Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, January 31, 1916, SECOND EDITION, Page PAGE SIX, Image 6

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rAOTS mx
An&nrcrnn MATr mnrnrn, MfworiD, rmwifa. M"n.r, -MLJkJM.
--- unj.i i, j- j - -jjj - ---i i 1- - - --:mT. "' '."I . - .' r1" ' ' ' -
mtK.iM'Mrr luwwtujijwBtrjg'M '-
It to mi ttMt prvpwMM, ' Jf " -..! ...a.w.iallr fi trill It hi fhtflff.
-J.WI.. U-J ,. tUr Amrir'iV of nil "il Hl-her lM "'' -BfWfi
m that ditHH. An arte-mn flw ft tim. btn L.rnlljr nd ahtwijL
wwifif Do
.. . .... -i.... .. Aa
It ttf fntnj, mil w nnw . i" h-ty
K. C. Ifolmcr, Bouthern Oregon
experiment station.)
Right f way far the Kogue river ; I'EICINO. Jan. 31. The protuv Tlie county o, oara ha leeueii
canal from Central Point to Tolo.'bf Kweichow in in full rebellion. The the owK nnnonitaement:
At it farmera and fruitgrower j hwh .i,rHllllllNi lo hnu PBtnirtiflii.mnior trn. forc,.I t fU- Jnnn.rr "Arthur R. Chase, for two and ono
....;... 1...1.1 -. .... ......... i -- " -,... .,. . .
imT-!iii iii-iii n( .liriiiuiu uii tinuuiir;
22, tho writer mndo vtne stfllwunt
legardiriK tlio lime coi.Mnt of Jrtek
mju county soils. Th'-t? atnfbinonU
liavo reer'y bom 'uwtlni'd lit tlie
columns of (life pnpr. With refer
ence to this the writer wdie to ul
mit the following fnrS tfl the fnrm
crs of this comity.
A Htinjy of Our Bolls
of Ihc canal, now seem- in a fair wa?f jfl Brj eotninnniention have been in- B,f ,mn ,lnral tlwl Supervisor
of adjustment, fndcr the liw panned ,orniplwL ,t ,,.,.,, that ,,. jof Supervisory District Xo 3. hat Jtut
UcndnrcU his ronlKiintlon to become
eonntr ngrlculturlHt of W'snco county.
hi oh payn u rauok batter
hi uir j.0i Krniun . i wir ..imntn.u , . q.,.,,.,, Ki fcnl. , .
the eo.ntHr tannot o hrod with ,,, ,JV ,hr voliitloiiKtH.
rover drnnngo awarded h n jury In , n, ,.. " ,t.. v-..-.- ii- pwmiou mo
i .. i . , ' CTJiiuijr King. yi lh iflnpwc Kinttff. '.gnlary than Mr
nnnilomiintion nninnliiKni. 1ml mimt . . ........ .. . '" mnu u.
i m. f i, ;.. TI.U il.nMH.nml -?u0"1 ntunl m,m ,0 ,',(,. ol tlnB In Jackaon county.
idolnv until too Into in the ncnMou fur
'tlin water to ha nrailflhlu for the
Wbn In need of a rtmeilr for th- i out economical to ute, for the renwn
.trwtlment ol bronclila! affectlont. that one bottle (jO ecnta wortii)
Waetbe te darelop tbe Cbndwik wteh as brenehttln. wlwopla euiu. roaaea a full ptat (U8 tvaspoonnful)
well urvpotitioa, tycated at the uae i.roup, tMorn cou(?. wldii or of the meat oxeellent etftfRh medltlno,
of Mwirit Oriaile. aboct M.t nilMi oaMenoee. don't almplr aek the droa-1 after IkiIbk mlsed at homo with ono
oathfaet of Medfonl. nn arteaion'Kiet for a 'couah medicine" but get, pint of pranulntod adKor and onc-hnlf
water atmree project, or an an oil
liropoaition or a eonl mine, nppoam to
he tko prohtcm next to be aolrcd In
the projtr of "! enterjinw. Tlic
well m dom about 1000 foet. r'oitr
. . . . i vmnA n imq hiii iiMim iMtrifiLrnifMi ill
nnsn lias nnnii wbi ....r . ..t .. ... .w..- --- - -. .-.
