Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, January 15, 1916, SECOND EDITION, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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I .,
T!ii' Inrgo crowd whieh assembled
last night at tJiu Nntotorimii to hoar
SlAtygminl uud hw uouipnny iu tliuir
vutjy enjoyable enneurt provos thnt
tlitj Jlmihteiiiu usuouiutiun. of Med
ford deserve recognition ns itnpros
stii'tftH. Tho writer Tins toyed with tlio
timid public from boyhood until Ins
temple nru htii'tikfd. with gray, but
lie feels, uflor witnu-Hbhur Inst nighrB
Miiqoohn, Unit li! (inn still loam some
thing about the hIiuw biisine8 from
tlto, loi'iil clergy.
Hut, to upouk more seriously, it
was tt very worthy effort of the Min
isterial iihi-ouintlon to bring n Hpleu
didnuiisietil entertainment to Med fold
itt popular price.. Their nuocohh sii
gcts to our minds thut there nro
mfln' loeiil'' entcrprios that our
oimrofi loiu euuld interest themselves
in to the great ndvnntngo of the com
munity. We feel sure they are will
ing, and with their organization they
could biing- to sttecohs ninny thingH
of whieh our uoinniuiuty Mnnds iu
need. A largo chorus, for instance,
literary ociolieH and a recognition of
such cntcrtniumeiit us many of tlio
plnyw Hint nro now booked for the
Vane. Every pulpit should hnvo work
ed iu the interest of Forbes-lfoliort-Min.
"The Passing of the Third
Moor Hack" was a sermon; it loft
its imprint for good upon the com
munity. Unt. eiiough of this; it is,
perhaps a subject that may inspire
thi) editor of the .Mnil Tribune to suy
Munclhiii,' wotthy of the count'.
Mr. .Skovgtinrd an a violinist is well
up iu n class with the bi ones. In
fnot, from n 'standpoint of tone and
technique, wc believe him equal to
violinists who huvo made n icputation
on both hides of the Atlantic, lie is
improving in .expression and yjtp.tiu
finish, mid with n few moro yearn
.Mr. Skovganrd may acipiire ' that
which will plncc him on a par with
Minimi, Kubelik nnd others.
The singers all possets good voices,
and in their concerted .work harmon
ized in n mnuner thut is rather un
usual. .Miss Hawkins ' hns a ldjh,
I'lear, lyiie "ojiruno, which she used
to splendid advantage in her vniious
numbers. Clnrn Freuler, the niezzo
t'opmno, gave us two pretentious
numbers, namely, 'The Ilosary" nnd
"KliSNibetir Prayer," from Tann
liuuner, both of whieh were well ren
deied. I'oilmps a littlo more volumo
in tjje lower notch or "Elizabeth's
I'niyer" would be desirable. Miss
Wilson i lhc Me,.r.or of a splendid
i onirnlto voice, whieh was particular
ly effective in her solo from "Sam
sou and Delilah," which she rendorod
in cottuiiio. It was an enjoyable fou
tnie of the program. Kraiiuis W.
C'owlos, the baritone, wns very wcll
received; indeed, in spite of the fnot
that he v., hutfurinjr from.aold
wliiuh affected his lower register, but
iu hi upper notes ho showed ilk tho
beauty of lib voice. 14in(, but not
leant among the nrlidn, was Alice
McC'lure, the jtianist and accompan
ist. Sho is an artist to her linger
liS both Us u soloist and iicooinpon
ist. Tlio cnlerlainmont, as iiMvsjglo, was
a jfoo(ne,. and the public, nno and
all. c.Ntendiis thanks lo the Minister
ial association ol Mcdtoid.
It. It. I.awroiioc of tliu Autiooh dls-
trlci U dtdiwrliig some flno hay to
citlsen this week. Mr. Law-
co formorly rlilU In SonttloMnd
Hdisl jtronoily In that city for his
In this valley which ho Is wall
mod with. Ho says tho hay ho Is
hotliiK was grown without seed
ior prouarliiK tho land In any way
roiluood more than tun to tho
f ftun wild ont hay.
