Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, February 10, 1916, SECOND EDITION, Page PAGE SIX, Image 6

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OTnronn fAir, trtdtnt. MKnroMD, orlopx, t.itksimv, tuiuiMiv m.
-! ! H I I.Mrt ! i Wllll M . I nnaaanaSanMasnasnsmmaanaMlmgfra
., ii
Many Entries With High Averaqe
Testify to the General Interest
Tlirouflhout Valley In Industry
Visitors Flocking From All Parts
Fourteen-Ycar-Old Hen Still on Job
RxpreftftWN of urpne and delight
yhn! with the erew and cnekle of tkc
cnicaena m me poultry anew today n
maMm a nolee BTor tho miiwoik of
the flnrt exhibition of fonthorcd btftn
Uea, both utility nnd fnney, in south
em Oregon.
"It html the roeonl Salem show,"
wM K. J. .McClnnHlutn, the veteran
Itottliercr of Kugrne. "Jn the mutter
of onirics and ffenvrnl nvcrnKon, an
aeon at a glance, it bouts anything
cvur shown in tlio state, outeidc of
Mr. Mcflunuhan has bron in the
limine forty yonrs in tlii state. Ho
Jo eoinetuiit to HiHmk by the eard,
VteiUira arc floeking in from tho
country, tiHHMK from all direction.
Tbia feature of the show is jwrticH
Inrly gratifying, fr it is the eountry
jMioltcrer, and the fannnr who onitht
to bo. whom ibi exhibition m!ioh11 in.
tereet moat. Indlreetly, thorcforc,
tory other erwjn ia interested be.
enose ho will bo one of the Leurfii'iar
Um financially in the augmented in
eo front poultry produotiow in
nontbeni Oregon.
Pmctital Interest Maulfe(ed.
The interest manifested Ronernlly
is practical. Iiifonnation tin to the
breeds and the manner of milking
tbetn profitable, the methods of hand
ling them and the percentage of imm.
nttile profit on tlio investment Miowh
the trend of the influence tho allow
mm already produced.
Ktauiuth atHl Josotnino counties,
although Mtort time una rui-ii for
i'ntiin of pen, are represented
with excellent birds.
Judge II. K. Keoney in (ho busiest
mhh in the allow house today. lie u
)MiMiiiK on tho tauritw of the Hn.
Until we have liU official diet urn, t!io
ebieken editor" la retrietud In hli
AWriptive privilege in ajMxikiap of
individual exhibit.
It is Net an infraction of the rule,
however, to pve Utile Mum Haiay
Martin, h lirown Lepboin hen that
wnu a enrinjr enieken in 11)02, epecial
NMHtitHt. Hfae iM therefore II yearn
ttW. She la one of the jtaet binia
in tk elutUor of floeka, ami, to nhow
that ake ia atill on tko job, ahe laid
h VK yoaterday and )romiKM nil
utlwr me tomorrow, as it baa for
year boou her opeinl buMiieaa to
Jny an o$K xry other day, barrinf a
abort vacation each yoar.
in'olnl IVnlui-oj. KIkihii.
"I'riiaJu" look like he ia a buu.
ini yeara old but b ian't. He wa
bow Ibat way. He eawe frow Mia
aouri rwratly aad, if h ia not the
JUmL bird w the akow, bo baa to be
Xmwh. Ha kuloHg t rra. Fred
woll awl for all the world renew.
Mm a eroaa betMoen a Malteat eat
and an annum goat. Ia bia chatter,
however, be loeww to deny the fcott
iwoebjoeMt al be erow once in
a while merely to abow that he m
nmlly a ehickea-aud a rooater, at
The two pair of idtuaaantk aie
aboK by Cheater Fiteh of
Xadford. Tkty are proud of their
beauty and apfHtar to lie eoukeioun of
the whttiratioa thei attraet. One ir
ia the HongoJiiui (roIVh) and the
other U the nilvcr idieaaant.
