- ' -at 0PV'i i F . "V ,4;. 4 Sif w-H Br'. k i p v PAOIU FOUR HKDFOJK1) MAIL TIUHUNE ml fcwi i in i i i i i 4 CMMOMNT NNWtfCACMil J KVKriT AITKTIMtlON rr.rr (tr!nr ht tii "lift of umtui rniMTiNn . OfHa Mll Tribona. Mil Ml a ja-JJ-l North Pie atrrat; telrphone.fl. Tile DoffWrrnjln Timaa. I'M Mfdtartl Mart, TJM Mmlford Trbuna, tlw Saotii rn Ot!mmn Tha Aahlaad Trbunc. Buuncnirriow xatjsb On venr. br Mat . .J.9 Qn rmiiUi, by isnil .W 1'tr meteta. imk. aeltrar rta, aettrarae: bf aarrlar In KJ. Choenlx, Jsaksenrllta Me IMJ feKJ. Ohoenl, nol Central I'olnt .to fltHiOy only, by mall, per year. J werKij-, par ypnr. l.i -fhfkil Fame, of thn City of Medford. Offlotsl i'fSr ef Jarkaen County Villi lmniarau hh iwftnii-fliiiflii mi lir an DccotKl-alMKii ma liar HI Medf&rif, Oregon, undar tbe set sf Marsh 3, 1379. . Sworn Clroulnttan for 1)14, 3IS3. Pull teased wlra Associated Press tils ttaiiea. Subscribers falling to n oelvo pa pom promptly, phono Chculntlon Maunder at 290-H HONG KMG EOLUM- Mlsfj WntorH married Mr. Pond In Cleveland recently. a A Mlnnopno'ln ninn linn been con victed or killing lain wlfo by throw ing her ovfr n high bluff. Witnesses raid lio also Intondud to throw n lot of bin friends nnd rqlntlvea over thu '1duff. Hut thin, It Kcomn, wnn only n bluff. For tnslnnco, speaking of bluffing, thnfo'H tin! Hwnot, young blonde, who nontn way got Into the famous nrllat'n utudlo looking for n Job fin n model. "Hut t only paint f lowers .nnd fruit!" exclaimed tho nrtlnt. "'911," bluff ed tho blondo, "paint mo I'm n ponchl" V a a . 1'ivoUely (Prom tho London. KnKlnnd, ltvonliiK Xown.) A Mttlehnmpton nllolmcnt Knrdou- cr has 'iIiir up n parnnlp forty-Huvun I nchea long nhout four foot. a One in mi out of every bundled In Tcw York City wnit convicted of (omn orliuo durlim in 1ft . 9 nlr: IKiIiik it vohool tvuohor I nb Kqittly flunored tho ctmtmiUt of my Minr nivlopo once wlillo tht whole oIuh lookttd on. "It thorn yer wmkimiT" uAaMl Julinuy Joiiim. "Yon," I rtt pDati. "Wall, when (loea you work fer 'omT" Ho Makwl. Judith. a Sock II to'lti-S QI r. Lylt lloM adrertlmw In the Do buitut (In) Taliwrnph tlint ho will tioL Ihi roiMinalble for Any daitU com trttltud by- yon know who! a Todiyw llellrliiKet In IbttliiK renaniiH why wnr nbould bo ubolMiwI, anlil Dr. DhvIiI Ulurr .lonlnn In h recniit nddnww. "I m wild tht wlvUHrtMl by the inmll buy, wbo uld: " 'Ur rtk hlttory and theie'a mare of It now Minn I enn ovwr iMrn." Wr! ly Ml h aUrttNl wvlHpa H9Wtnnt for his now baity mul hu cmIU II HI nwh hiklr fund. "-Art. a a a I, Ilium y N'ule rii)ro'a been a bin output of po etry Intely." wn tho twllter of tho IlugK "m I Juit thrww thu fifth pot dOWHCllrS tltlM HtOTNlHR." a a If You (Tiiii'I Depend on Your I'l lends lo Tell You, Whmhhiyn fleiuin IMV (I'roiH tho HloowlngtoH. III.. Itucord.) XCUiiH jHlllNg nut for (llm lluvon with tho fraJicht bkoii Tlmrwluy lnr-TMlMK Korui Wwtrlaa hhh uotlflH by frlond oi tho street thwl liU no- wnn froieu. He up the trip, Hflor eplHlnlnn thut l hwd Marled to Ireow Ihieo Union tbwt Hiorultm. r Wr: A tuy told me wtria to "UUlt tMkllH' for thu nHloa." Oould ho hi moan! tu unit titt teuton fur thu HlJIttt? T A. J. a "timln Mwucw Olbrnltttr" Nowh ltoVt. Aro you I Mured In U10P. ? a a Q ttr; UurliiK tu rout IOp to Hot-ton-1 wet Mr. Thrill) JWh and lllltlU the whole evopln kff .llllln't liUC ft hIhrU ilHrn drink. IJ.SIC OK Illtt'CS U.MIMSIU(J II hah bon atated that Ike e)uie fq.r 4lniKi at tb itwumcbiO tt aeu ora Iluapltal h boeu r4iuotl r.o per tttfHt lu teM tMr.