Vincent Is suffering with a so-
ttaek, of jiHrtsy. Dr. Dow Is
jvr tiregory of .Bte auslstod
wllHUd with his butchoiing last
roe'ePhone mtlnB hold hero
prewP- W- Heobo was elocteil
dontV'- M. Xealon, vice presl-
WjV. B. Chat secretary.
But frV'1 an(1 s'tr Helen were
titc dn"or sndav and spent
OltvrtJlOH,e talk.
'nmrwta'and waB In Medford
tin proty t0 recover through
ioln fi luw sne property
Una aco V Talent ranch some
Owl 1
Heads ayYe- "6ood
Hrr RiWtooe4.
Mr WerfmwdaV"8 '" ,h' vn'
which w nuA'Xw N'8-
th rcl siorl mlMlOB by
' Seme erohar
are nuoivUr rA1 Uita dtrtot
Hk Md ronorr,H "fj68 '
iors iinuu-
m3t tstsx
mJ I
rtvw J
B SATi;gnAT 1
mm? "
Freddy Wolls snuTfod red Ink up
hi noso Inst Friday nnd tho teacher
It hint ko borne, thluktuK ho hud, tho
nose bleed,
Says Kucn 1'roudfooto, "Whan
bread is heavy, turn It ovorv-
mobbc tho butter is strong euuf
to hold it up."
HOCIAIj notks
.Mr. Zachnrliih Struppcr, leadur of
tho Uumvlllo First church
cliolr. who visited hero this week,
'"ach" nsked a Mnln-at. shoo clerk
how much In four dollnr shoes. "Two
dollars n foot," Rays tho flip guy.
Dear Whccze: Instead of using tho
term, "I am going to cross tho
ocean," why not say, "I am going
to Ford tho sea?" Ksthcc
Dear W'ucetc: Nolo thnt J. M. 0.
iiskn tho dlffcrcnco between n school
teacher and n cashier. Ono tills tho
mind nnd tho other minds tho till,
ft that It? 1. N.
factory, claiming the difference in
the price received by the grower and
that paid by the coiiMimcr is far too
It Is reported that Mrs. Hayes who
underwent au operation at the Sac
red Heart last week, is re
covering rapidly and will soon bo
able to return home.
Tho editorial in tho Mall Trlbuna
recently in regard to tho patronizing
of homo Industry wus well worth
considering, yet there are two sldos
to every question. For instance,
when we tuko,our wheat to mill In
this valley wo are told that in order
to compete with tho Portland mills
they can only pay us Portland prices
less the freight, lint when it comes
to buying flour these samo mills
charge ur Portland prices plus tho
freight nnd then some.
Joseph Colby, who has been em
ployed at tho Connor ranch for tho
past year, loft this week for Knnsim
City, Mo where ho intends to on
Fro in tho automobile repairing
business. Joo has many warm
friends in this vicinity who wish htm
much s,uccoss in his now venture.
Last Saturday morning twins wero
born to Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Collins,
both being boys. Tho littlo ones only
survived a few hours and wore quiet
ly laid to rost lust Sunday in tho
family lot at tho Mcdford cemetery.
Owing to tho snoff woral men
are having splendid lurk trapping.
About a foot of snow over tho valley
and two" feet nnd more on tho bill
sidoH. Tho most snow thut has full
on iu thin country for many years.
Tho telephone linos were out of conv
mission a wlillu but woru soon ro -
Claronco Wlnotrout of Grants Push
pasked through horo Sunday joy rid
lug. Tho Applogatu .uioy totophouo
meeting, whloh wns hold last Monduy,
was postponed on uocouut of tho bad
weather. "o
Olln Knox of Missouri Plat" ltialtftt'
buslitoiM trip up .Totupsou creok re
cently. U. S. Collins and Mr. Chance of
Medford wi0 transacting biiHiiiuo
in the Applegate valloy Wednesday
and Thursday.
