MflDFOTU) MATf, TRTBrNR, MtfOFOTU), OiTOiOX. MONDAY. .TANTAUY 21. 1flfl P'AYITJ TTVT, LV i Mrs. Shi ah J. Hnrfccr died in tbU city lat Friday it the hum of her eon, W. M. Barber, rf the Record office, aged nearly 85 years. Shi) ww k native of Cheater county, Pennsylvania., Utough wont of her Ilfu had been yummi in Ohio. I lor hfte band died nearly twenty ywa ago. 8ne wu the Mother of three dsiWWfl, the only survivor being the ton J SHtng hem. Over a year nfa aft cmao to Ashland to pass her deflfit ins; days with her son' family. She was a woman of rare virtues, anil al though afflicted with many of tho in finnitkw of ago, possessed a bright and cheerful disposition in the face of shadow an well an sunnhuto. Pw nuvnl sorviom wore hold nt thti family residence, 1511 Granite streot, Satur day afternoon, oonditeted by Hov. W. I. Douglass of tho Methodist church, of which t'otninunion alio hnd bean an efficient mill exemplary member since lior girlhood day. I for remains were taken to tho old family homo nt Cam bridge, 0., for interment, lonving Sat urday evening, accompanied by Mr. Douglass, who linn boon called oust to visit his aged mother living; in De troit, Mich. Tho Wednesday Afternoon club will hold n cafeteria supper in tho Grand Army building on Cliittitnuqtm gt omuls, ThurncTny, .lununry '27, from o p. in. until all have been waited upon. The picturesque mountain section of the Pacific highway south of Ash land is to receive eastern publicity through tho forwarding- by tho Ore gon highway department of elaborate sconio views to Andrew Vogt, a mom bor of thu New York stock exchange, who toured this locality lust summer and who has given nnMirnncoH that easterners through the medium of thoHo pictures shall bo mndo ac epminted with the scenic beauties of southorn Oregon in particular. The Culifornin-Oregon Power Co. has elected. Jos. D. Grant, president, and Jesse Churchill and Alex. Kos borough, vice-presidcntH, who arc also members of the directorate. The corporation now furnishes twenty four communities in southern Oregon and northern California with light and power. An alarm of fire was turned in during Saturday night's gale from the lloskin residence on Granite street. The house was a shuck moved to its new location from lots purchased in order to enlarge tho park area. Tho loss wa wol) nigh total, the fire de partment savin only the frame, a mere aholl. Saturday scorns to bo fraught with poril on the Pacific! highway, especi ally that portion of the Kind in the vicinity of the HillingK-Farnham-.Taokson-Eaglo Mill hill. I.ast Satur day night Kale Shopherd enme to grief near the bridge over tho creek on western city limits. His Chalmers ear wan badly wrecked, necessitating it being brought in on a stretcher, inasmuch as it whs minus a low wheels and sustained the cHmiMnnl fracture of an axle. A couple of women passenger, wero badly shaken up, but nobody was seriously injured. Some day thero will be something do ing on this highway, which is proving to lie a hard roniDto travel for snood- James Leslie Corbet t was found dead lit his residence on Alta avenue, Saturday morning. Ho was a wid ower and lived alone. He win, a na tive of England and had been u resi dent of this vicinity for over twenty years. Ily oceuMition he had beeu a surveyor and mining engineer, having usen employed m this capacity in 21tttana and other mining centers be fore coining to southern Oregon. He was iwarfailO years of ago, and was a brother ot Mrs. C. Cuuniugham of this city. Tho deceased was a,,,,, iliar figure here. He was jMieied of a ahd iMwaonality and Svas H man fr mom than ordinary altuin meats along literary and mechanical lines. I lis reuiaius will be sent to his former bona ia Missouri for burial. T!