Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, February 04, 1916, SECOND EDITION, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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llv W. W. WATSON.
In wxmmt ernniwrathp figure hi tb
nmtler of the initial and permanent
font of irrigation, it i piofomblo to
employ example 0r comiweison into
AVhlnh tlue for wIi.hh lhe.u Hrtielea
mv written may make iwrWrnl In
I'liry, if deairsble. llutuactt iiiurcdul
ity is frequently an ob
stacle to overcome in an effort to
ronch tin. truth of tin- proposition in
llHIld. ITl'UPC, when ;
made to mi irrigation project Nome
ilitnee away fi oiu tluMu whom n
local aysloni inny concern, tin effort
will bo mnuV to ii(f i, ease oC which
n loonl resident of good roputo litis
personal knowledge.
In using brief ilnln concerning tho
Model Land & Irrigation company of
Noullioni Colorado, of which district
tho town of l'oso is tho business oen
tor, those interested in Ibis eomparn
tivo pVosenlntion nro referred to .lului
II. KnglMi, n respected resident of
tliin ,.i(y, who fa fnturcntcd in tho
wyntom just named.
Tho Initial Cot
A eo-opornlive company wan or
gnnized in Noiithoni Coloniilo anil
nninotl tho .Model Unit & lirigntiun
oumpttny. The nron to bo irrigated
continued 120,01)0 ttoro. Tho slorase
.vtoni 1 used. A dam n milo long
wa nocoamiry to form a hndu with
n capacity Miffioicnt to hold tho
nimntity of walor required. Tho in
itial oot of t Iii storage yti'iii won
$(100,0110. The cosd of annual main
tenance dining tho period of Hum
company's operation has varied from
.W.fiO per acre to as high as .:I.."jO
ior acre. An additional muu of
fl 00,000 wa voted for pcriuanont
con-t ruction work.
Tho hind irrigated by thi com
pany, in its native condition, was
wot th -cnreely the annual tax charge.
,11 was aMMisud at ..! to $1,1U an
aero. Xow it sell for $80 to $200.
Irrigation wan absolutely noee-Miry
to make it piol'itahly rodticivc.
Those who organized and put the
soheiiiH into operation had no fear of
the re-nils of irrigation,
AValor Cost a I'm tune
Without a quaver of doubt, those
inteiehtud invented a fortune of up
pio.vimntflv a million dollars before
they could poihly hope for a penny
in return. Wan this not a Hitb-ttiiititil
c.pie.ioii of confidence The soil,
like that or the Itoguo Itivor valley,
was known to contain the necessary
elements of foilility, lacking one
and that one wan water. With water
to give life to the soil, those who in
vented their money in that scheme
knew what the result would bo.
So far the analogy is clear eiioiuth.
The conditions there at that time were
similar to those here at this- time.
There the men of liusincsH foresight
combined their individual finances,
proceeded with the eonntniclo work,
perfected the system and at once ap
plied the water obtained. Then fol
lowed the rich harvest of crop. No
matter how tho cost of auuiml main
tenance iipmv fluctuate, not a murmur
in heard, for Ihr houufv of tho crop
.Meld x"'s mi alluring profit. Five
tons of alfalla to the acre, from ten
to twenh ton- of ugnr berth to the
Try Tills! All Uanilniff IHsappeiirs
iiml Hair .S(op. CouiIiik Out
Surelr try a "Daailarlne Hair
("loamy If you wiah to imiiUMllatoly
double the baanty of your hair. Juit
nioiaten a elotk with Usdrto and
draw It carefully through your hair,
taking one mall strand at a time;
thin will cleant the hair or dust, dirt
or any exceulve oil In a faw mlnutea
)ou will be araanMl. Your balr will
he ary. fluffy and abundant and
Pomhmm an laroHipflrnble MftnoM,
luatra aad luxuriance.
Ueiililee baaatUylag the hair, one
application of Danderlae dissolve
every particle of dandruff: Invigor
ates the scalp, stepping Itching and
falling balr. ,
UsnHeriaa is to the hair what fresh
showers of rain sad sunshine are ta
vegotattoa. it goes right to the
roots, Invigorates ar$ stroogthans
them. Its eihiltratlag. stimulating
and lifo-produciag properties cause
the hair to grow long, strona and
You ran surely hao pretty, soft,
lustrous hair, and VoU or It. If ou
will just el a 15-eoat bottle ol
Know lion's Mandenne from n drug
store or toilet lonnter .ind tr It as
Uirv tt4 Adi.
