Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, February 07, 1916, SECOND EDITION, Image 1

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Haiti Tonight mill Tlic-vlar.
Mat. r,7, Mln. in. Pro. JW
Fortv flftli Vrnr.
lill T- i Hi Vf-nr
NO. 272
Medford Mail Tribune
Germany Agrees That Reprisals Must
Not Be Directed Against Other
Than Enemy Subjects This Is Ex
pression Offered to Take Place of
Phrase Captaining Word. "Illegal."
WASHINGTON', Feb. 7. Germany
hns agrood Hint reprisals must not be
illroctail against nny other tlmn Qii'd
my subjects. Tills oxprctwlon Is of
fered by'tlormnny to tnke tbo phico
of the phrnio containing the word
"Illegal" whlcji was Incorporated In
tl draft of tho'.LusKaiiln ttgrcanicnt
now untie, consideration.
It nu$ boonnic known Hint (lor
mnny exprTknoafhi' hope Hint it may
have tlio opportunity to e-opomtu
with the United State in snmo ac
tion looking toward tint freedom of
the sons befnro tlio end of the "war.
This statement is taken in high dip
lomatic circles to imply Hint the Ilor
liu government m no occasion to
nwnit Hi cessation of hostilities be
fore Milling Hint issue.
I11kLjmV Inhuman.
Fuillionnnrc, Hie (Icinwn govern
ment refer to the Itritish blookndo of
nennnny an being inhumane, dull at
tention to the fact Hint nuiitml ves
sels have boon affected liv Hie ef
fort of the ItritUh government to
i-tarvo Duunnny, and puts forth Hie
contention that the (Ionium cuiii
lMiign in the wnr zone nrouuil Hie
,llritih Intra ia-jimtilied reprisal.
A hits been previously hinted, fler
innny save in Hie eouimiiuicntion Hint
Hie killing of nUizeiiH of the United
States wax without intent; Hint the
method of conducting wni'fnre in the
war zone around Hie Itritixh hies ha
been changed on I of regard for the
long-standing friendship between tlio
United States and (leraintiv nnd be
cause Amtrlpwi lite were lod.
Secretary Leaning today flatly de
' n led that new demand bad boon
made In the Lueltunln cniu at n lime
when tlio German government con
eld'ered tbo negotiations ptactlcnlly
weie at an end. lie was speaking
or the llerlln dlspatchos quoting the
reference! by Dr. Zimmerman, Ger
man under-socrotary of foreign af
fair, to "now demand."
Xo Srw DciiuumU,
"This government," aald Secre
tary Lansing, "baa not luereased the
demanda made In the Lusltanltt cane
aa et forth In the note or May IS,
.Inns 9 and July 10. I doubt If Dr.
.Immermann over made the state
ment that new demand bad been In
jected became he muat have known
It la utterly fnUe."
Secretary Laming would not dis
cuss Dr. Zlnimermann's statement
further. When Dr. Zlmmorinunn's
statement was Hilillshel In thia coun
try, however, hla reference to now
demanda wa,a taken to apply to a
possible conatruetlon on the word
"illegal" In the proposed form of
aettlemont. The only ground American-of
flolals could rind for construct
ing that aa embodying a new de
' mand waa tlio possibility that It
might be eonaldered applicable not
alone to the destruction of neutrals
on the I.usltanla, but also as to the
method by which she was sunk.
He made It kuown that tho state
department would oonsldor the sit
uation unchanged.
"Practically SoltWI."
Chairman Stone of the senato for
eign rt4ations committee, sold after
talklug with administration officials
that his iuiproiaion was that the
I.usltanla ease was "practically set
tled." Administration officials let It be
(Continued on Pace Fcur)
Edward Holler, Alexander Acsell.
Charles Houghton Joseph O'Mara
and George govern, former city offi
cials of Terre Haute, lnd., convicted
In the alar' n . ' - - wh
re' -- from Hj t'nited States pen
ip.iinii li. re toda hiina M-rtid
, r i . 'i ii i i.f 'n 1
f j t f , r . f I
, 1
Warm Rains Melt Heavy Snows of
Cascades Avalanches Threatened
All Oregon Rivers Brimful-
More Rain Predicted and Warn
ings Sent Out to Prepare.
