JiKiiFojin M.ur, Tiiini'VR, WKHFonn, oijii.ii(i Tfiwaw. .TAxr.nr as. mi; m- MMIIMWHMMaMAMriMMAMMHaMMyii Infirm nnnit-n nr ur UPON ONION OIL STEEL TRUSTS MOST RED TAPE PLANT LOCATION PROSPEROUS YEAR WAR MACHINERY VAST MONOPOLY TMOK &Ttf ; , ;! ,; Z'-'-JL.--'"-'l "'.'" COUNGIL ACS DMDENDS SOW G CIS WAtK ruwtK B DING BECOMING mm W Wv & mJ MlUuV zft 0 I- o e i o C- a 0 oJ oo i W A-TlhfWMWmio dissuasion of tlif' I'aioft Oil eflMfMfty' pmyooeii euinJf Iwhrnrni ef oil tank unit yard at Crater Lake Jdnetiurt wns Ifml Ht Monday nixht'a special council moot iiur, At tin oonelualon of which tlio council nnd eiifrineor appointed today nit tlio lime to jfo over tlio ground UioroHjthly, oolleot nil the fnoln nnd, nt the Ailjmirnct flpccinl melfii? to be held tonight, finally flcttlc tlio inflt- t.r- - ..- ..-. J. I). Hell npperired on brlmlf of n delcrininntion of the matter in mich form n to pormlt tho company to proceed with tho erection of tho tnnk, ynnl nnd office nH planned. He nrgnied that the property involved in the protest in not residence prop erty; that a warehouse district should he Cfltnblirihcd nt Rome con venient loontion nlonjr tho railroad; that the Rejection of the nren nhout the Crater Lake junction would real ly enhance the value of tho AiirIc property; that it Is the noiirol ito for oil .y'nnlfl and tnnkn and ware houseq, nnd the iinpo'itnni'a'of (lie 1'nion.Oil compnnj'n enteipruic corn mnpded the tJOtuioil's Mriou&Voiwid oration. , Dr. J. J. nrnmens Appealed to the council'i miimo of justice in the mat ter of doing I lie p,rcntcM good to the ffrenl-it numher. lie Hinted that the cilv uitiMt reengnire a wnfehoiiso din (net ondjlmt such a district rouNt of necetwity he located nlon the roil- roiuj; mat the Aryrle property w-q olvd whh not now nnd never could become a rVutlcneo district and that it would bo unfair to take that phnse of flie propoMition into serious con sideration. J. V. Ilcnnctl, n ebji! nnd eon si ruction engineer uotli the I'nion Oil rompjinv, nlo nddrwsed the eouneil on the profht.o A similar irotot wift WiidiMit rorvallis, he Mrjd, when the I nmn Oil company koiikIiI to ostnji o limits tnuU nnfl yards in a conven ient loeiitiottbul, nftethe question of loentjbm was fully i&cotic,otod find vit0wns found that abuttiii)? piopeity uojild be benefited, 'oiofnr m vnliicH woso conecmW, tho prtdcHtnut wilh- dlcw jfiN protHt -.ind iinlo(tivl "8r liiiunf: enif.ed'doJiiii.tlio uompnnj'n, iIojin. Vr. Hennelt cvnim-d further that the .lumber nnd cement nrooewry in tjje propoied tnnlw and jnrd prop owflon had been conigictrd for ith local firm that local labor would bo ynplnjedto do ttp worklnnl thcHo cnl labor joiild IjoiiRnifcd to ncr8- nle tlyj jdmit nfter it eompleeuoi. Ho said flint two steel hinU would be riveted, oif fW'iupiiU Tomtibi.inn nte.1 that ther, th,ofiieeH mid the fouiie ineJsinK them wuld Ue "mbitcd n, pure white nnd kv' Tho oloanoot order. Others dUened the qfietition, tho Reno ml Honlimeiit ospriMHod beiiifr fn orable to such n revision ijf tho ox istuijr onlinnnoe an wonfd pormit tho eouipany to proceed U execute itn ploiiK as fonneJ. bjowover, the fitful detcnniiinlion of that featuie of the question was left for final Motion to- HIRllt,, Many cRlldren of (be Jaekaon sdiool are suffering seveiely from wing rompelltHt to roach their school through muddy Ntrcots and trails roinetinio.i without either. The Jack moioscIiooI Is located at the head of HxmiiiiU strevt on Jkson. There are no sidewalks in that itortn of the olty. Formerly there was a two-plank board walk on some of the street leading toward the aehool, but tboy have been removed. Probably 20 oily blocks are Involved In this Un fortunate condition. Tho ehlldron Hit In school all day -Kith ot