m i V(t SLT 'rvv . n"i. 1 1WI Jl1 - JJ 55WTTT MEDFONJ) M.wr, TmnrN'M GOOD DEMAND IN EASTERN CITIES f FOR LOCAL FRUIT P fMirftlftft tbffl of'(li.tjffp Mmt by a iHrjff lnrfppoiiiloiit alilpiwr wrc no protwrir marked. Orriwlnimtlv hojrr-n murk) Newtown found hi ttnttenhvrpt, unit rifl" vern. w mi-Inked nlwiijrs rmwo trouble, n when n mnn btiyi Spitz ho wont en lie liHy Nowtowim, ffloWBd." 'mull1 '..I'-ill. j'U.'.l om;dON KnrruY, i1 l.fiJkMi,HJjjr JAXUAftY 2J. JH'urj.1, 1010 I PERMIT Artlmr Uenry '' returned Innd from tbmc inunths spen York City it ml write tho fullowin regarding tbo fntore otttlwk fur Ivml fruit In cmtoni market v: "Throughout tho unntcrn cities wherever Itojjilo lliver alley jnmrs and NcntowiiH nrc found, there h n puod word for Medforil nnd southern Oregon nmong tho fruit trade The bulk of the Cornice, De Anjtm uad JJotc )carn cvidontly urc now hhip ped to N'cw York, Chicago, I'hllndi'I uliln nnd Ho.ston. Ikonime of the drouth, many of tho ptmrt worn of sm.ill mm, but ncvcrtlicloHs (hoy nold for Reed priors on tho mictions and woro npprooiatcd by the trndo. , A very hopeful indication for tho .ftituro to this fnct that n few of the largo oititH nrc now able to absoib all of tho fancy winter pours. With biffHcr o.op markets can be develop ed very easily. A little odvertWnfr would double tho demand J or thin claHH of fancy fruit. Kxport Domnnd for Ipnrn Thoro apprarH to bo a lively export demand for Hopio river ncars. Hol land and South America both are firldH that eunily could bo dovolnpad to tako a great ninny more peitrs limn tney ask lor at prosont. Thoro was n slump in tho denmnd for Winter Nollis pears durinjr Iho PHily part of the sermon, but Uioho who held in htorapo nnd t-old nl tho Now Vol It, I'JiilndoIphia or JtoMton nitction Inter received ood price. Thoro should be a profit in Helling Wiutor Nolls penrs at a xrotm price of over .ft! it box, n Winter Xolis tree are such prolific bearers. 1'nvoilte.H on l&ist Sldo The foreigners in tho Knst Siilo of aw Wl; are lurj0 eoiiHiimei-s of tho ra PAY $2,250,000 SSUED BY COUNCIL FOR SUGAR BEETS IPAF1DON 19 GRANTED TO HOTED DIAMOND FIGURE . fiJ8 MOINES, la, Jan 21. James O'Callashan, brother of Itob- ort O'Callnghnn, former owner of tho Lies Molnen Western league, bnnobnll (cam, was today paroled by Governor Clark, Ho ban beon In the ponlton- (tlnrr nlnce 1911 for an attempt to rob , , .. ,,,f the county treasury In March of that "The penult uroiiled the I moll Uil Te.a- ,Ie i. a farmer j-ntltr eollntr LEAL and VOID cumpauy to etobliIi it oil tf",'c .treasurer. The Snlinas, ('nl., Inndex reports that tho Kprcckclti stiRnr mill Iuih completed the longest run ever mndc by any suffsr fnctorv in the world. From UG.OuO acres of beets in tho I'ojnra, Salinas nnd San Joaquin val leys MO.UUO tons of boots woro sliced, an average of MOO Ions every twenty-four hours, Tho fanners re- eeived in round fiRiiuros tfJ.'i.'iO.UUO for thoir beets delivered to the fac tory, tho lnrRcst sum over paid out for beets in any single campaign. Tho unprecedented yield nnd eon- sequent long Micing campaign, has been of vast benefit to the formers, to tho factory and to the hundreds of employes. MEDRRD DEFEATS E8-2 The Kngenc basketball (rum woro diesis of the Htnr theater r'ndnv at lernoon and enjoyed the Thnnhoimer picture, ".Mr. Mcoston's Will," n .Mu tual mnsler)ieci, After the picture eiilortninment they woro taken in ehnrgo bv the Medford hih boys and troated to an automobile trip cover ing the city and n portion of tho al ley nenr the city. After the kiiiiio tonight they will be gnosis of the ulumui at their monthly dance. Hugouo then leaes for Ash'. night Med ford won the gumo Inst night 8-2, but Hiigene promises to eou it up tonight. "FACCEDOUT" WOMEN Itoguo Illvor vnllov Winter XeliH. 