Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, January 24, 1916, SECOND EDITION, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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l'Wil lot i
rone rrtv-nvfj
OfflS fll Ti
Nfrrle Ff iriTt
t. i.- v ni.ii.iie, IM7-M
lelrpliuii 7t.
The I"M
iirt.'io Tirr'-. rn jweeiora
Stall, Tii WolfnrJ Trliunr, -in gewttt-
fit OrT'iMiii, Tli" Anhlunil Trtiuna.
Una wir. hv real ... ...
On month, by mail . . .
I'M month. dr)lvr4 a
Medford, VI nl
nd Central Point .
BjittirJay null. b mull
5 carrier In
pif rear"
t ID
Sfletal Paper of tlM Cttr Of Meiferd.
Official I per of Jeekson Cewnlr
Krirrwi n cuiil-clu nietter t
Ma-lford. On iron, urelar the act ot Mareh
i. m
Sworn Circulation for tf14. fits.
r-ull Irittwcl wire Aaenetale) Pre dla-
! S 4 'J1
. .(. .
Subscribers lulling to re
celvo papers promptly, phono
Circulation Manager at 250-11
i fe J ejs J
Why iiro sallora UMiinllr had Jork
on' Dccniiio thny rldo on tlio main.
Sir: I ieo an eminent Frandi a,
vnnt n renin AmorlMna of lining the
world's RormaniU. lie says we think
of nothing but food and mtml time.
At any rale I Mn My that we talk In
forms of food. litre's a record of
"rood phrase" usd In our office this
week: "lie knows which aide his
bread Is hutterd on." "Jim Is In tho
soup now I" "Wa'ra paelted In Hit
rura llko sardine. " "He's as cool as
a iiicniiihor. Hie girls are as imich
alike as two peat. 'Til ennk his
goose for him." "This Is a nice ket
tle of flxir ' ' (It's brtnglng horns the
l.acon." II 1.
"Every silver lining tins Its cloud."
growled thp potstinlst.
Try Th It
And loaning over the
hark of his clmlr with his feet ourlod
up nt lb aids Of It the pramler stated
llulgarlii a cast. Arthur Ituhl In Col
llor's Weekly. ((! ought to go In
vnudsrW" )
Today' I lull ringer
"Sinn I rojMtod Haggle," said tho
Moii.l, "Im la nil hrokou up!"
"Well, old girl," consoled the hrii
netia, "in' was cracked already!"
Bay Him Ot 1 1 m Hit Kllm
flomt cars am not only self starters
hut self Hiopprg wall.
In 'llHit Chms W-IiiiI'm tho Idee., Old
' Tiiji?
iKrum tlu llockford, III.. Star.)
NO?io: I will not too responsible
for nny l H. Am not roarrlod.
Hlr: Mot that Mr. Slaughter la a
lnembor of tfco Chlcagtt Ihwrtl of
Trade. Uok out, lamba! Art.
AMatflli llerlluill
Hurl Washburn and Uwma C. INcX
l hooketl up at Koekuek. la., yester
day. Hen, Awakanoti on roost by noise
or prowling ton, pulls string which
(Uncharge jfcotgutt attached to wall
of hennery, klUa fox and abet awak
ens roasior. Whore? "Why. In Xaw
UrttuJu, Coan.
Sir: Bitting la a strange rate last
night, I waited vainly for attention.
I'lnally. spotting waiter across the
r.oni 1 ecrwo' np my nortro and
hiionted, "boy!" "Wo don't serve It,
ii!" bo called iaek. llm.
O lMiU Ouil
Scientist address Master Painters'
A Kor tat Ion In Pittsburg and tolls
thrni, tbat blue causae tho "blues."
tliCD yellO' makes people amiable
una tl red gives 'pep."
Mh)1m tin IUmmhb A inn Pas.
hI.) Thi Parly I la tin lllite
(t) In (DiOulo. N. ..'Newa.)
v NTK'I-Ilght or rd-luttdert
Kill In Hinull aimrtment.
