Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, February 11, 1916, SECOND EDITION, Image 1

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lYohnhlr in In Hitlunliy.
Muv. d'J. Mln. II, I'rc. .07.
Medford Mail Tribune 0
t"orlv f if ". Y.fir
ImiU T i th Vr ir
Army Reorganization 0)11 to Cc
Taken Up Monday by Committees
Lane Mentioned as Successor to
Garrison, Alonp With Walsh, Har
nimoii, Houston and Dakcr.
WASHINGTON, Feb. 11. "Con
gress will proceed jo completion of n
military program without ragard to
the resignation of Socrotary Garri
son," aaid Chairman (jlinmberlaln,
nf tho sonalo military affairs commit
toe, after a mooting today of tho
'rpmihlttcn. Tho oommltU'u decided to
jxittln " lioxt Monday thft frnmltiK of
thu army reorganisation hill.
While Secretary I.nno waa being
oonsldarod In offlofal. circles aa a
likely ehvtfce n a auqeassor to I.lnd
lay M. tlarrlaon, who, roslguod aa see
roUry of war, It wtvij.lindorstood thut
tllo president liaa Itiiilor consldorn
(Ion tho names of two or throe other
men and will not make nn appoint
ment before weighing their qualifica
tion rarefully.
Tho president haa already made up
hla mind to appoint a domocrat to
the place. It was mid In well In
formod clrclea that he will not he
from New Jersey nor from the aouttt.
Probable Candidates
Former Govornor Walih, of Massa
chusetts. Seerotary Houston, former
Governor Harmon, of Ohio and for
mer Mayor Maker, or Cleveland, were
uddod to the name being discussed
It Mas uuderatood howovor, that nt
loast one of tho men bolng consld
rcd hy the proaldont haa not beep
mentioned publicly for tho position of
seerotary of war.
Tho cabinet met today with n va
cant clmlr for the rirnt time since
Mr. Hrynn'a resignation. Tho de
parture of Mr. Garriaon, with It pos
sible offsets on the admlnlatrntlou
and the preparedneas .program, waa
dlacuased thoroughly.
Reports that there might bo other
resignations from the cabinet were
met with denials.
The resignation nf Mr. Onrriaon,
it wiik acid at the white house today,
will have no effect oh the president's
advocacy of the principle underly
ing ibe continental at my Han, for it
was said he believes "firmly that the
nation must have an ndeipiale reserve
niinv under the eontrol of the fodcinl
Continental Amiy Doomed.
Members of congress have practic
ally convinced the president, how
ever, that tho continental army plan
a h originally fromed by Seerotary
Garrison, had no chance of being ap
proved. The cabinet remained in session
v.t-nrly two hour today and it mam
understood that practically the entire
fine was devoted to discussion of do
n, .-lie polici including the ptepnr
tdnehM plana nf the administration.
Mr. Garrison's toignntion uauio ii
in the house awl wu discussed in n
wandering debate that ranged irom
politics to penee. KfforU to have
)i nitetl hi the record the correspond
ence lie t ween the president and the
tinnier secretary were lost in parlia
mentary maneuvers, during which
Representative Gardiner, one of the
lender of the preimnsslnesa advo-cute-,
declured he agreed with the
juruiiT -ei-ietarv.
LONDON, Feb. 11. An official
statement Issued by the German gen
eral staff Is forwarded by Reuiar's
Amsterdam eorreapoadent aa fellews:
"On tho aflerndoa of Kebruary S
some of our aaral aeroplaaes drop
ped bombs freely cm tho harbor
works, factories and barracks at
nauseate, south of the mouth of the
The official British account of
0dnedaya daylight raid said bombs
were dropped In the vicinity of Hams
gate and tbo neiguoorlng toC), of
Hroadstalrs, and that Ibe mauoal
(l.iinuBe was confined to the hatter
n. nf i;la Two wuiiu n and one
.. Aits) lliiiud
GARRISON ----oL-----
, , ,
WASHINGTON, Teh. ll.-Secrc
tnrv Garrison has lc-incd from tlrn
cabinet liccaii-e President Wilson de
elined to init without compromise
upon the adoption of the eontiiieutal
array plan hy congress. The resignn
tion was tendered and accepted yes
terday, and, with Mr. Garrison, the
assistant secretary of war, Jlenrv C
Hrccken ridge, lelt tho sen ice of the
go ernment.
