Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, January 24, 1916, SECOND EDITION, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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    wm-ja rnaup r
iSt a!C i-
f .-- itni !
W. M. MeConnell, ganoral manager
ot tho Western I'nton M'o Insurant
company of Spokane, Wash . an
nounce the appointment or K Von
Shlpnwn of Msrshfield. president
the Cooo Hav iMveiopment company.
m general agtitt for Coos, Cnrry.
lne, Douglas, Jackson anil Joseph
ine oeantles, In Oregon.
Whan batter Insurnnoo II told
Iloln'iot, th Insurnm Man, will tail
Mr SAtunel L. Dennett who baa
hoari HI for aonw lma with blood were enjoyed lo a late hour. All i honiA BD cut 0D9 of her finder
irofcoafna due to infiKtlan of the meneiit voted It the moat fliilnvbl "hlla paring clMae. The cut bled
hand, la reported aa iiihpIi lmprovel.
Tlio public la aordlnlly Invltod to
nttond tlio union praer tervlet1 at
the Chrlltlnn oburch Thuraday im
Iiir nt TiSU o'clock. Thla la n pre
liiirntory meeting to the groat union
ravlvnl maetlug to begin In the city
Kobrunry lltli, Dr. ltolllna will he
tlio londor Thurmlay ovonlug-
MrH, Smu Colllna, of fkme viilley,
who hna heon inrloualy 111 from child
birth Ih roportod by Dr. Scoly to bo
iniioh bettor.
OyHtorn, nny ulylo. Tlio Bhnsto.
J..S. Howard, votornn plnnoor und
"fathor" of .Medford, haa lwon 111 for
n wook, throntenod with pnouinonlu.
Ho lH iniinb Iniproved todny und woll
on liln wny lomirdH rofovery, mid
will noon bo about, ia cheory, vigor
our nml hearty na of yoro.
Wllllani Knrnuiu nt tlio I'nge today.
Walter V. Ilnokun, of I'orPland, the
woll known nnglor nud fly tnuker,
HjiQiit Monday looking after hualnow
Intoroata In tbo vnlloy.
269b off on Kodak! nt WcRton'a
Cnmurn Shop.
MrH. nornldlnn llouin, ot San I' ran.
oliro, nrrlvod Saturday to vlilt bor
jmronta, Mr. nud Mra. Lew Hukea.
Oaton sella Ford car, $200 down
and $26 n month.
Judgo I'". I. Ton Voile la confined
to hla homo nt .lackaouvlllo with mi
nttnok of grippe.
Tnllorlnj;. Havo your tnllorlnR
dono nt tbo Kolstor'a I.ndloe Tnllor
lnR Collogo; piipllR may outer nt nny
time. It. -ISO M. P. & II. bldi?. 263
Clirli. N'ntwh'k, coutrnrtor of tho
Haolflo highway, Npout Monday In
Wllllani Karnum at tho Page today.
Thla la the lltlt day of I.onp Yonr
flhd tit a young women of tho coun
ty annoAr not lo have given I heir op
portunity aarloua conalderntlnu. Only
throe marriage Ilcenaaa have heon
lamed alhee the rirat day of Jan
unry. That br not a very anaplcloua
boglnnlng, mi far aa tho young inon
are conceruwl. Tho young ladle
eljfluld not conclude that thoy are
tiru only onea (KJiicoraed in thla af
fair, lt la a aarloua iHAttor --eapeelal-ly
fur the young men. Naturally
nbaaliad by the fast that the girl
, hold the trump card thla year, lb
boya healtate to rlak tbo flrat ante
Tho young women of .Medrurd, iar
' ttenlnrly, are loyal enough In the mut
ter of woman auffrago. Thoy ahould
he loyal to woman's ilgnta In overy
llua of vital aetlvlty. And I.enp Yoar
ngeti one of them.
Weetoa Camera Shop for flrat eluea
ICadak ftntaklng and Kodak aupplloi.