'Hio1 .", w,,l,t, ll"'v wl" I''"' Sutuulny pnnni arc nntiuslly small and so can be sold nl two or throo for n niokel, whloh is attractive to tho Italians, Hungarians, Greeks mid other Nouth ern Kuroponns, all of wlmm are great fmit-oateiii. Tho Iloguo Itivcr Valley Hnrtlells present a. prohlom of distribution thnt is moro 'difficult. It is hard to mnko the country and Hmall city districts npprcolato tho valuo of tho fonoy Ibirtltots from tho Iloguo Hivor val ley. Nctvtoini n. filMinger Tho Xontowu is nn npplo of great merit, but has not been introduced into many of tho inurkots of tho unitcu htntos. Consequently tho most of tho portion of tho crop thnt is not sold in New Vork is exported to England. If tho npples in tho United States were sold icgulnrly and nystcmntlcallv through tho mictions Jlko they nrc in England, it would bo possiblo to increase greatly Uio do mond for box apples. Thoro la no reason why the prico should not bo satisfactory us it generally ia for winter ncni-H. Tho Jloffuo IHver vnlloy Spitzon. bcrRs woro not of nt Reed n grndo oh thev generally hh probably becuuso of the drouth. They did not bring ns good prices on Erio Iier, Xew Vork, ns did the 'Spitr' from n couple of tho northwestern districts. The sellers on the dock told me one vanU within tho cltv limits is merely a minute riKht tbst can in no wny af-1 I feet the existence of tho ordinance prohibiting the issuance of such n permit," states City Attorney Me-1 Cnbo. "The ordinsnee nitninst Ihej construction of oil tnnks of that olnhs i within the cilv limits was passed when Judge Crowcll was nmyor of Medford, fiftoon venw ago. "Tho notion taken by tho city coun cil on Julv 21, 1011, i" no way amended, repealed or affected the ex istence of that ordinance nnd tho forco of its provisions. Ileuce, the alleged permit isn't north tho timo it 'took tho city council to issue it." The statement that II. I). Angle, who protested the erection of tho I Union Oil company plant on property adjoining bis lesulence was a hlnnd ird Oil employe was an error. " Mr. Angle states thnt for n few months ho was employed as caretaker for tho American Oil company, now the Kchcll plant, but hns no connection at prohcut with nny of tho oil compan ion. He says: "I nm not and novnr linvo been em ployed by tho Stnndurd Oil company. My action is simply to protect my home. I would bo in constant danger with nn oil tmiH twenty feet from my home. It is against tho itv ordi nances to erect such tnnks in tho city limits, I Imvc imid in tho Inst twenty years over .f.'IOOO taxes and I tun simplv acting, us any citizen would act, in swlf defense. I am not try ing to block investment or enterprise and as I inn relinblv informed, the Union Oil compnnv only paid 'fl7. for the laud, they 'Mould exchange it for land outtodc the limits." T " CLOTH THROUGH HAIR, DOUBLE IIS BEAUTY Try This! Ilnlr Gets Thick, Glosisy Wavy and llcnutlfiil nt Onco WJLI1L 1 liJAl ' ' "' - a& tr JBKi - ISI KittadH JL-Jli" o ' - - lit. Immedlato? Yes! Certain that's tho joy of It. Your hair becomes light, wavy, fluffy, abundant nnd ap pears an soft, lustrous and beautiful as a young1 girl's nftor n Dandcrlno hair cleaiiBo. Just try this mois ten a cloth with a little Dnnderlno and carefully draw It through your hair, taking ono small strand at a time. This will clcanno tho hair of dust, dirt or excessive oil, and In just n few moments you have doubled tho beauty of your hnlr. A delightful HiirprlRO awaits thoso whoso hair has been noglccted or is scraggy, faded, dry, brittle or thin. Ilexldcs bcautl fylnn tho hair. Dnnderlno dissolves overy particle of dandruff; cleanses, purifies and Invigorates the scalp,' forever stopping Itching nnd falling hair, but what will pleaso you most will