Mr. liUnkenberK haw the onl ev
bibh of parroU in the ahow. They
appear to be dunthfoundtsl at the ex-
tout of the ebieken mo rid about tbem
and have ao far refuted to aay a
word. An effort waa wade to eeeiiro
ra. JI. I.. Alford'a Teddy." but that
ItqiMM-iouft bird at onee demurred. He
wouatly refuMHl to aaaocUte with
tuo eaaunon feathered tribe.
AMiUntl Willi rii;iyiiis
The pigeon exhibit came fiom
Aabland. The in are both, fane)
and utility. V. A. Mer of Ahlaud,
who ua eutenai the puf.on-rouiuj;
bMoiHaait extniely, baa the Ur;ekt
uad'iit. ilik are the Malteat hen par
OtiHi of wbieh he klHiwi eighteen, all
from one pair laat keaaon. It i a
utility hlnl, IhiI they aell at b& a pair.
Mr. Myora aaya the loeal warket fu
dreaMNl aqoaba ia good. He nOeivea
70 rent pair, dreaaed. The leath
er of ilioae pigooMJi are a valuable
by-produel, beina; vortb $2S wr
forty-eight pounda. George IS. Yatea,
nUo of Aahland, exhlbitk the White
Kuigk, a fanc bied of pigeonk, ob
tained largelv l'rovciSwer Cabforata.
The noII foi 16 a pair and are fine
bird of large kiae. Mr. Yatea also
kfcawk tliu Ited Coiiieau, a utility
bird, uud t pun ot the Hunt ?!
UaV jjigcouk, luut Wick old lie
Ut th aiw. father pireoiitj
or awanrft, bvt nWot thn
not arniloM today. I
Mrs J. f. MeJUMte Mr lnk '
te the MMnaiktoe tmi of felal at Ine '
k li rr anow of tire at noon tooar.
tor watch the kaoKry taiwrt are
I.Ulo r HiilrJ-N.
Tb IkK of eibtWtora are: D. K
Weed, Itnode talaad Ho4a. Black Mln
orcaa; W J. Kerrta. Ihentx. Ilatf
LeKworaa, Heltan hara. Mtaa Daisy
Martin, flrewa Libera; It H. r,st
ten, Columbian Wranoettoe: K. Kel
aon, Iloff orpnlantona. White wyan
dottee; U Orlw, CamHoM Japanese
fNlklee; I) A. Lyons. I'artrttue Wyan.
rfetlMi; C A Myers. White IfrMenth
Hecks: H H Clurke, White Plymouth
Hoeks; K. W. Hunt, White Plymouth
Hocks; W. 1. Itatko, Mut HrahMna;
John Norwood, Hbodn Island Iteda:
Flo)d Tusker, Mirer Camnlsas; Por
dic Hubbard. Huff Orpblnftton; Mrs.
I.. A. Xalado, Haodo Island Heds,
Hock I'laeofifi, Homers; Cbss Hoot,
llomors and Tumblcrii; Cheater Pitch.
Janannso Silkies. I'antaH, Oold and
HHver 8oabrlKht, Gold and Sllror
Pheasants; B. W. Wilson, Huff Hocks
8 O Leonard, Campions; Wm North
ridge, Ashland, Huff I.oRhorns; A. K.
Hormanson, Ramo cook; W. Kelly,
Uarrcd Hock; L. II. I'lckel. Ramos;
Wm. Holmes, Hatred Hocks, Drown
Leghorns, Homcm; J. T. Conrad,
lilaok Mlnoreas; W. K. Hryson,
Hronzc gobbler; G K. Ilourne, Wkllo
OrphinRton. Whlto LeRhorn; John
Urenner, White Orphlmston; Glon
Kabrlck, While Orphlnaton; 1C. A
DoHRlas, White Wyandotte; W. It.
lira) ton, lllack Mlnoreas; W. C.
Frltrhle, White Wyandettes; I. K.
Ackbty, Wynndottea and Minorca;
Medford fire department, bantam;
W. C. (Jannway, Harried Plymouth
Hock; Urnest Wobb. Hhodc Island
Heds; Mrs, F. T. Howltt, Hhode
Island Heds and Wyandettes; W. K.
