Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, February 08, 1916, SECOND EDITION, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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mi . ii. mi .
)3y Blossc
Freckles and His Friends
I leu II l.einpmiiti. editor of tltf
fluid Hill Nw-. he n tin ntv Tur
1'orlliiinl. f n arreptcd it por
tion mi the OregoniaN and begun work
then- Tuesday. Tim New, whiIc fn-iimii-
throughout the wrt b.r Air.
l.umptnii's "Orcnlrn ft,M will I)
iifHHKtl bv Mr-. I,mnniwn. The
"Overdrafts," which were alwny
ragerlv looked for, will continue lo
appear. lis Uh promised be will
continue to write tlitsc. novo! vome
for the home paper. Mmiy loenl
lrienK will certainly mis 'him, us
will nlho liin dog, "Pal," whielt v
uliuost it eonstnnt companion. Of
course he will Htieuved in IiIk new
IhWp, iik he in miro U line, as an.
oue who line known him intinmtolv
mil prophesy.
TI..I (Irentur (luhl Hill dull hehl
their rogulur Iiunjimmh meeting mill
iiuuunl huuijuet nl the cluli roouiK on
Tuesday evening, Februur.v I. Meet
ing cuileil to order by President
Heed. AJinutec ol" Inst meeting tond
untl itpprou'd. Fritr. Dean
proves- on the home tulent minstrel
. show to ho sponsored by the elub
uboiil ilnivli 1. Various otluir re
porln of eoiinnilteos vvcio heard. J.
II. llccmiin made the principal
of the evening, his topie living "Tho
Funolioim of 4 (,ommorcinl Club."
FirM. he emplanded members, who
fihould eall attention of outsider to
the second point, nuniely, (he ro'
sources of the eomniuuity. Then fol
lowed Mich matters as; Helping in
dusliies that contemplate locating or
nro now located here; trying to nt
trne.1 fanners to the town by lend
ing every nmistnnec to thein in mar
keting their produce; the carefully
and completely informing of our
selves of the pusiiliilitiiw of the i
einily was nUo made a vital point.
Following the business meeting the
men repaiied to the table, where talks
weie given b- varioiiK men on the
needs and possibilities of this vicin
ity. The table was decorated to rep
resent a .Japanese tea gnrdcii, with a
miniature fountain in the center. The
baiupiet, as well as table decorations,
ueie the work of H. I). Heed and L.
A. Walker. M. S. Johnson is to
have charge or the next "feed," with
power to appoint an assistant.
The burleMiie. "Village Choir,"'
which wan to be held at the M. K.
chuieh Monday evening. February 7,
has been postponed indefinitely.
Mr. and Mrs. Art Kverton of Poit
Iiinil were the guests of Mrs. F.ver
ton's sister, Mrs. Chailes Piciiing,
the lirst of the week.
Fled Hull lelt for French Onleli,
'nl., on Wednesday moniing, where
he will be eiupIo.U'd in the (llndMono
mine. Mrs. Holt will not leave heiu
for some time.
Miss Florence YVJiniton is at Ash
hind, lliu guest of her friends. Shu
expects to return Tuesday.
A ("Ingram was iccoivcd hero lut
TiH'sdav Hiinoimi'ing the death bv no
cident of William Mee of this city,
ut Miami, Alia. Mr. .Mee had gone
there but a shoit timeugo, and wu
employed in the Inspiration Copper
company' mine ut that place. Thu
repiiiiiis uriiyed here Monday morn
ing. A full objtiiury. will bo p,ivpn
iio.t week.
'hurley Young or Medford
town Tuesday on bushiest, connected
with his various properties ut thi
Next Friday evening, February 11,
a Imskul tMifittl and sUting mit' w
to he k'ivcii at the opem house by the
high, school pupil for the benefit of
the piHilo fund.
SuturdHy night follow ing the pie-
t ii 1 1 at tho Tamils theater a ho.viiiK
ami wrestling exhibition was held.