Today the president fiuda himaelf
personally in ehnrge nf the adminis
tration's plana for strengthening the
nnnv and working nut a defiuite mil
itary policy, lie has not selected a
successor to Mr. Quirion, and it U
regarded as probable that even after
tho now head of the war department
iw named, the president will continue
to handle the preparedness plana to
a great extent himself.
The reasons for Secretary fiarri
aon'a resignation and it acceptnure
by the president are di-dosed In
"lengthy eorresondene6 made public
between them. The correspondence
mealed that while the secrrtnrv let,
the i-ii biiiet piincipully beeuue the
presideut would not ''irrevocably"
support the continental army plan,
hi opposition to the administration's
program for setting a definite time
for Filipino independence as outlined
in Senator Clarke's amendment to tho
Philippine hill was nn iinjairtunt fac
tor. Assistant Secretary Ureckcnndu-',
who aha rod Secretary Oarnsou'-
views, resigned because of loaln to
his chief. His resignation was nU"
accept mI.
Major fieneial Si'.dt, chief of .,i!
i.i tin ariii, iiiitiiiiuttii'.ilh In c .urn'
-i i M t.n v nt ad intci nn.
WASHINQTON. Feb. 11 -Secretary
Daniels today approved the rec
ommendation of the academic board
nt tho naval academy dismissing 83
mldsbtpmea for failure In their
Tbelr name ny bo made public
Of those dismissed three are of
tbo first class, nineteen of the sec
ond twenty of tno tgr? and forty of
the fousth class. In announcing bis
decision Secretary Daniels said that
while tho navy noaded awn officers,
only those who could meet the blah
i-1 a ml. 1 1 d ,'1 nil qualify l jniina
tioh iu ..i-l k. rttaitit-J
NKW VI1IIK, Feb. 11. Ltndlcy -M.
Oarriion, former secretary of war,
announced heie today (lint ho in
tended to retire "nlisolutoi" from
politics and imhlie life. Uv aaid lie
would not discuss his lesignntion
from any political angle.
As to his futuie plans, Mr. Harri
son said he expected to resumo tho
practice of law, hut where and when
ho waa not certain.
Mr. 0 unison intimated Hint he
might "do aomelhiug" in the mnltor
of giving support to the movement in
faor of continental army, the is
sno iiKn which hia iciguation hing
ed. "I intcnii to retire absolutely from
MIitio and puhliii life. Get it ou(.
of yoni heads that there was any
thing polities! in my notion,"
Mr. Garrison wa naked liv inter
vinwerb if lie intended to "follow the
examplo of Mr. Hiyan and come out
puhlieiy agaihst any of Mr. Wilson's
"Absolutely not," was the reply.
"Would you accept the nomination
for goenior of New Jersey t" was
another question asked.
"I would not accept the nomina
tion for povernor of New Jersey if
the certificate of election wna hand
ed to me on a silver platter," he aaid.
Mr. Garrison Mud that he hud no
knowledge of the intention of any
other members of the cabinet to re--iini.
I WAlXA WM.LA, Wash, Feb 11.
I Walla Walla, rut off from theout-
I side world h) floods In every stream
in the valley, that took embankments
and railroad bridges before them. Is
Isolated today and there a no Imme
diate hope for train service. One
train reached Walla Italia 'today, that
from Dayton, thirty miles away, a
branch line. '
Tho Oregon-Washington Railroad
A Navigation road la cut off between
hero and Btarbuck, to tbo north; be
tween nero and Weston In two places,
to tbo south, and tojbe west in three
place this side of Walrula. The
Northern Pacific line Oqm, I'asco Is
out In two places.
No other damage is resulting from
tbo Ma waters, and MjH creek.l
which usually cauMs heavy' damage
in Walla Walla at Good periods, is
I II WjlUiU Jli liallua,
C 0O
Ice Runnlnn Thick Crest o( Willam
ette Flood Passes Portland River
Registers I9.B Feet Little Dam
age Done New' Flood Coming
From Eugene.