Harbor, Illnck Mlnoreas; K. N. Pal.
mer, Plymouth Hocks; C. F. Carpeti
ter, White Leghorns and pliteons; C.
W. Holdrldxn, Sllror Columbians;
Mrs. A. Waddle, Plymouth Hocks and
LoRhorns; II. 1. llemstrcct, Plymouth
Hocks; Hyron Hawkins, Klamath
Falls, Hhodc Island Hods; Hay Gatin-
yaw, Warhorsc Ramos; Geo. K. Gates,
plecons; V. A. Myers, pigeons; F. L.
HoldridRC, Hhode Inland Heds; II.
Luy, Whlto Plymouth Hocks; Mrs.
J. B. McKenzio. Hutlercupa; KUlnens,
Hhode Island Hods, unci dueks; I,. G.
Porter, KiikIIkIi Grey paine; Wm.
AurIc, Ilarred Hocka; K. A. Weater
flold, games, liarriKl Hocks, HelKlans;
Mrs. .V. I). Hrophy, LoRhorns, Huasoll
Harris, HolRlan llaros, II. L. DoiIrc,
Huff Orphlnxtens; P. ,M JnHtiey,
Ha r rod Hocks. W. T. Grlovo.'silvor
Lncod Wyandotte; J. II. Wobter,
Uarrcd Hocks; Crary Hrothera. An
conas, Muscovy dueks; W. It Lamb,
Muaeovy dueks; J. A. Martin, Leg
horn and Wyaudettea; Mrs. F. A
Powell, FrlszJIea; W. J. Watson.
While Leghorns; James How Una,
liar rod Hocks; J. J. OasonbruKRe, KM
turkeys; A. N. Wrinht. Hhode Island
Hods; Mrs. J. )C. Kharpt', Miown Plym
outh Hocks; Hula Hanson, Partrldae
Wyandotte; Hland Casobolt, ducks;
W. II. Crandall, Wjandottes; M. C.
McDonald, lllack Mlnoreas; Harry
Kvans, White Orphlnatens: Mrs A
II Case Hhode Island Heds. Frank
Isaacs, Hkede Island Koda; Illlhee
I'ou try company. Granta Pass, llrowu
Plymouth Hocks and White Orphlna
ten. Norman Poultry company Tal
nt, White Urpblngtena: L A Youuk,
nm. Mrs. J. 1C. Herring. Mammoth
Urease turkey; A. K Htroni. While
W)aadtlea; Wm. Hansen, Belgians.
8. F. Hatbawa). While Ugherni:
Owhb Alford, Ilronn Leghorns; N
M. Hradbuo. Itarrod Korks. Oak
Grove gehool, lUrred liocas; M F
Sheets, Kbo4 Island Heda; Floyd
Pirkel. lllack Mlnorcaa; II. W. Franee
Hhede Island Keda; J L. Helms,
game; Mis. Hert Hooker, Ancenas:
K J Itunyard. Ilrown lghorna; Mrs.
C Carey, Light Hrabmaa; T J. Wil
liamson. Ulack Mlnoreas; J. W. Shir
le. Buttercups, Huff Orphlngtona;
W. J. Warner. White Leghorns; Chea
ter llroa, Aat-ouaa; J. W. Ferns,
Huff Leghorns, and Itonburg liroa.,
White Wyandotte and Duel,
OILMOHE Mm. Luev Oilmore,
nged .16 .Mar, died at her home in
Ihik eity Februan 9. She had been
ill for untie ear with enumption.
Deeegned i unned bv her hu
band, Jamoa (iilmore, who ban fur
two ears boeu under trealnieut at
Sulci for mental trouble, and five
ehildreM, one of theui being Mr. Ibtra
Or.vthel, who reaideo with her hu
tod at I'eudWon, eastern Oivgon.
The other eb,iblrn are Minora, at
borne, not will now be eared for b
their grandtMNtiu, Mr. nnd Mr. A.
