Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, January 15, 1916, SECOND EDITION, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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' . '' i i '
'1 1 if i mint mm of Mlse DorlnuJ Hol-i-
i) wall be oa oxliibit next Friday
. i.ciiinoti from 2:fl0 until f o'clock
i'l the Holland hotel. The following
iNi(!rtnii will bo rendered informally
during tho nftenioen: l'iuno solo,
"Tarnntella" (l.osoliitivU ), Mr,
lienc Hampton lanne; uenl solo,
"Sun-hmo and" Ilnfiu (Illuuicntlinl),
Sirs. I.ungc; violin solo, selected, Airs.
ZoIh White 1'nloy; voonl bolo, "My
Hi- e-i Dear" (Onrrio Jacobs IJond),
llcilierl Alford; solo dance by Knth
eiine Svvom, accompanied by Mrs. l'n
loy; vuenl solo, selected, IJess llrynn;
ilrumntic rending, Kd Andrews; trio,
.Mis. Zi'ln Wblto Pnley, Mis Veiifm
Hamilton nnd Cnrlolon Janes; vocal
s..lo, "Ilelovod" (Niedlinger), Miss
Flnn-ucn Ilnrolrigfc. TIiu dining room
ni the Mjpond floor will bo ImiiHform
cil into m drawing 100m, nnd beie
jiiiinv of Miss liobinson's larger can
mim's will bo hung. Tea will bo serv
ed in I his room. The following com
iiuliiM'M mo leaving nothing undone to
make this nffnir n splendid suecchh:
J'logram, Mosduinctf French, Wold
aid Nelf; decoration, Mosdnmos Jap
AmliiHs, Xowhiiry, Sargent, Morrick,
i:. I'.. (Jure nnd Miss Putnam; ten table-
nnd rofioidunenls, Mesdnmes J.
'. Mumly. Mollis littit, Hoon, Fabric,
! mid Crew; guardians ognto
iveeipi. Musdiinu'N II. L. Xoblit, Wal
ter .Miindy. assisted by others; ladies,
crving on reception committee, of-
ucer o (iienlcr Medtiird club nnd
the r.illeHimc: Mrs. V. Meldo Hillis,
Mis Alice lliinloy, Mi. J. A. Wost
ciliind. .tcdnnie Frank Preston nnd
Si.u.-Smith, Colony club; Mosdnmen
W. II. Sl.mriw, and F. . Thayer, Col
lite club; McKdmnch Frederick W.
I'nge, mill O. Carter Hoggs, Wodnes
ds. Study olub; Mchdamc Hurry 0.
Sliiv.-kiniui uml Kdw. Koutter, I.n Sa
ini'di club; Modmnei AIhii llruckiu-rcj-d
11ml Miss lturkc, Drama league.
Noting ladies assisting in serving ten:
M10 Jim 11 ndeiMou, I.cnh Wnlthor,
Aiiuetic Wokemuu, Ksiher Warner.
Jean Hodge, Lnurn Page, Susan
Deuel and Fein Hutchison, l.ndio
pomitiit IftcSIcadamwi J. F. Mundy
ouT Churlwt M. English, W. K. Crows
ond Cliorltw Conner, A. W. Fiero and
Kdw. . French, .1. Poilor .Nelf nnd
V.. II. Itunley, Delroy Hotchell nnd
A'lieit WiImhi Clark.
All the ludii'M of the fitoalor Med
lrd club will assume tit rei.pon.ibiU
Hie, ..I' hostess. Tho oiitile prouoods
il be iomnI for treo plnntinif nnd
other cjy, imjiroveiHoiits.
a' m...
U&?puvnt-Tenclior circla df tho
olalWliigli school bus jut com
lWil the t'irat yentof it work and
T nicmlH'iii wish fo thank all who
hn.' ,.. Boniroiisy hfljsfr.1 with miifao,
iniiie-ting paper, etc. The object of
lb,- M.M-intion )K to bringr the hoo
nnd i-IhmI into closer relationship
1.111I with n larger membership, much
f mutual benefit might be accom-ili-lud.
VonV eo-oMiutiou in Unt
nie,lK desued. The next meetiMv
4II lie held Friday evening, January
-'Vol 7A o'clock, in the high school
iV"tf. Mrs. George Andrew,! hh,I
ili' Kii'deritL Lntim. uili hahImK..!..
w " ' -MfclllfHIF
iimcbI number-, of the program
i.Un- Mibjeet for diseiHsioit will be
'Hl' Iteadiuir unit dm TT nr l...