Mr. IlrowlTliAt boon skk with tbo
grip for the last few days.
Mr. Frier reports that his mine
is getting larger and better; he Is
now milling xom $!5 rock.
Tho annual oroamery muullng wus
held at tho Valloy Prldo creamery
lust .Monday. Not vory many wero
proeent owing to bad weather.
, Clint (iallatln tam over from
Medford the first of th wek on
Mr. and Mrs Ou Harper were Uio
dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs It. 1..
KwlnjE at .Medford Sunday.
Geo. Downing has leased the Nor
line mine and at prenent bus a for
of men at work a
OnlNg to t IIInMC of MiuDor
land Rol)inven the "Studl Tett"' to
be given at the Hotel Holland has
bean petpBod until 0hj0tk
uarf list.
Tbo snow hns uf forded much
.J' ! ii-a-g
2 s5 ? J t S S S $ -! -t 3 4
.J. .
!! .
Our Fiscal Agent,
Art Wiggins Is luld up In tho hos
pital with tho jaundice. Art smiles
through his Iron bleu, however. Art
mndo a kick ngalust his diet. "That's
nil tho food you can r.avo," sntd tho
nurse, "an" tho doctor's ordered ov
everything clso iu proportion."
"Well," says Art, "1 guess I'll do
a littlo readlu' "now bring mo u
postage stamp."
Streets nro gottiu' crowded thosu
days. "Wot chance has n pedestrian
'- ' i. i i ... T- '
amusement tbo pnst w!ok, coasting
parties being held every ovenlug on
Tuesday a large crowd came over
from Medford to tuko advantage of
the sport.
John Itennult hns returned from
Montana whero bo has been visiting
relatives for the past few weoks,
Mrs. Huttlo Donoff loft for Itod
Uluff, Calif., Wednesday, whero she
will visit her sister, .Mrs. Elsie Han
dles. Tho Anretlcla ('.Iris spent a picas
nnt afternoon at tho homo of Mrs.
N'orden Knnls last Friday,
Mrs. nioluo Klum spent Wednes
day afternoon Iu Jacksonville.
Mrs. W. E. Finney Is visiting with
friends living in Grants Pass this
Ml Alice Hoef Is awdstlng In
Thompson's restaurant owing to tho
Illness of Airs, tlnrtlui, Thompson.
Mrs. H. M. Collins entertained tho
Wednesday Afternoon club at her
homo thin week. Miss Lorn Couch and
Miss Ethel Dick coming in later for
lUported by Jackson County Ab
tract Co., Blztb and Plr Cu.
Itinik of Magdaloue vs. Miuuio A.
Mclvce, demunor nnd motion to
Alice I), Ilippm vs. ,1. K. ilohnsou
el al., suminonn,
fleorgo L. Wnlson v. Mr. Ann II.
Kussell, anicndod coiiiplnii)l.
First Stnto Hunk of Ilocuo llivdr
s. I). T. Litwlou et nl., unit to foio
oloso. Mmy II. Hrndshuw vs. S. It, Hun
(nous ut nl., curtitiutttc of levy.
Ileal Estate Trnusfers
Thos. MeAndrow to .1. T. Sul
livart'dl'Sr.'HJnd in sou. lil)-:17-1W.
. $ 10
1. F. Woitimin ot ux to John K.
Pepper ot nl., lund in soon. -1
1)iid ,7-38-lW. .. 15,000
(tie M. Ilowuid ot vir to E.
W. liruineid. land iu twp 37-
2V . - te - . 500
I'nitod States to Curl Ilnok
aiisou, laud in sou. lt).;i(5
3B -.Patent
Carl Hiii'ksnsoii to 1'ibnr Ila
for, smiiio . JO
Editor Ilufur ot ux to John S.
Uwwi Co., same ... JO
John 1'iitnuk to llu;iitt S.