" rr ii hd ebttnijflitf erojn of nil )iinNr,",,r' rotedlge wWrb does NOT
I"" fail. ' ,tsplre until nest inlv Hy tMi nmr
In h IfewnP'Ifrvrr ralfer. where
million., of dollars wrth f water in
xoiihf to waste .cferv yir; where
luindreds f ilwimaHdn of aeres wf
-oil is IhiMmx fwr that element of
lire that will rle it eheor f prodne
lion; when- tlwwiamla ef HWttle fltMl
liTo a eiintinaowi Joy beeaniH) of owr
deliKhlful cliiaale. ami where for
toni mav easily be made in enlti-
rttiou of tho "mil, it moUtiire could
bo applinl at intervala duriux tliCi'"! read a paper. Dinner will bo
xruiwun- ensn, w are still wonder
in whetiior or not il will pay to ir
rirate. It lots been positively deinonslrat
od hero that it will not pay to rami
without it. Science, enterprise and n
little money hnvo just ns posilioly
demoiiHtrated that it will pay to farm
with it. Who unn discover the source
of till doubt that tiroduues n mniiiniit
(f hesitation?
, Hixht here, however, I wnnt to in
terject a defence of hundreds of
farmers who hnvo roucntly announced
their conclusion that irrixation is
manifestly necessary in this vulley
and that they propose to have it at
the curliest possible date.
Orxnnlmtluu Alwnt Itoady
Final papers, including the list of
exemptions, will be ready for tho
county court to pass on early next
week, it is believed, in tho organiza
tion of tho find irrixation unit of
'the valley, covering- the cultivable
area of tho Ashland and Talent dis
tricts. Soon thereafter a popular vote
in the territory involved will deter
mine the fntu oT tho project. It is
encouraging, indeed, to receive so
many assurances from those interest
ed in the farms of those districts that
tho plan will carry almost unanimous
ly. The aystem cannot be completed
for use this year, however; but it is
ronMiiing to know that the gamble
on crop yields will have pnMed inlo
history before the noxt ear's need
shall bo committed to the nojl.
Meantime, private onnitul. nbso-
lately unafraid of results, is extend
ing a vast aystcni whose cannla will
commnnd the heart of the valley. On
the-o thousands of acres of incoui
pnrnblv rich soil a vast harvest
should be gathered this year. With
the use of water that harve-t w as
suied. Without it, lailuro is n cer
tainty. Which shall it bet
Mke Col. lloudo, President Wilson's
persounl representative who Is now
touilnx tiiironouu capitals, Secretary
Norrls of tho commercial club lert on
n personal mlHsIon to Portland on the
Shasta llmltod Thursday morning. He
Is the bearer of press dispatcher
which sot muroonod hero during the
storm period that Ih pievalllnx both
north and south of Ashland's Wost
vrn Union repeating station. Many
wires aro down, conneqi.cntly tho tel
egraph service ot balled up, especial
ly in northern territory. While Iort-
and Is dlsonjojlng Its vaunted "sil
ver thaw," woather condtlons aro
just about normal In southern Uro
Ron. Norrls Is a Hpeclal megscnger
In tho Western Union cabinet without
portfolio, though his xrlp on this trip
contained more dispatches than tho
Urlttsh took away from Von Papon
of roennt notoriety.
H. A. Day of Soattle, ropresontlng
tho Ramowoll Kiro Alarm company,
was In town on Wodncaday Interview
ing city authorities.
C. W. G'llek, a traveling salesman
of San I'rancUco, has inovod horo
villi his family, temporarily at toast,
and has located on Granite street,
dear tho main entrance to the parks.
A L. Molgs, prostdeut of the An-
lomohllo Trail llluzlng Assoeintlon,
the uostern of Hon of nlilch Is locatwl
at Spokane, has liwn In town this
week tntorvlewlng commercial cluh
and other officials ovor the merits of
placing definite markers on the Pa
cific highway throughout this terri
' Traveling Auditor Moiling of the
Southern Pacific, with headquarters
at San Francisco, has been In local
offices this week on official buslnoas.
