Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, January 28, 1916, SECOND EDITION, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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1.0 o
j'or vovu
Att txuavmttw.HT nrwrnfAvnn
DitrumnuNT nkwhpai
ronuniint) kvkhv aitkhjtooj
cmpt m;miay r tliB
Offiea Mall Tribune IlulMln
North Fr atreet, telephone To
The JJeweeratle Tiram, Th Medferd
UH. Til Madrerd Trbene, Tha Heath
nil Oregonon. The Aahlitmi Trbuac.
nvnncninion katxx
8ne year, tyr nw! ..
ne month, by mail .
ror meala, deiivared by carrier In
Majlfartt Phoenix. JaaHimvltla
and Can trill Point ... ..
Saturday only, by mall, par year-
weKy. par yaar. .
rfill tapr sr the City of Med ford
(Bfflrtal Papar or JoeKsen County
MlM aa socond-olaaa mnltar at
Utmtgtd. Orogen, under tha set of March I
t, IB78
Sworn Olrealatlon for 1914, 2ISt.
II I mi sod wire Aseoalated Preai dla-
e$ e ojo Jo eje ejo eje oja )
SubecrlborB tailing to ro-
s colvo papers promptly, phono
Circulation Managor at 2.10-U
( 4 4 f' !
jo- -- rg
When Ik
tlio UnnlflKt tlnio to r.H
your wnteli out 6f your
"Whnn It'Jt(n) tloltlnK thoro.
lMnin, whnro tlio round rliPcuoH
co mo .from In Ilollnnd, In flO.idod.
Wliat'll wo do, whnt'II wo do!
Sin .Voto wlint your rorrwpond
mt nnra nliout foot uhrnncH.
Tho Kiinn In our nhop must )) tint
lnzy oiioh. 1 oullid lliono from our
couvorintlog, In ouo dny: "Uood
ulRlitl" "I w)iit over to Kd'n lnt
il Ik l after tlio party and hn n nlidit
cjjp lnitoiiltthl." "Kunp jour nhlrt
on' "Wnke tip, Imy!" "I could
lio.r him snorln' it hlook nwny." "Hoc
ltuml" "Wfwddayn dolu.' tlrifninln?"
It. II. .
a o a
"Tfio kalHpr Is ntfcrlni: from n
lioll which doo not trovouthlin
from wtlkljB out," say tho n.wu
ntTlOfl. (A stnodbijr Jok'o.
-- - ? -o
. OrJVVA. MvaiiN, formerly
caallilliSlaaor Of Cheaj(o, tellH of u
youny oaiiiiy jiiiyN'anai vlw.tallod
on. an old fanner suffsrliiK from
lnitst troithU.
. "Tlwrji'tMi cuiojib NWollltiK over
. ytmr heuru," laid the pliyalAnn, 'Vll
. ilrotmbly Imvo to romono It.
"NO. Jl'Rafth, 4tl(lltHl th fllll-
or, "(lint's Kiy poek.Khooki'"
iftH tlio (ill Am1 IlvU
, Soin,piM)pij nt you on the back
Vlrf(or wyoo 5d alt yon U tlio
. Vft bifulud your bark.
WO alh) fa"
'Vft w tmiil" (of jb whiflo
lot. .Qolii inula But.
' a
Kvon a IiiiIko IJiimi'I SlicoKtti KikiokIi
to PaHMVp uVlieoio a Thnost
allr: A apecttuor in ouo of our
local peltco oourta noently, I caiiRht
, aomothlag your poJ rwporb ap-
paroHtly ovio-laokad. s
"Yoti Tiavooi pAMnt homo, cot?
and warm with tho faaoc of liann?
" children, amino; about?" uerhd t!oi
Jielao, Iponlcally
"Ym, lr-othal trv." ropllod tha
prlwnor with wok Mrlouanoaa.
"WoU.M rflntlMUml tho Jiidm. "If
thofo !ipp chffdron play around till
you rotHrn to thorn tkoy'll Im Juot -IS
Jaj oiawl" P. X. 6-
Sir: Mary, our eook, dropped a
flno iQaur and amatkwl It to blU.
"Novar iHtnd, Mum," aha aald whn
lop Mlmut ealltMl hr on It. "think
wot a falno Jig aaw jMutle It will
inako fr tlw hPia!"--Art.
