o o o o O W' anWananaWLA ' anaanna anBHtaGf PAflK TWO "MF.nroiM) man, vuiuvsk midioud. ojuoon. n.vti ndav. ,amakv -jo. inn; T TOCAL AND IMPERSONAL -. Ir. Rebec of tli I nlvoraltv or Orn RON Will gla li'Htir In til reading room of th iintd Holland at thin OIWHRC- Mix uhet Will be. ' The Trm fonreea of 8hanojpare'- Pow er ' Then who havo hoard lir Ro bot ionk bofor, nMtl no aaauranr rtf th ptewmr In tor for them, and nil who attend will feel wall rpltl In hearing hi acholHrlr and ontor lalntng presentation of tli anbjert. Tho lectors la glvon untlsr th aoa idee of Hi local. eutitor of the Drama leogii. Admlaafoh li frt and Dm imblU la cordially TtirKcxI to attend. Whan lietter Insurance, la aold Holmoe, th Inauranco Mnn, will ell It. II. It. I'attartan, the nurseryman of tlila city, hna nit old-time frland In AlWo, IllluOlt, who find both jiroflt nnil anjoyfuaiit In tho btialiuM of nflalnft Kunk itiro-onotigh jiolo catfe Ho finds A romly ate fur them at fnnoy prloofl, Krom .Mr. Pntlor eon'a ontliualnHtn ovor tho matter, hi frlonda fonr tlint ho In willing to bo tfntlcod Into (ho hualnn here. II. II. donlod tho liniionclimunt. however, declaring that ho will never have nny vorj tlntjninto utMlnea with alumna until aalunco shall Imvo deprived ilium of Uiolr furllltloa for mnniifno- lurhiK iiurfuuio of that dollcnto and cxipilgllo odor. Thudu Dura In "Kin." .Mondity tho 1'uku. It In roportod Unit, alnro the lam ent auowfull honon, tho fHrtnora of tho vnlloy linvo boon niurrlful to tho Kauio hlrdf that havo been drlvon down from tho IiIIIh for food, na woll it to tho 111 I to aonjtatcra that live on orehtud peat and Harden bug In tho sonaon of verdure, (lame Wnrdun Wfllkor ftnd Drlicoll Imvo been hh silling In thin rlutrllnhln work, for thoy know where to find tho game hlrdit In tho foothill, having faltlo fully Khardnd many of those, plnroa fromo tho mIioIkiiii marniPlor who la 'ttlwaya hungry for protected gumo. Kurthor roporla Indlcato that tho hay ahortnRo In the Applegate Ik real, ly acrloua, eonaldorliig tho prntrgot tid Hiiowfall. Stork will auffor gront- .ly and Iho low. It la bolRvod. will 'fyfpvory couldorMle. J i'Turltlah nougat 30a lb, Tho Shim- .' Tho Korolgu Missionary widely of . tho Methodist church will IntJd n pmlae aorvlcu at tho church Mundai afternoon at a p. in. Alf momhera HiH.1 friend are cordially Invited in Mttoiiu and imrllrliHite In tho vvork. 26f, of on Kortnln at Woston'i , CnihoTr'ft Sfhmu ArflillWt Clark h III on have flu- , lhodt Mm work of rondjtiatliig In an ' uatlatl wjiy the Intarln of the ICd (l. llrowu wrnar on .Mala aud Front atreolg for Mr. Bcown'a aods foun- ti'Ju, ennfactloHary ami cigar bustjios. It prouilaM to be an attractive placa, Uio only ona or Ita clnU In yearly a ItioHMnil wllaa of travt on thg Soiiihorn Pntlflo. Ontoa sella Kord corn, JI00 (bio nndcis a nftinth. a , If a travallna taiita' bmilahtng aoiHla utabllahmeui kIiouIiPIih found In tn iwraoon of g foot tourlat "Xh tint way" toward the flowla of Call fOfHla. Chief lllttaou hIII ptobably HJkdlm lo eaUbllah leadnUtrtAti Ton amatl fttrmvr U mnrh lular atnl Ih tlM IIVMiMk aubjoct which frof. K. U I'oflflr, (ft the anlwfll In-'l lunlry latmrlft f the auto our Ig will 4fonaM oa MorHlay tftw noon at the pHMlc Wbrarv Maine fit tho amalt farmtft have neglected (ftta imimrtaHt eldff-llne proponJlton on the ranch Bach could rata a fair head of Ihroatoea and thna avobl a very ennalderable waatane There la profit In K In a larger meaanre