'rt V snssDVOttn maw wubotr mriVfokd, onrcoios. ftuday. .tcnpaTW r?. lo'io PACW THROT -UUIHimUMI i II rt'l JJlffl t-JiJ-J '' J 1 ""l-LLLU-llLLLLJL- ' ', J ' . .. I I " ' I L J..1 . ' I- ' .'...'. -JTrr?TrJ' '"' ' '"' ' ' -- - -'-' iL.JUfl.1.1. '.. Jl1 REFORMS NEEDED ' , ----- no peace ACTION !&AY lj PF(Wttl IN INDIAN TREATIES BISVHHK1' " YET SUGGESTED PlWMmi SAYS COMMISSION ;SP&felt j BY POPE BENEDICT pfX;:" W" jk ' iBBER MEM ' HOMK,Jhi. 1-1. "Thelio1vf.pllHl IM i JJL WVxSw S HH''' X jB jflf- "' raHvflr flH9 no,'"l,lf ul 1 todny either ilirectlv i Hfe VHf XiSlr iV s fj" Mm i" hJrTjSrt LuflV H jHUE imlircetly to Hulieit from cither, HflkVl () -m&lfev KlillX V" W jUBP- T Yl "fc 'I afflflBBWi IbiMMJfflf T fi'lMr "M JHH "l,I of "0,,teorcnts nn' invitation Uji' VV y5iw nUKBm S J-S " iBy 'yWWhPi JHnf ' WnTjl.'r. dfc IB 'tiflHl ptvu conference," anys tlio Cntholie HB AyT JwMMPr fcV foNt HkNBoJBb an&itff'? ' fi'-wcffJiHHWB I1'"""! l'rier il'I title, in an arlielo jRciirA!!!Rlf JWEWk "SoMJlK. VSMTS BiHlHBnHBHB 5jk3Wfc"wliB JmBBB" S ' ' ,u'ntl.v fliril bv the vnticitn. w AN jltf ,J 7CJHBPBftflE7lIlw ,S. rJ3BBKEKESMm jXuZ Hoir holding Itet?Stim5 ? -9w.taJMWwii h tars of tieiico outside of nny ejtrnn- I A' I T h tf, uJ (( raw WASHINGTON. Jan. 14 Declar ing thnt the treaties between the United States and Indian tribes tire Ill-adapted to present needs, the. fed eral board of Iiullnh. commissioners In their annual report made imbllc to ity, annoupeca that tho board would eontlnno systematic InvostlRntlons of conditions on reservations where per petual benefit treaties nro In effect with tho view of recommending now ntii cements for commuting nnnultles and making other treaty changes. Aiiiouk tho reservation and tribes tiffected nro Kort Sill and Coour d' Aleut. Idaho; Crow, Northern Chey enne, Montana; Pawnees, Quapawa and Choctaw, Oklahoma; and tho '-Sioux tribes. The board asserts that many weak nesses exist In tho administration of Indian affairs, most of which, it Is jmlnlcd out are due to defects In the policy of dealing with Indian prop ortv. In rerommonillng thatx congress make dcflnlto provisions for old and dcHtltuto Indians, tho board says: "The present ration system is se riously defective and mnny cases of hunger and destitution found huvo been among lndlnns owning valuable al'.otmenls of land and timber" MARKETNG BY PARCEL PS T WASHINGTON, 11. P., Jan. 11. The fnrnier who wihct to sell litis product by parcel post, ami tho Innt-fwilV who wishes to use this method of securing countiy produce for her table, will find mnny useful pitintr. in Fnnner' Hullelin 703, "Su?K''stions for I'lireel l'o-t 3Iur lictiiif;." This bulletin, in addition to e.plninin;r tho posatl rates nnd mens urcinent limits for pitreol post mat ter. dihciiXhi'K in homo detail the types of containers which nro most xueeetrtful and the methods of prntU iiijt and packiii); )irnlure, so (hat it uill reach the eonsumer in wood con dition, mill ho nttrnetivo in qnulity nnd appearance. In tnmtiiif; stand nrds lor parcel post Hhipnientt, the bulletin tolls how to select, hand I o itml pack poultry, nnd how to gnitlo and pack the various fruit nnd vi'e tnblcs Mhirli the lurniKO fanner is hkcly ti market tlnouli the postof-liif. ITnrrv Sheldon has made n nstl Im pciformnncc is thoroughly enjoy- entcrlniiiiii(j drama of this three reel photoplay. The pnrt fits Henry N Walthall like n gloe, consequently iiinc. i I7HIKIH miiDiKiKe, tuo new iKsbannv lending Intly, has n pleasing pcrsonnlit mid is also an excellent nctrest. POPE f RENEW" FRENCH ARREST PEACE EFFORTS TURKISH ENVOY ItOMi:, Jan. ll. There !k a Ren oral belief In Vatican circles that the popo will deliver another Important allocution about war in the consistory at the end of February. It Ib considered certain that tho pontiff will cull the consistory either for tho end of February or shortly afterward to Impose red hats upon newly created cardinals, Scapanelll and Fiuhwlth, papal nuncios nt Vlcn na and Munich, who would thus lenvo their posts, belni; replaced accord liiK to present reports nt Vienna by Monstaiior Locatelll, now Internuncio nt Ilitenos Aires nnd nt Munich by MonslKiior Aversn now Internounclo for Ilrnzll. HOMK, .Inn. II.