Put link, laud iu sec 3-:i(!-lW 1
OtMi. If, Lindley et ux to Ifnink
Meiedith, laud in he?..1(?-;t7-IE
Ovid J. Stone ot ux to C. W.
JNot et nl., lot in AshUnd . 10
Anna M. Seotield to Clnrenuu
S. Fryer, Imid w Myer Aldi
I ion, Ashland 10
W. H. Singlor, fcheriff, to J. P.
Hunsen, land iu ;tlSn(l
:2.:J7-1W. . O . -J7,050
C. H. Owen i ux to (I. M.
Steple,land in ecs. 2 nrwl
C. 11 Owt'tc et ux to '. M.
eeie, i.nui in
Wanted to Buy
Ont or two ajres adj.....:.: 'o elty
AvHiteble water and rame tws.
Aitdt. !t V, Mall TrlbiiHf.
got,'' asked lucle Oliver Slush Wed
nesday, "ouHdn of n mutoum?"
.lod Porklus Is talking of licensing
cats. I.aura Potter wns tellln' Sarah
.lames about It' tother day. "Applied
for yours yll?" Surah askod. Now
thoy don't sponk,
Julio Hawkins' wedding', nccordln'
to West Knd folks "beggared descrip
tion." Hod Potors snys ho thinks
It beggurcd her old man.
Joo 'Potora has been foollu' around
Nelllo JnmlKou alt week. Ho drives
her out iu bis gna wngou ovcry nft
noon. Friday Jnmisou asked Noll
what Joo wns honking so much in
front of tho house for. "Oh, twunty
eight honks means I lovo you," says
r 1 1 ihiii' -
I A FARM tyf a.n www
. . a a m r
Sign that stares autolsts in tho
faco nl u turn In tbo road near Now
havun, Conn.
What Hnvo You Keen Looking lr?
Morltol White Liniment Is a prepa
ration thnt gives satisfaction whero
l n pain killer nnd hcnlcr Is needed.
Wo do not bcllcvo you could got a
better llnlmont at any pries. Prices
20, r.O, $1, Exclusive agency, lias
kins' Drug Store. Adv. tf
Notice of Hhcilff's Sulo I'mlor Ex
ecution Forcclosiu e.
J. W. Herron, plaintiff, vs. W. T.
Ward, W. G. Myers. W. .
Myers as administrator of tho Estate
of Lulu A. Myers, deceased, .Mildred
Myers nnd Abram .Myers, defendants.
Ily virtue of au execution and or
der of sale duly Issued out of nnd
under tho seal of tho circuit court of
the Stnto of Oregon, In and for tile
county of Jackson, da ted the nth
day of January, ID 16, and to me di
rected, In a certain suit therein,
whlrelt J. W. Herron ns plaintiff re
covered a Judgment agulnst W. T.
Ward and W. G. Myers and each of
them Jointly and severally, for tho
'sum ot six hundred sixty-four and
150-100 (GiH 30T; sixty ($00.00.)
, dollars attorney's fee, nnd tho fur
ther niini of twenty-six and 70-100
($26.70) dollars, which Judgment
wns enrolled and docketed In tho
clerk's office of snld court on tho
8th day of January, 1916, and Is ot
rocord In Volume 23 of tho Circuit
Court journal at page 553 thojroof.
Therefore in compliance with tho
com in a into of said execution and or
der of salo, 1 will on tho l'Jth day of
February, 191G, at tho hour of. 10
o'olock a. in at tho froUt door of tho
County Court House iu Jacksonville,
Orogon, offor for salo and will sell
nil ot tho rlKht. title, and Interest
! of tho defendants In and too tho fol
lowing described ronl proporty sit
uated In Jackson county, Orogon, to
wlt: Lot :i in block 17 of the cltv of
Gold Hill, JarUsQii county, Oregon.
At public auction to the lilgkoat
bidder for cash, subject to redemp
tion uk Is by law provided.