J. Kleteher, wlw reaide in this du
triet. The funeral will be held from the
Week & MeOownn undertaking
ebaM at 3 o'eloek tomorrow after
noon, bunal to be in the Medford
Preoinetf Medford North Mala aud
West Medford reglater now at the
MullTrlbune office.
1 . . . .
Why Smoke Hll Clgnri
When La tiini.if,ire onl' HV
Keeauie l t It- cmI rule prolnuil
iftK the fire dpartiMent frvm aoMHtini;
in esting-iirbuiB- flame and fighting
fire euWMte the eilv lisaiaa, wHbont
aaO usiaasl aaiafcisVfkVi1an4 aj-a ekak-kate Ia -. . a
tarn biMHiaaoe MkW of AH. B." atefrUt; "',BK .nnonnceraenl
ii- . ik. .,-.1. .a v..'' t "X the I-renoh war office this
highway wan eaasadeteiv 4et roved bv
fire Wedaewdar ereniNC. The fk-mes
- f .! f.r .. fc k . Wr..b.t
bngnde, eapod of half n
netfebbor and na manr More men
from Medford. wb. the Are e,mrt.
MHt hnntod the mayor to aere eon-
rai in Hf-no vui ine auMii enetnirni i
engioe. When the mayor was locat
ed, the pennJaoion aecuretl, the en
nine arrived tow Inle the strong
(outh wind havhuc prnnfr up and
fanmd the flame tj fury.
Wlien the flamew got beyond eon
trol of the bucket brigade, attention
was turned towards saving the furni
ture. Most of that in the lower story
wna gotten out, lint all that in the
HpjKir Mory waa destroyed. The lo
iV eatimated at 15,000. with fSOOO
iufcumaee. t'OO oh the building and
1300 m the furniture and content.
The blaze was n rnot jM-etaeular
one ami seen from nil )art of the
vnHey, the gnmge a wcH n tho wa
ter tank buniHts:.
The tuune of tbe fire ih bclirel
to have been dutf4n the exdoion oi.
a gaMihne atoe. Mi. J.' Arnold H.
Seudder of (Tii'ngo, who had leased
the Mouse for taje winter, was in the
I)Oun at the tune, a nun Japanese
HervHHt. At 4JWnelok there Mas
n ftharp exdoion from the kitchen
nnd the flam en follow el.
A telegram wna sent Mr. Drurv,
ho ik aending the winter at hm for
mer home in Chicago, nnd it is ex
jteeted he will rebuild in the prln?.
Mix. . L. llollnwin, who bus been
liing nilb Mr. Si-udder, lot nil of
her wnidrobc in the blare.
SKATTI.K, Yu-.i., IVb. 10 Mud
nud riM-k slid lrmu tlie bluff side in
Went Seattle eurlv Ibi monun nnd
(.truck the buw of Thomtii. H. Stew
art, on Alki ax en tie. Mr. Stewart
suffered n fracture of to ribs, Ol
ive Stewart, 17-year-old daughter,
Mr. Stewart and Hum Stuw.irt, 20-eur-uld
son. wen- bruised The
bouse and furniture .ic imnnl
Kvery bit of dandruff disappears
after one or two application of Han
derine rubbod well into the scalp
with the finger tips Get a 2S-tent
bottle of Dandeiiae at any drug store
and save your hair. After a few ap-
plications you can't find a particle of
dandruff or an falling hair, and
the scalp will never itrh Ad
liiktanl Itellef "l'aM'k lIaprpln"
IChiU Your SKmiwiJi TimiiIiIo
Wonder what upiet uiur stmoarh
which portion ot the food did the
damage do you? Well, don't bother.
If your stomach is lu a ieo!t, r sour,
geasy and upset, and what uu juat
ate baa fermented into stubborn
lump, head dlaty and arhe lielrh
gasoa and acid and undi
gested food; breath foul, tongue
oeated Just take a little pape's
IManenaln and in fle mtnuies eu
wonder wbat became of the indiges
tion and distrea.