The official or the llullls electric
Hot to Jackaoavllle are preening
taeatealvea over the fart that they
have been operating Oat electric
highway since the rtrst day of this
year' and have had m accidents or
Nntoward iojldent of any kind alure
they turned on Julee: no eolllalnna,
H deiollnteata. no Qa of schedule
ttwe; and that, uo, In race of the
fact that they hare carried aa many
m II paaaeugera on one through trip.
In addition to many on the same trip
who left the iQr at Intermediate ata
tlena.' ShocIhI prieea on ongravOi carda,
new anil from old plates lor n few
days at tbOMadford l'rlnlln Co.
f. I) Tbompaou. or Hood Ulver.
has leen rhoaeu In the agricultural
college at Cervallla as fumi txitert
for Josephine county. U. K. Illan
raard. aoster nf thsj Jffleidilne coun-
t graugQ a 111 ro-operalo llh the
now county agt. . 1M
Dave Wood ajftut that flro
auranco policy. Office JtCU Tribune
UusHiro4a of letters were sent rrom
this cdV Isjot week by the ..clnQI tu
deots and cltlieu Meuy of ibem
eoata1as the fter stamps Miippiud
y tho Medford limrrial club
School pupil and thetr pureals were
esissclaUy tslorosUd. The effect of
this loitor rltias campaign will no
doubt bo favorably realised iu this
Valley this oar. Maoy of the lotion
sout out, particularly from the high
othool weso vary creditable.
IMo to loan on good farm, ilose
In. II. . State.
Saturday abts high wind did lit
tle daniHgo Is foutborn Oregon, ac
cept hi. tii vim fait hare from
da m m.' iioiMatoks tbo telegraph and
laiUav una, both skorth and south
or ua.
M, l'urdiauwyor, itoom tie M.
V. oi Ii, Uldg.
Tiic I'tmhonUt fgre of ihe Im
proved Order 0f Nod Mob's tmtgo of
thin ntv anjeyotl of tho moot
plessfna and iulierttllv satisfactory
fmiUf t and loDtol ftatherlftgs t lie
Re! . n hall, Mtttrttay evening, they
ever held In Medford. Tho bnnitsjdt
u eerved by the ladles' degree, the
supper comtftltleo being Mlsa Wary
I'hllllps, Mra. Kosmsn Wright and
Mr nnit UA A H Itimmnirf Tti
..'. ..- ... . .i.i. r..n
ot Unf,iK of (ne fM, lh)(l lt WM pr.
Muni ' wni niuui su - a tsa
.d .,, mm,,.,! , (onalabla A II
Hammond-and the ladles present
conceded Mm the cake for that ciaaa
of rookery. Abont twmUy Invited
gntts participated In tlio featlTltlea
or the evoulng. Kscelletit mnslc waa
rendered during lliti unmittet hour,
after which dancing and card game
social evening of tho season.
J. O. narking, te host nil around
photographer In noiithflrn Oregon.
Alwnya rollahle. Xogntlvos inndo an)'
whore, tlmo or plnco. Studio SIR
Main St. Phono SZ0-.T.
Hogs on foot nold In tho Portland
market on Saturday at $7 10, the
hlghost market figure ronchod for
some months.
Turkldh nougat 30c lb. Tho Shas
tn. The Southern Pacific company Is
Horlously conjildorlng, not only tho
propriety, but tho nccoMlty of ollml
nntlng tho sulo of Iliiuor on Its trains
nlong thu ontlro aystom. Thoro la
not n continuous porlod of throe
hours belwoun l,oa Aiignhw and Sout-
tlo during wlilch Ih compnuy'x otn
ployooe mn soil Iliiuor, tho dry dis
tricts nro so numerous and so ox
tuntdve In mtloage.
Piercn tho Florist for flowers.
Phono 374.