I. 1011 ar iv fuinttnll.. ;.,.
1 iilo utteud,
.... wv.....a(, h-
Oeng an
flo'ir da ugh-
t J. Lawrenco
oduy, January 19,
li'oe street, little
w (i flw left Medford
i cpring!
er a live years' isi-
dMfr. Mi
leing vice-president
aed gi-iwrul r
ger of the Pacific &
I'.ll-trlll. Mi
Hie Mnlt'ord
ed the State
fnii graduated from
school and attend-
rsity at Kugene.
she e one Q
populur members
ot 1 he ouuger
Tl. Ct ruUr
H church wi gVtheEpiico.
the St. Mark' honr 'wrt- in
. tr o ....iji itdu.v after-
iiieut will be 8i'i
irrcv resn-
joslle time is aatiV?
a very en-
Mm. J. VUm Weckl , ,
witk dinner xwiy tmnl
iiio I..V lk nlliniM i?fy CVeU-
i..(v..Mk who tavS Iinc
a wverul muttths'
Mrs. K. Wallace
m- W
vnilliiei ineut- MltglMii
'" V"H Mr. miBM
"" 'T.lfrias-
ft JhBe '
iinuv lor
W York.
J r..
Gene Shelby Oborue,
tor s.ui Kranei-ro. wl
n " 1 hi ir lion 1
(ni son.
i rB'-dav
Ait iiitonnnt dtuteiHg lMfty WM
en nt the NntHtnrium Imll Tuosduy
evening by tho Medford Dancing club.
The following wero present: Mr. and
Mr. Hoy Davis, Mr. and Mis. 0. C.
King, Mr. nnd Mrs. W. T. Grieve,
Mr. nnd Mr. ,1, J. Huchter, Mr. and
Mrs. A., It. Cuiiiiii)jjlinm,Mr. and Mrs.
Arthur nttrclrljgtt Mr.. and Mrs. W,
C. Cnrtwright, Mr. and Mrs. II. A.
Lnttn, Dr. and Mrs. K. 0. lliddoll, .Mr.
and Mrs. (). Aleiidori'er, Mr. and Mr.
J. L. Helms, Mr. and Mn, II. llehling,
Mr. nnd .Mrs. A. Hubbard, Mr. nnd
Mrs. V. K. Merrick, Mr. nnd Mrs. C. S.
niiltcrfiuld, Dr. nnd Miw. .1. X Km
tnons, .Jmlifc and Mrs. M. I'urdiu, Mr.
and Mrx. C. L. Hutehiti'-on, Mr. nnd
Mr.s. II. F. Antic, Mr. nnd Mrs. George
F. Porter, Mr. nnd Mis. Pcrcv Wells,
Mr. and Mrs. John OlmHteud, .Mr. and
Mrs. K. A. Welch, Mr. and .Mrs. Itnlph
Woodford, Mr. ond Mrs. T. J. Fuson,
Mr. and Mrs. It. Gregory, Mr. nnd
Mrs. C. K. antes, Mr. and Mis. C. M.
TliomtM, Dr. nnd Mrs. F. G. Thayer,
Mr. nnd Mrs. Clyde Ilnclrigg, Mr. A.
S. Itoxciihnum, Mr. nnd Mrs. John
Ilnrneburg, Mr. and Mrs. V. Meldo
llillis, Mr. and Mrs. O. C. Hoggs, Mr.
and Mix. Gum Xcwburv.
The membership of the M. K.
chut eh South tendeied a leeoptinn to
the pastor and wife, Hev. nnd Mrs.
II. M. Hrnnlium, Wudnesdny cvoning.
A splendid program was rendered in
follews: Song, "I'll Go Wheic You
Want Me to Go," prayer by Kev. K.
1. C'onser; instrumentnl solo, Mrs.
Joe A. Thomns; recitation, Miss Nellie
I.imming; vocal solo, Miss Jtuth
.Stringer; reading, "Parson Drown,"
Mernicc I.inning; iustrnmenlnl solo,
Ii. ,loo A. Ihomns; rending. ".Mv
Dolly's Dead," .Mary Scymere: vocal
solo, Miss hunieo Ilrnndon; song,
"The Home Path Aftci All"; instru
mental solo, .Miss Jessie Stringer. Af
ter tho progrnin n soenil time wn en
joyed. HefiChhuients wcio served
Iiinnjr the evening. Mrs. Frank S.