feetP tfjaknow la the result. Ivaok of pro trbM la one ef ike oonseqiiencos. This Mjijdlllons Is disturbing the school no. vCiroly. Appeal for an Improved eon djtlon in this reapeet will prooaW) Inade- to the city eoimell. j TliU matter wa Introduced at the gpoelal me el I qk of tho olty oounoil last night by Councilman Knimons. Ho had InYoetlgaiod tho complaint made by parents. jmplU and teacher it) tho Jackson sctiool dletrlcl con cerning thoto conditions and sufgeet- 01 that tho situation la serious and ojtght to reeelvo Immmilato uttontlen frojn the oounoil. lie suggested also (hat, temporarily at ltat, gravel walks ur those uwde with crushed I'Qak could ho jHlt, In quickly and wouJdjsbjYp the )iy4oe during the roinalinW of tho fjjint wet imhiuu. The ntattor -waa-rt-of erreil to' tho commliteo on strepi anu loads, with power to act. CQ IB m- ON SIOm WALKS HW YOIIK. Jan. 16 The unit- cu smim moei corporal ion roininim dlrltlml tmrmonta on IU common ftoelc tedar whon tho director tin cvnrd n qtinrtorly dlitrloHtfon of 1 W portent. The regular quarterly dividend of 1 t norcont on tho proforred iitock nan alco doclnrcd. Tlio total not earning of the cor poration for tho quarter ondod Do comber 31. 1'JlG, woro J51.232.7KS, accordlnK to tho quartorly report. TIiIb breakN nil records of previous onrnlnKfl. The not Inoomo for tho nnmo quarter wns $40,62,113 and tho surplus 123,200.092. This restores tho common stock to a five porcent basis. It was tho first pnymont authorized on tho junior Ih- sue since tho dividend declared for tho September quarter of 19H, which was one half of ono percent. Prior to that common stock bad been pay ing five percent slnco June, 1910. (Predictions had been freely made that the corporation's carnlniw for tlio Inst quarter of l'Jlfi equalled or exceeded the record of 1 15,503.705, established In the second quarter of 1907. It had been Rcnornlly believed that the voluuio of buslnos diirliiK the Inst six months of 1915 enahlod ibo corporation to recoup Its Iossom durlnx tho first half of that ear and at tho rtamo time leave n substantial amount available for a common divi dend after payment of tho proforrod dividend and usual fixed chttrKcs. GOHNDL mm RECOWKpiAN nHSE N At a special meeting of tho clto council last night the report of tho rocouiu bonod In the nuffter ofothe ?hni(gc filed agalii'd the inuniier In which the election loinrd In the first wnrjtl cnudocted tho ?ocent clto elec tion therelnowns acceptoil. This eon cluslonoNvas reached prM-'tlonlly with out dlHcussloio Tho findings of the account board were aniiplet mid the fuels sltnd supported by tho result Pot tho InvoNtljcatlon. I'oIIowIiik Is the repert: "We, 'jour cnnvaiwiiiK board duly appointed to roranvnwi te returns In tho Kirst ward of too annual election hold on January lltg, JH. rtopect- tuny repert: 'Vfii find that the oxnmlnatlqji of tho ballots show the oouiR as set out In exhibit " whlrb Is hereby made a part of this npert: "Wo nlso fin that tho election of ficial of said elootlcoi In said ward tallcA to eomply with the law by not writing tho imme of tho oter on the ballot stub. "Vo alM found tlireo tmllots to marked as to bo incapable of deter mination of The Intent of the voter. oThese wore thrown out and coploe of Hitld ballots are hereto attached. HosjoTtfully Submitted, (Blgnivd) i. T h.WTcf).V, T 1C POTTKNOUU, V I. Ml U.Kit, C Y TUNOWAl.P, KAIll. 