Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, January 14, 1916, SECOND EDITION, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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MI'JUFOItl) MAM, TiniU'NK. Mhl)K(MI), OltHiOV. FRIDAY, .lANtWHY 11. 1010
9 miii .4----.-t ..
CapfMn A. .J. Vance niado a hur
ried bflsiheen trip Into the lloguo
rlvor district thin week.
Coming Monday to (hu I'nge, "llo
15. 1.. Ilrown, of Jacksonville went
to the llrownsboro illilriot on litml
nose yesterday ovenlng. lie will re
turn Baturday.
Mri. Loash, Abdo-Support Haroloy
fluntlesl cornet. S2G. N. finrtlott.
line for tlio ImUJi will soon ho In
domnml In this valley, Indications
suggest Hint the domiuid will ho un
usually strong. Take care that tlio
ontw uro (grille. Ten hens nnd rt good
eocxornl make a wall-t)rdpnrtlouetl
iH for -mi daalgnauV lor the Incu
bator. .
Iliitto Falli Wood ynrrt Thono 48
or 223, WboO nil kinds. 2B7
(loorjo.I'ost, i.r Port Klamath, Is r
vallny vimior thin week, with head
quarters at Cuntrnl l'olnl.
Oystots, any stylo. The Shasta.
Mrs. Ilnttlo Colwoll hi Maltlm: wltli
frlomls at Ashlsnd this week.
Wlion hettor Insurnncu Is sold
llolnioa, tlio Iiniiranoo Men, will unit
.1, It. Ilrown, of ItusobtirK. onmo
litlo tlio valley ;eslunlny. running up
In iliKUoril Itjr nulo from Itogtio ltlv
ir In tlio ovonliitf.' ' '
iX off on Kodaks nt Wcston'fl
Untnorn Shop,
lUr-Shurlff Andrew Mnybury, of Ken
.loiuuln county, California, Is a vis
itor nl vnrloiiH points In lloguo rlvor
valley (IiIh week.
.1 0. jjlbrklnj;, tho host nil Hroiind
liIioUiKrrftiliOf In southern OrogoN.
Always relluhlu. Negatives made any
whoro, time or jdaco. Studio SIS
Mnln HI. Phone itO-J.
If tlio snow reiiiHliis on the hill
lmck of .Isettsonvllle until Saturday
ovuultiK, a big partv of count or Is
lila ii nod to so rum .Medford at that
lliuo to onjoy a toboggan frolic.
Tailoring. Have your tailoring
il'im at the Kelster's Ladloa Tallor-
I Colloeo; pupils may outur at any
t'nio. it. in m. P. & ii. hid, ans
Will Oaawoll bagged a pair of
ducks a few miles down Hear fit) ok
Thursday afternoon.
Wostou Camera Shop for first class
Kodak finishing and Kodnk suppllos.
Tho wiiJIJb In tho oily pivrk linvo
liuou nuioh ,lmprovod by u surfnctui;
of coarso auntl.
Bpcolu) nriioa. on cnRravoft cards,
now' nnd- from old piston tor a' few
dajtoil tho Medford 1'rlntlm; Co.
Tho prim of unm will soon decline
rapidly, hut the local poultry and ogg
iioiiipany will give ou throo dollars
a ilniou for chickens olght wooks old.
Wouldn't It pay to set a fow doieu of
those eggs and secure the hlg price
for yoHiig ehlekonsT
Hoe Dave WihmI ahoul that fire in
suramin policy. Offlee Mall Tribune
Jinny u( those who have recently
beep suffering from (he nravuleitt l.
fliionaa are out again. Tke peoplo
of the aunt liitvu suffered lauieutably
f win .that trouble so far this is Inter.
While the tddonile has been worse
tkaa usual In tho coast slates, the
raie of niortalllt) tu cohswiiioiuh of
It HPtioars to have been negligible,
eueut In lib caao uf aged neoule.
J!. I'nrtlln, lawyer, Itooin Q0 M.
K. H. IlhlK.
A Urge attendants Is expected at
the armory this evoulug tu bear the
ilUHourse by Colonel 8a remit on the
'ttattte of Una Mateo and Death of
Major Qaaoral lawton." A musical
program will be given In addition to
the discourse by t'ol. Hargeut. No
uduilaalou Is charged aad au luvita
Hum Is extended to everyone ' tu at
tw. Comlug Monday tu the Page, "Ke
aaueriutog." R. ft. tlullts, prouilneut mining
UMH MMi preeldeut ef Um Humbert
(rf(Hi Traction eomugny, returned
this NtomlHg from a business visit to
No York.