Itraudou nnd Mrs. Ililey I). Hcnsou
were in charge of the entertainment.'
Insinuation of officers wns held by
Medford Homostend; Xo. U), llrolli
orhood of Amerii-an Yeoman, in tho
Moose hall, Thursday eveni. .Mrs.
iettn I lames, chief overseer, of
Portland, Ore., acted as inustulling
oflicer, nwistcil by Archer P. W.
Chelgren, cling ns chief yoomnn.
The tollowing officern wero ducted
to effice: II. Gunther, foreman; Geo.
Frees, muster of coremonics; Anna
Wolff, correiondont ; .Maggie Kvans,
master of accounts; Lena Gunther,
clmplHiii, Fred Wolff, overseer; Xel
lie Turpin, Kowenn; Lady Kebecca,
worn from; .Mnnon Center, wnteh-
mun; .1. Woltl, entinol. A linnqnct
was served after installation by the
members iu honnor of their iustiillinif
oiucor, .mj-s. )tta Mm
Wednesday evening; the Xnomi
class of the Methodist Sunday school
gne 11 tin shower for Mi. Volnm
Woods, whoso wrehlinif occurs in
Fobruarj- to Hubert G. Tlmyor ot
Stockton, Cal. The gift woro hidden
Hud the bride-to-be soiieht thorn out.
Tho evening was pleasantly spent with
games and music, after 'which re
freshments wore served. The guests
present were: Misses Itemiee Unicorn,
Helen Rteveus, Louis Daddvsman.
Xell Corum, Mildred Heine, Georgin
Whilloek, Alice Smith, France Greb,
ICdna Gore, Helen Ljdiard, Vera
Houudtree, Mnrjorie Stevens, Anna
Hitaler, Ituth Daniels. Murv Tinker.
Velma Wood and Mrs. Johu H. Car
kin. ' O
At a regular meeting of Medford
f'a., Xo. m. Woodmen of the
World, held Wednesday Might, Janu
ary UJ, the folwiug officers were in
stalled: Consul commander. J. M.
Hwlge; advikor lieutenant, K. C. Silli
mau; banker, X. W. Horden ; clerk. W.
U, Jack .on; wK-ort, K. O. Walden;
wntchnun, William Ifolfe; scnti-v, J.
C. Howard; managers, F. M. Jordan
ami (i. M. Cherry.
uiie new member as introdiieml
and seven apflicauts balloted 011 aud
ejected. Arrangements weie made fof
a big ulas initiation Wislneday
mgnt, January a. Kefreshments
wore soned ntthe uIcmo at eami.
The regular weekly lmin,fs aud
sm-iul meeting of the "Dubious De
corum club" was held at the fcotaei:
William F. Stuuon, p8 West Fourth
street, Monday evening. Those pres
ent ere: Arthur! Hnm.f
McClain, Enri Hyatt, Harold Hull,
Park htewart, Crie MeClnin. John
Parker, John Whisenaut, Frank Wal
lace and William Stiuson. i
Mrs. Ilert Tbierolf entertainixl the
GirU' Sfwing olub at her home in the
Hcili.m ai.irtmiiit Tin -.I.. .iit.r
Joint iMstallatlon of officers of
Wontonka trlbo Xo. 1 Improved Or
der of Itcdmon and Woatonka Covin
oil Xo. 20 Pocahontas Sisters wns
hold Saturday cvoning. Tho wigwam
wns dooornted for tho occnilon with
evergreens making tho lodgo room
rcHcmblo n mlnlaturo forest. Deputy
(trent Sachem, h, L. Jnrotm wns the
tustalllng officer for tho Hod Men
nnd Mrs. William Mllnes for tho Po
enhontas Sisters, nnd with nblo nssls
titneo tlin hcautirul ritualistic work
wns made very imnrosslvo. Aflor In
stallation tho tnomlierfl ndjourned to
the banquet hall nnd enjoyed a boun
tiful supper. Hoth organizations luivo
made splendid progress during tho
past year and ended tho new year
fico from dobt In their now building
with still brighter prospects In view.