Gfeorge Knwlcht, formerly woll
known Southern 'Pacific passenger
conductor located hero several yeaiM
ago, died at Dunsmulr, Kebruary 1,
of malarial favor. lie was president
of the State 11a uk at Dunsmulr,
though It Is understood that lie had
not xlven up railroading. Ha was it
years oldl and was a member of tho
chapter and eemmanderv affiliations
of the .Masonle order here. Funeral
was at Saeranieuto on Thursday of
this week.
Mrs. W. U. Ilnebe saa been at Junc
tion City. In l.ane county, this week,
called there by the death of her
mother. Mrs. Sarah Kllzabeth Hush
Bell, wldaw of Addleon Kushnell, who
died January . ftd 70 ears The
fantllv were aiaaeor cottiers of lutne
county and left fouP tnildrea ioclud
ng Mrs ileebe.
The city council caaiwHie. whose
duty It was to plan for the overthrow
of ihe old opera house building, have
been compelled to desist, not on ac
count of threatened injunction imt
for the reatyn that itei.tor rr-liting
la a distant seiliou t nic iuuinr
Uas a tight Qt redeaji'tion under foie-
mm'otin mail rmnvxK
M"""1 dfher flgtlltlon will arise which
will tailk the wreekafe oprratlona.
la the meantlm rtoimmi anl jetsam
mat the appearance ef ene at Ih
Mnnrt Iralldlrix leatlBHs In town
Ho, tl. A. Cnrtiaaiifl, l'rohrtrlHn
prater hare, will prmen tha ormen
kflforc me ttoxtto lllvdr Valley Minis
terial Aaeoelatloa whleh meet In the
Methodist church at Talent February
7. Hov. .1. C. lloltlna of Mctironlf
the ladles of Talent
Linn County claims tho smnllost de
linquent tax list in the state, with
only 297 descriptions, aggregating
$12,000 In dcllnquonelea. Including
railroad lauds, Jackson county haa
over 3000 descriptions In tho delin
quent list. Tho largost Individual ono
Is for 1791.29 nud tho smallest for
78 cents. Ashland has only 125 de
scriptions, the largost being!
and tho smallest ?2.0C.
Tho contract for 1C0 cords of wood
linn been let by the Ashland school
district to K. .1. Arant, for JI.S5 per
cord, delivered at school grounds on
or before Sept. 1, 191C. Tho contract
calls for flrBt-class body fir. Mr. Ar
ant furnished u good portion of the
'supply lasi jcar.
Tho local coast artillery company
In planning nit elabtorato dancing
'party at tho armory on Washington's
lllrthdny, Tuesday, February 23.
Kmory Smith, of tho mineral
sprlnga contracting firm, has return
ed from H.i n Francisco. Mrs. Smith
accompanied him.
It. II. llrynnt, old-time prospector
in these parts, loft on Tuesday to In
spect various mining proportion ovor
lu Siskiyou county In which ho Is In
forested. Yroku Is agitating for a new city
hall, and a bond proposition for erect
lug one will be submitted lu April.
Mr. nml Mrs. It. J. Hd wards are at
Daytoun, Florida, a pleasure rosort
oti the east coast, below St. Auguatlue
where they will romaln during Feb
ruary, their addresti belug Wlllnior
Apartments Its that city.
The no-lli'ciisc ordinance, as far as
theatres and billiard halls are con
cerned, tins been passed ovor the
mayor's veto by a strict party vote or
to 2. Tho city attorney's salary Is
fixed at $i'i0 per month, although
another lawyer put In a-bid for the
'Job at $20. In the meantime tho
eloctrlc light committee of tho coun
cil Is struggling with the problem of
synchronizing the curronts of tho olty
)lnnt and loasod system. Some tliluk
they may have to return the bunk
which was passed to them by the
outside corporation.
At tho Initial basketball game W'cmI
nosday evening betwoen Ashland and
ItoKoburg high schools, tho local
team won by 23 to 1C. The socond
game will occur Saturday cvonlng
this week and tho roturns are anx
iously awaited.
Funeral services of Mnrgarot, the
little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. .1. II.
