Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, February 02, 1916, SECOND EDITION, Image 1

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Medford Mail Tribune
m m
Tonight nnd 'riiurcdny ILnln.
AfitT. :n, Min. a i, Pre. .02
nwsnmmmnawMnnai i
F01 rv f fti. Trr
Imii T-1 tli V r
President Says That America Is Not
Going to Abide the Habitual or
Continual Neglect of Its Rights
Under International Law Either
Safety of Citizens or Commerce.
TOPEKA, Kan., Feb. 2. Presi
dent Wilson told an amllonco of 3000
persons hero today that "America Is
not going l" nlildo tho habitual or
continual nogloct" of Itu rltjlTi -under
International law, either w(th res
jiect to tho safety of Its cltlaons or itH
foreign commerce. '
' For one thing, It inny ho neces
sary," tlitr proali'imt sultl with an
emphatic Risturef''to 1110 tho forcos
of the Fulled Stritos to vindicate the
right of Amorlcnn oltlzons ovory
whero to onjoy tho rights of Interna
tional law.
"Wo must also insist on tho right
of Americans to trade with the
world," he continued. "We shall res.
lot any blookado, hut the world
ncils tho products of the I'nltod
states and wo will Instit that tho
world gets them."
J'lOO till- Philippines
The Philippine, tint president said,
would ho (rood.
That Nan will com down," ho
declared, "when wo feel that tho Phil-
IpplnoH can tako ovor their own af
fairs nnd no longer require our pro
tection; nnd It will he more honored
in tho lowering than In tho rais
ins." What In tho Issue? Why, of
courso there aro men going nhout pro.
PohIiik a groat military establishment
for Amerlen, litit yflu liavo not-hoard
an) body connected with the adminis
tration that did. You hnvc not hoard
anybody In any responsible situation
who could carry out that plan, pro
pose It. A. singular thing about this
situation Is that the loudost voices
have been Irresponsible voice.
It Is easy to talk and say what
fchoiilij be done whou )ou don't have
to do it.
"All that anybody In authority hah
proposed Is that tho people of tho na
tion learn how to defend thomsolvos.
Army Too Small
"Wo are not naking for a largo In
crease In the army. It Is too small
now for tho ordinary times of pence.
It has beon too small to patrol tho
Mexican border properly and 1 have
been unable to do sevoral things I
should have done beoauso of the small
"What we aro asking is this: That
the nation supply arm to those train
ed for war.
This Is not a tnllitarlstlc pojloy, it
is merely a poller of adequate na
tional defense. Anybody who says
differently olthor does not know what
he Is talking about or Is purposely
misrepresenting the faots."
"We aro not going to Invade an
nation's right," rfeVered the presi
dent, "but Buppose une other na
tion invades the United State? What
will the nation do? American d
not travel abroad to interfere with
the natural processes of the world.
Their traveling ought not to bo in-V-ifered
wlfh by reclflel disregard
of international law.
We must also luilst on the right
or Americans to trade with the world.
We shall respect any blockade but the
world needs the products of the Unit
ed sutfb and we ;-l insist that the
world net them "
NKW YORK, Fdi. J. J Willaid .I.iek Dillon were matched here
tda ty a ten-round bout to be held
in tin:- city konie time between April
Jtl and 22.
.c ording to the tenna of the eon
truet, Willaitl i to receive 3200
. a.l luiiun 10,000, with the option
.til ixr ceut of the gute wceipt.
luiiun. who luuM-ked out Tow t'oa-
U-i- 111 the kccojmI round of their fight
Ik r,- l.i-t nih-Kk. will replace Frank
' ,1 -riii, un could nt i nine to U-rni
1 . .iiiii?itei" tir u Imiit with
' ,11 lloll - 1 llfJlt lllH
I I TO j.i IIM ' I
City Encased in Ice Lighting, Tele
phone and Trolley Systems Demor
alizedSchools and Stores Closet!
Bridge Freezes, Stopping Navi
gation Wires Snapping.
POItTLAND, Or., Feb. 2. Kncns
ctl in ice, Portland today is being
'throttled by n silver tlmw. The city
nnd mirroitnding fount ry is mne,nifi
cvntly beautiful in itH silver pontine,
but nlrendy tho dninngc, roiiplilv in
timated, oxceedi JflQJ),000, nnd con
ditions rnpidly tire growing worse.
Lighting and telephone systems nre
demeralized: stores tire deserted; the
ater are plnying to ompty seats;
wire, AoIph, fences, omnmentnl nnd
fnrl trees nro being curried down
under the weight of ieo.
