vcm Form mwonr) MArL tiotunh:, MtOTorca oreoox, Monday, Fi:r,nrARY 7, ioig u i k l!f gw Rtf MEDORD MAIL TKIBUNEi AM TNDBI'BNnwrr KKWj I'UnUKHKIi KVKKT AKTiinmo KXi'KPT MUNIMT UT Till' ImOFORU PMKTI.MO CO. OffUe Mull Trlbimi lltilMlne, M-27-19 North Fir street, telephone T. The DMWilh Time. fh Meilrnrd Mall. The Medford Trbune, The South cm Oreifeiian, The Ahland Trbune. SUnflCRIPTZOH KATEB Hne year, by - 'S'S$ ne mettlh, by mall .60 Pr month, delivered by carrier In Metlrerd. Ilinenlx, Jacksonville and Central Point .SO Hntunliy only, by mall, per year... Z.op Weekly, per year . 1.60 -flelat Paper of the City of Medford. 'Official taper of Jaekaoti County. Iintered a secoml-elana matter at UeJfifnl, Oregon, under the not of March 3, 18T9. Sworn Circulation for 1914, 2588. I'll 1 1 leacod wire Associated Proti dl. patclir. KSBBK- .j. ;..... -j. 4 Sutjsnrlbors falling to ro colvo pnporo promptly, phono Circulation Manager at 2S0-R 'J ! WASHINGTON, Feb. 7. Suuule: JIol ul noon. Military committee continued licit r iiur oil propaimluesN. California oil melt resumed npjiunl fur ratfoC livfbru lMibliu laud ooin iiilllee. Judiciary coniiiiitlen cniinitlored iroliil)illon utiuuidiiioiil lo tliu uoiiMti tiitiou. I Ilium : Mot at noon. Nwvnl ntiil mil it (i rv cumiuilture iHintiiutuil hearing on defense. SETTLEMENT SEEMS PROBABLE (Continued Irom pngo onoi known lliut u more cliolcn of words would not bo permitted to stand In tlio way of tho success of the nogo tlntlnfiH. Tlio proposal now beforo J'resldont Wilson mid Heorolnry anting It described In riorman timr tera NubHtttutltiK for the won) "II logal" a phrnae which Germany hdpaa will be acceptable to the United State aa covering the wme point without humiliating Germany. The principal eoiistderatlon of the United Stalea la now that there shall be an ncktio lodgement b) Oerman that tho Milking of an unresisting merchant man mlthout warning la In oontraronilon of InlarnatlMi law and that tueli naval warfare shall he permanently discontinued. Tim (!or mbh contention (a that such aaeur aacea already bar been given In the Arabic caw. ltonMoifr Vote The full text of Von Hernelorff's note, delivered to tfecretary Ianslng on September 1, 1915, waa as fol fel fol eow: "My dear secretary: With rofor uneo to our oonfnreneo of thin morn Iiik. I liog to Inform you that my iiiHtriiatlouH coiienrnlnK our nnawnr to your, Inat l.iiHltnnla note contain tlm following imiHHiKe: " 'MuorH will not be mink by our HnbmarlneB without warning nud without eafety of tlio IIvoh of nun-corn-lmtunta. provldod that the llnor do not trv lo ofccape or offor loalalNHoe.' "AllhoiiKli 1 know you do not wlen to dlHtuw the Lueltanw quMtlon till tho Arable luclilout ha been defi nitely nnil tntlBfnolorlly nottlud. I ilodre lo tHform you of the above be on u no thte policy of my Kovernment waa decided on befere the Arable lu rid eat. "I have no objection to your meK Ing liny uie you itniy plenee of the Mlxive InfortHHtliiu. "I reaHHlu, wy tleHr ilr, lnatng, alHcerely )0Hra, M. IIKKXSTOItli'lV At (hat time Secretary LanalnK would only any "that In view of Ita rlearueae It aeeiu needleaa to make hu comHieut In regard lo It," other thaw to any It Mip'urtd lo be n "rec ogutUoH of the fundamental urlncl plea (or which we have contended " COMMISSION CHILD POVEHTY (Cnatlnueil how pnso one) reaoluUtfH. "The hiihIuiIIou of (eeow-mmuea ehildreu ha more than doubled In the pa at lea year, and will 'noon bankrupt every ute and the nation unlee we can abolleh rhlbj-pe miy. If we waat real nn tloaal prepared neea. s uinet begla to prenere the huanan jnaterial upon which the aatioa mual depead In tt0e at need It la aald that a large part of the iKiuiln fight lag for Knglai'dJ In the iiouohea ta Klandera aad elae wIkt.' in" itatilag eaough to eat for tli- ; -' nine in their lite. We haw t '..e )bla problem of na tlonal i enry; we rauat begin to give iiix niMren a chaaee; we muat aot !!' 