Jt. ConinriM-v to t the r'e of
lr. iNot trado ttrniory umoiig
tliim Ivtf and other Mdiaiui u( the
law , vhnrged :aint mm IVihh
hrwi i v tHuuimniea in a ttule unti
lu.xt iuI that will g to trial lu-iv
lni .
ll.lN II
hat ii
addition to the con-piiix i
, the liiyvcrice antae"iiHl ni j
vohVrkwl astosHUcnU c ihej
A,;.'tKUMK h yonr for llic laM
Kith wtiieh tp promote j
urn li-f'ittJation itiuf ot
he Mtf tuKfSt pf tltoilix
U iufliiMMt (heui to
1 i
4tHT KI)l'OI?l) miIiim.I-4 the Ih-hI ill the Minlc" i a mIikii
lVi. that mnr h ;-npftu Uy ilcdfoi'fl if Wv rr'irmi'k
ihv proprow .l tin ..iit I'Kc innnthi in tiip lofsl pvIhmiI
KVfttciii in irmiiit.iitMil dnihw the Unlaiiro of tho yenr.
'nimiiHh thi- iintiriiiK and nWc pfforts of Superintendent
HilliH tho rvhfKlu have been bitjughl to the forefront in
every department, and the time haa now eome for citizen
lo boost.
The plans for the future
l wirt men Is, tbut an npre'iaWe decrease in the cost of
maintenance-. Bv rediMtrictinir the schools a savinir of six
teachers will Isr accomplished
liijfh school department added.
In the Lincoln school the depleted condition of the third
and fourth tirades make it advisable in the ihlerest of econ-
cmy and efficiency to consolidate these grades with the
Washington and Roosevelt third and i'ourth grades, dis
pensing with the services of a leacher and giving oppor
tunity for the iiiiich-needed ungraded or "opportunity"
While this action lmiy inconvenience n forof the pat
j'ons, it in distinctly for the henefit of the whole system,
and those patrons who have the best interest ol the schools
at heart will find no fault with the change.
Let there be no impediment dictated hv personal or
selfish ends lo the onward
watchword be progress and boost, towards greater effic
iency and economy.
t w 41 r t'A t
Directors nieftlng of tho .Tarkson
County Taxpayers league was called
to order at 2: 15 p. m Saturday. Jan
nary it, mill, at the assembly room
of tbo Mcdrord public library, by
Chairman J. A. WeaterlunU. I 'mm
roll call the following directors re-
nortod present:
U. Noldermeyer, Kd Anderson, W.
J. Ilartsell, llert Anderson, .lames
Owens, J. A. WosterliiHd, M. 31. Wil
son, J. !. Imlth, 1'. V. Medynakl.
John U. Carkln. V. 0. X Smith, lien-
ton llowors, C. It. Lambkin. Geo. !tar-
ran. and Harry n. Mills. Many tax
payers were alao present to lake part
In dlsrusslon and the transaction of
Minute of previous session were
read, approved, and accepted.
Permanent organisation waa made
by the election of the following offi
cers, who are to serve during the cur
rent ear, 1918: President, J. A.
Westerlund; 1st vice-president. Uin-
ti(D Uotter. 2nd vice-president. II. I).
Mlllai :ird vlce-proaldont, J. II. Car
kln: srietar -treasurer, H. M. Wll-
These officers constitute the eser
(Dve committee of the league which
shall discharge such duties and ea-
ecute such functions as may bo dele-
(iigated to it by tho board of directors.
Ulrertor K. K. Hag well f. Koguo
ver, beiUK Qiahle to eerie, the va
cancy U filled by the election of Sam
uel Matbea.
Chairman Hvnton Howers, of tho
mnjclsl budget ronuulttee, reports tho
work of the committee as being
fraught with nood results mid assures
the league that h.earty ro-ouoraliou
will prevail Uetwoou the Uugue and
all count) offlclala.