O a
"Did you hwtr about my brother
getting ahatT"
"No nhero aid ho grt ahot?" .
'Hh got It at the hardware utorn!"
O St Uka city, Utah, Jan. It.
J'. . Uramwoll.
Orauta I'aaa, Orogon.
Futhor autborlaaa mo to wire that
o'emhltig la OK and wo nave atkod
for blda on our factory- Phone Sir.
Moray tu wiring hint. Will be
bore ti u dayo on other bualneM.
AL1CX .Vini.HV.
i The above telegram waa received
yuaterda) by .Mr. Ilrauwoll. Mr.
Jlramwell auya be tblnka tbane la no
Ration about the factory boiag built
but b dot not want to ho quoted
on iiucatlon of a alto, (hut tr Nlbloy,
Sr.. will aolool that.
' V teller from AUs hWf, Jr., la)
Mi Uramwell alaUM that owing to
the htoiin in auuibern Oregoa, bl
full, i nili not toipe out far two
at. k . 'k-u i- m in hoii-i ( t Uoj alto for
th i m
WUU M df.r J trade U JItlforU iiwdo.
n 1,'VI.M) IHVimV fl.
lm1 I, I 1 1 11 J Jl !', iiii
A jMHiu-tl an (yn'n to
Mllijiun ii iiiefjuemill jmny u me enu inni mwiniinm iirnv
rtii'c cuiigreiiimeH cimugli in r'nuatitute the bnlmice of
juiwer nud io foive tliruugh m inueh of the ociHt pro
gram ns pomiible for the remetlv of ImluNtrinl evilu.
Mr. London declare that the democrat are incom
petent for good, the republicans competent for miichlef
and the projf revives are dead and belong in the grava
yard, while socialism Is the only living political force, rep
resent inir the toilers "the tomorrow of humanity a
la rare."
nn,..,. ! ..... .. i i....i. :.. At., r ..,i..' i....,.....'-
i iii'ii" in inuri; ur il-.-v iiiuii in ii i , nwimuii siiui'iiifn
W'ifli ft A hmiMMnlitMni fill1 ' l ilmtfi-A1l ilaffl iit1 ,i "linil
11 II.JI .& Illl-I 1 (lllinilt 4IIIVI jl Ujill IHIIIWDO huh (t JIUll
partisun tariff board" to take the tariff out of polities, iUuic-'.TiXlT JSIlS
the "niiti-duinpiua; bill to guard protected industry, tilLt(n ri,hijittit. ?
ajijiropnaien irom ine opposition uy uie aumuusiraiion,
there renin ins but little difference between the old parties,
no issue of principle merely a choice of leaders.
Ah outlined at present, the only issue between the eon
tending parties at the general election will bo the degree
of preparedness up " (m n non-partisan issue, though
Huosevell is doing his best to make militarism the issue in
the coming scramble for the political pie-counter. .Both
parties leave things as they are to an extent, while the
socialists will advocate the follewing:
Wo "hull nrgo tho nai-d of nn linmotllRlM icinody for our Indunlrlnl
ovlli, tho liutnndlntP onartniPiit of iinniniiloyjtioiit liiMiiriiuro, slrlnnwn In
Hiirnnco, and of old ago punalonn, tho Hlmlimllon of child labor, tho pu
(rnnchlicmpnt of women, and tho tintloiiallmtloii of inonopollzod ludiiK.
trio, nnd Xho nntloiiHllatlou of nflno.i, ntllroitda, tho telpphono and tho
Wo ahall nppoin tho prpprodnoii campaign, which In a nioro reflection
of tho Inannltlon of Kuiopo. and which 1k calculatnd to divert tho pcuji'ii
nilniU to iinn-oxlHtont oxternal onmnleii no that jqi nyty not nrmtiru for tho
iihiil "i iiuiiii) nun iiiij iiuniiiui uiiv'iiij,
Wo ahall niiwor tho panicky cry
en in i
ipnlKii for International ppre.
hii Niian itNK ior n Hrieiiiiiir nimiioii ot laxunon n tax on income, an
tnhorltnnre tnx, and a tax on land hold fqc Uffpciilatlvo purpoe.
