Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, February 05, 1916, SECOND EDITION, Image 1

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Mm aMli tM SSMC' AWrM
vi iiii ir i itt.i i ii 1 1 i i rc.i n v Hi i ,::-"'
. . MgOWW
Port v-f If Hi Vmf
Dally- Trnlh Tnr
Discussion of Germany's Latest Ans
wer to DcQin MondayUndertone
of Expectation of Finding Grounds
for Agreement No New Develop
ments Press Discusses Affair.
WASHINGTON, Kcli. .-. President
Wilson nml Secretary Lansing will
not begin discussion of Germany's
In lost answer in the Lusilnnin nego
tiations bcfoio Monday.
It wmi mi id that tint president nl-n-aily
Iuih tho jiroposnl from IJorlin
before him mul wnntH to )o ovor it
cnrufully lioforo lie huins confor
I'ni'cs with tho hocti'tnry of Htntc.
Tliort' wn mi undortono of cvpeotn
tion tluit tlic two KovuriimoiiU would
lie nlilo to find I'oiiiinon ground for
ogrci'iut'iit, in offiuiiil (li'clarutioiiH
that Hoiliii'8 reply linw not made the
hit nut ion tiny more serious.
.No Ik'illn DcvolopiiirutN,
HKIrU.V, I'el). St. Thore nro no
new development liete today in the
Liinilania euno while newnt is hoing
iiumtcd from WnhhiiiKtoii. With re
Kiinl to the proposal of Seeretnry
1-am-iii on tho Milijoct of siilimnriuo
wnrfme mid the arminir of meiehant
nion, the Ax-iociated lie-H is author
itatively informed that they hnve not
ho fur been submitted to (iermnuy.
The pnihM continues to dineiihw the
cabled ievit rounlinjc thosa pTo
hi(iIm of .Mr. I.aiiHinjf. Tlio Koel
iiincIic VoIK'h Zuitun, mi onsiin of tho
Catholic party, hii.vs that the propos
iiIh are absolutely iuaeeeptalile, aH
their neeeptnnce would niKiiirv the
abandonment of tho entire (IcrniHii
KMbmarine eUinpaixu ajtaiiit the com
murce of the allien, With lenrd to
(he I.ii-iluuiu (iiei.tion, tho Vol ken
Zeitunc hays that if h: WiUou ih
correctly reported at domnudinK that
(JennniK- recogniio the inkiiir of the
.uilania wuh illegal and unjustifi
ed hv the theory of repriMil, then
there can ho only one answer it flut
I'll to Cluinccllop.
The Kroiu ZeituiiK ny it ii neo
eshiny to otnpliHMKo tho leiihoim
whudi fxlioithl iiifluonco Cliwneo!yr
Von nethmaiin-Hollwcff in deciding
nut to meet tho dumniida of tho Unit
ed State, mid Hild:
The chancellor will hao to nsl
what America niemiM by iiRain sud
denly lan-inir tho (uetion of the fjeu
eial priiiciplu invnhud in the l.usi
taiiin affair and domaiidiuic that wo
adopt a position completely at vari
ance with the one we took, eleaily and
witliout nmhiKUit.v, ui nioiiiliH ago.
lie Hill liao to decide whether tin
nciion by Amorica does not icllcct
inlenlii'iiH whioh could not be remov
ed bv coneoHhions however (jicat on
our pint, but could be met onl b
i f 1 111 U'solutloll.
liKRMN, Keb. 5 - Kurtbor de
tAlU of tti attack by a DrltlBli aux
iliary cruiMr flyliiK the I)i)tcb (lag,
on a German submarine are given
from an authoritative source," sa)B
the OvonHMf New Ageney. "Tho
kubmarine signalled the steamer to
bend boats In order that tho steam
er's (taper might be examined. Tills
was done after an interval. It Is
rutert the steamer Has a freighter
of 3000 tens with nothing auspicious
aiout Iter apjQaranee. She flew the
Dutch floe anil bore the name Me
lttiile ' While waltir for the boats tho
submarine submerged. It approached
withi about li meters of the
steamip which Opened fire with two
cannon of medium type and with
machine guns. The subnDiae es
caped only by submerging.
