yf , I VA(W TWO UKDVOtin M.WI, Trirni'N'K. MM)FOUf), Mit.i,()S. Tlif l?s)V If.fjfH VlV --.- r-- TOCAL AND Aj personal Omoo Cmp So. 41A, Woodmen f Its world, Phonl, Oregon, will iMtatl fflr Hatnrdsy evening, January 6. AH member of th rimp and their Im re cordially invited to Nttmrf, M t r th member of 0 Clf1 S 4J A hiit IB fHw InsUltatlo esmUMs. A, foatj ihs 111 be etjwy4 ill who will com. Vfbn better iHiarnitao 1 aohl HfrfiftM, the iBUnmne Man, will stilt It. TH U. S. board of labor emptor mtftt ganennce that applications wffl bo received t ttp orfle of the secretary, eleventh clrtt aarrles dle Ifte, Seattle, Wftafc., mp lo anil In cluding February 19, 1011, tor the position or nnaxllled labor In the cu Indian aarttae In tht eltjr. The sal ary la $80 a month. Men only will ho admlttwl to tlita examination and the ago llinlta are from 20 to 5(1. The secretory of the board of civil ser vice oxitmlners. thin ally, will glvo full information to applicants. The secretary of the board of civil ttir vlco cwafWnera, thla city, will glvo full larrnmtloii to nppllennt. Tho uxHiiilfiRlluii will be hold on thu nth of tlila month. Throp plncue uio to ho fJIod In tho new federal building, full Information about tlioiu will lie glvejt at Jlodford poatorrire. Turklih mntgnt 80o lb. Tlio Shas ta. Manager Krunk C. Clark of the Moil ford Craaiuory, who hecanio n ldunt of thla rlty hut Novoinbor, la watching tho precipitation In thla vnlluy thla winter, knowing the valno of hiolature In tho aoll for the pro- iliiotlon of good crop. "It year In .North Dakota," said Mr. Clark, "wo pnifltlCiMl $137,000,000 worth of wheat beoHHto wo ltml Hhunilant mln. This wiih u good rionl of money for dtatrlhutlon In that alnto. for It hua u population or 700.000 only. Kor tho two or thruo jonr provloua lo Unit wo had only from JO lo 25 per i-imt of normal ylold because of luck ' of molHturo In tho apt). Knch your of that condition wo lost In tho nolgh 'horhood of ouo hundrod million dol t Inra. So, you seo. tho value or water ,ln proper quiiutlty In thu aoll runs Into tho million very quickly. Wfr off on KodaKs at Weston'a Camera Shop. The Pnreut-Teaehor' circle of tin Lincoln nohoal will hold Lincoln tu at the llollanfl Hotel on Satur day, l'obnmnr 13. I" t afternoon. Union sella I'ord onrs, $200 down and $U n month. Th Medford lodge of the Hoyal Order of ilwiee will treat lie mom "bora and Invited frlenda lo n royal sapper In Ha ball Tuud evening and will leave no detail unattended that will Inetire a moat enjoyable ovenliw. Dnclttg will follow the Hppraud U will he a groat dmire. suon M the llmwe herd alway give, ttsoojlmt mualc haa ben angagwl and U will b an evenlug of enjoxuant and aoelal eenverw. Mooae hall I Ih Hi0 Uraburg balldtng. nxt to tho MwlforU National bank. A $10 Vlctrola fr aale at $85 at Palwer'a Wtm llouae. Mr. and ilr. aobg A. Honor, of Portlaart. romwiy of thla city, are In Medford tor a vlalt f two weaka among frleoda. A J Uanby. who la a candidate for oounty .HH.riHte.let. " of the h0"""1 lh001 ' mouth, ha lived In the cout Ml yoara, UugUt 7 year of that Ue ! Caatral Point a-d t. at irtat yrhrtlpal of the Jarkeon lret arkuai. W1,M go baa b four aar. $ Th aMMilb of Januaiy haa on lb buateat tb Malor of Iho pub Ik Uararx. aecordlng to the nrt of rtrrulattoa. 