First whh u Inning prolimiiinrv bv
t I 1 i sa n.
loc vnsmiiuer nun mod iirnnii in a
two-round bout of considerable in
A 1 Mil it II .
icresi. i iiik was loiiowcil liy n
v loading contest by Ot.ia Olseil uud
Csirl V.i n Houteii, in which Mr. Olden
was successful. 'I hen eamo the
'iiuiiii event of the evening the wres
tling iimteh tor tho chaiupiouship ot
hoiitheiu Oickoii, in which Dee .lout's
of Omuls 1'mss hiiiI I'ntev Kduiund
of this city weie Mirtnipauts. The
tiist mum! took tvvvutv-two uiinutys
and fitteen seconds, the second round
but six minutes and tbiitv seconds, in
botJi uf which tliu luual niun was vio.
ioiioiis. Mr. Kdmnnds is now look
ing for MUothiH' nmtuli.
Ah in (iuidi uud Milton Slciiunct
left TIiiusiImv tor cculiul Culilnniii
isiiuU tor mi extended Al.
Mis Mmuie Fliv spent a few
ilnvs reejjtlv tlO auet ol C'cnlral
l'oiul relatives mid fnend-.
Mis. Swiudeii ot Mi'tlturd CHUlc
down on Ttifsdv uioi mug's IrauiQnd
will iw lh gut'st uf KnueV icek and
(lulls ftwck JfrMWiU tk raiuawder of
tbo winter.
Tom N'orris. K. UigwbthHm un
Jnn MeDougnll, bo are onttratiag. h
Niinr on Kane. Sk. apwt Sunday!
in Medford ilia tiktwU of their fam-CP
or? the
AH iioe ifimrted orTthe sick lit
.i,I w,k ,i if heltci.
i itluM inphi'l' tuiC'ii-t 1'iiie
v iiin H 3 ( Ui niKutjtll)",,' did Uvt see
WetJ 60NNK 7mU SER ,: MAM, TH5N I'LL ' kf S GENTLEMAN GIU6S T ' ENUPp . .. g.
his fihndow on Februury 12 an old
KancH creek bufliiiww visilors to
dold' Hill thiH week: M'r. uud Mrs.
Olson, Mr. IwiK, Jr. Crawford, John
Holln, Art Itoggix, Miko Foley, Joe.
Ferry and the MUuch Kutio und SIiib
gio Foley.
Wo arc Horry to wiy tbut Jack
Huller,the mio of Kiiiic'm orcek, ih
finite ill in Jacksonville. Fears are
entertained for his recovery.
Mrs. llufl of (lold Hill wins u lu
cent Knni'H creek visitor.
Mr. I Iiuli t of (linden How flpcut
Kcveral dnjs recentlv in Medford on
The placer miners me all jubilant
over the recent henvv ruins.
A box social wus Kiven Tueulay
n'lKht at the Oddfellows hall by the
Yeoman lodj;c. A large crowd at
tended and everybody enjo.ved the
ev cuing. .
Chillies A. Ilrown twisted his knee
Sunday afteinooii while coasting.
Hev. Heed is delivering it scilt-of
lectures on "How to Hcniember
Names, Dates und Faces."
Howard Krnniu was painfully cut
on the leg while coasting the other
day at Phoenix.
The Oddfellow gave a dance nl
the halt Sutmday night, January -!.
A good time wus enjoyed by all. On
February 14 nnother danco will bo
rivimi at the same place.
The TalMit llijlli school basketball
tennis have a full schedule thi. cck. V'--"xl with hor pnrontn, ruturn -
On Wednesday iiiKht the boys playl6' ' Medford Wednesday.
Ashland a pieliminurv fjmne to the Mr- ""', " w,- Von ' Hollon
ASIlimio-ltot'oiii; j;iiine; on unim-
dny the irl piny Alcdfoid a prelim
inary to the Mcdfoid-Hokohurg jtunio,
and on Friday tho boyb play Conti-al
Point at Talent.
Tho Rogtio Hiver Valloy Miniaterinl
Rssociiition will huve a meeting hero
nt the Methodist chinch Monday,
Dinner will be served to the ministers
mid their vviyc.
Mr. Owens loft Sunday for a short
visit in California.
Chester Walters mid wife v'veio vis
itiug in Ashland .Sunday.
Hny Ajtcr and family of Cenlnil
Point were Kiiests of Mr. und Mrs. (I.
W. Agcr Sunday.
Mr. WnnlripV sistor, Miss. Wiir
drip, and Mrs. Ward lip's brother, Mr.
'Iapcii, ate visiting tlnw.