'it i.) build military pre-pan-dn. .hi .i rotten foundation. That i- "odaced tha bill to ellnuaii or in the rultea State, m h) I have Intro duced t in i which J hope oan h;iM " 'jj1 majakc UU IUVgtttPr.v ol amir iiHlloiidl race Btock and e Is. li.ipiemuK '" the KoniTKtlon i n wliom Anuih.i jut (loj)oml lu 'iir f it ure " DAY IN CONGRESS TRUE PREPAREDNESS TWLTK jMrpni'cdnf.'Wf rlt-pctids more upon tho fstnbliflli monl or soclnl jtinlicu, oqiiitnhlo taxation and abol ition of poverty than it docs upon the creation of liue tin i lies and imvies. The nation prepared for poa!c need not worry about preparedness for war. Germany demonstrated that in preparedness for peace lay preparedness for war. Other nations had their armicft mid navies for war, but Ocrmany alone had made progress in preparedness for peace. She has been efficient in war because efficient in peace. The foundation of Germany's preparedness lies in her excellent school system and universal education, in her old age pensions and social insurance, in her state ownership of railroads, telegraph and telephones and public utilities, state control of monopolies and prevention of exploitation, in her rural credits to encourage tanning, in government ownership of natural resources, such as eoal and iron mines, and in promoting the welfare of the people. Germany does not find it necessary to establish soup kitchens and maintain bread lines. These are products of plutocracy. "When a man is out of work in Germany, instead of being jailed as a vagrant or left to starve in parks or turn tramp or thief, as in America, the city labor bureau finds him employment for Germany saw that it was wasting humanity to throw men into the street. "When times are hard the German cities buy meat, fish and vegetables at wholesale and sell at cost to tho people. The government even seizes food supplies and regulates the selling price to prevent extortion. The cities run the jawn shops and exact the lowest rate ot interest, and tlio onii shark is barred. The cities own local utilities and mild model tenements and houses for the poor eliminat ing the greedy landlord who preys on poverty. Germany owns its railroads, with the result that rates are lower and more people travel than in tho United States. The railroads are used to build up business and rates adjusted to trade conditions, and the profits go to reduce taxation, as do the profits from iron and coal mines, potash fields, forests and great agricultural estates. Monopoly is fought by encouraging competition. Germany does not find it necessary to maintain her commercial supremacy to work little children. Neither does she follow the example of our mine owners and im port ignorant emigrants to toil twelve hours a day in her mines under unsanitary conditions. Germany takes care of her people and the people in turn fight for Germany. German preparedness contrasts forcibly with that of Britain, where it is necessary to plead and coax with the people to defend their nation, because they have been vic tims of cruel exploitation and a most unjust social system that bred degeneracy. In another generation, if the United States follows its present tendencies, it will also be necessary to plead with the American workman in time of danger, unless the nation prepares for war by prepar ing for pence. Great armies and navies will not solve the problem of preparedness. They rather the burden of taxation upon benefits. Already the effects of our national unprepar edness are apparent in child poverty; in increasing phys ical and mental defectiveness; in constantly increasing in sanity and degeneracy. Let us first prepare for peace in order that prepared ness for war may rest upon the solid foundation of sound minds in sound bodies, of a contented people so well taken care of by their government that they will make any stic- rifice to protect that government. Tales of ,1 got u letter. Prom a lady. And It wn