be after a few week's uso, when you sco now hair flno and downy at first yos but really now hair growing nil over tho scalp. If you care for pretty, soft hair, and lots of It surely get a 2 .Veen t bottle of ICnowlton's Dnndorlno from any drug store or toilet counter and JuhI try Adv, Royal Club Satisfaction Begins With Breakfast and lasts throughout the day. There is no finer Coffee blend than ROYAL CLUB It is a combination of the finett Sumatra nnd Central American Coffees cnrcfullv blended In the irreen nnd "neutralized." To properly "ncutrnllr.e" a blend It is necessary to mix the different green coffees nnd let them "ngc" for a year or more. Tho small roaster ennnot afford to "tic up" his money In this way ho must mix his blend and roast it immediately. The green coffees for ROYAL CLUB are bought a year in advance blended by experts and ' aged" into a perfect, smooth, satisfying nnd distinctive flavor. This and tho high qualities we use accounts for ROYAL CLUB superiority and popularity. As ono man expressed it, "you haven't tasted real coffee until you've tried ROYAL CLUB." Ask Any Grocer 1-lb. Tin 3-lb. Tin Slb. Tin 40c $1.10 $1.75 LANG & CO. The "Royal Club" House Portland, Or. niwbniul: "This is certain ly some dandy piece of meat. Where did you get it?" Wile: "uiy. dear, niv but clier's meats are of the VERY BEST QUALITY. Innd, best of all, his PRICES AKE TUB LOWEST. It's 'a pleasure to deal with him I his service is excellent. 1 LOOK AT THIS: i Pork Shoulder, lb 10c Despite the hLdier prico of hots. Remember o ir Pure Pork Sail age. Warner-portman 6c (Sojfe PJIOJE 70t Special Orange Week BEGINNING JANUARY 21 WIPE, JUICY Kltt'IT AT I'OIM'LAU PRICES Uon't Fail to Call on WARNER, WORTMAN & GORE FOUTS GROCERY CO. C. A. DE VOE JONES' CASH GROCERY ASKFOR None Beter Roman MealSre&d Invented by a hy!clnu Improves dlgciou Prevents conflation And promotcaettor health PULLMA! BAKERY At Ycr Grocer a a. . a A. ! o : ;! ; ' vv f f ! Will l-'liid a Helpful NiiruvniIuii hi 'JliN Letter. Overworked, run down "faKgod out" women who feol an though they could hardly drag about. Hhottld pro fit by Mrs. Carter's oxporleneo. She BayH: "I am the. mother of nix chil dren nnd I got ho wonlc and run-down that I couldn't eat nn thing and It aeomed almost Impowilble for mo to get around and do my work. I tried different doctorn' remedied without benefit. I saw Vlnol advertised and derided to try It, and received no much bonoflt from the firm bottlo that 1 continued to take It, and It ban built up my Htrength and mndo in. strong and well. I consider Vlnol X the best medicine I have ever taken, ' and advlMo all weak, run-down worn- V en to try It." .Mr. IIcmIii Carter. I O State ltoad, X. C. If nil the tlrod, overworked, run fUWS TkeWoman's Store Y ? X down women In MNUord could onlv roaliZO bow llllr llnllolnnu rml llvor I Z .. . ...... .... .... .." ".. , iinu iron ionic, vinoi, Nuppilec tli vital elemeniN nereditary to build up blood and Htrength, wo wouMn't bo able to miI the demand. Mmirord l'harinar Adv January Specials $1.75 Penis' Kid (JJuves now $1-18 $2.80 La GrocqitP CorseU now $1.-19 $5.00 and $0:00 VtUco l'ont Uce Coiwts.... SU.DS 'Vic Lit dies '-Wool Huso now 19 75e Ladies' Cashmere Hojie now 18 Sweaters, values to $0.00, nojv v$l.J)S SweatertJ, values to $5.7., now $:L19 Velvet Shapes, values to $.'1.50, now. 9S Velvet Shapps, values to $(5.50, now $1.98 Trimmed Hats now $1.98, $2,9S, SJJ.9S. $1.9S real values $15,50 to $17.50, AHREN'S 1 "Money MoKos'tho Moro Go" It also inuk i I ne b1"" .o an,! tl- vo.ld K MU want to "keoi u with the proioon ou nuitt luio mono You ra buo iiioue if oull opin a muiikh account here whlh ou nm do with 1 1 and nut into It what xou'vo b n wa.tng Compound lutent on u'l you get In OVER