arEDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE, MEDFORD, ORKClOX. MONDAY. FERRrARY 7. Wirt EAGLE POINT EAGLETS By A. C. Uowlctt Max Stoekford. Jnek Dickson ami A. C. Stroma were doing business with our merchants tho Unit of taut week. Harold nml Paul Peyton came out Monday on a handcar with .Mr. Slit and look the train for Medford where thoy went to try to .find n Joli of work. Manley Conley cnmo out Tuesday from Medford, spent tho night nt tho Sunnysldo and Vodnosday took the littB Crock stage to hln mother' home nettr HroAvahoroi Paul Ondyko nnd his Mstor-ln-law, Minn Ethol Huckor. cnmo out Wedno day, took illiiinir hot a and dtovo to Medford that nftqrnoon, returning the next day, nto dinner and stnrtod for their homo, tho Old Stono llouitb ranch, thai aftoruoon about I o'clock. They had a long, dark, muddy drive. Ilofoio I fotget It J wish to cor reel one of my blunders that 1 mado In my hint. In reporting tho names of thoiio who woro In attendance at tho Kugln Point cluli dance on the eve of tho Slut, I by somo means omitted t!u names of Mr. and .Mrs. Curl Nerrnjon, and they wore anions those who wore entertaining tho guests. Tho omission was purely ae- rldnntnl and I did not discover It un til I read the arlloln In tho .Mall Tribune. Mr. and Mrs. Alexander McCabo palled In Wodnosdny forenoon and Mr. McCahe loft his wlfo and baby horn until the next day, he going on foot up to his ranch. Mm. Mo- Cnbe took the train tho next day for their mountain home. I. K. Stimmcrvlllo nnd Oeorgo Wont eamo In Wednesday evening nnd spent tho night with us and no did Mr. Ilughos, one of the llutto 'alls merchant, nnd Mm. Trcforn and In low from above Ashland also came In for supper tho tame day. Mm. t.eroy A. Smith took the car for Medford Wednesday. II. I'. Kocnlg. who has a home stead In the Meadows district, came out from Medford Thursday evening, spout the night with us nnd tho next day wont to Dorby on huslnoss. I seo that F. L. Heath Ih Bonding out circular letters announcing bin detennlnntlon to close out hln stock of good In this place, assigning as a ronton that he linn other engage ment that roqulro hln tlnio. And 1 saw Mr. Stiibb, tho llrownshoro nior rhnnt, In the store talking business with Mr. Iloatli the name day tho an iiouncoiiuint wan made. Friday evening Orron Bishop, wlfo nnd daughter, Miss ICthol, and sou, Paul, of Tularo county, California, eamo In on tho P. R IC. and spent the nlKht at tho Sunnyslde, takliiK the P. & K. for llutto Falls Satur day tnornlng, whore tlmy oxprct to live, at least for a while. Thotr prin cipal reason for coming wan to try tn Improve the health of their daugh tr. Mr. Bishop was ruUod on a farm on the east side of Hear cnek north of Phoonl. Tho people who have been hero once will eventually oo in o baok to our "Italy of Oregon." Mia Frnncla Oroii, who Ik at tending tho high school In Medford, eame out Saturday morning on the P. A-H, and io did iK stiango men whom I didn't know. Alex, Venial and I'tofossor C. R. JohnMU camn In Saturday morning and procured n rig from the Sunny- side stable and went on to Medford the sumo day. Mr. Hensloy, who bought tho Prank Nlchela property hero and the Nich ols orchard, has no cured the prop orty In tho lower end of town. Whon he made the trade for the orchard there wiu an option on tho town property, and now the option la off and he hai taken possession of tho whole Prank Nlohols proporty. And the friends of Prank Nichols will be glad to learn that the) are doing fine In thir now homo In Seattle. A. K Strong, who has tharge of an orchard on the lilil