)oran, who died .on Tuesday, wero
hold at tho Presbyterian church on
Wednesday. Interment In Mountain
(View cemetery. Sho was a ungiu
child of three years and tho family
have tho sympathy of many friends In
their bereavement.
P. J. Amor, a nowcomcr from.Kan
Has, has established an agonoy In tho
Plata business section for "wjille
flame burnors," an Improves! lighting
Nowl. Jihook, taking advantage or
leap year, ahook alngle bloasodnosa
from his oxlstonce this week and on
groundhog day waa united In mar
i lagn to Mrs. Franklo Khorenman
lloth aro of this city. Tho eeremom
waa performed at Jacksonville. The
bride la a member of tho Tetera fam
ily living In this locality. They will
roaido lu the Hhonk block. Shako!
Hov. M. T. Who or (irants I'asa
will nruaah In tho local Methodist
church noxt Sunday morning, and
Uo. M C. Howl, living hore, will
preach In the evening Pastor Doug
las Is still lu the east ror an Indefi
nite period
Illustrated addresses of particular
Don't look old I Try Grandmother's
recipe to darken and beautify
faded, lifeless hair,
That beautiful, wen shade of dark,
gbviftV hair oan only lo bad liy brewing
a. mixture of Sage Tea and Sulphur.
Your hair is your ehsun. It makes or
iiKirs the face. Wlien it faiiH, turns
gray, streaked ami look dry, wUpy and
itoraggly, jiutt an apfilieaUoii or two of
Sage and Sulphur enlianuus its apiar
tii(x s hundredfold
IHHi't tlr to eu-e Ute Umle; you
oau git fruHi any drug store a. 60 ant
UiUlu of "VyUi' Stage and Sulphur
Hair lUroedy, ready to u. 'ilils obji
alwajns, !' HhuiJ1 ushi to bring Kulc
Ue natural lnr, UiieknM and lustre
of year hair sad ruuiv tlandruir, Uj
seahi ItehliQ nd fsilisg hair.
ISlerylVKiy ium "Wvi-thV Sage and
Sulphur bteauM It darkens s nstoraJiy
and erenlr('mt isllr ean tH it 1ms
Ivor apilil Ynu Miaply daim a
slmje or soft Ou4h with it sad draw
thU through the hair, taking oh small
tcand at a tinM. by mefaiag the gray
Uir has ditappn"'' aBd "r aaoUer
apidleaUoa it Imhsihum lMUt(ully dark
sad u-ftra gi.i.jk JuktriMH sad abuu-
MfinFona mimox. pur
intereet to frnit mm ami afrtentla
rists will he given at the ewwasuretai
rlnti rooms. Matiirdar a ft ernes at t
o'clock by nietrift tlotilcnltaral Cav
mleskJBer Allen and t e.aly PilfMtov
glnt Cat.
The Meody Hiui I act Mote of Chi
cago will he represented here hf He v.
W. A. HltMa. a studant of that Inatl
tutlon. Hp Will orenpy the pttlnlt of
the Presbyterian efcnrth nat Snndr
merRlmaaatl etealag. Ha la a brother
of Dr. U wight Hlllie, the notod Cen-
gragatMinnl pastor of Plymouth
vhnrch, Brooklyn. X. T.
A snypsls of weather cendRteMS
In January designates the iVth as
having been the coldaat day. 9 abate:
tho nilldoat, the 33d, 51. There were
IS cloudy and S partially cloudy days.
. being clear.
Tho Ashland Itakery on Fourth
street has been renamed the Hon Ton
establishment. Hobert Mullor Is the
now proprietor.
C. 11. l.amkln has moved to tho
Paulsou-Qrcur resldcnco on Oak
street, near tho telephone oxchnngo.
J. 1), lioll and J. K. Itntkdnll mimu
out on thu stage the last wcok cud
to Mr. HoII'h plaeor mine ho recently
Fred SpunOor of I'rovoll wub uii
Applcgnltv rintltir Friday.
Wood Jeter and Itobort Erlur of
fitenmboat ctimo out to tliis place a
wcok ago Thursday. They were the
first ones oor the mountain niucu tho
snow was deepest, and they would
not have eoiue out now hut tobacco
was Hcarce.