Truffle nt Stnmlstlll
Traffic is 11 n slnndstill, although
the Hit eel cor company in, by her
iMileun efforts, peeping most of its
main line open. Stonm roads nre
suffering. All traiim up the Colnm
bin river huvoyioen unnulled and alt
east nnd wojiffinund trnins nie snow-
hnitnil.'rhe elect rif trniiis-iii the
mirtwltmpy, However, nre op
rfJrtnlgTTlio zone of tho storm in
widespread. Long-distiiiicc telepliouo
commuuicntion nut of Portland lm-i
lieen entirely severed.
The Ilronduny drawbridge, n mod
ern steel structuro", is frneu nnd
ennnot he opened lo lei vessels puss
in the Willamette ilvor.
The lotul proeipitHtion for Port-
land between ft n. 111. Tiitwdny nnd f
n. in. todny wns -.1(1 inches.
The city is unable lo find enough
men willing to work lo meet the
emergency f clearing the streets.
For excry 100 men wanted, not more
ftltnn fifty could be secured.
l'uncii'ils Postpone!
All funeral scheduled for (odny
liavc been postponed. It is more than
the motorcar can do to mnko the
climb up the hills to the cemeteries.
School), are dosed.
The optimisjic aro Inking some
convolution in the font that thin is
groundhog day, with no chuiieo of the
groundling seeing hi shadow.
Kvorywhore throughout the city tho
ice is snapping telepliouo nnd elec
tric liglit wire and pulline; down
Hiles. There is grave danger from
live wires, ieieles fulling from tall
building and falling trees, but no
serious nocidenU hail boen reported
up to noon.
In Eastern Oregon
In northeastern Oregon the heav
iest snowfall in twehty yenra is re
ported. Meewige from Pendleton
Hay cattle nnd sheep nre perishing; in
large numbem. Twenty-three indie,
of Know lie 011 tho ground at Pendle
ton and a Northern Pnelfio train M
htalli',1 within tho oity limits.
At llcppner tho snow is thirty
indie alt-cp. In the footlrille and the
higher Hltitudo it is pilod up for
inn ay feet. At Hood Itivor the anew
U four feet deep and no trsitw luoe
nrrived from Portland inee Holiday.
In tho eontral and southwefctem
part of Oregon mild tetnpera(ures
prevailed todav iu Ihe valleys'.
WASHINGTON', F.b. 2. Vice-Pre.-ident
Murdiull enf-t n deciding
vote in the senate today on the Phil
iiHMtu' lull, bcliiiog to pa thfvS'Urke
aweHdment to withdraw the sover-
eiguty of the I'nited State from the
iUnd not -uoiiei than two years
and nut bier than four. Fifteen deui
ocrats voted again it.
WASIIIXOTOX. Feb. 2. The aeu
ate todat rejected fifty-nine to six
teen on Lndmeut by eWnator Com-
iniu- to the Philippine lull, which
I uoiild '.hi tin .ople o! lllO i
''i'i. 11 ,1 .1. 1- I..'. it . ..nix n't. 1 tli x
J. ,ll ' .11 1 ! In I . 1 I 1 1 .1
'. . I f 'x - 1 1 ..
Kcnr diutrnl 1 ullant
Hear Admiral Fullam, command
Init tho Pacific Itesme fleet, took
dmnicdlato charge of the relief nnd
rescue work in i!i Otuy valley flood
Neutrality Board Makes Ruling, Out
Withdraws II Request Passengers
Be Released Mocwc the Captor
Appam Lined With Bombs Ameri
can Aboard.
WASIUNOTON', Feb. 2. Lnlo to
lay it was announeed nt tho Htatc
dcpnttineut that the neutrality board
liml held the Aimwiii to be 11 prixo
nnd then the announcement wufi
ipiiekly willidrnwn. The Kcnernl im
prcHNioti prevailed, however, that the
hoard had mi held, but that It would
nut bo tiiiiUMini'cd until Inter.
Late tfNlny the state deNulment
naked tliO customs uuthoriticM to ro
louse the passcngerM on thu Apvnm
subject to the action of the immi
gration authorities.
2. Priiwo Untzfeldt, nanl nttuehe
of the GeiiuHn eiuhnshy at Wnhliing
ton, said after hw iutitTiuw with
Lieutenant lUir toilay that Appnm
waa capttirwl by the lloewc Ho de
clined to state the location of the
Moowo at this time.
