Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, February 10, 1916, SECOND EDITION, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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    pa nw Trrmsfl
ny -t&z?y
MEDFonp matt; TnmnNrc. MF-nFOim onkoox. Tiin.snw. TT.nrtrurr 10, ioi
II II. Taylor, n readout of south
cm Orotcou for nearly half a century,
ynH In Med ford joMertlny on a bus
iness errand, lie returned to hi
home on the Applognto Inst even
In r.
The greater period of Mr. Taylor's ,
immoral activities wan spent In farm
hiK and stock-raisin In this valley.
Once he ownod R7B iicro- of what Is
now known nH the Westerlund orch
aids. Mr. Taylor has "dry farmed," and
ho han farmed with Intention. Ho,
Ih dolus tho latter now most Hticcess-1
'ully 011 a ranch of 21S acres on tho
Wlupate, 100 -cres of which are
rlmilile, When ashed ns to lilts
iilKiiicnt on the question of trust
K to the annul rainfall In southern
m'koii for crop sustenance, .Mr. Tay.
r Maid!
(Wt IKi It Successfully
"You can't do jt successfully. I
have talked water for the fields In
this valley so' much that people, ciuno
to think I had water on tho brain.
It would hnvo been much better for
this Horuo rlvor country If ninety
ulno percent of Its farmerH had been
similarly afflicted Ioiir iiro, I hnvo
farmed nit kinds of Roll hero and
that's a good many. Some kinds re
quire more moisture than others, to
bo nine, but they nil need more water
Hint) comes In rainfall. In some of
tlm soils of this valley the moisture
drloo out very rapidly, no matter
how much It rains dining the winter
months, in this case, It must bo sup.
piled artificially. Crops fall far
short If ou do not. That entails a
heavy loss. Two or three years of
such lossos, all around, would amount
to enough mono to put In n Reed Ir
rigation system, blinking tho water
from tho mountains In sufficient
quantity to Insure, enough.
Dry anil Wet, Compjiivd
'In this vnlloy the host I could do
with alfalfa was to obtain from two
to two and a half tons to tho a cm
without wntor. I wont where I
could set water on no own account
over on the Applpgntc. Thcro I ralso
twice that amount mid I have liar
oiitod as much ns night tens: to tho
acie. You can flguro for jourself
what I made by using tho water
when my fluids needod It. I couldn't
affoid to do without It. If one wants
to pioduco a maximum eiop In this
count) and who want I mm than
that? he must Iihvh IrrlKHtlon. In
fuel, with tho rainfall vvo'vo been
xettliiK tho lat fow orn, our farm
Uniln are a piofltless oxionso with
out It. There Is no problem about
It It I- a clear case for the exor
cise of common souse. Our farmers
nro going broke, badly bioko. with
out IrrlRntlon."
Snuill Anviigo Kuougli
"With Irrlxatlon I find a small
aoivago enough to care for," wild H.
II. Joney, the grocer. 235 West Main
Htinnt. "I have eight neros uiulor
the system of the Itoguo ltlver Vol
loy Canal company, about tlueo miles
out of town. On that tract I lalso
berries and molonn, largely. The
Und U palnx mo abundant profit
on tho mono) Invested, both in tho
acreage and In tho water. That In
cludes tho f2.."0 an ncro n oar ns
u maintenance fee. I toward that ns
a loasonuble fee, along with easy
payments on the perpetual water
right. couldn't afford to cultivate
the tract at nil without water. No
business man could long be content
with such a hopeloss task. With
wator with which to Irrigate tho bor
rle and guidon when they need It,
I find It a ploasuie to produce a fine
"I roRard an Inveetmont on farm
lands under Irrigation In this valley
a money-making proposition, If the
land price be loasonnblc and the In
vestor knows how to farm. I have
no complaint to make on tho cost of
water. Without It, I wouldn't want
tho land at any prlco."
This is the manner In which farm
ors all over the vnlle are beginning
to talk on the subject of Irrigation
It was a hcaonl demonstration that
brought them wisdom.
XKW OIU.KANs. I.'.. F.b. 10. -
Dr Paul l(oh. Oeiin.iii inii-ul at New '
OrlfSli. uduutlcd toI.i fn the A On
listed Pie thut he wrnti- the letter
takfii at Falmouth b lliiii-h agents
1 1 urn Cuptain 1'inus Von Puieu, re-j
Q-alled (ii-nuan military ullathsj) and I
uhii'b Iti it i-h ot'lK-ial iiul u- sign-1
i,l Willi tin "I.' l ' mil
4 i,i, I i ilit. ., ! ,11 Ml
' 1 . 1 f ' i 1 I t
Twent--ix your no the IJorui
ltlvor vullr-y w inff-ritig the vw-t
deluge in itst history. Two feet I
wow coveted the j-rouiul. Henv
warm niin followed, precipitating
tremendous flooiN in all -tienm.