C2Vk!AnSUNOERONe MANAGEMENT a X V Y y t r v V !? !Y Y iY Y Y Y ' Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y :xx MAIL OEDERS PEOMPTLY PILLED EXPRESS PREPAID 71 AT SATURDAY BARGAINS JmUlS ceni'ral avb., XKAit postootte HieWoma's Store THE NEW GOODS AREIERE Now is the time to Make Thai up ? Last Call on WINTER SUITS and COATS Every New Suit One-Half Price $20.00 Winter Suits now $10.GO $30.00 "Vintcr0Snitfiow $15.00 $40.00 Wifttor Suits now. $D.OO Every New Gpat One-Half Price $10.00 Winter Coats now $5.00 $15.00 Wiujer fonts now 7.50 $20.00 Winter Coats now $10.00 20 Inst season's Suits and Coats, up flj A, AO to $30.00 values, now.Cfcneh Eft,wO New Fancy Cheeks, the latest styles for spring wear, up to 75c values, on sale Saturday, PQ I yard D y L Black Taffeta Silks are very scavee. We are placing on sale Sjiturday a very lino soft finish ;K)-ineh All Silk Taffeta, worth $1.50,for, per yard $1.00 10 All Wool f Skirts, last season's Kjyles, uj) to $10.00 values, Saturday, (Qo each vOt ifi'All Wool Dresses, last season's styles, fiood coloi-s, up to $12 Jra.'Sa,::il.98' 50 Ifouso Dresses, all sizes nijd colors, val ues up to $1.50, go on stile Satur- QO day, each 0 SATURDAY IS CORSET AY 100 pail's New lodel Corsets, all sizes, made of heavy coutil, worth 85c, on C(a sale Sat., pr Mb 100 pairs Women 'a Coutil Corsets, new model, good as any $1 grade, on PA sale Sat., pair .vejl AVhite Wool Cordnntl Diagon als for skirts aiubats, on salo at $l.f00, $1.5fl$1.98 and Jp2.50ja yard. Crepe de Chenes r going up in Y price every daypr Saturday only wo will sell r good $1.50 grade, 10 iia-hes ve, (g -f i Q Y 'l , ,!! VI K J, -v m.'- t 9 " a, per- ti4 -T 100 irs of New Stylo torsets, fectting,c a real $1.50ality, onA $ ... .JUj T4 A Sat.,ir. Three Big Specials in Muslin Underwear Women's fine qual ity Corset Covers and lowers, nicely trimmed with lace ami embroidery, up to boc value, this sale 29c Women's fine Crepe and Lingerie Gowns, Combinations and Corset Covers, up to $1.00 values, on sale Saturday at, rn each , WL Women's Daeutiful new Envelope Chem ise, downs and Com bination Suits, val ues up to $1.25, on sale Saturday, 7Q each .'. wb m . Saturay Glove ale i f r t . The celebrated "Kdeer" (Move, Avashes in cold wattromes in two- ciasp and gauntlet s,(J -J A A Y all colors, a pair ,... j) 1 , JJ Beautiful new Kid,Wcs, in white, X with black stitchinpd blak with X white stitching, s.v, fl -j r- 1 :li,nM :.-Sl.ZD . ! Notions Support- 10c Children's Hose ers, worth ItV, Saturday, pair s:.,,.:1 m..i. ...... i) i.,.. TJCP Mimiwi Mill (till IIIWIIVI, 1 25i cans, Saturda tA. :iu Hu.'.-illii Ci'iH-hi't Cotton, all sizes, on sale A Saturday, ,11 ... . yQ WitinenV All Linen Uand-keri-liiefs, very r special, each OC i V can ? V ? ? Y X Domestics ;U)-ini'h Bleached Muslin, cheap at 10c. Satur day, a yard 3l)-ineh fine Cambric worth 121 oc, Satur day, a yard 72x00 Sheets, worth our price Saturday! A each ..O )j 12 nnd -15-inch Linen Fin ish Pillow Slips, eai-h 8c 9c G0t 15c Underwear Women's .and Childvon's Fleeced Lined Vests, 35c values, now at, each 25c Women's Fleeced Lined Union Suits, good 75c val utas, now, per A Q -. suit , 4oC All of our $1.25 Union Suits tor women sale Saturday at, a suit : g on 98c Towels dood size Cotton Towels, each 5c 10c Heavy Iluck Towote, worth up to loe, special, each dood size Bath Towi worth 15c, special, each Heavy Bub l)rv Toyels, 35e grade, now, each.. '. 10c Bath 28c Kfeiery Kaserilk Hose, all $1.00 1 ; f r v r r x colors, r pair ... Our edited Lavender J p Lislose, E A : very sjfil, pair.. OUC V Childrl School IIso, T good afst 25c 1 V vnluesl- InC t ? lOcf Woineftind ('hildnn's fast Hose, Sjei-ial,r .. . A . -..- t . llll"lKll ' ' V 'W w VMjH$Xt v f ,. - -I--T,- I r,-. JftHImHi - k r m