Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, January 21, 1916, SECOND EDITION, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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11 was no ordinal fire Menpr that
was being installed m rope and
Inrkte on tlio front or tho First No
tlonal bank IiuIIiUdr Thursday of this
week. Iiiiml It wni the chime olofk
which oxperts aro placing In pqsj
'tlon. Thli I an ob)ct ot beauty,
Hisoful an well an oruiiiiontal. It Is
the work of tho .Metllntoek-I.oonils
Co , of Minneapolis, ami I nine fcot
'Jilgh by three wide, (loetrlcally II
Iiiiulnnled ami xogulnto.1 by a master
clock ulthlii tha building. The clock
dials nro 80 Inches In dlainutur. It
Tlnga thu chimes: In various combi
nations on tlio (iiartor, hair, three
Mimrtor and hour period. Tho West
nilnslcr chimes consisting of the til
bufnr bells, afford auect musical ae
coiupnluiunt to standard tlmu on n
scale ranging from rcvolllo to cnthu
Idrnl peal with ariotis modifications.
Tho r hi in oh dispense only the classic
linrinuity of sound, all ragtime airs
and Hncoputcd drivel being bnrred.
'Tho cost of this notable Improvement
to Ashland's lending financial Insti
tution Is not definitely known, but
'approximates a sum expressed in four
Lithln, soda and nulphur water
were on tap at IliotUilrlbutliig points
in pari; and at del
it on Thursday.
nil connection liavfn
r been made, Tho
(complicated app.-mfis nt tho charg
ing atatlon works'
a charm, and
tlio successful
one beglnn to list
Vomptutlon of the ml,
rral springs pro-
Tho Odd fellows
"So, :, Installed c
Thursday evening,
'Moore, noble gnui
lco grand; II. It. !
' Ashland lodge,
leers for 191 C,
follews: W. h.
h. .1. Treficn,
vens, recording
flltn.tAlnf uiki-
secrelarj; Ucorge (!
.,, ...iiivit.i n---
rotary; "Win. Mjor
reasurer. Dls-
frlct Deputy (I rami
IMaster Gnll of
.IncltHOtivllle, was
tailing officer.
'The everclses ronclVd with a ban
quet. The order vsj established In
this city early In tlhos. Member-
'fillip of tho fiuboi ditto lodRe nbout
J I .1. I
i (Peel hall and the; r llccunes will
not be exacted In Ar nd, ntt per de
cision of the cotinrll 'cently, unless
Its action In tho pr Iroh Ir either
rescinded or oven u' by a higher
authority. The may threatens not
'to sign the enactment)' abolishment,
a position In which lis bucked by
in majority of the Material union
and a number of Inf
ntinl women.
Tho vote in tho conn
was four to
two In favor of no-Ill
Olcnn McCnddnm,
Mil the city Thursday
Salem, wn
lesentlnB thu
Klllson-Whlto bcouujttrnrtlons, n
series of which are I
pr Riven this
'winter under nltsplctfcf the Minis
Ucrlnl union. Tho it
mout will bo on l'rld
nonlng, Jan.
hurcli. The
2S. at tlio Methodic
Hpeukor, Judgo Alden
former mein-
her of Mnisarhusottsmromo rourt
The Niibjeet,
oils of the
I,. X IluRhorr, wl
b-osldod boro
ubout u year ago, a
wards locat-
lug at (julonn, Kansu
lied recently
In that town, aped !i
pars, leaving
n wife a ud fivo oh I
n. Im ro
maliiH wore tnkon to
ll old family
homo nt Kdgorton
, for burial,
who died at
the wife of
In tho no
li counts' In
Mr Mary I! Wrlri
Montngno last wuok.
.laimw WrlKht. a ran
n.insu district of Klu
oldgr das, and It w
b formor Klamath
i omomborod
idcntH now
living lioro. Sho wus
Xot only lithln wa
Julco promises to bo
ears of ago.
but electric
cod on tho
free list. At its u neetliiK the
(ouncM urd'Ueil riou il atlve lights
for tho Hotel Oreson lerty Portj
now street llhti wciUo ordered
In to lllumiualo tho atioot ktc-
A new schedule of official wal
alio nrovldos $100 month for
Arthle Strickland at t tend of the
elwtrle light dlJriUni korvlco. At
the niunlclnal light pi P IC Itus-
oll gets $100, Ora hrt and K.
