Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, February 07, 1916, SECOND EDITION, Page PAGE SIX, Image 6

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j. i
-. "X'fZ'J
The sheriffs office has issued the
following; itateuiorit explaining opera
tion of the new tax law iaasod by
tho lust legislature.
Seelion 1 of Chapter ISO, laws ofj
1015, amending section :HJ82, Lord's J
Oregon Iawa, is now in of foot and
rend am follew:
The find half of nil taxes legally
levied and charged ahull he paid on
or before the 8th day or April follow
ing, nml tho second half on or heforo
tho fllh (lay of October fulloxriiif.
Interest shall ho ohniged nml uol
lected on nnv tax or half of n. tax not
so paid, at tho ruto of 1 (tor cent per
tBonlh or frnution of a month until
All Insea rotniiinlng unpaid on the
fith day of Ootobor next following
hIiiiII hoeoiiio doliniUont and on thu
flth day of November next following
n nminlly of T per cent ahull ho
uhnrged and uolloeted thereon, in nil
dltlnii to the Interest provided herulti.
All pennltieK And interest ahull bo
for (ho benefit of. Iho eonuly.
Duo In Two InMaltmoiiU.
Under thla section taxes become
tint nml payable in two separate in
sUlllnent. If tho i'irnt half in not
paid by April fi, intcret ia elm rued
(Ileraffii (hut not on the second hnlf)
at 1t(o rate of 1 pur cent for each
month or fraction of a month, until
paid. If the second half ia not paid
by October f, intercut then begins
tlfOreon at the Maine rate. No rebate
or discount ia allowed for iidvnuee
rKvjmcnt of either iuatnllment.
All tax oh not paid in full on or
heforo Ootobor fi become doliuipiont.
After aaid dale and until Iho luxes
a ro paid, or certificate of delin
ipiouey ia issued, iutercHt uuutinucH
to inn at tho rate of 1 per cent for
Ufinh mouth or fraction of a mouth.
Dolimpieut luxes not paid before No
vcjinbur f are on (hut date mihjcet to
it penally of fi per cent in addition to
(ho inlorotit specified.
For illustration, wo will assume
Hint the taxes on n certain propeity,
Us charged on tho roll, total .f 100.
Tho first half ($60) may bo paid
oil or before April ft, and the sooond
half (.f.i(l) on or beloio October ft,
without Intel eat or poiuillica on either
amount; hut,
If said first half in paid on any
dliy from April II to May 5, both dates
laolinive, there will ho added an in
ternal charge of 1 ier cent (.10
cowls) ; from Muv (I to dune A, indue
iro, 3 per cent ($1); from June ll to
duly fi, inclusive, H per cent ($ 1.S0) ;
from July (1 to Align! ft, mcliiHivo,
I per cent ($2.(10) ; from August fl to
Heptsmhor ft, incliiMvc, ft per cent
ZpfiJiO) ; from September (1 to Ootobor
fi, InohiMve, (I per emit (f.'l).
ItiUivt Charges.
If the entire tax of $100 ia paid
oh any day from Ootobor 0 to Novum
bur I, inclusive, the lutoroat ohnrgod
will be 7 per cent ou tho firat half
($&A0) and 1 per cent oh tho seeoud
half (SO coals).
If tlia cntira amount is paid on No
vetnlber fi Iho interest charged will ho
T fior eont on tli firat half ($3.fl0)
and 1 per cent on tho aeoond half
(00 owita), pitta a penalty of A per
OMlt ($6).
If tliv oHtiro niHount is )aid ou any
day froi Novembur fl to Dofowber
0, iaeluaive, thu ititereat eharipMl will
U S per cent w llw fimt half ($4)
awl 2 ixr cent on the hocoiiiI half
(fl.OO), dua a iMualty of 6 per cent
Inttret Mntinue on all delinquent
taxm, at aaid rate of I per oeut for
oaok mouth or irt of a nuuith, until
jHiymmtt or th iwuuiice of a cor
titieattt of deliuqiteuey.
