MBDFORD MAIL TUTBUNE, MRDFORD. ORrXlOX, TliTKMnAY, JANrAKY 13, 1010 PAOB JFJVE PERMITS ISSUED FOR IRRIGATION BY STATE ENGINEER SALKM, Or., Jan. 1.1. Dunns the m ir cndiujr J)ocoiuhor II, Hll.", tlio -titi onmiieor iued ."18I HnnitH for the appropriation nnd Htorngo of xvn ter. Thoo permit full lor the iiri Ktitiun of 87,.'I2) nero of land, thu tlexelopiiient of H0.7A0 horsepower ami llio itoriiKo of 2&"),(J(5t) noio fuot of wntor, nnd cover niunieiiml Httpply for Tillamook, Oregon City, Giintou,! Aniilx, KmIIm Citv, I'orthind, Milton. Cine, Ilulfjxny, Knwl Side, Mltisli Jiold, l.nkesido, Nexxpoit nntl ItccdR iort. The totnl (wtnnnk'd coat of nil works to bi constructed iiudur tlfce permits ih fi,3II!l,ir'2. In addition to tlio pcrmita for imitation, power and niuuioipiil mtpply, n lure.e number liuxo been Nulled lor iuiiixidiml do miotic Miipplv , iiiannftu'tuiiiiK und nii inrroiiH other uch to xvhioh water is Pllpphod. Mnlhuur eountx lend during tho jmst xeur for llic number of ponnitH issued, tbeie being 1(111. Josephine I'oiiuty follow k with !", Harney coun ts l'J, linker -II, Clrnnt -10, Crook 31, .IneUon ;il. Wullowu IKI, Hood liner 'JB, ('mm ;, Umatilla 17. Tillamook I'J, Wnsco II, Lake i;i, Wheeler 11 Klamath 11, Douglas 10, Union !), C'nirv 8, .Jefferson 7, Lane 7, Mor low II, Clatsop 'J, Lincoln 1, Shennnn 1, (lilliatn 1, while in the Willnmetto xnllov -t) peimits hne been indued. Of the above ponults, 117 wero is med' during the quuiter ending Do it nihor ;il, lOl.'i. These permits eoor the irnjcnlion of 'JthSI'J ucro, the do xelopmont of 0111 horsepower and the NtoiuKe or 'J01,0'J8 aero feet of water. The following permits were ixnucd in .Jackson county dunng thu past iini1er: .Mis. M. V. .Jacobs of lb.lt', Hill, for the mention of 120 nerN, diveitini: water from Hogue uxor ii nc1ioii iM, township :i(J S rnnjro west; (I. r. IlillinxH of AnIiIiiiiiI, for the (nidation oT 100 neics, dhoilimr wilier from the west branch Anihind peek in see tion 121, toxvnsliip ;ti) s., muse 1 entd. II. Silxer and .1. S. Iliulex of Ashland, jor (loniesue supply, iluertiiig xniter lrom spiniKK in section 7, township .n h., umjcti 1 cast. L. D. Dollar hide of Siskixou, for the irngtttiou of 10 acres, duelling water fioni Cmter creek, in eotinn 121, township do S. nuifco 12 cast. .J. Kiohtiidt.n of Medfoul, for the iriigntmu of four ncies. includiiHf ilomcctie supply, 1. verting xnter n tun old Spiing creek in section 1(1, townidiip :i:i S., range 2 cixst V. i:. Jlaitm of Medtird, lor I he irrimiliou of ."il! ncres, dixerting water IVoin lleiir creek, in He tion 120. lowitslnp .n S., ninnr -I xvost. PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION Trod a. iliichtel, Oepitty itato nonler of weights and moanurtw hnn announced bin etindltlacy on the ro putillcBii ticket for imblle wrxleo commlMiloner Tor the U'ofein dlH trlot. Formerly tlio title of tlito iiffleo xxti rallroml coiuniliwlonor, lint the taut legliilntuio ounReit It to public nurvlco rommlMlmir. DfllHily KtHto Senler Iluolitol in tlio on