- The steamer then attempted
twite to mm the submarine, flying
tl,t Ixit.h flag all this time"
TtiPrc m no Dutrli KteauiPr Me-
", iti ft, t tin If I- , Jlllhll ' .af '
Fate of Physician's Wife and Ne- EHL -BkHbh .tdflflsmmmS. jF OTW Jf . " lH mgggg
yroes Accused of Slaying Her Hus- HbVfHHk flHKs99BL Wk MJ$mLmm4m2$L "& $ IsBnwF S LLm
hand Rests With Twelve Men m r mmWmWmmwKLmmkWfilOmWr TjfSsassWsiBHsisif&, yatffcj HEl aasBBsssB
Instructions Provide for HmV m dHHNE '""" jfllHH i
ScparateVerdlcts. , i 1B4 JmmWmfc iisr 1
ritOVIDKNCU, It. I., I'eb. n.
.Mi-s. .Afobi' not (Ttillty; Iti-oim and
Htnlliiuin puflty.
PHOVIDKNTK. II. I., Feb. 5. Tho
case of .Mrs. Elizubolh V. Mohr, Cecil
Ilrowu mid Henry H. Spolhnmi,
ehnrged with the minder of Dr. C.
Frmikliu Mohr, tho womnu'H husband,
was given to tho jury ut 10 15 o'clock
Judge StenniH in Iiis eliarc to tho
jury declnmd that it was their dutj
if they concluded the state had prov.
nl ith ensc to my "Rtiilty," whatcxef
the consequcnees in enelt ease or in
nny ease.
ItcrojmleH Xi Color.
"The law recoRiiies no color, no
creed," the court hiiid. "Pay no re
Kind to the fact that one defendant
is a woman and two arc colored men.
They arc three citizens on trial mid 1
charge you not to allow nny preju
dice or feeling, except an lionont tie-
hiie to do impaitial justice, to cuter
your iiiiiiiIh.
"The law in repaid to principals
in n crime," the court explained, "is
lliih; Where any persons me present,
aiding mul abetting in tho actual
coniiiiUbion of u crime in this case
it is nun dor they are equally guilty
with those who actually commit tho
crime. Mrs. Mohr has been indicted
(ih an aeccKAory before tho fact. If
Nou find she lured, aided, proem ed or
ii"Htcd one or both of the other
defendant, sho is guilty."
Judgo Steams then explained the
degree of proof necessary to convict,
Haying: "All thrco defendant arc in
dicted together, but you will bring in
three vcidictK The uu diets will he
indiMiliml aw though theio had been
tin eo owrato trials."
PlIlU-ljMlN J'liM.
The eomt asoeited that undor the
law an accessory cannot be convict
ed mile one or both of tho princi
pals iB found guilty, mid therefore
that it wit logical that the jury first
determine whether Ilrowu and Spelt
mail weic guilty.
At 'J :ir o'clock this afternoon no
word had como from tho jury, which
at that time hud beta considering tho
case four hour.
Judge Stearns telephoned to tho
courthouse ut li:U) o'clock that ho
would not return th'irc until ." o'clock.
Xo verdict theretore was expected be
fore that hour at the eailu-t.
and cattle me;i from the western
states today urged tho senate .tnd
toiunutteo to defeat or at leut rad
ically modify tho (llO-uero grazing
homestead bill, which has passed tho
house and i now pending in the sen
ale. Dr. S. W. Mcfluro of Salt Lake
City, secretary of tho National Wool
Grower' association, suid it would
be impracticable fur a man on 01 J
acre to raise a single sheep bcris"
the truct was so small ho eoulJ not
employ a herder and too largo lo ei
c4one with wire netting to keep ccit
the roxote-.. Cattle men, he said,
would suiter more iiom isolated 0W
ucre liomc-tiiuN tli.m sbcepuiv-n.
8. 0. P.
ClIICAUU. Feb. Si. The tuiididae
of lulled Stute .Stuutor I.. Y. Sber
uiun of llbut for republuuu now
tuee for president iulied today
by the Illinois state oeutrnl coauuit
tic mid u ba I iiioii lut t iMudidieH
I'M ilt It jnlc-. .it lar'C to llif ll.lial
i . r i T i i . t ''ii i! t V- ,(
iimiiiii ii iiiuiiif in MsssmF vesBBBBBBransswx ,. - BasBBBBw .jtu. nnx sk v m uunuun wnriJii LMiniiinitnreiviwiMiiTi
CIHCAOO, Feb. 5. Truth has fie
lion tied to the post again.
And American detectivo methods
nrs shown to be 10 per cynt finijsbe,
10 per cent luck and HO por flcilt stool
pigeon nguin.
All in the robbery of tho Washing
ton Park National banks down in the
shndow of tho south side " on
Si.xty-third street.