M. Stnnnard $75 oacli d U. Nich
olson $40. In the fi cpartment.
tioorse Itobison nml I' iullej $"'
each Water depaitm Karl Hos
ier $100. Tolieo Chh irler, $i5,
and I'atrolmwu Wlmer ... Cin Ku
glueer Walker $75, Attorney
Mooie $60 street milsslonor
l'ralo receives 30 e per hour
Thin bbnket nchodule kIImk fur
thot action 0) thu coin the Initial
proposition as to a roai ment haV
lug been laid on tho o until a
later meeting.
A momlnent Califo on bus
Ineas here l nogotlat the pur
ohage of a metal seism rm heat
ing device in order ti fumllv'a
pot aoortlo nwy ba en. to with-
stand the rlsors oi s. ancisco s
ollmato. Orainary not r bottles
nro of no aoeount Inaii as the
doc claws them to plec
'Prof lUrdy. who toi
r wss ai
tha aead of the l'olt
has returned to bla
is BO
one of the snjBiHeM a
ler's de
partaient store 1
John T. Itacars. well I
li form-
or resident over a wore
dM reeeatly ia l'oril.
ars ago,
ur ll vtas a mint4)ieclor
Ail In ihe earlier d.o" I .inn( i
flits lino ttiroughottt Southern ore.
Hoinor Rnrron, who has been so
riously III fnr sometime past with
pneumonia, Is rouvnlnwcont and out
on the streets attain.
I.nst Tuonlnr tilfht some dlsrep
ulable pup smonred the front door
and porch of .Mayor Johnson's rel-
'donee with ionic substance, nklu to
tilabastlne. Jf any of tho mayor4
toetR iiood whitewashing, ho would
irefor to have It done In tho light of
Way with different material.
Uarly this week n number of Cl'll
war veterans from here paid a visit
"to tholr old comrade, Posslo Adams,
residing In tho Wagner cieek neigh
borhood it oar Talent. Mr. Adams
1 75 yours old, and served In the
nrmy as a flfer in a drum corps. J.
)'. SnloH. A. C. Spencor, Chns. Ga-
lilere. K K. Halt and Cy Vrouinu
made tho fraternal call, going over
In tho hitter's car.
Tho pleasant reunion of friend i
Inst Monday evening In honor of John
It. Casey and flaldwln lleach at the
losldences or the Ileach-Veghte fain
Hies, la n reminder that tho guests
of honor aro each 7S jears old. Thos
both ore veterans of tho Civil wnr.
Mr. Casey having enlisted from lown
and Mr. rieach from Xew York
Judge C. II. WntRon of this city is
u candidate for district attorney nt
tho approaching primaries .nnd peti
tions will bo circulated In his bchatf.
In earlier years, when tho stronuous
duties of tho office wero extraordi
nary, Judgo Watson filled tho posi
tion In enlarged territory, Including
In that period Jackson, Josephine,
Klnmath and Lake counties.
Wnlloco Rogers, old time resident
ot varloiiH sections of Southern Ore
gon, .died Thursday morning of pneu
monia, at his residence on tho llrlggs'
ranch east of town. He was a mem
ber of the Oregon volunteer organiza
tion during tho Clll war, and had
done much work In lumbering nnd
teaming In Jackson and adjacent
counties. He lenos a wife but no
children. Ills age wnR C9. I'uneral
will bo held on Sunday.
Tho Hornbrook Leader has been
added to tho Commercial club read
ing table, for which many thanks.
Tho llellevlow Irrlga ion district
commissioners; have served notlco by
official publication to parties expect
tliiR to bo benefited by tho Impiove
meat to npepar uoforo tho count)
court nnd show cause why lands
should not bo taxed aud to niul.e nec
essary exemptions, also admonishing
parties to ollmlnato such tracts as
aro not suncoptlblo of bonoflt. Tho
tlmo expired by llmltntlon Jan. 20.