of Joo Iliitlil.il, the ploutMir plio tonrnphor and fire ohlof or I'oitland, anil ii 8! )tHm old After Kraduatinx from tlio commoii mIiooIh ho com plHlotl hl otlueatlon In tli.t IiIkIi wIiqoI of I'ortlnnil. Ills ptilillo caroor ltenau as clerk of the count) lionul of rwllof of Multiiomnh county, whou .1 Hilda I.IuiihI It. Webitur ns county Jui1b, nntl Prank Harncn and W. L. LIlhlHnr iirment countj tommlMlou. or eoiHtttMted the iHwnl of county uottittiiMloiinrH foi the rnunl). After pausing rlxftl civil nmxlco examination bo w.ia nametl healer of wbfgbta aud meaHurea for Portland In May, 1&05. I In baa boon Idoutlfiotl with vxelgbta and in ensure work exor alueu, Mini la renanleit aa an authority on thu Hiiliject. ItocoKiilzliiK his ability State Treasurer Kw niipolnttHl hint doptity atato aeulor whon the walckut and meaaurd law paasd by thw 1S13 Iwlalaturo boam oiora Uvu, and luc thou be haa been in Motivs oharge of th atata depart mHt. He ia the author of the corn Ptofcutialve weights and measure law uaat tho last !KUIatiire, xxbloh In attitloii to reducing the cost of the admlslstration of bis department, put the state or an equal haata with any sin to In the weight and measure world. lieause or his wide experience with w flights and ineasuro he is re girded aa excollentl) qualified for public servic conimisslgiiur. b duties of the two offices being in luanyw.'X.vh alfko. EAGLE POINT EAGLETS By A C Oowlett Iwtsl Sat ii rd. is as luilift a ipuet day in Kxb- 1'oint Although there were quit a number ot stranger haw, and aaaoutr them wtre some who ww looking foi homas, or iatbr, ImimI un vxhuh in make burnt , and vlber xtvrv bcr muply u look Freckles and His C'MOM ELSIE, LES 60 OVER AxW SEE IF SUM KEBBE 50MS CANDY AN CAKE around to cc the town, lor, if l?uglc l'oint is a small place and hiudlx known in the Htitocau lainlsj Htilljt in Known inr mid near, for people come bete and toll'ine that they haxo seen itu account of Knle Itoint even as far off ns in Nexv Yoil; City, in the Mail Tribune. And I also notice thai there is tpiite n number of ttavelein who emtio in on the Pacific & l'nslem railway Uml in uutns and o out into the country. in fact, theit) seems to bo connnid orablo business done here, notw itlt btnndiiiK the cry of bind times. Sliss Alice Jtclnlyro in here xisitiiijr her brother, .lolin V. .Mulutre, nnd hiHt Suudav took dinner with Irs. Hewlett. She was uoooniwiniod by her brother, bis wife and little J. V. He's little dnushtcr. W. V. Clements, our postmaster, nnd w ilc, William Von der Hellcn and ramilj, V. L. C'hildrotb aud Mrs. Sophia Ifobuictt, .1. l. dauksoii and xvifc nnd Hariv Younj,' nnd wire xvero nlso here i'or dinner on Sunday. Sunndav we had herx'iaes tlttoo times, conducted bv llvnnuelisl Tny lor of Portland, aud he also had ser vices on Snturduv exciting and had a r.tthcr hiuall oonj;re,'ntioii, but Suu dav moining lie had u fair iiudieiicc, nnd in the nftcinoon he delixeicd a lectute to men only, giving an uc- eoiiut ni his tiaxels thtough Kmti)e and other parts of the