Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, January 24, 1916, SECOND EDITION, Image 1

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    Medford Mail Tribune
t'n'l llnl, I tn I n or Hum,
Mat. .V.ft, Mln., lr. .10
r,,. f fill Ytnr.
Truth Year
XO. G0
GMef JUstlJc White Renders Opinion
6 Holdlnn That Tax Is Not Unconsti
tutional DccausG' It Was Retroac
tive Govcrnracnt's Potter to Tax
Has Existed From Beolroitog.
n Zi!!5P5 "SiSiW" 1
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( viHiMMbiuHK- ili- t TsSx- j7
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" -
WASHINGTON, Jon. 21. Tlio mil
premo court tifltny uphold the eonsti
tutiunnlity of tRo incomo tax law.
Chief JtiHtico White announced tlio
decision in tlio case of Frank II.
llnisliabcr, Htorkholdcr of tlio Union
I'ncific ltailrond coinanyf which
sought to avoid paying the tux on the
ground that it was unconstitutional.
Most of Justice White's opinion
was diroctod toward overriding the
contention Hint the income tnx
nmondmont provided a hitherto un
known power of tnxnlion. Going far
into tlie history of income tnx legis
lation the ohiof jiiMtice concluded the
argument uOh without morit.
Advancing to other points, the chief
jit-ttee held that tho tax wn not un-eon-titulionnl
because il wan retro
mtive. The arRiimcnt that the lnw was un-cn-titiitioiuil
hooiiuoe labor, agrirul
tur and IfitfticliltTitUotynnixationa
linil such were oxemyfftyie chief jus
tice held, was answered by decision
under tho corporation tax Jhw. He
snul the )oint was only another illus
tration of un erroneous assumption
Hint the tux was imposed under it new
power coTifoired upon the government
In the sixteenth nniendinent, whereas
it was a )owor rcoogniaod to exist
front the beginning of the government
or tint-, decision defining tho taxing
power previously londored were ap
j'lu.ilile to it.
Grouping of other contentions
n,'iiuist tho law, nil baed on tho
clause of tho constitution ruirug
uniformity in taxation, Chief Justice
Y!uf. pronounced them nil lacking in
nicnt, but of previous decisions which
determined that tho clouso exacted
(i '. a gcogrnphieal uniformity.
Bombs Dropped on Station Barraaks
and Docks of Dover Raid Follows
Similar Attack on East Coast of
Kent, In 8hlch One Was Killed and
Six Wounded.
W..UU.,, nun, ,, iimuu
I Hungannn troops hnvo occupied
tho important town of Scutari,
J in northern Albania, according
to a Stofnni News neonov dis- ""
imtcli lrom Athens. $
HKItlltX. Jan. 21 Miv wirelnos (n
Sayville). The Gonnan admiralty if
sued the followinar tedav:
"A Ovrman navnl aeroplane during
the night of January 2,,..3 dropped
bomlm on the station, barracks and
docks of Dover."
A later official Mnteraonl issued by
the Herman admiralty un?:
"Two fii'l-mnn nnvnl nnrniilnnna mi
January 23 dropped bombs on avia-
lion aliens in iiougiiam, to tno west of
Dover. Heavy firca wore eloarly observed."
I'EOIUA, 111. Jan. 21 With the
Illinois rlvor btlll rising realdenU
a'ong tho lowland toda were fleeing
o rafcty. Ilundrods have lieen roa
rucii iQtm tholr liomea by boata. In
i""nv placoa dykes have broken and
luabo farm land is Inundate!.
Hciorts from points up and down the
I '"la ludloato enormous damage to
f.' in oroporty amj, livestock.
Scores of dond oattle and iiorses
r to ho soon floating down stream.
i'tuiilrcili of cabin boat along the
1'vwr rlvg;g have broken from their
oorlngs afld either sunk or floated
I'rom Iwliton and Havana eome
rf I'orta that countryside around these
1 v HR is flooded. The Spoon rlrer at
I wlston Is roportod out of Its bank,
spring noarby roadways and farm
1'ierty to a depth of four or five
f( ' t Tho stage of the watr Is at the
1 -iipt point on rocord.