-iHl tfce dv UUIlld for aiivk uwi-awcret. OlU'de rlilttdtai VIol Url oh III InqroAfcQ. Our local itruuntu, the fedfortl I'krtUQ-. a to far a u (junitintee Vlnul for weak nin-ffywri OtittdltloNa. ihronii oucha. eolila and bronehltU, eciiu- tn- ki u 'l5tl n combination ' "" fine moat M- uoua toutea. "- to blood . lb liealluji igaalbli i ' ux rranh cud HTeraVMI "' nourlahlDK proix-i Ilea oMf wiUii. , .ll n - l-iinouh ttnt iv 1 me AU 6V !iiOK runitiBirm tfxt KB SPITE FIGHT If J(. ANNY.NM nl IH a. . '. ItX lot" iH Hflii-iiluiij. ami CutnlilinrMiit tin- illn flp mutcrifillv frruu oli-rtion fty ki ihcii rcffived n ninjtrritv there in hut the liKlitt doubt but tlint tho intent of n majority of the people wns dearly and unmistakably ftx prewied', though techuiealltieai may have been violntcd. but the honest intont of the votei i all that techniejilitieH are xuppoMcd to aafeguard. The state eleetion.lnw, uu,gHe by the last legislature, upon wlrieh the complaint fe Imncd, wan not in effect for tllp'eity eleetlon, a state rpgintrntum had not begun. Sec tion 1-1 of the law provides that it applies to municipalities "except as may be otherwise provided by charter or or dinances," so that city requirements, instead of state, gov erned technicalities. As far as naturali'atiou is concerned, section .'5 of the state law distinctly states: "Provided, however, that all norsoiis, heretofore retristered in said eounlv'as fully nat uralized citizens, shall not be izenship papers when registering under tins act. It is alt much ado about TXJkXT FAKI 0l DMIKAL" U. E. PKAKY, as Arctic explorer and xt discoverer of the North Polo, stands branded as a greater fakir tlian Dr. Cook was labelled. That his til leged discovmes," extending over a period of thirty years, are fakes is admitted add confirmed by Hhe withdrawal and oain'cllutiou by the (JniU'd States government of charts at id maps depicting "North America Polar regions, showing recent discoveries by Civil Engineer U. E. Peary, United. Sates navy." Peary's claim lo fanw was based upon his alleged dis covery Of "Peary Straitrr," "East Greenland sea." the "insularity of Greenland," of ".Josup Land," of "Crocker Jjnud" and of the north pole. In truth, it seems lo have been based upon gigantic gall, mond.ae.ious niendaeity, brazen blataney and pernicious publicity. Tho branding of Peary as a faker of magnitude was very artistically, scientifically and efficiently accom plished by Congressman U. T.'Uolgesen of North Dakota, n full report of it being contained in the Congressional Itecord of .anuqry UJ, 1910. t was made possible by sub sequent explorations made by expeditions sent by the Danish government, Norwegian government and Ameri can societies, including such renowned explorers as Myl-ius-Erieksen, Koch, Mikkolson, Iiasnmsscn, McMillan and Nansen, as well as previous explorations by General A. W. Greely, LT. S. A., of