Thia ia a ery radical ehanffe from
Uta old law, and ahould ho very lauie
fleial to the tapayen(, duo to the
fact that I lie )ienally of .r nr eeut
dim uot apply uuttl November fi to),
lowing the l.v. although intereKt
will be charged a act forth iu the
abovt tarugrit)i., if fin-t half tae
are uul pmd by April 15 ami lut half
by October !i.
ltla big New York cuioaaa will bo
at tho I'aiie onmmonolng today,
'ft 10 original staco production wan
balled by crltlot the country wide as
u dintliiGt event ia tho drama aud
nmrkliiK un opooh In the art of the
ttbeatro. The luetroiiolltau newspa
pers devoted a literal mile of noaee to
doMrlbtug thin delightful work of
Jie great BnglUh wortl-iuaater, W'al-
tjor Dare and It drew millions to see
tit presented upon the stAH. With
nil the enhanced opportunities for
ujoenje display and dramatis adieu
affordjad l the phoiodraatatle vsr
aiou U IB "'v to s that "The Uttlo
flypii,M IS one of the create! and
inoKt unlvarsHlh miKullug of any or
tho soreun fni o iur presented b
William Kox--and u,!-. i high piaUo
Judeod. ,
The I nitcd Slntc land office nt
ItoMcburg, Or., ha iiued the follow
liK circular letter relative to Oreiton
el California railroad prnnt hinda:
"The office in daily in receipt of a
number of inquiries relatiro to the
Oregon a ( nliforniH railrdad grout
lands, asking information na to the
statu nf theno lauda, their location,
character, when thoy may bo entered
or pitrehaHcd, etc,
"This circular in inlondud to reply
.to thoHB lrttora or Inquiry and to
give out such information relative to
theae landa na may now bo alatod.
"A lint of (huso landa by tovuHhii
and range haa boon prepared for
cuolt of the several counties within
the i(ochui-ff Inud district, contain
ing thco lands. Themi lints ate in
tended to give merely an iippro.imnle
area of auuh hinds in each township,
hiiNed on the Hit of lainU given hi
tho deoreo of (lie federal court.
JllucprlnlN Suhl.
"This Hal for any county or conn
liea will be fiiniinlicd ou lequeal.
"This offine baa no' map for dis
tribution, nor doea it prepare blue
prints, but will fitiniHh tiiwiiahip
plnU Nhowing location of all wimul
bind and uimold railroad hind, at $1
per towimhip, Iu ordcriiiK towimhip
platw, both the range and township
number iiitmt he given, and remit
tance should be made by certified
ehoelc or United Slates ttl money
order payable to l(. It. Turner, ic
eoivor. Personal eheoka may not b
received in payment.
Thin office in not in a jtoailion to
give mhieo na to the clmraeler of the
land iu any loenlity, and cannot at
tempt Iu udviMo anyone iu thin le
gal d.
"Ah to tho deposition of thot.
lauds, nothing can be determined un
til eougroHfi hliall act in Iho matter.
It jh probable that such action will he
taken Nome time within the next ix
month, mid until Hitch action jh hud
no information can be given by this
office. Wo woubj auggenl to jwrtiea
interested to watch the daily papers,
us whatever action congress muv take
will bo given therein before this of
fice has official iufoimatioii I hereon
to give "at.
.d-cogo In Cuiml'o.
Ilased on the list of IhmiU gieu iu
the decree of the court, the approx
imate aeieage of unsold railroad
landa in the several counties nf thix
district, at the time the Miit wc in
stituted, was as follows;
"Uncolii. 1010; Hentoii, '27.7 111;
Linn, 1 1,020; Lane, MOO.llO; Douglas,
I)07,:ill0; Coos, 100,0'JO; Curry, 8100;
Josephine, 172,100; .Incksou, I UM0;
Klamath, KI.-M0. Total, I.ODOX'O.
