k 9 9 & i e o l I e V n 11 Y V WATSON A farmer unit orchardlat wliosc property Ih nbovo the I'hoonlx scctlou of the Horuo ltlver Vnlley Canal company's Bjstom ami wlio lias n llm 1tcd mipply of Irrigation wntor from private nourco. told mo yesterday that ho hml nccumulntcd a surfeit nf so-called dry-fnrmlna:: that. In the abaoneo of a sufficient rainfall so far this wlntor to afford soil satura tion to any depth of consequence, ho Imd been saturating his soil by Irriga tion, thus storliiK away a supply to a dopth of four or five feet for use next summer; that natural drainage was mifflclcnt to prevent stagnation lu the lower levels, and that, by wntch IiiK his soil carefully In frequent ex aminations to a depth of at least two fget, ho could determine, before the supply had been exhausted, whether or not he would have to Irrigate after the ruins coased and before planting. That orchnrdlst Is applying the proper method to Insure n crop tills year, both lu his orchard and field. The I'lanl I'ood Itenily In this Instance, the plant food will bo toady for the roots of the crop as soon ns the seed germinate. If tlio top soil to n depth of one foot Is not lscpt tpo wet. the warm spring Niin will give It tho correct tempera ture and the growth win .y.'irkly be gin and be evenly mnntalucd in vig orous progress until (juaturlty, If tho storage of water Is sufficient to pro vide an upward coplllary movement of moisture when the percent Is low In the top soil. Tho latter should be Itept lu proper tilth, of eotirso, to present evaporation as far as possi ble. Transpiration of moisture Is a different proposition. Tho plant thaw It up nnd Into their bodies ami stems, and loaves and blades, from tlio edges of the latter of which that portion of It not assimilated In plant growth win disappear. That Is a nat ural procetm which cultivation docs not affect. In the case of a crop of heavy foliage, like cabbage, beets, le gunOnous plants nnd trees, tfiat fea ture of moisture loss must bo taken Into practical account when averag ing the st'tf-ago supplof walor. There Ait! Others It is this lack or storagu water from the dearth of rain this wlntor which lms given rlPe to much speculation an to whnt tho harvost may bo with out It. nils I not oxPtine for doubt nvjo what the losiilt will be, however, fgr wo Icive 'old two sonsons of posi tive demonstration. Tho direct loss, in the aggregate. Is fully tftn million dollar. In this valleyln 1913. It was nearly that much In 1911. Anft the fanners didn't do very well In 191 s. A cotfrso of study covorlna u period of three yonra oughtdo teac? tho'd. Intel estod In t-oiw something!. &ut why thoy gre- and why they Wo not ityw. oThe lcown htyi been taught, ?etaught and thou positively demonstrated at a tremondous cost. Tho principle, from the standpoint of hiwlnoaa, Is very simple. Without the tLUJUJ- 50 YOUR LAND m WATER NOW 1 B proper a'i.untQf mohRuro at proporibo,ar' fu"owod bjP f Apr,J ho":l intervals, the erous will not growB' Tbon, como ,h, wrm ,1m" of Without the crop, there ljto liar 0t. Without the harvest, thoro is no Income fromtho land. Heduce tho money distribution In this valley In one year hy two million dollars. and the hard times oong becomes h chant of lamontntlrg. Wuidiliig the ty ('mini Prom all of that region to he cov ered by the high-line canal on the oast vide and the Willow Springs ox tension on the west come anxious in nuirlo as to whether or not thoce hg O conduits will be completed In time for tns fnrmors ttnsuro tholr crops hy the use of the water therefrom. Tho answer Is up to tho farmor In hoth Instances. It Is a case of sub scription of the required acreage on tho ono hand nud, on the other, It Is nuostlon as to whether or not tho owners of tho land