Tho Spoon river levee feSeh pro
'' thou3--nila of acres of farm
bind below Ittfcna, 25 miles south
01 here, broke today. A score or
1 "re of fuiyjlles fled to higher
s-'-'und. Havana. Lewlston and Du
' ' Mills aro completely Iglated
fi"iii each other.
V VSHIN'GTON. J' " Vtetl
"' rt Wilson remitted today a to
"".ind dqllar fine imposed on J
" Bullock, convicted in a federal
court several years ago of defraud-'"-i
tbe goveruwent in bids for coal
' r 1'orts Darla. St. Michael and Ms
" 't 4A Alaska. Uullock has serv
rl a jd.l sentence which expires io-
Thc official Ilritioh account of tho
Oermnn aeroplane attack as given out
yofdcrdny nid that the euit coawt of
Kent was visited early Sunday morn
ing by a lioMilo aeroplane whiuh drop
ped fliue homliH, killing one person
and injuring ix.
A Second Haiti
The German report doos not men
tion the second raid, i-aid by the Hrit-b-h
war office to havo been made on
Ihe iQst eoast of Kent by two sou
tanes shortly after noon yesterday.
Dover is one of the chief portH of
communication between Knglnnd and
the continent. It has the finest har
bor on the channel ami since the com
pletion of the harbor works In 100(1 it
has been un important naval station.
It has extensive docks and navnl oa
tnblishments and a large garrison.
HKItLIX, Jan. 21. The following
official statement was given out to
du by German army headipinrters:
Mel. IbmilMrdcd
"Western frent: There havo been
lively artillery and noropluno notions.
An enemy squadron bombarded Motr,
where bombs fell on the bishop'
dwelling and Qi a liouso in tho hospi
tal court. Two civilians woro killed
and eight wounded. One aoroplnno
was shot down and its inmntcs mndo
"German aviators havo bombardod
railway and military estnblishmonlH
behind tho onemy's front. In several
air engagements the Germans had tho
upper hand.
"KnMtflw frent: German artillery
shelled nml set on fire a Uuasiau rail
loud tram north of Dvinilt.
"lialknn frent: fta oneoiy air
Mpiudron eoiniDg from Greok soil
bombarded Motmstir. There woro
cenil insualties in killed and
wouialed among the inhabitants."
ik to mum
CLIFToN. An, Jan. l'l. Strik
ing i-oniH-r iiiiiui-. ! the Metcalf dis-
tntt oied lodn to accept the prop
osition of the managyn or the tnree
owrats companies and return to
u-nrk. The miners of thy two other
district. Clinton and Morenei, wore
to meet late today and were expected
ta take similar action. This prac
tically ends the strike of several
thousand miner which began Septem
ber 11, 1!13.
WAhrTINOToN', Jan 21-Senate:
Hr-'udier General. Crothier and
Mui ombe ili.-iued anm reorganua-
in belorc mihtun uttaars commit
H.umed debate on Shackleford
5,tHM),tKH good roads bill.
Militan and naal arTairs romssii
,e coniinu-d heanog ' the na' diUUe.
Gales ncac'ilnn 94 Miles an Hour
Sweep Coast Shlpplnti Crippled
Railroad Transportation Halted
Rescue Work In Arizona Canadian
Pacific Tied Up by Heavy Snows.
I'ncific lllcctrlc tracks and wild go near Mcrton, n autiurh of Juvt
Angeles, Cnl., lOidcr water during nootfci which ttlil n iflllllim tlollnr dam
nco to ni-oiHTty. jii unusual rntlifnll forcctl rivers over Uiclr Iwyilts,
MMiiIIng n wave of water over n lingo nrtvi.
SALT DAKK CITY, Vtah, Jan. 21.
Raymond Dodds, a mulatto, aaid by
the jiolico to havo compelled Mrs.
Viola Hood of San Diego, Cnl., to
clopo with him, surrendered today to
the police. Dodds said ho read in n
newspaper that the police were seek
ing him nnd decided to give himself
up to avoid trouble. The negro says
Mrs. Hood urged him to louvo San
Diego with her nnd that ho did not
use any threats upon her. He snys
they arrived hero from Los Angeles
together last night and remained at a
' Later Jim. Hood surrendered to tho
police. Sho confirms Dodds' stoiy,
so tho polieo said.