"In addition to the above lauds,
there are other railroad lauds iu sev
eral of tho counties iiuioed, that at
tho time the suit was instituted wore
utisiirveycil, ami hence not included
in the )im given iu the suit, hilt coin
ing hs well under the decree. The
approximate areas of such lands aio
aa follews: Coos, lfi.Ofll); Douglas,
115,000; Josephine. 17.000; Cuiry,
lfi.000; Jaekmin, 'J0.0O0.
"There in Mill a certain amount of
uuHiineycd railroad hiadH in several
of the eounliss, nautely: Cuny, Js
ephiue aud Douglas. Thee lauds,
when surveyed, will come under
whatever 4au of di-Hihitiou e.n
greH muv pro vale.
"J. M. ll'TON, regi-lei."
"H ( TlllNI'll, iceeiver."
V J Hills of t)il oil), reeeivtd a
letter yesterday from a business
friend who liven In Hau IUeso Cuu
oernlng the reeeui flood disasters in
that entire region, (be writer sas:
"They were the worst floods Iu
the history of this section of the coun
try. Country roads were all washed
away and the bridges carried away
The flood waters swept Ulay val
ley completely out of eb(enee That
oaee beautiful valley, covered with
orchards and vlaeyards, Is today onl
a bed of sand and gVJvel. Tl daio
age will run Into the millions.
"The railroads are all out of rom-
ntlMloH and will ha for a mouth or
Our only means (escienJ5(j)c1'w,l,(:)Ulu' '.'o- mbsides U
Is by water.
"This flood has put all southern
California oh Ihe blink. San Diego,
however, still has IU bay and cli
mate. "The ranch n which I had a mort
gage In Otay valley was washed away.
The whole valley is a scene of deso
lation. About 3 dosen bodies have
Usea revered of the forl or fifty
lost. The whole eouulrv from Haul
DIcko to Tla Juaiia is ui.utiali
law." n I
SF.ATTI.K, Wash.. Feb. I. A ncv.
nil-el v.itiou mf-xniM', vital to ll
il. mil itnHitant hi the deve! .
i.ii-nl nf the entire country, is i't I
rmkiiii' it shell in rongrr.
It iv Chief Forester Henry S.
Oravrs' formula for making the i
.entit' fisleral forest ressrve pro
i.oclne through he ertenaion of g. -1
1 loans.
The plan ia to bond the forest m-l
tt adtanee money to eonntiaa "
iMeed within these areas, for roc 1
building purposes.
My stimulating general development
iu such enmities, behoves O raven, the
pnifitable marketing of government
timber 'would bo greatly hastened
Highways would make tho lumber a
coaaible. A bill embodying this project he-,
been introduced by Congressman A
Johnson of Washington state, and
because it ia tho administration meas
ure it sceina (o have every ohuneo of
If passed, it in to he tried out fir-l
in thu Olympic national forest, near
lieie, admittedly tho most diffuult
test for the new polioy.
The proposal is to make an initial ,
man oi .tiiui,iHu to construct a link
in (lie slate highway between Lake
Oniimult and Folks, ou thu Ilognshiel
If it works out satisfactorily here,
the scheme will bo nojdieil i-i every
statu and county buying government
forest areas.
The loan will work no hardship on
the counties affected because the
debt is to be reXiid from the timber
itself after it is marketed. No speci
fied lime is named to retire the bonds.
The whole proposition hinges on
u raves' ooniidcuco that
through mid adjacent to timber ic-; y because they bio in.vcessihlc.
servo will hasten the markuting of The establishment ot fedcrul tim
thoao tremendous resources willt j--. -- --
profit to the federal ns well us the
stato government.
Instead of receiving the present
nominal 'Jfi per cent of national for
est revenues -now hugely a hope iu
steud of un actuality the stato af
fected would get but 10 ior cent, af
ter the timber is marketed, until the
loan has been repaid.
