Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, February 07, 1916, SECOND EDITION, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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A. J. Paeseii, Valley rn. North
Dakota. In looking owr Hie Hoioi
river country In IWnin-b wsv this
WfeM fcettar imurane la aottl
tMtmfjtfm intwMUM Mam wilt tali
ft. K. Moran. who lost a fine aeuar
nnn recently. rtr tiavlBK imiwrted
him frem Kentucky and rittpea Mm
Ihrateh hla flrat irlod of fMiity
heoaVfotfad htifcttofcther Say In th
pmHMaffJkr of th Hwho KWnator. It
la a valuable, tbrohVred doc Mud
Mr. Moran. with the Rogue River
Vale Canal jiomjMny, U elated o?er
finding St. '"
Tnw UUto Oynty Pane Tonlaht.
Mian Christine Jamba, who recent
ly rtaijmed her position aa Merit and
tMkkM?;tr at the Nash hotel, after
long Mil nopnlar service thera, ta
nrenarfnat in enjoy x vlall wltn her
parents noon. Their horn la In
Slerana Point, WlfcojHelti.
Closing out aale of Jewelry. Next
door Jo 1. o. J78
Many local people Have noled th
faet with a deare of satisfaction that
tlw toiiriat aeaaon will Ix'irIii May 1
tills year, liiatesd df .tune I. At nil
vetHa, the railroads have established
thalr lonrlat rates to take affect a
' moiilli earlier than usual.
, Turltlsh nougat I0o lb. Tha Sr,aa-
tH. '
Tile (Auk school cornel hand, tin
der tlie direction of Profeaaor .T. A!,
dressier, la Impreving: rapid I v. Pom
alderlng the time ilnrlnar which It
has been In Hxlalnttp, Ilk prpra ta
ftirallaaUt It la fi)ncntlv In tl&mnntl
at aoeial and fralnrual aatliarlnaa In
Utla city lately. Vrnfaaaor Ornaalnv
la prowil of tba boya for thalr loyal
ty io thalr taak and IMIr ambition to
1. S, .lohnaon and wlfa of I'nrt
)tH, aujoyad a aojoum of a fw dnya
til IWa oily, whllo ninkltiR an Inapw
ttoli of eonUltlona In tha vallay. Thay
m-4 frailly ileaad with the Infor
mation fttMfHlrCKl.
35 off on KodaX at Weston'
-Cnmnra Bhop.
Jiftllan Hall or Dstrnlt. Mlrli.. la n
Ylttlpr In Medfonl for a few ilaya.
iurhig which tlma ha will vlalt tha
Wtm oentera of otlinr pnria of
tha ewity.
ffBB Mttta (lypav Page Tonight.
iim noatmatter at Provalt. thla
Munly. haa realgned and Kiatofftc
Ittapaelora are looking for a suitable
NaMaaor at that paint. X aaplranta
hara NHHoaiiecjd their names to tor.
Oatea aalla 1'ord oara, MOO down
antl I6 a month.
County Judge V. U. TouVelle left
Monday for a vlalt at hla old home In
Ohio. Rumor haa It that the vlalt
will witness the culmination if a ro
mauee of hla youth and that ha will
.rat lint with a bride.
'A ina Vlotrola for aala at IS at
J'almar'a Piano House. "
A. 1C. J. Perelval haa left for an ex
tondad vlalt to Buokano.
itfiOO to loaa or gtKMl farm, clot
u. n. 1. Ulna.
The Rogue River Valley Japanese
asMMlatlo at a meeting held Sunday
adopted raooluttoHS of regret over
tha death of W. I. Vawter, extending
to hla bereaved famJJ their sym
pathy, easerlally lieeause ".Mr. V tr
ier was tha first ritlsen In Medford
to uaaploy a Japanese "
Imoko a Klag apltt otxar, Ic
They rt .koma-mada. tf
P. W'., Treaty oi Medford Is regis
lerotl t Hot. I Hanson. Portland.
Wtmt 8ide hitching stable. 10 cents
ror atneta. tS rente for doub. :7!l
" t Any lrlfM for 4mprlea
mawBS th twli' Rurr U now pay
ing. , tie -Thw tattle Crj .if I'eiu-e"
at tha atar.