....,.. ,, ....... n ...... ... ..i . mi. :.... ...i.M ..
tint tenth. In tin naBrejrnto iney.iuror. ineaainu raontj uu. Hui
the boat. Tell him to ko )oh Schlff
mann'u Now Concentratwl Bxpoeto
ront, instead of bolnn lndeed Into
Oho reslnna
Durinj: the year 1011 the huifcu icominir aoaaon
of noils of tho L'. 8. Jupurtiritmt of
nffneulttirc mndeHiii e.xhuiMtlea ol!
survey of Jackson ooiinty. Ke-ry
soil typo in tilts county was nnrefully
Htudird, nnd all of Micmj typta were
named nnd 'properly olnnbified. The
reHiilts were pablihcd in Ini'lHtin
entitled "Soil Stt of tho Mdford
Area, Oron." This hullotir. nlxo
cDtitniiiH n Inre f.c.orcd a;ep tlinwini;
the o.xne location of cvirj ypj. Ibi
thia mnp any fami In the eovctv can
be i-nnllv louatid. and the noil trc or
tjju !iieh it rejMllRiRnifinfl. rTfi?
ily rietanlitnml. ThU hit"etin doe
not, ltoworflr, flv fLc olffcuiinl oom
jwrnltioii cr plant food eont'int of ;he
dilferent soil tvp-. m hiuh. When we eoimider the fact
The Bouthern OxtftoB HkPermu'nt tlmt an average erop of thirty buaheU
HiiiTiou, Mirreinre, una aonietn irr ;of wnent. inelnrtinr atraw, remove
KccoftuizItiK tliia fart, inont nf tlin
properly owners hnve either milmiit
trd thm matter to arbitration or
nffroed upon a apooifio jirioe. Ad
.uRtmenta of two milt begun in prrul
inp, Iravinp hut one unit to try, that
npninat Do Ilarr.
Dr. K. II. PIckel, Hornee Pollon and
W. II. Ooro, iim arbitrators nwnrdod
Anbury and Leo Ilonll .fl7.r prr nero
for tho Inqd HctiiHllv lukni, holdii'i;
that tho hunafila to tho land bv ren
lUiineirrigatlon avail bj off-ennv
iWniirgt. rrit WiTnaburv ' .Messrs.
Jlanrj' and Purnell have settled upn.i
upproximatelr the aatue Iimhio.
a zone iiah ucen outlined witliin wliieli oxtonsen this board had novoral
montlia ago determined to dlsi'onie
-..i. i :..t ..' .....i . t.. . ..hi
nilliinil, ijjnvm ri. phiii,i "I il . 11 (i
the lendiHp: ojl 1ph hi Him fi.intv.
The ehetnirnl departuMiit l Ii '' Ue
experiment alntion at Connllm i nov
making an exhnnatiro ehetnieal atud.v
if i aeh type. When Utia work ia com
liKtcd wt- will know definitely juxt
how many Doynd of Ihne, potah,
phtwnJiofua, uitrogou, niagueaium,
fiulpuhrwnd hnmua tlirro are in an
nere of'orory aoil tto. Tliiu work
wait a'tavtod in tho aummer of 1015
and will bo eomplotiul by May, IfllO.
Ah aoon na this work is completed a
bulletin will bo published pivin? nil
tho roKiilt. A copy of this will he
aunt to exory farmer in southern Or
egon, aa well os who may do-
siro it.
lIlKlt Mine Content
Part of the ohemlenl work on thoao
aoil typea hna nlnndy been eomplut
h1, and tho Ihne ooulont of Kovurnl
tyofl 1ms been determined. The lime
oontout of these tyjcfl is very IiIrIi.
Tb typo containing tho sinnlhwt
itmuuut of lime uontaiiiH 2.11 pur cant,
or 73j8fi0 pounds per nero to n depth
of one font. Tho typo Nhnwiug the
largoat amount of lime eoututna 3.18
par eent, or 121,800 poundK per neie.
Tho average for nil. the samples o
fjir dulurmined in 2.SG per cent, or
Hi the rnte of 100,100 pound per
noro to a depth of one foot.
During tho pant fifteen years many
nllfii'ellnneoim wimploa of noiln have
Ijuen Ntuit by farmera from thia county
to the experiment station at Corvallia
for nnnlyaia. The avcrngo limo oon
tout of all thoao miKoullanooiiH snin
ple Ik 1.08 per eent, or at tho rule
nf 37,800 pounds per aero to a depth
Of ono foot.