11 l-'KIII.. MS CITY HALL 10. BE REARRANGED At the special meeting of the ell) council last night, Councilman J. C Mann suggested that the office rooms of the city recorder should reeeh wholesome atteutloa at once. The olty had voted against providing a new city hall, which left the old one a proper subject for discuss. on. He ckaigod that II la uusanltary, Incon venient in appointment nud general wrruugemeut and should be repaired, cleaned up and re-arranged for tho service lequlred of those who occu pied It ofrlrlallyO he matter was referred to tho health ronitultteo, with power to uct. JONES HEAD COACH YALE'S FOOTBALL TEAM NEW HAVEN'. Jan. 2.V -T. A. D. Jnue, Conner Yale nuarteib.uk and metuber of the nll-Atueneeii foottvnll team, hn been decided uivm as head coach for the Yale ebveii, U is tin derstood here today, although offic ial eoufiruiatios i lacking. Vluit llmo You lUmn (evoking I'ur? .Merliol White Unlwent la a prepa ration that give aatlsfaction where a pain killer and healer la needed. We do not heUevo yon eould get a better liniment at any price. Prices ,", 50, Jl Kxeluslve asnr), Mas kln' lrug Stoie - Adv. it I'AUIH, Jan. 25 Oeneral Oslllenl. the Frencb minuter of war, la pur siwncc of hta poller of do-wntrallt-InR and modernizing tho methods of tho war office administration, has listied h seiim of Instruetlone, whlefl aro roKardod In liuroauracratlc clrclos an almost revolutionary. Tho xonorat points out that tho war department receive dally an av orago of 10,000 documents which have to bo passed upon. The result has beon a certain doKroo of confus ion and difficulty In fixing respon sibility. Tho minister and tho prin cipal officials, whose cnerttos should be devotod to ulvlnc impulsion to tho wholo machinery of tho depart nfent, aro called upon to decide on questions of detail about which they can know nothing. As a first ntep, Cloneral Oalllonl makes a clean sweep of that part of tho red tape which consists In tho "obligation of excessive letter writing nnd exaggerated formalities. He In sists on tho application throughout tho nrmy of methods similar to those In use in largo business concerns. Tho minister further orders that .renter Initiative be left to subordi nate 'officials. DUt i let authorities will henceforth be ompowered to I make contracts which do not Involve moro than 200,000 franca. Many laws governing army admin istration dato back fifty yonra and are not In adequato relation to pron ent conditions, doncral Oalllonl has announced his Intention wherever It inny seem desirable to request par liament to repeal or amend those laws WASHINGTON', Jnn 'i: -Legislation to lurrensu governmenfal reve nueti to moot tho expenses of national defenso Is expected to take definite shape, now that all doulfl. as to the constitutionality of tho income tax has been removed by tho supremo court's decision. Congressional ead or had taken no definite slops to wurd a solution of the levenuo prob lem, pending the court's decision. 'Ou all sides today the leaders ex pressed the teller that the decision bud paved the way for Increasing the tax rate on treat prUate fortunes tcJ aid In paying for national defAiso. Hills to tax incomes of more than 1,000,000 as high as flftjo poreont re now before congress. TO. OF LONDON, Jn. 2.V-The HritiMi itnvernment has ordered a Tomml in vesligntioti o the eireuinstuuees nt lending the sinking of the Meninship IV ism in Die .Misliterraueou last w8 I month. A CH1LDGETS CROSS, o Uxk Mother! If Tivnguo N Ca(l Clean Little Lher and IteU If our little ones tongue la coat ed, it Is a sure klgu the stomach, liver and bowels need a gentle, thor ough cleansing at once. When our cblid I. cross, peevish, listless, jyl, ttaesn i sleep, tmt or act naturully; if breath la had, stomach Mur, ss tew tun of cold, throat sore, or If feverish, give a leoapoonful ef 'Cali fornia SiTUP of Ilis," and In iTfew hours all the clogged-up. conatlpaied waste, sour Mle and undlgeeled food will gently move out of tho bowels, and ou have a well. pU)ful child again. Sick obildron needn't be eoaxe-1 la take