Count) Aseeaaor W. T. tirleve spoke
on the subject of the county assess
ment for the year lata and asks that
a committee of ropreseptutivo prop
erty owners throughout tho county bo
sppolated for tho purpose of consulta
tion with him, and for the appraise
meat of land values within the coun
ty As auch commit toe there a ap ap
eointed: To roprestMtt ihc ,'iul fitriii
Ina litti'iektH il l Mills. I K'inif
W' "PWg-l I 1 W II .i i
Qaesfi shs4M4es wet YOU mm nttes.
r I MiuMii again clamoring lor an armed iMexiean invas-
ion should consider well what invasion m(ns.
It means a departure from the peaceful ideals of the re
public for the feudal gospel of niiglit.
It means the loss of tens of thousands of American lives
and the expenditure of billions of American money. 'I'he
plain people of the United States will be called upon to
.furnish the blood sacrifice and pay the cost in higher tax
ation, without reaping the benefit's which will be garnered
by predatory plutocracy.
Invnsiouby Americans will end the Mexican revolu
tion by reunion of all contending factions in a common pur
pose to exterminate the hated "gringo," and the horrors
of an endless guerrila warfare will be supplemented hv the.
ravages of typhus and yellow fever in an unhealthv conn
thy. And after the towns had been garrisoned and the rail
roads rebuilt, there would remain the perpetual problem of
policing tin entire nation, whose hate for the conqueror
would grow with the conquest.
not only contemplate new de
and a much-needed junior
march of the schools; let tho
Jiifuo Owsus, Geo. Dunn, Ronton
llowors, II. Poltflii, Krod Hupp, Goo.
iiarron, J. M. Cronomlllor and J. W.
To represent Ashland city Intor
cats: Otto Wlntor, J. W. MoCoy, C. II.
Imbkln, 0. 8. Duller and 0. I'. 1111
IIiirs. To represent Madford olty Inter
ohU: K. M. Wilson, C. A. ICnlght. llert
Anderson, V. W. Ilollls. and V. J.
It was ordered by motion duly car
ried that a committee of rive be ap
pointed to secure InforuuUlon aud
look Into tho advisability or publlah
Ing a monthly bulletin, audi bulletin
to contain detailed Information rela
tive lo county affairs, county court
proceedings, claims allowed, and arti
cles slung county government lines.
,Vnd, If advisable to publish such a
bulletin, to reoommend tho financial
means In carry nut such work. As
such committee the following persons
were appeinted: .1. W. Keens. J. II.
Cat kin. 11. I). Mills, K. V. MAynski,
and K. M. Wllnon.
This rorQiltte Is to report at h
meeting of the league lo be held In
the Medford library building, Satur
day afternoon, February 13th, at 3
Permanent committees of (be
league have been appointed as llows
the first named being chairman:
legislation cemmittee: J. 11. Car
kln. W. 1. Vawter. IS. V. Carter.
Roads'and bridges cemmittee: Ken
ton How era, C. J.mon, Horace Pel
ton. W. K. Thompson. II. II. Sargent.
Will (I. Steele. H. 0. Mills. J. 11. Carl
ton. Oeo. Dunn. J. W. Prrnoll, C. K.
Uatca. W. R. Phlppa, W. J. Ilartsell.
J. A. Westerlund, Win. Von der Hcl
len, Kmmett Ilceson, Col. Washburn,
K. A. Hlldreth.
Iludget cemmittee: Uenton llowcm
James Owens. J. H. Carkln, J It
Ware. J. M. Keege, V. Bjbee. I.. Nil
deimeyer. F. V. Medynskl. H H. Ur
gent. "
MunlclpaUttea conunlti-e: The
mayors of the follow litg cities: Med
ford. Butte Palls, Kagle point, Ah
taad, Taleqt. Central Volnt Jackson
ville. County office cemmittee: E. M.
Wilson. J. II- Carkln. J.MaT. Keeue.
J. W. McCoy. K. V. Medyntkl.
School district cemmittee: A. X.
HUdehrftnd II. D. MIIU, Oeo. W.
IMum, Jam Owena, Praf. V. C.
Prlee list cemmittee: A. C. Hub
bard. K. M. Wilson. A. 11. Miller.