PORTLAND, Feb. It. Recording
a bUro of 19.9 feet, the crest of tho
Willamette rlvor flood passed Port
land at 10:30 a. m. today. Half an
hour later tho govcrnmont gunge reg
istered 19.S feet nhovo tho low wa
ter mark.
A hoavy flood Is coming down tho
Columbia. This will back tho Wil
lamette up, but It l bellovod a suf
ficient volume will havo passed out
of tho Willamette bcfoio the crest of
tho main stream nrrlvos at tho con
fluence of tho rivers to prevent se
rious consequence. '
Aside from tho Inundation of
docks, from which all merchandise
had boon removed, and tho flooding
of basements on tho waterfront, lit
tle damage was done In Portland by
tho high wnters. Tho last of tho 300
tons of cargo on the low or floor of
municipal dock No. 1 was removed
late esterday and the dock was
flooded this morning.
Iro Jam Itiivtki.
Word reached hero that tho Ico
jam at tho Cascade I.orka In tho Co
lumbia went out this morning, ro
loaslng a great volume of water. Ico
is running thick. No word has heon
received as to whether tho Ice In
which tin utenmor Tahoma has been
Imprisoned below there for a month
haa broken up or not I lor crow Is
on board and her position Is ragardod
as perilous. During tho last S I hours
tho Columbia nt Cascado Locks rose reet, while at Tho Dalles It oo
7,f foot.
Duo to tho rains of yestorday and
last night, tho upper Wlllamntte and
Its tributaries aro again rising. It
will not bring a crest, however, as
high as that which Just passed Port
land. 1'iii'ins Siihinergoil.
Oxer 100 farm house near Lents,
a suburb of Portland, were flooded
today by tho overflowing water from
Johnson creek. People woro moving
all tholr household effects on rafts.
In some Instances llvostnck was
placed In tho second stories of build
lugs. On several highways tho wator Is
six foot deop nt places, A rumor last
night that an attempt would bo made
to blow up a dike oast of Lents
caused citizens to establish patrols.
Tho breaking of the dike, would have
caused the district to he flooded with
soven feet of watei
SAX FRANTIsro, Fell. U. En
sign Iiobert 11. Knkputnck pleaded
guilty today to charges of ncullKC'ic
and imij'fieienov belore a eouit mer
lin! on the battleship Oregon in the
prneooding to fix the blame for the
disappearance lat August of a se
cret battle signal code hook fionr.
the destroyer Hull.
Tnnl of IJ en tenant Herbert A.
Jones, commanding tho Paoifio fle.-t
torpedo division, held loaponsihlo ui
commanding officer, will lui held, lute,
The trial lasted but a few minu'es.
Paymaster K. H. Douglass nf the
supjdy ship Olueier apt wared is
eounsel for Knsign Kiri pal rick. Hi
pleaded thut the meutal anguish uT
fared hy the officer had punished him
sufficiently already.
The oourt retired to find a verdict
after orflering the resumption of pro
ceedings later in the day to try Lieu
tenant June.
LONDON, JVb. 11. Th? Itelgiuu
legation announced tUy that the ru
mors which nave own eirculuted
pence proposals recoiitiy were nuide
l flcriiianv to tin- IIcIkiuii t;icrii
luinl ult- devoid ut I'JUiiduliuu.
nan Attn) nnvvcADO im Dcn!ULhun ULn,,T,u
ULnU hi
NKW YOljK, Feb. 11. Mi-s Molly
Fnneher, who eelebrnled her "golden
jubilee" a nn invalnV eielit days nj-o,
died today ut lier homo in Itrookljn.
Miss Funeher whs known to limit
sands thjroiijtit tlie'extninnUimry eoi
respondenco hlic Imill iii during the
half cctitur) of her invalidism. Al
though hediiddeu ami only able to
move her right arm, she worked un
cos singlv nt knitting nnd embroidery
nml is said to have ucd up 100,00-0
IHHinds of worsted.
In 18(10, when llis Faneher wan
17 years old and noted for her
beauty, she was thrown from her
horc nml injured. A year Inter she
was the victim of a street ear ncvi
ilcnt whieJi deprived her of the use
of nil her limbs except her right nnn.