WASHINGTON', Fob. 7. The
wr-nther bureau ihmiciI today n wnrn-
liil?: against qirobnblo avalanches in
(hotynounlnin difitriet f W'nshiiiRton
Oregon and Jilnlio, twut floods on tho
wosloni filopo ijf Hio CnHcndos in
WuHkinntoii. ,
SKATTMJ, WjihIi., Feb. 7. On re
ceipt of Hie flood and nvnlanclie
ivurninir. Hto fiicat Northern discon
tinuiHl opcrntiou of train in the Pan
cade mouiilains. The Milwaiikco and
Northern Pacific continur to moo
trains with extreme caution. DntiKur
oun point h aic cloxclv watched, the
iiuiuhcr of trad; imtrolmcu Tinviug
been doubled.
Kmr'" to llAllnwal.
Tlic wnrniiiK came as n Hurprirfc lo
the railroniN, M'hich had begun the
day with condition apparently better
Hum for wcekts. The temperature nt
Seattle remains !., and the snow in
I he lowlands is uieltiiifrKradually. The
warm wave that has overspread
went urn Oregon is said to be mov
ing uoilli. The melting in the mouu
tniua is only slicbl tints fur, but a
rio of ten degrees nt the lii-li nlti
hides would sot the finow alidlnf,'. The
nmoiiut of snow on Hp upper slopes
i liirxer thnn ever Indore known. It
would he (wixsible, with fnwmihlc
winds, for the snow h vanish peacc
nbly and without dainnge, but the
luteuaau of the scasou nnd the np
penrHiice of u warm wnvo off the
const iHHe rnilrond men deep anx
iety. Oickoii Sttvnitik Itlsiii.
POUTINI), Or.. Feb. 7. Out of
the foothills and Hie Unaeude nioiiii
tuina swolloii htrtwuiH were pouring
their flood waters Into the Willam
ette nnd Columbia livers today and
threatening to bring further damage
ill Hit) wnke of last week's sleet
stoun. Siileui and other Willainetto
Milloy towns rcpoit smnll streams out
of I heir bunk'.
Merclmnt in buildings nonr tlio
hanks of Hie Willamette in Portland
are moiug their goods from base
ments. Within twenty-four bourn
ending this morning Hie Willamette
had risen 7.0 ieet at Kuaene. In
Portland there wiu a rie of 1.9, but
the orcst is not e.ected here until
Thursday, whon a llocnl stage of J 0.3
feet is predicted by the weather bu
reau. This will inundate the lower
floors of practically every dock iu
the tipper hurbor, and water will seep
into Hie Imsomenis on Front street.
I.n-t night J.M inclios of ruin fell
nt Kiigcne und J. 02 in Portland. To
day spring weather provailed here,
the Mm shining bright and the tem
Krature risiny to fil dogrces. Tiat
fio was rostoted almost to normal.
At Walla Walla.
WALLA WALIA, Wash., Feb. 7.
Hright sunshine and a temperature
of -10 degrees U settling the lorty
inoh snowfall today, and indications
aro that there Mill bo rain and higher
tentneratureH tomorrow. This means
floods for the valley, and every oo-t-sible
precauljiiii ia being taken
aguuist high uuler.
Street eais aie not running yet, hut
schools opened Hiia morning. A
heavy rain fell last night, frooaing to
buildings, wires and tiees and caus
ing the collapse of two roofs on large
buihluigs in the business district.
KLLKNSMUHO, Wh., Feb. 7.
It is raining aud thawing iu the Uus
eade inouulaiua today. The temper
ature is the highest it has been for
more than a month. Ituilroad offie-ml-
slated there is grout danger from
mio idides and floods.
t'LAKIKDA, la.. Feb. 70-Colouel
William P. Ue4urnpftnuer meniber
t iuiii;r-. from tin- ili-triet. died
hi i- t,.,
i .illi r .i l"ii-: i!!i --
1. , .1 I I Ml , d ,.
1' "
a - -.
1 .1
ggggggggggggg9ggggggggggggggggBPgg9vQssuVO!SSiv KSUsifnTK-" "
My TlK I wf jti - f J
wPsMA0k7 a v igfgggge. dl '
(Sly i!P ..yiStiL- x hl 1
MsJifT fft m v L5va)l-BggCMg. i sJggggggggggWr - S
s VlTg&slgggf f l SaK R ' ' lJggBrl''','''lagllllllii II iJgggggJWaaW rfV
fwf J. JT2Z? l?XxMlt AXf". jS- J x 'LjAv""
IvL PASO, Toxub, Feb. 7. Mili
tary and civil officials at Juarez wore
further informed today of tho pur
suit of, Villa bands in weatom Chi
huahua. According to Inst reports
Francisco Villa was thought to bo In
the vicinity of Santa Clara ranch
with 200 well mounted men.