No word hns yot boon rccolvod ns
to tho rate of Ilaydou Dean, 00 yoar
old, who startml out on January 7
for tho same destination as that
readied by J. Harry Carlotou of Cen
tral Poluj, about that tlmo, on tho
rnturn from which the Inttor becamo
lost temporarily. When Mr. Carle
ton Ion tho cabin which ho thoiiKht
Mr. Donn would reach thnt day or
tho next, ho locked tho lattur'a dog
In tho shuck. Mr. Demi did not
roach tho cabin, although his pack of
blanket was found n abort dUtniico
of tho hut. Tho soared party organ
ised to find Mr. Donn found tho dog
In tho cabin, having burnt thoro for
ton days without food or wator. It Ih
f on red that Mr. Dunn has porUhod
In tho turrlflc snowstorm that pre
vailed In thnt region, Just booud
Merlin, about tho tlmo he slnitod for
his mining claim.
8nioko n King Spitz cigar, Be.
Thoy aro homo-mndo. tf
Albert Oould, about IS years old,
who lives with his parents on Court
street, while running on a hoard sldo.
walk Sundny, caught tho too of ouo
of his aliooa In a crack In tho walk
and waa thrown with sufficient vio
lence to break one of his arms, just
above the wrist.
Pierce the Florist. Phone 374.
Howard Snell, or lOllenabiirg, a
young man who has had extensive
oxperlouro In apple production In
that region, la looking over Itogue
river valley with a view lo obtaining
employment In one of the big oroh
arda of thla county. He soukH tho
change because of climatic advan
tagea. Pierce tho KIorlBt for flowers.
Phono 371.
11000' Pernell. or Shasta valley,
California, la louring tho Itoguo riv
er valley thla week In iioat of In
formation, lie say that his homo
territory leceived a groat snowfall
a week ago, but that It Is rapidly
Ml. Pitt ojnm, hotter than avor.
A a Tenrpnor, of flranta 4aas. Is
attending to business eriQnde in Med
ford and vicinity today.
Drs. A. It. ami J.ouhw Hedgea, ohl
ropractto phyalolans, Stewart uulld
imm m ICast Main St.
V It McOlll. ,r Vseka. California.
U a bUHiueaa visitor to this city to
day. Good dry mood J 1.60 tier deliv
ered. Call W '.(Jsto, 87o-lt. tf
J. It. tlraii. of Cedar Hapids, la..
ha heeu looking uer the vatle yes-
terdny and tods, slth a view to tolinqulrles are being recoiled by the
becoming interested. His sou desire
a location on the coasted the fathor
Kill BBIllMr Hula r..r him u IL t Ml i.
anfl UI go tw ,,, (vnlna.
ut ho will return to this alley to
complete bU lnaulr. n u much
pleased and manifestly Interested in
the Rogue river rotiutr). not only on
flpount of its unrivalled climate and
magnificent scenery, but l) roaaon
of Its varlefP character of resources.
Kor vulcanising and charging bat
teries Phono 6to. cass' Trading
StatUsa. itg i
J, Wtt). of sm. thla atatoTls
doing bisXlnasa hi Medford and vl)i
lt thla weak.
Why smoko bit cigars when you
can got u Oottdas (fx 10c.
1. Watlln. of Oakland. California.
Is traasactlag buslaaas la Mlrd to-
Try a King Spits elgar andnon
eourago homo ludustry. tf
It. It. Ming, of Portland, la a busi
ness visitor la this ally yesterday and
Multicopy earvoaager. tho best
made at Med ford Printing Co.
n K Havldson, or Hpoksni-, V o h
Ingten, la taking h hinl'M eye lw
of Uta vnllsy ((Nifty.