Joshua Patterson. Otto Winter.
Marcus Yellin owed to be a train
oa'ler at the St. l.ouU t'aion utrtitou.
William Faniuni
All III OWf)f nl.M Mis,
WHFflieKF' '"'
(I. W. f'onller of tin- -it hn a cut
of n binlweye view ' Mlford in
IS88. Of the linniii' - hi... k- now m
exiMtencc, tinly the A mil" Opcrn block,
the Flninlm block ami the Metlfonl
mller milM were linn ereeteil. The
"well rewideMe ,ol the city wns the
two-story (IwftlUrtg of W. 11. Itnrr.
The Naeli hnlal W n modeet two-elory
utrnclnrw, Uw Semtliern l'ncifie depot
nhont tho siw of that now nt Tnlo.
I'ist of Hear wreck ore fanna and
orfhnrda. llrnl etrect on the north
a ml Twelfth si reft on tho mmtti, N
Mtret't on tlio Wugt. and ilenr eroek on
the cutt formed the city limits, with
lioiiMca i'mv mill l'nr between.
Mr. Coullor nleo Iihk an ieMtie of tlio
Southern Oregmi TrnnHcript, I lie fiiwt
juiper ))iil)lilii'il in Mctlfonl, dated
March 27, 1S88, Vol. I, Xo. .10. Tho
TmiiHrripl eticcoodcd tho .Monitor,
nflerwnnls hcpoming tlio Southern
Oregon Mnil, then the Medford Mail,
finally tin Mail Tiihuno, under suo-
ccHMivu owners. ('. II. C-nrlislo wnn
Mm editor.
City nnd County Official
Tito officiHl tTlroetory prinU'd whowa
A. ('. Htanloy as wlale setiutor, ). T.
Ilnwilili'll and If. A. Miller rcproeenln
tiveM, K. l)e I'ontl county judge, I).
Ilaininoii.l nnd S. I'arieton commis
sinners; W. II. Parker elerk, It. W.
Dciiii sheriff, N. Fixher IreiiKiirer, .1.
M. 'hililTs nnwssnr, N. A. Jneolm
Miiieriiiteni1eut of kcIhhiU, P. A. Klur
lirtli Miirvryor nnd It. I'ryrc coroner.
j. It. Welieter wnw eircuit juilgii nnd
YV. 5L C'olng, dmnoerut, district t
lorney. K. l Oenry waa innynr of Mi'dford.
C. II. ltarkilull leeonler, t'hnrle
Strntig treasurer, M. S. Dniiion street
commiseioner, .1. S. Miller nmiliul;
A. Chilcfors, I). II. Miller, K. (I. Hurt
ami ('. Skoel ('omprieod the eoiiueil.
W. II. (lore whs principal of schools.
Pioneer Industrie
The enterprieing linns, preserved
liy their ailveitiscmenU, included the
Jackson County Iiunk, the only hank
in the city, occupying tho Mcdyuski
comer at Central nnd Main etreet.
I. S. IligiuliotliHui, now of Pron)Het,
had n wagon wimp. M. Purdin, "as
eiited by 0. P. Merriionn," ran the
inniu hlnckamitlt shop. W. S. llar
ii it mi was proprietor of the Medfoid
PlniiiiiK .Mill. William Angle and P.
P. Plymnle couriuueled th "Pnnners'
Ociici-hI Merchandise Store," and Ad-
kins - Weill) a hardware store. P.
Wortimii ran the livery stulile. Huh.
kins A Ijiiwtou were druggist nnd
Dave Miller nnd Charles Strung hud
u hardware and drug store.
Clnlders & Son were musons and
eoiitruetore thent aa now. Wultera
lind the "New Ihtkery and Conl'iH1
tioncry." John N'olnnd run the "Unil
iiuid Kxehunge SnltMin" nnd t'ox &
Hants were ivnl estate dealers. I(.