'ts IkmiK ad aga lHa wvro taken out for horn u. "n gyorage of lU a da . The largt emulation i.fore wa I 111 N vewkao. The collection of book, no louglM t tba koola la being ban SlTy tba library. ad or. tkuu JE litbJ. H been added W tbU tllUtiAH during tbe mouth. ikturday Pclal herealter wt JT.. 1.. . i not lM.fore. 8aturda. SSL 6tb. 12 nart galvwUMd PU -.. i. ta AMch oeraon. m- r- tf. ww ' rii' on ftlv N rnnNltia plan for holillaa a batnpiM " mM evening yeoroary Mth Raht tMt a( koofh II. piii'llc mar. ket, nmurdty, Jel :- TV Woottt'f Knrelan Mlaaloaary aofMrty of thwflrKi Mfthodktt lort arlll mit at tho home of Mr. C. W. rotiklla rofHor of lack son aet Hart let! utrreU, rrlitav, rebraary lib. at S.na p. m. Dr tattle Hedge la the leader. All rt cordially Invited to attend. Heath' g ator baa a Hamber of $!. aJK 14. o foohtalh Vh artajhUjr atHiff worn going at Jl.tr,. Kvert pen warranted to wdrk aorfeet. 270 Will O. ileel, xuperrlaar of the Crater lake park, who baa been eon- fined to ble homo for two K with a aovaro attack of la grippe, la ablf to out a little. Hl rrlenda aro glad to 'jgreet hlfa on the atroot ngnln. $tS00 to loan on good farm, close In. It. S. Stlna. II. 18. Watklna. of Apnloguto, la do ing hiwlnaa In Medrurd today. Smoko n King Spitz cigar. Cc. They nro home-made. tf l. A. Jordan, of Portland, la look ing fpiletly over thla local field In the lntort of commiaalou Iiouno of tlio north weal. WohI Side hltrhlng atahlo, 10 cent for alnglo, 15 conta for double. 273 ). j. Ilagon, of Klaiiiatli I'iiIIm, la trnnauQtlng IiiiIiibm In Tl(jnt and Medford Ihli weak. " Ken Davo Wood nhout Hint flro 1n aurnnco policy. Offlco Mnll Trlbuno IlldK. Iloruco Way, of Salem, who lm been enjoying a vlalt In thla valley for n wook, will leave for homo to morrow, believing Hint It la now info to venture Into tho nrona or allver IroRta and hanging Icloloa. Spcolnl pneos on enBrnvM enrds, now nnd rrom old plotca for a fow dnyH nt tho MoiHord Prlntlnc Co. Mra. Mary 15. Johnaon, of Hold Hill, who haa been vlaltlug nnd ahop ping In Medford for throe or four iliiya, will return homo thla evening. Oyatora, any stylo. Tho Shasta. Minn .tulln Strong la vlaltlng with ruhttlvoa In (Iranla l'naa thla woek. I want aovornl bob cat hides. Will pny mnrket prlcoa. V. W. Ilnrtlett, taxlilormlat. 31S K. Main. 2C0 Harry H. Illcka, formorly of the Mull Tribune, now gonernl inaiwiKor of tho National Film company with hniiduunrtnra nt Sun Krnndaco, pnea ul' through Medford Thuradny en roiiie homo from the enat and north woe t. I'lnyr plnuo mualo rolla lRe npleco at Palmer' Piano Place. 272 lion lleekman returned Thuraday from ' Portland.' He' repoita Iho atorm eondltloua mcat deplorable. Street oara are not running, alorea and public acliooU c-IchmI, with a foot or ley aluah on the atreeta. Tele graph and electric wire are down throughout the city, endangering traf fic. . .1. O. Carklng, tho iot all around photographer In aouthern Orogon. Alvn rollahle. Negntlvoa mnde any where, 1 1 Hit) or place. Studio 228 Main St. Phono 320-J. .ludge P. I.. Ton Velio leuwa Mv day for Ohio for fortnlghfa vlalt at hla old home. The Star brand of typewrltor rib bon are guaranteed to give 7ft, 000 Imprnaaloua or the type "a" and "o" without 4i clogging the type to abctw on the paper. Thla la a pretty allfr warranty, but that la what the Webater eompan agreaa to with Star rlbbona. Hold by the Medford Print ing comMny. " The funoral or Mra. rah J. W11- mii will be held at tho Pruabterlau i-hurcb In Jarkaouvllle. Or., at 2:3U P tn.. Kebruao I. 19 IS. Try a King SulU olRar and on- courage home luduatry. tf William Kliumerleo died ou Tuea- da at the realdeuce of Ul daughter, vue mile weat of Phoenix, aged .". ear. Detail of hla death and fun ral aervtcea have not been receiv ed. Plara tho Florin for flowors. Phone $74. ' Petnbry Howard, of Pendleton, thla atat. la lu Medford todav and will