Dated this l'2th day of January,
1010. W. II. StNOLKU, Sheriff.
Iy E. W. Wilson, Deputy.
Execution nnd Order of Kale
In tip) circuit court of tho stnto of
Orogon, Iu and -for the county of
Mury II. Ilrndshaw, plaintiff, vs.
S. I). Simmons and Charles F. Dun
ford, defendants.
Hy virtue of an execution and or
der of salo duly Issued out of and
under tho seat ot tlio oiicult court of
two state of Orogon, In and for the
County or Jackson, to mo directed
and dated the 24th duy of December.
1I5, in u lertalu action thurolu,
wboioln, Man II. Uradshaw, ns plain
tiff, on the 18th day of December,
1U13, nicoveted u Judgiuuiit against
the dofeudnnts S. U. Simmons and
Charloti F. Dunford, for the sum of
Two Hundred throe and 85-100
(5203.S.1 Dollars togathttr with $25
ttttoruo)' fe.-n, and tho further sum
or Six and mj-IOu $C oi Dollars
costti whluh nald JudKiuttiit was en-
will.wl .....I .Irt. 1. ...... I I.. .1.. ..,...,.,. ..
jflct on the 1Mb day of December,
iir, anu is or record In Volume 23
of tho Cii cult Court Journal at page
524 thereof
In compliance with the commands
of said execution and order of sale,
I have IttNled upon the hereinafter
described i ) proper and public
notice is heieby given, that I Mill on
Fine new bungalow, ver sightly
In Capital Hill, un aero or good
ground, water piped all over it, and
to houaa. which Is now and no qulto
rinished. To mako a quick turn the
owner will sell tor $1250.00.
Have a flna Irrigutwl Idaho ranch
of rich toil, large house, and all
farming feature attractive. 240
acre for $15.0A0. yvill taken $5000
house here in the deal, balance easy
Ittxiui IU, Jh'Uou Count) UtutK td.
Saturday the mill dav of February,
It) 10, at the hour of 10 o'clock In
tho forenoon at the front door of tho
county court hotiso In .tnrksonvlllo.
Oregon, offer for sale nnd will sell ut
public auction all of tho right, title
and lntorost of tho defendants In and
tu tbo following dosorlbed real prop
orty trtlunted In Jncksoii county, Oro
gon, tewlt:
16 feet off of tho Vi ot lot No. t,
In block No. 2 commencing nt point
on 3rd street 75 reel from tho south
east corner ot sold lot No. t front
ing 16 feet on snld 3rd street nnd
running back tho same width 30 feet,
also tbo right Ingress ami egress over
foot of snld North U of said lot
lying north of the 10 feet hereby con
voyed, snmo bolng described In Vol
umo 61 of tho Jackson County Deed
Records at page 101 thereof. Also
being part of lot I block 2 ot tbo
town of Jacksonville Oregon.
Part of lot 1, 2. 5, nnd 6, block
27 an described In Volumo 01 or tho
Deed Records or Jackson county, Ore
gon, at pngo 10;t thereof.
Lot 6 of Holmnn addition to Jack
sonville, Oregon.
Lot 23 of Holmnn addition to Jack
sonville, Orogon.
J.ots 4, 3, nnd 0 In block I of Lund
gren's addition to Jacksonville, Ore
Northwest quarter of the southwest
qunrtor of section 21, township 38
south or rnugu 2 wost ot tho Willam
ette Meridian.
All or tho above dcsrlbed ronl prop
crty will be sold at snld time and
place In tho manner provldod by Inw
tor the salo ot rani proporty under
execution for satisfaction ot snld
judgment, attornov'H fees, costs nnd
accruing cohIa or this sale.
Dated this i:tth day ot January,
1910. W. H SINOLUIt. Sherirr.
Ily K. W. Wilson. Dnputy.
1JOAUD- Table board $t jmr week.
Jirs. w. t. York, no i.amol St.