woild, when he Itlul an audience of between fotty andfitty ,aud also at uighl there weio about the same number of people out. Ho had announced beforehand that on Sunday night he would wench on the Mibjoct of "A Pra.xcr Meeting in Hell, the Home of Hie Lost Seul: Who Would Ho Theic ami' Who Would Lend in Prayer." And thuto xvnn a number who aeldnin go to church nt all who went, but lib. Icctuie seemed to produce but little effect, ut them xvas no nioxe made, and he seem to think that Knglo Point ia a hard place to atart a lexixal. Ho iw continuing the mooting all the week in hope of waking up Mimeoue. Monday morning them wua n iium bor enme out on the P. & I). and the V. S. uinil piled up, "all the miiuo big aitj." Heni.x Trunt.x, who generally takes exoribodx mid ex cr.x thing that ia to gu up Ttuil and Perait way, lino to Ichxo home pnt.hougeih anil a pait of the lugungo of thohc who did go up. He took up Mr. and Mrs. A. ('. I'oole, one of the foieatera, wit'e and daughter, and 1 did not lea in the name ot the other mfceiHcr, but be miiicIx hud a load. Mr. .and Airs. I'oole nntl daughter had been up to Iim linrg xiMting their iwrciiU, Iiih liilhcr and uiotheraiiil hei mienU foi a few wuckfc nd were on their xx'av home. .lames Dailx ami lib. In other, M. L. Dail.x, fanners on the Hillerest oreb aid, ami Vera tjaiglex wcie among the caller at the Kuniiiside .Monday toi diiiuci ; also (.'. 0. Powei, John Foster, Pete Met, Klxin Abbott, John Higiubothum ami Howaid I'nx, the last three fioni Hutte Falls ami were on their way to .Mud ford, but letuin cd Tuctla anil KH'iit the night with a. .Ifichnid ThomuK ot llrowusboro also apeut the night, und so did L P. Power and Frank llurt. K. P. Power has hud cburge of the carpenter mrt ot the Hoik on the big Fish Luke ditch ami John Foalei hits been one of hia asKUtanlK in the wink. Woul reaohud hole xcsteuhu (Tuosdn.x ) that Jim, Kllen Sullex hall died that morning at the Sidlex home, near Lake Crack. She haa been an imulid for ome time and leaves, be anie hei huhbantl, .Mitdiael Sidle.x. si cliihlren -Mary Duggnn, llnggie, Julia, Michael Jr., and Jueph, and a large cinde of friend who loxed and honoiod her in liio and mourn her departure. She ami the lamil.x haxo been tnct momheru ot the Cuthobc church, in winch faith she died. Since my but iewrt, Karl Croft ba. renewed his aubacnptimi to tho I)ail.x Mail Tiihune. Frauk Lewih, our coufM'tiouer, nnd J. T. yjimuerlx, the propnclor oi the F.irmerV hotel, returned Tuisdav tioui lgH ck, whare they hate been engaged in mining. The anow wa o dtwp that thay eoneludad to tMHue home and wait until tba anow weltwl. Mr. Lewis hcum to think that lhay haxo u gotal ititNMt to mtkv avaie mM) out ol lbir claim, Friends IS ACT HOME HE'S GOT LEFT! lrs. Will Cnni)belt tif jredford xis ited u fexx da.Xh the past week with her htster, Mw. 1. 