There is no doubt in jjie'world that these are all vital
reforms and will eventually be enacted into the statutes
of the land, vti'fnnny of thent have already been enaefcrd
by the nauous of Kurope. But socialism is evolutionary,
and tin ri( reforms will be enacted gradually as conserva
tive American public opinion slowly comprehends their
benefits. When the time is ripe, the old parties will appro-
nPni,i Hirtuii tlifil luil'i iiHfiiniil uiiCrttiiinii i wilMiln tW 1 tit
I Li Hill) VIIW.1V 1,1111' ,llfcf HI lllllli l kl 111,1V! 1. Ill IfWIMIIIIllLI II'
Uvvnrrant it as they have appropriated socialist ideas in
,tlio past.
As oreator tgr ideas tor J,lie betterment ol humanity
md as agitators for social welfaije, the socialists perform
iPvery useful service to the lKition, and eventually achieve
. much ;;ront or victory i'tr principal than as if' they de
generated into partisan spoilsmen. .
ETABLISIIMKXT of government armor and munition
plants, ybaudtuiniont of dreaduaught construction,
and the addition of h(Vge fleets of subuiJU'ines and aero
planes to protect the country from invasion, "but not for
aggressive warfare or the infusion of any other country"
is tin' policy advocated by Scuat-jr Harry Lane of Oregon
in it statement assailing the niost-tulked-of nlans. of na
tional ijefense. '
Senator Lime opposes the creation of a large standing
army and pro.mises to introduce an amendment providing
for the enlistment of from 500,000 to 1,000,000 men, from
periods of from six to nine mouths, paying them prevailing
wages and employing them in 'building highways across
and through the country, at the same tunc training them
3n rudimentary military tactics two days each week. This
plan, he states, would enable the turning back into private
life about a million healthy young men eachf "who would
not be ruined by life in the' barracks," nnd the nation
would secure badly needed roads. ,
Thesoualor states that $17,000,000 super-dreadnoughts
which in a few years become out-of-date and useless, are
not needed, but that powerful coast-defense vessels, sub-
nurhies, aeroplanes, hydroplanes and mines, with large
guns along tlie coasts, will provide ample defense at far
lOto cost.
The senator's plan is a good one, in that it would make
the army useful as well as ornamental, take the profit out
of war, and remove the danger to liberty by militarism.
Let us hope it will receive some attention in these frenxied
days of preparedness for mythicnl foes.
Tales of
He baa a ear.
Aud bo ufed to call it.
ItiR he Iihh cliunurd it a uanio.
And 1 aUM buu, "Wbyf"
And he anid: Q
"I have had her,
"Five year.
"And during that Uwa. '
"She or hud a Minrtur,
"Till she warned.
"The Mbade of n trao.
"Aud eht never.
"Han out of gaMtlino,
"Till we reached bom.
The Swiss
lly CMAHI.KK KDWUItlt Kl SSKl.h.
(('oj) right, lHlti, bv the XeuMcr
Ktei)rie aaooeiatiou. )
After ull the terrific teNtunr ol
then eighteen moatba, figliling and
gettiutrrvud.v to tight, wbut uattou,
ahuuld you May, haa toe bei urai.v
iniruporlUio to iu iiuaaber-.
At onee you think of the French
With their wonderful, dogsed courage
and the brilliant atrategy of the
Or you thing uf the yprtnaua with
their fuuitle orgiiuiantiou aud then
vmi)uu Mur, 'inmrsK
I...... u.t..tU( i,, ....hinmi
iwin n'" iiiarvri in 'riia vrfF7, ,ii
the AtnfHcflii elect unite nnkiii,,!,,,,, ,mi H u
inu iiiiiuniriiu ."ITRnTCXJiy Ot IUU lailll.
for preparpdnagi with an aRKiotwIvo
the Town
"Or a garage.
"And he never tefuaed.
"To hlart or atot.
"And ho never emoted im.
"A bit of trouulp.
"Siur I owned her.
"And no tti avoid.
'Taking any ohaneee.
"in tin future.
"I have rhattd ber nmno.
"To ilike.
"Ah fire joare,
"la a hnir Ume.
"l''or n wuuiuu.
"To reuimu ho trnetabJe."