.Mike Hiiiilcv and Tom Furlow of
f Luke Creek hfne been looking niouud
in tho Applotrnte count ry tho first
threo days of this wcok, making
11om'"s rniivh their heudquarterx.
doc Koetor of Foots crock ennio
ovor lo Humbug creek to start in
mining, as water is very plentiful
Mrs. Alice Hiugham of Thompson
creek is sorioul, ill at this writing.
(lone Thoiupoon, the mail carrier
from Jaokaonvillc lo Applegate, cur
ried the mail in a sleigh lust Satur
day, the lliw t time in history Hint a
sleigh has en mod mail in hero.
Murphy boy' and girls' basketball
teams played Ihe UituiU l'ass teams
at (Irani Pas. Juuuarv U., Murphy
being an oaby a inner in both games.
Fred Wright arrived here last Mon
day, lie suyx Applegulo has not
cbniiged much in ihe Hist six jeats.
llulpli 1 1 ley walked from his iluce
on Thoihiwm creek to ducksouville
in the snow Inst Satuidux. lie in
tended to go on the stage, hut was
too late.
There is still lots of siek people in
this uommunily.
Iiurvey Ittieh, who has been Sit
ing 1mm brother at Phoenix tho (stst
Meek, le turned to his huiue on
Thompson creek Sunday.
Hd O'lirxn. who has been mining
always fresh, crisp
and wholesome
at all dealers 10c ami 25c carton
also in bulk
Tortlaod, Oregon
nTsi ltt(-I- AlTONliY
1 hereby announce that 1 have
fllod my derlatatlon of luleutlon to
bocome a caudlduto for thu repub
lican nomination for tho office of
District Attorney for Jackson county,
Oregon, subject to the decision of the
ropubllcan party, at mo primary elec
tion to be held May 19, 1016.
Deputy County Treasurer Myrtle
W. lilakely, announces nor candidacy
for tho office of oounty treasurer.
I hereby auuoupea my candidacy
on the ropubllcan ticket for tho of
fice of county troasuror, to bo voted
on at the coming primaries. I have
held the position as deputy In this
office for the past year and am con
fident that I can fulfill tho duUos
connected therewith.
I servod two years as deputy coun
ty recorder before taking the posi
tion as deputy county treasurer; I
haveOlso had experience as account-
aEt far several corporations, such as
the Medford Concrete Construction
company and Med ford Ice and Stor
age company, before taking up coun
ty work and will say that my put
record is open for inspection to the
voters of Jackson county.
If nominated and elected I will con
tinue to serve the public just as effi
ciently In the future as I have In the
&i7ii&r nil
day, n:v.urnr . wui
mt WillkCftY- efeek, peJ ihfnmih
Apfrirgjitr Friday en ftmte to Jtoa
ford. M (jyton ton the -tni;p f.r
Jnehnll!e vnt Medford Nufiirdnv
nn bttin.
Ivan W'sddridjf f Miottri Flat
eante nt to meet the -lagr Veines
day. Mnnr Jordan of Ornnts Pass came
out to ApiaVgHte Tuesday with a
kv buyer and Iningkl the l'ermdl and
llule hope.
The Uuckinghnm and lleeht shoe
man is making his anuswl rah vm the
storekeeper of thin valley.
Tho Hueh and l'almor orerk has
kctbolt teams da veil at ltuch hall
Saturday night, ltuoli being victor
Mr. S. Hawk went to Medford
Tuesday on business,
Itev. (trunnion returned from a
business trip to .Medford Tuesday.
John Siolor moved to llishop's,
where he excreta lo work.
George W. llarkor is back from n
visit to Suiitti Cruz, lie expects to
return lo Suiiln Our. lu n few days.
Dr. Holt was in town Tuesday.
Mies Cycle Creed of Contrnl Point,
is visiting her sister, Kdytho, up tit
lttincherin. Il is hoped that the
mountain air will improve her health.
Del win I'laspill in in (own for a
few days, lie expeels to return lo
his (rapping agtiln.
Hon Frodenburg drove 108 head
of cuttle in tho pastures Monday.