A "Tom Thumb" wedding will bo
an unique entertainment as staged
by tho Civic Improvement club nt tho
Vinlng, Friday evening, Jan 2S. A
local cast of little folks t 111 take part
In tho Innovation Some extra fine
advertising siracialtios are heralding
the npppearance
For nonrly ulno years I wns a groat
biifferer from what my doctor said
w'.ih Kidney trouble and my blood
was out of order; enduring all that
time oxcrutlntiiig pain In my back
and across my bowels. I wuh drawn
down so that I could only walk with
my hands on my knooa. My doctor
sold he could do nothing for mi. I
tried many kinds of medicine but all
to no avail. A friend toVl me about
Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Uoot, and a
I had tried everything else thai I
hoard of, I bought a bottlo of Hwamp
Iloot and It did wonders for mo. 1
prlzo it hHther than nny othor medi
cine, and I shall recommend It to mj
friends. 1 wish to add right hero
that after using Swamp-Koot for two
months I began to stralghton up and
nm now sound nnd well, and feol like
I might live a long time et to tell
wliut your modlcino lias done for me.
Yours very truly,
750 Sugar St. T. C. Cl-AY,
Stato of Ohio Marlon, Ohio.
Marion county.
'Personally apoparod before me this
lUtli day ot December. A. D, 1011.
T. C. Clay, who aubMirihod to the
aboe statement and mado oath that
tho same is true In aubetanco aud
in fact. Charles W. Hubermaii,
Notary Public, Marion Ojo , Ohio.
iAtlter to Di. Kilmer A. Co., Itlug-
Immpton, X. Y.
l'nne What .Sumnp-Iloot Will do for
Send 10 cents to Dr. Kilmer & CO
ninghamnton, X V . for a sample size
bottlo. It will convlnpe anyone You
will also receive a booklet of val
uable information, telling about the
Wdnea and bladder When writing,
be Hire and mention tho Medford,
Ore , Daily Mall Tribune.
I hcreb) anooiinie that I have
lilod my declaration of Intention to
hbecome , candidate for the repub
lican nomination for the office of
District Attorney lor Jaekson county.
Oregon, tubjott to ibt decision of thel"1"8
republhdR pari, at the primary elc
fon In l.e held t X1 1 I
i. M ItoKKI.'H
mkdfohi) Arm, TinnrNK,
At Hie meeting f the fouuty eonrt
1'VmIhv the l)iK Mini Tribune mid
AmIiIhihI TMlinr were npHiittnl of
ficial rxiper r Jnekwui eoiinly, in
cuHnrfmnre with the otntiitex.
The dailv Mail Tnlum? nlmittted
affidavits of circulation of 'J-IU'J.
llerl 1!. (Jrtwr iu leltttr riled with
the eonrt, rlmmetl n cirrnlation of
ofpccdmi; 1000, hut wliuu u mvoui
slnteiMent vi demnndwl fileil an nf-
fidnvit dntcd January JO of 111'" uir
eulalioii. N'o priee was iiiuued h.v tin Thl
iiijth. but the .Mail Tribune offered to
do the printing for '2X oenN per line,
oiie-hnlf tin iemil rate, nnd this price
was nuiueil for both pupi'i-- m tho
lourt's order.
Hot Water for
Sick Headaches
Tells why everyone should drink
hot water with phosphate
In It before breakfast.
IIoAdncho of any kind. Ir caused by
autointoxication which means self
poisoning. Liver nnd bowel poisons
called toxins, sucked Into tho blood,
through tho lymph ducts, oxcltc tho
heart which pumps tho blood so fast
that It congests In tho Bmatter artorles
nnd veins of tho head producing vio
lent, throbbing pain nnd distress, called
headache. You become nervous, de
spondent, Blck, foverlsh and miserable,
your meals sour nnd almost nauocata
joii. Then you resort to ncctntillldo,
aspirin or tho bromides which tempor
arily rcMcvo but do not rid tho blood of
theso Irritating tordns
A glass ot hot water with a teaspoon
ful of llmcstono phosphato In it, drank
before breakfast for awhile, will not
only worIi theso polsoiw from your sys
tem and euro jou ot headache but will
cleanse, purify and frcsbou tho eutlro
alimentary canal.