Army System
pt'licieiic t l4.i t Inn. made the world
iumiw I.
lint rdm to sotue e.jwrtK
lli-i- i still .imithfi uruiv better than
, ilic-i In iipittiuii to it numlwiN.
iihe -.i. tin In i liyliuii nny 11
llli il t in nl tin- )i public i-f SHltcl-
Cheap nuUUtutw cct YOU nine yrtct.
mwouu. uuuias,
,'nii'l Snine o il i- 'li' Iti'jf, jiuil'iiut Im III -n roit.iilitt mid pur'
till nirr''' that snrelv if i- "fw of the' of the -hl hnnril, to relie the
TV .
l...i. :,
nn wt.
WO. .. uimmI it) IB11
. OfnMNir tHdn't
went hb tra wrfli il Bd-krat it
severely "taw tiltM her time ttm to
rhoooe a hig ttttar tor wbieh to nitoek
Some years ago the Vaitad Staioe
sent (mm of tkt ablest oftlsaoa 0f 1 1
military 4iptt$tml to taviietJajiMe the
arteries af BHip IT sak atwdy
of Ihn Swtonraijvimd whan b naie
.3kJk - .
jch or thtwo ifiprn wmiTii bo a
brpMootr wtni rifio nonl, om!i
ntinlil ho thoroughly drilliTu" nini
P(iuiiied, mill oneli would comic uni
formed and weaponed, no that nothing-
would bo left to lie Ktipplied hut
tranaportntion nud food.
KhcIi would know exnelly wlicro to
go nnd what to do
Moreover, tliwe (rained troop
would lie commniided by trained nud
liijtlily Hpeeinlixed ofHe'" !..'.' 'lie
cost of keeping lliem in tlio field
would be Iesn fnr each ninn than the
cot iii rin'y oilier in my unionjc 'Iv
ilixoil nnlioiiH.
ju Swltzerlnnd not n moment in lot
j -::, nr rn,,,-,:!:,.- - nni,ilinini.
'" """'"f "p ,ff r pqulipinK
n" """' Tlio nation w nlwny under
nun. .Iilitnn' Honice n unh'eranl.
I know the moment 1 any Hint nine
in Ipn of Americana will feel prejudice
rising upon tliem like gonxe ftmdi or
(UiIIh upon the fietful porcupine or
Kometliing of (lie kind.
Wo in this eountrv hnvp n deep
sented nveraion to uuivonuil military
In our earn it aotinda of irnnerinl
imu, nutocrnoy, "iiiilitnriNin," opprcs-
oiou, (lenuiin drill Mergeunta, urriMin
mmtidHM, ileatniPtion of demooraoy,
three yearn in n ItaHcnin nnd all tltyt
anrt of tiling. 0
It ilochii't anund so to tlio-Swisn.
They like it.
Thev huve tuannged so well Hint
they hnvo universal nud complete
military training without any of these
evila, nud iusttuld of destroying or
wenkeiiing denmcrncy they lind that
their military syatem strensthens it.
They liave n 'great nnd irfieioiit
tinny, but tliey linve no, officer enste
nor militar.v9 olm,, no wnr woi.hip
and no druni beating obsessions. They
lovo pence not Ichu tliiiu tiny other
nation yn enrth, nnd they not it.
At the enini tjn,ie their military sys
tem neelon their .ouiig men pliy
icallv, ,o that IlioVtwiaa nro the most
nlliletie people in the world, the best
net up, the hurdiewt, on iiniiiv(1Iv thev
are among Ujt niot deimieratic and
With tla-ir military training, menlul
traifiing haw gone hand m liaud, ao
that it is I lie proi'd lnmfct of Switzer
land that eveorU for tlioau arflU-ted
from their Lit tit alio Iwa no illiterates.
It i ii very wontlorfnl ayabHii. 1 am
going to try to dtMoribe U iu hiicvcm!
ing arlieliH. Tlio aubjeat ought on
many neeouuta to bo wor,th while to
For one reason, n bill i now punl
ingin eougrcHs to adopt thi ayatein
in tho United State, nnd you ought
to know how it works.
An exidannoon of tbia bill appeals
on today'a tnlltonal page.
Kyaaoira net initio on "The
Kwiae System'
will appoar aoon in
thia Mver.
To the IMit.ti:
,.. , , . ,
l to make a brief siuuinary of
the ctiviunstaiii s lendtug to and the
results that lm,- followed the pm
(wis,.,! j(.,u i ij,mjJ ,lXfl (, ,.
coin school .md turning it into a jun
ior Iiiuii !