T. Luwton A Son were in the real es
tate business. Henry Smith wold
general merchandise, W. 0. Cooier ft
Jmhi hnrnchK, J. C. Uhler irnwerieH.
and 0. Iloltou, tho tailor. Wrislcy ft
.Mtller were realty brokers, and J. O.
MeAllister made brooms. Jfosenthala
announced a i'louriahiug mercantile
liueiuess and Nnac Wolf sold grocer
ies. Old N'ou Items
Among the items of interest, it is
announced thai the count v conven
tion was "pocked as usual," and the
"slate went through" with Ilenj. Ha
muli tenimriirv ehnirmnn uittt Judue
i Peutt secretary. Klippel. Wrisilit,
IVkens, Nickel and Ilowditch were
prominent fiiniro. Delegates were
instructed to ote for t'ohiy; and the
delegation in-hnetttl for I'lcwl.ind.
Ihdegntee eleeierwere I'ciin. h.
dileh, Klipsl. ISckein. Tuiloi. M. -
Duiiough and Crawford "So en.!.. I
the filM chapter of the Khw! I. -son
ill in.pai'.'ii jMililie-."
I he I l.tll-. l.t ns dial tin
H diht. ol.'.i.iMii), iv -In i ii.
Ml!" I-
Ml I
( 1 1 1 I
The Anti-Tuberculosis S Kietv illus
t rates the fnnl"irfl lull it consuuiHi.n
U)' .tinpiishinj u light cut) I luce
minutes, and ."hows that it is the man
or woman, girl or boy, who m-gleti-,
colds, whose blood is impute, who fecK
eeok ami languid, who is the ver
one to contract tuberculosis and
none urc immune.
During changing seasons, or after
sickness, Itloodtpality U most impor
tant, and if you antl your family w ill
take Scott's Kn.uUiai after iihmU it
will charge your wood with health
suataiuinii richiu-. (HiicVcu urcuUtiua,
and iHri-nnthui t'Oth luaics and throat
Scott u hi. froiu alcohol -ea to
take it ran nlh nil t'irtaNlth IohU
8vvtl.liui. HkwDiUklJ N j .i-';j
Iidy ANltnut
Phunes M. 4? and 17-J'J
Atulmtuuco tjcilce Coroner
MOM) ,fM U(V I
f r. . I
,li l(. ill . -title i'l" ,'t'
in i,- ll'On't-." "Apple- . '''(t-
eiich nt PrrrllHRd se) Hsa Fne?ieie
news ." A'tiofi it. n - ..r 1 1 f"
are (he follnwhig-
Anolent. frfs-nl News
"The ehnngee nt the meet market
of Henley A I,ove have modernised
and citified it ttbtil you hardly know
the daee.'' v
"The Hamlin case record ohght lo
defeat the political aspirations of Mr,
Culviir in the coining mttijmign."
"Marrieil At the house of Her. C,
II. Hoxie, March 18, 1886, by the Itev.
('. If. Hoxie, O. F. Dewia and Mies
Xnncy Itigr nil of .Inekeon eonnty,
"If. T. Iiwton repotls the sale of
US acres ndioiniag Phoenix and lie
hinging to Donna Dunlep to Andrew
"New lintidiajp nre going "up on nl
inet every slreet in thm eitj. Lumber
is getting aenree ngnlu."
"Since Inst Pridav iilno families
linve nrriveil ami tnkon up reaidenev
in this city. Properly is chniiging
hands rapidly.
Sttiil r tho Hast Side
"The building or Air. CliildetV res
idence on tlio eiiat aide of Hear creek
lias laid the foundation for Past
Medfoid. Wo are lold ecven oilier
t'oeidenees will be built on tlml aide
of Iho creek during (ho present sen
mod. In another season, Mr. McAit
drewa will he inside the city limits.
"The hiyli iw'hiMd litemrv soeiely is
flourishing It lias a membership of
'JO eeliolnra, Debuting every Pridny
lifter school."
"Mr. I. A. Mcrrimnu is n smilingly
linppy man. A ten-pound stranger nt
his home. Such things should make
uny man happy."