Ask your pharmacist for o quartor
pound of llmcstono phosptinto. It Is In
expensive, hnrmlcsR as sugar, and al
most tasteless, except for a souilsh
twlngo which is not unploAsnnt.
If you nron't feeling your best. If
tonguo Is coated or you wako up with
bad tntKc, foul breath or have colds,
Indigestion, biliousness, constipation
or Hour, acid stomach, boglu tho phos
phated hot wnter euro to rid your
system of toxins nnd poisons.
IlMultM aro quick and it is claimed
that thoso who continue to flush out
tho stomach, llvor and bowels every
morning novor liavo nny boadacho or
know a rulsorablo momont.
Foirit'KNT V-rooui furnished
npartment, lit S. Control, Phono
179-M 272
FOR RUNT- 5-rooin modern house,
I Mi aciM bottom land, good eh lik
en and garden proposition, $12.30
a mouth. Dennett Invest. Co.
FOR RKNT Colonol Sargoiit's rna
ldmieo on Onkdalo avo., telophono
on nor at Jacksonville, or Inqulro
of II. tl. Nye or Roy U. Pueblo at
.Modfoid. 271)
FOR RUNT l'"lrt chuw 0-rooni mod
oru bungulow; rnugo connected;
garage. Tol. m.X.
KOIt 8ALK tireat sucrlfke; ten oi
twenty aero gnrdou will, creek
bottom; er closo in. about one
third valtio; easy pujmeuts C A
Knight, Medford 25S
FOR 81.6-1(1 rr-rtToaK.
FOR SA1.1J- Three good ca, 1 sur
roy, 1 heirer U-iuouths old Mrs.
1). M. MoNasser, Central Point,
Ooxou, Phone 1 13x2. 2bl
FOR SA1.H-A-1 milch cow, Jorsoy
and Durlum uiixod IC. 1. March.
t miles noithoast from Central
Point. 200
FOIt SAI.K Or r&o, roglirod A.
J C. C. Jorseys, one eow and ouo
bull dropped Feb 23, 1915. John
II. Hair, Roguo River, Oro. 'il
FOR SALE Team of mules, weight
900 lbs. each, C year olds, J226. O.
C Bobs.
Fine new bungalow, very sightly
In Capital Hill, an aero of good
ground, water piped all over It, and
to house, which Is new and not quits
finished. To make a quick turn the
owner will sell for $1250 00.
Have a fine Irrigated Idaho ranch
of rich salt, large house, and ail
farming feature attractive. 210
acres for 1 '.ooo Will take a $5000
haute nre In the d-.. ilsuce easy
micdkoiiu oneoox, Friday. rAxr.vnv 21.
"Ky, how 'Tiz' gladdons tlrctl.
awoUen, biirnfng fpot
It's glorious! "
Ah I what relief Xo more tired feHi
no more burning feet, no mere swollen,
ashing. Under, swesty fret. No more
orfHs tn corns, rl(u, bunions.
Io nutter what nils yc-ur feet or what
under tlio sun ou'e tried without get
ting relief, just use "Hz." Ti,' is tho
only romrdy that drawn out all tho
poisonous exudations which puff up the
feet, "Tit" cures your foot trouble so
jou'll never limp or draw up jour Iam
in pain. Your shoes won't socin tight
and jour fret will never, novor hurt or
gel wro and swollen. Thluk of it, no
more fool iniicrj", no more- agony from
corns, callouses or bunion
Oct a U.Vcrnt box at any drug store
or department store and get Initnnt re
lief Wear Mimllor show. Just once
try "Til-. " Oct a wlmlo year's foot com
fort for onty 25 cents. Think of It.
FOIt 8AI.1C Verj cheap, 5-passeugor
touring car In perfect condition;
owner leaving otnto. Seo car at
Pacific Highway garage. 258
KOIt SAhK 1914 n-piiHsdnger Ov
erland, Model 7DT. olectrlc UghtH
and starter, or will trade for small
car. Cass' Trading Station, 1H
South Unrtlett. 200
KOIt BALK Ono fluo Huntington
ployer-plauo; will nacrlflco for Im
mediate cash Rale. Owner, Ilox
101, Mall Tribune. 2f9
KOIt SALi: Corn.
Phono 6U7-112.