written. On Alice blue paper. With a gold monogram, And It etartod. On the flret page. Hut 1 had to hunt. ror the aecead page. And I found It. Around tho ooriier. Of the hoM page. 1 1 " And It aald. She had read. What I hud- written. About Doc ICtHMie, And the ftoer. On the lapel. Of bla coat. And the had aeen him. Why the Mexicans Hate Us llv KKKDIiKlfK STAUH. (1'rot'ei.itoi' of niitltriHioliv, 1 uiver- Mty of Cluriiijo. i Why do the Meicuu hate iik Primarily berutiH) our olutracterit lice are ujrufouailly ditfertut; our wiim of looking at tumg. ure differ out. We dtiie the Nexieem. becuuee Ibcy differ from u; hcy bate u be fa one we differ from theaj. uant it lex of adventurer nave gone there to "enow tuein how to do thiuK"--to "introduce real Ameri can method." Hut American utetaode Qirc ill ulupted to Mexican nrimiding The attempt to force tlduD on the ooiuuiy in ptii0fnl. N'o other for-1 eijjuer make that attempt. The Ovr-! .... . i man, rreuc-u una Italian adapt tuenisclwfc to the conditions ot the mint rv. , The Mcxniui- buve lui.l -iiiiiM ie- oll In .iduiiic our ot I i 111 I i'ili".i'Ut.i- !. . i - .ill i , I 'u ill I) , i ill - ill, II -i I' ne Im i'in...iii,.iMi,llliii,tt complicate it by increasing people without compensating n the Town On the etreet. Hut he luu! no flow or. And she wantod to know wk)? Ami I round htm. And put mv finger. On the empty lapel. Or hli coat. And Doc auld: "Yea. thu il grafter. "And pai-Helloe. "They got my floor. "Awl wy good elolliea. "And I'mi got to wmr. "My old onee." Aad 1 told her. And now If Doc. Kecne. Will atop In. At Uroatlley'a. The floriete. In the named-Corey Ultlg. He'll find a flower. Walling for him. l'or the lapel. Of hie coat. A. C. A. inu tick. imitu-ului'lv liu it bi'tu n-ili-Kim i in Mcmco. One eoiuulur of iicci hod to lme Hie Miuenut indent ol schouU in Iuh own town write hi letter of neeeptance when U ap Mtwtuieut eeute from WaehuuttoH. The Mexican hale u beiaue wo liuxe deprived tkeiu of territory. 'Hie loi of aod aerbue blow, and they have alwuya aeeribed it to ua. We timL uioiv than half their terri tory iu a nult of the unjuei war of 1847. We wanted land and e Uokl it. Mcsyo Una not lorutten will not forget. The idea nrerJU throiii;hout the republic that we Slave our eve on Lower l'iliforniu. AmeiicHn mine, lumber camp, graiinu: Ian..-, ui well. luy belu-xe will be our evcuVe . tor i a King oer auoiner lice ot their territory. Hut undoubtedly tW aUCicnstSt h the Mcxichic) tAinv lintertw -o ' ilC.lllllv l ifjlcv lis-l t ,ilV CX , i.ii'iiui. tin ii ,ii .1 iiii ir Willi" r iuvwmI', l.nv t.iu Aiuat .iUi.'p'il "WHinc their aoirre of wealth, i llliiMlly, they far! fail they have keen (IcfmiMled. "Thig in how," km John Kenneth Turner aay in lit hk on "llarliar aa .Mexico," "tUt Mexican Turin i- n raiRkmalre farw, ami whv it he hecu o oney for anoh A uterinum n Will iam Kanilolph IloAnt, Harrison Ornv Otla, the Itocknfulleri. the Gurx'ii heitiin nnl othora, each to have ob Iftlncil poKxpajdftH Of million of .Me. icmii nprew, The McxieHii know Hint I hoy liuo heon robbed. Tltoy feci the liojioltwe iiurw of it nil, mid in tlmt liopeleaH tie their hat red tnkei deeper mid deeper root! TABLE ROCK TABLETS I-'.sW. Ilnuptmnn hng had n tele phone Installed at his roMdonco. Hurry Hayes captured two ra coons one day Inst week, which he cold to Central Point parties for pots. .Many of our citizens nro Indig nant over tho statement of Professor Kleinor tliat ho has never hoard of a well In Juckson county that did not contain hard water. As n mat ter of fact this community prides itself on tho soft wntor to be found in Its wells, and ninny of our houso wlvos claim It Is equally as soft as rain wutor. Mrs. O. Peudlund la on tho sick list this week. IColonel Washburn attended u mcctlnK of thu Fruit Orowers' As sociation In Medford Monday. The snow of Tuesday morning seemed to contain more water than any so far thin season, nnd us It