IMnrea the Florist fur flowers.
I'Huae IT I.
V. . til am well, uf Ursuts Hoe.
piiiNiiaeutl)' MMltflcd with the r
puoed sugar factory for tuts re I ley, Is
a business visitor In MeiUord today.
StttfilM Klog tutu elgar. leu
TWy are kouie-inndo. if
Tk MoivlMUtt' aoaoclatlon has en
durHBdlhe effort being made tu hold
a usiry sho In this city early n
Keofklury. reiire.'otlas poultry In
leroafa freiii all iart or the couutry.
lMrA..R.'an4 loulse Hedges, ehl
roumatu pkatolaus, aUesrt butld
lug, III last Maju at.
ImMot if Donald. acouuauled by
bis brother At, returnad to their
haisjt TroiL whre the large and
attractive solouktl hotel oeued b W.
(1. ilcDoaalit. the well kuonu land
M'aue arlUi, Is now tu process of cow
Viet ton.
IMerce tho florist r flo0f.
on 374.
lr Hhe. ho know a good eklok-
0j bou be sees It. suM 10 (ha Me
fQIHl I'onliri ind Kit eowpy Uts
mprnlUK baas, Whit Orpingtons,
for ?5.: The sic teas weighed II
pounds, i -1 uere any Mey la chick-
?"8? .
-' Altonif'v M H Itrlaa'. who iin-
nctd Icftat hiislnes in t lil r It v ami
.Incksonvllle Thursday, returnetl to
his homo last ovanliig.
I'lorco tho I'Jorlut, Phone 871.
Soorotary I.attti of the Med ford
--h i-oiitincrclal club has Just rccolvcd
nnd wilt keep on file at his offleo, for
ganoral use by thoso who dosiro In
formation In tho line discussed, the
"Wntor Laws of Oregon," and Tin
Orogon Syslom of AVnter Titles."
Stato lCnglnoor I.owls Is the compiler
of these books. The Information coif
talned In them Is, therefore, official
anij rollanle. , ' , .
Mmlam!f)'nvenuortf renowned J'atm
1st and C)eJrVrey(t See this girted
lady Colonial, Ap. ' alia
Don't formal tliM nrlhlltfe' coasting
party Sumter afternobn at Jackson
ville. Tjfie parly will go over on th-
3 o'oloi oar, invellg ai ike4 ur-
nott-Cony hulldlng. ;pmn, to attend
this trip.
lt. Pitt cigars, uetfW piaij ever.
. Thu'iilevntor Id Uio (hiniotl-doioy
building Is being roittovad this week
from tho side untrunco to n front
ontranee on West Main atrdoL Tho
added convenhinco will ho appreciat
ed hy those who use tho uppor floois
of the hulldlnr.
Insure your auto In the Alllanco
ngnlnst theft, flro. C. Y. Tonawnld.
It. 11. WIkkIiis, of Huston, Is truns
nellni? biiMnotts In this olty this woek.
Iloosturs smoke Tho .Mcdford. 5c.
J. A. MorlKold, a buolnoae man or
l.os Angolos, California, Ih n .Modrord
visitor Joday.
Oood dry wood Jl.fiO tier ilollv
erod. Call W. W. Pronto, 370-It. tf
HkovKntird. tho world famous vio
linist, accompanied hy IiIp coplpuuy
or musicians, Is rcKlslontd at the
Hotel Medford today. Their iiiiihIciI
ar.tartalliment, iinjler.llio Hhsploaaot
.I10 Allnlstorlnl ussoalntlon will ho
presontHl) tonight at tho .Vntatorlui 1.
Why smokfl hit cigars when you
can gel l Oondas for 10c.
Attorney John Caikln, who has
been somowhat Indisposed, Is out
Try a King Split olgur and on
couraKQ homo luduslry. tf
A. A. Tontormnto, of Seattle, who
cnuio (o tho Itogue rlvor valley last
November, will loavo tomorrow for
his homo, having rouoliidod arrange
ments hero to Justify his return In
.May and assist In guiding tourists
next season about the ninny sronlc
chnrniH or Soutliorn Oickoii. Ho will
ho Interested mainly In those who
como by nutouudillo.