KOIt SALi: Thoroughbred Ithodo
Island lied rockH nt tho city reser
voir. Phono 370. W. J. Peterson;
also eggs for hatching. 2C0
FOIt SALK Smudge pots. 3 gallon
"CaneoH"; nbout C00. Apply Hoy
Ashpolc, Kagle Point. 203
WANTKD Hxpoit accountant wants
farm mid much books to keep; K
jears experience: A-l loferences.
Call C L, Upthaw, phouo 720-J
Phouo 204-.M.
wood on
WVNTKD Knitting mill wants wom
en, ful time; salary ii weekly,
distributing guaranteed hosiery, or
2 cents nu Hour spam time; per
manent work; experience unnec
essary Address Mnnngor Interna
tional Mills, Norrlhtown, Pa.
WANTKD To lease either cultivated
or raw land; will euro for small
oiehard young treoi; give location.
Addrowj flox 19, Mali Tribune 201
WANTKD Six fientlemon roomers;
closo In; l..'i0 week 204 North
Iry. 201
WANTKDCO gnats, part trndo, part
cash. Ilox IC, Mall Tribune.
WANTKD Scotch colllo or Shop
hord, mule pup. Phono 7S8-H1.
I'on i:.cit..N(;K
property for equltlos or property
with rodomptlon right; neioago
preferrod; any amount. Ilox (' L,
Mall Tribune. 2U0
TO LOAN J 1000 on Iniprovotl ranch
iioinioH tlio nisurnnco Man.
"CH RI8TI I A N V MT V'V by Itovrciias.
F. Dole, mid other Unltuilan litor
ntuio sent free to lnqulrrs. Ad
dress Miss Hazel Hiirton. Central
I'oint. Oregon, II F. I) No. 1 27
nusiNUfw uiitcxntiUT
Hewing .Mnclilaod
BALK OR RKNT Sonuv ushiJ mn
chinos also foi sale. Cleaning and
topalrliig. C A. Chapman, nt Med
ford Furniture & Ilardcnre store.
Resldonco 375 So. Central. Phom
Public HteiniaocmJiBj?
IIItRIIKRf J nKItillAN-Stenogri-pher,
room 29, Jhckson County
Rank Illdg. Dictation taken ouy
plnco any tlmo by tho only Stono
typo operator Jn 8nuthorn Oro. Of
tlco phono Sin, Rec. 70-J.
$25.00 Reward
We will pay $26. 00 cash reward to the party who will furnish us
with au actuuf buyer for tho followius; 100 aero wood and timber
tract; )
ICQ ngros, logatcd tt miles uputh of Gold Hill, estimated 1
to 2 million fQQt saw timber and 4Q00 001 ds hardwood, Prico
J800.00. (Jluw, timber tnostly yellow and sugar Pine.)
As an Inietluiont for a weod proposition tills m't be boat.
102 West .Main Street
IIU8IMJ1H nifiKoroiiv
Auto Supplier
liAiinrt auto spnixo co. w
are nperattng tho Inrgest, oldest
and bcRl equipped plant In tho Pa
clfic northwest. Pro our sprlngr
when olhors fall. Hold under guar
antee. 26 North Fifteenth St.
Portland, Ore.
(IKO. W. CHHUHY--Attornry . and
Notary, ltoom 9, Jackson Count)
Hank Dulldlng, ontranco N Cen
tral, Medford, Oro.
Attornoys-nt-Itw, ltooniR 8 fuc
9, Medford National Hank bldg.
A. B. ni-JAMKS, LAWYHlt Qarnott
Corey hldg.
O. M. ItODRltTS Lawyer.
Mcurord National Dank tlulldlng
Oarnctt-Coroy Illdg., utte
Medford, Oro. Phono 860.
Collections nnd ltcports
collected rohio neeountH H yenri
old. Wo know how to got ths
money. Tho Uutiork Mnrcantlle
Agency. Inc., Rooms 1, 2, 3, Has
kins' Illdg.. SIC, K. Mnlnst.
Engineer and Contractor
FRKD N. CUMM1NOS Snglneor nnd
contractor, 404 M. P. & II. Hldg
Surveys., entlmntes, Irrlgntloo
draluago, orchard and laud Im
provement. Iiitinaiue.
