a MiiMPi Medford Mail Tribune SECOND EDITION WEATHEK Snow Tonight unci Saturday. .Max. lit), Mliu M.O, I'r. .02 urty-flfth Tear. vlly Tenth Ymr. mm will BEGIVENCHANGE TO MAKE GOOD Mexican Lender Wires Bandits Are Bcin" Pursued for Punishment Cabinet Decides to Maintain Pres ent Policy for Tlmo Being Ask Americans to Go to Garrisons. WASHINGTON, Jnn. ll.-Gcncrnl Carrnnzn totlny telegraphed his nm bussador us follows from his head quarters nt Qucrctnre: "The murderous ntinck on tho pas- setiar train near Cliiluinlniu was Hindu by tho only remaining band of outlaws. Tltis band is being pursued bv my troops, with ft view to insuro Hh capture, whereupon punishment, which tho crime deserves, will bo ap plied to every guilty participant. Gnrnttizn Acts "Troops of the constitutional gov ernment have been ordered to estab lish patrols from end to oud of tho railroad lino in order to prepare against similar outrages." Clonornl Cnrranzn's dispatch was tho firt direct assurance that ho will comply with tho urgent representa tions of tho United States govern ment. Upon tho success of tho steps ho takes the ne.t move in tho Mexi can situation seems to depend. Alter C'hu'inuan Stone of tho senntc foreign relations committee had dis Ntsscd tho situation with tho presi dent, he returned to the scnuto cham ber and ngaiu expressed the view that the United States should not move to ward armed intervention "until tho Curruuxn government had domon- ht rated whether it was capable of controlling tho country. Cublnct Stands 1'nt At today's cabinet meeting it was decided that flio present policy would be maintained and that General Car ruiiin would ho depended on to pun ish the Villa bandits who hilled Amor ie n citizens. "It would bo monstrous for tho United States to go to war in Mex ico nt such a time as this," doelnrcd Senator Stone after his return to the capital. "I was the original war man in tlio sennto when thero wag no organized movement rccognixed by this country. Jlut now jvo have re'eogniat'd a gov ernment mid it would be absurd to riit.li in without giving that govern ment a elinueo to suppress mid pun ish tho bandit bauds that have mur dered Anioricau citizens. Keep Out of War Zone "Wo know those bandits aro seek ing blood of American for rovengo. think that Americans who vontmo into such places and Americans who enture forth on belligerent fcliiw into wm' xonck are committing a crime ngniiist the government whoo protection they seek. Of course, wo must try to protect them. We havo a technical legal right to go into such dangerous places, but they should not do it, if possible to avoid it, and thus ONtluurass the United Stutes. "I am convinced that it will not be newssary to go into Mexico, but tin is nn ulstiird time to talk of war." General Cnrnuixa'a ambassador here today suggested to his govern ment that all Americans iu dangerous districts be compelled to 30 into gar risoned places, where Curranza troop can protect thorn, CUT TARIFF. UPON FLl TUO JAXIKRO, Jan. H The pros iitunt has signed a decree 'reducing the Import duty of a number of North American products. The new duties, which aro in offset as from January 1 of the present yoar. show the fol lowing reductions from the tariffs now In ferce: Thirty percent or flour; twenty per cent on condensed milk; articles of rubber laeltt'lsd in article 1033 of the tariff la v , Mocks and watches, inks (article lU at the tariff law) except inks for .writing, varnishes, typewriters, Iceboxes, pianos, scales, windmills, eeutent, corsets, dried fruits and school furulture. OUR AND RUBBER IK A RESOLUTONFOR NTERVENTON California Senator Thinks Peaceful Outcome Impossible and Says Arm ed Intervention Is Necessary Says Congress Must Share Respon sibility With President. WASHINGTON, Jan. II. Senator Works, republican, introduced a rcso lution in tho United States sennte to day proposing armed intervention and declared that congress should flhnro with tho president tho responsibility for whntevor is done. "Up to this time," said Senator Works, addressing tho fenato, "con gress has permitted all responsibility for conditions in Mexico to rest with tho president. It is too gravo n re sponsibility. We