the Lady Franklin Hay expedition, all of whom proved the falsity of Peary's claims. Peary posed for years as'the discoverer of "Peary channel," connecting the Areth can with "East Green land sea," another of his discoveries, rated as most im portant as proving his great discovery, the insularity of Greenland. This discovery was made in 1SJH-2 and is de scribed in Peary's book, "Northward Over the Groat lee." To quote Peary: "This channel marked the north ern boundary of Greenland." Myliiis-Erieksen and two companions lost their lives through believing in Peary's statements, which their rec ords, afterwards recovered, proved false in every partic ular. Hasiuusseu confirmed their discovery that Peary channel does not exist, that East Greenland sea is solid land and that Greenland is not insular a fact that Greely had ten years previously ascertained. ".Josup laud" was named in honor of Morris K. .Josup, president and financier of the Peary Arctic club. This is a largo island southwest of Grunt Laud. This land was really discovered by Sverdrup in HXK), mapped and ex plored , and named "Axel Ileiberg land." Pearv in his book, "Nearest the Pole," in 1!K)7, says that lYoni a 'J000 foot summit on Grant land he saw "west the unbroken surface of Nansen s strait, and beyond it the northern part of that western laud 1 saw from 'the heights of the Elles more Laud ice cap in .Julv, ltSJ)S, and named Josup Laud'." Mr. lieigemen calls attention to the fact that in Peary's report to the Peary Arctic club, published in "Nearest the Pole," Peary Mates that in .July, 18JW, ho was journeying to CaK York, thus "solving the hitherto unsolvablo prol lein of how to oceuny two widely serrated joints at one and the same time. Nor could Mr. Peary have possibly seen this ".Josup lnil" where he located it, -since land doe not exist there, but much further south and a groat deal fuvther west. till.. I.. I It I I i a a v roc it or nairn aoorucd ion. 'Mils was an undefined Hfi degrees north longitude, Have hoou discovered lv Pearv in !!, "its snow-cladf Miuiiinits seen from a dint. -mop, den-ribed in "Nearest tiu Polo." Accepting this discovory Uiiul oxpoitition w;is scut out in liH'l by the American Miweum of Natural IJistory and Wie American GetftfrapU ical KDoiet.v under the lifiuleiahip of ftoifatil . Me.Millan, ji mender of the laxt.Puary o.pydition, to o,xplorPaud clUM "Citieker t.aud." McMillan thus dcscribiQj the resnJt: We i(9 1 unl) leached Ororker laud y (Jhe iip. but wore 30 wlltw in Mad. You cau ima!Sr bs uai neatly Qc wannml eyrx foot at the boriiou -not a thlua In lfld Ve are crovtucd tl Hero iu purault ota tll-o -lhe.Oip. Our tfieama of the laat ur fara Here iuurel drMina. During his dash to the jxile, Peary submiftetl s proof or his fi tiding the m1c, a profile of soundings that l lvyd taken, made in an approximately straight line to a latitude as rW north as -i) degies M miuutes. Accoirjiug to aft .Vm-tie Px)hQftQthrep seP of olwrvationSjiro icessary to tltci'inne a traveler's MtKhm itpthe Aivtit tdksen tioii for latitude, for longitude ami forQiuiguctic varia tion foot he UfofNo tlano's a pakewwlk i(j)i the jMlar reg itftwfVhei'e ihe ire is eontiuuallx iu