Mr. Terrill of Iuko Creek vvuk vU
itiug his sou, Olunii, Sunday.
Tim Hoso' childrcH. hiivo tho whoop
ing ooimh.
3U. and Mr. Hh Finlev nie vis-
.i.i i i,- ..i fl....-
itiug Mr. uud Mi. Twidell.
Mr. uud Mr. Hoimuu Soiumer
have a IihIiv girl which they have
iiami'd Alaigaiet KlunbHlb.
Mrs. Ilowinmi gave a birtlula)
p.nly at tho I. O. 0. l hall Monday
cloning in honor of (ho .'Ut biitluluj
of .Mr. llowiuHii mid the K'th birth
da v of Aliss Poarl .Stitnip. Thu eve
ning was spent in playing games and
dancing, after which duintv icfrcsli
uicnts wwrc served. F.vcrjbodv e
piesseil (heir upproi'iutiuH "I the
fjoml tipio whiek they onjoved.
The ladies of the Parent-Teachers'
association will give a supper utter
the basketball game at the sehool
huuo Friday evening, Fidyiuary -I.
The boys will play ('mitral Point. The
adiaissioa is 25 cents for the teniae
mid the supper is five.
A hirthdav party was given Jauu
)ir. :I for Wayao lhldiid(, in honor
itt his ninth birthday, at the home of
his patents, by Hev, and Mrs. Herd,
and the junior ooiit'regation ol the
M. K. church. A xwmI tuu was cn
joved bv all. At U::iO Mrs. lloMe-
jinge. iissisieo uy a-r tiaunnivi, i.u-
. . lit I I 1. I
die. served light retrcshuiciit. The
Utiests present wet: Clyde Itcesun,
Dotiald Tryer, ICari. Carl and lt)
IWaver, Kttwst Jeffrt-y, Cln retire
KsthtriOVf aud Wayao Holdndt.
The Woman's lloww Jlis.ioiOrv
mm-let of thPil. K. church met on
Thursday, February :, gt lk home
of rs. J. F.. Weaver.
Ui Friday lb Talent basketball
taws mm tbe Central Point teams
in the YM. C A at CewWul I'Oint.
Both .iiiir. wt-ie iMsl and roouh The
lll- Willi pl.tVld ill)' III I ..ill i
plJVfcd 1'ini l(U IIJilJUU- iiu.iltila dud
ended up with the hcoic of H-10 in
fnvor of Central Point. The bujs
plu veil two tvveuty-iuinutcs halves
and tit the end of tho first half our
boys vvuro ulieail, but owing to a
rather serious uccidcut that befell
one of our best pluyors we lost by a
suuill iiiuixin. The score was 12
II. The lineup for the Talent gills
wan: Coleiunn-Scott, forwards; Fin
ley, center; Aduiiison-Hcynohls
jiuirds. For the be.s: Jones?Hen
olds, forwards; Tim rill, center, Kcith
I'ace, guards.
Tho uiemliorH of the Onvvnrd and
t'pvvanl Club bog to slate that thev
liave chniiRcd tho name of said club
to tbo "la IIuiU."
.MesilmuoB Georno and Will Vou
iler llnllen vvoro liOKtemcii to tho
lurulliiK club at tbo lattcr'M home biHt
Wcdnoidny aftornoon.
MrH. Holt, who him boon a uatlont
nt tbo Sncrud Hourt bonpltnl due to
nu attnok of la grippe, returned t(
hor homo Snturdny.
Tbo dancing pnrtj Klvon by tbo
Knelo Point DanchiK Club lmt Snt
urdny ovenliiK was woll nttoudod by
nbout thirty couploa and was a vorr
leiisnnt affair, Tho mimic wna ox
coptlonnlly good and notbliiK was loft
viuilouo to ninko tho ovenliiK a ploni
li nt ono for all who nttonded. Tho
hohtowioB wore .Mrs. .1. V. Melntyre,
Mr. Krod Mcl'horson, Mrs. Carl .N'ar
'reitan, .Mm. V. Newport.
Mlto Ortile N'ntwldk, who ient tho
ontortnlncd with a dinner party fol
lowed by lirldaa Tliuradny ovoiitng.