It was learned that a .Mexican Cen
tral train loft Chihuahua City last
nlsht for Juarez currying a heavy
military oscort Iioouurq of reports
that the country was Infested by ban
dits. HL PASO, Tons, Feb. 7. Fran
cUco Villa, with about twenty-five
men is on the defensive In Nldos can
ou of tho Santa Clam ranch, aocord
lntc to official advlcos received at
military headquarters In Juarez to
day. The advices v.ero from General
Qulvado, who reported from Ms
Cructw that four days ko he defeated
Gonerals Pedrosa and Josus Hod
rlRiioz, hilling ten, capturing ten
nnd scouring fifty hnrsos.
General Qalra, commandant at
Juarez, announced I hat Pedrosa and
Hodrlguoz then offered to surrender.
Gavlra stated that General Jacinto
Trevlno has ordered KiOO Infantry
from the south to Chihuahua City to
release Carranza tnaln to Join In
pursuit of Villa.
LONDON. Pel) 7 fine of 75.
000 marks Is said 1 neuter's Pet
rograd correspondent to have been
loyled on the people of the city of
Vllna by the Gorman authorities on
thfe ground that the recent great
fir there was of Incendiary origin.
The flamos rsaeked the headauar
tors of the general staff of the Ger
man army operating on the front be
tween Vllna and IlaranoMclti.
I'KKUHl.'fth. 7. The goteranieut
today auoitaeed thit i! iroops had
maplured Pin Shang. iiortbenst of
siu Fu. in the -..nth. rn ..I Se-l'"'"
a , A. f , , r.. i . in. I Mi i .. ,,.,
. 1
Keinaialilc l'liotoffifliJi of a Demi Hiiugntiini Soldier
KL PASO, Texas, Feb. 7 Francisco
Villa, the outlawed Mexican loader,
terrorized tho mining camp of La
guna, Chihuahua, on Monday last
and throatuuod to "kill all grliiHoes
ho oaiight," according to Mexican
pagHenxer v. ho arrived bore eatly
today on tho first train from tho
south in eight days.
Monday last, thoy said, Villa ap
pealed nt the Plelsgos in I no at L.v
Kiiua, coming from Csnan do Kl Nldo,
nonrhy nnd rnnsackcHl the town, loav
Ing only a small supply of corn.
Ppou leaving, they said, Villa
made the throat agalnit the Ameri
cans. Wednesday, It waa said, Villa
reappcrel and told the laborers
to ot out, assorting he did not want
any niinos ownod by Americans to
bo operated. Tho 1'lelanoK mine lit
ovned by an KiiKllshman and an
A merlon n now In Chihuahua city.
With Villa was said to be 200 men,
well mounted.
The paasongera declared that Feb
ruary 3, Pablo Lopez, who Is aald to
have dlroctod the Santa Vsabol mas
sacre, with twenty followers rode Into
Fresno, a suburb of Chihuahua City,
killed four soldiers, stolo n number
of horses and escuped
6AN PJUNCI8CO lob. 7. -Classification
of t)phoid contracted frqin
well wator as an ae Ident was up
held today by the Pulled States cir
cuit court of appeals in affirming a
decision of the federal district com t
at Portland, Ore. In holding liable
tho Aetna Life Insurants company
under an oinploysr's liability isdlcy
held by the Portland Qa and Coke
Company for the lanoeluatlon of sev
eral men while at ork In Multno
mah county.
PHOKNIX. Ariz , Feb. 7 Angered
by the killing of one of their num
ber by white police uin, Indians of
" Navajo reservation Iu NOrtheust-
Arizona are threateniiiK sn ui-
rising, according to .nhJpi n. fuel
I mi. I
lit the Cnllrlnn Sunn.
LONDON. Feb 7 Changea of
Kroat Importance In tho direction of
Din war are contemplated, says tho
Dally Sketch. It asset U that Karl
Kitchener probably will leave tho
war office. The Sketch says Sir Wil
liam llnhertson, now chief of staff,
will probably take over active di
rection of the war without lutor
feience, except fioui tho cabinet ai a
whole, and that a civilian Of ronl
ability for organization will become,
secretary of war
In event Hint Karl Kllohouer loaves
the war offlco, (be Sketch adds, he
will nnderlslio work of an liifporlant
character olxowhero.
IlKltLLV, i la Pails, Feb. 7. Artil
lery eiiKSKomnnts of terrific Inten
sity have been In proKroas In the
sector between La Iiasseo canal aud
Arras In northern France and Mouth
of the Illver Soiume, German arnn
hoadMunriera announced today
TAHiMA, WikIi., I Mi. 7. An ex
pillion ot J (wo piniiiiU oi ilpaauiitu
at Hie uelaline dyuumite muer lwmse
I Hie DuPiuit isjwder ilaut at l)u
I'i'iil, near THeoma, ai ll:3A (his
miiiiiing, blew thiee unit to pieces,
reckd properly valued at laore
than ilOJlGO, shattered windows
throughout the hug plutit aud in the
(own nearby aud rocked nnd rattleil
Urni es miles away.