(J Personal LHiorly league, an- HoiiMctiag awful developments follow ig in the.wuko of eu wiforcemQt of i tho Sunday dotting law, hold a meet ing in the Lyric theater on Sunday afternoon, when a buneh of atteud aaU listoned to a protest as voiced t by Ti(J)'or G. Hunch with musical ac- c-omiHuiuuents. , Y. If. Hitchie, traveller taes(ngei 4 SXent of the Northern Pacific, was hii Ashland visitor reeontly, and inoro- imay with Arant Kramer risititf ev. ery ioetion of park territory in ordor to got an idoa of the hcope of the springs development work from start to finish. W. H. Jenkins, R. P, ,8h. uer agent, G)o made the round trii. T. If. Thompson, former mprietfe, ot the Ashland Nursery, mow a ri- ont of .Aluntaguc, wa here lnxt Sat- William Farnum PAGE TODAY Freckles and His -...: -:.: Wr-II', ' ''MU ,4:1' NAU6rfTyQcJy, JUST f M ' i(M ;::..,;., .' - WSgggm f? ' 'S, "' HNK HOW BADLY CP f ' " ' ' ' ' ' - ' ' - - ' I ii i n ii. - il nrday looking tip a bargain in the way of trading acreage in northern California for Ashland town prop erty. Ponding future developments, tho Cnlifomin-Oregon Power Co. will ro- tain its office liere in settling all bus iness matters preliminary to vacat ing tho local field. The city hall is now headquarters for settling all electric light and power rates, either flat or meter. Tho "grievance ciom- mil tec" is also on deck there to pass, upon tho merits of any grouch. Telegrams from Oakland, Cat., on Sunday announce the sudden donth of Mrs. Horace Hndger in thnt city the day previous, when tho family had beeu residing for some time. punt. Mrs. Hndger wna formorly Misa Frances Tavernor, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George Tnvorner, and Hor ace is tho eon of Mr. mid Mrs. 11. E. Hndger, both families residing here. Basketball nt the gyuiu on Satur day night between high school teams resulted in tho defeat of Kugcno by Ashland, tho score being '21 to 18 in favor of homo players. The prelim inary was between Ashland' second team and Phoenix, in which instance "Phoenix rose from its nshos" and put it over the locals by a scoro of 13 to 2. The secretnry of tho Commercial club has moved his office from the publicity deportment headquarters to tho club's reading room, where it was formerly located. The private car "Pacific," ooenpiod by Chief Engineer Hood nud party of S. P. officials, was in this terri tory last weok inspecting roadbed and other features of tho system be tween Portland and San Francisco. Ilov. H. J. Van Fossen, district su perintendent, occupied the pulpit of the Methodist church on Sunday, ow ing to nbHcuco of Pastor Douglass, who will be absent in the east for several weeks. At the Presbyterian church Itev. J. II. Doron preuehed, exchanging pul)its with Pastor Car nahan, who went to Central Point. The next basketball game will be on Thursday, Janimry Ii", at tho anhory between local teams, the oon tetnut being the high auhool and Coast Artillery squads, Frank Lesher was found dead in his cabin near Hilt Inst Thursday, lie was (15 yours old and formerly resid ed in southorn Oregon. A coroner's jury rendered a verdict of death from natural ouuees. Mr. and Mrs. II. G. (Hlmore return ed the last of the week from an ex tended visit with relatives in the vi cinity of Los Angeles, glad to he at home again amid the peaceful and undisticJMd conditions existing here ,as eompared with the period of storm and streas Hrevailing in southern Cal ifornia. Mra. Jane Mefuin, aged 81, died last Friday at the home of her daughtor, Mrs. II. II. Gearb.