thit harwleu "fruit laxative. ' Million of um there keep It handy haus they know Its action on the stomach, Uvtr sue1 boweU Is prompt and we. ThoeWalso know a Utile given May Mveo a sick child tomor row. Asg your druggist (or a &o-ceot bottle of "California 8run ef Puts." which con (alas dlrwtloaa for babies. I'htWnsu of all agoa and for grown ups 4alnl on the bottle. Uewar t counierfclts sold here, (let the gen uine made l. Cuiiforuia Kig Srap I'unii'anv ' Adv. NOME TAXATION By OILSON'0AII-SF.ir. WjfMlllN'OTON. Jnn, 2.V i:.srhl MneH eorjwrntiotis wh totnl of ten ; million dcn-elopei horsep-iwer wnter and teni or (10 per cent of the to- IhI developed horoHjwer in the Unit ed states today. Eighteen eorarations control moro thnn one-half of the total wnterpflwer used in public service operations In the L'nitcd Sthtes, while six corpora tion!) control more than one-fourth. There is a further relationship through interlockin gxliroetorntoH of power comittinios, to the extent that sixteen groups of companies, made up of ISO separate companion, control 'J,22!,000 water horsepower and in ...t.iiii.in .i tennnii ..!.... ... ...,.,.,. tllllltllUII -IftUHtVUU miillll III'. -IVJ.Vf 1 Vl-v makiiifr n total of ! per cent of nln the public scrnce power in the United KtntcH. ThoHO nro a fcrw of the outstnndiny fnatK contained in n special report just submitted to tho senate by tho forest service; the results of moutliR of painstaking investigation into the power situation. The fact is demon strated in the report that concentra tion of owiivrKhij monopolization of power development is proceeding at a rapid rate; that the future develop ment of industrial life in. America is now practically in the hmids of n small frroup of men wliorjiy intcijyck in? directorate, common stock own ersbip or dual office jiolditif,', hind to Rether the prent "power Imst" which dominntes the situation in the United State today. The extent of concentration of con trol is grcntofct) in the western slntes, having incrensed lai-gelv between 11)012 nnd IIH'J, and still more rapidly in the Inst three yonP.. The only hox for precuting complete inouopolixntion of wnler ower liea in the power sites In national forests oud on public lauds over which the go eminent still has control. Should the federal pov eminent relinquish title to these site the industrial fuluro of America would practically pus, iuln the hands of n few wnterpower barons, who the report shows nro intimately inter locked with the Kient.bnnkin'housM of New York nnd lloston. A IC25.006 beet sugar factory to be built in or noar Ornnts Pass. Is AX OLD 1'IlOVUIlll It mud to jo proverbial that every man (and It is certainly rto less truo U)f woman) Is either n fool or a phy sician at forty, 'this moans that ov. ery IntolilRcuO porsom mnst learn so much about coring for his oh'ii health that by the time he forty years ofngi be ran almost be reck oned as a physician. Why, thun, Is there to much talk by doctors against "Klf.modlcntloV,' A woman can recognize all ordinary ailments without calling on .9 doc tor. If I hey are nllmuuoi distinctive to hor sox she genernlb knows enough to M'o that greatest to all remodloMfor tuck ailments, Lydla X. Plnkham's Vegetable Comoound, and likewise she Is1 famlllur with the standard remedies for other diseases, Adv. SEX.INQUENT TAX tlBT, 101 Thf follow iiB hI of rU pnT'Tly sit lulcit In Jurkiwia i n,miy. itri-Riiu. Is hrrhy HilNrrtln.il f,, il.flniiU'iU Xtfim HniH-H.i for iiu- -4i lull Thin ailr tlkMiiwit I uvilhoi i..l i. uli ml cniwU lot In 'httr int 01 Hit- (irn.ral Ijih r Or.wn sm pu.i.l ! th lilll svln Of IH I - K H I ' 1 1 V r HHItrlllbly o The Iuxch un Hi f..lluwliiK ihrrthil Iml of itiil ro-rt In . ttllnU-nt S t. hiImt I. Ji, unl nit- HubVrt tu u i iiH of 10 it (in ami iiiirrvNl t ihc iaii i.f is rwr pfiit pr Hiinum unlll ll IU1I.I Uk.K Hlllill lA.' ImHH )Wl.l Null. in lii r. by git.