probabl) remain four or five day on bualaaa Weaton Camera Shop for 11 rat clM ICodak flulshlng and Kodak aupplio. THrottah t iouriiMal n'n ii. mlm! P. K H4bjr who prmi'l -Igaod ta the Med nakl rompiMint di d with the rliv (nnnell Ml reanni to e (action proceed I n In Weilneiio j Iiaoe The afgnatore waa thai or P K. Nalfey, not Halley. I i . la. nini, ni itriininn, i niiinrmn, I trnamaetlng bKalnaa la Ihla vl lnlt thla week. Pierce the 1or1et. Phono X7f. Rlwood W. Hoberti, who for xlx weoka haa ba nlone at the Knox CONIC TIE FOR SUGAR FACTORY 1 DAY IN CONGRESS i 3. alt l.h . I tah. Frit Mail TrlbnHO, f.tfird. Ore The director" of th- Oregon-l'tah Kogar comgniit rt.rday let a ion- le:ioy property on a hat la known . !w,1 J r""r "M" t CW WgIN(.TON, Koii. : ilenaie Reaumed roniderat(on of t'hl)l pine Independence bill Judiciary anb committee tienn con Mderlna appoint meat of loot Drandel to anprnme coHrt. Pnbllc land eomwlitao oagHnncd oil leaning bill bearlHi J- I''"'' o-atlia)WeVt:iPaaai.n - --bo niLLHttu ribnio I FOR $47,500 CASH i - rmc'ACJO. Feb. '. le D. : signed a contract here Frank Moran at Madison den New York. March 17. In a ten i round match far the heavyweight SuffEREO From Backache amo imn THOME rofl Years. JJea'r 2lHuUr-t wlalt to M yon that I )hfretl front iKtokacka ami kWmyr Irfiublo for yonrs. J hoard of ifttcint Pintni'n Anuria Tnbtclrt and f niard I tried them. Thcv etirco my backaclie. tlH7 fodBy to meet I hope people tfrnt are trotiblecl with .. i,.,r. nar ! baoknelie will fi'v them a Reed trial, n jtiare uar- J m Mf u "wll Wtt Ml ta benellt. a the middle fork' of the Apple- tale, came ta today for a rent and va- oatfnn of two or three weeks. He says the snow waa six feet deep when he Jolt KMd u,(Hl tJl haa fallen thee since. Mr. Itoberts la enthus iastic over oronertv In which he Is In- flraMad extensively on middle fork. fteceul dlacoverle fu their dovelop- meut work have soreif to olalo ev eryone Interested In the proposition, but .ir. Itoberts helonga to that class of miners who prefer to announce definite, result or say nothing. So far, thla property looks like a big thing, but no uewa la acting given out about It at this time. The Itogue Hlver Valley Canning company will send out tho first car tomorrow of a shipment of 2000 cases of tomatoes to Dodge City, Kanaaa. This is probably tlio' first shipment of Oregon lomntooa to go that far east. Tlio fa mo of Iho Itoguo Hlver Cnnutug compnnV goods Is spreading. Hon.: Cnetdorf rvMlaikw to 'chB w"U,,,,h ' " Mh worlU The FOURTEEN I lan.i nbi tv i - ..f L . -. . . , agreement wat reaeneo netwecn i'n - "" " ' -".' -niwi UIDUH CVOTIViUOV OH OTM - . ...... 'loanLwl lrW ''Hlohn rogreaeniing rox iiick- ard the Callrornla prowotor ana tohi Joncec for Willard. ! Vnotorms are that Willard I to re cqlvc ,117,500 and SI percent of the IihjvIid? ploture oonooaalon. Moran la to got $10,000. sugar factory in Hogae river valley, loanljral. tne tnsiury win nave a;eapacny or treating T0t (ona of beet' per Hti It will ho or fireproof steel coFUKrttetloti throughout and wllf httre1 H the modern Improvements. When com pleted tbe Slant will be the laat word In scientific sugar manufaeture1. It will he rafiiiy to ran September 1, thla )ear. The company now has contnioU with farmor to plant and grow over flvo thotiaand acres of begta and tho directors today authorised the super intendent and agents of the augar company to accept and sign up three thousand more acres a It la the com pany's creelre to start I lib Industry with sovon thousand ncroa or sugar beets. Tho beet sued has been pro vided for