For nine years she remained in a
trnneelike condition, during which
jhthhI her friends iiiMixled ah waa
claiivnvunl. ll was in these years
Unit she built up her eorr't.ondenec,
dictutmir (W00 letters.
During the fifty jenra of her Wn
prifoninent in n sick 1-oonj,. Misl
Fat. i Ik i'- chief IKHIli-llincill wim the
jiik i triiit-.
8llN(ITON. Feb, 1 I - Presi
dent Wilson practically on his right
foi ratiricallou of the Nlcaraguan
treaty In the executive sesslou of the
senate today. Some of Its most vig
orous opoonests said Ibe adminis
tration had won enough votes to com
mand the neeessary two-thirds and
they predicted Its ratification tomor
row. Assurances lo Costa Kira, Salva
dor and Honduras that not of their
rights ulll be violated by tba I'nlted
States acquiring a naval bate In the
Ilay of Konsoea will be Incorporated
In the ratification resolution on the
Nlcaraguan treat), which the senate
Is expeiled to puss lomoriovv.
PKTROUUAD, via London, Feb
11. A dlsmUah from Teheran says
that Asslm Day. Tarnish ambassador
to 'Persia, baa baen autnrod by a
patrol or Coaaacks near KerodJI.
Three companions, who were takan
prisoners at tbo same tin liava
proved to bo tba Austrian military
attache and two Austrian prisoners
of war who escaped fro nitlie litis
M.i us -join' time i iu
s - --
K jMmj . ? r 91 3bSbbmwmL mmhaaaV W ? t "
im rSSfeV ijtf M m tA Km- jlf M fJr iflHfeL.41
T iTiTTi-Tn ii 1! im mi7i " .
ILIi I II 1 1 ILnl0 111 ULUi
F.L PASO, Tex., Feb. ll.-Frnn
eiseo Villa is believed to be moving
toward Madera, Chihuahua, neeotd
nig to offieinl retortH today to Gen
eral On vim, ooiiiiiHtmlant at Juarez
nnvira imlil hi InfRrmHiit-repmliMl
Villa belweeti ls Cruces und Nhiiii
qiiipa, mnny mites wet of bis en-.-toiiinrv
IihiiiiIs in the Snntu Clam
ranch district.
KL PASO, Tex., Feb. 1 (.denem!
t'nrranan, ncuompnnied by Generals
Oliregou, Itsiijnmin Hill, Luis Cabal
lent ami Camlido Aguilar, have ar
rived nl (liiannjnto, neeniding to ad
vices from Mexico City lo the Mex
ican consulate here today.
UlfOWNK VILLI!, 'lVx., Feb. 11.
Aniceto Pisana, alleged leader of the
"Texas tevolulioii," held resiMiiisible
for lmrder (roubles and general un
rest last summer nnd full, was cap
tured yesterday nnd brought to Mat
nmoros, Mex., opposite here, neeoril
ing to nn official rettort to Colonel
A. P. Illoeksom, commanding thu
lulled Stall- border patrol today.
P.VHI8. Feb, II A (lenev.i dis
patch to the Journal sas that pii
lic opinion In HwllMrlaml Is deeplv
moved by the revelation that respon
sible officials of the federal Insur
ance directorate transferred all the
federal Insurance funda, with the ex
ception of six hundred thousand
francs, into fie r man bonds and stocks
since the war began. Thla discovery,
the dispatch sas, waa made by the
hoard of auditors of the federal coun
cil duriiiR the peilndlcsl examlna-
' t lull of the tiisuiume reioids
WA8HINUTON. Feb. 1 1 Presi
dent Wilson today nominated II. S.
Da viae aa postmaster at Devils Lake,
N. D , and thereby ended a fight over
confiroiatlon which has engaged tUa
senate for more than a vear. J. tl.
Ulooin and bis wife hero snccaasively
nominated for tbo place uiid ropeat-
edly rejected.
IlNUON.JrV.. 11. A Petrograd
diuitch lo lleuter'i Telegram cow-
paiiv avn that KmiH-ror Niclud.S
-i id.i) lelt li the I rout.