Hear eioek cut it- piescnt deep chan
nel then, curr.ving hwn.v the Medfoid
bridge and flooding u luree poition of
the ent side. I'tnetienllv every
bridge in hickmiu and ,loophiuc
counties was coiricd out. Slide,
blocked all railroad traffic north and
south lor oer a inontli. A tremen
dous landslide in the Cow Creek cnu
yon dammed up the atrcnm ami eic
utcd u lake, Mibincrjjitif- miles ot
truck t fin t had to be rebuilt. Piovis-
ions and supplies of all kinds became
.scarce. It was necossnr.v to print the
new-papers upon eoloted postor pa
per. Stoiy of Ocliige.
The Jacksonville Times, dated Feb
ruary (1, 18110, recently left at this of
Jice by K. C. Welch, who tosidos neat
Mcdford, eontains much "news'' of
inteicM oonccniintf the great stotm.
One of the "seine heads" that adorns
ono pnc,c of n two-page edition of the
Times on orange-tinted dodger pa
per tends:
"A Second Deluge! The Willam
ette, Itogiie lover, I'mpquii, Kluinalli
nml Saetiiniento Valleys Swept bj
Floods 1
"Portland Submerged and Tele
graphic Communication Willi th
Willamette Towns Cut Off.
"Xo Prospect for Thiough Tinins
From I'ither Direction for Weeks."
Follow ill)- this came ti telegrnpliln
report from Portland, by way of Chi
eago, to the effect that water on First
street in the Oregon metropolis was
knee deep; that snow was five feet
deep at Mntt, near Duusmuir, Cal.;
that the .Southern Pacific raihoad
was so badly washed down the nioiiti
tain side that weeks would be te
rpiiied to repair it; that mills, fac
tories, parts of towns, oiclumls and
ranches all along the line from Port
laud to Saeiamento w'eie being- wash
ed out and ejinicd away, and devas
tation reigned thiough the medium oi
floods, avalanches nml cloudbursts.
Hiiinngo to Ibis Valley.'
ruder the caption, "A Oiont Dis
aster," the Times pniphicalli do
seiibii. the havoo wi ought locally. In
pint it Miys:
"The dnninKO to thic vallov bv Ihu
flood cannot be own estimated as el,
for postal eominuuieatioii is so un
certnin and limited that only sur
mise, can be made of the ruingcs ot
the water on the line of the niuneioii
tributaries ol the Kogue riier. . .
. Tin-almost apprehension was Hit
n to the result, had the niimcii-r
imis-oH of snow in the mountaiii
melted and vanished by the usual slow
pinocles of wind mid sun; but, when
to those fears vu added the eci
taint of a flood winch came with the
giealost nun storm on teeord in this
valley, it is small wonder that a xic.U
commotion pievailed among tho
The High Cost or l.hlng
Actual tests madesliOA that bouse
wives can swvo $ I .r0 on each -,k ,. of
flour by doing tboir own linking
ItoudorM of thiw miner bave been
watchlnR with Intoiost the woilin
out of a solution to the high cost of J
UvitiR problum. Tho results are aston
Ishlng even to th housewjies who'
liavo boon baking their own bread I
The advertisements show how It In
possible to save 1 1.50 on each -ack ot
flour, as follews:
I sack of White ltlver Flour
used by a baker and rosold In
bioad at 3c a loaf (SO
er's loaves to tho sack) H
I sack of White Illvor flour
imcd for homo broad baking
11 "0
Cost ot all materials,
Ingredlonts, oto I 00 2"0'
Saved on oaeh sack SI '.o
which is the prlco of a sack of'
MOHAK: Your Flour Coats You
This has been verified by actual
tost. If ou do your own baking jou,
are invited to send to Allen & I.owh j
Portland, Oregon, jour name and the
name of your dealer accompanied m '
tho words "White ltlver l'lonr" rut1
from the Wlate ltlver Flour sack, mid
fin K. v9 t hurtliniiintar mnnnlail mi '
an 8xJ thowuomuter mounted
wood and enamolod in white
reach )ou fro with their com;. II
meats by return mail !