FOit UKNTFimnmiimi noo.MS
I-rOlt UUNT Furnished Vnd "ti u Tu r
nlahod mudern rooms, luqulro 731
West 2nd streot. 200
FOIt HUNT Furnished rooms.
South Central.
satfc - .,- i -i o-
fok itK.vr -nousica
FOIt ItKNT 3-room modern nparl
mont, 1 1 1 South Central, Phono
47P-.M. 272
FOIt HUNT Furnished, attractlvo
rivo-ruom bungalow on pavod st.,
strlotly niodorn, oluctrlc boat, elec
tric range Alan Ilrnoklnrcud,
phone 337, or Hotel Holland,
FOIt HUNT Colonel Sargent's res
idence on Onkdnlo nyc, telcphouo
owner at Jacksonville, or Inqulro
of H. U. Nye or Jtoy U. Peebles nt
Mcdford. 271)
FOR RICNT First class 0-room mod
em bungalow; range connected;
garugo. Tol. 188X.
i r-nreaBS3ai 't irrr
FOR SAL17 -Uroodor coop, fully
equipped; orlglnab cost $00; will
sell for $30, delivered unywhero in
Qlty. Janes llros., Rhone 370-X.
' 232
FOR SALU Furniture Phono 130P.
1417 W. Main St. 253
pftll 8ALK MnuMre. Phono 274-Y.
F. Y. Allen. 250
FOR SAL15 1913 Ford touring oa
in A-l conditio; fully equipped;
nil now tlre. Uox No, 05. Mudford
Miffl Tribune. 263
FOIt SftLK Fl passenger auto,
perfect rondltlon; six food Hies;
olccfrlo lights; fery cheap. Ad
dross Iiox If, Mall Tribune.
FOR SLK Urley: aMo baled tar
loy straw. Phono 732-J2. 235
FOR SALK Mammoth Uronzo tur
koy ror breeding; lions $2.30;
torn $;t.B0, or dlHeront strains.
.1. C. Herring, Control Point, Ore.
FOR H4BLK 10-foot practically new
"Walrus" soda fountain, cost HR0.
Attractive proposition It takon nt
on0 I'uxsou Drug Co., Central
Point. 293
FOR KALU nunlRo pots, 3 gallon
"CnnooV; about COO. Apply Roy
AHhl4Me, ICagfa lblut. 2C3
TO LOAN $$000 on Improved raiiflt
Hnlmos the Insurance Man.
Present owne, on neeowil of
biLsiness interests elsewhere,
will sell for 23 per cent less
than actual value,
Bennett Investment Go. .
Because my stoe. u trudo Is to
have optioned at tho loweit caib
prico the best buy In this cosnty.
I bare been on too ground look
ing out tor you for tht, past tire
years. Nearly everyday t bavo In
vestigated come "good thing," I bare
eliminated everything except tboie
deals which l am cotrrlnced will se
cure me satisfied customer.
In a few hours time I can give you
the benefit of this research. It Is m;
business to show you over tho county
and Introduce you to the possibilities
and opportunities here. 8e Med
ford rirst and
Xt9 Wi MAl tKwsl
13, 1010
LOTS $ ISIUCII -VrdowtL $ 1 "mo,:
no Interest; guaranteed cleared,
nnd level: healthful and fait grow
ing community; tine for homo or
Investment. Write for particulars,
Uox 71, Rochcstor, Wash. 253
FOR SALK Or trade, 13.3 acres of
Irrigated land at Orland, Califor
nia. Address R, !., Uox 109, Mcd
ford, Oregon. 253
FOit BALX-z-nrwrnJOK.
FOR SALK Tonin and hnrnosi; In
cubator, brooder, green bono milt,
child's bml; ninny other things.
1211 West 10th streot. 253
FOR SALK Holfor 9 months old,
$13. Phono 397-R2. 235
FOR SALK Stock hogs at a bar
gain. Wrlto M. O. Powers, Talent,
Oregon, 255
FOR SALK Or trade, registered A.