Dodds according to tho police, said
Mrs. Hood had urged him nt intorvnla
for a year to clopo with her aniUhai
sho provided tho funds with which
they trnvelod whon they left San Di
ogo lust Friday.
Mm. Hood has consonted In return
to San Diego, if desired, on condition
that Dodds bo allowed to go free, the
police said. In quoting tho womnn tho
polioo said alio hnd asserted that tho
plans of the couple included being
married in Salt Lake under assumed
iininos nnd then going to Chicugo to
mnke their home.
In hor fctory to the police Mrs. Hood
said that whon sho nnd foddo ar
rived hero last night thoy went to n
rooming bouse, Dodds afterward
sending hor to a hotel, remarking thnt
tho rooming house wns "not Q moral
place." Dodds spoilt tho night nt a
rooming houso for colored porsons,
according to n siipidumentury stnto-
pient to tho police after ho surren
o -
LOS AXOKLKS, Cnl., Jan. 21. V.
L. Hood of S.un Diogo, who arrived
hero Saturday to aid the authorities
in sonrohing for his wife and Ray
mond Dodds, a negro chauffeur, as
serted today that ho would louvo im
mediately for Salt, where Dodds
Hood iKifd he did not believe state
ments of tho negro that .Mrs. Hood
uccompnnied him willingly.
"I am going to her aid as soon as
Mssible," Hood added.
Informed of his wife's surrender
to tho polioo of Salt Iko City, Van
Leo Hood today tuado the following
"positively will not condone any
willful, guilty or overt act on the part
of my wife, but I will yet stake my
life on her virtuo, honor and inno.
cenee and I will spend the remain
der of my life and all tho means I
have and that I can obtain in prov
ing her character and honor nnd In
punishing hor assailant."
YUMA, Ariz., Jan. 2 1. Yuma wan
crowded today with rofugooa from tho
low section who had boon driven
from their homos by tho flood of tho
Colorado" rivor. Water in tho Colo
rado dropped fivo feet during tho
night and as n consequence conditions
were much improved.
John Soddon arrived here today
from tho Hard Indian reservation unit
oPlho Yuma project on the California
sido of tho river, bringing first re
pot ta of tho situation in that section.
Seddon said ho took refuse on the
roof of his liouso nnd floated about
in tho flood waters for Hiv hours.
Whilo in this predicament, ho anw a
man, n woman and two children
float by, clinging to a vohiclo of
some kind. lie was powerless to as
sist them nnd suid ho behoved thoy
hnd been drowned. Most of tho
furmura, Seddon said, hud lost nil of
their livestock.
Rolicf parties to aid tli6 sufferers
of the Hard reservation nnd other
flood districts lett Yuma today.
SAN FRANCISCO. Cal., Jan. 21.
.Chinoso revolutionist lenders nt
Shanghai cabled today to Toog King
Chonc, president of tho Chinoso Ito
public association hero, asking him
in nponl io tho people of tho United
States, in tho narao of Hie Chinoso io
public, "not to recognize Yuan Shi
Kai as oinperor, because the United
States was the first of tho Kwcrs to
refogniao the Chine republic, nnd,
as a sister ropublic, the United States
should aid China to maiiituiu tho re
publican form of government."
The cable itipeated previous report
that Yunnan proiuuc wus controlled
completely li? the revolutionists.
Srcchiien prowncc, adjoining Yunnan
on the north, ihe rrvululiouiski baid,
was controlled iilnm-t completely b
their force.
A switch ciiglno (lumped on a Mitall Island made hy fluoil witters In
Arroyo Sec, a lcprwdon within tho city Ihnlt.s of I.os Augclc. Sl
lives wcro lost In the Monti anil flood which hit the hiiilly at tho sumo
KL PASO, Tex., Jan. 2 1 Mexican
arrivals from Madera, Chihunhun,
today reported General I'ranoisoo
Villa was nt Santa Ann 'on the lkib
rieora ranch, the Ilea rat property,
making pro'mrtttious for an oxtensixo
campaign. It was said that ho hnd
gathered 1000 men and hud tnkuu OOO
coltH from tho Unhriuorn raneli for
mounts, and wiih killing '2.10 bond of
cattle daily mid drying the flush for
KL I'ASO, Tex., Jan. 21. -Mexican
officials said today that representa
tions woro about to bo made by Gen
eral Guvim, commandant nt Junroz,
to General I'orshing, commanding
United States troops tit Fort Bliss, re
garding the shooting of a Mexican
soldier by I'rivnte Harrison of the
El I'nso provost guard last week.