Mrs. H? Wolruit of Kuiimih ('It v.
M la a Medford lsltor tnduv
Bea Dao Wood almnr that flro In
surant pulley. OfMif Mall Tilbunr
KItlg. Itulph ,K Kaiser uf Soli'ni. 1l
state, t In Ih tli ioiln on liuV
8ierlal priius t,t engrarM r&rda,
now ajd from oS pistes tut a Tow
duys at tbe)edrord Prlutlr.g Co.
W, J. moult of nstiMipon. tssh .
la attending to tuolniO" in M,.,iror.i
and viefpity iu;lu
OyataraT any style. iMe Shastit
nr (' K Sauudcis. wlO. und sou
of (DtMJklnS., this sUfe. nre Orrvj
tag (p MDaQ todg.
flayer piano tuusle rolls 15c apleoe
at Palmer's piano Place. 373
Oeor V. Telaun of Ashland, Is
dolug business in this elty IWay.
Dosing out sale of Jewelry. Next
door to P. o. q tu
Uoorgo SuatU. rWof of the agrl
cultural (ttt)rtont of the I'tah
Idaho oompany. who has been
with the l ish people for SU esrs
will address 4 number of meetings
In thYalle) net week, In which he
will tall tho farmers the practical
aid of aiucsr bt uliure tie will
accoinjiany Alex N'ibn to this valley
alfotU Keliruurv a, stui :Iiib at Onuii
Pass first Coiiutt Pai' oIokIm VXf
ulll iikmIii In orgsiiiaim ' ' ' "(joers'
me".ltiKs ai various Nlo nllll
Attm-ner Arutvr w near of F'nrt
I land, arrived In this f It tmUv in th.
I Interest of the fruit siinlnna mow
I tnMlt III 111 ! ttflff mimttmhmrtt If.
would Ilk to arrenae for an eddu
I .Hertford hy K I. (Innilll a f,.n
don and American esper! lie in
fftrvlrwItiK 1 terlwns fruit nren
Hon teday wlli thai ohlrMn M'
J. O Oerklni, ta 0at all arnuna
Photographer In aonthern Orevi
Alwaya reilnll. NaRatlvaa made at
whera, time or ptae. Studio 2,
Unla St. fhona 214-J.
Ueorna MlMr of lAkevlew, t!
atate, la dolna bualneka In thin nm i
tv thin week, with headquarter" "i
Tha Xlar brand of tvpwrter rl1
bona are guaranteed to give 7A,
Impreaalom of tha t pe "a" and r '
without ao rlonlHR the typo aa to
fthow on tha paper. Thla la a prett
atlff warranty, but that la what the
Webatttr company ngra to with Star
rlhbona. Sold hy tha Mad ford Print
ing cortftnny.
Henry Ukflon of fCurakn, Cal Io
a a)li9 vlalior thla week, with haad
qunrtHra In Mudfno.1 the greator part
of the I fen h.
Jowalry atorrt aolna; out of bual
ieaa. Next door to P. O. J7fl
Tlmofhy Marka oi ltonnliuric, la
vlaltlng with .v btotliMr In thla fruit
dlatrlel till wmrit.
Plorco tli k'lont rie fioaera.
Phono 7. ,
The jmbllr library waa rioted Holi
day aa a tribute to the late W. 1.
vawter, one of the dlreotora and
lrnly liiatfttnientnl In lie oatab
llahiiient. It opena from 7 to 9
o'clock In the evening:.
Jewelry atore gofng out of bn1
Tieaa. , Next door to P. O. 27fl
fl. A. Howard of tlnti Pranrlaco, a
partner or the late I. Vawlor In
the Itlar llehd Jlllllng company, ar
rived Monday to attend tha funeral.
Weaton 'Camera Shop for flr.'t ola
Kodak finishing and Kodak itipplle.
W. J. Olwell, formerly of Sled
ford, fur the past 111 years ninnagor
or tho Iliac llend Milling company at
Davonport, Wash., arrived Monday
to attend the funoral or tho late V.
I. Vawler.
Insnro your nuto In the Alllnnco
axnlnst thoft, fire. C. Y. TenRwald.