the seven thousand ncroa. OKOKOI-: 15. SANDIIllS, ALKX NH1L.KY. H0SEBURG TO PLAY MEDFORD TONIGHT Voted to ftrtni Presttmt U'Deen's prcnarednea saueehea na a puhlle ifbrttmoHt. i Itasumad dlscnssion of Indian af-I fairs bill. Military atld naval commltteos con- tlnuod boatings on propa'redues prof igrnm. ltosolutlnn to cronte a fiojuie eoiTi initio on flood contiol wng dobntud Secretary Wilson urged n national omployiueul buroau before tho labor committee LONDON. Feb. 3. London nows papors this morning expresa thu con viction that tho Germans are plan ning n new offensive on a lnrgo scale against the loft wing or the allies. It Is expected they will attempt to blnat a way (o Calnla and Dunkirk by tho use of strong bodies or infan try supported by onoruioup nuissea of, artillery. .. sr.- 1t. fnH tlfl. ) yr luaiv, niu. . tiuv t 'rilt"'0 California promoter, an il nc!yncod horo t'oclar that Josa WU- mru.iia Higueu a contract ni cuicago to meet Frank Moran hero In a ten round bout March 17. Richard has guaranteed $00,000 for the match, of which Willard Is to recolve 110.000 and Moran 120.000, he said. Yours slnoeroly, .Mag. Una. Drmiho. WASIIINdTON. l-b. :i. Kebels in llie eiitttern oil region of Mexico yc terdny tlcfited Cnrriinrii forces nt Cluipnpole, half way between Tuxpnin nuil Tnmpieo, aeeorclins; to n consular iliapntt'lr from Tnmpieo. The Cur rent ,forcpM lost l'ottv men and n iiianlily of guns nnd iimmuuitioii. ZEPPEUN V IS LONDON. I'd). :l. Dcluil- of the Zcipelin raid continue lo come in, now that the authorities liuve remov ed a nuiulicr of restriction. A diary kept by a truxeler through the leg ion visited giCH a liit of f'ouiteen Iouiih nnd villager in.wliicli theie were caHiiallicH nnd ulune ilamuge lo propel ly done. The lint inelmloH I lie town of Der byshire, in which two person were killed nnd u nlmft inul uxlettce fac tory mul tube works were blown, lu one StulTonlsIiire town fourteen per xona were killed, mid in unother six. One bonili clroppcd on (tie gniiiiuli- of it liistoiic ensile, hut no one wiih in jured. Tlitee towns in the iron unci conl district were visited. STORM ISOLATES PORTLAND (Continued from page ouo) lv'7;lBREAKiUP BRONCHIAL COUGHS, UKUUPANJJ (JOLUS PROMPTLY .Make the llcst Itemed)- at Home lt!H TcnpcKiusfiil for ." Cents. Don't neglect our first cold, cough funded by thorn if It Is not found or any bronchial auction, this rail, I"10 U0l,t remedy evor used In severe but commence troatment Immediate ly, and through using tho proper medicine, It can be checked from the very start and ptomptly cured, but If neglected probably will hang on till wlntor, If It does not develop Into coughs, colds, whooping cough or croup, and It will also be found ex tiellont for bronchial asthma and bronchitis, llesldoe thoso druggist guaranteeing "that It will be the best romody over used" It will likewise be found the most economical, because The Itosoburg team took mouth high school to a declsl feat on Monday night, beating that team by a lop-alded ncore or 38-13. Tho score dooa not Infilcatc that Mon mouth Is a woak team for without doubt It must bo reckoned as oile of the host lu tho northorn section of the state. This waa tho first dofoot for this team after a long string of victories and Monmouth had backers who wore predicting It could boat Salem. Ackloy and Jowott are (ho stars for Uoaohurg. Juwott at cantor la a wht ard and his opponent' must bo on duty vvory second of tho time for ho can net baskets at any nuglo when ho Is right. Narrogan Is going fine nnd his ro- turn to form has honrtonod the whole tonm. In fact It