A tremendous development imputtm
is expected lo follow such un ennot
ment. In the Mate of Washington, for
instance, one-third nf its at en is in
cluded within national reservus.
That moans Hint this territory is
uot only iiOii-produetivo at pi orient,
hut is eliminated from the tax rolls.
It represents idle wealth, benefitting
r.o one.
It means heavier taxes upon farm
Frniiklin high school of Portland,
will ho tho no.t opponents o( Med
ford and Ashland, If tho present ne
gotiations do not fall through. The
games bore are scheduled tor Fob
ruary, 17-1S and at Ashland for
Wtstnosday and Saturday of the same
The two schools havo wired tlnir
aseoatanso of Franklin's terms, name
ly, $100 expenses to be divided equal
ly between the two Institutions.
In (he past, soveral of the Port
laud high schools havo sinned lo
visit southern Oregon, but on va
rious pretext have broken the agree
ment. They havo long boasted In the
Willamette valley that their brand
of hall and ooaahlug system so far
outclass this section of the state that
the games will be uninteresting and
theiofore, would be financial fail
ures. Salem this year and Hosvburg have
whipped everything In the north,
soundly trouncing the Portland
teams. Salem so far Is champion of
Oregon aud Itoseburg Is a close run
ner up. In fact, many claim that In
a second game played on a neutral
floor Roseburg would win.
Medford and Ashland gave Itose
burg u rum for their money .and a.
game with Franklin would be a treat
to the fans and alve a Hue on the
game as plavod In the northern and
southern seel ions of the state
i '
Why Tolerate Catarrh?
Youfi.iu- noticed no doubt, tlut any
cold nasal cutarili.uiHl the
b How i imuous md& )ou tlut suih
ooH't tiy.ilue mutter could laid lodg
ment in jour head. T nu this
wrong Dccaue u ciruviws tMowlv
ipjurc the delicate linings of the na.sal
MMgs .d v log them un.
Tot-ctuuiih, chranbe the hoj,
triU frequent I) with a solution of warm
water and nalt, mit vaseline i re
tiring, and take 4 Hxaiful of Sl oil's
Kmuukm after iiieaU for one month
Scott's acts through the blood to feed
the tiiuis. mil rn,ilstn wii.iklttv
yewta to ch,Qk the inflamnutu-n
', i. ... ..., .... ,,,.,. ,
$v.u . i.. i ,i. 0 c
iv tkvsi liwiubtsi J i
M FCTWrtflT). -OWWIOf.
I'likhlug ir.ndvvav- Inf nallount
nlile lo iiiielmlii nil.- riches.
and orchard and unpioved bun!
throughout the lest of the state.
Arid what is true here is also the
enao iu every other section where
I ureal national reserves lie idle, larae-
l'lre destroyed U' bungalow of
Mr. and Mrs. J. O. i-'uve. 806 lleok
man avenue, last aiaht, between 2
and S o'clock. Ksespt for a few bed
clolhos carried .out as th husband
aud wife escaped , the contents of the
bungalow were total) destroyed. Mr.
Cave reporls no Insurance.
Fire started In a room In which
there was no stove ot any kind. In-
iS?'M - fyjM&Mfw yWKkii ''
rTOrj) - i. -X JJU c
-&.--". ' Jl1.Isj.5,.jLjv-iy -. r-f-i--. 1 .J6EIV ! -i - si w vSC---' JHt;!''si'-WiX.
There's one fashion that never changes the refreshing, whole
some, youthful, spirited fashion of "rolling your own" for a lively
smoke with good old "Bull" Durham,
In no other way can you get a cigarette so fresh and fragrant,
so full of vigor, energy and action. The man who "rolls his own"
with "Bull" Durham has the taste of a connoisseur.
The wonderful mildness of "Bull" Durham set it apart from all other
trr"isso fsie-t sn ?. 11... . s. I .