Goneml I'crahing refused tn discuss
the waller, but it is understood a
searching investigation in to be nn-li-t
ii ted.
WASHINGTON, Jan. -.--The in
terstate commerce commission has
exclusive power to comiel railways
to equip grain ears with bulkheads or
bin doois, and state courts are with
out )orsr, tk suursiM eourt deeided
today itt the suit of Leslie O. LoomU.
ot Buffalo agaiust the Lehigh Valley
WASHINGTON, J..n. 21. Unoffic
ial dispatches from uhroud indicating
that Turkey might a knowledge that
one of her submarine sank the Brit
ish liuor Persia promi to rovive the
dipbiraatio features f that disaster.
State deiwrtDtent official had no
dispatches on the subjout today from
Ambassador Morgctkag. Neither
had they received any officwl word
irom Ambassador I'eafieJd at Vieoua
transmitting Austria's official dis
avowal of any ooouetifHi with th
disaster, rejorted uufflially last
Until the intimation wm that Tur
key might assume recfwaisibility, it
wavs generally assumsj k effiisi
quarters that tbs cauw of th slak
ing of the liner would remain uu-
BUFFALO. N. Y., Jan. 21. Fif
teen workmen were killed and as
many more probably fatally injured
in an explosion at the plant of tho
Kelkcr Mower company in Harrison
street here this afternoon.
The boiler in the plant exploded
with tcrrifi force. The Ihroe-story
building crumpled and cowplttely
buncd twoscors workmen. I'V es-(ajH-d
uninjured. Firs broke out in
the ruins.
The explofion broke every (tane of
glass in SchtKil i0, across the street
from the wrecked factory, and threw
the several hundred pupUs into a
pa oic. Order was rostored ami the
children marched out without injury.
The blower company is operated
under tk,e Lagtu cotopany, and man
ufactuies glas, and ottery ware.
LONDON, Jan. 25. Reuter cr
respondent in Atheus says that he eau
"taie on gowl authority thot M-ifti,.
tion Ubtuewu liUfctt rtMti tUi eaWat
power for a loan are progressing fa
Viabi uud uiv licurina' U euuelmiou.
WASHINGTON, Jan. 21. - In a de
cision of wide effect to walerpower
development throughout tho United
States, the supreme eourt hold today
that slates possess the power to en
act lawa authorising condemnation of
power sites and water rights by right
of eminent domain.
Tho decision was announced by
Justice Holmes in upholding tho con
stitutionality of the Alabama water
power condemnation statutes in eases
touching tho improvement of Talla
poosa rivor.
"Tho priuciiKil argument," said
Justice Holmes, "is that the purpose
of tho condemnation is not a public
one. In tho organic relations of mod
em society it may sometimes bo bust
to draw the lino that is supposed to
give authority to the legisluturo to
exercise eminent domain.
"Hut to gather the streams fiom
waste ami to draw from thorn energy,
labor without brnins, and so to savo
muiikind from trial, is a supply which
next to intelligence is the very foun
dation of all our achieements. If
thnt purpose i not public we should
In at a In- Io n what if."
SAN FRANCISCO, Cnl., Jan. 21.
Travel by land and Bea nnd commun
ication of all Boris wcro out of joint
today in tho vWstern ono-lhird of tho
continent beonuso of ruin, snow nnd
Onlos reaching 04 miles nn hour
swept the northern Pacific coast, but
imiirnliciision for shinninar was con-
aidornbly rel'iovcd by reports that tho
Admiral SoIUoy, lrom acnttio to ann
KriiuciRcn with nbout 100 souls on
board, vvns aafo and probably would
make port hero Into today. For ninny
hours she vvna not lieanl lrom.