looks like ho- has found himself and with this true different remedlo purely on tho ' nary ready mnde kinds, sold In hot Medford la going to aliool baskets and strongth perhaps of soino testimonials i tics holding only 24 to 32 teaspoons guard better than over ns the team or on tlio oxnggeruted claims of man-1 ful. You will be tho Hole Judgo your- used lo be weak nt conter. ufneturors, when Srhlffmiinii'a Nowlsolf nnd under tho same positively Williamson has round new confl Conecuh nted Kxpectorant Is sold bv "inouev back" guarantee which the deuce nnd Iiiih speeded up. It looks Medford Phnrinncj on mich a positive druggist make for the famous Astli- llko vliiorv and the whole clb lane Kutirnuleo to hive perfect satisfaction, imador. Absolutely no rlHk la run lu hind tho team. ea even more money will be ri-'liiiMiitf tills romed). something more serious, such as one bottle (GO cents worth) makes u pnoumoilhi or consumption. True, full pint (12S teaspoonsful) or the thoro are hundreds, yos thousands or 'most oxcellent medicine for any of the cough remodloa on tho mnrket. While above nffoctlons, when mixed nt homo some aro good, there aro many which I with ono pint ot granulnted sugar nro not, but are pohltlvely harmful, due to tho unrcotlca which they con tain. Hut why experiment with those nnd one-hnlf pint or water. It makes ns much or more, than would cost you $2 to $:i or almost any or tho ordi- KeTR: Folks m town and ndjolmg plase nro delighted with the results tliqy Imvo nbtiilned by using " A NUIIU '," the nowost clhsjovory ol Dr. Pierce, who is hood of the Invalid' Hotel and StmoiCAL iNSTrrtrn:, in liuffalo, N. Y. Thoso who started tho day with n back nolie, s'ifi legs, anna and musclee, and nn aching head (worn out before the day boenn bocnuso they wero in nnd otu of bed Imlf a dozen times nt night ) are appreciating tho perfect rest, comfort and now strength they obtained from Dr. Pierce's Anuria Tablet. To prov that this Is n certain uric noid solvent nnd conquers headache, kidney nnd bladder dipoases nnd rheumatism, if you've nover used tho "Anuric," cut this out nnd send ten cents to Doctor Pierce for a largo sample package. Thia will prove to you that "Anuria" ia thirty-seven times more nctlvo than lithia in eliminating uric acid nnd tho most perfect kidney niui Manner cor rector. If you nrc a sufferer, go lo yout best druggist nnd nsk forn 50-ccnt box of "Anuric." You run no risk for Dr, Pierco's good nntno Btnnds behind this wonderful new diecovery as It boa for the past half century for hla "Golden Medical Discovery" which makes tho blood puro, his "J?avorlto Prescription" for weak women nnd his "Plcnsanl relicts" for liver Ills. All Dr. Pierce's medicine can bo had In Tablet form by mail or nt drut More. Your Headache, Sir st ii n.. 'lloary and Wm. ochwlu , ' plea of guilty Hi tlw court or Justice ilolman to tbt Wllltni af dear lu vlo- Inlloa ul toe law. ech 'M "". lit. Tho ofloaaa committed ear b lu Ue woath of Jaauan In the jump-Off-Joodletrlct. Complaint wm ...j- kc iiaiuiiA Warden U. U. Jcwwl', of lht cWy. and Deputy U C. k'i''oW have 1000 feet of l-luch ale of Jackxon coua'S no ,uvt pipe to i sold wa below coat "' . . ... ut..i.i.m nf the ... boon du ta wan wi grfor-imewoaks. ThU ta ' "" ' V Stelltunt of complaint " ' " LTd H i- -P.leU that other violator lm u. brought to Justice la be near i,. raot. J 'r- . lu h.ti-i far Saturday. K. -th. j,,, , ....vantMd paila ;.); , v .. i.mU of Medlord vWted IM the Klorlst, Phone IT. Mra. Halley Jam, of Ral Polut, i visiting In Medford for a few d Insure your auto In the Alllaace