Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, January 28, 1916, SECOND EDITION, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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AIKDrOIM) MAIL TIfn'.l'NK, MI-WORD, OR M ION. KI?fl)AV. .r.WCARV 28. 1010
Kit ln?loa, MCttHMoanled tv Mm.
Hltalilan, of WltMia, Kaaaaa. afopporf
ver a trtalit m Mmlftntt m a MMtr
l taunt through the PMrlllo mhmK
wai4fr, lotng thlo morning ftir Cal
ifornia Thnjr havo Mon on tk rowl
n moitrti, I nivalin; during Mm thty
ml ruling Ml night. Thr TimI
lioanl much of this follojr ami Ita
fmlta nml rnlhflr rogrednif that tlicy
coulil not make II convenient In ro
nmlM lonaor on thla trip Willi Mt
the Comniorchtl rlob thin morning
thoy rhanoMi to moot Attorney H, II.
Hunt, 0hh of Wk-hlta'a nhmh aroail
nont mill active olllaana. Mr. 8lil
ilmi trail not toot Mr. Hurt tioforo,
although hr know or Mini na one of
tin tattling bualnaoa tnl iirofbaaloii
al inch, Bach InuRhod at the thought
tlmt tlioy hail lrailail two or throo
Utouaann' nilloa, atnrtlng from the
aaota point About the mme tlmo, to
meet anil ho Introduce! horo iih fal
low cKIrmiii of tlielr home town.
WphIoii Ooinorn Shop for qlnas
Kodak flnlihlnK and Kodnk aupnlloa.
The Jarknoti ('ount rtiinilay aehool
Inatltuio will nict nt the Klrat Chrl-tklt-i
ohnrrli at Central 1'olHt ttatur
day, January 2i. There will be throe
aaaaiuna, morning, afternoon nml
otanttig. Tha flrat auto will lav
Haattlaa' drug atoro at J0.
Wlion better Inatirnnoo la ash)
Holmoa, the Inmirnnoo Mhn, will pell
THdlMia lUgMlata, of Imno Creek
dlatrtet, la lu tb ally.
Orator, anr atylo. Tlio Shaatn.
I. C. Tllgger, h liiialnoaa man of
ToMlanil, la annulling to litiilneaa In
thla cltr tntlay.
261, off on KodaSi at Woston'R
Gomarn Shop.
1'. ID. llybee, of Jnaloonrlllo, la at
itondlni: to liiiHitun) In Mod ford to
il uj.
'Oatoe BdllalT'ord cnra, $200 down
ond $26 a month.
11. Ooiipnrt. of llutto 1'iilla. la
among the qitt of town vliltora In
Mod ford today.
Tailoring, llnvo your tailoring
ilono nt tho ICoIstnr'a I.ndlea Tnllor
ln QoIIoro; pnplla nitty otitor nt nny
tlmo. 11. 430 M. V. & II. uldg. 2S3
,1. It. .lohnion and William Moon,
or Portland, uro triiiiiHictIng hiulnotw
In Mod ford today.
MultlKop)' onrhon pnpiira nrn tho
hoHt. Tho .Mailfonl Printing company
utilU t limit .
Mm. William AHgle, who haa been
vory III for Home tlmo, la reportod
to ho allKhlly Improvml today. Slio
Hiiffurod an nttaok of tho prevailing
la nrlppo, tho attondliiK phynlclmi
flndliiK difficulty In nvortlng u cwio
of pnoiimonla. .Mra. Angle waa ro
movoil to tho homo of hnr iluiiKlilor,
Mra. Karl C. (Jaddl, whom tho lat
ter could ho in coimlnut uttoiiditnou.
.Multicopy onrhon paper, tho boat
niiiilo nt .Modfonl I'rlntliiK Co.
II. K. IMiiutz, or Hood Itlvor Mop
pod ovur u dny In tills city on IiIh way
In I. ok AugoloH. lie promltma a more
oxloiiilod vlalt on IiIh ruturn. Mr.
I'liintr. Ik oiikiihciI In atniwhurrf cul
turo In tho lliiod Itlvor illArtot.
J'-fiOO to loan on good farm, cIoko
In. 11. H. Rtlno.