Senator II von dr Ilellen of Wnl
len, waa a Medfonl visitor Monday.
Ilo reports a vory heavy rainstorm
Sunday night In tho Autelopo valley.
Mrs. II. 13. llnnoy has moved her
dreas milking shop to Oarnett Corey
blilg. lloom 31 .
Though but ,3X or Inch or precipi
tation ral In Medford Sunday night,
heavy rainfall Is reported from back
country preclude. The warm rain
melted tha snowa, and aa a reault
all atreama are running brimful!.
Jaekson creek la the highest of the
year. Dear eieek Is a root above Ita
uaual flow. The Rogue haa risen
two feet and Is going hlxher. The
center of tho storm seemed to have
been In the Anlelnpe valley, where
one Inch and a half or rain Is re
iwrtad. Pleraa te florin ror flowers.
Phone 7't,
'E. V. farter of sbland waa a Med
ford visiter Monday.
8e Maddftx Douney, Pottlaud
nve greenhouse, about tomato planta
fur acreaue plantlnu. Standard va
rieties, lowest prices. SOS
. For sale (Mrt trade) 10 ucrea
flrst-claaa' cleared farm land In Il
linois ybHp, all retired and rroaa
repred; good duelling, barn and oul
bulldings, ieriietual water right,
farm tools Included; near proposed
railroad line: 4.'uo. Will lake home
lu Medfoid, value O'.un to flKOu. ns
part pavnt'ttt. SldreK A. H W .
rare Mall Trltmiie 2Tii
Try a King RplU mar and en
courarr home Industry. If
nnscounc team ahe
vicTonsoven ashlano
Hoseinirn di-ii-.UiM Ulilund at Ash
tiuHt Siiiuiitat uliiiii J1 to in, to an
i mis i line K'HiK' Wlur, itin wss,up
tin- -turc a lii Io lii.tiiiil the lime
tnmd na In a lefoi i;i' cxcllemciit
U m iii l - mil nuiHi cxiltlng
kuiii oi ttte win, ividi the io nlu
and tuik I'HiiiiKluiiit'ilic contest The
ttlll.l,llf ea'll t.rtiil a name, KMf
luir JokIiiw the camo caruc. Tto lsti
or wio haudltapiifd iiio small
flyor. KtMehuiQ itttpllci! in teiuii
wnrit. o( showed itipir 4)ok in the
UiuM test. The Ahhlund team liipd
stiexu: liom s9uri to rtuUh, mid put
up u great Quite
' o
Uldj fie Vtaiit
Scnool nietrlct No if tn receive
ImhlIoA bida at the office or the rl-k
until a n. aa., ret, sm. it 16, rat 400
corda of rntwL of either body fir.
as or iaui. auime 10 ne aeitvereo
at school bulldluga, between May 1st,
11. and Auguat 15th. 191. All
wood mnat bo out from live tree
Kitch stick tOgba four feet long and
not less than tight Inches or wore
than l K tnohoa In diameter Wood to
be measured on lKj)4ir3unds bv Jack.
sob count) scaler of weights and ma
aurea, and all legaajrenienla to be
satlsfacfor) to loth laVluts.
The board re errgg tha iSght to rv
'1 ct iiim or ail I .'!
Cj 11 a utivi'
'I ' . ' ' I n 1 . i V I ij-
llii li mi In 0ii , l( i it i ,i , , ,
I lit' i Ii.iiiimii" i ii.. i.i. .,i M.iiyni rite
f'lnrk. the ilnintv xtiir, will Ih tlior
otiirliK di'liitlitcd li her -iliilil mm--foriiuiinc
in 'llrlcin- f tlic Xurtli"
it tin- Sim;li!.
SAN HI A. CISCO. Feb 7. lien
(Inldonl, who spent fT to appeal to
the 1'iklted Stales circuit court of ap
peals because or his arrest at Juneau,
Alaska, March 15, 1 15, ror liclng
on the streets or Junoai arter 11
o'clock at nlfttit when without an
imront means or support, waa refused
reilreaa tiMlay by the higher court.
(Inldonl aoughl retler on a writ
or habeas corpus from tho federal
district court at Jufloati on the theory
that a "man without a Job" had the
sen in const Ittitlonal rights pin tho
streets at night aa ono "with a Job."