KAItl. a. Tlf.MY Oeiiernl Insurnnce
otrtco. Fire, Automobile, Accident,
Liability, p nt- Glass, Coulrart,
nnd Suroty llouds ICxcollent com
pnnle. good local service. No
210 tlnruott-Coro) Illdg.
Distinction In Music
401. tinrnnt.f!nrnv lililir t.'rn.l Al
ton llnlght. plnuo; Mrs. Florence
liniiiday Haight, voico. phow
OARI1AOU (let your premlno
elennod up for tho summor. Call
on tho city garbage wagons fo;
good uorrico. Phono 274-L. F
Y. Alien.
assir j-.-i.'-iar'33:-:
Physicians ana Surgeons
MAINS CARLOW Ottoopothlt
pbyslclnns, 41G-417 (larnett-Corex
hldg., phono 103C-L. Residence
2C South Laurel at.
DU. W. W. HQWARDOstoopathlt
phvRlclon, 303 Onrnctt-Coroj
building. Phono 130.
DR. J. J. KMMHNS Phyfllclan nnO
surgeon. Prnctlco limited to oyo
ear, noso and throat. Kyes scion
tlflrally tested aud glasses sup
plied. Oculist nnd Aurlst for 8, P
II. II. 10 UIIICOH Al. l' il II. CO
bldg., opposite p. O. Phono GG7
DR. R. V. CLANCY Physician nnc
surgeon Phones, offlco 30, real
denco 721-J. Offlco hours. 10 tc
12, 2 to S.
clan and surgeon. Offlco Palm
block, oppostto Nnsh hotel. Hours
. 10 to 12, 1 to 4. Phono U0-J.
T. O. II KINK, M. D. Kye, Knr
Noso and Tluont. Heiwlachoa and
nervous conditions rolloved bj
proporly fitted glnsnes. Cross oyet
straightened Offlro 228 K. Male
st., phono 303. Consultation freo
Homoepnthlo Physician, Burgeon,
228 Kast Main St., Medford. Ore
gon. Offlco phono H2, residence
Phono 732-112. Offlco hours 1 to
I p. in,
anil Optlolnii. Calls uiiNiseK-d
Kvom touted, (ilaiwoM fltlml Uiat
will corroct any defect of vision,
prices reasonable. Phouo KG2-X.
Office at roNldoucM for tho prosent,
Modrord, Oregon, HO 8. I loll)
Prlntcis nuA Piilillslien
' " "- "I" i ii a - is -ii i r-i ii i- - !!
host orjulppod printing offlco iu
soiithorn Oregon; bonk blndihg
loose lonf ledgers, billing syhtems
tc. Portland prices. 27 NortL
Fir st.
Office 2 North Front at. Phon
315. Prices right. Service guar
Phono 7 "19
LOWeSt Jf riCeS
Southern Oregon
Bulk Crnckcrs, lb. . 9c
Corn Starch, 2 pkrjs. 15c
Gloss Starch, 2 pkys. 15c
Celluloid Starch, nktj. lOo
Elastic Starch, pkrj. 10c
Crystal White Soap, tloz. 45c
A B Napthn Soap, doz. 45c
Star Naptha PowtJcr, 25c size. .. 19c
Citrus Washlnn Powder, 25c size 20c
Ark Laundry Soap, 8 bars 25o
Sprinu Clothes Pins, doz. ... 5c
Large Bell Tollot Paper . 5c
Sapolfu, 2 bars .. .. 15c
Bon Ami, 2 bars . . . .15c
3 boxes Matches . 10c
20 M. Team Soap Chips 25c
Wool Soap Chips, 25c size . .20c
Bottle Blticlmj 8c
Ball Blueliin So
Ammonia, bottle . 10c
Lye, can 8c
Old Dutch Cleanser 8c
Two In One Shoe or Stove Polish 8c
Pure Lard, medium size
. 60c
Pure Lard, large size
Crlsco, small size
Crisco, medium size
Crisco, large size
Cottolcnc, medium size
Cottolenc, large size
Wesson Salad Oil
Pure White Flour, per sack
Bed Cross Flour, per sack
Graham Flnur, 0-lti. sack
Wholo Wheat Flour, 9-lu. sack
Bye Flour, 9-lb. sack
! ftl t n s
uiympic raucakc r-iour,
Olympic Wheat Hearts,
Hominy, 9-lb. sack
Bolted Oats, 9-lh. sack
25c pkg. Quaker Oats
2Cc pkg. Ralston Bran.