inellod thoroughly saturated the ground. J. C. Pendleton, .lohn Noalon, T. lloaiillott nnd It. IS. Noalon were vis itors lu thu vnllny towns Saturday. According to old traditions we will have an early spring us tho ground Iior sat out nil day Wednesday with out making a shadow. Home nro agitating n high school at this place, claiming that wo could got pupils from the surrounding dis tricts. As It In now tho high school at Agate, with tho exroptton of one student, Is composed of Table Hock glrla, JamiHi Iteeeo and William Rldrlge were up from (ipld Hill Tueeduy after n load of hay. Mr. Cameron, our merchant, re ports that bustneee'la beginning to pick up at the store. Kd Vincent has taken tho agency for gas tonic, a fluid to lie nilxod with gniollnu that la clulmud will II llmluato tho forming or carbon In tho cylinder and also drive your car inuoh farther on a gallon of gaso line. We predict that this district will be a busy plnoe as soon as spring opens as very little farm work was dono last rail, owing to weather con ditions. Last Thursday about noon, ns Harry Noalon was making a turn In tho pavement to take tho road to the Sacred Heart hospital, his car tprned completely over, alighting on Its top. In tho car with him wero his two sisters, Marie and Katharine, his father. S. M. Nenlon, and brother, Marlon, and Mies Flora Atkins, who all received severe limine, I wo of the number having to spoud u few days In the hospital. Thoso who saw the wreck claim tlmt It was u miracle that the results wore not more fce rtoim. iMti Wednesday morning our lit tle community was shocked by hear ing that Mrs. Collins, who although 'was Improving, had pnaaed away dur ing tho early hours ot tho morning Thus the oiilghburhoml bus lost one ot Ita moat cherished clJUcuu, one who has done much toward the up building and betterment of the com munity nnd one who, lu spite of the caroa of life, waa always optimistic! and looking for the bright aide or all things. Mrs. Collins gave her life In performing that function which la tho moat sacred Hod has glveu wo mankind to perform. We all Join lu tendering our heartfelt sympathies to the bereaved family who will feci thfn loa to keenly. o mourn utth the husbaad who has traveled this tar through lire with this steadrast companion who hag been hit stand by when the road was smooth or rough nnd is left to continue the Journey without her. To the chil dren, aud although there were main, there wan not one hut who ska rail alike her motherb love and devotion, who have lost a kind. Jiving and con siderate mother, we axiom! our deep eel sympathies aad trust they will follow her example aad grow up to be Industrious, coasjerenttous citl Mas. xofiqu Precincts Medford Kprth Main and West Medfurd nclater now at the MailTriimnn iuik h. P ASK FOR and GET;) eO HOEI,50K5S THE ORIOHiAli MALTED MILKo Cbp BbUtuU CM WW Vnw LARK APPEALS m FASTER W 0 R K L WASHINGTON. Feb. 7.--In the firwt real uavfll ilebale of tho seion in the liotme lodtiy Spetiker Clark took the door and to eitthimitWtie up-plniiHe-froin both nidea spoke for fabler progrens in inerenting the linvv. Ilu deelnred that if seventeen inch jjiit!8 wore beiit pinged on for eign ships tlio United Status sliuuld linve thpm ne well, or the bast guns iittninnblo now or linrenftor. "The Mpenhor knows." said Kcprc fccntnlivo Ilitller, republican, of tlio iinvul eommittee, "tlmt if we want tiling better in the navy e lmvu to pay the price deuiunded." "If we will begin lo build mid take tho money mid uli uide tlioso pri- vutu eonstructtoiiK," .Mr. Hittlor Hiiid, "wc etui build twenty-two ships in tlio two veurs nnd put tliem to sen if we can find tliu men to put on them." "Do not the KiikUhIi build u luit- tlesliip inueli more ipiiekly thnn we .Ho" nuked the npciiker. "Yo.," replied Kupronuiitulivo (lurduer, lepublieuii, "but Hot m much mine ipiiekly us in usually thought." ' "I inu for (he Iwenly-two ships; if