The federal courts upheld the Ju
neau ordinance Under which the nr
t eat was ninde
Referee Stephenson's decisions In
the ItoMclitirg-AMilaud lHkotball
game at the latter place last night
spiioar Io have excite I the suspicion
on the part of the Ashland players
and fans that they favored Itoseburg
openly and palpably. When the game
waa concluded, with the result of 21
10, In ravor of Itoseburg, a number
of furious fans seised the referee and,
before he was rescued by a number
or Medforites, mis severely beulen, It
is reported toda).
Friends of the referee and the
UoHclnirK team got them In an auto
mobile und hurried to this iii for
a Hiiro, und quid night's rent.
I It OS Aliw, :mi .V 9e.
HTKKKH Alie,.1fn1'li..
COWH -Ahc, t:
XVM. OrfSMHl, J-toUle.
Me I'liultry
1 1 KX8 Light. 1 ,. j heavy, i.i,.; d
wtotcr, lie; tngs, l(h siring, I3e.
iH'iRS-r:it, ic.
OKKHK- Knt. Sc.
'I I'RKKYS - .i(i 17e, according to
Itsy son O'rsta
(Huying Pries.)
WHKAT l.lll biuliel.
OATS rM ion.
IIAV Aliullii, ..'i t.m; Brni,,( i,
UA If 1.1 :V Wuolc, if-.'K.
l'rlrea rlH 1,; in aims
I. tit!.' In...
HI T.PI.R- Ham. 5 II.-.. :,,..
I'O'f.YfOKS p.,..
yIO.. J,. .et lb.
lW. luV per Hi.
HKKF Owlli,.
T.ARU lth-.,o).
ilAW oiile.
"'-ail ,
WAMIINtlTox, Feb.
lepiiiliucnt I. ..lax ak) ,. depurt
iiieiiOt.l iisiee to lis(.,., ,w xh
buttle code bwok a lot from the
lestlitxn Hull of)he 1'acllie fkw-l.
FOR 8AI.K- U ill aelilen an e trait
of good free soil with x iicrea In
bearing orchaid of (tears und ap
ple and four aires suitable far any
rro amall hoase and good wWI
Located oulj :t mileH ft.un lsl
'out To I 1 1 1
BBrBaT HJaa'JGKo vHaaaBBBBBaal
nee I ...... y s ' ! ,"' mklW. It . .-.iy
r 1 , una io-.iv .1 iuiv Irillc foi cuvh
11.11 ii,i rupi-lu itiou li i- ..!-. l.. iiJabU,
;.. .. mo, Cl eluuj.
News From
M- I lln CiMtk In rctiiiucil trom
"ii vm'hI..' imi i if h relntne ln
ii). mi Aiplcjjntf.
tuotite Jiihcm, tormer prtijirielor of
l men l mnrket, hm asnveil his fam-
to OinnU l'n.
Id v. . S. IIhihIv wue in Meilfnril
' i Sniiinlny nt I ending the .Millie-
i i il ii--oeiNtioti, ?m'ng to (Vtilrnl
I'l.uii on Sundav to a himilar nffalr.
Mi-. Mnrgnret Oere nuil ilnnoji
i'i. Shew Slaliu RiH've, of .Medfonl,
ntic recent .Inckwonvillo viHi'loi.
SI. T. I)y-k Iiiim rctuiiii'd to Hn'n
r'l.ineisen nflor a ieit with lit
iiiotlicr, Sto. N. A. Diek.
Mr, huciniln Anilerann of Slclfnril
wmh I lie gtioal of ytv. ?.iwia Ulriolc
on Sntunlay.
Canle lmvit lioen received NiiOinme
hur thu hirtli of a son Io Mr. nnil
.Mr. Wilbur .lone nf Klnmnl Fnll
on .feiiitiury '27.
Mr. und AFrs. Cliatfc Xiinnn cnler
tniiit'd n iiiiinlicr of 1'iirnjja with a
loiiMt pip iliuner on sliiirailny nvmi
iiiK. followed by liruljie. ('overs woto
laid Tor tho following- guests: Jr.
and Sirs. Illniuo Klum, Mr. nud Mr.