CoHCoanut lilsbus 20c por lb. at tho
Shasta. , ,
Tho basketball teams of the Med
ford high school broke ovou In their
games with the Klamath Palls teams
at tho Mat Thursday )iig)it, bufnro a
good tlaod crowd. The girl's team
was defeated 12 to 7, nnd the boys
won :ifi to V The same teams will
play ngalu .Saturday iiIkIU. Tho
Mmlford boys' team showed speed,
mid give promise of being a Taster
team than last year. Klamath Palls
plays Ashland tonight.
. .Music while you eat that big JUc
dluner at the Castllllan drill, .
Mrs. II. Pelvo), or Yreka. Califor
nia, will lea no tonight lor Montague,
where she will visit a few days lie
fore going 011 to her homo.
Hales sella Pont oars, $S0p down
and $15 a month.
Mr. and Mrs. C. O. Cowlos. of Ru
geue, who haie been visiting with
friends In Ashland, Talent and this
city for some time, will leave 81111
dav fur thttlr bniuu.
Typewriter papers of all kinds at I
the Med ford Printing Co.
Harvey Sandi), who has keen at
tending to baslnees affairs eoanect
ed with stock Interests lu tke Apple
gate count r, reaobed home lat
night, arter an absence or two weeks.
Pierce the Klarlal. Phone IT I.
Hubart Mcdulre, or Portland, win)
has been attending tu divers and
suudn huslnes errands lu this val
ley during Hie pasi mouth, will leave
for home Monday, gulag b easy
stages, having lu stop at many places
on the at Mr. Mcdulre rame down
front the Oregon matrupults by auto,
but will not attempt to return by
that manner of travel.
"Carmen" ai Hie star theater last
night proved iu be a surprising film
revelation. Those who rolled to see
It should, ir they are at all Interest
ed tu I he art of the Hlage In Its most
lhrtllli)g and gpiwaUag expression,
see If toutgbt as presented with tier
aldlne Karrar as the star In this re
markable drama (limitation. Man
ager Dharltt, after the first presenta
tion of the film lam nlghi, witneeaed
the tiNiuner In whtih hi house, fill
ed to cApartn. as aroused to x-
prajHtloue of delight over It. Imme
diately wired for Hrmlssiou tu hold
the film for another ds and ulght
and thus afford those who tare not
fortunate enough M w Uaeaa tho iragt
play last Bight to se it today or U
alght Try our lunches. W believe the
autieieeiiuu will ba mutual. The Pop
ur. au blast Mala- ,
The Jury in the rae or Jaaies and
Krank Perdue, charged with paiU
laroaay. and tried la Justice Taylor's
court esiarda altaraoea. acquiUed
the defendants thjj atamiag.
C. C. Cata, county patholafUI. iU
Itatlier limn ohiHt' (hi .1 11 their K''( Hkni)iaurl Inniuht nt the Niilalor
jilent ill Portland, Hie Weiuhnnl com- nun wilt inspire with an 1 xnlted mtum-
nuy linvc rettifncd their men and nici"1 "'" '", r to"'1'' l-'"l','l ' ""
. ..-.r- ... . lentieally interened audience ever n
MinfliifaptiuinK ww tointwrnnecl .. . ,,. . . ..
drink i -trie! e.MifurwaHM wHh ! pntertainiueat. Tlic nppenranea here
MH linu UbllUUIlUEiU ryi
1 1.- A dlspalak 10
from AmMerdaui
Oregqn pnlii)iition law.
Ooldcn am) .Amber Xoetur in made
01 uiejjoir i0W nun imnev and con
(nifln vital' slienutli-iflviiiur iiunlilie
'whicl' vlJi make it n faioiitc
tliroiutlnlnt the Htulc. It took many
months of exiieiimviitinv and re-
iwrel,'to liriiis; this now product up
til"lli prusotlt sliUu of perfection.
Henry Wossiuger of tlic Wviuliaiil
iliinl took n greut pride iu creating
them. His iimilit.i with lniineK in
turcnts in Oregon for so mnuy years
jiiompled tlic defiio to kcop the Wuin
liunl plant iu operntiou after J111111
11 ry 1 Hint to (five employment to
many employes who hnvo linen eon
neetcd with litis eoiieorn for yeui.