Tor tho plonsuro of Mrs. Conrnd
who loaves Sunday for her home in
.New York, Mrs. Prank Owen cntor-
tnlncd with n dlnnor party followed
by brldgo Wednesday evening nt her
home on Slsk1ou Heights. The
guosts Included Mrs. Conrnd, Mrs.
Lincoln McCormnck, Mr. nnd Mrs.
Walter Ilowno, Mrs. Stewart Patter
son, Miss loulse Ilurlte, Gerald Sooy
Binlth. Alfrod Carpenter aud Karl
Mrs. Wm. Sooysmlth nnd Mrs. W.
L. Holloway were Joint' hosteeses nt
a dinner nnd brldgo party given at
tho Hotol Medford Monday evening
for tho plonsuro of Mr. and Mrs.
Wnltor liowno and Mrs. Conrad. Mrs.
Ilowne's sister. The guerts Included
Mr. aud Mrs. Waltor Ilowne, Mrs.
Conrad, Mrs. Arnold Sctrtfclor, Mr.
nnd Mrs. It. W. Iluhl, A. Conro Kloro,
Alfred Carpoutor., Gerald Sooysmlth
nndJC. F. Guthrie.
Mrs. Beit Anderson entertained Lo
Sauedi club this afternoon with a
1 o'clock luncheon nt her home 04)
Knst Main street. Tho guosts iiros
ont were ns follews: Mrs. Kdvvard
Soulier, Mrs. 0. C. Hoggs, .Airs. W. M.
Van Scoyoc. Mix. H. G. Stoecknmn,
Mrs. F. It. Igobcrts, Mm. C. C. Van
Scoyoc, Mr. T. C. Wicks, Mrs. C.
M. Kiild. Mrs. George Collins, .Mr,
nutler, Mis. Orr, .Mrs. Jldl, AIin.
Hiince ami Mrs. Port Thicrolf.
Mrs. It. J. Clnncy entortalnod with
brldgo Wednesday afternoon nt hor
homo on Siskiyou Heights. The
houso was prettily decorated with
holiday greens. Light lorieshmouts
wero served at tho close or tho after
noon. Tho guests present woro Mrs.
W. V. Campbell, Mrs. T. 15. Daniels,
Mrs. J. J. Kmmons, Mrs. Goo. Uoborls
nnd Mrs. J. F. Mundy.
Mrs. Conrad who has been tho
guost of her sister, Mrs. Walter
Ilowno for tho pnBt sovoral months
will lonvo s'unday for hor Iioiihj In
Xow York. Mrs. Lincoln McCormack
will accompany Mrs. Conrad onst
whoro she will remain several weeks
visiting hor daughter. Mrs. Mnthow
son. A meeting wns hold at tho homo ofj
Mr. nnd .Mrs. S. A. Xye, Wodnosdny
evening for the purpose or organiz
ing n Shakespeare club. Tho next
mooting will be hold at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. K. K. Kelly at which
tlmo tho study or llacllelh, will be
taken up.
Mrs. S. S. Ilullls and daughters
have arrived frdtk Oloan, X. Y., to
make tholr home in Medford. Thoy
occupy the Knight residence on Kojt
Main street. Mr. Iiullis accompanlod
them to Portland and went to Van
couver, II. C, on business.
The Wednesday Auction llrldge
club was entertained Wednesday
afternoon by Miss Union Dah) at her
home on West Ton the street. Miss
Laura Trelchlor substituted for Mrs.
Sohormorhorn who is outoef tho city,,
Mrs. I'red Hopkins entortalued at
brldgo Friday aftornoon at hor ranch
home near Central Point for Mrs.
Lincoln MoCormack who leaves Sun
day for a several months visit to
New York.
Mra. A. T. Urown ontertainodjn
formally Friday aftornooa for The
pleasure of Mrs. Arthur Cunningham
of Nor ft Dakota, who Is tho guest or
tyrs. D. W. Luke.
The melting of tho 'Parent-Teachers
elrele or the Washington school
which wm to have met Friday after
noon has keen postponed uutlW Feb
ruary. Tho Xelghborhood Shakespeare
elub met at the home of airs. CJeo.