MiknI With Itomlw
2. How the captured ltritih steam
er Aijmuh wiih lined with bombs
which dould be touched off by the
Oenoaii prise crew at any Bn of nu
if))riincr among hor I00 captives, wuw
told by rratHiH on the t.hii to (junr
antine Officer MoCafferv, and be re
lated the hloiy tfHluy.
"AccordiUK to stone told me by
paKsengera," said MeCaftery, "many
nmbi are planted about the ship and
all of them can he exploded by the
touching o? a M-eret button. The
In 'till w a? re ilactd by the (icrraaiiH
LONDON. Feb. 2. -A Zeppelin uir
hhij waa lighted today off the coiM,t
of Anc1a, an ilnid of the Nether
lands in the North sea, iay a dis
lafch Iroai Aiulerdam to Reuter'e
Telc'-'rain eomuuv. The eoiiht guard
bombarded the rpx lin, the dis
pute li .11I1I-, mure than tilt v ihot be
ing fired and it is betievnl ue hit
the airehip, which finally rear
ed to Ihe nothvard.
Officer Jit ship arriwns at the
Diiieli pmt .n 1l1.1t liM- Zi'i'in-liii-.
tl'.IMl'llU Ui-IU.ll,l Will- -.I'.'lltlil
I,. ,1. i , 1 .1 , J 1 ' . .1
, 1 I . .
(Contlnaad on page t,-.)
; SsSkSBSS , fc jflC uliUfi mnlilLL
BejeaLBV Jnaar .iieaaaja?nnaannnnn)enn)aki. m aaa7tjiii,iuiaL iAtaal
SBBnnnnnBVAu.aelIBBaBnai MlJktiMuMit'tKllKSKSraKtKSKttitKiSiKi
Hff'THfiWfflfflCSHnnnnSannWW' .mmm
mT VfflUttBE& xtfHslannnnnnnnl&BnniV
BsaBBk BBaBBBBBaisH BBBBBUMacaaaaaaaaajaaaBBBBB.B
nnnn,naTnnMI -J9nnnfannnnMBraBaT'VsJnnnnnnnnnn1
tnnWteaMWnW," '"9HjE
BnnannHnnpnBaannnnnnnnnnBB - ik Vj fianl'
AIhim it vw of the VmiHi-m
nwny. Ilelow, Kcncinl lc of the
uut of the limit which ptc an ay.
ATHKNS, Feb. 1, m Pari, Feb. 2.
Information reeeiu-d in military
(jtmrterrt here indicate that Ocmum
and Ilulgnrinu troops HtipNrtisl by
160,000 Turk aro likely to begin nu
attack on the Franco-Uritinh force
at Haloniki about Fcbrtmry l."i.
LONDON, Feb. 2.--.V Heuler di
patcli from Delhi trniiiiiit nu offic
ial statement iaaued there regarding
.the fighting iu Mesopotamia, Haying:
"Oenentl AylmerV I'oix'o hold a
strong poitio.u on the Itiver Tigris.
The recent tlooil have hindered and
made a forward movcincnt impracttc
able. "flenoral Sir John K. Nixon, who
lias handed over the cooininiiil nf the
Ilritish force in MesepotumiH to
Ijeutennnt Ooneral Sir Percy fkc,
will start homowaid within . short
meterdam and London. An offic
ial atatement issued by (he Turkish
wnr department under date of Feb
ruary 1 an):
"Caucasian treut: An enemy bat
taliou attnekinir one of out' outMiwt
at the center wa rcpul-cd with a lo
of 200 killed and wounded.''
PARIS. Feb 2 rftoiwtch from
JItolrld to the I lavas uueney says that
travelers fiom Lisbon report that the
Portuguese minister of Juetico was
flrod upon b rioters and that he de
fended himself with hlH revolver
Thoy also state that fire oeeurred In
Melem palace, the official residence
of tho president, but that It was soon
extinguished; that many bomb have
been exploded la different iwrt of tho
oity and that tfie police have dlseov
ot od quantltle of dnan)ite bombs
and arm.
&ISBOX. Feb. 1. via i'ajl. Feb. 3.
Hinting whieb begaa tail Saturday
on account of the Inereafod price of
food artlole baa not yet been q a filed
and one person u reported killed
and several giunded toda i. iiomba
tnrowH oy ins rioters iu iioir im-
fllcu with the pollee and tin- liliei
The minuter of the interior-stated
In the senate toda that the xovern
nieni Is it ti'LJiilned to nin-s .,11 ,,i
leiii'it- ..n (In jai ' i 't i - in ,(
t i) n u i"n, rr' .fi. ''J v .