above town, was here Saturday. title. Ilultock Mercantile Agency vs. Al fred N. Mtillln. action to recover ii iff n William Murray vs. Addle Mur ray, default and deoreo. Al. A. Walsh vs. Southern Pad fie Co., reply. Bailor & Thompson Co. vs. IC. A. Plshcr, et nl nffldavli, motion nnd order of default. Carl Yonder Hollen vs. Myrtle Vouder Ilellen, decree. S. P. Ilelchert vh. Josephine 8ooy Smith, notlco fllod. Kails & Ilolbrook, vs. Kadi & Holmes, notice nnd order dismissing, A. M. Thomas s. C. L. Cunning hnm, order confirming default. Ktta (1. hunt s. C. K. hunt, do fault. I Prolwto Kstnto of Charles H. Little, dee., petition nnd order to sell personal property. Kstatn of Parmella A. Shaver, dec, first and flnrfl papers of executor filed. Guardianship of Ilrlco 17. Nichols et al., minors, annual report filed. Ileal rotate Trnnsfcrs C. W. Palm ct ux. to Amy IC. Crawford, lot 2 bile 1, Palm's 2nd add Mcdford....$ Samanthn A. ltiggens et ux to I.orenn Koenlg, land In sec 32-35, ib l V. S. to Emma J. Bartlett, land In sec 34-38, IW Patent ',0 COUNTY COURT PROCKKDINC.H con I HOUSENEWS Kotortod by JacKsou County Ab trsct Co., Sixth and Fir Bts. Circuit Court Carson-Folwer Lumber Cq. vs. Harry Silver and J S. Italley, release of Hen. Kenneth Wycloff vs. C. P. Dickey et al., ardor. John, W. Cok vs. th Oakdale Land Investment Ca. et al., amended com- ulalnt Uank of Magdalana va. .Winnie A. McKee. order Hrantlng motion Addle Halley vf. Southern Pacific Co . order denying motion. Mrv fl)ua Price t al. vs. Oqlii Itay Realty Co , demurer filed. Mollie Keene et tr Siskiyou Helishts Co, et al , suit to quiet (Continued from Tuesday.) TrcaNuii'i-'s Offlco ABhland Uecorrd, Btipplles.. . .$ 4.! Home Tel. &. Tel. Co.. tele phone bill.. ... .... 2. CO Medford Hook Store, supplies .OG II. C. Stockwell, cleaning time lock 10.00 Total $ 17.70 SiIiihiI HupctliitxHidtiit'H Office Wolbourn Ileeson, attending meeting county educational board .... Miles Contrail, attending meeting county educational board .. Home. Tel. & Tel. Co., tele phono bll Medford Printing Co., sup plies Mt'dfonl Hook Store, supplies Mrs. .1, C, Pendleton, attend ing educational hoard. .. Luke Hau, rent store room S. O. Tt action Co., freight on Hiipplli's II. von der Hollen, nttondlng educational hoard J. Percy Wells, cash advanced for tenchera 'annual lnstl- tuto - 150.00 3.00 2.00 0.15 5.00 .45 .1.00 3.00 .50 3.00 H00 11.88 40 u. 10.00 10.00 5.00 GOO 10.00 20.00 .15 12,00 S.00 8.00 10.00 0.00 9.85 15.00 8.00 S.00 117C.10 1.2 Total .Mouroril printing Co., sup plies for fruit Inspector's offlco, supplies AMH,Mir'h Office W. T. Orlove, assessor's trav eling cxpontio $ 32.70 Home Tel. & Tel. Co., tele phone bill 4.76 Medford Hook Store, supplies .50 Mary M Chllder. regular In digent Cwl-Orc. i'oTvor Co., light ahd power for pobr farm . P. U Cofvlg. cnah advanced for transportation of Indi gent P. L. Colvif caih advanced for transportation of Indi gent J. II. Kattlg. regular Indigent A. II. Kinder, maintenance of telephone for poor farm- . Mrs. K, C. (lard, care of Mrs. Htisko Mrs. Katharine (illlntte, regu lar Indigent Mrs. Hi C. flnrd, enro of Mil ler family, rugulnr allow ance.for Mrs. Cowan Lucy Cllniorc. regular Indi gent 16. uu Mrs. Ounn, rogular Indigent . 