11. Poitcr. W. IL Hittle und family spout Sun day nt the P. J. Schuumburg home. .Mr. Kiuniii Spraguc loft Sunday for a few months in southern Cali fornia, principally ot San Diego. Mr. nnd Mrs. C. V. Boyd i etui nod last week from Iloscburg, whore they spent the holiday h with relatives. Miss Alice Harper left the lost of the week for Phoenix, xvhore she will utax for hoxcial weeks with Mrs. Gay. Mr. and Mrs. (1. II. Aldcu xxem Mod fold business ximIois one day last week. Miss Anna McKooxvii xxas n xUitor at the Schaumburg huiue last Wed nosdny. C. D. Wolxerton was a Onints Pasa visitor Saturday, attending n nioetiiig or the Creamery association. The watch partv and dance gixou by .Messi. tiooigc Jneobs and Clnr once Cook nnd Miss lleitbti Wool xoiton was a xery enjoyable affair. Lunch, consisting of Kundxxiohc, picklcH and eoftco, was Nerved to thu "ItOhtK, The Ileereixtion club hud one of their most enjoyable meetings Tbuis day at tlio homo of Mrs. Carlo on Foots oiook. Mrs. Sw acker gax-c an intci eating talk on llruril and club members lespoiidetl to loll call with thought! on New Year losolutions. A vmj daintj lunch was hcixciI by thu Misses Anna and Lucy Carle. The next mooting is xvith Mrs. Kit tle, Thursda, J.iii'utrv LI. II. A. btiHineas unlay. Ticshnin and wife made a tup to Ccntial Point Sat- II. 1. I'eltou xvas doing business in Mediord Tuetidny. Thonuu Pauke.x nnd Cuitis .Miller, who haxc each boon on the sick list for some tune, am allowing slow mi pioxrmout. A telegram was icccixcd li II. A Ti chimin slating Hint the denl which 1 . " 1 RlVERSIDERlPPLESfl COURT HOUSE NEWS SAMS VALLEY I baa been mi for some time between Hiroxv oil, because neglected colds Mr. Vogle ami Mi. Strauss, was fm- ,,avc brought more serious sickness ally closed. .Mr. Straima will ainxo than any other one thing, xxhilcxxcnk Irom Iowa and take possesion nbout tnitKcatharticsnntlstirniilatIiigsyrups Kchimux 1. 1 nre often depressing nnd dangcroiiK. John Hail ami wife mndo a bimi- The oncost treatment for any cold tie. trip to JuckNoiixille one tlnv Mst ' 7 1C0nc!,O0'cn loliedonxxlionothcrs ,u,,,i Our iis'eiil shiiwIhII ot eight iiicIich i.w ... l,.i ... 1 Tn 1 , ed amount r mini, II hm.I lu lavl,.' on win pui uie ground 111 lino con dition fur this ) cat's crops. Otto Tieshuin nt Antioeh was buy ing bnx in 0111 xicuutv Tucsdiix, I). C. Wilson returned hist week from a few da.xs' xisit with Iricnds in Medford. S0 Quickest, Surest Cough Remedy is Home- Made 1U.II l'rrinrnl In n I'm Mln ulm. thrap Lul I nrifualrd home nopp are rflmtantly amn.vsl IrAm (ilia m 1 r' M ....I . .1.. ...!.. ..1.1. ..1 GO yv 1- ...... urn .- o tin, ,u nit inner Willi it ierir.t'nt bruin I1111I iQiigli. wliit'h lit wbol I ' ly u 11 11 tvtn.il rt Jlsre is a lions' niailc ' -tsr - T"V "W W T tw lometlv that gets rjaht at the cau.c aud 1 mM I I J will iiiiikt! ou wondt'r what bocuine of it 1 f I 1 w r t.et2AountPbiex aotonts worthl V II I L from anx druagi.t, ismr into a pint Isittl I uml Mil the bottl with iilain iiraiiiilaUslIT , rnri. trt.ivix.t. t Hinr sir aiigiir hxrilp Start taking It ot once. ,T IH 'l'It JH KIM'.SS TO HUH MK Orttduallx Imt suiel) xtm will imtitx-tlie Decause my stocx. tu tradft is to iihlwu thlii out and tbfii diapetir al 'h.VB Q.iune,, a, tha inWost caih togt-tlier. tluis Hiidmit a coiiali tlmt vouiuaT6 opttonea at 1110 lowest cam iiexHr thouglit would end it ahto looem 'prlco the best buy In this county. t dix lioaric or tialit touuli aud beuN I y ,,.