"I'nlesH the cmnMity ask the en
gineer o linnl 'Q I'urH there will not
he any strike on this line of the roml."
"D. .1. I.nmsden nnd fnmilv of Sun
Jose, t'ul., wlin purchased tbo Hnr-
iiiiiii len-ncre tttiet of laud south of
town, came north by the Sunday eve
ning train. Mr. I.nmsden is building
and will remain."
"Mr. Ooorgo W. Howard litis sold
his residence proierty to Mr. Dnvis
of California. Price $."IMI."
"W. Crnwfiitd and .Miss h Knton
were itmrried in this city lust Satur
day evening. They have gone to
housekeeping In the Hamlin block."
riuriiig the mouth of December the
citixeim nnd fanners in the adjacent
country subscribed $2000 to induce
the erection of u flouring mill of ."i0
bnrrels per day enjHieitv.
"Duriiijr the fruit sea-on of last
yenr Medford shipped nearly 1000
tons of fresh it nit as freight and
nliinit 100 tons as express matter."
I low (o ltccoct' StixtiiKtlt
So many Medford people are ask
ing bow to recover their strength
after abdtness that we nre publiehtug
this Information for their benefit.
After grippe, pleurisy, pneumonia
or any lllnesa what you need Is new
strength and richer blood.
The most certain way to get this
Is by tsklng Viuol, our dollelous cod
liver and Iron preparation (without
oil.) It creates strength, Improves
the blood, sharpens the appotlte and
restores the entire system to ahealthy
robust condition.
North Adams, Mass. "After a lona
Illness of pneumonia I was left In a
weakened, delicate condition, and for
a long time had searched for a body
builder and strength creator. I was
attracted by an advertisement or Vi
uol, and tried a bottle, and soon no-
tlcved u vust Improvement. I contin
ued ita me for awhile, and am now as
able bodied and strong as any man In
town." Samuel Wood, Xorth Adams,
Trva lioltle or Vlnol. Your mone
sill he retained If it rtnc. not restore
our it.illt mi (I RtreiU'.th. Medlord
I'll il'll..lC dv
Medford's Leading Theater
Wednesday, Jan. 26
lohn Con iiicscnt:, the litini!uisli
ed uieiicun in tor
Walker Whiteside
.111(1 hl ierOn.llU hfle-led Metlo
loiit:in coinpan in the Sens..tioii.iib
Sm eensl nl i'lu,
The Typhoon
A complete aud iierfeot etnii ino
duetHoa. N'OTKln order that the ma
not miss the novel and beautiful uni
sleal snd llxhtlug effects introduc
tor to this ungual performance,
patrons are urged to he In their aeats
before the rise of the curuia at 8: SO
PltlClfej 0, T6, U) ami l5
companied by check or negotiable
paper wH be. taUPMare ef la order
reeelved. i
satt now mm.
Mahe lln Itewi nVfawdy llonw
Jf everything was sold In as libers I
and fair a manner aa Medford Phnr
riMieV nre selling flftrlffmena' New
Concentrated (Expectorant, absolutolv
rw ennse for complaint or dlaettlsfac
tlon conld possibly artee from any
one. These drngglsts any "Buy a
bottle of this remedy and try It for
brewehltls, wbooprng coagh, severe
eongh, croup or any bronchial affec
tion, and we will retnra your money.
Jest ea we do with Setflffmnnns fa
mous Asthmndor, if it dees not give
satisfaction, or If not fonnd the best
remedy erer need for any of these
complaint." Why not take advantage
of this guarantee and try this medi
cine, and get your money back, rath
Stlmn bnylng another purely on the
aggemtod claims of its manufac
turer or on the strength of testimon
ials from others nnd run the chance
or getting nometlillijr worthless and
also wasting vour moncv
DANIEL FROHMAN Presents the Supreme
Favorite of the Screen
in one of her greatest characterizations
Mary Plckford, the world's foremost motion picture star, ro
peata In "Itngs" the transcendent triumph ulie attained In "Toss of
tiie Storm Country," hitherto conceded to be her greatest portrayal.