12.00 Home Tel & Tel. Co., telo- tihone bill Hutchison & Lunihden, Indi gent stiDPllcs .Mrs. Hudson, regular Indigent Martha Jones, rogular Indi gent ... Mary Jacobs, regular Indigent Kttu Jewell, regular indigent Jordan Klectrtc Co., poor farm supplies J. A. Kane, regular Indigent lonn Leo, regular indigent.. . Mrs. I. A. Monntgomery, rcg- Viuir Indigent Mrs. J. .Mjers, regular indi gent 1G.00 A. T. McMnham, barber work for poor farm Inmates Oliver Nadcnu, regular Indigent Olson & Sou, Indigent supplies Frank U. Oatmnu, whent for poor farm Postal Tel. & Tel. Co., tolo phonno bill Kogue Itivcr Pharmacy, Idl gent supplies Ilbgtio Iltver Mercnntlln Co., Indigent supplies Spltzer & Son, indigent sup plies . .. J, K. Smithpeter, - Indigent supplies . .. W. H. Smith, rogular Indigent Nancy Slsemore, rogular Indi gent Sunshine Society, supplies for ltoherts family. 'Indigents Sacred Heart hospltul, care of Indigents .1. W. Slntur, regular Indigent William H. Shuver, regular Indigent ., ... Mrs. Itlchard Thorn Ison, regu lar Indigent Talent Mercantile Co., Indi gent mipplloK Tnylor-Wllllams Co., Indigent supplies Talent Meicnntllo Co., poor farm supplies .. I'lrlch HroK., Indigent supplloa I'lrlcli & Ityan, poor farm supplies Ulrlcli & Ityau. Indigent sup plies W-oeks & MeGownn, burial of Indigent Job T. Wilder, house rent for indigents Tho Wllmor Store, Indigent supplies Llsslu Wolgomont, raro of In digents W. D. Wlthiow, meat for poor farm .Medford Furniture & Hard ware Co., poor farm sup plies O. K. Merrlmtiu, poor farm supplIuM Total . .17. SB Collection of Tates P. I). Cunningham Co., sup plies ; a.oc Glass & Prudhommu Co., sup- Pllfs 43.50 Jnckaonvlllo Post, supplies.... 8.00 Medford Hook Store, supplies .25 S. O. Traction Co.. freight on supplies .80 Total Tm Helm to Uort Anderson W. C. Poster W. C. Poster John Itooho John Hoeho .. 54.01 ..$ 11.02 ... 209.34 .04 . 28.57 ... Sl.Bl) Total 1320.07 WWmm' Pensions Knmestino Austin 1 17.50 Orpha Hotr 10.00 Itona W. Ilnrr 10.00 I'rlmba A. Hlackburu 32.80 Mrs. J. H. Uurloy 88.00 .Nelllq0. Hush 10.00 Minnie Hoardman 25.00 Dora Hello Crow 10.00 Mrs II. A. Crelghton 17.60 Anna L, Corn tn , 10.00 1.93 10.00 18.00 38.70 3.20 1.15 31.20 7.90 4.00 15.0b 10.00 17.70 127.14 10.00 S.00 10.00 10.00 43.10 223.75 30.00 83.09 19.50 18.00 12.00 4.00 0.00 S.00 M.40 1M0 5.00 ..: an mo 9.00 7.00 .0 a.oo 10.00 J.0 9.00 u.oo .... 3.00 00 11.0ft 5.00 10.00 3.00 r. oo 3.00 7.00 5.00 X.00 2.00 a.oo . 3.00 Comhast COO 21.00 0.00 14.00 3.00 4.00 3.00 2.00 31.00 8.00 3.00 .... 3.00 12.0(1 3.00 3.00 ., 20.00 7.00 5.00 3.00 3.00 7.00 ,.. 16.00 6.00 8.00 2.00 3.00 .. . . 2.00 I. L. Coffman Hdwanl Johnson .. (tenrgo PTMior .. .1. II. HinK. Prank Marquess . W. II. Watklna Dewey Hill Itobert Smith John Coblolgih .... I. U Coffman lid. Pence J O. Hrown 0. ilulldorback . 1. W. Pry Kdward Qimrtrntt William Kelly J. P. DlnkOnS 8. M. Hajos Hcrt Vlucent W. K. Uoddant .... C. K. Terrlll Port MeKee arlon Trusty Charles Schlolchort A. il. Farrier David Walker K. H. Fry T, A. D. Moore .. ... K. It. Strand ... Oeorgo W. Harriett Kdward Chartraw Pred Stlokel Homer Nell B. A. ltusfiOll . Lee Waddell James F. Johnson John Mnrgreltor W. W. Header Harold Kubll Harry Hayes Hdwnrd Johnson .. Charles Humphrey O. W. Train H. II. Smith J. 1). llnmmorslny M. II. M unlock S. T. Hammond .. W. O. Onrrctt K. W. Fry Cyrcnlus Combnst Joseph Oswell Karl Anderson L. I). Tucker MO, TI.IO ItS.QO I .1 f. 17.00 12 93 I a. is I ;. US i d. W Miuhelt. HMUrtal 0. J. Mat lli, Intwr A. v. IIMenstfitK, AMwnil re fund J. Itensener. Ashland rfnfi( J. C. Smit, rmit master's alary C. A. Simon. AtUhnU refnad w. ll. smith, nrater al . M. W. Wheeler. AanJand rs- tHlid Carrlu M. Weltuur. Ashland refund llinil Woltcr, Ashlnml refHml Total latter, suppltoa. etc. Tun following bills worn dlsul- lowed rotative to the road fund, to- wit: Hie Pines Lumbor Co.. turn Tier for Phoenix brldgo. general road filittt ... . $ 1.31 Cal.