have all sympa thized with the president in the hopo that conditions would Tight them selves without intervention. I very much doubt now that such a peaceful outcome is possible. "Congress alone has tho right to dcelaro war, and that is what inter vention means. Congress should courageously shouldor tho responsi bility. There is no reason for divid ing tho responsibility with other na tions or iniposo it Uon tho presi dent. I ask that tho resolution be referred to the foreign relations committee with tho hope that it would tako prompt action." Tho resolution wits so referred. Scnntor Lodge submitted the same resolution ho offered April 21, 1011, as n substitute for tho resolution tho senate then adopted, authorizing tho president to use armed forces in Mex ico to forco its demands upon Gen eral Iluorta and asked that it bo re printed iu tho record. "That resolution," snid Senator Lodge, "expressed tho republican nt titudo regarding the wur against Illi cit a. That war- has reached a suc cessful termination iunsmiich ns Ilu orta liut jiiht died in jail." PORTLAND, Or., Jan. II. Snow fall iu Portland during tho first four teen days of January amounted to 17.0 inches, according to statistics of tho weather bureau today. This is tho heaviest since 18S0, when 35.U inches fell within a poriod of twenty-four days. Tho winters iu Portland pass usually without snow being seen on ,tho ground. Flumes continued today, and thero was no indication of clearing skies iu ,uny part of Oregon. Temperatures, however, showed signs of moderat ing. The minimum hero today was 10 degrees above zero. IGAL E SALEM. Or., Jan. 1 J.-On the the ory that they are not inherently criminal, prisoner hereafter will un dergo a rigid physical examination on being committed to tho Oregon peni tentiary, according to an announce ment of the penitentiary authorities lure today. Following the latest methods of loading criminologists, examinations will be raudo with the Idea of finding the source of criminal instincts in physical ailments. When prisoners are found to have physical detects, they will he treated with the idea of bringing about their moral reforma tion. SHOT AND KILLED WIFE OVER CUP OF COFFEE GHKAT FALLS. Mont.. Jun. II. George Meyers shot and killed his wife here today becauo, e.yewit uesses say, Mrs. Meyers refused to give her husband a eup of eoffee. Meyers is in jail suffering from in juries received from wrous who witnessed the shooting. MEDFORD, CETTINJE FALLS; M0NTENEGR0TO SUE FOR PEACE Austrlans Capture Capital City Armistice Between Belligerents Precedes Separate Peace for Tiny Kingdom Teutonic Allies Fail to Attack Salonlkl Italy Censured. VIENNA, Jan. 14. The capture of Ccttinjc, capital of Montenegro, wns announced by tho war offico today. Tho official announcement atntcs: "Tho rntiitnl of Montcnecro is in our hands. Our trooiw pursuing the beaten enemy yesterday afternoon entered Ccttinjc. Tho residence of tho Moiitpneorin kinir nnd thn town aro undamaged. The population is calm." Armistice Negotiated LONDON, Jon. II. A wireless dispatch from Home reiterating tho report of an nmiistica between Aus tria and Montenegro slates that it was Austria which proposed cessation of hostilities with tho purpose of ne gotiating a separate peace. LONDON, Jan. II. It is author itatively announced today that the reported offensive of the Teutonic al lies did not occur. The rumors Hint tho attack had begun ngninst the forces of tho allies, apparently orig inated in the activity of tho French in blowing up tlio bridges connecting Saloniki with the road over which the attackers would normally travel. Dridgcs were destroyed by tho French not only at Dcmir Hissur, on tho Struma, near Series, but also at Kilindir, south of Doiran. All the bridges destroyed were in Greek ter ritory. Hostilities Suspended Tho rumors Hint Austrin and Mon tenegro havo suspended hostilities for tho purposa of discussing ar rangements whereby furthor wnrfnro on Montenegrin soil should bo stop ped, mny bo based simply on tho fact that the Austrian advance in Monte negro has become so slow that sus picion of n suspension of hostilities is naturally sought. Military cir cles, howovcr, arc