It i very oxidonl from tlioao fig
iireH that the lima content of our woiIh .l.vkon enmity.
Ichk than ten pound. of lima from an
acre, it in evident that our foils con
tain sufficient lime to laat for many
rertJUjei' Iixporinveuta
Puring the post four veara I hnu
conducted many eomplcte fertiliter
experiments on various aoiU, nnd
with varioua eroM in the liogue Itivcr
valley. Pur example, during the sen
hoii of 101.1 we conducted n total of
thirty aomploto experiments on thirty
farms in JnekNon oountv alono. I'p
to tho reent time we !iao not oh
tuiuud any bnuefieial uffeet in any
expurimont from the .o of lime.
During the fall nf lfllfl a eomplete
bulletin will be publlahed giving the
reflultH of our fertilizer oxjierimontN
covering a period of five yenra.
Icus of I, lino
It is well known by our fanner
that some of our aolla actually eon
tain an exeeaa of life. In iome of the
orchards limited arena can be found
which contain auoh an exeeaa of lime
that the foliage of fruit tree turns
yellow in midsummer, and often tho
leave turn brown nnd fall off long
before autumn.
I havo uover hoard of a well in
.Jackson county that did nut contain
"hard" water, due in nearly eery in
Ntnticp to a largo amount of lime in
tho hoIK
Cost of Itxperlmcnt Station
The question ha been raised as In
what the Southern Oregon cHtriiucnt
station ooU the farmer of this
county. Permit me to av tlmt .Jack
son count) pay auniiHlly $150 to
ward the MipMirt of tbi ttatiou.
(ft ...! II. .. .1 1 il -
iriu'iii'iuiv ouc-uiiru, or tu, iu wits
amount U p.iid b. the fnnuerH of
the Afonocncy will protect forolgncra
who niOthreatonod.
TweUe thousand soldiers from Iho
province of Knol'ltow are rcijjirtcd to
bo marching, in company with Yun
nnoho revoliitinnistN, upon Chung
King, where fighting is expected to
lake place within a few week.
Tho inception of tho revolutionary
movement in China, first manifested
on the Chinese cruiser Chno-IIo at
Changhai in the beginning of last I)e-
with tho Borvlcos of one supcrvlitor
at tbe ond of tho prcsont hcIiooI yoar,
tvhon tho contractu with tho Btiper
vlfors ton'nntcd. N'Ow that Mr.
Chaso ban tendered his rcti,-natlon,
tho new plan will be put Into offoct
nt once, and from this tlmo on thore
will bo but ono Btipcrvlijor, Sir. K. It.
rotamon, in tho count. Too scnnoiH
formerly supervised by Mr. Chose will
In tho futuro be vlsltod by the Countv
eemoer, ami winch nnsinnod more ser- School Buporlntcndont and Mr. I'eter
ious proportioua when tho revolution-1 eon. This will moan, of course, that
lata in the province of Yunnan an- 'your nchool will not bo visited as fre
nownaed formation of a separate re-JquHiuly In tho futuro an lu tho past,
onblie, was attributed to dissatisfne. jltoworer, with tho hearty co-operation
tion with the purpose of Preaidant of teachers, school officers and school
Ynau Shi Kai to reatorw a monarch-! patron, we hopo to keep the sehoolr
ial form of government.
I.ONTK)?. Jan. 31 The number of
Mongolian insurgents hna been in
creased bv 20.000, according to a
Mukden dixpnteh, soys Heuter-a Pet
rograd correspondent. The drapatvh
nddx that the insurgents are march
inc toward Peking.
of tho county up to standard."
,M)rted b Jacirrnn Coonti t
tract Co tilTttj nd fir t
ltoal I-'stato Transfers
i. V. Thomas to V. K. Isaacs,
land In Perr ro-HUb-dlv. . $1000.00
OTTAWA, flnl .Tun .11 In,- . C. .MCAIHSIOr Ol UX 10 LU-
I.. A. Audetto of tho exchequer court, I ' ita'a Uank of Ashland, pt.
commissioner annotated to lnvnstl- "IB-IK, Q C D 1.00
--.. .
men to "take notice." Some evidence
tlmt a flow of gas may be foiMid hat
beon iiuoovered. Altogether, it Iiuk
become nil interesting problem. Its
final solution is expectantly awaited.