flfKHrtftr smoke The Mettford .v
J. W. iWnnott, of HcMlttt. wlill. .t
tending i bwlness la Ihla clt lo-i ,
In fthdraf moon intoroat In inror-
Uon ho fa obtaining eoaoerniriK '
outlook for tne llogtte river v.n'i
th) Mr
Firm the Florist
Phone 374
It. C. Brnee, of San ?ranrio
doing bualaeaa In tkla city tod.r
Irtatira yonr auto In the c
agalMal theft, flro. C. V. TengttuM ,
MJaa tJorla Iayne, daughter 01 Mr i
and'Mm. C. J. Ijiyno. 2 v.t t
Twelfth atreet, met with quite an at
cldeni Into Saturday ereniiiK, wlillc
preparing a midnight luncheon at
profusely and It reinlniled the .par-
onta of similar necntanla and how
they bled and. finally, how the In
jured people fainted And got over It
and lived happily over nftor, nnd
so on. Meantime, Miss Doris be
camo much Interested In the blooding
digit and watched It until sho, too,
fnlntod. Sho wns standing noar tho
hontor In tho silting rooln whon sud
donly sho topplod ovor ngninst It. Mr.
and Mrs. I.ayuo ran to tho rescue, but
wlillo extricating tho daughter from
hnr dangoroiiH position on tho top of
n kottlo of boiling water and between
n hot stovo and Iho wall, Mr. Lojne
burned her arm sovoroly. Miss Doris
Mas ifscitPd bofore sho was severely
bnrnod. Mr. I.nymi righted Uie stove,
which, fortunately, did not upset and
sot the house afire. Allsa Layne's
Injnrlos will not IntHrrnpt hor attend,
anco at high school, although ahe Is
siifrerlng from burns received.
Special musloal program by Mr.
Itoot nt Castllltnn Clilll .Sunday is to
2. lionet chicken dinner 3Kc.
Sprague ilolgol of Gold I If 1 1 has re
turned rrom a six woeka trip to the
Hawaiian Islands. Mr. and Mrs. (J.
II. Carpenter, whom ho accompanied,
will remain In the iMtmdlso of the
Pacific another mouth bofore return
Madam Davenport, ronownvd Palm
ist nnd Clairvoyant. Sco this gifted
lady Colonial Apia. 2U1
Isaac Housoholder, proprietor of
thu Kane crook llmo worka, Is mak
ing preparation for a good run or
business thla yonr. Ho furnishes
lime for many points, sometimes as
rar away ns Hood river. The lime
stone of that district Is D9 porcent
Tho horticultural meeting hold at
tho public Ubraiy Saturday afternoon
was well attended by prominent or
clmrdlsts rrom all rU or the val
ley and elicited much Interesting dis
cussion. County Pathologist Cute,
Horticultural Conimissloiinr Allen,
County Kutomologlst Imls (5. (lout
nor, Pror. II. C. Itolinor and otliora
discuseod the problems now or spe
cial Interest to tho orehnrdlsta in
this county. The question of elimi
nating the scab waa uppermost hi the
Intereat or the assembled rrultists.
Apple and pear blight waa given
sclentric attention and the codling
moth was not overlooked. The work
or the meeting was vitally education
al. County Pathologist Cate was en
abled to outline his campaign more
fully by having met so many or the
orchnrdlsts at the meeting and they
nil promlseM subOsHtlal co-operation.
11. S. IIIsmII, a young frultlst or
! Creacenta, In I.os Angeles eounty.
Calirornia. Is In this city today ac
quiring information concerning the
orchards or this district ami the
methods employed to make them
produce so much prise-winning fruits.
He is much Interested In the situa
tion so far as he has beQ able to see
It in this valley and. bofore he lea to
for a brier visit In Hood River. Is be
ing guided Into thu mysteries of local
succoaa In fruit prwIuCbion by How
ard A. 111)1. o hose fund of Informa
tion Is ektenshe and whoso methods
are scientific.
Prof. It. l Itelmvr, of the state ex
porlwent statlott at T$ent, is a bus
luts visitor in Hertford today.
The locatlou of thu poultry show
In this city, opening on 1'ebruary 9.