NO. 27(5
Official Statement Asserts German
Torpedo Craft Sunk Warships
British Issue Denial Violent Ar
tillery Battle in Flanders Four
French Attacks Repulsed.
LONDON, Feb. 1LA ltcrlin' of
fieinl statement received hero today
nsscitn that u onilfici linn
been sunk b. n (lornmn torpedo craft
nnd ntiotliflF'llritth oriiiscr toipedo
od. Tho llrXC&rt tiffielnl proas Lu
tentt denies this.
The Gennnn stnteineiit vvua io the
of feel IhnUlliu Qorninn torpedo omft
met ilritlslj erlftjpi'off tho Dosxger
bank Tluirsdny nbjtit nnd atir.k tho
new cruiser Aruhk and totpedood a
appotnl untisotj.
In giving out llto'Oonnnn ni"-sngo
for publieHtiim thy vm burco'i tip
jioiuled the follewing:
"Tim IJritish ndmirully stnlea that
Iho cniiions nbovo mentiouol vvero
four mine-sweeping vessels, tltreo of
which have returned safely."
Violent Ait'llcry Duel.
AMSTFIIHAM. via London, Feb.
11. -A dispatch from Ghent to the
F.eho Helge snys Hint on tho Helinu
front, between Ypres und Anneu
tieie, n iolent nrtillory bnltlo 1ms
been in progress Ion days. Tho Ger
mans nro streiiBllioiiln" Iheir linos,
but the opinion prevails Hint t!i-v
linve postponed tbo Inrgo offensivo
Hioveuiont until the weather is more
Allied niriiien nro dovolopinp; tin
prei'ijdunled nelivily tmd nonstnntly
s!helIug onmM, nrtlllery parks nnil
piililnry biiibliugn-in thu bauds of tho
Germans. Cump SoiilliuTst,"tlio dii
pnleh (.nys, fhially was visited dm ing
the last week bv forty-sovun milling;
uvmtnrs who did coiisidontble ilnmngo
to German milttnrv property.
Knur Attacks by 1'iviirli
Iti:iH,IN, Feb. 11. 11m repuNo of
four successive nltseks made b the
French in efforts to rotwplurp fie
trenebes they bud loot uortlnvr-t nf
Vimy, in the A Hois, wm nnuouied
today by German army licmlipmr
tora. The I'Vench also failed in nt
snnlls to the south of the Soiniuo.
The offieinl statement sn--"Nortliwest
of Vimy the,
after artillery preimrntioiw la -dim;
for horn's, atlenipteil tour tunes to
reeaplnre tho Irenchea tbev had Wl.
All tlieir attacks failed. South of tho
Somiiie they were also unable to re
capture, au part of the two lost po-
"On the Ai-ne and in tho Cham
pagne there have been local artillery
ilncU of a lively i hunieter."
secreTorders by
HKItf.lN. Fell II Apiieiulicaa nt
tuilad to the (lermun wemornnduui
notifyiug neutral nations thkt nnnril
merehantmen belonging to tba coun
tries at war with Germany would bo
considered wanthiM iueliido lillogoil
secret iii-lruetuMis by the Hriti,U nil
miralty found on I he (iritish atonmor
Wood field. The Woodfleld was sunk
November 3 last. A list of tbo orovv
aboard shotted a gun ooptaiu nml gun
crew from the nuvy on board Iho
vessel. The instructions opened by
"The rutinga embarked ns n gttrt
erew mil sign the ship's urticlos ut
the rate of puy coinmumcHted . .
. Ituiings are not required for du
ties not eongeeted with nrmnmout,
except in case of emergency, , , ,
They are to keep watch at sen null
ulu when tiie rdiip i nmhored ut
n uy pluee whs-re it is liable to attack
bv a aiibinuriut. They will not nie?
with the ereH, Itut iu one nt I lie of
licer' me-Hfs. Uinfuiiio. will not bo
worn mi neutral porU.''
The next section, under tin title,
'Hull mid Maintenance vt (nais,'
give-, instructions for supplctiieatinp;
the guu t u w t't'tiui Uig regular .mm-
hers ut the eiW fbr tjia guivnly oi
uiuujuuiiioii, ,1111 prnotice, etc,