Tlic following Kiioata woro prenent:
Air. mid Aim. Frank Ilrown, Air mid
"Jim. Carl Narrogau. Air. mid Mm. ,1
V. Alclntyre, Alia Alice Alclntvre.
Air. and Aim. W C. CI eiifn. Mr
and Aim. (leorse Von der Hi Pen
Frank Ilrown waa in JiickHonvllli
on bnatniHw Wodnoaihiy
Air. and Aim. R. (I. Ilrown enter
talnud nt illnnor Tuoday ownlnn Mr
and Aim. Clomonl, Air. mid Aim .1
V. Alulutyro and Alls AHro Alrln
Chrla Nittwlck apsnt Wrdnesdav
and ThurtHlny In .Medford mid Jink
nonvlllo on bualnoaa.
(loan Hollow h waa slilpplnn cream
horo Tliiimday.
Mr. and Aim. Uv Aahioe spent
tho wiiok-nnd with Aim. Aahpole's
pafoata. Air. mid Aim .lohu Rudor.
In aplto of nlomonla and bad roads
Or. Holt makoa iIhIIv trlim to tbo
JJacrcd Heart lioMpltal In nttoiidHiico
or lila Mveral imtlunt thorn.
.Mr. and Aim. W. II. Ilrownutur
talnod with a very unliiue and prott
II) apiiomtiHl dliiusr WoduotMlay ev
oiiIiik. A oolor chmu0 of red uud
Krou wua carried out In tho dlutiiR
loom, a basket of lioantlfut red car-
Makes Stubborn Coughs
Vanish in a Hurry
flurprUlDflx (iiiutl I'uacU Syrup
Unall) mad Cbraply
Almlr at Home
If Mime one iii )our ftuiulv huii an oli.
StllltU lOIIKll UI A lull tiuiWt C'lUNlt
colli that lu Ikvii Iimiikoik oil und icIiimm
to vislil to tieatiiH'iit. vet from any nut
store iVk oiimtM nl I'hm x uud nmkr it
into u illit of cmixli s)ttl', mid watch
that vuuk'i vaniKti.
1'our the Uli (itiik. of PiiMtx IJV0
reiiU woitli) into a pint Ixittlc Mini till
the Ixitllu witli liluin giuHuluU'il Mmut
nvrup. Tktt Intslioat is ulioiit 31 renin,
and kIvc Jisi a full pint--it family
waidy of most ell'tstlvv riuwl), ut a
saWiiK nt ii. A ttav's iiwi will iiuhIv
. OriUiUiu u lid r-il dijklluk I'llriilu lirxiiui inaul
)'' Tirr- m hmi'i imiwi f iNiKaivni
ijm a nimutist lull uirrtiuu hiUi I'laes,
KtwiHi uerfis'tlv and bus a ideaaHUt taste.
Children like it.
It's really remarkable mw promptly
nod easily it looten tlcdrv, hoars f
tight rough and lieala tue iullamed lueiti
branea in a painful tsaob It alao top
tbe fnruiutton nt pklrntti la tbe throat
and brow lnal tubvn, tkui ending the per
aisteat lows, eougli. A aplrwlM rvuMslv
for Lruui-bitu. wmlrr eoiiittj, brouvbial
asthma and wlusipuiK cuugn.
Pinpx i a peeial aad hlcblv nonoeg
traltsl eiiiiMMiiii uf fteeuiee Karway pig
extract, rO in KiiaUcol, widjeb U m
bealinv to llif iwaibraNea.
Avoid diaaupoiNtmeiit bv aaklag your
diujiKiat lor if ooitcea of flaei." and
do sot at'pt anvtliiiitf elar A voaianUo
lf al'Milllt.' H4t KMWioll tliM 4 ttltll III 14
preiai.itin or iimiiet jmiiiiK rvfuuUi-U.
'ike l'ius-l v, it, Ki)u., lui.
nations formod the centerpiece, mir
rounded with Krceu ferns and red
heart plorcud with arrows mnrkoil
tho ludlvhlual placed, atrlnRH of
lionrU and oiiitlda hung from tho
chandelier. Cover vvuro laid for
fouitoon, Including .Mr. and Mrs.