Canode on Dakota avenue. Thursday
evening witli Mr Vall.n. an leadci
snflngggBgggggWgMsCfcj. 'i'JC'tfrVUlKKiJYtif' &r 5
Theic arc few patron-, of the "movies" who have not scon the girl with
the chewing gum jnw-. She is Miss Fny Tinehur nnd she cun't help do
ing "fool things," for she wns born on April 1.
v !" , S ?,? h1 uT? , 8,nr' T,,p Mo,lt,r Woodmon of Amoriea
Xeylta OS, of Cenral Point hold open m), , Xll,B,lbon, ,wM jo,nt ,.
natn Intlon of o leors Tuesdny ovon- L,,,,,,,,,,,,, otonwtH nt tho p. ,,,,
ng January 11th. and were assisted Kr, 0VnJ j M p , t
by the follow ng sic. ford Knstern , iuHtnli orfi(lor , c wColk.
Star efficers: Mrs. Xe He MoOownn.!,,,, comtllclor for tho W0dmon.
officer; Mrs. Ha tie White, grand jc Wo, , A ,
marshal; Mrs. Kate oung, grand !,,,.... '. ". V
ohnplnln; Mrs. Lola Xorcross, grand
Tho offlcors InstnlleO. wero ns fol
lews: Mrs. Jennl
or mirce M, wo y h""'8- VmM' """i ('
. ,, , , . IS. C.owell, eentrv.
f Pnnkey, assoc Intoi ,,. . , x, ; . . . . , .
,.,. iin.nni.1 MMM. ,ho uyl Nfikhhors uislnllcd of
matron; Mrs. Victor
patron; Mrs. Potty
matiou; Mrs. lluttlo llatfiold, sccro
tnry; Mrs. lsabello Lecver, troasuror;
Mrs. Mollio Xeal, conductress; Miss
Mnry Mlllor, associate conductross;
Mrs. Mnrthn Frcdorlcks, rhapluln;
Miss Allco Ilnnloy,finarshal; Mrs.
t.otn Vnrnrnui nrfrnllfiit Mm Vltinl.t
Kyle, Ada; Mrs. Laura Grim. Utith;
Mrs. N'ntito Wnlko'i? K.ihnr: Mm.
. . . . . 1
Udnn Itoiiiuott, Mnrtlia; Mrs. Ilortuit
Uursoll, IClcctrn; Mrs. Gcorgo Xoul,
Tho hall was noautlfully docoratod
for tho occasion In green and silver
stars, and n profusion of lovely flow
ers, which weio tho gift to the lodgo
by the outgoing and Ingoing matrons.
Tho officers from Medford presontod
the outgoing matron with n beautiful
pour! bundled cake knifo, aud the
other outgoing officers received a gift
or flowers from the Medford ladles.
After the installation of officers a
delicious two-course lunch was served
by tho Central Point lodge. The In
vited guests Included all the Masons
and their families, and the following
guests from Medferd: Mr. diss.
Young, Mrs. Maud Margrave, Miss
Mlnkler and Miss Weeks.
The annual meeting of the Chris
tian church held Tt)itrsday evening
was it splendid success, being nt tend
ed by a large number of members
and tholr families and all enJood the
oveng very much.
Tho reports or the different de
partments showed t;y rrork o the
past year to have been vrry good, do
splto tho close times and the loss by
romovul of several of the prominent
members and the death of a few.
Tho membership and officers have
groat hopes for the year 1911 and
tho prospects for better and greater
work are very encouraging.
Tho program Thursday ovenlng
was as follews:
Selections by the Sunday school
orcurstra. It was tholr first public
appoarauce and everybody was de
lighted with their splendid music.
Prayer by J. T. Carpenter.
Congregational singing.
Itepoq) of pastor, 11. M. Tueker.
Keport of Sundsy school by 8eire-l
tarp 11. W. Paul.
Report Christian Hindus vor t
Pres. Itorrlan
HeporC lUdles' Aid, by naittor.
Report C. W. . M by Mrs. A
Iteport of troasuror, 0. 0. Piorce
Solo, Miss Ituth Bchuler.
Song, by choir.
Kloction of officer, as fallows,
lilders, It. Sfchuler. J. W. Urlnkel, J.
T. Carpontor. Deacens: Hen Onrnott,
M. Lance. C. C. Piene. L. Mshler.
J. W. Shirley, It. I. Van Onllder, 9. S.
Smith. Doaceuesses: Wives of the
deacons, Trustees: It. Scbuler, Hen
Garnett, S. S. Smith.