Take a glass of Bolts to flush KIdneyi
if Bladder bothors you Drink
lots of water,
Rating meat regularly eventually pro
duces kidney trouble in soma form or
other, saya a well-known authority, lo
calise the urlo acid in meat cxoltcs the
kidneys, they Income overworked! get
sluggish; clog tin and cause all sorts ot
distress, particularly backnclio and mis
ery In tho kidney region) rheumatic twin
ges, severo headaches, acid stomach, con
stipation, torpid liver, slecplestncii,
blndder and urinary Irritation.
The moment your back hurts or kid
neys aren't acting right, or if bladder
lsithers you, get about four ounces of
Jiicl Raits from any good pharmacy j
take a tablespoonful In a class of water
lx; fore breakfast far a few days and your
kidneys will then act flue. This famous
salts Is made from the acid of crape
and lemon juice, combined with lithln,
and has been lined for generations to
flush clogged kidneys and stimulate them
to norms! aetivity; also to neu trail) o the
acids In the urine so ft no.longrr Irri
tates, thus ending bladder ditordors.
Tad Salts cannot Injuro I anyone j
makes a delightful cITervcseent lltlil.v
water drink whloh millions of men and
women tnkq now and thou to keep thb
kidneys and urinary organs otean, thus
avoiding serious kidney dliease.
Ono cent per word per Issuo.
Hlx Insertions for price of flvo.
Klfty conts per lino por month
without change
KOlPH.I.lV-llinoder coop, fully
equipped; original tost $60; will
deliver unywheie in city for $30,
Janes HroH.. I170-X. J70
KUIt AMD Underwood typewriter,
No. 5; also I,. C. Mmlth No. ft; prac
tically new; cheap; tonus, llox
It. Mull Tribune. 271
KOIt HA Mi - I'ord one man tops and
top work of all doarrlptlnn. Mad
ford Tent and Awning Co.. 106 N
Fiont. I'hmie 71-U. 2i
KOIt "uALlT-illayclw Hh ca7rlorT'
inost now, eiieau. I'. (J. llox 331.
FOIl SAUK Nine single eomb It. I.
Itisl cockerels; akni eggs for batch
ing. Krnest Webb, Central I'olut.
KOIt 8AI.K Iteo 5th, 1U12 modal,
extra equipment ; now tiros; price
1300; party leaving county. Uox
107, Central I'olut. 27'
l'Oll SALROue ii wagon; one top
buggy; one act 3000 pound plat
form aoalea. O. 1,. ttcberuiurliorn,
III North drape. 3 70
KOIt SAMS Eggs from range raised
H. C. Huff Leghorns. Win. J.
Kerns. Medford It. K. I). I or iiboue
Mrs. A. II. Kerns. li-KJ. 881
VOH SALB Smith typewriter JJI.50
Itnom SIS Holland Hotel.
KOIt 8 A Mi -Cheap, portable frame
garage, easily moved, 1 1x30, room
for two machines. Walter Hownc,
25 Summit Ave. 170
KOR SAMSUarred Hock eggs for
batching: young thoroughbred
roosters. J B. Webster, It. K. I)..
Talent. Pii'ine 3-K2. 339
KOIt SALE Seed barley, cheap teed,
baled barley straw. Call 732-J2.
0HRI8TIAN UNITY" by Kov. Cha.
K. Dole, and other Unitarian liter
ature sent free to Innulrers. Ad
dress Um Hazel Ilurton, Central
Says you fMlly feel clean," sweet
and frosh inside, and
are seldom ill.
It row tfre accustomed to wako up
with a coated tongue, foul breath or
a dull, dlsey headache; or, It your
mettle sour and turn Into gas and
a elds, you have a real surprise await
ing you.
To-morrow morning, Inimodhitoly
upon arising, drink a glass of hot
water with n tonspoonrul of llmcstono
phosphato In It. Thin Is Intended to
first neutraltio and then wash out of
your Btoruaoh, liver, kldnoys and
thirty foct of tntestinos all tho Indl
eostiblo waste, poisons, sour bllo and
toxins, thus olcanslng, Bwcctonlng and
purifying tho entire alimentary canal.
Thoso subject to slclc headaches,
backache, bilious attacks, constipation
or any form ot stomach trouble, nro
urged to got a qitnrtor pound of llmo
stono phosphate from tho drug storo
and begin onjoyliiff this morning In
Dldebath. It Is satd that men and
women who try this becorao onthu
slastlo nnd hoop it up dally. It Is a
splendid health measure for It is moro
Important to keep clean and puro on
tho Insldo than on the outside, bocatiao
the altln poroa do not absorb Impuri
ties Into the blood, causing dlscaao,
while the bowel poroa do.