Whether it be gas, pc-nilcum, an ar
tesian flow of water or a coal mine,
Jump from Bed
in Morning and
Drink Hot Water
Tcllo why everyone should drink
hot water each morning
before breakfast.
gate the pel n si. sealing cUtms, made
lit report public today. Ono thou
sand bIx hundred nnd five, claims
amounting to $9,200,000 were sub
mitted to him nnd hi awnrds total
$r,0,C0. Tim claims are dlvldod Into
five elns4ea:
(a) Thoito arising prior to the
Paris award regulations In 1894; (b)
elalma by poalors who never soalod In
the north Pacific; (c) claims follow
ing the Paris nward regulalloaH; (d)
claims owing to tho pelagic soallng
treaty of 1911; (n) various
none of tho above classes
Why is roan nnd woman, half the
tlmo, fooling nervous despondent,
worried; some day headachy, dull and
unBtrung; boiuo day really Incapaci
tated by Illness.
If wo all would nractlco Insldo-batli-
Ing, wlint n gratifying chantro would
taho place. Instead of thousands of
Uon'a Dank of Ashland, pt. half-alclt, anncmlc-looklng souls with
rasiy, muauy complexions wo snouid
1 sco crowds of happy, healthy, rosy-
chcoked pooplo everywhere. Tho roa
' aon Is that tlio human system does not
rid Itsolf oach day ot all tho waste
which It accumulate under our pres
ent modo of living. For ovcry ouact
of food and drink taken Into tho ftystem
noany an ounco or waBto matorlal
must bo carried out, olso It ferments
WW- ' m W
(Mr v?7 Xn
Vm, Chapman et ux to Cltl
zen'fl nank, Ashland, land In
Ashland Ilomstoad Aisn. .. 800.00
David V. Luko to II. M. Mo
Karland, land In Orchard
Home Assn. Tr. Mcdford, as-
Bli'nntnnt nf tinnil 1 ft ft
. ,, , . . ",',"",V nnd forms ptomnlnollke poisons which
Julia A. Owen to M. Ham- nre ntsorbed Into the blood.
Ilton, pt. 30-SW 10.00 Just as necessary as It Is to clean
, tho ashes from tho furnaco oach day,
t ImfnrA llir. flrn ti'lll l.lirn lirlivlil nti.l
: ;r. : '" "r... ".,." "V""".,".-
e soallng Alexander Martin, an old resident nccMinumuon oi inuigpsuuic
, . .!.. ii , , .i body toxins. Men nnd womi
elalma of of Oakland, and proihlont of the sick or well, nro advised to
I Klamath Palls bank. Is dead at his' mornlnir. liofnrn lirnnkfnsf
Tho commlasloner finds that tho homo, 700 Tenth slrotd, following a ronl hot water with n toaspoonful of
only portMon. ent.tlml to compensation brief ll.noas T XSS$&Mto
niu VIIW1 Yi HU HUIU lilhtflttl 111 I'Vlkl-
hot, so wo must each morning oloar
tno insiuo organs or mo previous day's
accumulation of Indlgostlblo wasto nnd
omen, whetbor
drink onch
morning, beforo breakfast, a glass ot
Win a Prirwt
It's an acliievement in Coffee Itonstinir ltistory n really
good steel-cut, can-packed' coffee at 25c the pound.
Good Old
Coffet 2;"ie a Pound; 3 Pounds 70c.
b,9 aLaT
Ho had lived In Oakland for the
Ing up to tho time of the treaty In , past thirty-six year and nas prom
1911 and owners of vowels nnd In i Inontly connected with financial nf
curtain Instance n few sealeis who ,' fairs In tho southern part of Oregon,
owing to IIIiumm or otherwise. re!lIo wns a native of Illinois, SO ears
unable to engage In their calling In of nge, nnd came to Jacksonville In
1911. The compensation Is mndo up 1S53, crossing the plains.
as follews:
Owoiih of vessels receive tho value
of the voseels and retain them.
Mnstsrs and hunter recolva the
anvount of the previous year's earnings.