The dead are: .4hn 1111, 31; Qua
.Wi.llf, .Hi Nils P. Jess, a J.
All were married. Wolff leaves
his wile and two -mull children, the
ollui-. lnie witc on I v. The I'umil
let oi nil the men live at Dul'ont.
W V.SMINGTON, Feb 7 -Beere-tar
Lansing today told the Colom
bian inluUter, Julio lletancourt, that
President Wilson had not approved
the proposed amendments to the Co
lombian trsat) U) cut the Indemnity
the I'uited States Is to pay from 26,
one no ii u Jl'.iiMii lino and to make
Hie f r --ioii ..f if v 1 1 1 fr.r liio car
. Mtion of 1 aiittn a in t ,HI
tl.f I Kit
House Authorizes Immediate Use of
Money to Equip Coast Navy-Yard
to Begin Bulldlna. Battle Cruiser
$100,000 for New York Navy Yard
DTcadnauflht Yard Pacific Coast.
WASHINGTON, Feb. 7. -The
Iiouko lodav uiithnrizcd imiiicdiato uio
of WOO.Ono to fcpiip .Mnro Island
navy yard to lioghi huildlng a drtyiit
'iiiiughl or linltlo cruiser, the 'first to
ho coiislriielod on the I'ncifio imnst
in n got eminent yard, and nulliorlrcd
cxpendiluie of .flrtn.nOO lo enlarge
the rncililles t the New York navy
ynnl. The sennte has not yet nctod.
Money .Unliable.
The lesolniion would transfer
$000,000 of Hie money already np
proprinted Tor droaduniiKhtM Noh. 43
and II for tlio extension work at the
yards. Km HiHNNgo wna npccially
iim,ci1 by Secrelnrv Dniiiels, whii
IHiinled out Iho limited caiwcity of
Aiuericnii Hhipbuildiu' vnrd for eon.
-Irtiflioii of drciidnnughli, nnd said
llial if the naval iucicuxcM conleiu
jilnted iu Hie iidminiMtmtioii'N prepar
cdneas pi'ogituii were to be curried
out it would bu neeewtnrv to inerenno
the capacity of goveinuieiil ynrds.
Tlic government ynul bid a mil.
lion dollar under piiwilo piiipowils
for ilrenilnniiglilH 13 mid 41. Tho
MOO.OOO will equip Jlnie lalnnd for
Hie woik nsido from pilding a long
hoiikIiI drcndnniight ynnl on tho I'n
cilic const.
The ciptipment of .Mnro Island will
uivu the government two major eon
'traction nnl, Hie ntlier in Suw
York, and Hie tmw dcMirtmont plaiH
Minn lo add the Pugel .Sound, Norfolk
and Philadelphia yards lo tho lb. I.
I'lrsl on Pnelflc (kis,
The eonsl ruction or littleliip No.
II nt Mnre Island will he the firt
woik done (here on n big ship ainee
the old monitor Monndiiavk was built
there. It has been proposed thai the
name California, now assigned lo Iho
dreudimiiKlit under construction nt
the New York yard ho lnnireired to
No. II bcciiuse the ship will icpre
Bottt (he firt modern mipilnl sliip (o
bo built by the government i(elf on
the Pncilic const.
HattliMhip No. 43 h!1 lie laid down
nt the New York ynnl next Septem
ber, aa tie pi went California is off
Hie ways there ami No. 4 1 will he
laid doau nt Marc Nlmul probably
about (he same time.
IHFFALO, N Y, Feb 7. John
Kdward Telper was arraigned In the
supreme court hero todav on a cliargu
of murder In the first degree for the
slalug of Mrs. Agnes M. Telper, his
mother, who with Tslper's brother,
Frederick C, was killed on the Or
chard Park highway a week ago last
night. Motion for ball was denied
and. Teller was committed to Jail
until Wednesday.