Mr. Wi'Msingcr is determiiicd in liU
effort to prevent any violation of tlio
law iu tlio ouso of (loMuit mid Aiu
lier Neetnr. Ho required 11 lioml
f .a.iO.()ll, wlncli ia Hiihjcet to for
feit, if any ileulor i jpiilty of selling
intoMcutiiijf liquors under the ttii.c
of this now Icmperuneo drink.
"HeiOH 0110 hit of proof of our
I- iii.i regaining: this new drink," said
,Mr. ,WeaiiiKur iu tiilkiiiR ivitli 0 10
jiorter tlic other day. It whs 11 letter
written to a tnau iu .MiuIiiik, Ore.:
"Now, iu regard to yours of January
.1. in which you say that your tliitrict
attorney is going to prevont you from
helling our Nectar, all mo have to any
is that if this should really ho the
ease, we would prefer not to Mii
any til till uml leturii to you the
money paid to u." TliU nli'owi
Mr. Wessinger is uliKidulely aiueciti
ol Denmark greatest violinist, tin
imiii who ha (liinoiiitrnteil lit- art in
it iniwt perfoct expression befoie
king- nnd tmpcror nnd iu I lie pre--eitM'
uf the gTViitcst criUeM ! oniric
in all the world, has elated local lo 1
ei of music, who have primn-''ii 1
tliHinselviis tliia one great opHirtunit
to wee find hear this great artist nnd
hi excellent eoiiifmiiy of star per
former", both locally '"hi instrument -ally.
It will prove io le a most remttrk
nlile. and attractive presentation of
tlio choicest music, both on the in
struments uml through human
voice-. Skovgiuml, the great uiHster,
will perform on a $1:1,000 xioliu.
Among tlie elmrmmg oculinU ulio-e
fnine Iiiin proeeiled tlicin will he .Mollv
Ilycrly in "O Dry Those Touis',; I'lor-
euee Hiiwkiiis Inrdlike voice, ( 'urn
Krculer in marvelous intiprctation of
Swiss folic Hbiigv, nnd Kriuicjs W.
CowIch, wlio n ill sing "Danny Dcc
vor," ospocinlly Jo delight you.
This renin rkahle compitni uf Mar
musicians will appear tonight nt the
Niilatorium under tlic auspices ot the
ItM'til Ministeiial nssoiiation. The
people of Mcdfoid tire pnrticul.irlv
fortunate to he crinittcd to eujov
sucli an entertainment nt ortlituin'
sitow (iriees,
the Dally Press
"The Italglnn sw Cels, 1to de
nouneed Udlth Cavell, the Bagllih
nurse, who was executed at Brussels
somo time ago by the Germans, wan
assassinated yesterday. His body
wjs found lu a (treat uf Schaorbaekl
near llruasela, with two bullet
wuitmls In It.
A dispatch from Urussels, Novem
ber IT. Inst said that a Kiandli sol
dier whose eonfaasloii to the Qernmn
autkorttlas resulted In the arrest and
execution or Miss Cavell, had OOMIt
intttod Kiilclne bv hanging In thd
military prison ,i OrRH--els.
lmm M.T3lg'"TC-g-fl-. 7
A distinctive cracker flavor
that you'll lik6
10c and 25c packace3
Taiff TTamlltr Tin Silfl
1 "-"Ii '"'""J ...---
U alao in bulk at all dealers
I'urlsina, uinon
-fjf' V3 jfUfftf ir a j
I '. MZSsm
Si (rJi?tJ
vw .,-'
Health Restored by Lydia
. Pinkham's Vegetable
PliKINCl, Jail II. -The foreign
office has advised tho various leKii-
iu his statement that uotliiiiir will he' lloim ,,IHt nvolors nnd missionaries
" I . m ..... .
none contrary to law or interpretation
01 tnc law.
"We nro fmnk to ntnle," continues
Mr. Wesainger iu this letter. "Unit
we do not desire, even in the icutolcst
way, to offend imy public official or
to do an thing oontrnry to law. hut
K cNilai I heforo, the people 11 hen
voiiugou I lie qiiestioit, ceitninlv vot
ed only on intn.iciitiiijr i,ih( ,! j.
lo.vicatlng rtnous liipimw. Orapc
juice, aiiiiougu viunua iu its very or
unn, i" recognised all over the United
Mten-HK one of UiaJoHtling temper-iiiu-e
drinks. Our Xnfftr in certain
ly in the Name class, as it contains
not to exceed one-filth of one per
eeni 01 aicotioi, while meat contains
I )ior cent, sugar mom Shan Uml ami
a uiimher of other foodstuffs used in
everyday life contain more or less, at
least a small iiuiintitv of alcohol.