through which lao willow Springs oxtenslon munt Vuas will continue to delay progress in the construction of the canal by oxtortlonate demands for damages To do mat is uimosi to commit a or line. Thousands of acres of land 'rloli In productiveness with water, hut little better than a tax expense without It, await tho complotlou of this conduit with oagornoss to use the water. They know they havo no water In the ground where nature fibould store It for use during tho dry mouths of tho yoar; and they k-now that, without It. their crops -will fall and their orchards perish -Qno man whose farm lies undor the line of that canal said esterday: "UrIm we get that water, I will not have the courage ta Incur au expense of oneSHhouMN dollars in the cultivation of my land this year. 'Two years failure Is failure enough far me." e Q) tA I'ltaiiimniiH Sentiment Thalfi practically the unanimous Bentiiuent in that fertile part of the valid There are onlv four more January ,j,, j, n iviiruai l us- MTCDFOIZD JJL 1JL .1LI HL , NKW YOFIK. Jan 2S - President Wllson last night opened his personal' atuonl to the country for national do - fense. He gave warning mat pinns ..... for tho readjustment of the army WLSON PLEADS R PREPAREDNESS AS MOST ESSENT must be formulated and carried out of the world. without delay, nnd solemnly declared "We live In a world which we did lie could not prod.'ct Him the outlook 'not make, which we cannot atter, for the United Slates would bo at which wo cannot think Into a differ bright tomorrow- as today. Speaking ent Condition from that which oct al the banquets of the Hallway Dual-' willy exists. It would bo a hopeless tness association nnd tho lotion Pie- iplece of provincialism to suppose that ture Hoard of Trade, lie sounded the because we think differently from the keynote of addie8se,s that he will de- rost of the world, wo are at liberty liver during the next ten days In the to assume that the rest of tho world middle west. i will penult jUa-to enjoy that thought , Mr. Wilson wns In a fighting mood Ithoivt 'disturbance, throughout his address. In n speech lUnsurprlRlnglrcumstancp. delivered early In the day he declared 'also, thnWicnahould allow pirtlsan ho always accepted an Imitation to flcht. Tonlcht he told the ralwnv men he was an advocate of peace and had struggled to keep the United States at pence, but he considered tho liberty and honor of the nntiou even more Important than pence. AVoo to Marplots "Woe to any man who plays mrr- ilnl t'1t unnltu In tiidln nnrv political or personal ambition Ukc!countries, men without distinction of precedence over candor, honor, nnd "' '""'i' ,rnn, toRcth-r to accom mvK.iri.li. unpartlsan hervlce!" said P" uccwwlul proscciitlon of the thi president In speaking of his do- wnr- l "ot "'"f, K,1c1u,At nnd fense plan before the railroad men. i0 IM "B l ' T' He declared that tho country ejects in shu ml r"Kaf Mon action; this Is a year of accounting, luhl,, ntn,t ,,raw tf,ll,,"r for ,,,C,BUC: nnd tho accounting must bo definite "' Proceatlon of peace? 1 on tho part of the parties and on tho 7 ,tht "tlnellon for America, part of every individual who wlshos;"";' ,"..,.,, to enjoy the public confidence. "I'or my part, 1 hopo every man in public lirowlll get what's coming to him" said Mr. Wilhon, amid laughter nnd applause. Tint nrAli1iint ntltiilHnil llinl In n message to tho last congresH he ifiid snl.I the need for preparedness wn. M.in li.. ,im i (hot ,, 1...1 i...,i 'iifP,....!.. i ., ,,. lkUU 4VJHI 111 II till J VtltlJ III VIM' ItlVtH time. Ho cited his recent support of u tnrlff commission as another Ins tance of accommodation on his part but declared previously there was no need for such a commission. Onppo.ttloii l'm liicl.il Mr. Wilson spoke of