Frod Poloiuo, Mr. and Mr. (JoorKO
Von dor llollcn, Mr and Aim. Carl
NiirrcKiin, .Mi and Mm. Frank
Ilrown, Mr. uud Alrn W C. Clem
cut, Mr niul Mrs .1 W Mclntyro
I anil MIfh Mice- Mrlntvrr
Mrs (icorju' net Mrn Will Von der
llcllen wcio 'iopiliiic In Medfoid
i ThurKilav
r. v
lulls nie i()ll-f
v.ijisdnc fron i i ce oi la Ktlpiie
I lluKcltrn ami fnmllv will
Iiiom to the Woifir plnie next wek
N I, Narri'saii Ih fpendlnB tho
week-end with hi fumll) In Med
ford. Krod I'elomo and wlfo with tha
aid or a nond ranch bono, "toboK
Kmiud" In tho Point laat Friday.
Mr. Swan, rt member of the fl. A.
It., who is api'iidinir the wiutei in
Kngle Polnl, vi-iled the sihool Mon
day' and lehitod some of bis vvur e
poriunccs to the seventh uud eighth
jcilide history clashes.
The regular meeting of the llo.vs'
and dills' Industrial club was held
ot the HohoolhiHie Fridm ufteiuoon.
j Hul1(.,i m ,. .,.11M, Th.-mIii i.ftci-1
. m . - . , m .
i niiniv MiM'Hi-or i,. it. rcici'soii
n rinc Mia rur
vt nro nil jrcntlv Indebted to tho?c
xvbo tell llicir cxpoilcucci. Andamonc
tlio many tliiiifi wblrli
vre rem l almut nnd
are ef Immediate Ira
noriaiHo to tlw epe.
tnnt inollirr, I a pkn
Old exterikat rtily
ciillrd "Mot Iter'
irlcud." TliH i ap
plied orer tlie niuwtM
(if tliq tlnrnatli. It U
deeply prnetrallnr hi
II Ii llucncc Mnllwn
cvinwlxre toll nf tt
eociiiinir cflTcct, Unr It
nl'.nn puliM liK-hJvhl to
Vtunt nil nnd tmnclcf. They HI of restful
comfort, rf i . n H-ai-cful Mhtf, nn ab
eece of llie-o ' Ireeeri iM-ciiliar to Ihe r.
Ilojl nf eiptil.Ky, rclkf from mofnlMC
KlrUew, no m"c of that npprrt.ciwloii wllli
whkli n iii.iny voiinc worn. hj Mint! h
iwo lmrdrnnl It f n splrndhl Is-lp, (!t
ft IkiIIIo of "MntlM?r'a Friend'' from ysir
l;earrt dnigll Ak jour liueband to el
" f"r l1' T'', HTl'e !' IlrailMd U.
nlalor Oi. 4 Lamar Illdr.. AtlanU, (si ,
far a my liandxime ami lntnictl Uonk.
It fc. mini Willi uKtlre Mae uf Krwt
lelp to all Moinrn Inlrrented In tbe Hluct
of nwterulty. Aiu) lnt nf all are some ll-
vfr1t9rtTaa'Uw'' '"al-8'8 rwl l"Vi
I horcliv niiuounco that I haw
filed my delanttIon of Intention to
beooiuo a candldnto for thu repub
llcan noinlnatioii 'for the office of
Dlatrlct Attorney for Jaekaon aounty,
Oregon, nub jet t to the doelaion nr ihe
republican party, at' too primary elec
tion to be bold May 1, 1916.
Deputy Count Treaanrer Myrtlu
W. Ulakel), aniiuiiuoea ttr candidacy
for tbe office of county traaaurer.
I hereby aunouneo my candidacy
on the republlcun ticket for tha of
fice of county traaaurer, to be voted
on at tho eomlujc nrimarlea, I have '
held tbe poxlilen deputy In thta
office far tbe pajt year and am eon
fldent that I oan fulfill tbe dutlea
connected therewith.
I aerved to yearn an deputy coun
ty recorder before taking tbe posi
tion m deputy eouuty treasurer; I
have alao bad cp?rlene aa account
ant for aeveral wrporattOHa, suck aa
the Medford concrete Coaatrurtlon
oompany and Aiedford Ice aad Stor
age company before taking up coun
ty workOnd will ear that my past
rpeord la otien for Inapectlen to tbe
roter or Jackson county.