-n lhnl six mnnths if i. r lh- Uki-n rlmrs.t aaln( Hi fol uiiik real mUi Uwmiii ilvllitunt ( It Kritrifr. us rvqulrvd b Ihu. will, uhh dniuiritl ln.i) C4riiriruiFH of lllniuWey iiKnluxl lh.- aalil pruM-riy for Jdlnnu.nl lhA.H Tli iwlil rrrlirial at .Ulln. ijurnry hid Mr IMvTrnil p Ihr ruw of iWi Hi.' -filf- i p.r rrni pr unnuin u HJIK St trSwrnril Aii) llm sfirr lh- rxnlrnllon f ihr. )- fra Ui flrsi Uti of thi l-lln. quinry Wny las InrludMt In a i.rtlfl-cat.- .if aVIru)uiiry ih IioMvi nt Mijrh eertlflcatii may rau, summon to ht -rt un th own. r of tht proin-riy -rrlttril n Ihr rriiri.ti, mlifina ih ewnr thai h will umly t lh olrouU conn of th- t'Aunly In Mhrh lha prop, wriy la altualol fur a Mot forccloslnc ll.li agnoiat lh.- prp'rl)' hkhIImih1 In sueli rwil'lrelr G Th MUnsinif la hat of raal prop I'.?n hjch no part .if ta- for jar ot tll Had Wm pal.t prlnr t April 1st. ll j. and wlileli Iwcuni' Ullii)uwil Km. Ivmtwr 1, 1JJ. 2'? "A'.' r' l,refy oo which the which In atieuml iiair tu i-- .1.x- In. uu iViob-r 1. IU. will W aJt.r !if.w Lfbruri' '-l-K acr.lan with Chaptrr .!. Orncrul ,aw. of Ore- AfchUnJ lee Sioraa c. it .! 10-US, tr.n ta rvai uf Taut s " S1 - ..-1 IIS INib-ihnri of Vet 11 01 Kmtn, V w .V ., VIA . V K. Kl - . B. I. is h. nu or lou ii andts irnham C K H of kind Ore. .T. ; fi. bin. il 5? Kernham m' Krc-jSMB. aJra. K. O -offjSTm & 4l?j;i H'r,",, "'rllleM. Pnham. Mrs. Tu.iie-l'ui j. .ahlaa4 Mlaaral Mprircs igniter-IUBS--IM.I8 J and I h ft. of , 4. Wk. It .... , u-. lt ITTI- IS-M TJI laplva, K T i' it u, lei i. h4kl IVnnlslon. R and l -ti pert lotn S and . Mid .'S; &- W, tConilnud on r-Ko Eovon) - Mil rarr " n ii joy on How a pipe of "Tux" does bubble over with good cheer and sunny comfort 1 There's something about the mellow taste of "Tux" that stirs a smoker's soul. It gets into his inside works, sweetens his disposition, and gives him that perky, chesty feeling, like a high stepper trotting down the avenue. Men who never they have found that JUDOE DANIKL, C DEASY Supreme llench, Sn Pr.ndu-o, Cat. ' ftl a hrap of pltatutc out ef 7iui, the ttcettnt, roclal, moil Jtllthtful pipe tobacco I've tmr imolctJ, " l ViM, BllT USED CARS 0 o o at Bargain Prices We need our garage room for new will sacrifice our used cars for v 1 Studebaker Touring 1 Studebaker Touring5 . 1 Buick Truck . . . 1 Howard Touring . 1 Studebaker aEcsr8hts 1 Chalmers .... 1 Ovedaed Touring . 1 Ford Touring . . . 1 Ford Touring . . h Ford Touring . . 1 Ford Taxicab Town Car o O C. E. GATES just hangs evei'V tu The Perfect Tobacco for Pipe and smoked a pipe before are now 1 uxedo ft the mildest tobacco made, and that it is tiie one tobacco that never irritates mouth, throat or nerves. You simply cannot get another tobacco made by the "Tuxedo Ffrccss" and that's the original of all proc esses for removing every trace of , knr.nnN.0 nnH l.-. 4arr tKa tr 11U1 311111.93 UIIU UII& 11U1U lilt. IU" bacco. It has been widely imita ted; but never duplicated. Try Tuxcdoofor a week, and you'll got acquainted With the sweetest, mildest, mellowest smoke in the world. YOU CAN flUY TUXBBO BCVCRYWU-HB Comcnlrnt, gla-!ne wrapped, C -, moiitute-proof pouch . . . DC 0 Famoui green 3i with gold irL, Qetterini, curved to fit pixket JbVJC In Tin HumiJtrs, 10e an J SOe In Chit UumUtri, SOe an J 90c THE AMERICAN TOIIAOCO COMPANY - IT & w Cigarette smoking Tuxedo, because ars arriving 'and e quick sale $150 250 100 100 0 500 350 300 200 250,. 315 350 see e9 6 . ii'yyjassl 1 VHBV--3B'IbbIIhwHEbhbbW I IrT' lilflBv f!f MBflBr '- M- LIw I'M K!Sr'v'?SiH9k ;I, sm oj J 0 . 4 o o S f fc