iutitiCi n Mr. Peatx testified befov ti-e mi nanl affairs that at iii i turn on wilii ti tlu uiiiiili i nl in- i' ii i M.EDKCWP MAfli TtttBlfirE, MKQFQBT), ORBCtpy. WBliyiwnAY. FBimrABY IfllQ... FOR "SANCTITY" at . t ja rillr Iwl- HKMf Hr "HHIiriuy iiidiftitifi 11 iiiKir Ifwcr. - flou dn.v. lOHJ. dil mt differ UH-l, exi-fpt that AI r. Mpdrji- of rate. In both inatniiCCTl required to exhibit Mich cit nothin lir o DISCOVKMJ maps lora cousitieranic perl Imly o laud m latitude about 102 degrees wer, claimed to as authentic, rite "Crocker! the tugivssiunal imiut no tinie on 'S' tin r-tn 11 i expeill M .liv itlidtltgs weir loadr OKI 11 lli.i Jv'- I'Uillti lil ti lii.iUe JiliV il- I tat ion foT ctther lu;itndp or emntww varinMon, ami that throughout bk HU-inih danh to the potp orer the wk vm ArUr oppun he made only three olnwrvatimw for Intl tilde. Thftp oliHenatimm were, of counw, valnelePK with tatt rorrelntlrp calciilntifMin for longitude and pompfUM var Iation. It was aparent, therefore, that after leaving sight of land, Mr. Peary could not have known hi powition, ince ho claimed to' have traveled by eoinjmaa, yet did not know in which direction the needle pointed, nor what mer idian he was traveling upon. Dr. NaiMPii, in hi dash for the pole, found it necessary to take five observations daily for latitude, longitude and compass variation, while in thirty-seven days Peary made three observation for latitude only which shows the dif ference between a scientific explorer and a charletan. The sounding that Peary made, if he made them, are value less, because their positions cannot be located, and they are not susceptible of checking or of proof. Nor do the soundings as charted by Peary, correspond to the locations of the soundings as given m his book, winch places tliein "at the next camp" frotff where the observations were made. As Mr. Uelgcsen says: SIrfcc those flctltloug soundings roporlod by I'onry, which do not corres pond In any way with other storiea rolatod by him, are tho only offlclnl evl donco proonteduy l'eary that he reached tho North Cole, 1 make tho un qualified nitsortlon that Ilobort K. I'enry novor did reach tho North I'ole nor nhy placo approximately near to that KcoRraphle point. Mr. Poarythua far has furitlHtual no reasonable evidence that he has reached the North Pole, and as ho testified beforo tho Jftivy Com initio that ho hud produced nil tho ovldoncc he possessed It Is quite evident that ho never enn ostnbllsh his claim lo Its discover). Peary channel is dry land. Peary's East Greenland sea is Anwlrup and Erickson land. Jcsup land is proved iron-oist.'rnt. Crocker land is si broad expanse of the Arc tic sea. Greenland is nof insular. 'Hie North Pm was not reached. All of Peary's discoveries have been proven fakes and removed froni'governnicnt maps. Bui Peary, not satisfied with faking, tried to rob other discoverers of their fame. The names lust owed by the Greely expedition iqwu geographic features of the Arctic regions have been superseded by others to glorify Peary. Across the region naned by the Greely exjx'dition is "spread" blatantly" in glaring large letters, the name of "Peary Laud," while the name bestowed by the discover