of tho opinion Hint Montonegro is now in such a position thut gome form of nrrangemont with her adversary has becoino impera tive. Speculation is rifo as to tho atti tudo which Italy has adopted with regard to the invasion of Montene gro by tho Austrinns, which consti tutes n grave monnco to Italian in terests. The fact that Italy's sapor ior fleet did not prevent an Austrian squadron from assisting in tho re duction 01 Mount Lovcen, which dominated the harbor of Cattaro. is being commented upon, though ex perts iKimil that thero is not u (suf ficient basis of information from which to draw deductions. HUNDREDS OF SHEEP DIE FROM STORM PORTLAND, Jan, H. Itoports rocoived horo today from dlfferont parts of Oregon and from tho Yakt ma valley in Washington toll of tho doath of hundreds of sheep as a re sult of tho cold and snow. At points east of tho Cascade mountains, It has boon Impossible to movo tho flocks, and a heavy death toll is fonrod un loss tho woathor immudlatoly modor atos. Cattle throughout tho stock bolt of Kastorn Oregon also aro suffering for want of food and shelter, accord ing to word from Uond, whoro the snow is from one to throe feet doop on tho level. AMERICANS LEFT AT MADERA, SAFE WASHINGTON. Jan. II.- All American at Madera, Mux., are re ported wife in official dispatches to day to tho stute department, which sneeificallv denv the reiHirt of the murder of ten Americans and two Uufciieb women. The colony thero wis attacked by bandit, who wero touted. OREGON, FRIDAY, JANUARY II. 1016 WILL KAISER S THROAT DECIDE WORLDWAR? 3aLLSLLnSex9eK rvseLLLLLLLLm LBm VSLLLLLvi9vBv iw If it tunis out the knfocr ronlly U limy Ih? nocesMiry to removo IiLh be lono It uouhl Ik necoHNiry to Iumjh tnNs connect Iiik food ami hrcath ln tm.isngeH. its Mionn by figures RADIUM OFFERS IF HE HASCANCER! IIY ntHDKIUCIC M. KKItliV IJALTLMOUH, Md . Jnn. 1 I -What is cancer of tho throat? What eaus 08 it? Can cancer be Curod? On tho unswor to those questions may depond tlio outcome of the Hu ronoan war. Tho ltnlsor is suffering from can cor of tho throat, according to dls patchoi, which say only a dosporate oporatlon can save his llfo, and that with the loss of the powor of speech. Dr. Howard A. Kelly of John Hop kins university horo has Just ans wered thoso throe questions. Dr. Kelly's oxporlmonts with radium as a cancer cure aro well known; ho is ono of tho groatoet surgeons of our tlmo nnd a specialist on cancer. Horo aro his answers: How Cancer Starts "Cnncor of the throat or rather cancers of the mouth nnd throat maybe elthor mild and incipient, or ndvnncod and utterly hnpoloss," ho said. "They all begin In a small spot somewhere about the tongue, tho gums, tha larnjx or tho vocal cords at the base of the touguo. "All forms of cancer consist in a riotous overgrowth of tho normal cells In any part of tho body where tho cancer grows. When a large mass of cancerous tissue Is formed, tho cancer colls In the central portion, falling to get nourishment, break down and discharge and so form thn oxtenilvo ulcers often seen as sociated with cancer. In this way, too, poisons are formed which are absorbed by the body at larie. Killed by I'oUons "Death in the case of cancer of tho throat conies from elthor the absorp tion of these poisons In such largo quantities that the patient simply dloof extreme weakness and exhu'iH. tlon, or It Is brought about by me chanical means by the pressure of the cancer masses Interfering with swal lowing and with breathing". "Tho ultimate causa of eaneor," deelaroe Dr. Kelly, "the reason why theio cells tako on this riotous de velopment, has not yet boen found out. We only know this, that any chronic Irritation about the mouth or throat Is liable In tho end to re sult in oaneer. In this way smoking the irritation of a hot pipe stem on a particular part of the Up will produee it; the Irritation of nicotine will produee it in any part of the mouth or throat. "Caneer is not contagious from one individual to another! Cancer Is also not directly inheritable, although the uredlatHMritJoH may be Inherited. In (Continued on page six) K ONLY HOPE U Miffoilni; fnm rancor of tlio throat, Inrnyv to nio his life. If thN Miouhl one nutl tuo In ItluMmtlou. 