-Ore. Power Co., light and roixilrs for P. 10. croMlng, ftflueral road fund l.Jl Totnl $ tl.fcc, The following hills woro allowed relative to the Pacific Highway rend fund, to-wlt: A. V.. Honmos, foes In Sweenoy oaso 1300.00 W. I). Clarke, engineer's payroll 4 IS. 83 W. D. Clarke, supplies and expenses 222.08 Chris H. Nntwlck, payment on contract No. 2, estlmntu No. 1 1C0.00 Chris II. Nntwlck, payment on contract No. 3. ostlmato No. 0 90.00 Chris II. Nntwlck, payment on contract No. 1, estlmntu No. 5 $ 293.12 Chris II. Natwlck, payment on contract No. 1, ostlmato No. 0 234.20 Clirlu II. Nntwlck, payment on contract No. 2, estimate No FOit ItFkNTnOOHKS POIt lUUrr -rHmtohwl Imsaw. fmr raanta atHttlr HHtderfi. imm lit. Cell at tit X. Helty at., or pom MM t'OH ItNT mrnlahiM bungalow, 839 W. 11th, Phone 3IS-M. John P. WHIto. Total 1421.00 1 he following hills were dlsallowod lolative to the gonornl county fund, to-wlt: Charles A. Hrown, drugs for poor farm Inmates $ 1G.82 Cat -Ore. Power Co., light nnd power for poor farm W. T. Orleve, attending meet- lug statu ta xcoiumlsslon.. Postal Tel. & Cable Co.. lolo- grnins S. O. Traction Co., freight on court house, supplies ...... Taylor Wllllnmii Co., indigent supplies IMrldh & Hnn, ;poor farm supplies Ulrlcli & Kynu, Indigent sup plies Weeks & McOowuu, burial of Indigent) Jack True, road viewer Western Union Tel. Co., tele,- grnins 11.89 4.00 .40 .50 9.S0 .10 3.55 10.00 8.00 .05 Chris If. Natwlck, pnyment on contract (.no. 3, estimate No. 7 . . 500.00 1541.15 POIt HUNT room modern house, t fc noros bottom land, nod elilek en and gnnlsn propOsItlBn, $12.50 n month. Dennett Invost. Co. POU RKNT Colonel Snrgont'a res Idouce on Oakdale nvo., telophono owner at Jacksonville, or Inquire of II. II. Nye or Hoy 11. Peobloa at Medford. 279 JU J1J.J.J r -! !1HJ1 - FOK BALK MiaUmitiAXKODB POIt SALIC Turkeva, hena and gob ble. .1. r. Herring, Central Point. Phone 153. yarns FIVE foh MimtwvttoKKKvisa iioOais iiVVsiiwosi KOfl HK.rr- FurtiUkfeil ImusckCfP rooms, fit Most 0th. Cull nHcr 8. 291 ar-s-xr -sK" -m ' jib r rui i J-'-Jt1 V -MIHCIiriLANHOUS. ACT QIHCK! Automobile unsolliio golnz up gelt ftaso-Tonlc. equals gswollne at e A gallon, eliminate carbon. Dollar nit hour profit; ales guaranteed. While Mfg. Co., Dopt. 10, Cincinnati, O. 272 "CHltlSTlAN UNITY" by Itev. Chas. K. Dole, nnd other Unitarian liter ature sent free to Inquirers. Ad dress MIm Hazel llurton. Central Point, Oregon, It. V. D. No. 1. 279 I1U81NKS8 nillGCTOItV POU SALE -About 00 tons or hay nt my ranch In Dead Indian at 110 per ton. Prod It. Nell, Ashland, Oro. POU SALIC Kord one tnnn topa and top work of all deecrlptlon. Med ford Tont and Awning Co., 10C N. Front, Phone 78-H. 298 POU SALH Nine single comb H. I. Hod eoekerola: also eggs for hatch lug. Hriiest Wolib, Central Point. 274 POU SALH Heo 5th. 1912 modal, extra equipment; now tlroa; prlco $300; parly leaving county. Ho 197, Central Point. 275 POU SALIC Kggs from range raised S. C. Huff Leghorns. Win. J. Perns, Medford 11. I D. I or phono Mrs. A. II. Perns, 19-P2. 291 POU SALIC Smith typewriter $22.50 Hoom 310 Holland Hotel. 10.75 Tola! $1146.94 Insane Dr. It. W. Claucoy. examin ing Insane $ Dr. tl. W. dray, examining In sane Kcgular allewance: Hoys' and dlrls' Aid Society, regular allowance from , Jackson county 10.00 J. W. Hicks, Indigent sol diers' relief Ashland Tidings, election supplies . . .. Woi Id's l'nlr AiUertlsIni: K. W. Ilartlott, snlury, look ing after sporting exhibits at P.-P.- I. K $ 05.00 II. O. Frobach, salary and ex pense taking c.iro of exhib its ut P.