Fred I-iek, yr. nud Sirs, l.uwia tM
rieh nud Mr. Harry' htiy.
The MiNoiiHr.v -oeit'ly held nn in-feiifiliiig-
meeting at llio I'li'sliylerimi
diureli last Tliurdny afternoon.
The many friend of Jlr. Snrnli
Jane Nelson will he yrieved Io hour
of her dentil, winch occurred at her
home Wcdnosdny afternoon of heait
failure. Tim funeral service weic
held in t lis. I'leeliyterinn church Kii
day afternoon by I lie Christ ian Sei-
eiilils, wlum n htivv numlicr of
friend, jmiil thoir Inst tribute. .Mrs,
Wilson is survived by three win,
.John Wilson, H. S. Wilson und Ciirlev
In a recant Issue of mm of The
IhilhV lending inier, an extended
iieeomit iiiM)iucd of h pnily jien
h.v the .MisnK- Ueuler, tho Kitost list
iiiimhcriiur 100.
The Miesog-Renter niv sisters of
SIw Klixnhotli Renter of (hi plnco
nud former .liutknoiivillo yiiU.
Mrs. Anna llrond eniertiiined llioj
Koynl Nmuhhnrs and n few tuldit ionnl
uel nt hur home Tuedny ufler
noou. The nlWrniMiii wua aii'iit with
niH'dlewoik, I'oliriwed lij ri'liehiiiPiilH
of Mindwielio,' euke and coffee nnil
fruit. PnlluWng is M l-t of those
present : .Mesdnines l,o .Melutyio,
Deealiir Davis, Sratihln llinkle, Alico
I Irifh, KIIh Cook, Uuru Ryan, S. K.
Diinningtnii, Ada Itadrshnw,
("ninmniller, Klla Wiilsli, Roundlice,
Slnltie Wilon, Roy llrieli. T. .1. Ken
ne, Nell l-'mnex, A. L. (line nud .Mis.
C I-:. Conklmot Medford.
Mrs Henr French und Mrs. O. K.
llellows weio tho guests of Mrs.
Deardorrr Sunday afternoon
John Foster returned to Kaglo
Point Tiiiiisilny.
Mlas ".l Im Hannah, Mr. and Mrs.
Tim Dally, Mr. and Mra. Frank Mil
ler, Norman Oago. Mrs. M. Foster
and children were Sunday callers at
tho J. ii. Hannah home.
Among the Central Point and Med
ford visitors were Will Houston, Irl
Dnnlap, Jack Houston. Miss l.'nla
Houston, Jo Hannah, Jr.. Clareme
Mlddlebusher. S. Hammond and
daughter, Mlsa Alice.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Mlllrr re
turned to their home In Central Point
Moat if the anoo stul rain Is soak
ing Into the ground and eery 'arm
or Is glsd to see t.
The ground khis: did not see his
shadow nor did set the eclipse
of the sun
Mr. und Mrs llcrt CUrno called on
Mr. and Mrs. W. Crandall Saturday.
rrho houses ariulns Jt Imk Jihn
aon'a Sstirrdav was grrtl en)oed
We wish to 1 lis a our frlemU fur
tlift kindnei during the sickns
and dfialh nf ,mi iTauuhip i u i..,
1 jour blc.ilo.s wU be multiplied b
I tho kluiliiC. ulinnii'iia
JIK. MltS IHUN K. NOIfltia
WAKIJIN(J0N. IVb. 7.- Pivsi.l-ttt
WiJQim iitunmatcd Alvnn4fr Worn
w0 of Ituthgntc, N. D., for riisguiiN
i.kll.i,l l C.r V.iJi u.i.l C.,11. Il .
'"rnwVvTl. 't he.i.loimrteis t IVmhm ,
N. 1
7b Make Shin Clem
IWm't worr almut skin trouble-. oi
.is hnve a . Ifr. clean .
oini.lciion I
iu-aijf u l.dle (.'in..
oblaiuetl ..l am ilr i.
'ills large 1muI .11
moi for JTs , nr eitia Isrsc
Xewe easily remove all Ir.uf-. m piui
bl, bliwk UeU, ecMUWiiUit riugworw
aud aiakes the kin clear' sad healths.