This iiiMni , , ih.'iimc wns mapped
No more soro, puffed-up, tender,
nching feet no corns
or callouses.
"Tie" makes acre, burning, tired feat
fairly ikiiwe wiU itelight. Away go tins
uMHH una wiq, (iia corn, eaiiomes,
blltlori, buaioas and olilU4aiu.
"IV draw a out tho noiJs and potion
that puff up jour itvt. Ho nutter bow
bard jou work, bow long you iIuikv, bow
far ytst walk, or bow long you remain
on JiHir leot, "in" brinw raatiui loot
eooifoiL "Tia" u utagteij, grand, won
"Tia" u utaKteai. cti
iterlHl lor
tired. uhln. awolleo, smart-
ing feet.
Ah1 how comfortabltf. how
bap )uti (tsl Your fivt uat tingte
for jo , ooc nwer hart or eeent tbiat.
Oat a ). ivnt bov of "Tli" uow irom
any druggiat .r Jeartmoot store. Knd
foot torture fore.-r WtHtrattiullor abeaa, I
keet nur iwt trn.ii, tweet and hawiy. I
Juit ll.ii k' .i wliolo jour' foot couitort
for oal !&" c-i uU
l.iidy Aslstniit
I'liones M. II nud tT-ja
o cb,
Auibulaueo Service
-uin. avu j.
euijrrtfff onliflrtn f mr bkjrw
aehxd. We huow thai the high arhoof
will ntrf nccoTBffiodiit the taieta
that are now nnd. for it. At thv
prvnt iinif it i in cvmnfMlatina;
nbiut fiflv out -ol tan tudenta, bt
aidex our own tiniiitallv largo enroll
meni. Howete'r. we p Irons of the
UiktoIn nehoul eonaider it an ija
Oee to have wnr ebol and the in
tftt of ottr Nttle children aacrifleed
fM" thu ewtreiileiiee f the larger jm
4 and two or three teacher. The
an is fundamentally wrong. It
onld aeeomioodate the large imutla
t the expend of the Ktile tota. Iln
langly, it in vrtng, and on thcac
gnMHiia we fought iU
Sow, if thia jilan hal men carried
out, our little children, up to the
sixth grnile, would hnvo been coin
liellcd to go to the Jnokftou or (!-
Roosevelt aehortlj A elintigi ot
boundui'y lilies would hnvo determin
ed which pchonl they would eo to
'iliose going ti the Koosevelt would
be ((impelled to croi the Bear ereok
bridgo and the J', it K. trnoka, nud
thoe going to tho Juukaou school
would Iinvc to croaa tho Southern
nelf'iWiiikK, nnd, with tho (irpaetit
neliediilo in fifrce, at u time when tho
trniim are due ul.liotli enda of the
dny. Tho distnuco ooine ol' thep lit
tle folks would huve to go would bo
in some instances from onu nnd n
hulf to two nnd n half miles. A no
have, with one exception, tlio moat
important primary school in tho city,
we tube tho stand that the change is
unwarranted mid ill-advised.
Then nre other methods of car
ing for thoe juniors. There nre un
finished rooms iu both the Kooscrclt
nnd .Incksou school luiildiugK. Or wo
could erect n temHrry, ino.xpcnaivo
building on tho high school grounda
to take cine of the ptesent congealed
conditions, nnd be more convenient
etCti tlutii the Lincoln school
We me not donating for mi addition
to the high nehool, but if the people
wont such nn addition we nre willing
to bear our )vn 1 1 of it rather than
lose our primnry school. Then ngniu,
n building3 or room might ne rented
near the high school, ami in this way
take care of juniors, without aucri
ficing the second luigest lower grades
school to do so.
A few euti ngo. when the Iiousoa
weie full of people, the Lincoln school
was so crowded that manyyf the pu
pils had to be transferred to tho other
schools nnd many ol them mo ttill
tliMc. If these chiJdieu Mere traiis
l'cried haik now our mIiooL would be
coml'oi'.ibh lull without m nddi-
"Wall, 1 Should Sf
"Iok &' There, If You Don't Thhk
It's Just Wonderful for Corns !"