iiucoaMirv I will help lo niii-e the money," interrupted Kopiwcnlutive Hill of Councctieiit. He mi id, how ever, (lint before he voted to upend $(100,1)00 to equip .Mure Inland navy yard for Nhipbuilditig nud odd to the vqtiipiuont ut New York lit would like to be nxnrcd tlmt tho Marc Inland ohumiel wns deop enough to curry the ship out from the wii.vh. The nuvnl neiidetnv iiierenho bill nis pnhsed by u vote of 17U to 0. Hepresentntive Miinn called for n di vision to put the preparedi)os oppon ents on record, hut none of those who had spoken ngninst the incnsilio tesponded in tile ucgntiw. TO SEATTI.B, Wash., l-Vb. 7.-0il-Inoiir Dobie, who ic-igued Us eoaeh of the liiiveisity of Washington foot hall ten 1 1) lust autumn, will serve an other year ut tlmt imsition. There were many candidate for the posi tion vacated by Pubic, but none seem ed to measure any where near hie stands id. When Pubic returned to Beadle from California hut Week tremendous pre-Miie whs brought to Lear to induce him lo reconsider his resignation. After a conference to day with President Kii.jmiIo nud Dean I'riest of the university, Dobie agreed to complete hi- contract and sene another veur ut the old coin-pcn-ation. SALTS IN HOT WATER Says wc must make kidneys clean tho blood and pimples " ditwappcar. rimntci. res and bolls tisitallv re sult from toxins, poisons aud impuritiei ( inicu arc genera ivu mc uuniu aim then absorbed into the blood through the cry ducts w hlcli khotiM aWorb only nourithHteiit to sustain the body, It is the function of the kidney to filter impurities from the blood and oait them out in the form of urine, but , in many itutances. the bowels create more toxins ami impurities than the kidnevs can eliminate, then the blood tites the skin pores as the next bct ' means of getting rid of thee impurities , width often break out all over the skin in the form of plmplet. f The suret way to clear the skin ot these eruptions. ays a noted authority, is to get irom any pnarnuny auouti four ounces of Jad Salts and take 3 1 tblHKSjuful In a glass of hot water: each morning before broakfat for one ' week. Tin will prevent tiie formation of toxins in the bowels. It also stimu. lates the kidneys to normal activity, thus coaxing them to filter the blood ef impurities and clearing the skin oj pimples. ... . I Jad Salts Is inexpensive, harmless am! is made from the acid of grape and fhnou juice, combined with lithia. Here you have a pleasant, effervescent drink which usually makes pimples disappear; cleanses tne I'locsi aim u c.xccucm, i, the kidncyj as well. "JOHN A. PERL UNDERTAKER Iid) .Wlsiaut HH S. IIAUTLKTI1 l'bonesi M. 4. una 47-J3 Ambulance Service Coroner T3 " M. 111X M XSTintl'IKCli THE i) LITTLE GYPSY PAGE - TONJGHT II, NAVY E UP .MILAN. ln Paris, I'd). 7 A Uu charasot dispatch to the Secolo says that In tho explosion at the Skoda armament factory In Bohemia, 190 workman perished. Throe buildings werab lown up. the dispatch adds. In cluding the one In which tho famous 12-lnch hydraulic cannon wore mado. A Home dispatch dated February C said that, according to the Uucharest corrospondont of tho Mossnggoro, the great Skoda works at PUson hud boon pnrtlyj 'destroyed us n roault of an cxplOBlbli. ' ! ' IN WHEAT MARKET . CIIICAOO, Feb. 7.- Slop-losa sell ing on it heavy scale demoralized the wheat market today and caueed the price of (ho May option (o break 4 n bushel at thu sharpoet decline iu u long while. Increasing receipts nnd tliu ab sence of an udcitiito foreign outlet seemed lo be responsible for the set back in vnlues. In later Irmisaclioiis the imitket suffered further looses nnd Mnv val ues dropped down another cent lo .1.17 . ' YOUTH FALLS FORTY FEET TO DEATH SHOVELING SNOW VANVOrVF.II, 11. ('., Feb. 7.