.1. C. C. Jerseys, ono cow nnd ono
bull dropped Feb. 23, 1915. John
D. Hnlr, Roguo River, Oro. 271
FOR SALK Team of mules, weight
900 lbs. each, 0 year olds, $225. O.
"C. Uogg8.
FOR 8ALFJ Red Polled
calf. 510 N. narllotl.
cow nnd
ii ' .-. : t -r-ir&-
- r i
WANTED MlfitTrirtiniVEOU
WANTBD -Plain sewing and em
broidery, 21 ConcBeo stroet. 254
modem bungalow, on paved streot,
corner lot; uIko 50x115, flno soil,
good out buildings, a flno borne,
tor n first clasit 5-passonger nuto
mobile; btust bo In first clans con
dition; no model later than 1015
uud no cheap cars considered; act
quick for this won't last. Address
Dox 7 IS. Medford, Oro. 2C.1
WANTKD Second hand furniture;
must bo first class. Addrotm C.
T care Mall Tribune. 253
WANTED Wo hnvo ordora Tor till
kinds or pullets, cockerels nud bens
ror breeding purposes; demand
greater than over. Send list what
you hnvo to offer. Mcdford Poul
try and Kgg Co. 257
WANTKD Maternity cases At homo;
every thing furnished for $20 per
weok. Mm. A. D. Little, 30 N.
Riverside. 253
WANTED Women let un help you
make money selling guaranteed
hosiery to wonr; full or part tlmo;
big profits; experience unneces
sary. Address, International Mills,
Box 122, NorriBtown, Pa.
yOR EXCHANGE Clear incomo
property for equity in city or conn
try properly. Box c. L., Mall Tri
bune. FOirEXCHANOE tinprovcd qunr
tcr mtddla west, for small ranch
city proporty or established busi
ness horo. Grant Alldor, Mcdford,
Orogon, 254
FOR HXCHANOK 30 acres clear of
mortugo $1200, for homo and
garden ground Clark Realty Co.,
206 Phlppu Bldg.
Sewlri; 3Inchlnc4
HALE OR RENT Somo usod ma
chinos abo for sale. Cleaning and
repairing. C. A. Chapman, at Med
ford Furniture & Hurdwaro otoro.
rtesldeiice 375 So. Central. Phoui
ACQlfiCK 7uSm"obirogaM)irno
going up; sell gaso tonic; cquuln
gusollno nt 3n a gallan; ollmlnntos
otrffon; dollar nn hour profit;
m I os guaranteed. White Mfg. Co.
Dept. !; Cincinnati, O.
OII Stock advuncfc 13 percent Jau.
27; big (mpany, ground floor
proposition; Oklahoma oil doubled
in prlre; 100 per cont dividends
90 days possible quick acUnn on
your nity; llinitod number
shares 6c nhnru; $10 buys $166
par value stock, company paid two
dividends; remit now. Write. Frm
Information. AmalgauiQted Oil
Co.. 1101 Colcord ill(., Qklahofta
jfillfiWHilAS UTO OAt CO.
ISftve Medford dally except Htyt
dap rr Ashluud, Tnlciifcand Phoenix
nt 8 Q. in., 11:00 a. m 1:15, 2:30,
3:45 (jhd 5:16 p. til. Alstftou Salt
urdt? nt 11:15 tj. in. Sundays leave
fit 10 a. m., 1 p. m. nnd 9:30 p. ni.
Loava Ashland for Meord dally
except Sunday at 9 n. m., 12:30, 2:30,
3:30, 4:43 and 6:15 p. m. Sunday
lonvo Ashland ut 9 a, in., 1:00, 5:00
and A:80 p. m.
Wo will pay $25.00 ouib reward to tho party who will furnlCh us
with an actual buyer for tho following 160 uero wood and timber
160 aero, located jt nillca south ot Gold Hill, ostlnmtsd IVi
to 2 million feat m9 timber and 4000 curds hardwood, Price
$080.00. (Sttw timber mostly yellow and sugar plncu)
As an Investment for a wood proposition this can't bo beat.