'VON PAPEN PAID MUNITION PLANTS LONDON, Jan. 1 1. Copies of cor respondence soiled from Cnptnlu Frnnz Von Pnpen, recalled Gorman mllltnry attache nt Washington, when ho reached Falmouth on his wny to Germany have been turnod over to the American embassy for transmis sion to tho stato department. Thoy show that Captain Von Papon mado frequent paymauts to porsous ehnrg oil witli the responsibility to blow up munition works nnd bridges In tho United States. Ono entry shows that Captain Von Papon gave J700 to "Werner Horn, who waa arrostod In connection with tho blowing up of n Canadian Pacific railroad bridge at St. Croix, Maine. The day bofore this check was Issued, the Herman embassy paid $2000 into Captain Von Papon's ac count. Another cheek stub shows that about two weeks before the ox plot! ton In Soaltle on Mny 30, 1916, Captain Von Papen sent SG00 to tho Gorman consul nt Seattle. In February of 1915 he sent $1300 to the Gorman consulate in that oity. Bevoral large payments were mndo to Captain Von Papon by Count Von Hernstorff, German ambassador at Washington. Most of these wero for salaries or similar usea. Numbers of entries show payments mado by the ambassador to the military attarhe for "war intelligence office." Ono of the pn. menls on this account made in October of 1911 was for $2J00. 'OJ EI, TAKO, Tej., Jan. 1 1 Guarded" by former military and i-itil ol tutor of the l'oiuur Iluorta goxcimuciit of Mexieo, the body of General Viotor iano Hiiei'tu, who died last night of sclerosis of the liver, laid today lu unofficial state at tho Iluerta home. Hundreds of exiles of his party, some who oarae from long distances iu the hope of bidding him farewell beforo his death, viewed the body. A guard of local lwliee was sta tioned about the front of the resi deuee. It was planned to remove the body to a receiving vault late this afternoon. According to the family, when tranquility in llexieo is restored they will tako the body to Mexico Pity and there a erviee will be per formed and the body interred. F BLOWNG HUNDREDS VEW REMAINS nutKflo COLO WAVE IN EAST SHOWING SIGNSOF BREAK Mercury Slowly Rising In Southwest Chicago Still Shivering In Below Zero Weather Seventeen Delow In Twin Cities Colder Weather In Northwest Walla Walla Suffers. KANSAS CITY, Mo., Jan. 11. I'assinp; of tho high pressure area to tho upper Mississippi valley nnd tho Grent Lakes region today is bringing relief to tho southwest from the cold wave. Tho mercury nwo from 4 to 0 degrees in Missouri over night, 11 little more iu Kansas nnd Oklahoma, whilo hi northern nnd western Tcxnrt tho readings reported to tho local weather bureau generally were 10 de grees higher than yesterday. CHICAGO, Jun. M. Tho cold weather which bus pruvnilcd in tho middlo west for tho last thirty-six hours continued today, but the weather bureau predicted higher temperatures before night. In this district nt 7 n. in. tdrcct tbcrmomcterH iu tho downtown din triot registered 4 degrees bolow zero. Itnilroad traffic wost of Chicago is still far from normal. Ilrcak in Cold W'nvo ST. PAUL, Minn., Jan. M. Grnd ually rising temperatures throughout the central stales today brought ro lief from tho intense cold of tho last two days and enabled railroads to resumo normal service. Iu tho Twin Cities tho temperntiiro was 17 degrees below early today, as compared with HI below twenty-four hours previous. SKATTLK, Wash., Jan. 11. Tho temperntiiro fell to J2 in Scnltlo last night and to 21 in Tueoniu. No snow has fallen in Seattle in two dayH. Iu nritish Columbia tho tempornttiro hns 1 alien, mid iinusunl cold is reported. Snow is expected tonight nnd Sutur day in tho l'uget Sound country, with fresh northorly winds. Low tempor nturo of 'JO is forecasted for Seat tle tonight. ATTACK TOWNS 6A.V FItANCIRCO, Jan. H Hah losOnfortod coyotos In tho mountain district) of northorn California, trav eling In packs, havo attacked towns, driving the rosldonts Into trees, havo attnokod moving railroad trains, sheep herduis, farmors doing chores and children on U10 way to school, and glvon scientists their first chanco to study tho action of crazed coyotos, according to 11 