FKimiWUY 2. lfHii
O 1 ,,- u -"ag : '
recently held In cheilc by the lourr
Iiwcr Otny (lain anil ivsei-W'Ir.
IJKIIMX. I'eb. :, b wlicle.-In-structlotiH
Unre been sent l tho tier
man government to Ambassador Von
Ilsnistorff at Washington of inch a
"nature a to give "reasonable hope
for a positive understanding'' con
cerning the Lusltanla affair, It waa
announced here today.
The aiinouueemunt, which Is of a
oml-of(lrlnl nature, I- eahl by (lie
Overseas New agrtiry to have boon
made "In connection with alarming
ICiikIIbIi report about tho naluro of
(lermau-Aiuorlcnn relations."
The text of the stalomeut 1 given
by the new agency a follew:
.- .. mat January 80, a tole-
It l
oxonange of vrevar-orrniwnr in
truotK))) were tranimltted by tele
graph to the German ambassador
which alves reasonabln hoi for a
positive understanding "
NKW VOItK, Feb. t A strike
whleh the leHdera claim ha complete-
tied up the liiooklyn plant of the
iaerlcan Sugar Refining eoinpaio.
was calleil today by the Metal Work
ers' union. The entire staff or ma
chinists, about 600 In number, walk
ed out. There are about S'idn em
ploye In all at the plant.
The men demand the reinstate
ment ot three men who they allege
were dismissed for their union activ
ities. They hlso auk for au eight
hour working da instead of the pres
ent ten hour uhlft
I'KOVIDKNl :, It. I.. Feb. J.
Mrs. Ihxnie Kielluian, the wife, aud
Mrs. Ueilrude Dnile,, a cirter of
Henry KjMdlnuiu, on trial with Mr.
I'lisnbelh Mohr and Cecil, Itrown for
tin ii.mhIi . i in i 1 i.ii.I Im M-.lii .
were a r re-led lola on a eharicv of
wrjiii. The uiania te-nileil .it
llli limliiiliu' '--I'll .mil g)iill
' nli i i i in . .1 1 i.l .. .i ill.l I . .
-j.ii. H.
Otny alley dam, uhlili wis Nwcpt
The Mlilto dttlctt line luclosos the
WASHINGTON. Feb. . Reducing
j the nropoNcd pa.Miienl to Colombia
from .i2.'i,fl(Hl,niin to l.-,0li(),00l) nnd
Hltering the projioMed apology of the
FuitiMl StntcN for the partition of
Panama to make it a mutual expres
sion of regret on the part of the
Cnited Stale and Colombia, the sen
ate foreign reluliotiH committee today
ordered u favorable report on the
Inhg-pciiding Colombian treaty.
The vote on the Ironly was eight
for to MevetungiiiiiHt. Senator Clurlto
of Arkatiena whh the only dumoerut
voting agninst it.
My a vote of ten lo three the coin-
inilteo also fuornhIy reHirteil the
iiwutv to ngy Nicaragua $3,000,000
lUOlliS Ode and naval Iihsvm iu
Tho imblV'fl
, . im-RNSKk: , . M Inst ox
1 1 entity.
Senators wh volml against the
Nicaraguau treuty were William Al
lien Smith, Jliehignn, nnd Ibimh, re
publicans, and Clarke of Arkansas,
SenntorH who voIimI aguiust the
jt'olottbiau treaty were Itodge, Smith
J of iluhignn, Sutherland, lloruh,
llrandcueo and Oliver, republicans,
at Clarke ot Aikansii", democrat.
Smiioin Slnel, ileiiioi't'ai, and .Mc
ii umber, l'eiiililn .in, were nlixent.
KL PASO. Tex., JVb. 2. OenernI
Francioco Villa, with a mule tram of
stolen gold bullion, U hudcd toward
the international hue in the llompie
IVonilo eouuirv, near Siena Itlanca,
Tex., aeeordiuu to (leucral Oavira.
Vouimaiidant of duiirex, toilay.
I Oavira uid he had ordered Liea
jleuaat Colonel llioja. at Ojiuuga, to
i eloe iu on Villa froij the eat, while
Major Orti uioe irom Juureg and
(luadeliiM' aud General Luis llerrera
ilrotti Cliihiinhiia ( it, .ill on the trail
.of lil.l.
Ki.itii.).' I,, II, (.1 ..liilnl .ii' -1 1 1 1 nu, i.l in
iateritute commerce of good produe
1 in mines iiiaiiiew and munilfiic-
tiiiii' l i-liililieii nailer 111 wax
.. -i.ll.v tin li'.il-r 117 1.1 10.