Xi'iuo U neither ' water. ru.r
Our Neighbors
Honor itrc cn between Ahhind
end RiMehiirg in rci-pecl Io hnket
bnll lesulls hi senon. The victory
of Ahhind er the viilor lat
WedneKdMj night. 'f In 11, wn re
versed im Saturday night. Rnsdmrg
winning li.r 21 Io II). The final aumuf,,,,,,,,!,,,. ,ntiae
was in reality a tie within schedule
ImwHs, hut the time wnsOxtended livo
miHiites with result as above noted.
V. (. .MeWilHnms is on the Qiek
si, nnvjx,v neivi couiiutwi to (tie
house since last Wednesday, hut i
now improving.
One only ha to go aero tho statu
hinder into California to discover
Hint fifty rules nic in effect regtud
,jng mioiug ns npiilied by Hie ntnlo4wn.v ,,ai,v ,0 '.'"' HPr,1, " l)!,r '',
iudtitnnl ticcidciit eommiiviion. Tliese
iegtilntl;ins nro uiidor vnfioim cui
tinns uiel are printed lu Kugllsh nud
Cottinn liiiiguagcs.
u. W. Crawford, l7r yenrt night
ntleudiuil at twe depot hotel in this
eity, left Suhirdny for his old home.
in Slicla'snn, culled Ihon by the ill
ness of 11 brother.
list Snlindiiy cvtHiiiig the hotpit
nble home of Wnh Cliunj.", 282 A
street, wus ieplondiint with Oriental
deeoralion. typical of the niUeut of
the Chinese new yenr, tlioitgh (ho oh
servnni'e wn n triflo belated owing
In tlst' delay in the arrival of epicur
ean delicneio, from the far enit. The
invited guests were: Mr. and iSrw. (I.
N. Irnimr, .Mr. nud .Mr. J. (!. Hurt
nuil .Mr. nud .Mm. W. Newell Wright.
The linniiict occasion e.vtcnded from
(I Io 8 p. m, nnd vm in keeping
villi the Iruditliwi of the flu. cry
kingdom both ns to etcnt und vari
ety of entalile nud drinkables. I'nr
Inkinjr of chop siiey uns required, ul-
uioiipii 1 ne miiiiipuiiiiioii or chop
tieti was opt ionnl. Ashliitid's Chin
ese mandarin and his nminhle wife,
assisted by their daughter and -mi,
were prodigal in the way of welcome
mid eiitei'tiiiuiueiit of their gucts.
TJieolojjiciil dieiisriou in the
l.iunkhi lenity offices in tcnl interest
liid fnir to detiTict fiojn nltcndanee
at the Fourth teet mission. Argu
ment Htrttil:c of holh oitlioilox and
heterodox opinion, with 11 trace of ng-nostiei-m
ocensioniilly 011 tho side.
l)ieusHion are pot eonfined to lay
iiK'ii, a iiute ol ten the oicc of the
clergy is henid elevnted to etmocrt
pitch. The Old Testament has boon
leviewed nnd argument is now focus
ed 011 the gopcl nud epistles, with
lnptitit cither by sprinkling or im
mersion uh n favorite thume. Pro
imiedness militant nnd the church tri
umphant nie also topics which are
rnmiMMit. A litely diseus-ion cifti he
pieeipitntcd at mol any old time.
Hour from 8 a. ru. till fi p. in., ex
cept 011 Sundays. To hear the le.t
of St. John the Divine expounded will
lie a revelation. Ilring jour testa
ment and hymn books, also n light
lunch, if you remain over the noon
The Western I'uion priMilc
"Kleeiric" went north lt Finljjv .it
leiniHin, occiided by SI. T. Cook, the
new yencinl manimer of the I'liciitc
division, this hciii): I'1 initial tup ..
head of the s.em 111 eo:it leintoi
V.. V. Illaiu-li'ird, atlorncx nt
ItcM i lien billoiit, j(U, lieaibuliy,
coiisliiatil, or for bail luvath
or sour sioiiiacli.