- hoon .. tnn ..,.j ,nnv. the inflammation in a painful cough with l UaVo Deon on tD0 Krouna l00"' itftiursHino ruumitx. wmiimrv ooiuiim ruuiuicx. urillnurv noun urr cuiMiueitNi s n in -' lumra or ich Nothing iM'ttcr for bronehttU, wiutr pougn nnu nronriiiui antiiina uuifl This Pimmc and Suaar Si run mixture makta a full pTntnbiigii r jo lant I fanulv a long lina at a cot of nu si vein iih) Mirietti ami ukin pint ant l'jil pit pitied, lull direction ....... 1' . .11. 1 . . - . 1 wna i'im-x Pibmc it a sMxiNl ami IiWhIv roncu cxtraft rifb in uustaeol. and l famou the world ovtr for iU ai, eertauity and ipm w nrwi ntui lor iHouM1 S4, ." '. r 'lnWty m, nntl (lit i . n""ni aaxthina ! A BUaraatw af abn-lui" rtiOM.or aawav artMMUtlv rffuudl. HKMMtV UriMMUtlv rMIIIIU mmhi with thin niaiMtratlwH. JTai Pi Co., Ft. Wayiw, lial. HX sYlMWj OM.SLIM.'! Roportod by Jackson Countr Ab tract Co., Blith and Ftr Bts. I'nibnto Dstnte of Jennie Libs, will, otdei; admitting will to probate, bond. Pstntc of IL J. Hniloy, fiisl and lltttil account, proof of publication of notice to ureditors. Lstntc of Hobeit Ashwoitb, inven tory and appraisement. Gtitudianship of Chester Woltors, final order, final xiccount. Kslnte of J. G. IVy.'ortlor, uiipoint nient of appraisers, letturs. Itcal INtnle Tnuisfcrs C. A. Hamlin ot uv to A. F. Daxis, lot ii, block 0, Posh Add., Medfoul Jf IIUU A. F. Davis et tit to J. T. Dn x is, lot 5, block 0, Iloss Add., Medford . 10 J. T. Davis et ux to C. A. Ham lin, lot 0, block 0, Itowt) Add., Mediord .. - 10(1 W. I). Iloidlemnn to W. 13. Nich olson, land in eo 8-U7-2W. 10 P. G. T.xrndl ot ux to J. F. Mciklc ct al, laud in sec. lo-:I0-1I3. . $ 10 Ilobeeea llnlov et xir to W. W. Caldwell, land in txvp HD-IK. 1 I). A. Tyrrell ct ux to W. W. Caldwell, laud in Ashland 10 F.lfie L. Taylor to Mildiod M. Corey, lot 0, block l, Luuih dou's Add., Medroid 500 U. M. Coi nit ins et u lo A. I). .Inline, lot 1, blk 8'-, Mod Tor, - . . .Mai tin Mai tens et u to Mrs. 10 Margaret Heibert, lots on Itixcixido inc., Medfoul .. 1 Hobeit Ashwortb to Mnrgniot II. Heibert. I'd on Itixoraido axenue, Medfoul . 1,000 Mm tin Mai tens ct ux to Mrs. Margaret Herbert, lot op lliversidc axenue, Medfoid 1 GET IT FIRST-NOT LAST When a cold grips x our system it is convincing proof that your condition h xvuikcneri -remember that Itisriskv indeed toimply trust your strength to inii,isiicjMxxcriui DirKxi-nourisnmeni in Scott's Emulsion, xxhich feeds the very sources of botlily strcneth tosun- ?.rcss Ahc P'esont 5oIc.J ntl generate Strength to thwart further sickness, Got Scott's first, not last and inkist on the genuine always free from al oohol and injurious drugs. Scott & llovrnc Mnunlfllld N j S-u 1I.MKCAIID IN'fKlU'ItMAV AUTO C.H CO. Lcavo Medford dally except Sun day for Ashland, Talent nnd Pbuonlx at 8 a. m, 11 50 a. m., 1:10, 2:30, 3-40 nnd 5 15 p 111. Also on Sat urday nt 11:15 p 111. Sundays lenvo 'at 10 a. 111., 4 p m and 9:30 p. in. I Leave Ashland for Medford dally exeept Sunday at ' a m., IX 50, 2-30, . 