Millions of men and women toda
know that it ia needless to hae a bad
stomach. A little DIapepkiti ocas
tonally keepa this delicate oruan reg
nlated and they eat their favorlto
foods w Knout fear.
It your stomach doesn't take cure
of your liberal limit without robot
Itoa; If our food ia a damage in
stead of a help, weaitH-r the quick
eat, aureot. moat harmless relief Is
I ape's IMapepeie which cot- onb fif
ty cents for a large ruse at drug
terea. It' trul) wonderful it dt
geata food and sets tbiUKs Mialght.
so .iatl and easlh that it ih realb
aatontshing PleM, for wur sake,
don't go on and on wlih a wak, dis
ordered MNMch ii s mi Lain t st.ur.
- Ad
ykktil t .rt A , , tt
,."r hui-il ikirlrfil,UA
I t( V-&i f SI .-!. lI.....Jtlr..4A
&'iiJ&f IS1. (. (,!' i 4..I4 i"VV
II iV Unnk A KJIIUliWrru.
i ii
i r
PA HIS, Feb. 1.' The artillery
4 between the French and tho
0ermaB(l contiautnjr m the Artola
Gorman troops last night made a
' """. !. ic fft'icn Vv
' --. .U..I. -.-.! -. f..t. -.
if a -. as a .
""' ""een """ "n f
' "'" """ ij-
I Co,rn,"n' w,oro ucf 6Mful ,n ,,0,dlDS
j 0Rl on m'nc crater-
i hkkm.n, Keo. to. Tlio cnpturo
from the French of a Isrce section
of trench north went of VIray, on thp
Artoln region, was announced by Ger
man army headquarters today. A
mine crater near Neavllle, in tlio
same sector, was retaken. South of
the Somme the French gained a foot
hold In a small part of one of the
German first line trenches,
Jr. i
V j
I tho Kdlson phonograph.
Frrday afternoon. February 11, the ' " f- I'n", mrka danced
- . ..j. . , ... . by Shirley keffflo and Lynn Mowlll.
Greater Medford etub will give a eon-
- -.' - . . . . p 'i. "One Finn Day He'll Come
cert at the Page (heater at 3 oloek.ABan.. fnn ..JIadarae i,ntterfly,"
The ' occasion being Mr, EdlMJn'aigung by" Mrs. Irne Hampton Isaacs,
birthday, novelty features of the Bd- , Torcador AndaiU),ian tltnln.
Ison ponograph will appear aa , part gtenJ iftrcK( ,RDOnC( DaWet li:.
of the nxogram. Mlse Shirley Kcfne s L (PoldlJ). Venlta Hamilton,
and Mr. L)nn MowlU recently ot' .. ', ... .
San Francisco, will Introduce now.1' E,,e JCT,e1nt' '"" '
dances accompanied by the Bdlson ! "c,f n '""f' w,th ob,CBato by
lir.hnP.t,, -n,l. .M'l nlhnr .. I t JOrCllCe CUrK.
Hies will form a part of tho pro-"' J 2- "Clover nioswms" (Kngcl
gram. Theprogrnm Is as follews: ; rnapn),.ung by George Andrews.
1. "I'll Take You Home Again,, 13. Derceuso from "Jocclyn," sung
Kathleen," Mr. Kdlson's favorite , by Elizabeth Spencer (record), with
record. ' piano accompaniment by Frank An
2. Intermezzo from "Cavclcrla derson.
Hustlcana." New York Symphony1 14, "ThoU Brilliant Dlrd," from
orchestra with obligato by Miss Flor
enco Clark.
3 Jewel song from "Faust," sung
In costume by Mrs. Guy Chlldors.
4. "A Little Talk on tho Opera
j't. ;.'. ,t, -.y4. .,
' ' M ' ' ' ' . . - .-: '
'W-'l VLJ J. , j .. - If;. .... (
-by- . ....
Mievii)g that Medford is hi need of, nnd wJU support,' an 'iip-to-datcj'efre.slimcnt
and drinking fountain, eatcring to the most discrim
inating patronage, we will, about February 19; be prepared to open for
Iho approval of the public a "1916" refreshment emporium, designed,
an-angod and condUetod to accommodate the most fastidious in taste,
and the most exact iiJg in comfoH, ih tfhicji no expense nor effort will
be spared to give tho very best service, possible.