Incidentally, a new light has been
thrown on the life of n modern city
the malicious brotherhood of
crooks and crooked police, and the
methods tiscil bv American police de
partments in the capture of those
that transgress the law.
Nick Caiter never dreamed a crimo
more lurid than this bank robbery.
Fixe men drove up in an auto at op
ening time. One stayed at the wheel
and smoked cignrcttes. Tho others
stepped into the bunk and lettimcd in
four minutes with .flo.OOO mid sonic
small change. All hopped into the
oar and.sK!d nwny north into Wash
ington park.
That was all theixj wiii. tt sue out
side. Hut inside
Masks wore vhiskod over their
heads as tho four bandits entered the
big doors. Ten dejMisitor mid as
niHiiy officer and directors hold up
their hands when a bandit said
"Hands up!" One was "Jako" Stnhl,
mn linger of the Hostou Hravos in
1912 and 101;i, now vice-piosidunt of
the Washington Park bank. One of
the depositors was Municipal Judge
Fry. Kaeh bandit took his position.
Three had two1 blue pistols apiece.
The leader, uniiiiu.V. went into the
cnshlur's engotond helped himself to
nil the uash iiP the drawer. Then,
with a final silent tlouush of six mi
tomitie they (ill walked out. The
ipiivering auto sped away.
In lossthnn twenty-four hour all
five robbers woic in jail mid tho
leader had confessed, naming fifteen
policemen hu soys nro in league with
crooks. Thu hinder is Kddio Maok,
well-known pickpocket.
Charges had been made that the
gang had boon impoited bv unnamed
defeated politicians to discredit the
Thompson adiuiuUtration. After the
capture, coiiiitor-phiirges were made
that the whole affair was a tramo
ii), with Mack as stool pigeon.
All thd loot has been ioeoered hut
12000, which was given to a eteran
safe blower, who earned it b tipping
otf the gang to the Job,
State's Attorney Hoxne is chort
ling, for Muck has gion him infor
mation that Hoyne believes will hohiI
a doxen or more crooked detectives
to the pen.
CINCINNATI, Feb J -Suit was
filed fn tho United Statos district
court hero today charging tho Colin
Gardlnor I'anor Company or Middle
town, Ohio, and fifty-three othor de
fendants in various parts of the
country nlth having violated the civil
section of tho Sherman anti-trust
law Insofar as It has to do with re
straint of trade. Tho suit was filed
by the Chicago Oyster I'ail Com
pany and 1300,000 damages aro
The petition alleges that the de
fendants had been conducting regular
competitive concerns In the manufac
ture and sale of paper board up to
September 6, 1105. At that time,
It alleges, the papttr board associa
tion H8K formed and that this has
Ktned to rMr,un n.t le- to coni
, i'lOu -&U t ICi l'r fi ' i
a. J.---? . I wii i
.ld H I air k
4 i-l-l pilDQllING RANniK
At the toj uiv tlie four men Indicted for (tic Washington Pailc bank I
liciy. lt'ft to light, they arc: Harry Kiiuuci, 1'batlcs Kiiuncr, lluny '
.. tt... I,.. .11.. ...u. I'.l.ll.. M...K I.....L... .. ,1... I... ...11. ..(... I
I'elu, Alex. 1 Iodic. Ilclow arc Kddle
confc-Msl ami won Immunity, and Ids
MTTl.K HOCK, xt K 1V1. -,
Aftor predicting a stugo of in feet
In tho Wblto river u I'ebruary s.
tho United States weather bureau
horo sent notice to Clarendon, Ark.,
warning the nuthes to got out of
that town and tho surrounding low
lands quickly.
llundrods of refugees still aro Iso
lated at Oakwoods Ilayou mid Var
nor by back water, (irmly Is under
hovoii feat of water The total flood
doath list to date Is l.
Tho ontlro town of Arkansas City
Is Inundated and water works and
olootrlo light plants are out of com
mission. All ablo-Uodled lefugees
aro at work on the (eveos thore.
Pendleton 1 under water and
those Inhabitants who have not fled
nro living In second stories. Stores
of nugroos ami refuses are boused
on the Icwth in bouur furnished
by the railroadx.
ST. JOB1CIMJ, XIo . 1 eh. r. Si'xoii-ty-throo
suits aaatn-t three rallioads
wore Instituted in it circuit tourt
horo toda) allcsliiK violation of the
maximum freight rate statute. Blx-ty-nlne
of the esses are against the
Chicago, Ilurllimtou and Quiucy,
tlireo against the Chicane, Koek Is
land and I'Hctfls and on against the
Atchison, Topeka and Santa I'e.
