your Back hurts or Bladder
bothers you.
Tho Amorlcan men nnd women must
Kinrd constantly opnlnit Kidney trouhlo,
auso we eat too niush and all our food
is rich. Our blond is ulld with uria
ncid which tlio kidneys strive to Alter
out, they weaken from ovorwork, become
Bluggishj tbo cUnilnatito tissues clog and
tho rvHult Is Lidiiey trouble, bladder
vtpakneas and n ffsnsral dtclino in health.
When your Kidneys fel like lumps of
lead; your bsck hurts or tbe urine Is
cloudy, full of sfetinumt or you are
obliged to sk relirf two or three times
during tha uljjht; If you sutlef with siilc
hnulucha or dirav, nsrvous spells, acid
titotuRch. or you iuvo rhtuimvtisui when
tha wuatbsr Is bad, get from your phar
macist about four ounces of Jad Salts i
taka a tablcapoonful iu a glass of
water tfforo breakfast for a few days
and your kidneys will then act tine.
Tlds famous salts Is roads from tho acid
of grapes and lemon Jules, oomhiucd with
lltbla, and has len used for gene r nitons
to Hush and stimulate clogged kidnoysj
to neutralise tbacids in tho urine so it
no longer Is a source of irritation, thus
ending blnddsr disorders.
-Jad Snlts is inexpenilvo; cannot In
jure, makes a delightful effervescent
lithia water beverage, and belongs la
every home, because nobody can make
a mistake by having a guvU kidney limit
ing any time,
Clillj ltl(J mlkis (bfilK s4 sstssi'l
stlsUUtt. ttrry rssav IIS silittt sua.
BulilHf firshats
Sm Sltrr Mnl sua (ssiriti BsiMnc,
n s1.08 "AY OHE PERSON
from fury sr DtiU tilt
(il evr uiiiu)
Aiy Ctinr unit ctr bsm Its Josr.
Grandma's recipe of Sage Tea and
Sulphur darkens so naturally
that nobody can tell.
Almost evsrjout lourwa that Sapo Tea
and Sulphur, proorly comptimikd,
brings 1A tha natural color snd luatro
to tlie b&ir when faded, strertKI or grayi
sJm ends dssdrutf, licking soalp and
sloi falling hair Years ugo the only
way to get tbia mixture was to make it
at ItOHuv, wbhdi is inusay and trouble
Hwe. Nowadays, by asking at any drug
sbere far "Wyelb's Sage and Sulhur
Hair Kody.' you will get a Urge bot
tle of this famous old reeipo for about
M) tents.
Den't slsy grsyl Try ill No ono
cam pawJbly tell that you darkened your
hair. o il doss It W naturally and
evealy. You tUaixm a oge or soft
brush wtlh It aad tiraw this tbrough your
balr, tahlaf na emsdl etnusd at a time;
to tSSvmlNt; the mr bair dtMrrpears, and
altsir aueuuw apvlicaUon sr two, jourt
hajr beoues beautifully dark, thick aa4