We also take pride and pleasure in announcing to our patrons that
we will have at their service an up-to-the-minute dispenser of fountain
drinks and dishes, who can prepare your favorite confections in the
most approved manner.
We have designed this fountain to conform to the best sanitary
requirements, embodying neatness and cleanliness, and at the same
time with that quiet, easy grace th it will insure our friends a hospit
able welcome.
We have expressly provided for the comfort and convenience of
ladies in our Tea Hooms, which will be under the personal supervision
of Mi's. Drown, whose every effort will be to maintain a standard of
service and appointments satisfying the wishes of our patrons.
Our menus will consist of strictly fountain drinks and dishes, in
cluding afternoon staple light lunches.
We have never lost our faith in Medford, and our home and all our
interests are here, and we think that our standing in the comnnuiity
justifies us in expecting our statements and representations to be
taken at face value, and we intend in all good faith to adhere to tho
same standards of straightforward and courteous treatment of the
public which we have endeavored to follow iu the past.
It is our desire to afford our patrons every accommodation and
convenience- possible, without favoringa solqet few at the expense of
the many; therofpre,. the eating, drinking and Smoking, happy .med
ium combination.
We shall npt adopt any rod-lettoring- or oiigage any band for the
opening of this store, but will open unosfqntntiougly with , modesty
and efficiency, which will continuo to bo-our-standard.
...TJianking the Mudford public for past favors,
We remain sincerely,
' Torn afltf It Compear, 3We1nl."
Rd Andrews.
i 5. B LMcrn le steelo from "Ton- '
ft," sung
by Giovanni Msrtlnelll
6. VIM IVAMe from Toxc,M sung
by Kmmy Dentlnn (record).
7. Ilarcarolle from the "Tales of
song by Mrs. Cbllders
Andrews, accompanied by
Perle dc Brazil, aung by Anna Case.
This record recorded by telcphono
from New York to San Francisco.
IS. Novelty dance by Miss Kcene
and Mr Mowlu.
tint; '.
Maktt Stubborn Coughs
Vonhh In a Hurry
jUrrllslr ' (ab Srren
Etillr aail Chtttlf
M4e al Heat
If oeme one In four fstnilr ha an ob-
tllnsle rouuli or a bid throat or efiest
cold tbst lis bren hanttltixon and
to yield to treatment. k
store !24 oumw of I'l
i. ei ii
i driirr
rfM of I'lnrx
nrx and mske
into a pint oi re
Ibat conzh vnniili
Into a Hnt of rounU syrup, ana watcu
Pour the 2ty ounces of Piost (30
rents worth) into a pint Utile and fill
the bottle with tilsln crstmlstetl mijrar
syrup. The lotal cott is about 54 cenln,
and trim you a full pint a family
supplyof s nwt effecthe remwly. at a
nninj; of 2. A dsy's ue will mually
ottrcome a hard cough. Kaslly prepared
In 0 minutes full directions with Pincx.
Kerps perfectlv and has a pleasant taste.
Children like it.
It's really remarksble how promptly
and easily it tooncpi the dry, hoarse or
tlobt conch and heals ttie inllamed mem
brn9 in a painful cough. It alio stops
the formation of phlegm in the throat
and bronchial tubes, thus endina the prr
sistrnt loose couch. A splendid remedy
for bronchitis, winter coiigLi, bronchial
aitnroa ana wuoopipK caucn.
trsted compound ot genuine Norway pine
extract, rich in cuaiacol, which is so
healing to the membranes.
Avoid disappointment bv saklng your
druggift for "2b ounces of Pinc," and
no noi accept amtntntr cite, a guars
of absolute satigfactlon goes with
no not accept amttiintr else. A guarantea
oi apsoiiitc satigfactlon goes with ibis
preparation or money promptly refunded.
The rjnex Co., FL Wayne, Ind.