- Sid ney Mills, uged 12, while shoveliir,' snow from the root of his father's home on C'umbic street, fell fortv feet through n skylight and was killed. FOR bronchitis; WHOOPING COUGH, CROUP, COUGHS AND COLDS Make the Host Itemed) at Ho H everything wan sold In as lllicral and rnlr a manner as the Medford 'harmncy is selling Schlffmann's Now Concentrated Kxpuctnrunt, absolutely no cause for complaint or dlssntlsrac lion could possibly arise from any one These druggists sny "Uuy a bottle ot this remedy and try It for Hronchltls, Whooping Cough, Sovoro Cough, Croup or any llronchlal Af fection, nud we will return your money, just as wo do with Schlff mann's famous Asthmador, If It does not glvo satisfaction, or If not found tho beet remedy over used tor any of those complaints." Why not lake ndvautngo of tills guarantee and try this medicine, and got your money back, rather than buying nnothor purely on the oxnggoratod claims of its manufacturer or on tho strength of testimonials from others and run the chance ot gotllng something worthless and also wanting your money? TONIGHT TONIGHT TONIGHT AND TOMORROW WM. FOX MASTERPIECE Wall The fS0 . little Mmm SppI DOROTHY BERNARD Dauitti"-! ol I'M 1 ii.'iii 'ti.ii Aitu -- -, siippoiied li Thurlow lk'igcn .nut All Mur I .im. PacrjaMEDF0RDS LEADING !, Motion Picture Theater TODAY Exquisite Marguerite Clark o tn a unique him characterization as "Helene of the Ndfttv o o qV wonderful actres ui a wonderful play. It vu aduui(Jli Hjk ou eaa't at ford to uuaa lai extraordinary attracuoev f A Jtjiuiiig J)uioir.iw "The Muu Trail.-of bc Y-L--K bi; n i' illhli t mil- The JantiAi? wtowrall fiera tfto 20.10 iiiPkP; that for Kelinmrf'iiji lo 10 o'eloek Ihie tnomiBg was 111.23 inches. CLAREND0, ARKANSAS, DEEP UNDER WATER LITTLK HOCK', Ark., Fell. 7. Wa ter from four to fifteen feet deep floods the ritv f Clarendo, and 1R00 )Kron are iu immedinte need of tood, neeordiiiir to n telephone mes nge received here today. AID THE KIDNEYS i .Medfonl .Sufferers Should Take o I'ttitlicr Klsk. Why will pcoplo continue to suffer the agonies of kidney complaint, backache, urinary dlsordors, laino nos, hoadachos, languor why allow themselves to bocomo chronic Inva lids, when n tosted remedy Is or ferod thoin? Doan's Kldnoy Pills have boon used In kldnoy trouble over r.O years, havo been tosted In thousands of cosos. If you havo any, ovon one, of tho symptons of kindoy dlsoasos, net now, for gravel, dropsy or Hrlght's disoaso may set lu and mttko nogloot dangorous. Can Medford resldonts demand nioro convincing proof of morlt thnn thu follewing: Kzrn Arnold, Applognto road, Jack sonville, Ore., says: "My bock bolh orod mo for five or six mouths. I had a dull ptilu through my klduova and tho kldnoy action became very Irregular. I had to gel up nt night on Hint account. I was told to try Doan's Kidney Pills and did so with rino results. Thoy soon rid me or all the ailments. My kidneys have both ered mo very little slnco." Price 50c, nt all dealors. Don't simply ask tor n kidney remedy get Doan's Kidney PlUx the snme that Mr. Arnold had. Fostor-Mllburn Co., Props., nuffajo. N Y dv, mi. VM Teaspoonsrul for ."(I Cents . In buying thin remedy, besldos se curing an absolute guarantee of Its efficiency from thoso druggists, you also got about eight times nn much uicdlclno as you would In buying most any of tho old-fashioned, roady-made kinds, which nvorngo from 20 to 32 toaspooufuls, bncnuso "i0c worth makes a wholo pint (12S teaspoons rul), whon mixed at home with elm ply one pint or sugar and ono-huK pint or water. This romody positively does not contain chloroform, opium, morphine or any other narcotic. It Is pleasant to take and children are fond or It. You will bo tho sole judge, and under this positive guar antee absolutely no risk Is run lu buying this remedy. Druggists everywhore are nuthorlxod to sell It under the same guarantee us Schlff mann's famous Asthmador of "Money Hack" ir not perfectly satisfactory. It. J Schlffiiuiun, proprietor, St. Paul, Minn. The Ituinlug Pin lory Tho lluistliig Dam Tho Doiitutliij; I'liioil NEAL OF THE NAVY 0 o o d o