thH manv nparoelat. Kuch farm pro duet a comma)M4 the raeb wheoovor thoy are roarty for tha market. I'rof. I'orter win fall them about how tBla may be dona with tne leaat coat and troii bla. And thoae who do ralao atock oh the farm may he able to glvo tho loctnrar much valuable Information about tho condition of that butdnaae In Jaekaon county, for that ronton he doalrne to meet ae many of them na may find It poaelble to attend hie addroaa next Momla afternoon nt 2 o'clock. Oyftora, any atylo. Tho Shnata, Tho 1'reabytarlnu chtlicli will hold a recnptlun In honor of the itaator and hlo wife, Itev. anil Mra. Mhlelda, on Weduoeday evening boglnnlnt; at S o'clock. All member of tho church and congregation and frlonda are In vited to be preaont. Mr. Bhletda oxpoct to go kooii to hla now field of labor. J. O. Rorklng, Uio best nil nround photographer In noil thorn Oregon. Alwuya rollahlo. Negatlvoa inndo any whoro, . tlino or plnco. Studio 28 Main 8t. I'hono 320-.T. Horn to .Mr. and Mra. John (lalll ghor, of Waterloo, Iowa, a sou, John Jr.. .Mr. (Inlllghur war formerly Mlaa Ilcrtha Welch of thin city. Plcrco tho I'lormt, Phone 374. The OrlKzGon opJo;od olio of their delightful hopa at tho Nntutorlum luat iilght, a good ntteudnnro bolus proa- out. Hoontora anioko Tho Mcdford, Re. Allen Kordyco, of 8ima vnlloy, canio lo tho valley luotropolln today to vlalt frlonda for u dny or ho. Plorco Clio Florist. Phono 374. llarvoy .Mntottle, of Seablo, Ih look ing about tho valley thin weok, while on route to Tonopuh, Nevnda. lie wi)'h h will mnko tho trip by onay atngoa. rather than oncouulor anow a'airniM ami cnutioquont fliiowbankH In tho niountnlnn. Plorco tho Florjst for flowora. Wiono .171. .leromo Snydorof Tito DallcH, enmo u th la morning ip vlalt ufih frlnnda 1n thlH city fop a week or vo. Mr. 'Snyder Una been quite 111 for two luontha and la Juat boaomlug well uuniigh to travel about agnlu. Ho formerly lived .lime,, having hew lu- lorvflad In orqhrd nronyjy flftuuuf Tho ahow romilttcr of I he pool try aaooclntlon mot ioftny and oio plfilwl itll of lla work, oacopt lb loatfon of the ball in which to nmk" Iho oahlbtfa. Thla mutter will in- d" termlnwt Tnooilay The premium il Mr hi the hand of the printer and will be mailed ont early neai week The promtoo of an oacalleot attend aneo at tho ahow during the four ilnya of exhibition Improve every da I.eotarer will Ito proaont from Salem and Corvalll Wltat thoy will aay to the poiiltr people of the county will bo of great value. Tho fArmera Mould hear It. It 111 almpllfy tholr method and anlargo their return from tho chicken ten. ML Pitt sigar. better than ovor. Piereo tbo Florlat for flowers. Phono 874. William t.ewi, K. HiginlndhrtiH and Tom Nnrria ere aiming the .Mcdford 'hUHiiieKM ri'itoi on .Monday. Try a King Spits cigar and en courage homo industry, tf raw AUTOMOBILE FIRM NGORPORATES MOE WILL MOVE TO KLAMATH FALLS MARCH In Uila city until It eat(ln aamrtalu $A rilharo.r not ha U tho man who alpoJ au aiflt of elatlOa from Fred 0. Itopflj of Urrf? Paa Q 'niaortm. Have your tailoring doj at th Koiaer'a UdlPTallor log 0flfO; pupil may outer at any ills. R. 4S At. P. A U. bldg. IBS The grand jQry will meet for tho February term of urt In Jackeon Yllel oo Monday, February 21. Th yottt jury will mt a wek lator. MuUIKupy earfcoH paper ar tlw lawt. Tho Medford Printing ooiunany lfaiObin. DHbr Carpenter, tdenllfid with too lognl depart man t of t Interatai rttMMtm rouimiaalon. I I ting