IU t)seleriKl In a taw days. Many
president and secretary of tho asso
elation and It Is evident that mueh In
terest Is being taken alt over the
Mvrtie W. Ulakely, slsterin-lsw of
and deputy for County Treasurer Col-
vlg. filed Monday for the republican
nomination fo reounty treasurer, by
paying the U0 fee. Chauucey Kloroy.
present m order, filed ' by petition
for re-uominatlon.
0urlng the bis auto flro truck'(.
rou io me uro oOoittS oaat sldo og
Saturday evening til struck an auto
mobile left slandlaf(Wtwoen the o
ravagon on Main strtot for tho elec
tric ftte aad the sldowalfc and some
damage was done. Th mayor has
lasuodorders that vehicles shall not
oo ion sunning along Main street
betwosthe. etiavattou work and the
curoing ot the walks. Ho desires
to hare th public generally to re
spect this notioe. Such thoughtloss
ues. larltos grave daager to ll(o. as
ll M Koporty.
NVaR Hoobe. wife aad daughter of
'Agate woro here tho middle of the
In "Hags", thf faint stor of n
girl's rise from the lowest strati of
tiro to a position or social importance,
'through which she finds it possible
to marry tho man sho lovos, whom be
fore she thought too far above her,
l J -L.
.1. i:. Iloswcll and Walter Painter,
who hae boon prospecting up on Pal
mer creek, have returned here.
Councilman H. !. Peart returned
from Chieo, California, after spend
ing a month with Mrs. Peart and
other rulntlvoa.
Mayor W. A. Cowley and It. ..
Paxson spent Sunday In Medford.
Tho Contrnl Point Athletic Club
played a gnmo of basket hall with the
Ashland C. A. C. club on their floor
here Saturday night. Score 21 to 10
In favor of Contral Point. This was
a very lntorostlng and well played
game, with fow errors. Preliminary
to tho big gauio the high school girls
first team played tho high school
girls second loam. Score 17 to 3 In
favor or rirst team.
Many travollng men or San Fran
cisco and Portland were In our olty
tho past wouk calling on our mere
liaants. Mr. Hondorson and son of Gold
Hill woro visiting 1. D. Lewis and
The ninny friends or K. IS. Scott
will be pleaaod to learn that he la
convalescing rrom a very aerlous at
tack of pneumonia.
Mra. Homier of Med ford waa visit
ing relatives ami friends here Satur
day. Mrs. A. J. Hanby of Medford was
the guest of her sister, Mrs. M. O.
Ilroadbent 1'rlduy.
Ted Hill of Hertford waa a visitor
here Saturday.
Mra. .lames and Mra. Harry Mllla
and little daughter of Kutte Kails
were visiting among friends hero the
past week.
Tlio second volume of "The tjnnr
terly Journal of 1'ublii- SMiikiiig" baa
juet been UmuG), Thin journal, being
tho only one of itx kiud, will fill u
long-felt want umoug leiicherM of
puhlie piikitig. Sueli men an Pro
fessor J. M. O'Ncil, I'mverxity of
WisctHiKiii ; I'rofcMior J. A. Winnus,
CoyHell un40jti-; Wrofeanor Cllcn
'.Merry, I'nivcrslty of Iowa; I'rofosaor
I'. M. Unrig, Iniverwity of Minnesota,
are oo the executive boanl, whichQ
Hiires us of tho host to be hud in the
public sNal.iug world.
Mt. Kd tlore, Mrn. Hoy INcblei,
Mn. OUou, Mra, Wood, Mr. l'oll-
,nita, alr. I.nwronee, Urn Smith,
MUh lanoou, livroo and Dunham,
tcneherh fiom tko grades, are among
tlittse ontcmig tie nonaorvntorx Mine
the bogtnnmu; of the Now Year.
Next Tbni-iUy a p"ybol"g) te-t
will m given tho member of the pub
llie Mnkin'' ilaaa.
Mi llenr ban reeentlv enndliil
Liu u plivjile iiipll iu the deaituuiil
of expivsHii.ii.
llriK-e l'nlnan, ltuth Seaman,
Kulhenue Kdiuoadeo. Uubell Sluait,
little Mi. Maddos, iieDonald, Welch
ami Nye are nctvty onrolled itudeuts
in tho einei atory.