II.. bill im n h to thi -timtf.
NO. 208
Heavy Snowfall Continues All Over
Washington Railroad Traffic
Completely Paralyzed Storm Has
Raged Thirty Hours With Heaviest
Snow Ever Recorded.
SUATTLF, Wnsli., Feb. 2. Snow
fell all lust night nnd nt norm toduy
tw'cTi'ty-two inches- of jnlMt ' irow Jlftj?
on the gnifly'd, FVceptTdfiikItqw'
dnwiUown lines, no hlreell'ea'rH Am
being openitcd, ijud H)p tlfH'ofctiV
cuinpinties seem to regnnl the Mtiin
Hon us hopdetHK until tho now censeB
fulling. The hcIiopJh opened with few
tenchera nt their postH. Stores op
ened Inte nnd lind few dorks nnd
n few eustomors. Fn a tones were
.liorl -handed nnd their employes
wero tritiltriiifj wonnly throudi tho wet
The snow U rulline- ns brisklv on
ever. Iu the mountains tho fall con
tinues Itenvy. The Orent Northeni
abandoned its mountain division yen-
terdny monnng nnd Ilio IMilwnukco
last nitrht stonned tr.vintr to movo
trniiiH, but the Northern Pucifio hnd
its plmvK busy pll night. No over
land trnin litis nrrived horo sinco 7
o'clock Inst nijjlit.
U5 IVct of Know
Snow i twenly-fivo feet deep nt
Lnnoiiiii, Ihe summit of Suoquhltnio
Piihh, iiiithe Cnsetido mountninH. A
grnduiited pole twenty feet tnll act
iu the groud litis been used for yenr.i
to menaurnjllin depth of Know. Tho
polo win entirely covered yesterday
morning. Tho fennwfnllnt tho. um
niR anil iu the Cuscnile 'molfntmns
generullv is five feet pitch twenty
four hours. Agninst aiioh preoipitn
tinn the niilromU hnvo is
useless (o buttle, nnd Imfflo on nil
three truiiM-coutiucntitl thus, is tins
petided. There is no sign nf enfly ocKsn
lion of the snowfall. A low pross'iiro
storm ia cuiitrut off Ihe Wnhhington
coast. Thin atoun is prevented from
ndvnucing into Uio fhterior in tho
normal ninnuor by nii?Jnimense nren
of liiith nressure of cold nnd lumvv
air Hint extends Southward over tho
northwest provinces nnd tho Kooky
Mounlain stntes to tho Mcvlonn bor
der. Traffic Piinil)7cl
KLLFNsnnim. u-imh.. Fd. ?.-.
No trains nro running loduy through
the CitHimde mountains bopniuio of llio
snowfall which is Mild to lin tiin lnmv.
lent iu thirty year Tho Northorrt
I'acirip, tiroHt Northein and .Mllwntt
kee trnuseoutiiieiitnl tniins nro laid
up in dirision point yards or nre
snowbound iu the mountain.
The snow storm ha mged for
thirty horn's without inturriiittlnn.
The wind i Mowing- a jpilo tt tho
summit ot tho tn sea ilea.
Four weslbou'-d Northern Pnalfln
tt'auis arc in the local varria un.l m'll
lie turned back and sent east. Yoe-
tenia v morning's No. 3 Nail hem Pu
eifiu train in snowbound iu do Kltim.
Til eiltl)nund No. I vim anow.
bound 1000 yard ureal of He Hlum
and by uiug several engines the rail-
roail managed to get one ear nt n
time into the Cle Hliini depot.
The Milwaukee division point ynrils
south ot fe Kliiiu are under six feet
of snow.
At Walla WalLi
WALLA W'MAJi, Wulu Pd). ".
With twenty. eiuht iuehoe q euuu on
the n.uii, aud still frilling stufidlly,
Wnlln Walla is anojvhotintl tO'biy. '
Street car in tho oity uru ootupeiufy
lied up uud oven tn,jeahs Imvu quit. '
Itailmads are open, nlthough tntitis
are aamewhat delayed.
At noon yesterday all records for
-"" - I I I !
(Continued on last pago)
SALONIKI. Feb. 1, via I'aria, Fob.
a. Two Uriel? soldiers, five rofit-
vee- .illil -ticn Workllieil well killed
biari nitv eiillaus were Injured by
int'luiiiiiiuble bomb-, ilroppwl early
this nioriiuiK iu a eppolin mid, Is'o
tlamaue mi, ,..iti in miUtftry build
. 1 1fJ-