report recelvod by Dr. George C. Kbrlght, presldont of the California board of health and made public today, )n many of tho small mountain towns of Modoc and Lasson to unties, Dr. Kbrlght says, tho entire commu nity has been drlvon to shelter -when packs of mad coyotes ran out from the wlldornoss to attack any Uvlug thing that crossed tholr path. Tho schools, says Dr. Kbrlght, aro closed Iu some of tho remote sec tlons of tho counties bordering No- wulu and Oregon, E SAX FKAXl'lSfO, Jan. 11. In- voetigution of rates, service mid la bor conditions of the Pullman com pany in Culifonua vo dropped to day by tho railroad commission of California utter intermittent hoa nags since April 'Jfi, 1011. The compayi it was Buhl, complied in part with the commission's views by increasing porters wages. Practically all objeetoui to the oumtMiiy's methods, atlvanaed by the ouuimUaiioii ut several heaHtig, war held to spring from lbs lipping tya tern. MAD COYOTES CAIONA NO. 252 iwaUfYAT EL PASO AFTER RIOTOUS NIGHT Army Patrols Withdrawn After Sup pressing Anti-Mexican Demonstra tion, Duo io Resentment Over Mas sacreMass Meeting of Protest Forbidden. EL TASO, Te.r., Jan. 14. United Stales army patrols wero withdrawn from tho busincsa district today. Tranquility prevailed wliero last night riotous scenes wero enacted, attrib uted to resentment against tho killing of Americans nt Santa Ysnbcl, Chi huahun. When tho disorders passed beyond control of tho local police army patrols wero eciit to assist tho local officers in quelling tho disturb ances. A call wns circulated today for n mass meeting to protest against the massacre of Santa Ysnbcl. Mayor Thomas Lea, howovcr, slop ped the circulation of tho call and forbndo tho meeting until Americans now in Mexico could bo brought to tho border. IVrolgners Flcoiiur A long special train loft Chihuahua City this morning for Juarez, bearing, it was said, nil foreigners to tho bor der that could bo persuaded to lcavo tho district, lhey included all em ployes of tho American Smelting & Kofming company. A special tram left Juarez early today for Purrul, western Chihuahua, to. bring out about 200 foreigners in the camps there. Thero has been no telegraphic communication with l'nrral sinco January 10. Amoricun Consul Edwards in Jua reb received orders from Sccrotnry of Stu,to Lansing to notify Amoricnu consuls and consular agents in Mex ico, including thoso nt Torroon and Chihuahua, to urge their nationals to lenvo northern Mexico and to com miinionto this order to tho foreign consuls in this city. Villa. Threaten AnioHmiw Goncml 1'ranoisoo Villa, whilo nt Kubio last wook, declared that ho would kill any Amorionn traveling west of Chihunhuu City, according to roliablol information secured today. At tho tlmo Villu wns supplying him self with moiit. It was at Kubio that 1'etor Koaue, an Englishman, was hilled. Secretary of Statu Lansing hns or dered through consular notice the withdrawal of nil Americana in Chi Iiuiihiiu and Uiirango to well-garrisoned centers nlong the main lino of railways from which points thoy enn more readily reach the border should danger threaten them. E DEFEAT OF ALLIES LONDON', Jan. 11 Tho Geriuun emperor, according to a Constanti nople dispatch forwarded by Itou ter's Amsterdam correspondent, has sent a sword to the Sultan of Turkey, together with a congratulatory mas sage tu recognition of the sucqomoh of the Turkish oampulgn on tho Gul lipoll peninsula. In his telegram, Hmperor William anid he learned with groat satisfac tion thut the enemy's army had been forced completely to ovaauato Gul llpoll. Ho congratulated tho sultan upon a groat victory which had brought to an ond tho sovero attnoka of "impudent enomies." As recognition of his admiration, the emperor announced that ho had sent a sword to tho sultan In order to Immortalize the commemoration of a grout victory, "a sword which during a war undertaken for dofenso and right shall be polntod at tho heads of the onomy." In concluding his maaeago, tho Qiu peror axe r eased the oonvletlon that Cod's' help would iu the oud cocuro vtutory. The snowfall since noon today measured about nlue-tenths of an lueh. KAISER S SULTAN SWORD FOR I