Us cheerful' Clean up Inside to
night and feel fine. Take Cascarota
to llen your liver anil clean the
bowels and atop luwdaehos. a bad
cold. blllousHeas, offensive breath,
mated tongue, sallowness, sour stom
ach and gnsos. Tonight tuke Cm ses
tets and enjoy the nicest, gent? Hvcr
and bowel cleansing ou ever ex
lierlem ed. Wake up reeling grand
F.verbod)'s doing It Casmr.Hs best
laxative foe cMldreu also dv
HlMMVIMinr t4W0t urn 1, j
Thu llwiiuiat tn.
Tha Kni-iIs: llano
T.e IVviivtiiting I'IimkI
Cctrur iititi nii limit it ii(
rfulikU. tcry n ilk initU bilk.
tliMMi ItmtAti.
Snta Simt tlnl tti ceiu
Rates r"w"
fr firry r Dtt ttli
(4t nr nxiis)
Ay ditt strttl (if iiMt IM Jr.
flranl- Pa-a, formerty rrom Iwa, repnleil Ui,hve the jrlft rffJiaj
and well rwbwd by otlior llawk.efht htftglMifea wiffc jpianmlF
. t-
eve requiems now living Here. n"
fii.,1 ... r-l, !!,.. ..n.lliUis for ilka-
tnet nllorney r .I.wfmlne equity.
it- ....-..i .. i .j,i- .lUiriei
in the last lemm,.rc.
Jim Yeo raealPrt W. harbor atinp
x. .i mi . . :. n. in...
on North Slain street, in tho Allen
block. Kehniar- 7, nnd will join Nate
Hates in conducting the Hotel Oie
gon shaving and Imth parlors, which
will he cqitipiied with fitrthur niieom-
modntiftfls in line with extensive fan
limvcments now being made on thai
C.J I. Sledolf, hookkeiipnr for the
springs commission, hits heiin ttitiis
fcrred to the offices of the publicity
dcjNirimcnt of the Coimuoiriiil club,
under Dirwt'O' l)ur.eii, ns aecouutaiit
nud etenogifipher. c o
II. 1'. llolmi i m.?hing impi'ovo
eent to the store ft out o his gro
cery on Sorth Slain ttt.
An endlesh iirocession wands it
(lit ion. CliiHsilicd 11 to How up to
date, the sulphur delivery is tiitin
uouh; Hi!a, ititermitteiit. l'clidiug
ud.justincut, the nieiu lement nV,o
fltif.f titillK. fia ifnlll inl I'ii.nlii imifttiitl
........ , .... ...
.rv connoted with pump, nnd uhnrv.
ng nppsiatus is rcgul.tcd pcrma-1
nig upiisintits is rcgulstcd iicrina
ncntly, "nobody knows, when lithia
Lflows." It may take weeks to jwrfect
the system, during which ptrind JIH5S,
Isitlloi'niiil demijohiH may lroni time
to tune he placed i'li the retitK list.
Contractors are bcuilina; nvorjr of foil
io untangle complications.
Mrs. I.cnh SI. Collins, tvho died last
week on the Sit. I'ittvicw ranch In
Table Rock ptceinet, wns the ilmigh
ter of .Mrs. C. J. Foster of Ashland.
The deceased Iciich n huhnml and
nine children. Interment was in
...icKsuimue cemciery.
John SI. Onmsley, 11 new nrrivnl.
from Montana, has bouht the J. V.
killer ranch of len acres, on the Eib
road, two mill's east of town. Ho is
already in possession, and the phici
which has been neglected of late al
tcady (ale on the apismrancc of
great improvement. Killer is now a
tisidciit of Mniiton, t'nl. The sale
wiik made by the Reaver Realty Co.
In spite of 11 wide rniifjo of proc
lamation posted so that all who run
may lead, acts of vandalism are this
ciuly in the season being committed
in the pinks nnd on the scenic diivo.
On the latter particularly it is con
sideicd so cute to upset the ntstiii
cuts which have been placed at con
venient spots where the canyoh walls
aie the steepest. Mutilation of trees
and shrubbery has also been noticed.
"For thu loe of Mike, do not mar
our pike!"
Madame Slelha is hended this way
from San Francisco vin Saeiamonto.