men of high character who were clouding the pre paredness la.suo. lie declared they were provincial nnd that tho United Stotos could no longer cut Itself off from tho rest of the world. ! Tho presltfint vigorously discussed his Mexican policy. He asserted that to Invade Mexico would mean the lo. ing of confidence of the rest of tho woetorn hemlsphorco " cited ho froeing of iflilm as an Qnstanco of good done by the United Stnte. I "If wo are drawn Into tho innol - Htftm which now singes In Kuropo," the proalderyj dcclnieu. "we shouiu not be permitted to do tho hltfi things wi would prefer." O'dlinliiK why the I'nllod States should prepare Mr. Wilson said: "Wo must prepare our rights ns a j ually a dry. sunny month. March is spilug and the sunheut of summer. Kvuporatlon Is Intense. There Isn't much to evaporate. As the moisture In the first six Inchgyi of soil Is dried out and used by plunts. the upward movement will soon consume what little there Is below that depth. In the storage depths of soil there Is no moisture. Uvea If there were 13 percent of water lu that stratum, It Is In the thlnotit film-form about the oll grains -r-and the) cannot spare it. Ilonpe. they will not glvo It up 'And there we are with a crop started and nothing to kuetaln It. No wondor tho farmers are eager for the completion of the big dltchoa! No wonder is It that they want this brought home a lino woik hore. ear the difference hetwoen ISO an I t nk ef Jfoilia plieusauU ncA In Irrlgatml crop ield and 13 to . containing as ninny as fifty-two birds 19 an aero In the drouth crop jlold! ,aV(. ,mi noticed on tho Couner Will the supj of the difference he- raneh lately. twecn these amounts pay them to In-, rnd,.r tJ,e nbU, supervision V KI vesta tilting annual sum in Irrlga-' ra,.r uf mill., p,.0Brt.SB j )Cing "on'' limde with the farm work at the Mo- I RzweYou Phoned? Tell Your Dealer to send you delicious, in California's Selected Oranges Fine Seedless Navels. Get a dozen today. Save the tUtue wrappers for beautiful illverware CALIFORNIA FRUIT GROWERS EXCHANGE Eaitern Headquarters 139 N. Clark Street, Chicago maHmKUammmumlai vmmrnmmamm MAIL TRIBUNR, rr- nation and the rights of our cltlicm In America and outside of It as the (ooniennus of civilized peoples tins de fined them: must enduro the unem barrnwd realisation of our political j development within our own borders, :nnd must nrotcct the neacc and tiollt- llcnl autonomy of the Americas." Cannot Help World This provincialism cousltta In KlilnMng the contents of their own MiilniU to be the contents of tho mind 0f the world. For, gentlemen, wlilf Amerlett is n great nation, whl .America contains nil the elemcnta 0 'fine force nnd accompusnment Amcr, ..... !fca does not constitute the major par Jifllng or personal ambition tooi into mo UIhcusmoii oi una luiuinincn tal thing. How can Americans differ about the safety of America? 1")- Peace Pcornm "And I, for my part, am ambitious that America should do a greater and miore difficult thing than tlio great nations on tho other side of the water rttave done. In all tho belligerent i enjoy that distinction. "Only the other day the leader of the republican minority lu tho house of representatlvei delivered a speech What showed that ho wns ready and I take It for granted that the men he- J,'1,nd ,,"m w "' Jo forget party !'; in on,,,r "l ,aU .a 1,lny ct with a common mind and Impulse for Ttho aorvlco of tho country. Aud I want, upon this first public occasion to pay my trlbuto of respect and obli gation to him. Great Future Ahead "I findeJt hnrd Indeed to approach this subject without deep emotion, gentlemen, because, when wo speak of America and the things that are to bo conserved In her, docs It not call upa wonderful picture in your