To iieconiiiuidglo nopilw from nut
of torn, the pdjty und IViday
phyoHMl tniininij dWsfK bae ex
changed houi-K.
The Mism rjitdlo)', 1'arlow, Lyon,
cliff Ntm Okarh'v I'lnUmw.L '
i ut i. ni, uMnty, l niRu ok
kimard have reecntU enrolled
in the phi-Meal Draining department-.
Herald Wollus., a member of the
hmblie teakiur eiaaa, lenve.s Monday
ITor lu home fat Now llexico. ifr.
WgJam has i serious, efficient
student nnd vuljio groatly miised'.
MU (ifct ,.f Cenfrul Point is a
new t intent in tsW music department.
Mios Wilev has entered the Thurs
i!ih exiresiii. alas.
Mr. Siiuuiiiinla at ha linl.lio intil-.
Kaag ha hft frt outer uiwn hu
work iu MantoM uniwrHtt
sis'sjssasaaaaaeossasassa. gasjfsjsfsjsjass- se asaaaai
TO TR ADR llavo throe high grade
Kaatman Kodaks, coat t0, 50 and
ISS; want good small bore shot
gun. Address II care Mail Tri
bune, 'I..'
Mf)M)V. JWrUIV Ji.
iu! lJl ' 'or1, fir whom tho story
ttns csj.cciaiu wrlit.u, llnds a ti-
lcnll) cf teethe charac terlzntion such
as In no other play In which sht has
over heeu presented, even Including
her last screen triumphs, ' The Dawn
ot a Tomorrow,'' and "Utile Pal."
NKW YUKK, Jan. !. ConqikiinU
thai coucrate emjJacenioiits for siegu
guns liave born erected iu more tbnu
a score of places, threatening the tie
fenso of New York harbor, lonu Isl
and Sound or thu Hudson river, linvo
htfiu ( investigaled b)' govornmeiit
agents within the last six months. In
no instance were the suspicion of the
('OiiilniutH vended.
In one instance the government
agenU were informed thnt outplace-!
inonts were being erected m Stntcti '
Island to Huppoit Runs whie would j
dcmoliHli Forts Hamilton nnd Wads-,
worth nud the lower jmrt of New
York City. Tho investigator wore1
able to discover nt the )ioint indicated j
only a shallow eouerele wurfaec for a
tonnirt court. HuiMrts of emplaec-
menls in aititntiniiK that eoitminnd
Long Ulapd Sound and on the Hud
son river in range of the navy ord
nanoo dejiot at ioiia ilnd vere nlwo
found to he equally ln-cl'..
This Is the first anniversary of
the Golden Rule under its present
ownership, C. W. Whlllock A Son,
and its fifth anniversary In Medford.
It Is ono of the leading establishment
or tho city, carries a big atock of
clothing, shoes and furnishing for
every member of tho family and their
motto Is the lowest possible prices at
all times.
Tho new proprietors like the city
and valley very much and report bus
iness Improving. Tho senior member
of the firm Is In tho east now pur
chasing new spring and summer
goods some of which have already ar
rived and they offer some excellent
"Anulveysay prices" this oek.
3li. Samli A. Clm lip 1 1
Died At her home In Jacksonville,
Mrs. Sarah A. Chappell, age 7K years.
A native of New York and a resident
of Oregon since fyl. coming to
Jacksonville In tsss. Slu leaves one
adopted son. HIrliard C. The funeral
was hdd Sundn. .' :, Uurlal
in Jacksonville nui-tei ..
Exceas of Qytlrochloric ucid tour
ttibe .food and lurm '
Tr gosos.