Thoro are nine buiidr4l' separate
The total of the claim' Is f 178,000.
The thirty-six hundred plaintiffs are
composed of farmers, livestock skip
pers and oemwlsslou iNorenants of
northwest Missouri.
The petition alleges that the plain
tiffs were overcharged on livestock
shipments pending sn appeal by the
railroads to the United Kate su
preme court, which held the law to
be valid and that toe amount of the
overcharges never was returned.
WINDSOR, Out., Feb. 5. Charto
Stiou.v, an opeya singer arrested bfie
last night on suspniog uf having
been fiiiinected with the fire in "
pHlliuiuciil Ihiii-i i! ilttaw.i. w.i- i
leu-ej t"l i i ' 1 1. N I ii !
miuiuu g.arri.
fv v jJi. STJB IflK " '
Xlatli, leader of the lmndlts, x lit)
wife ami daughter.
HCItl.lN, Fell ' lorreapond
cat of tho l.okal Anxclgcr has sent n
dispatch concerning a visit to Do
berdo plstoau on the Italian front,
from .which tho Overseas News
Agenoy quotes the follewing:
"Tho Italians are worn out, owing
to their failure In all their efforts and
the obvious Impossibility of winning
success. They have only one doslro,
tbst pouco may come soon.
"Ono of the higher Austrian offi
cers said that sine the battle at
Oslavla the Italians have understood
clearly thu Impassibility of bi unking
the tiistriau lines.
"Some time ago at a point where
thu trenches of tho opposing forces
were nuar each other , the Italian
command 'forward was heard. In
stead of advancing the eoldlers
sheuted: 'Korward, en plain The
captain then stepped out again and
shouted, 'forward.' He Immediately
fell, his body pierced l a bullet
The soldiers In the trenches ap
jduuiled. shouting, llrato, captain!' "
W sIIN(rroN, lib i. Semite:
N'ni in sensiou, metis Monday,
J i i i - ih r oiib-i omiiiiiiist deeided id
hold optMi IteuiiugM vu -npieie comt
noiiiiimtio of fMiU l). lifnudflk,
Pubbf laisd commute jteord wes
tsrn m(j on OlU-ucre grating home
steud bQI.
1 lus t Met at noon.
Ud-uuuMJ debate ou Indian appro
print ion blU.
Ilriiidfr (Jenerjtl Qoelhol eon
tinued bu ieelimony oa Piwuutg osiiul
uenl befyre mqiropriattoas tuumit
tee. Wn i gitd means commiUM demo
crats tirwallyGchoj-e liepre.Mtstive
Huiupbiws of Misiip(d m ebair
mun i vk MV house coutnUtUe ou
tlotitl i ontrol and i-t-lceted Lhs coui
untn'i iersouiicl.
l'Oliri.AM) (lit, lMi "- Port
lsinlHdi n tm nni' to noiuiai condl-tpiii-
todri un'i niiitii 1 1 1 t mry
St' ' il nii In l M it i i . i .lift,.
and lth rail and wire communica
tion lt iOjlllM oul'-ifle tlie ltt Rreut
I I in i i v I Sin.w, riuirlex ),triii
Kli PASO, Toxas. Feb. 5. Carran-
zu troops from Cblbiiiibua Clty aro
pursuing Imiullts headed toward
'OJInngn, according to n roporl from
i (lonorul I. ills llnrrorn to tho Moxlcnn
consulate hero today, (ionoral (In
xlra, commaudiint at Juarez, said
KrnnclMCo Villa with a few followers
Is believed to be beaded In that di
rection. IICI. PASO, Keb. (.-Military nd
vices fioui Madera, western Chihua
hua, today reported Geuornt Fran
cisco Villa again In thu vlelnlty of tho
Santa Clara ranch, wost of tho Moxl
cnn Central railroad. They also
stated that General Podrota with fif
ty men of Villa's hand had offered
to surrender at Iis Crucos, about
thirty miles north of the Santa Claru
On receipt of the .Madera advices
(iwvlra said he had ordered troou
from Juarex south to the Bantu Clam
WASIIINOTON, Fob. 5. Depart
msit of Justice ngonts are keeping
olosu on, tho trail of Uoueral Felix
Dlos because of repot l or a pro
posed expedition from southern Mex
ico Into Duateniala.
xHnlstant Attnrnev-Oenoral War
ren today said that IHaz Is now In
New Oilcans under tlose surveillance.