3:30, 4:45 and 0 15 p. m. Sunday loave Ashland tit 9 a. m., 1:00, 0;00 and 10 30 u, ' tn. ing out ror you lor xui jiasi iito yaars. Nearly exeryday I bare In- Yestlgated soino "good thlog." I have " otroryioing wcepi xuoso deals which I am convinced will se- euro ma satisfied cuitomor In a few hours time I can give you (the beneft of this research. It Is ray business to show you over the county nnd introduce you to tho possibilities B Med- "" -,.t..k.....v- ........ frd "rot and - T " F "O "7s7C .1. i. I JiVJX IN 11 O iO Wot Walu Birvat gee. You Look. i ....'.. UKt YOU CUDMT Wwe a good time AT VGR PVRTV LAS' NIGHT.1 xijvc:: ru " , wmvj T.Mll.K ltO.AItll 1IOA 111) Table board ft per xvoek. M aim. v. T. Yorh, U0 uuirol Bt l-'Olt ItKXT l'UltMHHi:i) AITS. KOIt ItKNT Threo furnbihcd houne kcoplnn rooms, ground floor. 220 South tlinpo. 262 fob iuJnt ruitrumimi noosw F6?rili:NT -KimilBhXiuiTwiTuT-nlfthoil modern romuit. Inquire 731 West 2nd atrcctr 2D0 KOIl IIUNT-Furnl.tbed rooma. 322 tjoutb Central. 233 ' ' Foil ItKNT rtOUBKS FOlt HUNT S-room niodnrti nuarl nlMit, 1 1 1 South Central, Phono 17S-M 272 KOIt UKT Modofn six-room bouso. Phono B37Y. 252 KOIt ItKXT Modern biingnlow r, rooms nnd bath; garage, nlcol) fur nished; good neighborhood. Jns. Campbell, Phono 311-U. 2C2 FOR KKXT rurnlHhod, ntlrncllvo' iive-room uungaioxv on jinvca at , strictly modcrn.'clectrlc heat, elec tric rniiKo. Alnn Drnckliircod, phono 337, or Hotel Holland. KOIt ItKXT Colonel Snrgcnt'R ros Idoncn on Oakdulo avo., tolcpbouo oxvner at Jncknonvlllo, or Inqulro of II. u. X)o or Hoy 11. Pcoblcs nt Medford. 203 KOH ItKXT Flrat class C-room mod orn bungalew: rniigo connected; garage. Tol. 483X. rOH BALK ItBAU KSTATH Keit'sAM: Or trndo, 13?3 ncres'of Irrigatetl land at Orlnnd. Califor nia. Addresa II. I., Uox 10!, Mod- -IIXLZ-Z.-.- loru, urcgon. 393 FOK BAtiK M1C17M,IM:0UB FOlt HA1.K 1015 Kind touring ear In A-l condition, fully equipped, nil now tires llox Xo. Oft, Medford Mall Tribune, 255 KOH SAI.K Old Truht Incubator nnd bioodor. 300 King street. 252 KOH HAI.K Five passoiiKor nuto, porfect condition, six good tlio; oleotrlo llRhts; xory chonp Ad droaa Ilox H, Mall Tribune. KOIt BALK llnrloyj nlno bolod bar loyatrnw. Phono 732-J2. 255 KOH 8AI.KSIammoth Ilronro tur 1(0) h for brcodlng; Iioiih ?2 00; tomn 13 50, or different etrnlnn. J. C. Herring, Contrnl Point, Oro KOH 8AI.K 10-foof practically new "Walrus" soda fountain. cont J850 Attractlvo proposition If tnkon nt onco. Pnxaon Drug Co , Central Point LTi3 I'OH SALK -KuiutlKo pots. 3 gallon ' Caneos". about 000 Ai'plx lt Asbpole, 1,'uglo Point 2faJ ESTABLISHED KUSINBSS AND MAKING MONEY Present owner, on account of. business interests elsewhere, will sell I'or 25 per eent less than nutual value. SEE US Bennett Investment Co. $25.00 AVe will pa $25 00 cash