with fcte mothai on Humuilt avDu In thla eliy. Mr. Carpenter la on route to Hjm FrgncUon, lOlUeotMf enroon paitor, tb boat MMMlO nt Moiilttni I'rtHii.. o- jpm.jg .. Un. I tthOlOKlat Cat la uak UC U iBtoroatlag eshiblt by atoroon. IIom w of iho ab aporoa nt tho truttmog'a mooting thl afternoon nt Uio orchrdlu' meeting In iho II hry Tho horticultural campaign eJfljfr boon oponed ieiounly In thla milley by tho county aud d lair let tmt and It 1 belluvod that tho Met erll nlll bo dlatHMod ol pretty tnWjOfbly thl ataaoV. ' Wk IHW Wood nbout tkat flr ig MNraiM ucy. OfOoe Mall Trlbun Itkic ttatoa Brothr are remodeling tU li" ihootro, which will ka occuplod u- .. iiilnard Mid pool room. Special .rice on oggravod oarda. now aim (row 9ld plat tor a (ew dor at the Uedford I'rlug Oo. Tirj ago. Sniolio a King Hnltz clear. 6c. Thti.e are homo-inndo. tf Tho etui 4-nute out In brilliant .myw at noon today, cuualug the "lionutl- allow" to dlaappoar rapidly. Dra. A. .It. and houiao ilodgoa, ohl roprnctlc phyalelaiu, Stewart build ing, .1S liaat Main St. The anowfnll at Proopnct, accord ing to the record of the California Orognn Power comimuy, la two and a linlf feet deep; n Iho Slak'lyoini olght feet: no figure have biHn obtalnud aa to the depth of anon- on tho Ump tin divide. ,fi far thla atorm tho power comimfty hua experienced little omlmrwaament. The onh uggo?tlou of It came from tho dtetrlrt lying in nho mountain beyond Aablaud. Weti) Camera knop for flrat clnaa IC(Mtak flushing and Kodak Huppltea. T. F. .Merlaffrt. of Hod Iliuli, Onl IfuniU. p looking about the city to day and may remain at thla (mint until hi wife, who la fitting n Klnm. Olh Fall. Jolua bio? for thefi trip to Portland. I want aovoral iq rat hide. WHf lav market prlooa. F. W..1artlolt. taxldrnt. au M. iU.ia. t II . Adama, IomnotP a harbor at Freano. California, hot lately an In vestor In a lai&) aotatu. la looklug about the valley for two or throe daj Why awoke bit cigar when you can got Uk Uonda for 10. H. A. Webb ha rviurnod ftont a eek'a bualneaa tilp iti Portland. The Star brand of typewriter rib bon are guaranteed to give Ta.OUU ImpreMlou of the typo "a" and 'V wuoom an clogging tn tpo a to tkow on th paper. TkU U a pretty ttf warraaty. but tbat la what the UNMtr company agrooa to w(h Star rlobone. Sold by the Medford Print ing company. Til bnaketball game ne.t Thur 4mjp and Friday between th Itocoburg and Medfowt high achool team la letting quit a contderablo Interest TIm hvt tim tbat Kotebtirg came (o thla city they defeated the locals, and ha ben defeated only omo thla oeaaon. and that by Salem. Hho Is ewlmiug the state championship It I thought Medford is the 1ok1i.iI Master of galem and the title Insure your auto In the Alliance against thrfVr fire C. Y Teugwald 100 leTK WX ItKNT muck adjacent I-X. 'lO UUVKHIKV. Improved to city. WAXyeit-To rsr? oPbu. a pou It r Fboue JSU . v modern noiiae, vioseum Mall Tilbune. rootN Box Q, rs 'II. X. Moo ha decided to move lo Klumnth Falla. March I at whore he will open a now dry goodx ntoro. Ho will put on it cIomIuk out Halo horo to boRln Tuesday, Fobrunry 1st and will niuke his rcductlona to get rid of tho atock. Air. Moo hna been In tho dry good bTialnu ever slnro ho wiih twolvo yoara old, and wan it tnnnllnjr anloH man aovoral voiuh lioforo locating In htiHinea In Mcdford flvo )oura ago. HI homeot thnt tfn'o wn in Mlnno apollH. Ho uudorHlauda tho bualuea thoroughly, la woll llkod by hi com mercial associate na woll na