The savins of 11-39 Pr ss( k lit'
the use of White ItiOr Flour i
home baking Is based on the estab
lished retail prleo made b Portland
dealers an standard brands In Sa
lem annViiijiuJjb4-aue of frtlKiit
charges, the retail price is lilul
in t'Vii'x of the above inrntionrd
,ifrrfg( o-t or Miit- Iliwr ) r
and ' c avln i iturr or. i I
s t,h' rci Kid
AbssssssssssssssssssssssssQ"issssssibI 1 EJ&
sssssssssssssssssP xJJltMRwW&tUBKIBSBIBmSKIBEKtt
jmKrfit HSBssisiBBBBBBBsvVrytt vt 'mLTlBEjsstL V
LsssssssssWiHPis 4flf 3visMiisss f &rm ji w 11 M
"Old .lolm," .li urate
Feb. s. -Old John",
pati iaich and canhcm of the Siletx
Indians, Is a stalcal sdvorato of pre
VarcdnbM. .
"In ttiiniinur," h ttmnUi, "must
get for wlntor.
"Me, 1 buy overcoat last August,
because know him koIiir to bo dam
oold winnter. Now you son." And ho
dwellcix abiiiK the hIivhihh n thoj
waleiis Im'kiui to ndiniieo iimiii them." j
llnoiiglt mi evlrudcil account, in
details moie or loss harrow iiijr, the
leport iltop. to the mine local couilt
tion.s, thus:
Valley a Tin bid Sen. j
"The heart of the xallev has pre-'
Rcutid the, npponnuico of a tuiliid !
sea for days, Boni creek itself has
boine off a good deal of wreckano,
bridges, fences, otithitildiui'M and even
a few barns and hoii-es, and Iihaj
wrought jiutuh ilcst t notion in und?-r-1
milling- mid sluii-ing off the deep al-j
InriniH rompo-ing its banks. It is
one of the most trvnehonnis streams
in the valhj mid ltfrlinp Hi) least
capable of ivlnininir iU volume ot
water when lmiikfull. Wlinle farms'
hne been siibmcrgid for tlays."" i
Then folkiWh a descrittion of tho ,
gloat flood just I wtiii, -light years
piCMon- tfi that ditto, in IHIIJ.
The II 1 .Innui'.i u 1,-110 i. tlm-.
lillllllll'd llf 1101 Os III i I u I j ,
laaBn''"i- mR
i itwiv Mvrms
Frank Mathis, Evangelist
Bernard Vessey, sE3f,is,
You are personally interested in the
general welfare of this city and
should devote a part of your time
to spiritual work. Come and enjoy
yourself at these meetings.
mBnr rrrrcnTf i iri-nr wwriMi
of I'lepaitslncss.
drew his tattered hut serviceable
coat about his shoulders.
Oresonlnns who have known "Old
John'' laiiRhcd whon tho grlxxlod
Sllot- prophet predicted for this wlnt
or the worst snows, In oars. Hut
now that tho sevorcst wonthcr the
Xorthwost has known In many years
has swept southward ns rar almost
as Mexico, thoy aro recalllnR tho pat
rlarch's warnlni;.
."i" ' -iaft3" iTTyr " Tras3Bc
wheal were awept nivny; IJogue ilvci
was a mile wido between Tola hriilgo
and Table Itock; not a I in dice wan
loft in the oounty on a stieam of any
consequence j thiity acies of tin)
Knoeh Walker place was washed into
llcilr creek and cniried away; minefl
were (lmnaged; homes ruined; tho
Southern Pacific track washed out In
many places in tho valley; people e
enpcil from their homes in the lower
lowils in hustily coiiHtruetcd rafts;
but it wan not known at Hint date how
many, if any, live had been lost In
the deluge.
Today, tweit.i-wi year, later, the
same week, our most en most pracr
Is lor more water; laiufall far below
nonnul; floods all about iim, ninth and
south ami east; -pringliko weather
prevailing; littr irrigation enterprise
being hurriisl to eoinitletiou; pisiple of
a In lite uitn of the ulle itbout leadv
to Mite on aiinthei under slntt logii
hituui, cmi-vHiiiii: -cicne evept the
im'-liou 41. In Iium wi shall iixcioiimi'
I lie ultsi in c ol .nil iiinisturc
at 7:30 p. m. at the
- s
SHAN'GHAI. Feb 10 Luthow.
in tho toilthtrA part of -Chttn
, rovineo, have been captured kjr tlm
; Yunnan revolutionists, ncWrdlitp to
word roevlvod hero todar.
I.uchow is fifty inllo wost of Sltt
Vu, which the lebols fook shortly aft
r thoy entered Sie-Chuen, and ! a
'll't'fl'''nbout 100,000 population.