toward to tho partj who will furnish us with an notual buyer for the folloxvtug 1G0 aoro wood aud timber tract: 100 aart, located 1 14 nilloa south of fluid UU1, attimatad I M to 2 mllllou toot aaw timber apt! 4000 oordff hardwwd. Prlaa $900.60. (8uw timber mostly jellow and sugar pine.) An an lavoatmont for n wood ,ropoHIoa this can't bo beat. BENNETT INVESTMENT GO. ltIIAI HfiTATK LOANS 108 Wrvst Main Street TK6N", WHY AIN'T You SICK To BETCHA I PtDj ys. FOU HALK rodlifrfccd t'oland China Plga, AM ntontba old; como hco them. i:d Judy, Orlffln Creek, Phono H11-1I. 2S2 FOlt BAIJ-llolfer 0 inontlm old, J td. Phono 507-112. 25C POIt BALK Slock boRH nt n bar gain. "Viltu M. O. Powers, Talent, OrcKon, 2&0 KOIt HAMi Or trade, regl-itored A. J. C. C JornoyM, ono cdxv nnd ono bull dropped Fob. 2.1. 19 IS. John II. llnlr, Itoguo lllvcr, Oro. 27- KOIt 8ALK Tonui of nnilon. weight U00 lbs. each, G year olds, $225. O. C Dorrs. POll SALK Hcd l'ollod cow nnd cnlf. 510 N llnrtlott 264 rOH HALi:-A flno fresh Joruny cow. W. V. Unrnuni, It P. D Xo. 4, Ilox 75, Phono J03-.ll. 252 WANTKI) Mintrm.liftWKOCH WAXTUD Automdbllo repairing to do nt 50c per hour. Dyer's U&r nge, .North Central Avo. 2U WAXTKO Offlco desk nnd ohnlr. Addreits D. I.. Dolchnuty, Medford. Oregon. 251 WAXTKI) Mntomlti' tnsos ut homo; ox-orythlng furnlsbod for $20 per week. Mra. A. 1). Llttlo, 30 X. Hlvorsldo. 203 WAXTKD To buj of owner, 5-ncrCB noar Medford; must bo uood froo soil; $50 down nnd $100 per year with Interest; glvo location nnd price. Address O. C, Mall Tribune. 252 WAXTnn Women lot us help you mako money nolllug guaranteed hosiery to wear; full or part ttmo; big profits; exporlonco unneces sary. Address, International Mills, Uox 122, Xorrlstown, Pa, MOXKV TO LOAN TO LOAN $1000 on Improved ranch Dolmen tlio Insurnnco Man. roil i:uitAxni: KOH KXCHANOK Improxod cpinr tor, mlddlo west, for amnll ranch city proporty or established busi ness hero. (Irani Alltlcr, Medford, Oregon 254 KOH KXCHANOK-80 ucrcH clonr of inortgngo $1200, for homo nnd garden ground Clark Iteultv Co., SOCJMilppH llldg IIUHIM:HH DIKRtTTUItY Sexxiug Mnclilnctt BINOKIl BKWIXO MAOHINKB KOn BALK OH HKNT aomo usod ma chines alfo for nnln. ('leaning nnd rnpnlrlng C A Umiuuan, nt Med ford Fiirnlturt) & llnrdwaru store Hesldonro 375 So. Central. Phone 300. l .i..-i-srr -i. J) NEW TODAY I bare thieo huiulred twenty acrcH ot fluo timber laud In IJuiiRlnn Co., six million feet of xaxv timber, oIono to I'urlflc highway, u really flno proposition, that tho owner will cx chaiiKo fur n good bouso In Medford A good rosldenco nnd general stock ot goods In a Wllluinetto valley city to csohnuge for n gootl tlulry, grain utid stock ranch. Value $25,000. Somti fluo bujs In ranch and city uroporty huro in the valley. C. D. HOON I loom 10, ilarkaou County Itanlc Hldg. ' 1 1 i 'Vfij ', Xi ' i F i 'A iPi'iHl (mM Reward IlllNlVlUS INSUIIANQH Phono 70! By Blosscr day? vrl-Efi i iajSrsmmlut IJUflLMH DIIIKCTOHY Auto Supplies LAiiEp auto spuino co. w aro "opcrattnR tho lareo.tt, oldest and best