J. H. Piiltoraon, of Yrohn, Cnllfor
iila,vliii In I Kiln today, roportHtho
Huow.'uuiiMUiilly lieavy In tho WIhUI
ion, iiVnmtuliiR.
loo Dnvo Wood nbout that flro In
nnrnnco polloy. Orfloo Mnll Trluunu
llowjird llMinbel, of Uranta Pnaa, la
lurrying In ihjs ill) and vicinity a
Voitnlo of dayg.
J. 0. Corking, Uio baat nil around
DUotogrHiihoi In aoutbary Orov.
Alwaygj-ellabU. Negattvoa nyide any.
wjiure, llmo or idaoa. Btudlo.aiS
Mnlu St. Phone 320-J.
Taoa. Uhlle. of Uugeue. J. In the
city, viMting with mantle for a fe
tlnyn, wlitlo m mute to Herramento,
whwa tMgoi u attaiul n alrk bnKh-
Plurco til's I'lormt, Phono 374
Mt. '. T.Wnllaeo. ot Oold Mill, la
vliltliiK with it alMteiq Mm. Cumniluga,
lu tlila city. Mra. Wallace recent h
loeatatl lu Uold Hill unil la much In-
targalwl In poultry ralalniA Kluo
praiHtaea to be an IntgreteaU jteml
auP at tli a nouHry abnw in thla city
lu two week.
Itooatera amok a Thg JbMlford. 5c. .'
(lootatONruHH. recently a tele
graph operator at Kreano, Callfutnla.
, loil now eugaged In railing tale
grHgoe at Iwb, that atate, la a via
Itnr IH thla city thla week, where he
haa a number of aeiiualHlaneea.
!! tho I'larlat. Pbena74.
Mlaa (irace Walker, of Montague,
California, la vlaltlHg a few data with
frlenda anil former achuol ehutua lu
thla city.
TarkUh nougat 80e lb. The SkuO
J. T. Mntttu, who haa been vlalllng
reiatlvaa In thla vuliey fotOonie
waoha, will return to hla home at
VaaeoNver. Waahlngtou. tomorrow.
Mr. atrottp la much plowed with tliU
valley awl. although he had no i.ur-
poae to aaek ahange of climate andf'0 ''' ,M" "' " " h the
Ilorliort .1. Ilorrlnn, wiio took tho
civil aervlco o.xnmlnntlon lu Ktigono
reeontly, for ateiiogrnphor nml type
writer for the lutoratatu Commorco
Commlaalon, rocolvod a wlro Tliura
nay (oiling or ma aucnoea and np
polntmunt and nuking llm to roport
nt oueo for duty lu WaahliiKtoii, I).
C. Ho oxpocta to litttvo Saturday or
.1. T. Smith, or Oklahoma City,
Okln., atopped over In thla city for
a fow daya on IiIh way to Portland.
Ilo ii a ye tho train have hmin dolayod
In Tiixiih, Arlionn and California, al
together five daya alnoo he left homo.
Aftur concluding hla bualneaa In Port
land, Mr. Smith promleea to return
to Itoguo river vnlloy and onjoy n
atny of aovoral dnya.
I want Hnvornl boh ont hldua. Will
pay market prleoa. I. . Ilartlott,
tnxlileroilit, 318 K. Main. 200
llandrln Spolla, of Suinuor, Waah
lngtou, la tarrying In thla vnlloy for
n few daya, with hoad(iiartora at
Modfonl. Ho la on routo to Sacra
mento vnlloy to attidy tho oxtonnlvo
truck Knrdona there with a view to
oiinirglng hla liuslno In tho Poy
allup vnlloy0 o
Why amnko lilt tdgnra when you
onti got l.a (iOIiiIiih for lUo.
Tho Rtur brand of tvpewrllor rlh
liona uro guiiviirfteeil to glvo 75,000
liupriemlona of tho lypo "n" nnd "o"
without no cloKKlny I'Ri tyu iih (o
allow on tho paper. 'SIiIh la n prnlty
Htlff wnrrnnty, but that la what tho
Woliiler coinpnny agree lo with Hlnr
rlbbflna. Sold by tlto Mtolford Print
ing company.
liiauro i our auto In (ho Alllamo
agalnat theft. flro.'C. Y. Tongwald.