There baa been couaiderahle mis
uudeiwtaiiiling and a grosa abuse of
the term "ncar-lwer." .Uai.v luu...h.
linvc no idea what tlii tVi-l,, ..,11.
means. (Jrigiually it was used to
ilesigtiate Imhm' that eoiitaiued ap
IttuiuiHleiy U to ".. imc eui ,.f l.
Icoliol, hence the name, whih. Xmtr
is praeticully fiw from alcuhid. eoa
taniuig much leas than alloaetl ,v
law, and thorofore is atrictly a Uiu
lH'incc hevemge.
UAIKU-A. J. Daile I o t'aglu
1 win, uie iaiirsna. Jsa 11, i!m,
a si yrs.. 1 1 mus. s iia.ia Me waa
oae 01 tae oldest pluaears uf Oregon
Puaeral aervleaa will be bald Krtday
at I p ni fretti bin )cg p,tl
home, the Itev. Slmwans offlclatlM.
Iturlal lu Central polat ceiuetery.
should not outer tho provinces of
Yunnan, KwniiKsl, Kwal Chow and
Hue Chiton, became they are within
the xoiie of military nHorntious
against tho rebels In tlio province of
Yunnan. This last province nlouo Is
rebelling, hut udvlces stato that Kwol
Chow Is wavering.
The government Is moving troops
to the borders of Yunnan province
through Sic Chuen and li'rnnfldent
of preventing the tevolution from BEGINNING ON FRIDAY. JANUARY
Jnmnlcn, N. Y. "I suffered Rrcntly
with my head and with backache, was
weak, dizzy, ncr-1
vous, with hot T
flashes nnd feltvcry '
miserable, as 1 was
Irregular for two 1
years. One clay
when I was feeling
unusually bad my
.istcr-in-Iav enmo
in nnd said, 'I
wish you would try ,
Lydia E. Pinkham a
Comtwund.' So I
began taking It nnd I am now in pood
health and nm cured. I took the Com
pound three times a day after meals,
and on retiring at night I always keep
n bottle in the house." Mrs. L. N.
BUUNIIAM, SOGlobe Ave., Jamaica, N.Y.
Women who recover their health nat
urally tell others what helped thorn.
Somo write and allow their names nnd
photographs to be published with testi
monials. Many more tell their friends.
If you need u medicine for Wo
men' Ailments try Lydia K.
Write Jjydla J!. IMiikham Medi
cine Co. (confidential) fur any
thing yon need to fcuow about
these troubles.
But Prices Reduced
at the
M. M. Dept. Store
See the Extra Bnrg(iins To:!ry and Saturday
sprcadluK. The Kovornmcnt declares
that the sporadic attacks of customs
stations In KwnnK Tiiup province are
the usual bandit operations. The
military xovvrnor of Axo Cliueii ro
ports that province Hell under control.
VAl'UHN-Mrs. uurs Vaugha.
wfo af It. 1). VaualiH. of lerbv. thi.
eouaiy. dlad at the fatally hma au
January 18. Il. aged 5S yoara.
Ilwriwl will ha iu Central Polat ceta
eter.v ( Uesldas her husband. ileceaseU Is
survived hy tw us, Prtah sad Itey
Vaiiahu. and titu daughters. Mrs.
Violet Ultaaurth and Mrs. ttld Xhhol.
rs. AiaraarH tlordon. her mother,
who resides at tCagle Point, also sur
vives her. together with six brothers,
Alfrad. Jaiaes, iiwinw. aad Hubert
Uor4ou. and five sisters, Mrs. Klle .
Mis. Myers, Mrs. Jane Vlaceat aud
Miss Clara (lordon.
Haceased Has greatly bekned for
her many lovable qualities as ife.
mother aud nelahbor, aad a large
circle of acifi'al manias In this valley
evtend their eiutere syiutUy to the
bereavad husband aad children and
other relatives.
Attorney Uut 4wbury returned
last evening froniaa two dais'busi-
uess trip to Crsnts Pass and other
points m l he northern cud of the
People Will Rule Next Duchess
LONDON', Jan. II. Tho Luxem
burg cabinet -hen tied by Dr. 1 .outsell,
has resigned according to au Ante
tetdsm tlUiKtlch to Iteuter's Tele
gram company.