equipped plant In the Pa cific northwest. Uflo our sprints whon others fait. Sold undor guar antee 20 Korth Fifteenth St, Portland, Oro. Tl'l Attorneys IWl ilfcH QBO. W. OUBnrtY Attorney.. an .Notary, Jtoom 9, Jackson County Dank Httlldlnc, ontranco N. Cea trnl. Medford, Ore. POltTRIl J. NI5FF. WM. P. MBALET Attoruoyn-nt'Lnw, Rooms 8 rnU 9, Medford National Dank bldft. A. 11. ItllAMIlS, LAWYEIt OarnotU Corey bide O. M. nOUCnTS Lawyer. Medford National Bank Building. Dentist rt Dr. W. M. VAN SCOYOO DR. O. C. VAN SCOYOO Dentists Oarnott-Corey WdK., ulto Mcdforu, Oro. Phono SCO. Collections nnd Report 310 COI.LKCTION3 AND REPORTS We collected somo nccountn 14 years old. Wo know bow to got the money. Tha Ilutiock Mercantile Agency, Inc., Rooms 1, 2, 3, Has kins' IlldR., 210 12. Main st. 1'iKlnecr mid Contractor raGDTcumilNfTsSnEino'er and contractor, 404 M. 1 ii II. Bldg. Surxo)s estimates, Irrleatloa dralnano, orchard and land lea provomont. GarbaKO OARI1AOB Got your premises cleaned up for tho summer. Call on tho city garbneo wagons for Reed service. Phono 274-L. F. Y. Allen. .IT IJT Instruction in Muslo HAIGMT MUSIC STUDIO Room 401, Oarnott-Corey bldg. Pr(l AN ton Halgbt, piano; Mrs, Flortnca llalltday Halcht, voice. Pboaa 72. I'liystcians nntl Burgeons DR. V. O. OARLOW, DR, EVA MAINS CAKLOW Osteopathia physicians, 410-417 Uoruett-Corey bldB,, phono 103Q-L. RtBldnea 2C South Laurel st. DR. W. W. HOWARD Osteopathia physician, 303 aaruott-Corey building. Phono 130, DR. J. J. KMMKNB Physician nn surgeon. Practice limited to eye, ear, noso and throat. ICjea sclca tlflcnlly tested nnd glasses sur pllod. Oculist nnd Aurlnt for S P. R. It. Co Offices M. 1. & II. Co. bldgi, opposlto P. O. Phone 6G7. DR. It. W, CLANCY Physician an surgeon Phones, offlco 30, rosl denco 724 J. Offlco hours, 10 to 12, 3 ,to 5. DR. MARTIN C. DARHKR Physi cian and surgeon. Offlco Palm block, onpodito Nash hotel. Hours 10 to 12, 1 to 4. Phono 110-J T. O. liniNIl, M. D. Uye, Ear, Noie and Throat. Headaches and nervous conditions rollovod by properly fitted glnsncs. Cross eyes straightened Office 228 K. Main St., phono 303. Consultation free. OORDON MAC CRACKRN, M. D Hotuoepnthlc Ploulclan, Surgeon, 228 East Mnln St., Medford. Ore gon. Offlco phono 142. residence Phono 732-R2. Offlco hours 1 to 4 p tn. -MX Public BlenoErnpticr HI8RHEHT J. UERRIAN Stenogra pher, room 29, Jackson County llnilk llldg. Dictation tnkon any place any tlnio by tha only Steno type operator In Houthorn Oro. Of. flee phone 515, Roc. 275-J. Pi tutors and Publlxlicrs MKDFOTtD PitlNTINa'coi. has the boat oqulppetl printing offlco In tiulharn Oregon; book bluttlng, lootMa loaf ledger, billing syHtems, cto. Portland prieoa, 27 North Pir st. i Iusuiance. KARL S TUM General Insurant office. Fire, Automobile, AooldeiVt, liability. Piute Olaw. Contrast, and S u ret j Uonda Bxcollent cam- is. griuu local sarvice, . rvp, 10 iTBruett-rjarey nuig. Tuwsfera kaUS TttAKftirft & if oniols cb. jOffiAe 48 North rfhrodt st. Phone 3ir. t Prices rlitht, Service guar iiitfd. . . . I 1