Always Inimitable, alwas human, lovable and Impulsive, he makes
the character of "Rags" a living, bQsthing Incarnation of all this la
sweet and tender. The dramatic situations are numerous aud pow
erful and the sacrifices, renunciation, and ultimate triumph of tho
abused and oppressed title character thrilling lu the oxtromo. "Hags"
is n genuine Plckford classic.
The Star Supreme
am'' .WrJjk
IMtll'Krt Matinee T. mid 10 t
Announcinr) Tleir
How to Grow Bigger Crops
of Superb Fruit FREE
70TJ etd this practical, expert information. Whether
you own or intend topi int a Jew tiet or aCDiu u.,nd, it is tutor
nutlua thai iU v , u it nr. i inJ e k'. tK-ill1 Si.uply moU ui your
uauit aad wUrvita oa tlie tuupon-ur oq u tx.-ul. if you preUr.
S e will glaJly mall s u a Irrr cny
I ur KcwCaUlog-n II xh hi L u
thai U Imply puliiM witM i ut . th.ii
willrnbl u iu n urebuivpvr i iop
t( itatt frull and wll Ilium at t"P
intrkri pricc Thti..lo .uW K filll
with lct thai will llrrt mt llrmt
bu tacU about tiuw trulturuvrtr
Stark Bro's Nurseries at Louisiana, M.
asW J.l i i .m3 6 if S MA v
EeB TRADt ff Sffl 8 ' r with ch' inn
jfff fH. MAKM vSraLr- ' ''"" '"' '
rayS?rfpWSa8fti8WagyLajBgPj t i, l aJUtcfc.
Iran Saw3 $dsbrraML?Nait turk nVu'a
nfSrsTW T fVift o
!i , liTiTsXTwai aiii infffigmwiaT T uBBasj Msis..,.'....M..M.M.MMMat4M,MKC4
-IttH 1smewefiil fm' iut
In hmlnt this remedv, beirldes se
curing an staoliite aiisrshtee ef Its
efficiency from these droggtsta, yon
also get about eight times as much
nifclli Ine as von would in bttymg most
any of the oliVfsshlened, ree-dy-msie
kinds, wttrh average from go to 31
teaspoensrut, because r0r worth
makes a whole pint (12m teospoons
full whn mixed at home with simply
one pint of sugar and one-half pint
of water. This remedv positively
does not contain chloroform, opium,
morphine or any other narcotic. It
Is pleasant to take and children are
fond of It. Tou will be the sole
Judge, and nnder this positive guar
antee absolutely ne risk Is run in
buying this remedy. Drngglsts ev
erywhere are authorised to sell It un
der the same guarantee as ftehlff
mann's flQnon Aathmador of "mon
ey, back" if not prfectlv palsfnctory.
It. .1. RcMffmann, "Vroprletor. St.
Paul, Minn.
FOX Presents
A Ploy Superb
Wll. Hilt !.WTN
Motion Picture Theater j
- . Kv,iunP
I n .Hid 1 ". Vi III .
evrr where are
Bulnr prodlrloui
unpr.ifltt lium.r.ip.
rntp, una larvt i ami nronit ft.m. , r.n
of iuttr. thrldy. trt.u.iu Stark lln '
tr c ui'U that unp' j.ije tha tr.itli
of thi amom "Sturk Trc Har Knui
llcutitiliil lite-tKi.iwtuial-culor phul
of U'aiKntf fruit all through Um uoul..
bod for your copy today to
i.nirir. iilda-tba tra devrlnpnitnt
f it rcltln "collar rat " (nt the V-
h i ii auout "Stark 'VMIciou, " btrk
h .riy Kilwrta. and all the lain..
I an, Stark Brr'-rowe. J H IUi
i-,. al.o Liu ola I'car. 8iark
TUtunrBtiv-y Cherry, Mamtnom .i!4
u ....a tu' uw other Iiu . . M-ak.
1 .IruiU.bartaiauaklonuiiuaniMiK.
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A? 'rf "