If nominated and elected I will con
tinue to ttcrve tbe public just aitV&l
iientu in ihe t ilore n f have In the M Y It I I.i: N Ul.Mvl.'I.KY
1 lie ,1 II ,liu il hi 1 i
noon and eiitortnincd the pupil with
some humorous reiiiliiigs during the
opoiiing everclNP period. Mr. Fclcr
son wus on his way to visit schools
in the vicinity ol Dciby.
The muiillug of the l'nrenl-Teueh-eis'
association bus been poMpnni'd
till Weducfulav tiirtit . no lliut Saupoi
iiiteudcnt Wells could ho pnwciil. The
wubject for discussion will be the
value of a track mcul mid a local fair
for KukIc Point uud Ihe aiiiroiiudiug
country. Conic out and help boost.
An ohl-fnshioncd box noclal wiil
be given h! the oporn house Monday
night, Pobiuory 'J I. Thuro will be a
progiatu by the school, after which
the boxes will be "old to (ho hiRhcflt
bidder. A prixe will be nivcu to the
lady having the best decorated bo
und the man paying the highest price
will have .Ml wr cent of the price re
fdndi'd. The admission will be frue
n ml the moiicv iweived fmni the mile
ol tin baskets will be applied toward
the purchase of u water syulcui for
the school. All me invited to come
and In iiii; buckets.
You Know They're
T 1
n DaKing
YrfllLtA(r baking as you paw
by. Hi one palate
''I MLrl.n. rl nH
ir- . 1 . . ,
from Merit Vanilla, nnl
tilt baking tnitea bettor
linn it ntnclls. A 25c
bottle is real economy.
Ordrr of Your Grocer
.iliuliilstia(or'ii Notice
In Hie county court of (ho tnt;
or Oregon, tor tho county or .lack
aon. In the Hinder of tho oatate or Ar
nold Ilanholior, iIoeoMod.
I ,o i ice i noiBiiy hi vou uiai on mo
tgnod waa duly appointed nilmlnla-
tralor of tho oatate of Arnold lan-
hobcor, decnaaed, by the county court
, of the statu of Ureaon for tho county
of Jaekaon.
All iieraona having clalma naulnat
the oatato of aald docodont nro hero
by notified to preaent tho same, with
proper voucher, within alv month of
tho date hereof, to mo, tho uuiler
elgned, at Iiuttu Fa I la, Juckion coun
ty, OroRon.
Dated Fohruary let, l HI.
HAltltY I) Mll.l,
FOIt IIKNT Furnlahrd hoiiaekeep
rooiua, iai F.aat tlth. Call after
(. too
von itit.vr nouHKH
FOIt HUNT Furnlehwl hoitao, four
nioma atrietiy modem, uIohh Iii.
Call at 213 N. Holly at., or phone
FOIt HUMT- Furnlahed bungalow,
Hit V. Iltb. Phono 3U-AI. John
F. Whlta.
FOIt HISNT 5-nwin niodcrn limine,
1 acroa bwtlum laud, good chick
en and garden prnuoeltlop, $12,511
a uiQiith. UenueU In mat. Co.
KOH IHiEKr Colonel Kargent'a rea
Ideuce on Oakdale ave., tolophouo
owner at Jackaonvllle, or llinulre
of II. H. Sy or Hoy II. Peebles at
Medford 278
iXewconur-oidtjpn'i tt ranger or
eltlieu If ou will coiir' to m office
vou will be Interested"
for your examination
I havo ready
i Ill'aiNKiW
Tbo ovVgor will aell at Invoice the
lease from purcbaaer, paying par
chaaojr 5u of ble money back for a
flvo yopr lease; at tge end of rive
year will turn buaineea over to pur
chaosV or purchasers etock tkat will
involoa 50'r more th It does now.
Remembcg you double your capi
tal, and have emplovrueet; a Rogue
Hive Valley, Medford. Oregon,
I aak you to Investigate this then
ak any Bank or Hanker lu Medfoid
ui to lt merits.
io j Wet Miu at. Phone 711
l'OH ItK.N'T SIISClr.!..Ni:OUB
KOli HKNT -or Snio, cheap, for
cash; Reed Htunll rnncb ctoso to
city with city wator. SSO West
12th. 278
I'Olt 8AI.K Stock mid table enrrotu
JS.OO par ton. ChnB. .1. Olson, It.