mind'.' America is still young, shu Is not (l.Vl.n )n tno noyday of hor develop- lnoflt nd nower. Think of tho croat Mrj.isun!. of youth and energy a,ud j.doal purpose, still to be drawn from t)lu (llK) sources fr0m which this n(,u0 i,aB aIwaj drawn Itc light. "Think of the sorvice which those forces can and must render to the roat of the world. Think of tho posl- t0n into which America has been drawn, almost in spite of herholf, by the circumstances of the prosent day. She alone Ih froo to help find things wherever they show themselves in the world. And she Ik forced also-- whether who will or not In tho de cade Immediately nhead of us, 19 furnish the world with Its chief ccon omle guidance and assistance. "It is very fine to romember what Ideals .would be buck of that assis tance." TABLE ROCK TABLETS WS are lad tu rrprt that our sick people are Mendilv improving. Will Ljdiard mid yxter. Helen, of Medford, were week-end visitor with heme folks here. S. M. Neglon mid A. L Ylni'otit were doing husine in the valley towiiH Wediiecdav. Colonel Wanlilmni attended the pulilie wile in t'eutral Point nud sweet, juicy, healthful k j&A v s . WUCS Tin I r LK W M '1tJ. nsft 1 Warn 'fu' am) m MEDFOttP. '.'i '.A- lLli.l-'lJ.--:i'Ut!-ll1-" it "- doc orchard in spite of the stormy weather. About the only relic of early days rcmniriinR in this (list rift in tho log homo on the Ifny ranch, which, ac cording to the sottleri, wm built by Joseph Snttcrfieltl, who homchtotuleil tlii property more than lml C n can lury ago. A letter from Mrs. I'. W. Sngo at t'onlnr, Mont., atntca that during our f cold oll the thermometer there went -.l.l m iiruniuc swing iiftliin dtatrii't. Almost n thoiiwuid acioa of land lifie been bonded in this distriet in the Inst few tlnys, which i etfttHlnr: quite n little e..oitement and hjxhmi lntiou 11H to whnt the outcome will he. It m nlno reported that muoh land ii under bond in the Antioch distriet, nnd many thcorie nre ndvnnccd ns to what the proposition is, the favorite theory in thnt district being the re Xiviittf'of'tluvhigluluie ditch, mi irri gation Hcjicmc. ' ir , ., . v-. w..r jflcased) In 'seip- fhatiour item in icgurd tj) ' the flour .mills brought out nn cilitoiinl in Thjirx- ilny'a Muil Tribune, which watt well'i competed nnd should be nrieyc'P" oner to people who do not, pntronifo home induMric.s. Among other things, it was stated that we were mininfonncd. Thnt may be. However, our infominnt was n. man who in operating n flour mill in j tins valley, liur eitort was not ninue with the intention of "knocking'' home product, but to expose his system, which we contend is unfair. We have always been a firm believer in pat ronizing home industries, und ns n matter of fnct have been using Rogue Iiiver vnlley flour since it wns placed on the market. I-nut Wednesday being Ornmlmn FriersotiV 87th birthday, several In dies of tho neighborhood gnve her n, surjirise by dropping in to spend tho afternoon, nnd bringing with tliem mnny useful gifts? nnd tokens of es teem. After spending n very pleas ant afternoon, refreshments wore served nnd all departed wishing her ninny more hnppy birthdays. Mrs. Frierson hns the distiiniioii of being the oldest person in tho district. Ilond Supervisor Vincent an nounces thnt his policy for Ihe com ing sensnn will bo the permanent re pairing of rnnds in the district and to discourage the lnying out of any new rends until what roads wo lme are in n passable condition. Tills wns his policy last Jonr, but he was not allowed to onrry it out. Kdgar S. Hafer left Thursday on a visit to Atchison, Kansas, whore ho will Join Mrs. Hafer returning to this city in three or four weeks. 