Ho Is sttrvIvtHt by a widow nnd
four chlldrou, Mrs. (1 Aiken, of
Fresno, Dr. Ooorgo Martin, of ller-
lln, Germany; Mrs F 11. Woodward
Oakland, and Aleandor Martin, of
Kugeno, Ore.
stomach, liver, kidneys and bowels tho
Indlgostlblo material, waste, sour bllo
nnd toxins; thus cleansing, sweeten
ing and purifying tho entire alimen
tary canal before puttlug more food
Into tho stomucb.
Millions ol people vho had their turn
nt constipation, bilious attacks, acid
stomach, nervous days nnd sleepless
nights have become roal cranks about
tbo morning Inside-bath A quarter
pound of llmeetono phosphato will not
cost much at tbe drug storo, but Is
tiiirtlclont to demonstrate to unyone,
It eleunslug. sweetening nnd freshen
ing effect upon the steni.
We want you lo try it
one woman writes us,
"Wo have tried many
brands of coffee at this
price, but this far ex
ceeds them all in quality
and richness." Others
have told us that it is far
totter than any 30c or
Sfic coffee they have
ever tried G or m a n -American
excepted. Or
der a can today you're
suro to be satisfiod, and
besides you may win a
Lang 8c Co.
Advertising Dept
701 I!madjy HMf.,
Portland, Orreon.
Get a can of 'Coed Old Planta
tion" Coffee--try it then write
a letter of 5U word, or less, tell
ing what you think of it. Make
u rough sketch of the (uttering on
the label, just to show that you
havo the can. Mail the letter and
sketch to addres below.
For the best latter, accompanied
by sketch, we will give a first
prixe of $10.00. '
For the next two boat letter,
15.00 each, nd for the next five
$1.00 each.
Do not dely enter the contest
today win a prise.
I1icrtj.est Hemedy Made at Home ISM Traapocnsful for SO Cent
pint of wator. One bottlo will prob-.
ably, therofpre, .be sufficient for a
whole family's supply tho entire win-
buylne flomothlag else purely on tho! tor, while tho amo quantity of the
strength of some testimonials or tho j old ordinary, ready-mndo kinds of
oxaggitod claims, of tho mnnufnc-1 medicine would cost between $2 and
$3. It is prepared rrom strictly
,L.rhow. The eommnnder tin. not!- 0n , been accepted anil U ChasV'Heaaure about twenty feet in thick- autco goes with every bottle of this , harmleas plants, contains absolutely
f fled Dr. Paul Ramuel lteinher, Ainer- !," ulr"adr tkM up hl now Virtt fnce. The Inst vein ci.eun-od is remedy sold by Medford Pharmacy; no chloroform, opium, morphine or
Van minister to Clilnn. that nil is I , ncC0rdnnce with a aeneral dcJ"fcout n ret thick and is believed as does with Dr. SchlffmannVi fa-.any other narcotic or Injurious drugs
qniet in that neinhhorhood nnd that;,nd for a retronohmont In county V mnny to be anthracite coal. An mous Asthmador and your money will, as do mosi coign remeuies, anu 11
analysis will determine It eunrneter. " remnueu, 11 u uuen uoi .i-vn.. i..v....u. -v ..v . -..-...
Operntlon of iho drill apjiears to 'oct satlsfnoion; in fact even moro.jwlth perfect safety. It Is pleasant
hnve oonscd until the arrival of (T. jlf It Is not found the best remedy: to take amP children ore rond of It.
II. Chndwiok from Chicago, the prin- eV("" "Bcd for these affections. In Absolutely no risk whatever Is run
dipal owner of the property. buying this now romedy, besides so-1 In buying this remedy under the
Oil snndt hnve been encountered hi jcurlnB the guarantee these druggists jabovo posltlvo guarantee It. J.
the well that have cauo'd local oiliB,v. It w"l iJkowlso bo found tbolSchlffmnnn, Prop., St. Paul, Minn.
--BtJiaSfc- tJBMfclBHaMB Jert,tew aaWattv .J nW CaWA W$BM ,0U A .itf"4i&h. eJpJjMt tVMR kHBUUIiiUai aseaaaaaaaaassBeiaaeaaaaaaaaasiaeaMBMsaataaMajlt
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Doors Open Tuesday
9 a. m.
Doors Open0 Tuesdtar?
9 a. m.