Lunch waa served in the baaeweat :
anor wnuu tne venmg waa spent
The church la thlrty-pue years old
and Mrs. J. if. Darnell waj tho only
charter member present.
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Uewne leave
Suiwiay far Vancouver, II. C, wheie
they expect to make their home.
They will return to Medford prepare
tor for their final departure.
Iflu.r,m' ,,..., ,' -' ''
'"" -""? V ' "'i "
cort; Hoy H. Peebles, mnnnger: (
ficers ns follews: Mm. llanners was
the installing efficer: Mrs. Hyatt,
ceremonial mnrsluil; Miss Lenore
Godlivc, pianist; Mrs. M. W. lluson,
ornoio; Mi's. ,r. T. Conrad, icc-or-
nclc; .Mrs. A. C. White, past oracle;
J?"": 'U! U t"' ,h''"cllor; .Mis.
I'.v,,m Howell, recorder; Mrs. It. T.
I TllV'lnr mrirvili
Taylor, marshal; .Mrs. Hague Inncs,
Preceding Iho inslallnlion of "offi
cers n very interesting program wns
given: Hooding, Mrs. Chns. Webster;
remarks, Jninoa Fleming; rceitntion,
"Life's Dangers," Howard Howell,
song, Hoynl Xeighbors. A number of
highly appreciated Viclioln selections
were contributed by tho Hale Piuno
House. Following the installation, a
very sociable evening was spent, with
supper served by the Woodmen.
Chrysanthemum clrclo Xo. 81,
Women of Woodcraft, held tholr an
nual Installation of officers Tuesday
evening, Janunry 11th, In Iho I. O. 0.
P. hall. Mrs. .lonulo llelllnger acted
as Installing otflcr, nnd tho following
Ing officers woro olectod to office.
Mrs. K. Wnlto, guardian neighbor,
Mrs. Lurota Hhoiueborger, past guar
dian neighbor; Mrs. Hello Dennett,
advisor; Mrs. Sllllmar., mag.clan,
Mrs. Klla Shoults, clork; Miss Sadie
Whitman, musician; Mr. Mnrtln Mr
Donough, bniikor; Mrs. Noma Mar
tin, captain of tho guards; Mr. II. P
Mcltrlde, and Mr. It. Itholnoberger,
After tho Installation u social time
woe onjoyod. A largo Christmas tree
was set up tor tho occasion, and on It
wrre hung oomle gifts for all tho
members ofie lodgo which on bolng
presented to the guests caused a
great deal of merriment. A short
program was given as follews: Med
iation, Mr. A. W. Walker; piano
duet, Neva Mamuels and Lucille
ICoonts; recitation, Aline Parker,
recitation, Miss llertha Ilartwlg.
Mrs. Mcllrlde, chairman, asslstod
by Mrs. John Perl and Mrs (Jus Sam
uels, were on the lefreshnxnt com
mittee, ami ci ved a mont delicious
lunch in the dining ro.-m, whre th
tablex werf t.f-HI deror.ld I with
Do Your Eyes Tire Easily?
Waste of nervous energy thru oyo
strain is the primary cause of many
humun ills, snd IU alleviation Is ac-
compllshed by seieutlfle skill, not by
commercial enterprise.
Dr. Rickert
Suites 1 ., ovi-r Ma Co
flowers nnd ferns. There was a large
Inttondnncc nnd tho evening wns very
much enjoyed.
The Womun's Home Missionary so
ciety of the First Mntliodisl church
met Friday afternoon tit the home oC
Mrs. T. 0. Heine, 1121 15. Main street,
with a large number in nttendnucc.
Following tho business session, a very
interesting program prepared liv Mrs,
X. J. Wiley wns given. Tho auuist;
wns: "Home Missions u Xntlodnl
The money problem with which ottr
nation is today confronted wns
hroiurht out nnd tho work which is
rbeing accomplished by homo missions
by helping solve these problems wns
pressnleil in n very Inteiestiug nnd
profilnble mnnncr. During tho social
hour refreshments woro served by tho
hoitossos, Mrs. T. G. Heine, Mrs. An
drew Clancy nnd Miss Long.