F. I). 3, llox. 11. 278
FOIt HA I. K Turku) k, brim and cob
bler. .1. C. ItorrliiK, Central
Point. Phono 163.
KOIl BAI.U About CO toiiN of liny
at uiy ranch In Uoad Indian u 110
pur ton. Fred It. Noll, AHlilnnd,
FOIt SALK Ford ono ninn topa and
top work of all dosorliitlon. Mod
ford Tout and AwiiIhk Co., 1UG X
Front, Phono 7S-II. 2U.
FOIt SAUK Nino nliiRto comb II. I.
Ued cockerol: alio okrh for hntrh
Ing. Kmwt Wobb, Contral Polnl.
FOR HAI.K Huo 5th, 11)12 model,
oxtra oqitipmunt; new tlnw; prloo
300: pnrty Icavinc county. Hox
iut, (.onirni ronu. zin
FOR KAI.U Kg from rnnso raised
S. C. Huff Leghorn. Wm. J.
Form, Modfnrd It. F. I). I nr phono
.Mr. A. II. Forua, 1Q-F2. 381
FOIt SALKllarrtMl ltock ? for
liatchlag; yonnK thoroiiKubrod
rooitor. .1 II. Webttnr, It. F. R,
Tulont. Phono S-FS. 2i
FOK 8AI.M Sued bnrloy, QliDOP fOotl;
baled barloy atravv. Call 73S-.1S.
rou HAi.iv-trtvitmQK
FOIt VaKK- FVuiVthoroiighbrod "milk
,cow, will be freali In a feu dnya;
third calf; about five gallons per
day; testa Illicit In butter fat; flvo
yoam old; prloo vary toanonnblo If
tnkun at on co. llox 31. Mall Tri
bune. M 271
FOIt SAMS--JO horse; muet ho
aold. Sen Walsh, at Vinson's barn,
is'. Illvuraldo ave. 207
FOIt SAI.MS flrst-cliisM Jeraoy onwe
rich In butter fnt. Aim. I). AI. Ate-
Nnasor, Central Point, It. F. I). No.
1, Central Point. Phono 113x1.
FOIt SAMS Or tnido. roKUtorod A.
J. 0. C. JuraoyH, ono cow and ono
bull droppod Fob. 23, 1315. John
H. Jlnlr, Itomio ltlver, Oro. 27t
FOIt R A 1.15 Tqiiiii of in u Ion, wolght
000 Ih.i. oaith, li year olda, $22C. O.
0. JJOgBJ.
HllliP WAXTHI1 aiAMi
WAN'TliD--A II vo mini to opon nn
automiibllp reiwlr mid oxchnnKO In
tkla olty; have nood oiienlnk for
aomeuno. Oeo. F. Dyer, 11H N.
O L, Alodrord. 273
WA.NTIII) iii,iumii,twrV)Ur
aeaajeteaaeeae aaeawmaeeviei eaw Na'"s' w
WANTICD Flmt claae utalllon nnd
Jack man wtshoa position for season
or by year. Addreea Hot KKb, .Mull
Tribune. 27m
WANTBp -Have ordera for 2-year-old
gobblom. What have ou?
Aledfonf Poultry uud Ugg Co.
WANTED DroaemnkliiK nt homo or
by day. 1 1 1 ft. Central, Phono
WANTMD-J-To earn for ohlldron duy
or evoiilugu during aluunoo of par
outs ut theater, etc. Phono 72-J.
WAKTKD Your vnlcauUlug and bat-
tory charging. Phone 680. Caitn'
Trading MtatTon. '.'St
WANTRD Knitting mill wants vvom
mn, full time; salkry S15 wookly,
dUtrlbutlijK guHranteed hosiery, or
2& cents an hour snare time; per
mauent work; experience, unuoo
oaaar). Addteea Mauagor Interna
tional Alillt, Norrlatowu Pa
TO LOAN T 1000 on lmprorad runab
Holmes the Insurauee Alan.
aari.JT.1 r z :,r -- . "t-w -ttt
T. Dole, and other Unitarian liter-
Slure sent free to Inquirers. A4
reaa Mlaa llaxel Burton, Central
Polef. Oregon, R r.. 1) No. 1. 27
SiJmMwiW i iss ill
Sowing .Machines
O AL,gj UK IIK.M Home used ma-;
en nies also ror ai. i leuaiug aou
repairing C A Chapman, at Metl
ford Kurnltiire & Hardware atom.