Y. I. Vawter coullHuea to Improve,
now hnlug .fble lo alt il and uiove
about hla raildcnce a lltlloMnoj eurh
dny. .
Morci flm trior Wl fr Aawir.
Phoaa M. .
W I.. Lola, of the t.i'Hln jlturv
Hue Iron Central Point to Aahlaad.
and Watklm, a liaal bualuexa
man, were fined $ eaclt by Judaej
(lay Ihle morning for dlaregardlng
(he rulea of the road and colliding
on Vm corner or Main and front
treet Jaat evening. I.uwla waa drlv
lug down Malualreet, while Wat
kliia waa going north on Krout. Vteh
Lnppeared to Relieve that be had the
right of wa at tuueiial apeful on the
alroet. tonaldering their eondltlou
and eat'h u unng.
'OP Kioo 9i'" Cfgar ttoo cd
fun rage homo Industry. U
The l tret or a etiiea ot prater
meet I o git, preimiatory for the union
revival which J to login I'ebruar
II, nia helO at the Cbrirtlnu rtnlt
blaal f veil Hi n Thuie w1ia0k fair ut-
tendtteo ajd all HCroeniWualatuli
or'ihe eu-elleut proaoevta for atdK
luoellng. Cottage imer meetlnga
will be held 'ueeda) evenlllga, H
to be auoiumed later.
6peelal price on migrarjC rnrd-. i
new ail from old platf tor nQfow
daya at tho Modfonl Printing Co.
A chU'keu thief llttml fight fun
blnla from iludi moat ul"!:' North
Krout ttrei-t lei night and left no
i aid Tftcxnr of the ililikena hh
nwakeued end eln ut ihe intruder
Will a. Meel. annerrlaor of Crater
Ulu parh, who ha ben ronftned
ta hla hHW In thla rlty for aonte rfaya
with a MM at lark of l grippe,
fftala that No haa eeeaped pnenmonla
ami M hvglHnlng lo Improve. He 'that lu
will not hoftfel to ronliire ont, how-( have tho
ever, for aeveral dnya.
Mt. Pitt elgnra, hotter tlmn over.
After Kebrngry I, any Chief of
Police Hit toon auit Pollen Jnitge Ua ,
thoee who operate their an toe and
motorcycle on the hlghwaya with
out their II 1 6 llcenao tag will havi
fto pay Hberally for the Infraotlon of
the lm; Tho tlmo limit or 30 ilai
Arlll expire on January 31. A few et
tre trawling without the required
Iieeauae the eKcliiatflna from Ihe
propioied Aaliland-Tnlent Irrigation
idletrlcl wro not completed, the coun
ty court Thttrwlay noatponotl action
on the niflhortaatlon of tho tlletrlct
to await their romiiletlou. Attornoy
Una Xowhury reproaenta tho tllutrlrt. ,
Objeelloua timet bo filed with tho
court within a month from tho time
tho petition waa preaonted.
Mlko flunley ramo in Friday from
the Applognto country. He report
that Itay la very crno In that valley
jiiid that atoek la llkoly to atlffor
some ua a conuiuenro.
, Prof. K. I.. Potior, or the nntmnl
lnduitlry iloimrtmont or tho O. A. C,
at Corvnllla, will looturo at tho pub
lic llbniry in thla olty on Monday
afternoon nt I o'clock on llvoatoek
Intoreata. It la hoped tlmt a good at
tendance ot HviMtock men will greet
tho proroeaor and 'rjur what ho haa
to any. Ho nlini diwlro to meet tlionr
to learn uioro of tho llvoalook con
dltloua In tlila p9rt of the atnto.
ThO milt nlnn'a mooting at the
public llhrmy tomorrow at 2 o'clock
will ho iwpeelaljo lutoreallng to thoae
Interaetoil In tho prevent fight nKnlnO
oroliartl poata. Patluiloglat Cate will
llluatrato hla talk with utorooptfcon
vlowa of tho avail lu all atagea
rh aiipraolMtltnt of HfrHheopenre'alwho hn been nbawnt fntm Jmme for
memer mind, nad In view ot Ura fuel 'teton years, and ho wrltoa tlmt he I
that thla lactare waa arranged forlgolnf; to poy a vJiltto hie home In
and anuoatftoil a! a very early date, i the Hear fntnro.
the renter haa everv reaaen to expect H. M. Clnte look a load 6f hoga
ami the pnbllr will . t Oranta Pan ThHrwlar morning.
tier woll In rolim. ami i John Alton of Modor. OKI., la vio
lent ont in large numbera to hear lltlng A. Throckmorton at Ittich.