the pub lic generally, and will be greatly Mlftficd, n will Mr. Moo, both of whom have a largo circle of frloiuU horo. 0 They like tho city and valley, "have dono very well nutl rogret to lonvo hut Mr. Moo aya he coulO not turuj down tho propoHltlou at KWointh Fall. Ho hna n new atoro room, c ini tially located, will havo a new atock and xayH there o n good oponlni; there for hi line. vJflLSOH PLEADS POI BEFtBSE (Continued from pngo one) force of ul IciiHt ,'i()0,tlOQ men trained to ml, of war who would bo remly to (iioteel tliu nation. "Tltia iuitioi will not be atnlkcd h.t glionU and fitiutioe. "I inn proponing aouiulliIu uforo Hutu teiupornry. It ia ni.v eoueiiptiou tint) lift the government Iihk oxcounig- ed n general tiuiiiing. it should ulan eueonrugo indintfriiil trnining, and it in peiTeelly IoiihIIiIo uloug' with iudiiH trial training to iiihtruel our young nirii'in th I'liiiiiillin;,' nt' lillen anil gun and Hie iiidiineiitnrv h)U of uiiiTnie iitalniet them nml ut the ame time Muiekeu mill enunbli the iK'tloiniiiure of ihe tAak of peace. "Hal. we can't take the time now to develop ami encourage tlioae MeliuoN. We miiftt train nml eo,uip a vorv cou xiilenilile Imdv of men. "Tlie toot of prmietIuo.r. doe- not he in eongreaa. It in gm'ng t be u the respouie of the young men of tliia country to the call to volunteer ami the ompln.vem of Hiim men to place no obstacle to their aiicniiK the cull. I, for one, believe there an many selfish iuflumreo t work it i thl country. When it come-, how ever, to the lent, I believe America cuii produce u mitelt iubituiitml Mtl tiotiam n any oilier laud under the situ." The presiileut'a wot da were marked fre.pieully by apdauv. lie -mikt' lajiidly, but clearly. .Vol Afiold f INttnto fcl em out afraid of debate. I am not afraid that ont of It that we will not get ronulttt. I am talking mv-elj, anil eertaiulv the other IV1Ioh had to hove hia eliunee. "I am 0rr- Ibere i a eumiHiigu neur. I ho Hum uueHtioti wttt note n lutriiaan nueation. Xo man liould titteNtnit to make politienl capital of it. 1 will o Hliamcd of mv fiietuU who tke u dillVicnt view. - fttpnblicniw and ileuiocrut may hnvo many ditferoueea, but there i no reason why they should differ on this Unite. Ihilh purtics ure mtri-otie.'' ItOMK. Jan 3 - The (Sioruale D'ltaltn's Athena corroapondont say the Italian have decided to abandon Duraiso, Albania, owing to tho fact (bat its defense pieeeuts a niofct wer lou dltficultv CHICHESTER S PILLS 'f-j-v .Tut: in.iuoMt uitAMi, T i'iiu u,4 i u.u ..juJVrv I n 1J uh lm RiUua. VX 1l f.ikr. tl. r ..r V !..!. A'kf.4'l!. Ift .Tri(K IAVII II KAMI I'lllJC 4 tllkuMnU.tla.AI-lrall.ui. 5010 BY DRUGGISTS MimWRE jxjQmk ftjveM Vt a 9 M'CURDY INSURANCE AGENCY Hffcts liiMirmtfo ofQvil Kinds Tolonhona 1:3 anrU Illdg. SELLS OODGE CARS Tlw Ilcrnnrd .Motor romponv hoe been incorpoTiited with $25,tHM) eapi tnl to tinilillo the Dodge anloimtWI in aoothurn Orogon. A. A. Hornnrd a nronnlctit nHtl gotiernl manager nml IItrr Ivtriceortrv and tronanrer. The eoiftpri will wcupy tho Harmon gnrngc now in proeesa of eoiMtrttc tion, on Front xtreel, aernwfrom the Soutliurn Pffeific dcM)t. The garage will he .10 by 100 feet, ilieltttlo u fine Iiow room nml linve atorago wtae ilv for twenty-five win. Auto up plie will be onrried. The repair shop will he eondurtwl br Ocorxc JJoriiunl, nifiated by ox pert. The company litis certnAl Hie agency for the Dodge ear for .Iiiok- aon mid Josephine counties, und hnn opened a brunch