against theft, (ire. C- Y. Tengwald. Abe Parsons, of tlraats Pass. Is doing business In Medford today. Pierce the Florin for flowors, Phsna 174. ' Ifetttor Welta. of aMaaoa. Calif.. is among th out of town rUltora la Medford today slave oat. All partial llerMftd coutniuvlcnl with iintlth Kmer C . Aaltlaad at once Must bo swUi thb . til' snow has fallen aiuce 111 o'clock ln-l night. The weather office repoit- Jil inches of siinw on the grimjul, The lemMrntute nt 8 o'clock Ihis nmrnin wiih 2b and prolmhlv wilt rise shghllx Street eara are not ,el ruiiiiitii but progress ia being made in clearing the tracks. Menu people were downtown todn than .seslenlay, the motor buses hid ing resiiineil nH'ratnuis nnd the walk iug being betler on account ot the wths having been trcaldeu through the snow. All the railroads remain tied up. The wind is still from the uitrlhcnt. and more suow ia expected. Illds foe Wood Seltool District No. 49 will receive sealed bid at tho oHhe of the clerk until S p. in., Kelt. Sth, IK 111. for leu cord of wood, or either body fir, oak or laurel, game to be delivered at school buildings, between May 1st, 110, and August 15th, ItUG Ml aiood must be cut from live trees Each stick to be four foot long and not less than eight lucbe or more than IS luaha lu diameter. Wood lu be meastiied ou the grounds by Jack sou couuty sealer of weight and mea urea, and all meaaurement to In satisfactory to both parties. The board lesorvea the right to te jeet auy or all bids. II. 8. STINK. 161 CIciK. ii!M!iei JJjMjHjttJJjHXwjHj a aaa.aA.A.A.A.A.A.A.A.AAAjA.AA :TeTTeiMereIeIsleI BJV -- The Med ford Uotei Smoke Mcsiford and Mt. Pllt Cinm- TOO l.Tlt TO UUVSSIHV. jasoissajisaMi KOIt 8AI.K Cabinet grand piano, ginger sewing machine used two week. " on iiiachlue. Hot-point vlaclric grill and stov. one largo Iron bed and luattro ogrlyone. onie other aytlciee: ogtte runy fralt. fall frcim Ken itsgut tb 31S Kast SlMli tyv' .'' 4vk8 ''VJ IMI tir XKIill A CLOCK? We have lliem in Mantel, Wall, Ti.t eliug. Desk and Alarm Clocks. TIhkc are all guaranteed. ' ttememUer $hsve au oprt dot K maker We call for and deliver torn clocks tlut need reiialrlng. Martin J. Reddy The Jeweler fgiQiinJii) O t A t I n iV i i. ?y ?y Tf tv Tf vf Tf n Tf Tf Tf Tf Tf Tf Tf Tf Tf Tf .u . PAGE MEDFORD'S LEADING MOTION PICTURE THEATRE LAST DAY D. W. GRIFFITH'S (Producer of "Birth of a Nation") Supreme Achievement AVENGING CONSCIENCE With All Stan of "Birth of a Nation" prubnbb proceeds from a disordered vision weak or over-taxed excHght 11 can be remedied and banished by wearing the right kind ot glasses, the kind we shall be glad to prescribe nnd ndjust tor ou. We are special Ista lu all matters portninlug to tho human eye, and hear u reputation for first class work only. A trial will convince ou. DR. RICKERT Suite 1-2 over May Co. .Mcdloid, Oic. DOUBLE S. & H. STAMPS SATURDAY WITH DAI5Y t V X. J. JL BUTTER, 65c PER ROLL 1, Milk. I'ic.im, lhillcundk, Ice t'lvam, linked (luuds, t'of.age, Hues, .ind Cream Chcc-e. t THE DAIRY THE WHITE VELVET ICE CREAffl COMPANY Jmtm ChiWmn 1 5 Cents Most Costly Photo- play ever in Medford Balcony 1 5 Cents 0 OC3 Don Miss This! $$$ qiAsk your friends who saw lioli. ISl. 'jj.ir.t-i jr.ii.1 M'CURDY INSURANCE AGENCY Kffert.H liiMimnco of All Kinds o Telephone 423 , ; Sparta RIdg. Bargains in ROSES 200 Tnroe-year-old Caroline Testout Roses for sale at a bargain The finest rose n Medford rrom tbe best roee hodeo In tbe city. The Caroline TeitouHa a perpet ual bloomer, large pink rosea and the best bedse or street rose for this cllpiate. Fierce, the Horist o-