2 10c sacks Salt
. . 19c
. .15c
. 33o
. .63c
- 85c
1 2 25c Sacks Salt
5-lb. can Karo Syrup
I in.lli nnn l.tnrn Cirini
I . iu. ' ,-., ,tll U UJI Uf
Vi gal. Tcayarucn Syrup
gal. Tcagartlcn Syrun
I tt. can Log Cabin Syrup ...
Vt gal. can Log Cabin Syrup.. .
I gal. can Log Cabin Syrup
2-11). can Molasses
25c can K. C. Baking Powder
I lb. Boyal Baking Powder
25c can Cocoa
25c cake Baking Chocolate
35c can Ground Chocolate ..
ij lb. Upton's Tea
I lb. Llpton's Tea ...
50c Bulk Tea, lb
Japan Bice, lb.
Head Bice, lb.
. 10c
, 33c
Macaroni, lb.
Bulk Cocoanut, lb.
Astor Milk, doz.
.. -20c
Holly Milk, doz
PirtviMnn Mill .In,
arna,,,0H "" (,0Z
Canned Peas. doz.
Canned Sunar Corn. doz.
Canned Tomatoes, selected stock.
at $1,13
Shrimp, can . 12c
String Beans, can ... 10c
Sauerkraut, can ...2c
Hominy, can ... .. 2c
Van Camuts Pork and Deans, 3
r r 25c
5-oz. can Good Oysters, can 9c
6-oz. can Royal Cluli Oysters 20c
L. & P. WorcestcrslhTc Sauco 29c
Postum, iikfj. 25c
Instant Postum 25c
Codfish, lb. . .c
Comli Honey .120
5 lbs. Strained Honey .. . 60o
Lemons, doz. . 20c
25 Ihs. Prunes $1.00
Hst Cane Stipr, 15 llis. $1.00
nest Crenmerv Butter, lb. 3Dn
3 lbs. Lnrfje Walnuts 50c
Kcrosoitt Oil, 5 jjals 85c
wurr vincoar, fjal. . . 25c
Seeded Raisins, pkej. . . He
Currants, pko 2K,c
Sfiaghetti. bulk . . 7C
Sweet Pinkies, qt 23c
Grape Juice, pt. . . 22c
Grape Juice, qt. . . . 40c
Birdseed, pko. . . . . 0c
Rrd Beans, lb. c&c
White Beans . '" ' 7?o
Lima Beans, Hi. . jyiC
Skinner's Macaroni, pktj. ' 0c
Skinner's Spnyliotll, pktj. 0c
Skinner's Vermicelli, pko. . I0c
Skinner's Ejjq Needles, pko. - lOc
Bost Pineapple, large can . 17c
Good Coffee. 2 lbs. 35o
rcanerry coffee, I lb. 21c
Fancy Asparagus Tips, can 23c
Fancy Asparagus, large can 25c
Fancy Maine Corn, can m
raiicy uanneti Fruits, can 20c
MMoricu r-rcserves, can 10c
o nouie vanilla 20c
25c bottle Lemon . 8c
Our noxt priee lint nill ho iu thi?
paper noxt Knday. Keep thu 0110 un
til then nd eompuro it with auy
priee you oau find. 'Jfioy nro lower
f. o. b. MtHlfuril than miy other in
Jackson County
Supply Go.
ou.nim oold oom- J
t......-.f..ii I . . f f hpm
Get a small package of HfUnJmrg
llresnt Tea, or the flerman folVe
call l,"JIsmliiirger Ilrust Thee," at any
phaimacy. Take a tsblespoonfiil of the
ten, put a cup of boiling water upon
it, pour through n, sieve and drink s
teacup full at any time during the
day or before retiring. It Is tho mot
effective way to treak a cold and euro
I grip, as it opens tha lores of the skin,
relieving congestion. Also loosens too
bowels, thus breaking up n. cold.