in Aaliinnd, the .Mur phy .Motor Co., nml will qjM rf bmncli in (I nulla I'nm in the near future. Thirty-six Hmlge enw Imve been wild during the pnat yonr yJIedfoiil ami it ennond or nvc more was eeivud Friday. one-mrk type, With eonerele ido1 m, M ,Hiea Mi Ih. y A, VrSMrrk'gf VU walla. In HtHiolWlf w WiedUefl JjWVf ltf bjr, SfW wimm f(fsnn; Jtimry 1. Mot. ..roof rrrtj(pf(i (Mobfe wilt dollrer frwii r- io make n wnler-dghl dan wllhetl - fon miles north In Ik Mt nr liar pr-1 gtpi. on "rflMklhf., Imtliling n -olhl eonerelff owe. ' rent iff ffco flood fcwmgW fortH iilti- wfTB' tfcoff fnmw " The dnm -tOodJW feel ftowi foun- fimtiofta hrnr fhni a ftmnl bad iM-,lnfhl. dutioii-. fhe outlet, however, was at enrrwl. For many hours after thai AH Knlgltta frMttda ro the IH foul conluiir, making only the disaster no monI of it had traverse j upper S'2 feet effective for storage ol the ridge fifteen toiler from Ota) wafer. creek lo this eity. Mra. J. W. Ilobltison and Mlaa Dor. land KoMmmh were Mod ford visitor several day last week. r NOW HE GRINS TOO J . A FELLOW ASKED hE A FUHNY QUESTOH A WHILE AGO- HE WANTED TO KNOW IF THIS WAS AM AUTOMOBILE GRIN I SAID "HO OLD MAH , I SMOKED PlEPriONT5 LONG BEFORE I EVER RODE IN A MOTOR CAR re- FIFTY LIVES LOST t (Continued trQ pngo onoi Han Dicco Water Cut ) Thin city, some fifteen mile- up Sim Diogb bay, from the entrance of Oin,; creek, wag in no dirout dnnfcer from (he flood nt any time, but it water Mipply, coming' largely from the syo tcnoof which the lower Otity tlnni wng it part, was cnrtniled lotlv nml N'u tiuual City und Cluiiu Vihln, aiiburbs, weie reported cut oft' from tiniinl wn tci HtipplicH nltoxcther. IVrMoiiN fumiluti' with the contour of the country Huirt todtty tlutt the Iomn of life und greuleat dituiae uu doubledlv ijj'i'itrrcil clote lojbe dam, ,'itul (hal in the louvr valley, vvlueh i broad, properlv damage would be gronl, but onn of life unlikely. I,ooe HorJi Item The ilniii, Kill fci't biijli, wan of tlie ai imii - yi uii 1.1 i fl fip' ? mr R jft flSvl I awejaees --Ne' Cr y VAUJABfc COUPOM rr y- For Every Foot Ailment sec MISS UTLEY the CHIROPODIST at the MARINELLO HAIR SHOP 405-7 Garnett-Corcy Bldg. Mcdford, Ore. -li rS i.t. rj? . if . r r n . oaf. U Qt MS Don't orRt yaur atuiSKe battery be cause It'j wbtre you tan't ice It ork. h't vt tiles- care of It and you'll neviT li.ivr erc.iMon lo Wuriy hlxmt If THE ELECTHIC SHOP 103-105 S. Cental. Phohe 22-J free inspection of any buttcrv at crtv ttrnt thSr'ttkSsWJlhSnlF "trj Z4&lW44rtrt (T tr i ' Domestic Eledtric Ranges Cooking t im-aiis tf tilt' Klt'i-hif IJunf is i Ik ideal niwllniti and own housewife huuld lie rauiiliur with it advantaj?. ',1'lie hont is iuKtnntly aviiilahlc nd readily l'OKiilnted at ihe turn of a switvli. Tl is eleaii, stife, sanitary and la bur-saving and its uko pro niott'B comfort and cleanliness. Thore ii no fire retiyiriiii? coiuitaiit attentiou, no uxecwivo heat, no .smoke. funPs,' flame,Mu.st or tm't. Ji dim away with scouring and scrubbing to keep utensil elean and free from soot, aiid the lugging around of heavy coal hods and the carrying out of unns ofashos. 'And the best of all, it is absolutely reliwblo and will always product the same results. We ctCDry the gjiowrooin. Q VI,AT If ATK $6.()0 PKK .MOXTU. very latest dchigus iElootric Rangon in our yj Xf&k CaliPofifia-Oregon Power Cd.npany 210 WeslMnmt root Phone HIS O u Jf o MBDl'OKD, OUEOON 0 o B mm m I ? T T T f t T ? T Y ? V A. &Mt4&&Miaii O