A$k for FREE
p.ichagt of "iapr$ "
teithreaem oe tacit.
FW 'flSS S
W Efe&gS -' t
fort-Ms o iiuil.t- tholi'
ivcullli iiiiiiKel-
her nreas, thnuuh inpiit'd from the
highest motives, has resulted iu
grant hardship throughout the west.
Chief Forester Oruvea' plan prom
ises to ho a big factor Iu unchaining
millions of dollars' worth of fettered
and craekl
waa a
imrtmoiit, but the wrong location was
given, which delayetl tho arrival of
the large truck within working 'dis
tance. The small truck was taken
out on Peach street, ou account of
the misleading alarm, nnd stuck in
tho mud In that marshy district It
had to be rescued this morning.
Mr. Cave Is a teamster nlinut tho
city and suburban districts. Ilia
brother's residence In that district
burned a few weeks ago. tho loss bo
ing covered practically ny insurance.
Why Suiohe III! Clgtu-a
Wheu,l.a Hondas are onlv inc.
were awakenotl hy tho roar , motlier. Mrs. S. A. Itihelin, of Ilulsey, mid herbs needed to restore health and
r.. . . . ii. i RtrntrHi In tint WiinVnnnd nrrrnn nf flin
e of the flarnos at flvol wrc. ue o, ,ue , .o.iee.i. or v,rcgon, ---- - --; ,,";,---
. , ,, . .... . i and bv a sister, Mrs. (icrlruile rent- . , ,.,:." J ', ,.',.
Iioforo 2 o clock. The alarm : , , .. , , , ,, , , chronic invnllil, recovered so completely.
, . ., u , .- .... I""1"' "l ",,s -'"'-"", v"" It pays for women sulTorlng from any
L UHin lT,VffHUH171i IU HIV 1113' t - I
ie Smoke of the
ll Durham
., unu no unique jiicuuw-owcci nuvor gives
aistinctive enjoyment to a cigarette.
in. .11" rv.i . i 9 r ..I i .m. vi .i
uuu iurnam is snaae or
Carciina leaf the choicest that grot6. It v smooth,
"C' most sat'sfyinB and mild. - - -.
S'art "rolling your own" with "Bull" Durham now,
and you'll put yourself on the
smoking satistaction.
An llluilrsted
Booklet, tho w-
lo "Roll Yaur Own" SiiteUe,
snd a package of cigarette
pipcts, Vfdl both be mailed,
, to any sddtw in U. S on
ijuet. AddtMt "Bul Dur
ham. Duiham, N. C.
10 in
All Medford paid tnbiite to Ihe
mrmorv f the Inte V. I. Vnwlcr
Mondav, banks rlosinc all day, stores
and business houses in Ihe afternoon
lor the funeral. The courthouse at
Jacksonville aud the Medford city
hall and library also closed.
From 10 to IV. o'cloek the veinaiio
lay iu stato at the family residence
and were viewed by hundreds of ne
fpmintunces. At 210 o'clock the
funeral service were conducted bv
Dr. ,?. Iiwrence Hill, amid a wealth
of tlorttl tributes. Masons and
Pythinns formed an esOort to eon
duet the remains to tho train lor
Portland, where they will bo inciner
ated. The funeral services were simple
and improssivc. Tho honorary pnll-
beaiers were; Judge T. M. Calkins,
Judge M. Purdin, II. von der Ilellcn,
T. W. Miles, (lus Newbury, J. II.
Active pallbearers: II. II. I.iimsdcn,
C. I. Hutchinson, George It. I.indley,
C. W. McDonald, K. V. Kmoriok, C.
A. Knight.
Itelntivea nml businesa associates
from distant parts of Iho coast were
iii attendance at the funeral, one of
the Inrgest ever held in Medford.
From all iwiUt of the country have
come expressions of regret nnd sym
rmthy, showing thu regard and es
teem iu which the dead hanker and
legislator waa held.