(&, re siding on Walker avenue. Her r mns were taken to the old family homo at Fremont, in central lowu, for interment. Contractor Smith of the mineral springs project, returned to Sau Franouwo last Friday, after a visit insjHttting the successful installation of the physical feature of the big undertaking here. 0. f, Corrignji of Hornbrook, Southorn Pacific roaduia.ter in mountain territory, wok here lust week on olfiuiul burner.. EKSONVILLE m Mr. S. E. Diiruiington -pen' Thurs day afternoon in Medford. ij. H. Heekmun is in Portland at presont on busmen. Mr. and Mm. Oscar Dun ford were POLITICAL ANNOUNCEMENTS WSTMOT ATTOHXISV 7 heroes aunounre that t have .filed my declaration of Intention to become a candidate for the repub lican nomination for the office ot District Attorns? for Jackson eounty, Orogon, subject to the decision of tfce republican partr. at the arlmsry ele tton to be Aid JUv 19, Jl , T. M. RttitKrrliJ. Friends called to Ashland this week by tho death of Mrs. Sanderson. Mrs. Prod Kick has roturnod from n week's visit with rolutivos living in Grunta Pass. Tho frionda of Miss Mary Hngshnw gave hoc n plonannl suriirimo Inst Sat urday evening, the ooentdon being lior birthday. Miss Hornicc Kctor, who hnd the misfortune to break bur leg while coasting lnht week, is recovering rnp- idly. V. II. Johnson, president of the (Hank of Jacksonville, is confined to his room with In grippa. Miss Marion Howen is teaching tho Anderson oreek school, near Tajent. Among the Jacksonville people who attended the "Bird of Paradise" en Wednesday evening were: Dr. and Mrs. Golden, J Irs. C. L. Hanson, Mrs. F. C. Smith, Mrs. Wilson, Mrs. How on, Mary Uagshnw, Alice Hoof, Miss Hurst, Miss Jono, Louise Knscle, Flora Thompson, Minnie Talloy, Mrs. A. L. Gall, Cliff Dtinningtoii, Curloy Wilson, Alfred Norris and Julian Ab bott. Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Gall visited relatives at Ashland this week. The Fortnightly club enjoyed n dancing party at the home of Dr. and Mrs. II. E. Golden Friday night, followed by a turkey supjor. The members present were: Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Xunnn, Mr. nud Mrs. F. J. Fisk, Mr. nnd Mr. Hlainu Klum, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Lay, Mr. and Mrs.H. M. Collins, Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Ulrioh and Dr. and Mrs. It. E. Golden. Mr. and Mrs, Blaine Klum and Miss Lao! Klum. of. Mcdford spent Sunday nt tho homo of Mrn. Harry Luy. W. II, Hoslwick of Ashlnnd tarried I in town a few hours Thursday. Erie Anderson was down from tho Blue Ledge country thia week and re IHiits a heavy snow fall in thut sec tion. Jacksonville was well lvtiraseated at the "studio tea" held at the Hotel Holland Friday, when the paintings oi jiiss uoriaiHi kchiihsoii were ex hibited. Mrs. G. A. Gardner caitertained it few ladies at her homu Wednesday afternoon. ALONG ROGUE RIVER Mrs. Jusucr Hannah was shopping In Central Point Thursday. Bird Johnston Is suffering from a relapse of the grippe. Dr. Holt it at tending him. Perry Foster waatha guest of Peter Beta Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Miller of Con tra I ;lolnt were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. T. Italnter a few days. .Mra. Mao Daw went to 'Medford Thursday to vlatt her mot iter, who baa received Internal injuries from a fall, (leorge Fr wss In Ragle Point Fri day. nay Whitley w.s called to Persist by trio illness of his father. NEW TODAY line new bungalow, very sightD In Capital Hill, an sera of good ground, water piped all orer It, and to house, which la new and not quite finished. To make a quick turn the owner will II for I1I&0.08. IIrvq a fine irrigated Idaho ranch ot rich soil, large house, and all farming features attractive. 