OTTAWA. Ont . Fob :. - Sir Itob
ert Uorden, th ireiuler, anuouncod
totbxy that the government proposos
aip(lUltn a committee of throe to
Investigate the cause of a fire which
destroyed the parliament buildings.
lie has asked the opposition leader,
Sir Wilfred Laurler, to nsmo one of
the three roinuilsslaners They will
be armed with far-reaching author-
Mty and will have the dominion se
cret service at t holt disposal. Their
luestigation will bugit at ouco.
LONDON', Feb KIiik Ueorge
today made bis first public appaar
nnifi siui't he suffered injury from
an aceldeit wbtle reviewing the
IlrMlsh troops in Franco last Oo-
I'lober His majeat) attended a per
jformance of erdi's retjulem in mem-
"i oi i ii Holdii'ti who have falleu
r li' ,i
NO. 271
hiuineiJJi WfllgnCiKiiflfifly iliWoSck
frontier is lclioilctl m a Snlonfkfdu-
put.cli to the Ilalknn agency. It is
said mi artillery duel hns been in
progioss for two days in tho neigh
borhood of Doiriin and Hint tho Drit-
isli heavy guns nro dominating thoso
of their ndvorsniitw.
Aii-sblps ItnM llulgiii-s.
PARIS, Feb. r.. An official Bul
gnrjun report wns fonvnrded from
Athons to tho Temps says Hint d70
men were hilled mid more than COO
wounded during the recent attack by
French aeroplanes on Ilulgariun
The nttnek is said to have been
made bv sexentcen acropluncg. Jfoio
Hum "JOO pombH were dropped ou thu
Hulgiirian camps at Petrich, in thu
Strumitsa alley. Tho batllo was ovee
in twenty minutes.
No Pome. Ti-raty.
LONDON, Feb. 5. Vignnii newspa
pers state that peu.,0 pour parlers
with Montenegro have not yet begun,
according to a Vienna dispatch trans
mitted by Roiitcr'Amstqrjlnm qorrc
Hpondcu't.' Tlfo 'reason gWii'Ts "that
neither Pi ince Mirko, second son oS?
King Nicholas, who remained in -Montenegro,
nor the three .Montenegrin
ministers who also remained, pos
sesses nny mithority to ciigugo in tho
VIK.VNA, Feb. 5, in London.
Tlii'Austrinii mithoi-ities Imvo ovidout
ly cliangcd their minds about tho
possibility of negotiating ponuo with
tho member of the .Montenegrin cab
inet left in that country. It is now
iiutiouneed that tho nugolhitiona hnj
not yet begun mid will be deferred
until the minister are furnished with
indisiiulable cretlcnlmla in miikx ;
binding pence.
It is assorted in army circles that
the Montenegrin ptsVIo mo inuuiOjt
ing a slrikinglv friendly attitude to
ward the Autiian troojH.
County Ctiiumissioner Frank II,
Madden, Mi. Madden and K. II. iran
lev lmc ictunied from u 10,000-milo
trip, which uieluded Washington, I).
C, New Voik, Chicago, Now Oilcans
and Los Angeles. Thoy report bus
mess booming in tho oast und ltoosc
velt faorite fur thu (1. 0. P. nomin
ation. They atrnightguod out thu
eoniplniiit filial agahpit their Copjior
Rncr oannerv hv IiuHuii and hud a
must siiecessful and enjoyablo trip.
Mr. Madden said:
"Now York is plumb oruzy. I
never saw anything like U. A dollar
i not us big tw a uiekil. Tlio stock
boom hns oionted u now btiuoli of gut-nuh-iuluk
mllliiinaites and they uto
spendisjf uione.x like drunken jailors.
AH the ftjijc lintels are full to ovor
fluwiug gud pries are most exorbi
tant. Vou oatiuot get a scut in u
dining rouiu. aud where they huvu an
ice-skating aica in the center, as they
do in most, u- skating is tho latest
fail, they churgt' xou .fj tor a seat
and xou cnu't get au thing to cut
shoit ot .,p7 or .8 more. I nccr suw
un thing like it.
"lii. Augeloe, on the other bund,
pic-cuts the other oxticiuo, Uui
tliing in iiuiet. Although theru mo
many tourists, they arc tight-listed
fanner from the apijj tovvus-.mHl
t'ariii. ut the middle west audiuever
speml a nu kel Tbo rjest Uotola havq
put iimai nni, down to $1 to $1.60
u a. , ratmf tbau rcuiu.m vacant,"