Hr Kebor The lecture la lo bo given J Mtae Clark, Ihe TomptlOn ereeh
at o'clock Hattirdai evening. J n n ' aehool teacher enmo down with Mr.
iinn :i. In the rradlng room or the ! Htich I at ftalurday on bMOlHoa.
Hotel llnllond end mlmlMilon i free. Mre. W. K rinney of Jackaouvllle
I welting on Applegnte tho gtioat of
Mra. Joaephluo Houaton.
Will Matney of Itoeh who haa been
i quite III with the rlt oti mat hi hi for tho
pant two months waa able to bo down
, here on Monday.
The annual Valley Pride Croamery
meeting waa held at tho oroatnury Inat
Klmo Throokniorton mode n tflpt
to Med ford tho middle of Inst w.ook.
There are-still sovoral ohlldrqii or
The Seventh eomiainv Miioker wit"
n i'oin)lele auece'-H ThufHiliiv inenini:.
Kurl l.iug of Med lord won the ttnke
(mil frmu I HI I Price of Central Point.
The Mellaril teiim wiim ilelVMtcd liy
foiilrtil I'oint in the ilri"eing ronteM.
The lenilm pointrinel Olen Laidley,
Merle (lurnutt nml Dewey Pimliu et:
.Meiir.ini, nml Klioer Kyle', l'lo.v K'yln
Hinl Howell Orim of Centrul Point.
Tho heavyweight boxing eonteM,
helween A Hunt .Inekaon Of Meilford
nnit Areltle Pnrker of Centrul Point
wna n ilrnw. )enn Stncy of .MeiU'onl
won the wio4()ing limit witli Hill
Price in two out of three full. In
ttrnm uf CeiHrnl I'oint gun I'nmi
I hi r I led or .Mt'ilt'ord in the i:iA-ioilui1
hexing (uutunt. Hill HevOiilee of
MnlfoM throw ileiule Iiigmtn of Cen
tral Point lu two bout. (Icorgc
llohnt's of Afeflforil won two out of
three wo'ttftng liont- frtun 9?. I.. Ituu
yun of Cewtml Point,
tinee of .Motffiinl nml .Mat riiirkPot'
Central Point ge a t'nt Imxing- exJ
jiiiimon. Ki'o Kiiocgoti i.ihh: out.
Intt lie roenvt'o.'il (Oil kiioW:tl onl lu
of Jt Pl,Mit. Jmljre WilliingtiOi fl-teil n
employment ulieo he came, exproaa-
e tho doalro to roturu at an earl)
day for that par &.
IMarco the llerlaf for flowera.
Phone IT4.
A. T. Welbora. of Ohobali. Waali
lggtou, who haa beog iirvoatlgatiug
eaadlUou lu thia valley for two or
thro a oak, will roturn here tomor
row. tgtglw h ICIgg ttptu algar. Ic.
Thog aro homo-mag. tt
A Moim. of Keoeburg. la tarrying
lu Mmlford a few da, after attoad
log to bualgao at AahUtad.
lire. A It. ami UmJm Hodgoa, ekt
ropractiji, nhyalelaua. giowaii build
ing. 2 ft Kaat Main t.
Mr i It- Itoi'limou and wife. u( Ah
ImimI an Meilluid visitor IOda .
) nnut; l.iHf ftt Uxith 11 public
m.irKii SuliiriUi. Jan .
Dr. Itoliefa lecture on Slinki?apcare
at tl llolliiuil liojel pnrlora Sattinllo
eeulng uttitor tho itjilco or the
Drama fautguo cinder will ho devot
ed to ijn oxiHialtlou or tho aourrea or
Sbakoapr'oa power, aa 'ilrnioatlat
pm't and jdillotiopher. It la areutly
hoped that a large 'atttndame will
gieet Dr. Ilebec, an he him m geuer
oual coiiHnieila to glM of IiIh time
mid currm lu irt ntliiK HiIk k iiol-
1 i ??
n O
. w
till community Hick with colila The
school haa boon minor aiuall for
'hoiiio time.