Undigested food dcUrd in 9 the
stomach decays, or r.ithcr, fcrnuiiu the
same as food Wit iu the open air, say
a noted authority. He ulso trlli ut that
indigestion it caused by HypcrstridHy,
meamnsj. there is sn excess of hydro-
caloric acid in the Rtomach which prevents
comp,c digertjon and ,tarU food fer.
mentatiou. Thu eervthing eaten sours
mentatiou. Thu t crything eaten sours
m toe stomach ntsx-h IsVe garbage soors
in a can, forming acrid Suids and eats
whivh inflate tbo stomach like a toy
balloon. Then w fosl a heavy, lumpy
misery iu the elicit, we brK'h up g4
wc couctotc aour food or hay heart-
aids and instead, get from any pbarmacy
lour ounces oT Jad Salts and take a
tablespoon ful hi a gUa uf water before
breaklast and drink wlrils it is effer
vescing and furthermore, to continue
this ft a week. WbMe relief follows
the first doae. It is important to neutral
ise tho acidity, renioe the gas-making
mass, start th lixer. stiinu'.jte the kid-
n and thus promi'tc u free tiow of
Iurv uigrsuve iucts.
J ad Salt it inexpensive and is made
from the acid of grapes and lemon juice,
combined with h'thia and udim phot
phatr. This parmlcK salts i urd hy
tSonianiK of pepalc fvr i-tom.uU uouUc
vuu v-M-uicm results Ak , t- t
It,. Snonv Hutte roller mill-, !
, d -t Kaigle Point, lormerlv own
. , ..v iloltnc Hro.t but imrvhtntd a
v ago hy tk Hogne Kii
t i. il i-omiNtny, have been aohl bv the
,ti r to R . and (. W. Hmndmi ot
'iiu- mill will he overhauled nnd
1 1 ..rciMnhly moilerniswl in machinerv
il m (hods in time to grind the 101i crop. The Crttiforntn-Orep'n
lower comimny will furnisli the
p-ner to ojierato the mUl part of" the
fca'.on. At tbo elooe or Uib irrigation
period the mill will be run by water
The mill will bo conducted mnlnly
an u fttrmcn"cxcJmngu nnd custom
mill. The firm will also do merchant
For mnny venrs the "Snowy Ilutto
flour" wa on tlio mnrkot in the
Rogue lliver valley and recognised ns
one of the lending brands of flour
made bete. Ilrandoii Hros. linvo for
the pnt season been employed an
millcra and uro well known in Jnek-
eon nnd Klumnth counties.
T. S, Hrniidon wns Formerly pro
prietor of the Wnrdrobe cloUting
hoiiMc in Medford. The new firm
promise to maintain a high standard
for "Snowy Huttc" flour when put on
the market again.
livery merchant who iiosslbly can
should attond tho monthly meeting
and bamiuet at tho Christian church
tonight at G-15. Uuslnoss of Im
portance nnd good banquet.
Not a Bite of
Breakfast Until
You Drink Water
Saya a'fjMss of hot water an'd
phosphate prevents lllneso
nnd keeps us fit.
Just ns whon It burns, leaved
behind a certain umount ot incom
bustible matorlnl In the form of nshoe,
so the food and drink taken day nftor
day leaves in tho alimentary canal a
ccrtabi amount of indigestible ma
terial, which It not completly allmlna
toil from tho system each day, be
comes food for the millions of Iwclerla
which Infest tho bowels. From thla
mass of left-over waste, toxins and
ptomaln-llke poisons are formed nud
micked into tho blood.
Men and women who can't get fool
ing right must begin to take Inside
baths, llcrore oatlng breakfast each
Oornlng drink a glass ot real hot
water with a teaspoonful of lime
stone phosphate In it to wash out of.
the thirty feet of bowel the previous
f day's accumulation of ttolsons and
toxtna nnd to keep tlie ontlre alimen
tary canal clean, pure and fresh.