"llleaii tn Blare. k'Ck et It' Iaml of
th tlvln' h. u-t IvK i It Tliol
corn I'umii nt nt vll juMt like il
inir buuttiiun. l'ui ,ci'r lliiBr on my
"Ulil ..i( l'rr See Ihc LIKpf Xo
Wundrr K.rlN-IC In liar llluumt
.SrlliiiK (.u'n tnrr lit the Wurlilt''
too, rlplit Hurt - Aon t l afr.ilil
tli.ll'H II, firl linu .n.oiU i, ykill
Is Will, tli it'if win ri tin (urn a.i-
Well, llmt lieata ell" Thut'-i ihe y, i
"Oela-lt" wurK im all i im
coin, every time Its the m-w, almiilu
way at curliiK coma. Ym'll .in kooi.
ly 10 all fullait contrt
immiiina imnUniira, iickj
liya to all roollaii contruiitliiiia liku
Imnillina ImnUniiea, llikj t ipe-, plat,
tera. loe-uutlnu aulvva. uml urji..
iltgaers aueh aa KnUia. i iturx anil
aefsMirs. "Qeta-lt" stops pain Appllisl
Iu t mvoimu. Never fall JnoIUiuk to
itlek to, hurt or rM on tlio (sirn
"fli-ts-ll ' In aolil iiirn hoi 'en,
bottle, or ent lhert In J'ii.
( Co, Chi im 111. u
None Belter Roman
Meal Bread
Invented b a Pioiilan
lnuirovcs diisiion
l'revenu cnntii!tnon
And promotes licit, i iiciltli
At You i (inner
Bargains in
200 Tnroe-year-old
- rr
OflrOlin.G 1 CStOllt
llotea for sale at a bargain
The fineot-. roaea la Medford
(row the beet rose hedge In the oily.
The Caroline Teetout is a perpet
ual bloomer, large pink roaea and
the beat bodge or street rooe for this
Pierpe, the I(oristl
........ j, jmn i !
lioi. Ibisi'cr. up luiw 'i leib'd ip
the irrade. two or more trrob- in
otne ronot. tri iafce room for the
jiunnr uatjl fall. We were tied t
do thi to hetp the hoard end the n
lierintendoMl mt ( Ibeir pre-cnt
tronhle. hut in doing o we iM-lteve wc
bam doa our dirt in full nnd p'o
teat against our school vwi tnkm
away from ns enllflv.
II. I. fii.ASC'iH K,
KPORNK. Or . Jan 2 Cel-brat
Ing the near completion of the AMI
Jomntte-Tarlflc division of the South
ern Pacific between Eugene and C'ooa
Hay, a banquet was glcn last night
b) the Kugpin thainber of commerce
to offlclalH of the road and vlsliora of
jiarahfleld and Intcrm dl.tte points
Save Your llnlr! trouble lis llenuty
Iu it 1'pw Shiiiienls
Try This!
If you euro for heavy hair, that
Blltans with hoauty and la radiant
with life; line an Incomparable soft
nous and Is fluff) and luatroua, try
.lust one application doubles tho
beauty of your heir, best ilea It Im
mediately illeaolvea every particle of
ilntidrurf; you rannnt have have nice,
henvy, hoalthy hair IT you have dan
druff. Tills destructive scurf robs
the hair of Its lustre. Its strength and
Ita very life, and If not overcome It
produce a fevorlahneaa and Itclfing
of tho scalp; tho hair roots famish,
loosen mid dlo; then tho hair falls
out fast.
If your hair has been neglected ami
Is thin, faded, dry. ecraggy or too
oily, got ti 2R-cont bottle of Kiol
ton'a Dandorlne at any drug store or
toilet counter; apply a llttlo ns direct
ed ,:ind ton mlnutoa after you wll?
say this was the bit lnvostment over
We sincerely hellovc. regartllesa of
overythlng else nnvortlsod, that If
)i?i desire soft, .lustrous, bountiful
lialr and Iota of it no dandruff no
itching scalp and no more falling hair
vou must usici Knowlton's Dander-
ne If (icntuall vhv not now
This is the Life
The Interesting' aihentitres of a
movie hi rut k wife in multiple reels.
notlij'r of the Van I.oan."IU't'K
l'lt IV'aiiil tho movies, starring
Vit Uord and Adele rarrliiKion.