-P. 1. 15. 5.00 5.00 77.00 1.50 140.70 $205.70 tolo- 40.00 25.00 17.50 25.00 25.00 20.00 10.00 Mn J. Dow Luc May Dnvls Ollvo Kills Nettle .((recn Llzziti Heath Leila Francis Hlldorbrand Jl-lillln .Iniiau Uabelle Kluin 25.00 Dollln Love s jn ...ii., mi .i'iauil , Kiuina Paulson Mary K. Jayne Hour Anna Hohblns.., Knthorine K. Silvers Mary J. Toroy 40.00 25.00 17.S0 10.00 17.50 25.00 Total Court Hoiimi iii.iiu.ii M. H. Abbott, supplies $ City of Jacksonville, water ront Kred J. pick, erectliiB flag pole on court .house Charles Uowerancoj raking 'J'l..0." urt h0,1e J'ard J. . Wilson, cleaning court room . $567.50 .30 20.00 27.95 2Q0 1.80 f'jK I4fll AtkfarUMfUl(- rv k-,kMlr.UI.IIlf rSn I .... ..i iu lu R V rJ 1 k lkcr nr ariMr z f '"?"." .(orriri.CllVl.TEHS I IP UltUllMI IIUANU rlLLH. I U innkuiiiit j.ilirti"inHin I Total $ 61.71 .lull if' i?" ,Abbot. auppllos $ 11. M. Mullen, reoalrlng Inslilo of Jail Mrs Aug. D. nglerV"Uoard of irUonra, Mrs. Jane Johnson, wMhini for Jail 1.45 10.00 49.2S 9.90 nrmU llleATfl tfuikbsaiut vi -Knt, Aiwiri.'1 ' SOLD BY DRIGGIHS EVERYWHERE iu or ir?e Poor i 'I Aiaer. rogular liifllcent Maggie nohl, regular Indl-gent August Ilohu, digent Charles A nrown drugs for poor farm inuute I-.Lilt t'urr regular 'Indigent regular Jn- 19.00 18.00 8 ou 10 v i 10 00 Total Home Tel. & To I. Co.. phone bill for roadmnster..$ .75 ICwortler'h Offlco Ashland Kecord, suppliiM $ 1.60 Ashland Tidings, supplies...... 17.50 Home Tel. & Tel. Co., tolo- phono bill 2.86 Medford Hook Storo, supplies 2.28 Total $ 27.10 Survpjor's Offlco A. T. Hrown, surveyors ox- penso $ 14.16 Medford Hook Storo, supplies .76 A. J. Hose, deputy sunejar's compensation . . 0.00 Jack True, road vlier . .. 8.00 Total $ 28.90 Atltertliliig; uml County Filming Ashland Tidings, printing county court proceedings .$ 28.13 Medford Sun, printing school notlco 1.05 Mmlford Mall-Tilbunu, print ing county court proceed ings, etc. 3!.28 Total HegKtcriiig .Vrtlrinit" nml Deaths Myrtle It, Day Dr. It. II. doldeii Df. W. W. P. Holt J. W, Jacobs. Dr. P. (1. Swodttuburg . $ 07.4 0 of HIi-Uin $ 3.00 8.6IT .. . 3.26 l.0 S.60 Total $ 21.76 llxpeuu- appearing before tku stato tax eoinmissloii rela tive to Jaeksan county's a suavsment rate: W. T. Orfeve. O 64.00 O. A. Oanlnor , 25.0 ScnlO HoiOty R. IL Moore C, T. Morse J. A. with.. VF. I. Coffman 4. C. Keam Diek LntileJffnent H. II. IU) Praag silver . W. O. OorreU Mrs. J. W. Jonas F. L Johnson Hoy inder t'lurH-H Duivord, ( I Pattou S.00 a.uo .oo 2.00 S.00 0.00 6.00 h$i 3 00, .; uo i; on Total $ 05.11 The following bill was continued relative to the general county fund, to-wlt: Medford Sun, subscription for poor innn - $ c.oo The following bills were allowed relative to tho county road fund, to-wlt: HoiiiI Dl-tilrt No. f Jnck True, labor $119.00 Material .. 110.90 Komi District No. 3 Kveretl Van Dike, labor ..$209.00 Material . 3.94 Hoik I DKtilrt No. .1 George Hrown & Sons, on Nntwlck crushing nnd haul In ir rock contract t 2)1. BO Kit. Diittnn, labor 212.60 Materlnl .... 8.35 Total labor, mnterlnl, etc.. .$249.35 I tom I District No. I O, 8. Welsher. labor. $297.50 Material 30.45 I toad DlNtrlrt No. .1 The following bills wero allowed for hauling buckshot grnvel: M. Centers $ J0.J4 T. Colwoll 2I.1R W. Cogglns 13.24 S. Kdmonds is.7l O. Pranks , . ... 18.1i F. Hammonds 18.24 A. M. Hart 3.82 C. Hokerainith 1 1.18 L. Knlpp 14.24 F. KlolnliHiuuier 10. 