Placer minora in thla vicinity nrn
tolclng over the recent anow aa It
la moiling alow In the bills and will
give them tho longoat head of wntor
tlioy have hod In nevornl years.
Lincoln Savage, foIiooI iuilorln
tundeut of Josephine county, pnMod
through App'ate Sunday.
l'red Vincent of Missouri Plat com
menced to work nt tho Doll initio
Wednesday, whom tlioy nro running
full blast day and night.
M and Mre. John Colvig or Ap
pluKate have been QtOItiK u Grunta
Pas tho paat week,
I lev. I.eO: of rtrnnta Pnaa nrnnnli-
nd at tlnMpplognte school liotmc Sun
day nffiht.
Krod Armnrleat of Korost
)iaajil tliftjiigh Applegate MondiO.en
routo U Murphy.
(Mr. X. Topping oft Laurel drovo
apout a couple f dnya visiting her
brother Tog Harriott of Atydogate.
I.oland lOiiitiQll Cliff Smith and
Olon Downing of Ittich vgro Apple
ilo vlaltora Su,ndny?
; o r-
Lowest Prices
for naarl) nine yoar i waa a great
gtifforar from fhnt m Hhetor awW
wn Kid nor tronblo nml my bloml
wa ont of erder: enduring all that
time xsrotlalliiK pain lu my back
and acrooa my bowel. I waa drawn
down o that I could only wnlk with
inr haiida on my kneo. My doctor
mid ho ootild do nothing tor me. I '
tried many klnda of medicine but all
fto no avail. A friaml told me about
Dr. Kilmer' Swani-Itoot, nnd a
I had tried ovory thing olio that I
hoard or. 1 bought a bottle ot Swamp
'Hoot ami It did wonders tor mo. I
prlzo It higher than any other medi
cine and 1 ahnll recommend it to my
frlonda. I wlah to add right hero
that nttcr tulng Swnnip-Iloot for two
months I llegntt to straighten up and
am now Hound and woll, and feel like
I might llvo a long tlmo yet to tell
what your medicine haa don for me.
Your vory truly,
750'Sugnr St. T. C. CLAY,
Stntc of Ohio Marlon, Ohio.
Mnrlon county.
Porsonally npopnrod botore me this
19th dny of December, A. D., 1011,
T. C. Clay, who subscribed lo the
above statement and made oath that
tho Bnino la truo In aubatnnco and
lu fact. Chnrlea W. Hnborman,
Notary Public, Marlon Co., Ohio.
I-Htcr tit -Dr. Kilmer .V Co., IliiiK
luiiiiptoii, X. Y.
Southern Oregon
Bulk Crackers, lb. 9c
Corn Starch, 2 pktjs 5c
Gloss Starch, 2 iikgs. --- 5C
Celluloid Starch, pktj 10c
Elastic Starch, pkrj. . - 10c
Crystal While Soap, iloz. 45c
A B Naptha Soap, iloz. . 45c
Star Naptha Powtlcr, 25c size... 19c
Citrus Washing Powder, 25c size 20c
Ark Laundry Soap, 8 bars 25"
Sprinrj Clothes Pins, doz . Et
Large Roll Toilet Paper 5t
Sapollo, 2 bars 15c
Bon Ami, 2 bars 15c
3 hnxns Matches 10c
Piovo What Swimip-lttMitfWIII do for
9end 10 cent to Dr. Kilmer Co.
BluKhnmpton,'. Y., for a sample slxe
bottlo. It will convince anyone. You
will alao recelvo a bookJjU of val
uable Information, telling about the
kidney and lilailiP. When writing,
be sure and mention l$e Medford,
Ore , tjullv Mall Trlbiyie.
- ?