18 POUNDS OF BLOOD Is the average quantity in a hc.iltliy ndult, but it i the quality of the blotxl that determines our strength to resist sickness, itli weak blood we hint cold hands nmi chilly feet; in children nn aversion to study, and in adults rheumatic tendencies. In chnngiiiK seasons get abundant fresh air aud take a spoonful of licott'i Emulsion after meals, because Scott's EmuUion is a rich blood-food that will increase both quantity aud quality of the blood while it warms the body and help- cany off the impurities. When multitudes of people are to day tcking Scott's Emulsion to avert wlntor sickness, and are giving it to tlieit children, it is careless to neglect its Ixnefiu. I,rxk out for Milmtitut?. bculi At Iloituc. RluumScM. .S ; 1J-24 M'CURDY INSURANCE AGENCY Kfferts Insunuire of All Kinds Telephone 123 Sparta llldg. COMB SAGE TEA IN TO DARKEN IT Grandma kept her locks dark, glossy, thick with a mixture of Sage Tea and Sulphur. The old-time mixture of Sago Tea and Sulphur for darkening gray, streaked and faded hair is grandmother's treat ment, ami folks are ugain usiug it to keep their hair a good, oveu color, which is quit sensible, as ue am living 111 sn age when a youthful appairunce U of the greatcat advantage. Nowwlaja, though, wa don't have the troublesome task of gathering the aage aud the musay mixing at home. All drug Uhm tell the reaily-tA-UM product called "Wyeth's Sage aud Sulphur Hair ltemeiy" for about 60 cents a bottle It is very0 popular Uwaune nobody cau ditoover it haa leon annll. Simply nUtn jour comb or a suit hruih with it and draw thla Uirough your hoir, taking one small strand at a time; by morning the gray hair diaupiara, but what de light the ladle with Wyntli'a Sage and Sulokur Is that, UMc le4utifully dtrkening the Itair after u few applhui tioni, it alao produces that soft luitre and apjiearaiKe of abqndance whieb is so attraelite U-iJ4. preients dandxulf, itching uvalp an) f-lling hair tTTSv OjV ' m V r.oA t j A fsrswiesssti i-'Q..-i i .1 r.u t... .;:;. : . a - . ' hav. vx w j i :: .: ..." o.w i ..' w i : ;; . ,imi 'J ' Vzf- ' S ; . . I a.. 'A "--vcv ' &. n : i r -.: H I.SbV s- VviS: BJ.BiSJd til. I'll iiuioa ir-vfr..; OJIKUOtf. FHTDAY. .TWCWtV L'. i.. " ;111- j'l" 't-L. '.' m. j. BY The Portland Jimrnnl extends the following rtimptimeut to Mit lurlnnd Kobinaon. the Hemic River valley ar tist, who U spending the winter with her pnrentn t Jnckaanvilte: "The exhibit of jwintinfr at Mod Ami compriaod thirty-five niotnroa, ho work of Miaa norland ltoblnaon, hose training was rooeivod nt Aotid- my of Fine Arts, Philndolphin, and nder Ileurv Rittenbotv of MhiucIi. lliua if .tliinart. lt1m.l. n ,i.. irl, has won n stiipendoiiH amount of eredittible work. She has exhibited nt the spring exhibit of uriils in Snn Francisco, is n member of the Sketch club nnd now has pictures on exhibit in the (.'onscrvntory hall. "Local interest nttnehea to tho ex hibit in that MisN Robinson is n Jackson county girl mid la spending the winter with her parents, Dr. mid Mrs. .. . Robinson, nt .Jacksonville. She has done u portrait of the late Judge Williams of Portland, who gave her eight sittings. She has also painted the portrait of Miss Dorothy Metehave of Portland. Two pnHtel portraits 111 the exhibit nttrnotod much plonked comment, ns also did Uho lnndsenpos of local aeono." "i"""" II II IF neM for IJvor nnd Dowels, Had liimth, Ibul Colds, Hour .Slonmcli. (let a 10-conl box. Hick headache, hllluusnesH, coated tongue, head nnd nosa clogged up with n cold always trace this to tor pld liver; dolaycd, fermenting food In the bowels or sour, gnssy utomncli. Poisonous mnttcr clogged In the In testines, Instoad of being cast out ot tho system Ih ro-absorbed Into tho blood. When this poison roachos tho delicate brain tlssuo It causes conges tion nnd that dull, throbbing, sicken