310 aeroa fj f 11,000. Will take a S5Q00 house tiers In the deal, balance easy toams. C. D. HOON Boom 10. Jackson County flank llldg LOANS RENTALS INSURANCE ( :;SEEUS Bennett Investment Co, Peter Zetz had tha mlffortuno to loeo hia smoke-house and wlntor'a meat by tiro Thursday. Dr. Klrohgcfwner was called to at tond Mr. Fisher Friday. Mr. I'lihor Is qulto ill with pneumonia and In past SO years of age. Those, who wero elok with tho grippe, aro either well or on tholr road to rocovory. Mr. and Mra. One Hollows woro tho guests of tho Wilfred and the Wil bur Jack families tho last ot tho week. John Foster spent several days at his father's, Perry Foster. COURT HOUSE MEWS Reportod by Jackiou County At trsct Co . Blxth snd Fir St Circuit Charles A. Crlpps vs. Jennetto Crlpnn, affidavit of sorvlco of .sum mons and complaint by mall. N. N". Davis vs. John II. CJrovos. et nl, action for money. Molllo T. Black vs. Unknown Heirs ot Irvln Smith, deceased, dofnult nnd clocroo. William Ulrioh vs. W. It. Coleman and Mattlo Colomnn, reloaio of Judg ment. Ileal Hstalu Tmnsfcra Cod el I a S. Lawrence to II. D. Manning Power of Att'y. William Iff. Moore to (loo. F. Hall, pt. 38-32-1 IS $1000.00 Charley S. Jobpson to .losetih II. Wuro, lot 6 Matthows add. Ashland 10.00 Mattlo Coloman et vlr to O. C. Stanwood. pt. 10-as-lW 10.00 MARKET REPORT I i.iumioc;. HOGS-Alive, Ji(5)(le. STEERS Alive, hWi' COWS Alive, We. VEAIi Dressed, 8llo. . I.lvo Poultry HENS Light, lie; heavy, 13e; old rcmstora. (Ic; stags, lOe; spring, lile. DUCKS Fat, be. OEISSI'i-I'at, 8e. TUItKEYH 1317o, aeeordlug to quality. BELGIAN HARES, n to (to. Hay nnd Ornln (Buviug Prices.) WHEAT- av bushel. OATS 125 ton. HAY -Alfalfa, $13 ton ft ruin, fi-'l. BARLEY-WaoJe, 26. I'rlrwi I'nia f nnarcrs EGGSSflc. BUTTEK-Dairy, 2 lbs. 'I5e. POTATOES -IVie. OKIONH-P'as lHrfij, . . IIONKY-1'.V iwr lb. CIDER 25c. PORK 8(n BVio. BEEF 96 lie. LARD-lOc. BACON Illume.. WHY I'ltlU'AltlCHVllHS OIK l'OMCV One ye. more experience, wider aeciualntance, Uetter equipment. In creasod working force, more efficient organisation and faith la the Hoguo river valley multiplied finds us pre pared for the tjiutiaeoe of a new yoar, determined to make it the best r3. "So "watchful walt(T)R" -t for us, ever' day for the imst five years has found us on the job aad every month we have added to our (fit of satis fied easterners. This year we are going to try to shew every si ranger that eoates to Medford the Itosjue Hirer Valley eve If we have to exeeed the speed Unit some. We do not latteve sayc(P can take a two hours rid with ua through the Orchard- aad Alfalfa Fields of Jackson county aad ever be really sober again. You ar invited. Ust your property for sale with us. J. C. BARNES t'2 Went Miin St Phone 7' SHOULDERS Ittfcc. HAM 1 Co. BUTTER FAT 31c. lUrrTER Wholesale, nOe. FOB itKNTnousica FO It "infiNT Cltoap, n Tcoly "f u "riiisjli od 3-roomod bungalow, with bath and sleeping porch. Knqulro 117 Jay St., opposite Oakdale Urocory. 2('.S FOB HUNT R-room modern house, 1 M nores bottom land, good chick on and garden proposition. 111.60 a month. Bennett Invest. Co. FOR HUNT Colonel Sargont'a ri ldonco on Oakdale ave., tolophone owner at Jacksonville, or Inquire of 11. n. Nye or Hoy II. Pcoblos nt Medford. S79 FOB H1CNT First class C-room mod orn bungalow; range eonncoted; garage Tol. 8SX. " ' '' Jt)lt HAMV-IrtVTtmOOK FOB SALE Three good cows, 1 sur rey, 1 heifer 0-iuonths old. Mrs. D. M. McNassor, Central Point, Oregon, Phone 113x1. SGI FOB SALIC A-l mlleh oow, Jersey and Durham mixed. It. L. March, S miles northeast from Central Point. 260 FOB SAL10 Or trade, reglsterod A. J. O. C. Jerseys, one oow and one bull dropped Fob. O.liUS. John B. Hnlr, Hoguo Hlver, Ore. 271 FOB SALS Toam ot mulos. weight 000 lbs. oaoh, C yonr olds, $S2S, O. O. Hoggs. FOB HALIS- -.-M)aUKljJi..MiOUH FOB SALE Furniture for & room cottage. 120 S. Uurel. 21 FOB SALE lCxcoptlonally flue ton od player-piano; small oash pay ment; balance monthly. Owner, Box 101. 