102 Wst Main Street
An'O BHiPfWrCn
nro operating the largest, olJet
and best equipped plant In the Pa
cific northwest. Uso our spring
when others full. Sold under guar
antee. 26 North Fifteenth St,
Portland, Ore.
QEO. W. CHERRYAttorney.. a4
.Notary, Room 9, Jackson County
Bnnk llulldlng, ontranco N. Cen
tral, Medford, Ore.
Attorneya-nt-Law, Jtooms 8 rnd
9, Mcdford National Dank bldft.
A. K. RBAME9, LAWYER Oarnett
Corey bldg.
O. W. ROBERTS Lawyer.
Medford National Dank Bulldlnc
Qarnott-Coroy Bldg., ulte 310
Medfora, Oro. Phono 850,
Collectionn and Reports
collected somo accounts 14 years
old. Wo know bow to get the
money. The Dttrtoclt Mercantile
Agonry. Inc. Ilooma 1, 2, 3, Hat
kins' Bldg., 216 E. Main st
lCnglncor nnd Contractor
FRED N. CUMMINGS Snglneer an4
contractor, 404 M. F. & II. Dldg.
Surveys,, estimates, Irrlgntioa
drainage orchard and land Im
provement. Onrbago
GARDAGE Get your premise
cleaned up for tho summer. Call
on tbo city garbage wagons for
good service-. Phono 274-L. F.
Y. Allen.
Instruction In Mmlo
401, Oarnott-Corcy bldg. Fred AN
ton Halght piano; Mrs. Florence
Hnllldny Halght. volco. Phone
Physicians anil Surgeons
MAINS CARLOW Ostoopnthio
pbyalclnns, 416-417 Garnott-Corey
bldg., phono 1036-L. Rcsldonc
26 South Laurel st.
DR. W. W. HOWARD Osteopathia
physician, 303 Garnott-Corey
building. Phono 130.
DR. J. J. EMMENS- Physician and
surgeon. Practico limited to eye,
ear, noso and throat. Eyes scien
tifically tested and glasses sup
plied. Oculist and Aurlst for S. P.
R. R. Co. Offices M. F. & II. Co.
bldg., opposite P. O. Phona 567.
DR. R. W. CLANCY Physician and
surgeon. Phones, office 36, rest
denco 724-J. Office hours, 10 te
12, 2 to 6.
clan and surgeon. Oftlco Palaa
block, opposite Nash hotel. Hours
10 to 12, 1 to 4. Phono 110-J.
T. O. HEINE, M. D. Eye, Ear,
Noso and Throat. Headaches and
nervous conditions relieved by
properly fluid glasses. Cross eye
straightened. Offico 228 E. Mala
at., phono 303. Consultation fre.
Homoopathlo Physician, Surgeon.
228 East Main St., Medford. Ore
gon. Offico phono 142, residence
phona 732-R2. Office hours 1 to
4 p. m,
Public Monographer
phor, room 29, Jackson Cannty
Bank Bldg. Dictation taken any
place any tlmo by tho only fltonc
tvpo operator In Southern Oro. ON
rico phono CIS. Rec 2 7 5-J.
Prljiton and l'ubllshers
best oqulpped printing offico In
routhorn Oregon; book binding,
loose lcat ledgers, bllllnr. systoms,
otc Portland prlcos. 27 Nortb
Fir st.
KAIuTsTtUMY Cononii InBuranco
office, Flro, Autumobllo, Acctdeut,
Liability, I'lnto Glass. Contract,
uud Suroty Bonds. Excolluut com.
panles, good local service No.
210 Gnruett-Coruy Bldg.
OHICQ 42 North Front Bt. Phone
315. Prices rlQht. Service guar
Phone 7p9
HP fKTm wi mtniy'