18 A. Marshall 20.18 P. It. Pheiun 1.00 D. PlilpiM 20.24 J. F. Puyne 50 L. Patch 20.24 C. Sehlelehort U.m C. Smith 22.24 K. 8, gtluaoii 13.00 O. H. Stmsou 17.00 R. JltllllMIU n.jR Total .... $2Sl.n Nick Kinitt, Isltor $4 46.7."i Matoilut 2.30 MiMlford Con. Construction Co., materlnl 0. IS Medford j Furniture & Hard- Ham Co., 7.S5 Total, labor and nmtorlal. $402.68 I toad let No, II Kd Dntton, labor $ 12.00 Itoad Dlkii:ci No. H J. K. Davidson, lulwr.... $351.00 Material ... 223.85 Hoail Distill r No. II) W. It. Onrrett, lubor .. . $228.60 Material g,io Hoiul DKtilrt ,o. A. K. ICarliart, labor $206.80 I toad llMiU-t No. IU A. L. Vincent, labor $280.60 Material 18.00 ;tooil Dlxli-iit No. lit Carl Ileebe, labor $124 06 llomi liistilrt So. U i. . I'snco. labor .. .$ 90. 10 tliriilgex Pines Lumber Co.. tun. plfcw for Phoenix orldn..$3C1.70 (icmrnti Konrr Illn Pines Lumber Co., mate rial t 4.SR Ajainne u. uroxaii. AOliland re- rr fiitiil fund Oal.-Ore. Power Co.,Ogflt mbiL J i nower. p. is. muuiim Orator .Jik lliiv, Co., mate rial Pearl Davis. Isbnr Oarnett-Corey Hdw. Co.. ma terlul ' . Hubbard Ilros . m tut Jul Bedford Kurnltur k Hdw. Co , material MtMirord Ti msftr Co . mate- "HI., "a' , 3 yupnatord Iron Woiks, material S.Sfl 1 :u o"4.a6 2.16 3.S5 1.76 1 .0 Total $3832.58 CI. A. OAHDNKH. County Clurlc. Citation to Show Couse on Applica tion to Sell I teal KMnto. Jin tho County Court of the Stnte of Oregon for the County of Jack son, In the matter or the estate or Au dio w llunhotzer. deceased. To Casper Ilanholror. Kllzu 7jt- hauh and Andrew llimholser, heirs of Arnold Hauholxer, docensoil nnd In nil other heirs unknown, If any such there be: It appearing to the satisfaction of the county judge of the county court or Oregon ror the county or Jackson, upon loading the petition or Harry D. Mills, as administrator of the es tate of Arnold Hanholsnr, deceased, duly verliied on the 5th day of Feb ruary, 191(1. and filed In the office of the clerk of this couit on Hint day, that In order to pay the charges, expenses and dnlms against the i tate of said decedent, the following described nromlsos or a portion there of, Khali be sold, nnuvel: Lots seven (7) and night (8). In blork twenty-three (33) In the town of llutte Falls Oregon, as the same nie designated upon tho official nlnt thereof, now or record in the office of the county recorder of Jackson county, Oregon. Now therefore, you, nnd each- or you, nie hereby directed nnd cited to appear before tho said county court, on the lSth dsv of March, 1910. at 10 o'clock In tho forenoon of that day, at the court room of the said county court, or In the nhsenrn of the county Judge, at the court room of tho circuit court of the state of Oregon for the count) of Jackson, In the cuuntv court house nt Jackson ville, In Jackson count), Oregon, to show cause, if any exist, why an or der should not be made authorizing the said administrator to sell so much of tho nhovo doscrllwd real property of the said decedent as may be necna sarv as prayed for In said petition. fl'hls citation is served upon Kllza .ybnch and Andrew llanhnlxer, non resldont heirs, and upon all unknown heirs by publishing the same In tho Medford Mnll Tribune, a uewspapnr published In Jackson county, Orogou. onon n week for four successive weeks prior to March 7. 19 It!. Witness the Hon. Prank L. Toil Voile, Judgt or tho county court of the Ntnte of Oregon for the county of Jackson, and the seal of this court, this 6th dnv or February. In the year or our Lord, one thousand nine hun dred and sixteen. ISICAL) d . OAHDNICIt. Clerk or the County Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Jackson POU SALIC Ilnrred Honk eggs for hatching; young thoroughbred roosters. J. 1). Webster, 11. K. I)., Talent. Phono 3-F2. 