ing headache, discards Immediately cloanso the stomach, remove the sour, uudlgoatod food and foul gnsea, take the excofts hlln from the liver and carry out nil the constipated wusta inuttor und poisons lit tho bowels. A Cascnret tonight will surely straighten you out by morning. Thoy work while you sleep n 10-ceut box from your druggist moans jour head clear, stomach sweet, bioath right, complexion ros and our liver mid bowels regulai for months ,d FOR SALE CHEAP 1 One 6-Roojii HOUSE on No. Riverside, close1 in to be moved off lot Call 900-Lor217So.R Union Feed and Livery Stable FULL EQUIPPED LIVERY STABLE AMBULANCE SERVICE 112 South Hivei-sido Phone 150 Gaunyaw&Bostwick Proprietors umimirM n-i.i:H.i-iT.i.y.i:i-iPTr TiKaiariiK'tHKi- Clfillr l4 -Hlu ItxiKt U Iiii iaikU. ttfry im". uilk ml UU. DtaiUlnllr UfibK, 140 sumir OUTSIDE ROOMS $nt Utry Mftl tad ciMrili BmMiar, 1.M ME PEISON HATES IOADAyTWOfERSONS tun ftrry ti Dtptlt lilt "UNIVERSAL BUS" '' (it Ut fItM) Kt tttvt Urctt Uf hiicj tk Utt. lOIrt iM jgyf 1 A Sure io rie 5: -fcai ApffTFI.i s --Bor Vou can't always make cvcrythlnft "Just to " Romctlrnd you will get In more shorlcmntj llan uual. or make tho Ki'Kr a Illllc thin; or It may not be convenient lo put a cake In the oven the moment It U mixed; or our oven mav not Iwkc evenly and It Is neceisary to turn ;-. the pan around none cf lhcc little un.irtainllci make the illghtcst difference In tcjult It you utc 1 1 Baking Powder Thlt modern, double raise luklng lovdcr has unusual strength and Is absolutely certain to rake your biscuits, cakes and pastry light ami feathery. It generates an abundance oi leavening ga both in the mix ing howl and In the oven. The ralstntf Is sustained until the dough U cooked through. Housewives who uso K C never have "bad luck" wllh their baking. Try K C at our rhk. Your uroccr will rciund -our money 1 you arc not pleased In every way. n 'unit 1 f 1 1 1 1 11 YOU CAN CU3T Fruits and Vegetables As Follows at Oiir Store Saturday: Colory Leaf Lettuce Head Lettuco Spinach Brussols Sprouts Cauliflowor Grroert nions Radishes Parsley M Applos Pears Bananas Sunkist Oranges V V Also a Complete Line MARSH & Second door oast First N'lhi DOE5 IT PAY? ASK OUR GRADUATES. Their earning powers have been doubled and trebled since completing their course or stud at the Medford Commercial College Mid-Winter Term Begins January 3. Day and Evening Sessions "Money NfaKos the Mare Go" It nlo inakcj tho m n no und tin vvoild. If YOU ant to ' keep up with tho procession'' you inunt havo money You can havo money If you'll open a pavings uccount her- which you may do with $1 -and put Into It what you'vo be on wasting- Compound Interest on nil you get In. over es vt'Ans under owe management m Los Angeles the Oittewuv to SOUTHERN Iluy your ticket to Los. Angeles, tho Metropolis Southern Califoriiia, nnd from thnt city kelcat tho Minoiih nttruetioiiH you wish to sec. MOUNTAIN RESORTS of I'anndenit, Monrovia, Pomona, Itcdlfiiidh mill Hiverwlilo. BEACH RESORTS of San Diogo, Lour Roaob, Ca(a!ba Islniul, Yi'iueo or Knntn Hnrbnra. SCENIC TRIPS lo Mt. Lowe, Ml. Wilson or (ho Marino Gunloiut of Cntalinn. $42.60 ia tho nocial round trip rnto to Los Angolas from Medforu. Stpov0r allowod at any point. Aak tba local agent or wiito Southern Pacific Jobit M. Seott, General I'nMenger Agent I'ortluud, Oregon V(W ,l.l J JMW.'.I a 2 ihe $unl 1 0 VEGETABLES Green Poppers Cabbage Parsnips A." n Turnips Carrots Squashes Sweet Potatoes Yakima Potatoes Dry Onions FRUITS Tangerines Grapo Fruit Lemons 4 of Fancy Dried Fi-uits rr.lkJJrV.iil WrailcpoTIs Ul- ou- COLLECTIONS AND TtEPOUTS Wa collected some accounts 14 years old. Wo know how to get thn money. Tho Diinock Mercantile 1 7 r- tl two ffl m CALIFORNIA '? ra , I m