Those who are subject to sick head
ache, colds, biliousness, constipation,
others who wake up with Iwd taste,
foul breath, backache, rbeumatlo stiff
neas, or have a sour, gassy stomach
after meals, are urged to gel a quarter
pound of limestone phosphate from
the drug store, and begin practicing
Internal sanitation. This will cost
very little, but Is sufficient to make
anyone au enthusiast on the subject.
Ilemettibcr inside lwtulug is more
Important than outside bathing, be
causo the skin r do not absorb
impurities into the blood, causing poor
health, while the liowel port-s do.
Just aa soap and hot water cleanses,
sweetens and freshen tho skin, so
hot water and limestone pliosnhato
act on tbo stomach, liver, klduoys aud
Help the Kidneys
Medford Iteadeif. nit iAvirnlug Tlio
lt .- the little kldne illx
The lam), weak or aching baik
The unnoticed urlnart disorder
That may lead to dropsy and
Hrlgbt'a disease.
When the kidneys are weak.
Help them with Dosa Kidney
A remedy eapoclally for oak kid
neys, Doan's havo boon used in kidney
troubles for 60 years.
indorsed bjr 30,000 people en
dotved by cltlseus of this locality.
Frank Kabafar. bailiff count)
court. Applogtate Itoad, Jackaoavil
Ore, says: "For years 1 worked as
a miner and It caused kidaey and
bladder trouble. The pain first at
tacked me In the small of my back,
especially whoa I got up la the morn,
lag. I also had trouble with the kid
noy secretions. Doaa's Kidney rills
soon removed the complaint."
Price 50c, at all dealers. Don't
simply ask for a kidney rooted) net
Doan's Kidaey Pills the same thai
Mr. Kaashafer had. Koater-Miluuin
Co.. Props.. Buffalo. X. Y Adv.
Willipi Farnum
'Despairing Woman
I Now Happy Mother
Mr'fi. Stephens Did Not Need
j The Surgical Operation.
Tntoka, III. -"I hml been mnrrled
five years nnd my gr atest desire woe
lo oecomc h imiinur.
The doctor said I
never would have a
cilld unless I was
operated on for
f.mnJe troubles ami
I had given up all
hopes whon n friend
told me of Lydia .
Pinkham'a Voge
tnble Compound, i
took it regularly for
sometime, and I am
in bettor health than ever, and have n
' healthy baby girl. I praise your Vego
! tablo Compound for my baby and my
better health. I want nil sunennR
women to know that it is the sure road
tohealthandhappinesg." Mrs.GKonrjB
STRPI1BN8, R. V. D. No. 3, Patoka, III.
Lydia E. 1'lnkham's Vegetable Com
pound is so successful in overcoming,
woman's ilia becnuso it contains tho
tonic, Btrcngthoning properties of good
old fashioned roota nnd herbs, which net
on tho femnlo orgnnism. Womon from
till parts of tho country lire continually
testifying to its strengthening, curative
It hns helped thousands of women
who novo been troubled witli dlsplnce
ments,inflammntlon,ulceration,tumoni, irregularities, periodic pnlns, backache,
thnt bearing down feeling, indigestion,
and nervous prostration,
Or. Jones
204 Main st., Cor. Central Av
Pain nnd nionoy. Consult
Dr. Jones nt once, llavo
those bad leelh restored (o
their normal condition.
Holiday Kates Extended
Ten Days.
Camera Shop
208 East Mam Street,
The Only Exclusive
Commercial Photographers
in boutuern Oregon
Negati Made any time or
place by appointment.
Phone 147-J
We'll do the rest
E. D. WESTON, Prop.
Hffects Insurance
of All Kinds
Telephone 133
Sparta. DIdg.
CtftMlfv Ijwaf iifci. .k.... -j .L
d.,..W. "--. -..-.. cau (aa HPfllf
swnai. lry ma itk uhHc Ixih.
B((tilsiiy ftrsokd
SM Urt stwl i toift Bi.Mtur.
rial to t .
Hill illillllllllllllllllll
Iimi Urry w OtM t4t
Ar 6utv tintt itt mm the Jr.