289 FOH SALH Seed barley, cheap feed; baled barley strnw. Call 732-J2. roit HATir-KivKvrocK Folf SALIC 20 horses;"" must bo sold.. See Walsh, at Vinson's barn. JN. Hlvorsldo nvo. 297 POLITICAL ANNOUNCEMENTS lilHTIUCT ATTOHNKV 1 hereby announce that I have Hied my declaration of Intention to becomo a candidate for the repub lican nomination for the offlco of District Attorney for Jackson county, Oregon, subject to the decision of the republican party, at tuu primary oloe- tlon to be bold May 19, 1910. C. M. UOmCUTS. TltUAStJHim Deputy County Treasurer Myrtle W. Illakoly, announces ner candidacy for tho offlee of county treasurer. I hereby announce my candidacy on the republican ticket for the of fice of oouuly treaaurer, to he votwl run at tho coming primaries. I have held the pusiUen as deputy In this office for the past year and am con fident that I can fulfill the duties connected therewith. I served two years as dopnty coun ty recorder before taking the posi tion as deputy county treasurer; I have also had oxperliiee as account ant for several eoruoratlons, such us the Medford Coocrte Construction company hiiU Medford Ice and Stor age cowrway, before taking up coun ty work and will say that my past record it open for Inspection to the voters of Jackson county. If nominated and elected I will con tlnutbto serve the public )iut as efft cleiitb in the future an I lime in the past, MIUTLE N. ULAKKLM, POIt SALH 2 flrst'OlnsH Jersey cows rich lu butter Int. Mrs. D. M. Mo Nasser, Central Point, It. P. D. No. 1, Central Point, Phono 143x2. 275 POU SALIC Or trade, a black horsos. about 1100 lbs. each, lively and lu good condition; will trade tor heavy team. Prank It. Myers. It. P. 1). No. 2, Central Point, Ore gon. 272 POU SALIC Or trndo. registered A J. C. C, Jerseys, ono cow nnd ono bull dropped Feb. 23, 1915. John 11. Ilnlr, Hoguo lllvor, Oro. 274 Auto Supplies) " LAunn auto spniNa co.w tire operating tho largest, oldest and best equipped plant In tho Pa cific northwest. Use our springs whon others fail. Sold under guar antee. 2G North Flftoonth St., Portlnnd, Oro. Attorneys QEO. W. CHBHHY Attorney., and .Notary, uoom a, Jackson County Bank llulldlng, entranco N, Cen tral, Medford, Oro. POHTL'U J. N13FK. WM. P. MEALET Attornoys-nt-Lnw, Ilooma 8 mrt 9, Medford National Dauk bide. A. K. RRAMICS, LAWYER Qarnett. Corey bldg. O. M. UOnRUTH Lawyer. Medford National Dauk Building. Dentists Dr. W. M. VAN BCOTOO DH. C, C. VAN SCOYOO Dentists Oarnott-Coroy Uldg., ulto Mcdtoro, Oro. Phono 850. Collections and Deports 310 FOU SALIC Toam of mulca. weight 900 lbs. each, C yoar olds, $225, O. O. Hoggs. ' COLLECTIONS AND REPORTS Wo collected somo accounts 14 yoari. old. Wo know how to got tho money. Tho Buttock Mercantile Agency. Inc., Rooms 1, 2. 3, Has kins' Bldg., 210 E. Mnlnot. Knglnecr ami Contractor FRICDl buMMINS8nRlneor anil contractor, 404 M. K. ft II. Bldg Surveys,, estimator, Irrigation drnlnngo, orchard and land Im provement. Insurance. BARL S. TUMY Ocneral Insurnnco office, Plro, Automobile, Accident, Liability, Pinto (Hans, Contract, and Surety Bonds. Kxcollont com panies, good local servlco. No, 210 (larnett-Coroy Bldg. 1IKI.P WAXTKD MALIC WANTICD A live man to open an automobile lennlr and exchange lu this city; have good opening for someone, (leo. P. Dyer, 1114 N. C St., Medford. 273 WANTICD dood, Industrious single man acquainted with ranch work. Statu wages. Box so. Mall Tri bune. 272 WANTKD mremiimNKOUH WANTICD Have ordors ror 2yoar old gobblers. What have you 7 Medford Poultry and Kgg Co. WANTKD To rent for cash, ranch, part In nlfnira; first clusa land partly plowed, onslly tilled. Box ill, Mall Tribune. 