The wish is father to the thought
Iliac she might ha prevailed Umiii to
appear heic in conceit with Ada Sas
soK, ImriHst; Rnnul I'litmis. flutist,
and I na Waldrop, pinnit. Sfelba ;s
KC is pure. KC is health
ful. It really does make
lighter, nicer biscuits, cakes
and pastry than the old
fashioned single acting
baking powders.
And you pay only
No baking powder
frajwajasywsriP W .
' iWmJ
Watch This 'Paper
MacDoHoxmSi Sclitool ot Sinjjijwg
ln nuih nssistnift to Win.
linncniiolis S$mil oi .Musif, Oratoiv anrl Drnmutii
Art; and Inter, Dircftor of the DulmijiU' "School of
Music, Uulnuiue, Iowa. O
Y(jirK irAfmoxv sioiit hkadixc;
Studio- ilfl Wi t Afain Stir. r. " "
i Aa.,! tianai t
Mr. and Sirs. ?l. II. Powr rs, ori
!"" tram AUiMi?, wlm eamo Ur
vicinity sornf tltae ag. haw jo
t re-
? rrw n etlrnrtM nsrJoni
rrViiTJJfc. L Z
nhingten nnd Nw lrtrk; Purine
..jM ,
time being thev are Htoprtng nt
Archie Miller's. 011 IlnrginHne street.
AffKHHr iHtrrhnsei's of Southern I'n
chic railroad lands, of which 371-03:1
acre in lii'on sold in thin slate, the
Ashland SInuitfacturing Co. is cred
ited with being Iko hiblr of 'J 1)2 1)
ocre. The lloolli-Kellv fmuihcr Co.
is the largest holder,, owning 71.1)011
acre. The Ilnmoand-Winton la.m
bcr Co. emmo next with 4ii,0"2 acres.
YrelOi's tnoihlcs omt its Carnegie
library, in whiiA. a onsttnRv eomimny
wos invoiced ns gnnmitior, hnve been
stttiNftictorily settled.
AHort 11. ft!to, residing south of
the city limiPs c( an orchard tract
which ww being cleared, died Inst
rriilav morning o? pueiimnniti, :,'icr
having Ipii removed to u locpi hos
pital. He was n niit'iM' nfVisconsiii,
-18 virs old and unmnrried. Ifc a as
somewlint of 11 acholnr, nctive in de-
, . . 11., ..... ... ..1 . ,
m """ K , , '" , , ", ,
,lu" r,'.(,c"'. "Hi- o-win proluhlls.i.
campaign in the flute, uotnhlv among
southern Oregon workers,. His re
tiiflin will he taken to Appletvu,
Wis., for burial. Julius OM of Sled
ford is a half.biMlicr of the de
ceased. Miss Anna Hargrove left Saturday
for Sau Francisco to inspect latest
stle in millinery creations nt the
cmpoiitiins in that city.
Td, ,,. ,,.., ,,,,.,, ,.,.
H, vitality,
Medford people will ic'nllze that wc
COUd not publish such letters as the
foIlowInK ir thoy wero not genuine
nnd truthful statements or fait. The
llcv. Mr. Hughes, Holly Springs, Ark.,
"I am n Mothodlst mlnlstor, nnd
Ntiffercd rrom broken-down nerves,
loss or appetite and slccplessnoss. I
wna weak, my olrciilntlon was very
poor and I wna not nblo to do my
duty lu my parish ns I foil I should.
I hnd tried various remedies, but did
not seem to got nny hotter. Through
Mr. Ontlln of llwirden. Ark., I
learned or Vlnol, und It built me up.
I rognliiod my appetite, can sleep
bettor and do moro work."
There Is no sccrot about Vlnol, It
derives It power to build up the over
worked, brokandown, norvous system
rrom tho medicinal extractive or
rtosh cod llvora without oil combined
with tonic Iron and boat poptone.
Anyone lu Moilford.wlio wishes to
try Vlnol can do so with the under
standing that wo will roturn their
money If thoy are not satisfied. Med
ford Pharmacy.- Adv.
a fair price for it.
should sell for more.
the problem
fv s3'c)
of today- the
high cost of
II. Fortius, bond f thn
tlllllll v
1'kuw tbn Florist Photi. . I
Jli. I letu