263 FOIt SALIC 25 White Leghorn hens. 76c each. Marshall Bros., Ceatral Point Boad. 20 FOB ALR Very cheap, rt-iwsseu-ger touring oar In perfect condi tion; owner leaving state. Bee car at Pacific Highway Oarage. FOIt XALI9 Seed barley, cheap feed; haled barley straw. Call 732-J2. FOR 8ALU A 510-cgg slse Jubilee Incubator In gooc order, 130; one good single harness, J 10; one Fair banks counter scale, $1. It. O. An derson, Oohl Hill, Ore. ' 281 FOB SALE 1811 S-nassenger Ov erland. Model 7T, electrle lights and starter, or will trade for small oar. Cass Trading Station, 114 South Bartlett. 260 FOB SALK Thoroughbred Rhode Island Red corks at KU elty reser voir. Phone 370. W. J. Peterson; ahw eggs for batching. 210 FOR SALE Smudge pots, 8 gallon "Caneos"; about 000. Apply Roy Ashtmle. Ifiaglc Point. t3 TlOlt CAItl) i.wenirmtA.v auto oak co. Iiavo Medford dully oxeept Sun day tor Ashland, Talent and Phoenix at 8 a. m., 11:80 a. nt., 1:15, 2:20, 3:15 ond C: 15 p. in. Also on Sat- urrtBy at 11:16 p. nt. Sundays leaven) at 10 a. in., 1 p. m. and 9:30 p. w. Leave Ashland for Medford J exeopt Suiulsy at 9 a. m., 11:60, 2:30, 3:39, 1:15 and 8:16 p. hi. Sunday leave Ashland at it a. to., 1:00, S:00 sad 10:20 p. in. Q;.ii-.M - :. i"" $25. We will, pay $26.00 cash reward to the party who will furnish na with an antnal buyer tor the folio wQ); 100 acre wood and Umber trust: HI sfs, located j miles south et Oold Htll, InuUd 1H t I Uti feet mv Um'(p and i0 cords hatslwoe4. Prtee fMO.oft. 9km limber matity ytMow nd susar pine.)' Ag w atftstOMtt Mr vot4 proosittog taJs esji't H Iwt. BENNETT INVESTMENT CO. HEAL ESTATE IRAN'S 102 West Main Street FOB HKNT lTdlNIHHUI) APIS. F O 11 inn n"t 3-rooin "furntslicd apartment, 141 8. Control, Phono 170-M. 'J72 WAiNTUt) limumirtWKOnH WANTED Dressmaking nt homo or by day. Ill 8. Control, Phono 179-M. WANTED Knitting mill wants wom en, full time; salary 115 weekly, distributing guaranteed hosiery, or 25 cents an hour spare time; por mnnout work; oxperlonco unnec essary. Address Managor interim, tlonnl AJIHs, Norrlstowu, Pa. WANTED TtTioaso oithor"cultlvatoii or raw land; will oaro for small orchard young trees; give location. AdilroM Box 10, Mall Tribune 201 WANTED Six gentlemen roemors: close In; $1.50 week. 201 North Ivy. 2C1 WANTED 50 goats, part trodo, part cash, nox K, .Mall Tribune. FOB KAUIlANflK TO TRADE 5.'.7 acres In tho fa mous Shields River Valley. Mon tana; an Ideal combination grain and stork ranch; 100 acres now under cultivation, which Is as level as a floor; 100 acres of tho balance can bo cultivated; an A-l water right for Irrigatien: this section has the distinction of having rals od the world's prise wheat; a good ' G-room house with spring house at tached through which flows a con stant stream of spring water: a burn for 12 head of stook, two largo granaries, and other build ings; the land Is all adapted to raising alfalfa; three miles from Clyde Park where them aro good schools and churches; thero Is no finer piece of land nut of doors; price $75 per acre; this is cash price i will take !h trade Medford property or ranch near for cash valuation up to Sxnufl; long easy terms on to lance. Owner, F. W. dates, Livingston, Montana. 288 FOR 18XCIIANOIS Clear income property for equities or property wi'o redemption right; acreage preferred: any amount. Box C L, Mall Tribune. 200 MONEY TO LOAN TO LOAN J1000 on licyroveuTranoli Holmes the lusuranoe Man.' hotn IOST Strayed or stolen, from Jack son creek range, one black fllley, two years old and one blaek year ling horse colt; both branded I, R. on left shoulder; liberal reward for Information leading to their re covery. Address W. It. Ourrott. Hueh, Oregon. 288 .MISCKLLANKUOH. cffRlsTI ANlTVHiy "r1 F. Dole, and other Unitarian liter ature sent free to Incpilrers. Ad dress Mlsa Haiel Burton. Centtol Point, Oregon, R. F, D. No. 1. 