The charge waa mgdo before Jus
tice Marcus as a committing magis
trate. ISdward It. O'Mallsy, counsel
for Telper, demanded an I mm sd late
examination, but IX'trlct Attorney
Wesley C. Dudley asked that It be
deferred uutll Wednesday. The
oourt granted a continuance until
MILAN, via Paris. I . h 7 A dis
patch from Athens to the Siecolo says
that French aviators report (ontlu
ued concentration ir adtemarv tone
ou the Greek frontier lemma re
inforcements are uih.uu turf fioai
t'skup to the noiihwt-i i i.ixeh
Fresh Usriuan reKlimnis i.uw ar
rived at Monaitir und uttrlan fon .
re COHeenii .iliil alolliul Ti hei.l.ovo
A Iiulgarian division. sss the dis
imtili, fuiitlU ha left KuHtendll, ko
in -.initiiw.irii mil tin irannfer of
li v r'll'f t from Nih n th. Hi 1
i rui i -ci ti r n c iiitttti l
Thousands of Children Suffering
Slow Starvation, Growing Up Men
tal, Moral and Physical Weaklings
First Requisite of Preparedness
Declared to Be a Healthy People.
WASHINGTON, Feb.. 7. An In
qulry by nn export conmIsBlon Into
tho causes nnd euro of child-poverty
In Its relation to national efficiency
nnd preparedness Ih proponed in n
Joint resolution Introduced In tho
hoiiHo todny by ReproHeuint(o Fd
wunl KenllnR ot Colorado.
In lireparlng ((in ropolullon, Con
Krossmnn Keating lin-hhil tho nsslst
nnco of Judgo Honry'Ncll! tho ,rFath
nr of Motliura' Pensions." Judgo
Nell eontonds that tho hatds of nny
military propnrcdnosft Is "Feed nil
tho children. ' i
"ThnuBnndH of children nro auf
ferlim alow starvation In this conn
try," said Judge Nell today, dlfi'eusH
Ing tho Kontlng rocolution. They
nutko a clans that create n rotten
Place In (ho national life. Thoy nro
not only unfit to fight In an army,
but thoy nro so low In vitality that
thoy aro unable to feel loyalty, pa
triotism, lore of homo nnd cannot
bo depended upon. Tho first requUlto
of nn army Is healthy people. Ger
man gtlccoBB Is largely duo to tho
foot thai , her children nro well
noiirlliu'di, and nhlldpovert, which
provnllH, Ip, thin country nnd Hol
land, la ''almost unknown In Ger
many. Child Powiiy PmntlMs
Itoprosonlntlvn Kontlng'a roxn
lilt Ion rcrltoH thai, "proper propnrn
tlou of our country for national do
fonie domnnds tho creation ot condi
tions fuvornblo to tho birth aud
growth of healthy and sano men
and women; and recruiting officers
of the military nnd naval sorvlro ot
Iho Fultod States hnro reported that
more than bO per cent of tho young
moil applying for enllHtmont nro de
fective physloally or montnlly, or
both, nnd offlcors connected with
other dopurtmonts ot tho fed
ora 1 govornmont hnvn roported that
wldoaprond ohlld-povorty provnlls In
our country; nnd child-poverty, which
may ho defined ns Insuftlclont food
and clothing and hnhltatlona detri
mental to human llfo, Is cortnln to
produco weak, dufectlvo and dolln
quont adults, and (his In tho richest
country lit the world, hlossod with
abundant natural rosoiircoe nnd n
powor of produotlon unequalled In
(ho history of tho human race. Chlld
povorty and tho consequent Incrcaso
of unfit adults in the United Stntos
nro due to oondlttons within tho
scopo of legislation und prosent a
problem which should migaKo the at
tention of the congress of tho United
AskH a ComiuUslon.
For these reasons Mr. Koatlns'a
resolution proKie "That the presi
dent of the Pnltod StatM appoint a
commission of seven to Inquire Into
child-poverty. Its extent and Its ef
fect on the manhood of tho nation, Its
offset on the military nnd naval
power of the nation and to mnko
recouimeudatlona for legislation to
abolish the conditions which produco
child-poverty ami delinquent and de
fective adults." Tho commission Is
to Include three surgeons, ono from
the army, another from tho navy and
one from civil life.
"F.lght hundred million dollars was
spent In tho l'nltc-d Stntos Inst year
to maintain Institutions for depend
ents and defectives." said Cougross
man Keating when asked about hla
(Continued on Page Four.)
DKXVKR. Colo , Fob. 7. A twolve
da blockade ot railroad truffle In
mo nth western Colorado was llftod to
d.iv Delayed and regular trafflo
on r the Denver & Illo Grande moved
on i or rturungo and Alainosa. Tho
Hue over Cumbreo Pass waa cleared
or drift from iix to thirty foot doon
lat mjJit coding tho longest BtojH
ae ot n ante out thla road for,
hv tal jcatrt
f, tod . Tion.a ) i no
.Miatr , xt t ntt rrr