Iti -ti.ii a e .'': So Ciiiiial. Phone
nusixicsa DinECTonv
Auto Supplies
nro operating tho largest, oldest
and best equipped plant in tho Pa
cific northwest. Uao our sprlnga
when others fall. Sold undor Guar
antee. 26 North Fifteenth St,
Portland, Ore.
QUO. W. CHUIIUY Altornor.. nnd
II-. !
.Notary, Itoom ft, Jackson County
Ilank Ilulldliig, oiitranco N. Cen
tral, Medford, Oro.
Attornoys-at-Law, Rooma 8 rnd
0, Medford National Dank bide.
Coroy bldg.
(I. M. RODERTS Lawyer.
Alodrord National Dank Building.
Dentists ,
Oarnott-Coroy Rldg., ulto
Mcdrnru, Oro. Phono 800.
Collections and Report
collected Home accounts 14 yearn
old. Wo know how to got tbo
money. The Iltinock Morcantll
Acency, Inc, Rooms 1, 2, 3, Has-
Rins- liidg.. 21 c II. Miilnot.
s-tica r
-x.1 r! -r
Knglncrr nu'il Contractor
FRKI) N. Cl'MMINOS Snglnoor nnd
contractor, 404 M. F. & 11. flldg
Burvoys., cotlmatoa, Irrlsatlon
dralnaKo. turcbiird and land Im
provement. Iii.iiiriuico.
HAUL 8. THAIY Oonoral Insurance
office, Flro, Autoniobllo, Accident.
Liability, piato Glass, Contract,
mid Suroty Ilomln. Excollont coni
panlos, good local eorvlco. No.
2J0 Ouniott-Coroy Illdg.
Instruction in ilunlo
401, Oarnott-Coroy bldg. Frod AN
ton Halght, pluno; Mrs. Florence
Halllday Hnlcht, volco. Phone
- f
aARtlAOE Got your promise
ccanod up for tho summer. Call
on the city garbngo woroiih for
good ncrvlco. Phone 374-L. F
Y. Allon
Physicians ana Burgeons
MAINS CARI.OW Osteopathic
physicians, 41G-417 Gnrnott-Corey
bldg., phono 1030-L. Residence
2G South Laurel st,
DR. W. W. HOWARD Ostoopathls
physician, 303 Garnott-Corey
building. Phono 130.
DR. J. J. EMM ENS Physician and
surgeon. Practice limited to eye,
ear, novo nnd throat. Eyes scien
tifically tostod nnd glasses sup
plied. Oculist and Aurlst for 8 P.
R. R. Co. Ofricca M. F. & II Co.
bldg., oppovlto P. O. Phono GG7,
DR. R. W. CLANCY Physician and
surgeon Phones, office 36, resi
dence 724-J. Office hours, 10 to
13, 2 to 5.
clan and surgeon. Office Palm
block, opposite Nash hotel. Hour
10 to 12, 1 to 4. Phono 110-J.
T. O. HEINE. M, D. Eyo. Ear.
Nose nnd Throat. Headaches and
norrous conditions relieved by
properly fitted glassos, Crosa eyei
straightened. Offlco 228 E- Main
st , phono 303. Consultation froo.
Hoinoopatblo Physician, Burgeon,
228 East AlaJn St., Mcdtord. Ore
gon. Offlco phono 142, residence
phono 732-112. Offlco hours 1 to
4 p. in.
DR. G. W. STEPHENSON Physician
ami Optician Calls nnsworod.
Byes tested. Olasse fitted that
will correct any detect of vision;
ItrlccH resNonablo 1hone 8SS-X.
Office t rostdenee ror the prevent,
Medford, Ortgon, lie K. Iioll
Printers and rubllslters
MKDFORJri' PRINtTno 'CO., "has Tthi
beat equipped printing office Id
southern Oregon, look binding,
loose leuf daerd htUiag ay stems,
'. Portland pncaB. 87 North
Kir at.
a Wmum Mswst )
lNFE,B a
orflce Front at. Phone
315 Pricoa nvht. Service gur