-"The holy see did ' nothing nit to todny either tlircctlv ,(jr indirectly to solicit from either. t 'ip oi iR'nicri'ius nny uiviiuiiuii to cnrtieipntt! in or pn'sldo nt n pc. it eonfeivnce," cnys tho Cntholie tfiui, forriere tl'Ititle, in an article dently inspired bv the vntican. Hoth groups of belligerent, the )ia per .itltls, thus fur inle.id to ho com jdctely victorious, tlietnting vuiitli tar of H'iico outside of any ejtrun eoiit interference. Tlio nun cf the pope is to cmploly nil uib!o moniiHJ to render tho ooiifInRfl(tion 'n pain ful to humanity. If th. Dope were iircsent nt n tenco conxrss hit nd- . . . ., . ... .i ' nefion to inc iroiuy wtum oir.d inc oiucicnec of nil Cnt'iolic subjects of tho contra etinp untions, niHhit'g it moro tliftieult for any country to break the ngreement. The poe, it nsserts, does not count upon the European contlict for tho solution of the ltouinn question, which, ns Cardinal Oas)arri snid, will not he settled by force of nnns. PAHIS, Jan. 1 1 As reprisals for f SAINT'S STA TUE AT D ED Ii(lK, .Inn. II.-The eathedrnl nt Sorn was destroyed by firo todny while hcrviees wore in projfrotts thioiiBhout Italy, coinmenioratiiiff tho iMrthn,imkc ut Avexxnno nnd Sorn u ycur no. The lire destroyed tho htatuo of Swiut Ife-titiiH, Horn's piotm'tinif siiiul. which whk Mli)ii-t thu only ob ject in llic church of Sottt which om ciiM'd uninjured in thu earthquake of 4im(.viHr. Tliio otnttio wn removed to the, efltlicdnt! nnd n Kieat ceremony was held there today, iu memory of thoe tiho lit their livo in the oarthqiinke, DitriiiK the kcrvicet a eimdlo fell nnd t t'iie to the nltnr clolli nnd the Mhtilt) l)uildin(r wn consumed. The stiHititinnii country has been ai'oiiM'd by the fire and tho bMi of the wtittuo, which they regarded as mi oinci ot wur time. 25 CARS OF BUTTER SHIPPED 10 RUSSIA NHW YORK, Jan. II. As show ing tho heavy shipments of food sup plies now being mndo from this port to Russia, It was stated today that n special train of twonty-flvo enrs loaded with huttor, wns rushed hero from Chlcugo within forty eight hours In order to ho shlppod on board the steamer Cznrltzn, another vessel leaving yeaterday for ltiusla. Tho amount or this shlpmont Is under stood to have exceeded all records for a single consignment. This Is believ ed to be tho first American. made but ter over shipped to Ituasla. Dealers say thnt America has hut tor to spare and that they are eager to extend heir exports as the holding of storage butter In refrlgernor plants throughout the country are litrger than last year. GOVERNOR WITHYCOMBE TO BE HERE LINCOLN DAY Governor James Withyrombo has ncccptod the invitation to attend the republican Lincoln nay uanquet at the Hotol Modforrt una memners of tho committee declare they will have the greatest republican love feast In the history of Jackson county pol itics. In addition to the governor, F. n. lluchtel, deputy sealer of weights and measures, candidate for railroad commissioner wiil attend as will Tom Kay, stato treasurer, and probably Harvey Wells. Insurance commissioner. Great Interest Is be ing shown in the approaching cele bration and everv indication points to a record breaking attendance on Sat urdav, February 12 AN M HAN JftEEmiNulASEDi SKAT-TLB, Wash., Jan. 1!. Tho KiiHMiiu volunteer fleet which baa been operating two stoamers between I'ttget Sound port and Vladivostok Mill put two, nnd perbups throe, more lane vessels on this run to handlo 4ilimieiits of war munitions until navigation to Arohnngel reopons in tho spring. Tliis announcement was Hindu today by Vladimir de Golokh vtfsioff, transportation agent of the I'iimuui government, who has been here two weeks investigating shipping etMhliliiws. During tha next three HMiiitk laryo shipment of war sup jjiw Mill be brought overland to Se at tit), Taeoma and Vancouver for triini.-hikei)t to Vladivostok. Col-ont-l Oulokhvastot't' said thnt it might I- nrtf.urv l chiii tr .nlditioii.il -lni- t' ,-ii 'l in ( lit the i 1 1 II ; - t't tin- ln--iuu kulintiir lint Uvtu U- Swamp-Root Saves Kidney Sufferers Vou ljalnrally feel i.eciire then you know that Vr. Kilmer's Svtamp-ltoot, the great kidney, liver and bladder remedy, Is nbiolutoly pure and con MaaiMMiW 00 hy t producing drugs. Tho same standard of purity, strength and o.xcollonco, proscribed by Dr. Kilmer many years ago, Is maintained In ovory bottle of Swamp Root. Swamp-Hoot Is scientifically com pounded from vegetable horns. It Is not a sUmulant and la taken In tea spoonful doses. It Is not recommend od for everything. According to veri fied testimony It is naturo's great holpor In relieving and overcoming kidney, liver and bladder troubles. If you suffer, don't delay another day. Go to your neareat druggist now and get