272 WANTICD Dressmaking nt home or b) day. Ill S. Contra), Phone 470-M. WANTICD To earo for elillitroii day or ovoulngs during nbienso or par ents at theater, etc. Phono 72S-.I. v 287 WANTICD Your vulcanizing and bat tery charging. Phone 628. Case' Trading Station. 281 WANTICD Knitting mill wants wom on, full time; salary $16 weekly, distributing guaranteed hosiery, or 25 rents an hour spare time; per manent werk: oxperleneo unneo oesary. Address Mnnager Interna tional Mills, Noirlstowu. Pa. MONItr TO LOAN TO LOAN $1000 on Improved ranch Holmes the Insurance Man. WHY? PHHPAHKDXKSS Ol'lt POLICY Ono )ear moro experience, wider acquaintance, better equipment, in- cieased working rorce, moro efficient organization and failk in the Iloguo river valley multiplied finds us pre pared for the business of u new year, determined to make it the beat yoar. No "watchful welting" part for m, every day for the past five yean has found us oa the Job aud every iuoiiUi we have added to our list of satis fied oustOHiem. This year wo are going to try to show every stranger that oamea to Medford the Rogue River VaJley oven it we have to exceed the speed limit some. We do uot believe anyone can take a two bours ride with us through the Orchards aud Alfalfa Fields of Jackaou county and ever be really sober again. You are Invited. Mat our property for salo with tit. J. C. BARNES ma Weft Malu St. Phone 79 Instruction In Music HAIOI1T MUSIC STUDIO Room 401, dnrnutt-Corcy bldg. Fred AN ton llalght, piano; Mrs. Florence Halllday Ilnlght, voice. Phono 72. Garbago QAItnAOK Oct your promlnei cleaned up for tho aummor. Call on tho city garbago wagons for good sorvlco. Phono 274-L. F Y. Allen. Physician nml Surgeons D1L K. O. OAR LOW, DIL ""eVA MAINS CARLOW Osteopathic physicians, 410-417 darnott-Corey bldg., phono 103C-L, Realdonce 20 South Laurel sL DR. W. W. HOWARD Osteopathic physician, 303 Oarnott-Coroy building. Phono 130. DR. J. J. KMMKNS Physician and surgeon. Practice limited to eye, ear, novo aud throat. Eyea scloa tlfloally tostcd aud glasses sup plied. Oculist and Aurlst for H. P. R. It. Co. Offices M, F. & II. Co bldg., opposite P. O. Phono 5G7. DR. R. W. CLANCY Physician and surgeon Phones, office 30, real donce 724-J. Offlco hours, 10 to 12, 2 to 5, DR. MARTIN C. BARBKR Physl clan and surgeon. Offlco Palm blook, opposite Nash hotol. Hours 10 to 12, 1 to 4. Phono 110-J. T. a. II1CINB, M. D. Eye, Ear. Noso and Throat. Hoadaches and norvous conditions relieved by properly fitted glassoB. Cross eyes straightened. Offlco 228 K. Main at , phone 303, Consultation free. aOUDON MAC CRACKKN, M. D. Humuepathic Physician, Surgeon, 228 East Malu St., Medford, Ore gon. Offlco phono 142, residence phono 732-112. Offlco hours 1 to 4 p. in. DR. O. W. STBPHHNSONPhysTclan and Optician. Calla answered. Eyes tested; Classed flttud that will corroct any detect of vision; prleoa reasonable. Phono 8G2-X, Offlco nt residence for the prosont, Medford, Oregon, 140 B. Holly Printers nml I'ubllsliers MltDFOiinY'UiNTINa "CO.'.has tils boet equlppml printing office In southern Oregon; book binding, loose loaf ledgers, billing systems etc. Portland prices. 27 North Fir st Tittnufur KADS TRAN8FBR & STORAGE CO OfHaa 42 North Front st. Phons 315. Prices right. Service guaranteed ,ns.i -r .. .ar!j Sowing .Machine "W Hi 'W1' SINOWR 8BvNQ MACIUNBS FOR SALH OR RENT Somo usod ma chines also for sale. Cleaning ami repairing o. A Chapioan. at Med ford Furniture C llardwaro storo. Keftidonio .iti So. Central. Phunv 390. fr ?' n ' !