Tlio coastwise sloum schooner Ccn
trnliu, from Grays Harbor to San
Fnincisco, with four pnssongora, lost
her deck load of lumber, but was re
ported to bo beating nlong imdor hor
own steam nfter huvlng boon blown
out of her course.
Tanker l)lnblel
Tho tanker F. II. Uuok of tho As
souiatod Oil company, reported off
Pniva Itnv. OriiL'tin. with disabled
steering genr, was tlio only other boat
known to ho in (rouble.
Whilo truffio ucross Montana wna
reported more or loss obstructed, rail
road transportation genoriilly allowed
more promise than for a week. Six
hundred men wcro at work at Corcn,
WohIi.. elcurincr tho trnok there fol
lowing uu iwuluuoho Saturday which
swept two earn from tho Great North
ern track, killing eight persons. '
ltcHOtiu nurtles nt Yuma. Ariz., be
gan extending relief to ranchers mndo
homeless by floods in tho Colorado
LONDON, Jan. 21.- The standard
Oil tank steamship I'elrolite, from
Philadelphia, January :t, lor Copen
hagen, with a cargo of Ktrocum,
und the Norwegian steamship Mons,
from iiultiuiore, January 1, foi I'bns
tiania, with a cargo of wheat, rye and
barley, have been taken into Kirk
wall. i i i
It wfu announced from Washing
tun, January 17, that state depart
ment offloied wore investigating an
affidavit by Captain Thompson of the
I'strolite that his vessel was fired ou
and stopjwd by an Austriun sahuta-
nue off Alexandria, Kg) pi, Decent
her 5 last, and that supplies were re
moved. The affidavit was said to
declare that fourteen hot were fir
ed at the ship, out' of wlni Ii crashed
into t lie- engine imnii nod injured a
Doltish Mi-aiiiun and t'oit I In- obiiiHr
inc I'liiuiaiidcr touk oiii' ot tlie I 'it
inlili-'j i n w iiboaid the siibmaiiiu'
uud livid Una as a latui: ubdu he
obtaiuel provisions from the tank
Canadian Pacific Itlockcil
VANCOUVKR, IJ. C, Jan. 21.
Snow bus offectuully tiod up truffio
on tlio Canadian Paeifiu railroad and
Canudinii Northoru Pnoifio railroad
through tlio Cusuiidea, and no trans-
(loiitinontal trains huvo onmo into
Vanoouvor over oithor lino since Sat
urday. Yostcrday'a through trains
were cmicullcd by tho Canadian Pa
eifiu railroad nnd tho Canadian
Northern Pacific eastbpund oxpross
was also annulled. Tho Canadian Pa
eifiu railroad Imperial Limited, which
loft Vancouver on Saturday night,
lias bean hold nt Yale ponding n
olunrnnco of tho main lino. Tho Can
adian Pacific railroad is running a
consolidated train out of hero nt 11
o'clock this morning in tho hopo that
tho track will bu clou rod boforo night.
Slides through the Sulkirks, in thq
region of Rogers Pass, hnvo been
coining down during the past thirty
six hours, but tho Canadinn Pacific
operating department huro reports
that the track clearing gangs aro fliiu
eessfiilly coping with them uud no
long delays ure anticipated on that
I'HOVIDKNCK, It. I., Jun. $1.
Almost at the uolut of rostlng its ease,
the prosecution today Introduced as
evidence against Mrs. Bllwiboth Mohr,
Cecil Drown uijd Henry SiolImau,
Jointly on trial fur the murdor of tho
woman's husband. Dr. C. Franklin
Mohr, the dlvoroe petition which was
filed by Mrs. Mohr Ft. 7, 191 1.
The oJise was to havo oomo up for
hoarlng September 1 last, tho day
after Dr. Molir was killed.
The petition as amended July 6,
lull, charged cruelty, referrod to
Dr. Motor's association with other
women and contained tho chargo thut
he had used drugs oxtonslvel.v.
Strutt- maintenance for tlio wife,
Insti'ud or absolute divorce, vvaa nak
ed in tlx aii'uded bill. Tho dq em
inent ni. i.r.HiKlit Into tho records
of tin- .(.. iImoukIi introiUictlon by
Itobert C. Hoot, asslstaut olork of tho