27'c! HPHIMCSS mitooroiiT Sewing Machines SINGER SEWING MACHINE FOR SALE Oil RENT Some used inn ohluea also for sale. Gleaning and repairing. C. A. Chapman, at Med. ford Furniture A Hardware store. HesldeQie 3$5 So. Control. PIiom 390. " Public rftinngro Oer HF(IIKRT J. BWBBIAN Stenogra pher, room 29, Jackson CQuntj Ilank Uldg. Dictation taken any place any time by the u(jy Steuo type operator In 0uthern Oro. Of fice phone 515. Rec. 276-J. -e-o Reward RENTALS INSHHANOll Phone MB By Blosse r T- I'a.'-'.'v.hUfcJHl '' :: :' i.!;i! ' : .if: ill. : A ::.:::.WA!im .N?' 'Tffiv. -m nUHIMCSS D1KECTOHY Auto Btipptlca LAI1EB AUTO SPRING CO. We are operating tho largest, oldest and bott equipped plant In the Pa cific northwest. Uso our springs when othors fall. Sold under guar antee 20 North Fifteenth HL, Portlnnd, Ore. Attorneys GEO. W. CHERRY Attornoy.. and Notary, Room 9, Jackson County Hank Building, ontranco N. Cen tral, Medford, Ore. M PORTER J. NEFF, WM. P. MEALBT AttornoyR-at-Law. Rooms 8 rod 9, Medford National Bank bldg. A. K. REAME8, LAWYER Garnott Coroy bldg. G. M. ROBERTS Lawyor. Medford National Bank nulldlng, Dentists Dr." W. Vl VAN SCOYOO ' DU. C. C. VAN SCOYOO Dentists Gnrnott'Coroy Bid p., utto 310 Medford, Oro. Phono 850. Collections nnd Reports COLLECTIONS AND RHPORT8 We collooted somo accounts 14 years old. Wo know how to got the money. Tho Buttock Morcantlle Agency, Inc.. Booms 1, 2, 3, Has kins' Bldg., 21G E. Main st. Engineer and Contractor FRED NCUMMiNds-Snglncor nnd contractor, 404 M. F. St H. Bldg, Surveys,, estimates, Irrigation drnlnago, orchard and land im provement. IiiNiirnncc. EARL S. TUMY General Insurance office, Flro, Automobllo, Accident, Liability, Plate Glass, Contract, and Surety Bonds. Excellent com. panles, good local sorvlco. No. 210 Oarnott-Cdroy Bldg. Instruction In Music HAIOHT MUSIC STUDIO Room 401, Gnrnott-Coroy bldg. Fred Al tcoi Halght, piano; Mrs. Florence Hnlllday Halght, voice Phone 72. flnrbago GARBAGE Oct your promlsei cleaned up for tho summer. Call on tho city garbogo wagons tor Kood sorvlco Phone 274-L. F Y. Allon. Physicians and Burgeons DR?" 1? "a?J"cAULO V, DIt.W"EVA MAIN'S CARLOW Osteopathic phjololans, 41C-417 Garnott-Corey bldg., phono 1030-L. Resldoncs 2C South Laurel st. DR. W. W. HOWARD Osteopathia physician, 303 Garnott-Coroy building. Phono 130. DR. J. J. E.MMBNS Physician and surgeon. 'Practlco limited to eyo, ear, nr0e and throat. Eyes scien tifically tested and glasses sup plied. Oculist and Aurlst tor 8. P R. It. Co. Offices M. F. & H. Co bldg., opposlto P. O. Phono 5G7 DR. R. W. CLANCY POyslclan ant surgeon Phones, offico 36, resi dence 724 -J. Office hours, 10 to Li, i IO D. O D)0 OARTIN ? BARBER Phyat o olnn and surgeon. Offico Palm blocb opposite Nash hotol. Hours 10 to 12. JOto 4. Phono 1W-J. T. O. HEINE. M. D. Eyo, Ear, Nose aud Throi Headaches and nervous conditions rsllovod by properly fitted glasses. Cross oyes, straightened. Office 228 E. Main st., phone 303. Consultation freo. OOtlDON M At ' C RAtfii BnTTl'd" Ilomneoathlc Physician. Surgeon, 228 East Main St., Medford, Oi gon. Oftlee phone 142. rosldonca phone 732-R9. Oftlee hours 1 to 4 p. m. DRTarwTsTPHKNtOiN Physician nnd Optician. Calls unsweied. Eyes tested; Glasses fitted that will correct any detect ot vision; 8 rices reasonable. Phone SG3-X, ffice at residence for tho present, Medford. Oregon, J id S. lIoB ' Pi'Iutem and l'libllsticr; MBOPORP PRINTING CO., haa the best equipped printing offico In southern Orogon; book binding, loose leaf ledgers, billing systems, etc. Portland prlsas, 27 North Flfrst Trnnsfors BADH TRANWbR & STORAGE CO Office 43North Front st. Phons 316. Prices right. 8ervlco guar-autsed. $ v