The coffin was nhnost entirely bul
lion in ii unxil lunik of ('In I'M I trilinlcs. I
llesides his widow nnd two sons,
Vnwter is mourned by hi nged
The Medlord lugli school debating
team Hugo I.iuidberg nnd George'
ii i ii '..i ii... i.t 1 1
iivii-uiiuiiii iu inei-t me sii,ni
high school team at the Medford high
school on Moudnv evening ul H
j oVIock, the subject being:
Itesolved, that the I'riited Stales
should adopt the essential feature-,
of the Swiss H.vstem of lnilitury tram
nisr and service."
Dngnc vuginia-lNortu
ojie right rwd to genuiif
I 1
Thki debating conlest t tot lllo
rhamrfihi f he Hognt vt rsl
, ley. Medford hai already won from
(Irani- ras. Ashland ha won from
Talent. Mhotihi .Medford win from
A-hland Monday evening, it will then
meet the high school learn of Klamath
Falls in debate for the championship
ol siHithern Oregon.
This debating championship con
test has attracted much interest iu
the schools throughout southern Or
cgon. It i safe to promise a good
Iioiisp at the forensic conflict on
Mondav in this citv.
Woman Made Well by Lydia
E. Pinkham's Vegetable
CblumbuB.Ohlo. "I hud almost given
up. I hud been sick for six years with
icmaie troubles ana
nervousness. I had
a pain in my right
sldo nnd could not
ent anything with
out hurting my
stomach. I could
not drink cold water
at all nor cat any
kind of raw fruit,
nor fresh meat nor
chicken. From 178
pounds I went to
118 and would got so weak at times that
I fell over. I began to take Lydia E.
Pinklmm'a Vegetable Compound, and
ten days later I could cat nnd it did not
hurt my stomach. I havo taken tho
medicine ever since nnd I feel like a
new woman. I now weigh 127 pounds
so you can sco what it has done for mo
ulready. My husband rnys ho knows
your medicino hns saved my life."
Mrs. J. S. Uahlow, 1C2-I South 4th St,
Columbus, Ohio.
Lydiu E. Pinkham's Vegetablo Com-
pound contains just the virtues of roota
female ailments to insist upon having
tycJIa E. t'inkhum's Vegetablo Com
I Dound.
The lliiriilug Factory
The Itnt-st liir Dam
The DeviustatluK 1'IcmmI
Tltl'K are tho nwe-strtckon tosta
Scientific readings on all affairs
of life; love, marriage, leparatlon,
health, journeys, Investments, oto.,
what vocations you are adapted for,
tells if the one you love. Is trim or
fale ; what part of the country Is,
luckiest to you and what to do to bo'
successful In life. This Kitted man
reaiU your life llko an opon boolc
from cra'dle lo old age.
No HHosswork or questions askoil.
What he soes and tells comos truo.
No one In trouble turned away.
Special reading fow days only
9I.OD, st. o, si. oo, si.oo, 91.00
Palms ItoouiiuR limit', lloom 0.
Heurs: 9 a. m. to 12, 1 to 5 p. ni
T to 0 p. in.
Private No sign or namo on door.
Medford House Movers
xmv i'iioi
Houses, Mnrhluery, Itollom, Moved
Any DlMnuco
AKo llouso IlepalrlnR
Phono -1HH .M
012 So. Xmvlnvvu 7117 W. t Ith St.
For Sale Cheap
1915 Model
3-Passenger Roadster
Perfect Condition
Easy Payments
Mason, Ehrman & Go,
Bargains in
200 Tnree-year-old
Caroline Testout
Rc-sos for sale at a bargain
The finest roses In Medford
from the best rose hedge In tho city.
Till -V Vi nil
ine uaroune Teatt Is a perpot-
ial bloomer, large $ak roses and
( '. hfbt hedge or street a tar this
, Pierce, thg Fldris