The Crest of Yon Endheim
A di'.ntia In three parts.
A i.od showi from start to finish.
SnowMalce tsodas are
mous quantities that it
ft Htpntwwtfcftoy oJi i
stocks en hand. 1 he dealer always sella out quickly.
You'll f;nd Snowflakes always fresh tind ensp.
8s -jtfAavato. 1('
Wfjl SEt?KS'r3ieiaH
Iviilcbci'lMuKer star routine uiioitiicos
in n Stirling DruuuUIc I'lmtii l-'otUuro
A Daughter of the Woods
O DliecUiiit of lliu Kheimer llns.
A ltAutiuil ator leuiitlfiill told. Tli Kind that mother and kid
dles like Most elJWorule evterioi baikaround.
MD. AND Mil. SIDNKY DltUW ((Hileli)
When Two Play .a Game
The Lesson C3
lib eminent Kaiiu) dturs.
injL rmjsE, Motion picture Theater
Tlw Boy is Faiher
to till Man
OMwylngs liko Ibis nro frauplit wiilt
n moil iiaiiortaot tncamag. Aud what
v ill im II1 etpeeuini
ni tnrr In conaervUMC
Ur health, ber
nrrtiitib, bar ateatat
reiww inwt the ab
tnri of retatl o a s
piiiM is a Mibfaet of
- nvnnnt. jUaoag
I! rsiifrnlnd hales M
u pl-mtld remedy
Vno.. n o "Mother'n
rleml " AMlled to
V- imisrles It ilnka In
o cpir to nutfte tbcoi
lum nnd pliant. U Urns
lliu the rtraln nn
llfratucnU thit prodare pain. It llatUans b
burden on tlio hbwih ;item, indaces cal.
restful nlaht or lieilth alTlnn sip aul
laskea Iba dsj-a aunny and bsppy. Oat n
liottla ef "Motliers Irrlend" of any druajrlat
nnd inn Mill tlien rciHe why It 1mm been
raaalilrred true lo lis Pimo In our beat hnaHM
tlirouah three inntrnliinm It la perfectly
!mnnles Isit effective llmt once tted It
Ii recimnuiidd to nil cJHsUnt mettiers by
IIioh! ttlw went Ihrouali the ordeal with
mirprldn en. By ttrlllna lo llradflall
Itemitatur Co- 4I2 Irfimar Uld- Atwnts. 0t.,
jtju rnn Uu-e n free tiipy of a wwhlmnl
rtork look Hint unrobbi llswe Hit'1 tWrIi
nil etpixtunt uuthera tKllfht lo rcail. . wrlto
tudaj', n
A Local Druggist SiikkcMs a Deineily
for OtenvotUed, Itiin-dotni
Tho following lottor from Manager
llodoa locounta the experlenee and
rendition of many Medford men.
Itoad this latter nnd our offor which
lliooklyn, N. Y. "I am a general
offlco manager, and hecatno so ner
vous and run-down In health that f
lost my appetite and finally mv
health broke down completel.. large
ly because (T overwork. I tried Heef
Iron anil'YVIno, and olhor remedlea
without help. I aaw Vluol advertised
and soon gfter .taking It I noticed an
Improvement. I now have a hearty
appetlto. sleep better, feol better and
hare gained considerable In weight." o
Samuel lloiles. 501 Stone Ave.
Tho reason Vlnol la so aticcesaful
In such cuaea Is because It contains
tho throe oldeat and most famous
tonics, vU: The medicinal elements
of frosh cod livers without oil, pep
tonate of Iron and beet peptone.
We ask every run-down, over
Wifked man In Medford to try a bot
tle of Vlnol with the understanding
that their money will be roturnod
If It fat,! to help them as It did Mr.
Modes Medford I'harijmcy. Adv.
I Camera Sop
SOS Eqst IVraiii Stlet,
The Only Exclusive
Coiiiniorcial PJidtOfrnphors
in SQuthoni Oregon ,'
NTegativc3 iradc nny time op
pluoejiy iippointmont.
Phono m-J
We'll do tho rest
E. D. WESTON, Prop.
eaten in such enor- I
is easy to keep fresh
and 3Bc f'ekago also in bulk!
UIK family Tin 50c
I'ortlanJ, Oregun
i f im wt. jasviSwa