ers, Schley Land, in honor of Captain, afterwards Admiral, AYinfield Scott Sell ley, whose energy and courage rescued the Greely expedition, was erased entirely. In ascertaining the reason for this omission, Mr. Ilel gesen was informed by Captain Thomas Washington, hydrographer for the niivy department, that the precedent for the action was that the geographic board of Canada had "officially removed the name of Schley land," Jind as the Canadian' board was generally accepted as authority for geographic place names in Canadian territory, the United States hydrographic office had taken like action. Put the Canadian minister for the interior states that no such action has been taken. Dr. Cook may also have been the fraud he was painted in the malignant and vituperative campaign of defamation engineered against him by Peary but he has nothing on the latter, and the chances arc that he came as near the polo as Peary. The shame of it all is that the United States ranks high in artistic Arctic fakory, if K. ('. Saber, one of the jMirtnei of the 1 1 nil of Faber & leDouuld, lor iuerlv of Central Point, hut now of .Merrill, Or., vn. gicetm? his ninny I'rienilx here the tatter jmit of the vi i ek. .Mi Urnee Pnrkoyiiile ol Moiltor.l p'nt the week end vuth her jrrnnd u'other. Mi. Muritt Piirkt-yjiilo. The Central point high whool 'm kt t Hull team met the fctu of tlm Talent high m-IiooI on their limne ll(Mtr hero Friday night and played a very intereating and entliiuinhtie gauie. Central Point ewe out vie toriotih by a nmbII Mate. The Sunday fehool institute held heie Saturday wot a well attended nnd on (he whole a very enjoyable uffuir. Atuonx the out-of-town ltutU proMSit ctr: Irr, IUillie, Phwm; Dr. Hill. Itrv. It.dlins Mr. and Mr- A. J. Hnnby, Mr. and Mt-. (arprter, Mnlfont, and llev. ).ind of .I.-iek-v(nillr. f. Hill of .Nfedford delivrtrd a nIioiu and lorerfut addrr at the M K- rhnreh Numlaj reniuy. Hex. John C. Stiile united tmo! oiuiv a'.il. ft I'luxun iu iiiatii-! nvn Snn.l.ty. Mi-s Marjaret Vote, of Konc , Criv ns jirtudi the out-"I'-luMi vii".l' in twiti.ll point ivecntlv. ri... .- .1 ,:... .. .. k-.... . , , . . , ". im.ii.4M..i. v. n.u urn- wiiiij brrc moniuiK- Mm. (luasfSvo Wat. an old mol ro-iiettd undent of the Koync Ifivtc 3lle). and etiHeil (Viili.il l2)iiit, for iiiiiiiv )eai. M.t fnenils fiv i in--iiit lo wdnew n, lat -.ad ntch of the bere:icd. mV. T. Stid(Tni and uudmi v. . A -.bland viaitors Subtly. (DiiQ,eiYillmo ol SanM( $y t- made a buhim- ttiv to i mQ;.'' Pi the lint of the week. A. S. Vqwu Htl diuilv doQ(TXs)m Tolo S.irdatu il. trading in Central Pwini. Mr Luuauiii. .tttai "'! Her MuQVxMte Khututeih here tin .ihlnli. In! i.l tke eeK Vi nd "- VQ: W.-I.brr u! Mi nil., w. r. ,,i (g. ill, ,,'H ,P u.wii CENTRAL POINT ASK FOR and GET HORLICK'S THIS OSIGINAL a Halted wilkw Casp aUstitUtci out YOU mom pttca. not hi Arctic exploration. hitaiiiepri viitor in Central Point the lirat of lant week. Mr. Cameron of Table Itm-k tii'.n--neted buine- here Satunluy. Profonnor N'ibert of Ahloud in tended the Sitmlay oehoid in-tilute here t Saturday. , Hev. VullHiidiuithain of Ahland prenehed two e.eelleut ennon to a large and appieeintive audience at the