Iteceut dispatches have reimrtcd
thai the association of tleitiiHiratlc
socialists has donuuHletl that tho will
of the iconic and not that uf the
graud diiclichx, shall be the supreuiu
law of Luxemburg.
Cilivil liy a Sfntple Itriutsly
t'olumtius. Us. "I am telling ecr-
budy what tiol has done for ui
husband. He had a bronchial cough,
his system ag run-down and I felt
sure ha would die. Ills father In
sisted 011 IiIh iryjng Vlnot, and I am
so thankful lie did, because It cured
his cough and built htm ii. M dor.
tor hlghl) ncfluiuiendM it aud said
he could not take sniihtnn better."
Mr. Thomas Monk.
Vluol, .1011 know, contains the real
rod liver curative extract, together
with nentonata af iron, and beef
peptone. It enriches and revitalises
the blood aud conveys to the system
me vital elements necessary to
strengthen the body aud throw oir(
the disease That la the reason it
mas so suci'fful Vu Mr Monk's case.
Aaioue In Med fold who has bron
chitis, a chronic couah. or needs
building mi. nia try a boitle of Vluol,
with the understanding that his
montM wit! he returned tf he 1 not
satisfied Medford I'hai niicv -Adv.
21, I9IG
We will Iniie nor price li-t in Ih(Ii
.Mcdfoid paMr- once em-li week. Snie
it nnd compare it with any other
pi ices iu (Jrcpm. We tire I lie onlv
gineerK in Soiitliein ()itj;coi meeting
11111 ii-oiilcr hoiiM' riiiiH'titijni. You
can bui from io- lur les f. o. h.
Med lord tliiin itiiN (Hier Iioiihc iu the!
-late. I
Wc soil for spot cash only ami do '
no,! run n froc tlellvory, pay a low I
rent, Imve 110 expensive fixtures or no,
other high expenses, and ulvo you the
lowest possible price hy huylny in,
large qimnliiies.
IImii ileni yitit mill ceil In ii i-til-i-liii'tioii
nnd l la1 ju. aaatOW'iit -
ed 01 uiiinei hack. Ilon'l lli'lp in the
other Icllmi'i. bill or pn.i In- di'liwiv
lull. .Mud older tilled piiitiill .not
ai'iuialcli. We are here to situ uml
will i-oiitiuuc In give nm the Inut-i
puce- nl all time. Our ttiiiautii 1-
lo pile 1111 lite lie-t yuml I'nr Ii -
llionei .
l .noU. lot mil tl 11 r li-l 1'iel.n. ,1 111-
iinri .'I. I 'i Id.
Jackson County
Supply Go.
For lowest prices on Groceries In
Southern Oreyou
Fresh Ve
First Quality Fruits
Good Goods Efficient Service
Second Door East of First National Bank.
gj jyg"aa?tr&vrax-'aB
UMsi&3tM4gtiiiJhtJH&iT,ia: lSwwgjtafsaaifcSBijSiStJiSHS y
The Advantage
1 Ii .111 r, ll. l)lillUUlt
Tlic d.tviilKS Aci'ouitt
Creates the Advaulage
tiikiu: vol' .ms
Don't work up hill with a load uu your uu-K -Tty coaat
lug down hill wtili a savings acenuut
UMth Med ford trade ir Medtord made.
ISA gil? " OWHW 1 , .
KO RXniANOK -Olaar Incawe
Pronart.i for equity la etiy 04 coun
try araaerty. Hoy P. I.., Mall W-
Bargains in
100 Tnraa-year-old
Caroline Testout
Rosas for sale at a bargain
The Muest roses la Medford
front the bast rose hedge In the ally
The Carolina Testout Is a perpet
ual bloomer, large pink roses sad
taa beat hedge or ttraeroaa far tbli
Pierce, the Florist
Creamery Butter has advanced to 70c
JONES sells for 65c "
Wc can save you a good many nickles on other goods.
Why throw your money away? Get our PRICES on
Fancy Canned Goods they will open your eyes.
Come up to our store Saturday and meet your friends.
Give us a trial phone order. Remember
Jones is not in the Trust-:He runs his own business
WeVant your Eggs and Butter
Fresh Vegetables, Apples, Oranges
225 V
atiralaav '