Tho OriMlloa Hiking club will en
joy u coasting party nt Jacksonville
Sunday nftenioon. Thoy will meet
at the Onrnott -Corev building and
lako Iho 3 o'clock ear for Jackson
ville Knoh member will tnke their
lunch, coffee will be served by the
Tho members and friends of thoi
Mooho lodgo wero entertained with u
social, evening nnd dnnclng party
Tuesdny evening In tho Moose hall.
Mrs. Clmrlos M. Knglish wns host
ess to Iho Five Hundred club nt her
home on South Oukdulc avenue Mon
thly evening'.
Friday aftornoon wnB ladles' day
at the LMks olub. Mr. Fred Colvlg
was hostess.
Mr nnd Mrs. Wnltor Ilowne enter
tnlncd nt dinner and bridge Tuesday
ovenlng. ,
lriii.i. Atkintt m.4 in k.TCn
I UVllM. IIICAMI I'l .1 jttt tt
ii a
W ? Vv
!.SI-Slr Ul J llrr,4A
I'llll I IU 4 I U.ld .,UIIKV
Un, IJ llh Mm l(IUx., V
Ac ff
"What the Ford ww will do is amply
jirovud hy its daily use in the hands of
more than J)00,Of)0 ownei-a. So sim
ple to understand that every Ford
owner knows his car like a book ho
runs it and cares for it himself. Built
of the best materials, powerful and
offieicnr, it saves money in operation
and maintenance -and crimes at a
very low price, llunnhout $390;
Tnurinjr Car $-M0; Town Car $6-10, f.
o. h. Detroit. On sale at
Southern Culituriiiii bus much to otter von Hut. vviutor,
(it) or country, mountum or beach resorts all nro iu
vitmg. The Punauia-Culiforuut Exposition at San
Diego will remain open another yoar blggor and bet
ter than ever. Hut Southern California offer lonio
thing even greutcr than this. It is the ovor-prMont
and delightful
Sunshine and Flowers
Itoses in bloom, Oranges nnd Lemons ripening1 on tho
ttee., Popple ami Gcruiiiumc ovoi-j-where. This i tho
loal California. The expense of a trip to Soutbura
California i not great
T flV Rnilflfl Trin -motli twkoU arc oa
uvw ivviuuu. xuy mU (Ui,y lnm nU PU
eifie Northwest points. Stopovers am allowed at
ideasure. Through oar sfirvie on limits trains,
through dining car ami olkssrvatioji oam iuak tht (tll
rnil route the delightful way to fu.
Ask your Jooal a;;iut r write
Johu (. Scott. QeiMt J I'ttaMiuvr Atjjt, FuiUaiid, Oregon
ir Cross, rcverfsli, Side, Bilious, dive
Pm It IjvxnUvc nt
Rvery mother ronllzes, after giving
hor children "California Syrup of
Figs," that tlilB 1s their Ideal laxa
tive, because thoy lovo Its pleasant
tnrtto nnd It tborouchlv cleanses tho
tender llltlo Btomnch, liver and bbw-
J els without griping.
Whon cross, irritable, feverish or
bronth Is bad. stomach sour, look nt
tho tongue, Mother! tf coated, glvo
n tonspoonful ot this harmless "fruit
laxative," nnd In a fow hours nil tho
foul, constipated wnsto, sour bllo aud
undigested food passes out of tho
bowels, nnd you hnve a well, playful
child again. When ltd llttlo system
Is ftill of cold, throat sore, has stomach-ache,
diarrhoea, Indigestion, col
ic remember, n good "Inside cleans
ing" should always bo the first treat-
mnnf frlvnn
Millions of motticm vn -rniifnr-
nln Syrup or Figs" handy; thoy know
n tcaspoontul today saves n sick
child tomorrow. Ask your druggist
for n 50-ccnt bottlo of "Cnllfornla
Syrup or Figs." which has directions
for babies, children of nil nges and
grown-ups printed on the' bottlo. Ilo
vvaro of counterfeits sold hero, so
don't bo rooted. Get tho gcnulna,
made by "Cnlirornla Fig Syrup Com
pany." Adv.
Hffccts lusumuco
of All Kinds
Tolcptiono 123
Bpnrtn Illdg.
j f
i i. i M
p. pi p i
( . u- Si ii it, hn and M.
' tur. . li i it l r U t
t ' i.l (fir
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r,i. 1 1 unr d )
trr h., rV
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I w .rk.