a bottle. All drug stores sell It In two slses fifty cents ami one dollar. However, It you wish first to try this great preparation send ten (tuts to Pr Kilmer Ac t'o , Hin,;i.tiii,.tn. N - , for a k.uii ie ioitir Mn n wriMn-' 'iP i iti I t if nti"U ' - Mr 1 foi 1 Oj , ) i Mal ir. .r.r tho Internment of tho French sub-1 Jeets In Turkey, the Fionch author-. Hies today itriested Saltl Hey, ot tho Turkish embassy and tho lust tunc-! tlonnry of tho embassy remaining on duty here. His wife and daughter' also will be placed iu confinement. Salll Hey figured prominently In a double tragedy that occurred Jan uary II, 1011, at the Paris residence of his father In law, Gonornt Medmcd Cherlf Pasha, one of tho chiefs of the radical Turkish party. A strnngo Turk who called to seo that Ottoman politician shot and killed a valot who refused him admittance. The assas sin wns Immediately killed by Salll Hey, who was In tho house. NO PEACE UNTIL V CTORY SAYS CZAR Ye Mail Mil (From tho Illllsboro, Mich., Hccord.) Col. Whlskerottos McMullln, tho vcrsatllo editor of the J. I)., Insists that we aro opposed to bath tubs In the county Jail. Wo Insist that wo never said wo objected to tliom, moroly that soino of our farmer LONDON", Jim. II. Neuter' Pet rogrnd corrcfondent unys that Km peror Nicholas in tin ini)crinl order to the HiiHsinu nrmy nnd navy on tho ocettMon of tlio KiiHhinu new year's duy prutduimcd thnt there enti be no iieaee without victory. Tho order llnl.l. "On the tliieshhobl of the ycur 101(1 I send to you my greetings, my bravo wnrriors. Iu henrt nnd thought I nm with you whilu you bat tle iu the trenches, imploring thu aid of the mokt high on your work, your vnlor nnd your uoumge. Hemeinber 1 1 1 i k : Our beloved Kttssm cannot be insured of her indejicntlence nnd her rights; ennnol enjoy the fruits of her Inborn or dovelop her resources mi frleinls objected to white ennmoled hnth tubs for horso hlevtw, while ileus n tlccihivc victorj- is gained o or they had to wash In tho creek. ? if iVl ti Preparedness against sickness is the "&y Wl 1 seal ! 11 A 1 1 1 ' oig, important nung to ngnting soiaiers. j sick soiaier cannot work with vigor any more than you can work with energy when you are weak, tired, almost sick. One efficient warring government is giving each soldier a vial of cod liver oil every day because far-reaching experi ments show how wonderfully it increases the calories of human energy and gives them strength to prevent winter sickness. Is this not convincing proof that you need it at this season to enliven your blood to prevent sickness? Cod liver oil is scarce and high-priced this season and many inferior grades may be offered. But remember that SCOTT'S istheone EMULSION which guarantees pure cod liver oil free from alcohol and drugs. If you are subject to colds, throat or lung troubles; if you are easily tired, run-down or have thin blood, you should, take Scott's Emulsion at once. If your children are back ward in growth, frail or anaemic, nothing will do them so much good as Scott '3 Emulsion, and for girls and women ;n home or business it is nature's great strength-builder. Scott's is not a "secret" medicine. It is a rich blood food and a pure tonic; it contains nothing harmful and is pleasant to take. It is prescribed by physicians and liberally used in hospitals and private schools. 1 . . 1 1 une bottle may prevent a sickness. At any drug store Start it to-day. Imitations are sometimes offered but this Trade -Mark has stood for supreme quality for the past forty years. ALWAYS INSIST ON SCOTT'S, the enemy. ' - . i s I Scott & Downo, Uloomflcld, N. J. OCOTT'O CMULSION IS MAOC IN SUNLIT LABORATORIES. $150 Reward We wish to gather statistics on the service rendered by Goodrich Black Tread Tires. 0 We want to be in a position to show by bona fide figures how far these tires will run. Everybody Smiles When they see the bargains at M. M. Dept. Store CLEAN-UP SALE MlTP ) . V i l r. ; r. OH Wl fl. I I I 'fit ,'c We want to show that the famous Silvertown rubber is the bes't tread for any tire. We expect to pay car owners $150 for helping us collect these statistics. To the car owner showing the greatest mileage on any Goodrich Black Tread Tire be fore. January 1, 1917, we will give . . . 5 . To the second To the third . .' . i To the fourth To each of the next ten $50 Cash $25 Gash $15 Cash w v . $ 1 0 Cash $5 in Trade Vl$i"?. k X- , r. , Tires are sure to advance soon. Better buy now. C. E. GATES i k M 1 f M S M