Chrii-t'HH ehureh here .Sunday. Clmrie It. Hay nnd wife of Med ford visited Mr. UuyV jmrent hero Sun dny. Thiwiiin St rather of Mmtuville IniuiMieled bukineaa in Central Pom I J on day. Mr. .laeb tiM'khnm and youny o a, ho have been the gYteti of Mr-. II. Young for thv pacd few day. left Monday eveiiinu for Moutuna. Mn. Siillunun Connor, the wife of our genial S. P. auent, i etitertain in her mother, who u a reaident of polnne, WiiKh. Oern;e Kohlhajrii. a proniiiiriit eattlenmn of Kw.'lir, .ho ha M-eu tattrntu hn entile in the Aptlerate resiitn, hi)ijd a i-arlo.id of veri1 fine Htti.-i to Ho-(bun; Mondav ve n'wg. C. II. Matthien of the K.ij1- Pomt mi'iiiiiv t.iupM-i ,n iinijir.inf ear lo Kuvtne lite hr- t tin- niek. la. V. lb a II htpM-tl a earl.iafl nl h.i to (iranjM P,is SIomViv. Tlu- o,l N'u-;blior ami Miabnt Wo.inicn butt. held n joint inMnU latioii f''ndy cxeiiina. A vei etab- vfUte luaeheirtl wiw Micd md tin ieHrt millA ,,,, ,!,,,. ,o,. ,.i Iiiiiil .i fine timft o Haml iiid Hum ijiseiili-i(r (,t tl.( CMiej'lR ranrh tumid j h w iiumiIi -in to t Miid.t Gmmc h i IT Flf TE CIAVAT) CLUtTT PCOPV4.C- "r-i M.Rtail JOHN A. FERK VNDEJTAKEa l-ady v.m;iiu 2S 8. ItUU'M.Vr Phones M, -17 anil t7Ja SalaH ' J. H aBa yjsVj JH AtuhuUnro Sonlcu THIRTY PERISH IN E lit NTINOTON. N Va . IV' - " The Hum Urown. a IMtlainira. Pa . towbont. MBk wllhln a few minute after her boilers exploded In th OhNi rlrer opposite this rltr at 1 1 " a'cloek today. It It bellered that fe of the rrtw were aaed. A few siirTfTors from the Sam HrtwH, biU not nwre thaa six In all. reached the Ohio hWe of the river fwltowlHg the eaploelBn. The debris fram the beat landed on both banks of the rler. The boat waa blown lo pieces and sank Immediate!) A great majority of the memoers oi wo- crew, approxlinateh thirty,, are listed to have perished. be T LONDON Feb -' -The devcrul, a newspaper of Hm barest, declares tlmj Greece and Rumania have sign ed a dual neutrality eonvantlon, ac cording to a dlspatih received here by wireless telegraph from Howe. tTK. MWfTO OP BEAUTIFUL HJUR, SOFT, GLOSSY, WAVY :.".( Vat Hotlb Oesti'oys Ihinilriiff nail IhlliMes lleiiuly or Yiiii- llalr. Within (en inlnnti's after an appli cation of Danderlue you can not find a single trnto of dandruff or falllnK hair and your scalp will not itch, but what will please you most will bo (after a fow week's use, when you seo new hair, flno and downy at first oa but really now hair urowlnit all over tho scalp. . A little Danderlne Immediately doubles tho beauty of jour hair. No difference how dull, faded, brittle and scragx.v. Just moisten a cloth with Danderlne and carefully draw It throtiKb your hair, taking one Miuall etrand at a time. The effect Is amax. ilia )our hair will be Unlit, fluffy and wavy, and have an appearance of abundance; an Incomparable lustre, softness ami luxuriance. fiet a 35-aent bottle of Knowlton't Danderlne from any iItuk store or toilet counter, and prove that your hair Is as pretty and soft as any that It has beon neglected or Injured by careloss treatment that's all you surely ran hare beautiful hair laid lots of It If you will just try a little Danderlne - Adv. How to Fight Tuberculosis In h mirr mul lr jrnr lirfiirr tlir llnnr (.iiiintj Mrrflrnl ut-lrt il nil imWINIiiJ In inrt In IHr l.miU. I1Ip Mrrtl-nl I'manm," llr. J. W, I'nrhnrt, nl s iilinla, Tra, a t.lili-lnn Kim lm rfr.iilril hiiii-Ii llHir In thr kImiI) nf llirrilil-l, nl4l "HlKrc llwr nll iillllulr hrrr-fimrli f nil llir wlnrrnl hhW. Klnnt-r-. if llir Iiiimsh ImhI), Itirj mm I lip aiieiitlriJ In llir fJ ar Miilrmralril In xilnrrnl rrir-tlim-., iir nnlarnl larnllun i-nu 11 II It laarri'MliMil Miii-krrkvJ. 