Tho principle ot bathing insldo is
not now, as 'millions ot people practice
It. Just ns hot water and soap clcauso,
purify nud freshen tho skin, so hot
water and a tcaspoonful ot limestone
phosphato net on tho ntotuncli, llvor,
kidney n and bowels. Llmcstono phos
phate Is an IncxpoiiBlvo whlto powder
and almost tastolcss.
KOUiuWTKunished hoUBO, four
rooms strictly modern, oloso In
Call at 343 N. Holly St., or phono
KOIt HUNT Furnished bungalow,
829 W. 11th, Phono 31S-M. Johu
V. Whlto.
KOIt KltXT n-room modern houso,
1 Mi ncron bottom land, good chick
en nnd Kiirdon proposition, SIS. GO
n month, llonnctt Invest. Co,
KOIt HKNT Colonel Sargcnt'a rtvi
idenco on Oakdale avo., tolophono
ownor nt Jacksonvlllo, or Inoulro
of II. n. Nye or Koy II. I'eoblea nt
Medford. 37U
- ' ' ' i i in-jcry--
FOll 8AX.rV- -xn rraTOCK
KolfsAI.U- S flrst-olnss .Torsoy cows
rich In butter fat. Mrs. D. M. Me
Nasser, Central Point, It. K. I). No.
1, Central Point, Phono 113x2.
FOIl SAI.1C Or trade, 3 black horses,
about 1100 lbs. onoli. lively ami In
good condition; will trade, for
liuuvy timiu. Prank It. .Myors. R
P. 1). No. 3, Contrul Point, Ore
gon. 372
KOIt SAMS Or trade, reglitorod A.
J. C. C. Jerseys, ono cow and ono
bull dropped Keh. 22, 1'Jin. John
D. Hair, Itoguo Illvor, Oro. 274
KOIt SALH Tonm ot mulofl, wolght
900 IIhj. onch, G year olds, 3225, O.
C. Hoggs.
WANTED flood. Industrious sIiikIo
man aoiiualnted with ranch work.
State wages, llox SO, Mall Tri
bune. 272
WANTKiv-To rent for oobIi, ranch.
Iiart lu alfalfa; first class land
partly plowed, easily tilled, llox
111, Mall Tribune. 272
WANTHD Second hand frames for
hot-beds. Communloato with 11
II. Clarke, Centrul Point. 270
WANTKI) DreesmaklnK ut homo or
by day. 144 8. Contrul, Phono
WANTKI)- To ouro Tor chlldron day
or munlnga during nbsuuso ot par
tints at thuutur, etc. Phono 728-J.
WAMTKP- -Your vulcanising and bat
tery charging. Phono 520. Case'
Trading Station. 284
WANTKD Knitting mlM wants worn
on, full time; salary $10 weekly,
distributing guaranteed hosiery, or
15 rents an hour spare time, per
manent work; experience iniiioc
ossnrj. Address Manager Interna,
tlonal Mills, Nurristowu. Pa.
One year more experlonoo, ulder
aottualntanco, better otiuipment. In
ereased working force, mure ufflolont
organisation and faith In tho Itoguo
river valley multiplied finds us pre
pared for the business of a new year,
determined to make It tho beet yoar.
No "watchful waiting" part for us,
erary day for the past five years has
found us on the Jb and every month
wo have added to eur list ot satis
tied oustoMsers.
This year wa are geteg to try to
show ovary stranger that couics to
Medford the Itoguo River Valley even
If wa have to exceed the speed limit
We do not believe anyone can take
a two hour rid with us through
the Orchards and Alfalfa Ftelda f
Jack sou county and ever be really
sober again. You are Invited-
List your properly for bale with
102 West Main St.
Phouo 793
man vvtti
MfrKiry to waH
ejtfeMesaBStf"ie m -, iewai. - - ., e
TO f)AW-liT9 an fmpfnffcl ranch
llaiman In nMramw Mnfi.
n0Hr.VKg. iiHtaoronr
Anfo Biip)lU4
are oporatlng tho largost, oldest
nnd host equipped plant in tho Pa
cific northwest. Use our springs
when others fall. Sold tinder guar
antee. 2ft North Fifteenth St.,
Portland, Oro.