Two Tuldslonary stations nro there,
ono of tho China Island Mission, mid
ono of the Methodist church In Can
ada. SAX FKANCISCO, Fob. 10. Chi
nose revolutionary foices from Yun-
' nan province have advanced from
I. nohow and lluvo raptured CIiuiir
King, tho largest city of Szo-Chucn
province, according to cable advices
received today by Tong King ChonR,
president of the Chinese Republic
The revolutionary forces, Mr. King
said, consisted of noarl) 00,000 men
under command of (lenernl Toiir Chi
Cliung-KIng has a population of
about a thlid of a million
I0TAL 2,377,378
LONDON, Feb. 10 -The Amster
dam Courant states tho the Prussian
casualties lists numbers 420 to 429,
show 19, It:!'.) dead, wounded and
missing, and Prussian lists numbers
4 HO to -IflO show 18,349 dead, miss-'
Iiir mid wounded. Tho total Prus
sian losses nro computed by this
nowgpapor as 2,377,87s. Tlib Her
man military lossos Include ntso 335
IIbIh of casunltlos of WurttomburR
forces, 217 llnvo.ilnn lists, 24S Saxon
lists, 00 navy IIbIh and some lists
concerning Herman officers mid non
commissioned offlcors In tho Turkish
service, according to the Courant.
Med f mil IIoosIcih SmoUo
Tho Mftdford and Mt. Pitt Clgnis.
How's This?
Wr irr On, llun.lrr.l lhlar ll,irl for r
cw of lalarth Hull muiHil U iiiit1 l- llilli
t'nurrli lur'
1 J (IIUNK 4. ID Tulwlo. O
Wr. tk nnilrralaiH A b known I' J.
Clmn-r tot lb- lat i.' )'-r- mil b-IWt blw
0-r(llir Muoumlil li all ba-lum Iraiyuvilutu
tmi Siiaiirlall- M- lu larr uot an- lliIMM
uiri b- bh Hrm
ToS-iki. Ohio.
Hall a ralnrrli Cure I- lukra liilriiallr arilnf
1lnnl iimmi iii UIimmI nml miiiH,ua aiirfar4 at
lb --atm T' allmiMiInU at nl fr I'ru- T
nt r lt H.II l.r all DfUfiMa
Til Hall a I anil- I'lIU lr rauailyatiaa.
HI UN ltl sst
sM i
laiBBm sbbbbbbu
A Vast Army
of Workers
who need sound nourishment, whether for labor of
body or brain, have pome to know by actual test
that they can depend upon
Made of whole wheat and malted barley this
famous pure food supplies all the rieh nutriment
of the grains, including their valuable mineral ele
mentslacking in many foods but mighty neces
sary for of the mental, physical and
nervous forces.
Clrape-Nuts has a delicious nut-like flavor is
always ready to eat easy to digest and wonder
fully nourishing.
"There's a Reason"
Sold by Grocers everywhere.
It you contemplate consulting a
ClnlrvoMiut, two HiIurs should bo
tukvii under consideration tho abil
ity ot tho Clairvoyant und honesty
of tho methods. I am a natural
born medium of 27 years' oxporlonco.
Hut with my wonderful powor I will
Kiildo jou arlchl on business, lovo,
eourtshlp, inanluno, dlvorco und niln
lug. Toll whether your husband,
vvlfo or sweethoarl Is true or ful-o,
when nud who you will marry, whon
oii will sell jour proporty and what
you uro best ndupted for. To thoso
uuhnppy and discontented or In any
trouble, brliiK It to mo and I will
stralKhteu It out to your ontlro sat
isfaction. It ou hnvo lost confidence through
unscrupulous clairvoyants, havn a full
life reading, Jt-00, and know tho
Opposite Nnsli Hotel, I'ulin lllork,
Itornii 1 1.
RESULTS COUNT courses are arranged with one aim in view
to get the best results. Investigate then enroll
, in Day or Night School.
jMedford Commercial College
New Students May Enroll
Start the Day Kight
End a successful day with our succulent, spicy HAM.
All the leading stores in the valley carry our products.
Tho pr ident rron doe not wait for fire or theft
brlon he Jsct Safe licpcs t Trotcaion tor Ms valuables.
Our Vault U I ire and Uurgmr 1'roor.
r we have Ssfe (MnoaU Uixes for rei
o have Ssfo Giou &xo for rent here as low aa
-J B'J.nil ll M
v3vJWix?rSP'iBBsiBiBiBBi il
flu fj Y fyR
Camera Shop
203 East Main Street,
Mod ford
The Only Exclusive
Commercial Photographers
in Southern Oregon
Negatives Made any time or
' place by appointment.
Phono 3d7-.T
We'll do tho rest
E. D. WESTON, Prop.
at Any Time. Phone 15-L