Try it the next tlmo you suffer from
n cold or tho grip. It is Inexpensive
nnd entirely vegetable, therefore safe
and harmless.
Rub Soreness frora Joixts sad faasclen
with a small trial bottle of
old St. Jacobs Oil
Ftop "dosing" Rheumatism
It's pain onlyi not one case In fifty
requires Internal treatment. Huh sooth
ing, penetrating "St. Jacobs Oil" right
on tho "lender spot." and by tho time
Jou say Jack Robinson out comes tho
rheumatic pain. "St. Jacob's Oil" la
iv harmless rheumatism cure which never
disappoints and doesn't burn tha skin. It
takes pain, soreness and stiffncai from
aching1 joints, muscles and honest 'top
sciatica, lumbago, backache, neuralgia.
Limber up I Oct a 23 rent bottlo
of old-time, honest "St, JacoU Oil"
from any dnig store, and in a moment
you'll be frco from pains, sches and
stiffness, Don't auffvrl Rub rhouiua,
tlint awsy.
Eat loss moat and take Salts for Sack
ache or Bladder trouble
Neutralizes acids.
Urlo acid In meal excites tho kidneys,
tlioy becomo overworked; get sluggish,
ache, and feel like lumps of lend. The
urino becomes cloudy 1 tlio bladder is Irri
tated, and you may be obliged to ecck re
lict two or three times during the night.
When tho kidneys clog you must help
them flush off tlio body's urinous waste
or you'll bo a real sick person shortly.
At first you feel a dull misery In the kid
ney region, you suffer from backache,
sick headache, diulness, stomach geta
sour, tonguo coated and you feel rheu
matic twinges when the weather is bad.
Cat less meat, drink lots of water 1
also get from any pharmacist four ounces
of Jad Salts; take a tablcspoonful
in a glass ot water before breakfsst
for a low days and your kidneys will
then act fine. This famous salts is mods
from the acid of grapes and lemon juice,
combined with lithia, and has been uwd
for generations to clean clogged kidneys
and stimulate them to normal aotlvitr,
also to ncutraliia the acids In urine, so
It no longer Is a source of irritation,
thus ending bladder weakness.
Jad Salts is inexpensive, cannot In-
(tire 1 makes a delightful effervescent
ithla-water drink which everyone should
take now and then to keep tha kidneys
clean and active. Drungists here say
ther sell lots of Jad Salts to folks who
believe in overcoming kidney troublo
while It is only trouble.
piiicPARi:i)xr;ss ont policy
Ono year nioro experience wldor
ucaUHlutunco, bettor equipment, In
croascd working force, mora offlclont
orcairizatlon nnd faith In thu Roguo
river valley multiplied finds tin pre
pared for tho business 0f a now,
determined to ninko It tho beat year.
No "watchful waiting" part for us,
every day for tho past five yearn has
found tin on thu Job anil every month
wo huvo added to our list of satis
fied ctiHtomoru.
This J ear mo uru going to try to
show overy straugor that cornou to
Medford thu Roguo River Volley even
If o Imvo to oxoood thu spuod limit
Wo do not bollovo anyone can tuko
it two hours ride with us through
the Orchards and Alfalfa Welds of
Jackson county nnd ever bo really
sober again. You nro Invited.
List your property for Halo with
10! Went Main St. Phono 7119
'1'I.MK ttW
INTEfUntllA.N AUTO alt CO.
Lcavo Medford dally except Sun
day for Ashland, Talent and PhoouU
nt 8 a. 111.. 11:80 n. m.. 1:1G. 2:80.
3:45 and 5-15 p. u. Alio on Sat
urday at ll-ic p m. Sundays leave
at 10 a. in., 4 p. in. and 0:30 p. nu.
Leavo Ashland for Medford dally
oxcept Sunday nt 0 a in., 13:50, 2:50,
3:30, 4:45 and G.-15 p. in. Sunday
leavo Ashland at 9 a, til,, 1:00, 5:00
and 10:30 p. m.
Bennett Investment Co.
;? $
! u ill. a iiiiiiiiu-r nt in ' ilon.
ltoom 10, JnUsou (ounty Hank Hid