Gt6(y Atmy VaHjcafex
oVaHior,Woi. IIuiIkc, iPV. i riii Is one rpinnly Hint wldom fniN
lllorkdull mid J" D. Roll cani out toT'0 ,,,,,i.,.r nW4,S n" punpli1". blnck h"iulo
it. iiii ,iir, ,in,,rii;A ..,. M"'" "" eriiptioiw mill mol Cinai-si tin-
, yir n.!i,i mliiltic proporllnft burt-k.iii .ft, dear nml b.glto. o
iUt icwPok ogo, when the snow ya nydnioM win MippbVyau with naino,
'.. . ... . . II Ul. Ii Muilll I iillo 1l dbl -I..
tuv iittoiiotij on tho .incUH)uvilIo hill.
whlih ei'ioielly 'XnerwiiiH'H nJJ skin ill
lliSftf. A(Op. ovwivm. Ifrh. lilOinli.
oroethe flrat over trie road ( lindane hhfk hcmU lu moo raw g'
Hint iTinrnlue and n Jlio road to w;'i ut'mo- ' rwim-nuy, minor Ulem-
f7 - UI1A4 ih4!iliii(iii ti,rntlit ltflilria iiiiii
break thrmttth seventeen lnclunr nlly top oiNtumh. fio 1h Vafe, ebon,
hnow. Tho trip hb tililo In a Urta- ';!KV .n h'ijdnbli' It rosin onlv
-.. -- in-: On ejttra lnrt battk-. I.(W. It
roe car. u no, 8tl,0t D, tP,Bv or att-Jty and
Edwin Tavlor or ftticli wnd down In " lawlthcly safe for trndfr, oosltltc.
thv Aiipleafo country riinitP look.;
lug tor amo Viittlo that had htiaed!
uw. , " j
r and MrVWr'ultt'.'of .thla plnc'o,
UMiM'd .i liitir trom their eon Knil,
kit Ins.
ZniH), Clmclatiil.
a4.!' . "iyx
Pv . '
C.e- VtV-V1 , J$i. 0Z-
' f.-1 l'i M,,,',',V,V .I. v v v$S.
4mi0 tow
n ,iJi..ii-, " '' V Sa1SffiDVlW
ufrHRiTitii.v, auto cw
LflBivo Medford dally excopt Sun
day fig' Aihlnnd,0Tu?ont nnd Phoonlx
At 8 p. m.0ll:gO n. tu., 1:15, 'J:30.
3:45 gnd 3: 15 p. in. Alio on Sat-
'nrdno nt 11:15 p. ny, Sundays loavo
3t II g, in., 4 p. mpstnd 9:30 p. m.
a Lcm ARhTnnd for eutord dally
gtcenSundoy nt,". nt., 12:C0, 2:30,
3:81, 4:45 nd GPlCp. m. Sunday
Itfivb Aobland ut 9r. m., 1:00, 0:00
gBllltHq p. ?
W. ..- -.U
Oil a anal I pnckftQf uf Unnilui'
Uriatl .liii or a tin (nrniau folk
tall lt,"llamlir,tor Urnal I lev," at an;
plisrnunf. 'faWo'n tablpiionfiil of the
t-, put nip 4t (x-tilitvcx Aler m'in
It, pour tbr,iimb a eue nnd drink a
Uurup full at- any iino during Hi.'
ilay or n4on ritirm. H It y' n"v,,t
MTcrtia way t Irmk ,i reM nnd cure
.. 8c
...... 8C
..: Oc
Two In One Shoe or Stove Polish 8c
Pure Lard, medium size GOc
Pure Lard, large size $1.20
Crisco, small size 28c
Crisco, medium size 55c
Crlwo, large size $1.05
Cottolcnc. medium size GOc
20 M. Team Soap Chips....
Wool Soap Chips, 25c size.
Bottle Blueing
Ball Blueing
Ammonia, bottle -
Lye, can
Old Dutch Clcnnser
Cottolcnc, large size
Wesson Salad Oil
.. 30c
Pure White Ftaur. tier sack ....... $135
Bed Crfts Flour, per sack $1.25
Graham Flnur, 9-11). sack . .. 35c
Whole Wheat Flour, 9-lb. sack . 35c
Rye Flour, 9-lb. sack
Olympic Pancake Flour,
sack .
Olympic Wheat Hearts,
Hominy, 9-lb. sack
Rolled Oats, 9-lb. sack.
25c nku. Quaker Ontso
?20c g. Ralston riHan-
2 10c sacks Salt .
2 25c sacks Salt .. ....