'I kr nNrlrrilJ Mini mirliri-kra' ir.n at lWrrrlJ nn4 krr iirr.ratnkla Slcnkra la liar lamely In Ihr 4r ralrinot llluw Im-klml .,4lll. MatlllaJra Ikraashaat IW- i-ltU Thv f V 'in nimilifi niithorilatlve niailliiit oiiii lumen Ju.lirtiHtlnn for thr uae of I ntut In the trraimrnt 'if t II 1.1' I. lllIH Hln.-.i tlil In una of Ilia Intretll ants nf KcWman Allerstlvr, muh of lh surcra attrmllnt lh wlH- pral u-e of lhl rrniadv iloubtlrm l du In the rnmblnllun f thl salt In (tu h a ay a lo rrndar It ill inu!.blf. It ruuaaa no rlnnviih ditiirbanr. mi.l miner it rnntaina nallhrr oplm. narrotira or hMt-fnrmlnif druu. It I fa to nv K KHian' Allrrtlva hia rrfr. I1 rrmsrkalil rrutra In mnrrrnui Srtf of fitilmnnarv liitiairitlnala lrnnmiiilin) ami alllail ihrnnlr f frllnn nf Ihr thmst ami In 'inrlildl r.uca in mam In'Kiirrs aiirh rondlllnna, spprrntlv. lisvr vlclded romfla t II in .i i-ur rliiiaclal la nut nf It iH huii In nrilrr. nr ii-n.l ilirrct n U Ctftnaaa I akaratary, fklladalpklH JUOs ri-c VYmsj School ilibttiit No C k 111 reielve colrd bids at tlie oifice of the clerk until s y ni , pYti. sib, !9lti. for loo cerds rf annul, uf tltlier bod) Ur, oak or laurel. Same to be delivered at nehunl billdiiiKs, between Ma 1st 1918, and Ausust lr.ib, 116. Mi uOrJ nluatp be cut from live trees Garb juii-k to be four feet lpV and not lew that? iJy,ht Inches or mori- ban 13 lf?ejii in (Ijamcter. Wood to bo insured ou the (sounds 9y .larR. sen rj)uoj,caler oi s ihh-i rod ruea- li-cs, and all iaatta.iurnieLU to l. Ft.-,f,.rv to bo(il Dfrbs. TAe hoard reserv the rluut to rfoi let aus or all vw.t. n H SI'fK'E. O ' Clark. 7) TIMKCAQO? tr iHvBrariuiAx aito caii co j ItVitt, Medford da(D except Sua- day for Ashd. Talent, and Phoenix . at 8 a. tiQ u 50 a. m.. 1 -ty, j:, 13 il and 5.15 p. m. Also ouSat- i urday a ll 15 p. m. SuBtiayaHeQs j 10 a m.p4 p. ro. and :S p. m, t Leave Ashland for Medford dally eieepi Sundav t 9 a tn , 150. 8:39, 3 30, i 45 and 6 is p rn. Sunday leave AMiHr.d n 1 a m i an .& I010AT XPLOSION HEUTRAklTY IE AND KIDNEYS HURT Take a glau of Salts to fltuh Kidneys if Bladder bother yon-Drink lots of water. Eating meat rrjriilarly eventually pro dtiees kidney trouble In aomo form or Ker, says a well-known authority, I name the urbs acbl In meat exeites the kidneys, they beeeeuj overworked) get shipgiihi clog up and cause nil sorts ol dlilrcts, partlcumrly baokaclie and inu ry in the kidney region j rheumatic twin ires, srrero headsdhes, acid stomach, eon sllpntlon, torpid liver, sleeplessness, bladder and urinary Irritation. Tlie moment your back hurts or kid nsys aren't nctlnj right, or if bladder lathers you, get alwut four ounces of Jnd Salts from any good pharmacy j take a tablespoon fill In a gloss