GEO." v. cilEIlftY Attorney-' an
.Notary, Room 9, Jackson County
Dank Oulldlng, entrance N. Cen
tral. Medford, Oro.
Attornoys-nt-Law, Rooms 8 md
9, Medford National nank bld(t.
Coroy bldg.
G. M. ROI1ERT8 Iiwyor.
Medford National Bank Bulldlnr.
Garnctt-Coroy Dldg., ulto
Mcdforo, Oro. Phone 856.
Collections anil Reports
collected somo occounta 14 yonrs
old. Wo know how to got the
money. The nuilock Mercantile
ARcncy, Inc., Rooms 1, 2, 3, Has
klna' llldg., 21C H. Main at.
Kuglnccr and Contrnctor
PRK D N 0 UmnNGBSnicTiiarJ
contrnctor, 404 M. V. & II. Illdg.
Surveys,, oatlmatos, Irrlgattoa
dralnago, orchard and land Im
provement. Insurance.
KARL S. TUMY tlencral Insurnnro
office, Fire, Automobile, Accident,
Liability, Pinto Qiaos, Contract,
and Suroty Uonds. Excollont com
panies, good local sorvlce. No.
2 1 0 Oitrnott-Corey Dldg.
Instruction in Mnslo
401, Garnott-Corcy bldg. Fred Al
ton Hnlght, piano; Mrs. Florence
Halllday Holght, voice. Phono
GARBAGE G6t your promises
cleaned up for tho summer. Call
on tho city garhngo wngona for
Reed service. Phono 274-L. V
Y. Allen.
PhydrlaiiK nnd Surgeons
nX K. . 6Xiu"0"dr" EVA
MAINS CARLOW Ostoopathic
physicians, 410-417 Qaruott-Corey
bldg.. phono 103G-U Rostdonce
20 South laurel at.
DR. W. W. HOWARD Osteopathic
phrslclnu, 303 Garnett-Corey
building. Phono 130.
DR. J. J. EMMRNS Physician and
surgeon. Practice llmltod to eyo,
ear. noso and throat. Eyon scien
tifically tested and glassos sup
plied. Oculist and Aurlst for S. P,
R. R. Co. Offices M. V. & II. Co.
bldg., opposlto P. O. Phono CC7.
DR. It. W. CLANCY Physician antf
surgeon Phones, offlco 30, resi
dence 724-J. Oftico hours, 10 to
12, 2 to 5.
cian and surgeon. Offlco Palm
block, opposlto Nash hotel. Hours
10 to 12, 1 to 4. Phono 110-J.
T. O. HEINE. M. 'D. Eyo, Ear.
Noso and Throat. HoadachOB and
nervous conditions relieved by
properly flttml glasses. Cross eyes
straightened. Offlco 228 K. Main
St., phono 303. Consultation froo.
Homoopathie Physician, Surgeon,
228 East Main St., Medford, Oro
gon. Oftico phono 142, rosldenco
phono 732-R2. Offlco hours 1 to
4 p. m.
and Optician. Cnlla answered.
Kyes tested; Glasses fitted Unit
will correct any defect of viMon,
nrleoe reasonable Phono mJ X
Offlco nt rosldenco for tho present,
Medford, Oregon, 110 S. Holly
Printers mid Publishers
MKDKORb ViUNtTno'cO.1,1" has "the
best equipped printing offlco In
couthorn Orogon; book binding,
i looso leaf ledgers, bllllug systoms,
etc Portland prices. 27 North
Kir st.
Offlco 43 North Front st. Phone
315. Prices right. Service guar
anteed. Sowing Machines
SALE OR RENT Somo used ma
chines also for sale. Cleaning and
repairing. C. A. Chapman, nt Med.
ford Furniture & Hardwaro store.
Rosldonce 375 So. Central. Phone
I have moved my office to
Roost 207 and 208, staQnii
flstr qj the Garnett-Oorey
Elevator service should
Jsmq my auitomers snd
Mm pu'ttatlars later. -
Point, orejon, it, v. v wo. i. ziv
o nc