5-lb. can Kno Syrup
... . 15c
10-lb. cfln Karo Syrup
Vi pi. Tearjtirtien Syrup
I (foil. Tcagardfii Syrup
I qt. can Log Cabin Syrup ...
!i rial, can Lon Cabin Svrun...
I gal. can Log Cabin 5Vrtin $1.25
2tJb. can fcnlasses -. .IOa
2 cn K. C. Baking Powder . ..20c
I Iba RoyalcBaking Powder 43c
25c can Cocoa .. . 17c
25o cake Baking Chocolate6...... 19c
35c cn Ground Chocolalt 30c '
Vt lb. Upfsn's Tea . 33c
I lb. Linton s Ta RSn o
50o Bum Jes, lb 37c
Japan Ric., lb J! tfjc
wearf Riee. W. . nc
Pacaranl, Ui. GKic
BulJ CftcbAflUt, 91 . 2tM
ASttn- Wlk, in. 7C
Horty OBilk, doz. &.
C.-rnaHfth Will, rldz. .. rj&u
ITsniia Vaac iIt ei no
rrhtflag nPpition. AI. !!, a tho ann" SbOSr CMB, rJOZ $1.05
tx.wu. ttmi b: "aino up a id. J Ctinrjed Tomatoes, $eifcctedJsloCn
Trv iL I ho ii,l dnif ,,n ui.Tr fr..,n I al CI fa
i- -, - : .. ."- "".: - - ono
in rfi ir ae trip, ii 11 in. p, 1181 n l SMllmil
on.t. f-ntiriW- fCiftiaMe. tbirvKrc ml'Qi,im.; .,-,
"Will ytm sciul nil' aiioclicr
fjtcjik lilip that lust nc it
'i'jTaiiil ujis fhir.
Siitisfit,l iisttiiiit'i'H jjciipi--.
ulh huv this wlifii ttit'V tntdi'
at mir simp.
j They kmiw tlit-y nulv
with the aaint' ivynomv and
Nti.sf,ii'.tiiii. tivVp. tin' 'plitMU'
as though tiii'.v Ifroitn in jicr-
! Tv us IMhmic viuir uJ'ilff
t.itlax -No. 701. ' '
'Pure Pork Sausage, por 1,
Shoulder Pork, roast, lb., 10c
! Warner, Wortman
S Gore
iU)J llATCalcVA;
, . . - . ..,
sinny- Bpans, wn . irjfl
SauM-kraut. can . t5r.
jHtfrniiiy, can .. ... ... T'lZti
I V.I it Pnmn'c.Cnib .... o
, --.. ( . -, w, m gnu weans, o e t,
riilcki'ua ttlth lilm
ju j. ..
fUi M.N!
I in- 1 1 1 1
' ttO. H i i
' jjfe"f' N "1.
---aoai aaaaaaaoaaahaafcaial
n ea houaa kooiilain
uratabatl tyooja 3tS
-I. !
J aaaoaa ka4 truak.
.iirrrj. 861
Whltiir our tioubt li M,-Illra,
IdimlMlfo or th lidil Arlliutar
ihrumaiuai. ih anwr l Hip inx
Vou UIUt trrl It Ihruutk Ur blood
That I Ihr urI) M-a U rid llir inlrni
Ut uric ld. purttjr tt Hood and rr.l
talia ttu nvrtta. If tho bhud l rr,d
from iulilurllt. IthruiualUm niimi ..
Tin. In aort, la the kulrl khiikkI
ly Hm laburatortMi ot lh . a H ('
Tlmav tvau hate liaaa iiMd. (6i nrtv
vaara Ttyv kas what IthaiWiaiiam i.
Ttiay know Ihmt O, a R, lb ramarkalil,
I.Iki num. whtt'k lln orlaliialatl. n
iflii ju of Rhuinatlni Th rmn .
y ttt thouaoiMla of aurrVrvia h ttir u
.f O a K la arof that yuu raa l f
llrvtii a m a la a bld inx---a fuffi.
flar I Ik i rrai..ri. thr Mo.mI an.l iiiakn
it aa II wit baforv Ii baiu ool
uihhI with ImpuiKIr a a a it
alrriiyili drlva uul tbaaa Iuipui ( -
auu wiik iana tk fiaauaaallain Oat a.