of water before breakfnst for a few days and your kidneys will then act fine. This famous salts ifl made from the acid of grapes and lemon juice, combined with lithia, and has been used for gencratlcns to flush clogged kidneys and stimulate them to normal activity also toncutralbetho neids in the urine so It no longer irri tatcs, thus ending bladder disorders. Jad Salts cannot injuro anyone j makes n delightful effervescent lithia water Arlnk which millions of men nnd women take now and then to keep tho kidneys and urinary organs clean, thus avoiding serious kidney disease. NOBODY SPARED! Milney Troubles Utnrl. Miiironl Men mid Women, Old nail Yoasi;. Kidney Ills seise voting and old Often como with little warning Children suffer lu their ea:!' war Can't control the kidney eomtioni (ilrls aro languid, nervous, suffer ltalit. Woiiiun worry, ean't do dull) work. .Men have lame and nchlng backs IC you have any form of kidnci Ills You must reach the rnuse Hie kidney. Dorii'm Kidney I'llts uro fof weuW kldneya Have brought relief tn Mediord people Medford leatlmony provos It. Mrs. Mnry Wlntorhadlor, 812 N Palm St., Medford, ' "Not onl have I used Doan'a Kidney Pills m tolt with good rosulta but I nlso know of others who have used them with Biiccoes. 1 am a firm bellover In the merit of Doan'a Kldnoy Pills. 1 have never been hothorod by m buck or kidneys since I took this medicine about four years ago." Price nOc, at all dealers. Don't simply aak for n kldnev remeih et Doan'a Kidney Pills- the same that Mrs. Wlnterhadler had. Foster Mil burn Co., Props , Huffalo. X Y. dv POLITICAL ANNOUNCEMENTS " mSTlUCT ATTOHNHV 1 horoby announce .that I have filed my declaration of Intention to become a cnndldato for tho repub lican nomination for tho office of District Attorney for Jackson county, Oregon, subjoct to the decision of the republican party, at th( primary elec tion to bo held May 19, 1916. G. M. UOUEKTS. TKKASUUKIt Deputy County Treasurer Myrt'-i W. Hlnkely, announces tier candidal for tho office of county treasurer. I hereby announce my candidal on the republican ticket for the of fice of county treasurer, to bo vote 1 on it the coiiiIiik primaries. I have Jietd the MtIon na deputy iu till office for thu past year and am co' Mdent that I an fulfill the did"? connect. d therewith. I served ttvo years as deputy conn ty rrcotder before taking the pot tion u di'imty connty treasurer, ' have al) had ti-erleiue as ucio'iii' ant for i-everal eorporatlonii, such i the Medford Concrete Construction conipauy and Medford Ice and M"r nKe irjinjian. before taKlnp up tiui' tv work and will ;i tb.it w la record la epen for liiBariftm lo t voters of .laeksun county. If nominated und eloiUM I atlt eoe tlnue to serve tlu pu'dir Just u ef . riently in the fnure 0" I hove lu t' past. .MYIIT1 C, W lU,AKKI.fcV "l'"'l'i D ti' l '! eji i , Mill I H LESS MEA TOPA.Y A Man aad; His Mate A0utual Masterpiece lu f'' reels, presenting O IIK.MtY WOODIll ll' U jHUular romantic utar. There is also a gocoiiii(l mi '' same prograr) O XOT1C The Star la show ins c ''est plurea fn the?Sin.-i. . - hho a new one $Wn da ll ti.i V ''- ' ' I ll I 'll Mir. - , I - V ' llllt', Corooerl nnd 10 ""O p m -