M. . at your drvtaaUt'a. If yuu aaad aaa
t'lal adWri M tt. Hwlft a'iri Cv . Al
ia 11 1 a. Ua
A lIO LOTol' I'uiiiiiMDColoiiialsaiul Button (Kt'onls r?ov on sale, whilt tlicv
last atQuih
In Cash $1.95 A PAIR In Cash
It V a tiustioii with us to I'iiul tit to Tit thi'M- low shots. AVho knows- -pos-sihly
ytair foot arc thti luk IVt-t. Nevi-i- uiiutl tlu snow, wc art- not advi-itis-0injf
snow Klitiw; wt- aiv adMilisiny; LOW SHOES at LOW PRICES.
mr HIIaJ II1 u"w- cr" "o uysiers, can
tt? JUIlf J4 fd Boy1 Ctoh Oysters
. ( o-. r veicciictMiire saorj)
Xnb Gortmesa froja JoinU'aai m ancle Tostum, vt'i. .
.with a small trial hottlo of , Instant P.Stimi
eld 6t. Jacobo Oil ! Codtisll. IS. . .
Pmn "Jomntf" Ifh.iiraaffm' ' Coftl Moro
lid am cih in .t .Tu.- ,00 io afiy 5 UlS. StEilJllCtl HOflCV?
rrqifln inUrnaJ lratm. n. Itnli Mmth- LaillftlS. jlof. o
iPK. .oiirntloa ,-St. .lo&M dil" r,L.,t 2 lll Prnna'e ' " "
no thr "f.i.r kH,t." out lay tin- tuoP S., -.,, e .r ,? "
vou M? .Uk rt..l.ino.n-ait corjua the osl Cd,,e SUUnr, 15 lbs 9.
rheniaahc nan. -si. ,Taro,' Oil" Best Croamerv Eflilloiv 16
. . .- . .r,-' . ---wv
llaa-lolata and 4-.t b... thn akin. It KePOSWe Oil i nnl.
im rein, aorvnom anu aiinncan irotu
&Miu,' 6infk. intiaclf ami Uim ; up4
aviatica, UimO-tyo. barktirhe, niurtfV'ia.
LlwWo Uil OHc a 25 cint MUo
of olatitu, honest "St. Oari. Oil"
froHijany druR tor, and ju a nn.tin nt
J on II be friv from panic, ao!na zn Id
atitfnr. Uont aufl,t Hub rlii.1ti.i
titui away.
rl "
(&LJAsj UfisiXsXszj-) North
"Good Shoes"
'KliaVND m
Kerosone Oil. 5 nals.
Cider Vinegar, jjnl.
Seeded Raisins, r!J.
Curranft. pkfl. 0.
Simobetti, bull? ,
Sweet Pickles, qto
urape Juice. it.
Ggiiie Juice, tt.
Birdseed, pkfl. .
Red Beans, lb.
White Beans 2
Lima Beans, lb. J
Skinner's Macaroni, pkg
Skinier'sSnatjIietti, jikg
Skinner's Vermicelli, tUrn
Skinner's Ego NoodlesT pkg.
Best Pineapple, large can
Good Coffee. 2 lbs.
Peaberry Coffee. I (b.
"my miiiriigus lips, can
. lie
... 12c
SI. 00
. . 3Q
.. 25c0
... Ur
. 12', c
...... 7c
.. 23c
...- 22c
.... 40c
. 10c
... 6"2c
... 7',c
. 10c
.- 10c
. 10c
... 17c
' Fancy Asnaraaus. l.nrno nnn "
(Fancy Maine Corn, can 4C
i uuL-y uanneu ruiis, can
Assorted Preserves, win
25c bottle Vanilla
25c bottle Lemon
Ivu-.CM-lk. i i. hi i i,'. i'i !!,,
f'lrjiin. M.. kt-.l li ,,. i , ....!(
iiiut i n-.nii i i., , .
1'llKlli IS? . -
. next prico list wUI bo in
It. ill I Jlatvt Voi.ln.. W-- il
, , ...-. mu,,, ivoap una otic m,.
"I tlitn oud ooiupare it with unv
l'"-i." uu ooq f,od. Xy aw llW;r
. ... b. ilodiWd than any other ,n
Jackson County
Supply Go.
o 33 N. GRAPE ST.