Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, January 13, 1916, SECOND EDITION, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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- ' ! lMI"'''f '''
r . ii n '
Theater McDonald, of tho Walker
garaf, made a hurried run to Ash
land m tiostness yesterday evortns.
It. OheJtaey, of Santa trus, Cali
fornia, Je fa the city an business, lie
la aesftrtrng Information on the sub
ject of the coat ot producing a 106
poaad hag In this valley and getting
It to marRot as cared meat; also tat)
awt ef ratatag 100 chickens to full
weight lor tfte market. These flg
uros will bf used in comparison with
those obtained la a similar WW .la
the district about Santa Cruz.' 'Al
though that ,1a not partteMkirly a, J
hag eountry, Mr. Chslmey says he
believes thay raise a greater number
of hogs Uiaro to the 40 acres tban
thay do tn this valley. Tttny have a
cottoiderable advantage In tta eost
ot shipment to a market. San Fran
effoo la also iWtr market fur those
two Mttntry prodaeta tban la I'nrl
laml. Coming Monday to the Page. "Ue
Renaratlon." '
A few Chinee pheasants haTe be
come quite tame In Uils district sineo
the snow' began to full and cover the
Kruuntl for. two or threw days at r
time. Kenr I'hnsttlx they have be
Kun to loafl in the morning with the
hsrnyanl chickens. A few of too
who know their value aa "wild game"
and tho sport of .guanine' for thorn
It) sonaon bare undertukatt to feed
thorn wherever they have appeared.
The show, however, has not ret boen
deep enough or remain wl on tho
icround long enough to embarrass
their quest for food very much In tula
vplley. Raa served to drive theiu
from the foothills, however.
Mrs.oaeh, Abdo-Stipport Ilnreloy
curRlani eorteu xin . iisrtiott.
The ,wyw, la said, to lie alx faot
deep 111 tho nine Ledae mining die
Iliittq JalUi Wood .yard Phono 48
or !.f .Wood nl kinds. -'Bi
rr, -ldent It. n. Ilnllls ol the South-
tii Cm. on Traction Co.. la expected
in ret h thla city tomorrow or Sal
mdaj Hum New York, wbero he went
.1 lm m-tanl buatneea two weoka hro.
Oye'ers. any atyle. The Shaatn.
It I" exported that Alex N'lblay will
return to thla city early next week
from lili business cunferonco In Salt
When better Insurance la aold
Iloltnos, (ho Imuran) Man. will dl
It. .
Colonel .Miindy, who returned with
a imrftr OX oopimllels tn Chicago two
Ji , L. tfjijrjtls, rrprf jilim. n
number of Mmlllrs In Mouth tiakt.i
who want to find a suits hie lesatlon
on the rmit or tonle ftvorably locnt
ml inland valley within reaeh of thf
aoakreece, baa on In Itogne rrver
valley for a week, looking rtboot. "If
yonr valley had general Irrigation,"
ald Mr. Stnrgla reeterday, ')ou
would oiijojr a great Influx of hom
nakera thli yaar. i hear (he itoatie
river country mvntloMed favorably tn
many plaeoa I havo vtalled lately
People who know aoae thing about it
like Its cMirmtt, He legation, the xrat
mining region about It, ykleh murt,
toon or later be iklajI. nd yonr '
Immenaa Umber raae areas which
maat'anon be u'tllltml. They know !
It hae very protlucllve toll. Many of
lbeayarn willing to eoHOede lat It
prWUcea (He moat iusofoUg frit I U In i
utMtaJi-uAtuad tlthnnornlna,
2 5 (ft, off on K'odnXs nt WwMU'!
Cnmarn Shop.
1 1 tiiiler Qray. or Portland, who lias
l.oc'n vlaltlrtg 'tile valley for some
ilHvi. m! go to Rhaata vallev Cull
fornln i" fur hla return home.
J. i iriiBg, the boat all aroH'nd
,Jiotci,n Iht la aontharn Oreasm.
Alwah i liable. Negatives made aay-wben-.
tliiu- or tlee. Studio aiv
Main Ht. phono I10-J.
llarney Welsh, of Cottage drove,
who lum laoH vleltlng with his lata
felfe'i pHrattU In thla vicinity, will re
turn hm ktwarrow. He will re
turn to this valley In .March and re
main during the fanning
TnHorlag. Have your tailoring
done at the Kelatera l-adlee Tallor-
Ing cig; pupils may enter nt any
Mine. It. H H, V. ft II. bldg. jr.a
Mr AJCM Whealer. of Albany, that
xtaie, who baa bean vlaltlag with
Mrs. vAfteMaa liray Ik ihla ejtyr re
turned home lent evenlug.
Wanton Cawora Shop for flrat clean
Kodaklflalahlng and Kodak luppllce.
Arthur Forbes, who mau to the
Milley from Vancouver. Waalilagton.
i no wceka ago. lll leave for Port
Uud toalghl. lie arranged to locate
it the Eagle 'Point district for the
Near and will return here with hla
wife and her fUlnai brother lu a wak
r ao.
Special prices ou etigrava oards.
new aaD from old pistes tor a lew
daya at the Med ford Printing Co.
Mlea lUttlf Welltuao. of Klamath
Fall, arrived In thU rliy yoaterday
for an ettandi'd vlelt with rnlatlvea
itiiil (Heads. MU Wellman aaya they
nf Klamath KaJla country have beou
i'XHrteaolng rtal wluter eondltlona
uver there tor to or ibrev woeka.
See Dave Wood about that fire tiuj
th,e world. Than things nr vary Ht
tractlve, but to make (hem perma
nently attractive you must have Ir
rlgatlon.V. .-, , . . .,-.,,
. l ft 1 4 t, t
coming Monday to the Page, "Itc
ganemtlon." i. U. Welch, or Asbestos, -wiHch
that there la two feet of anew on the
groom! there.
Plerae tho Inorlit for flowers.
Phone 871.
aiondnlo la atlll In durkuoas, the
nloctrlc wires bolng down since last
Friday. Snows aro atx font daep over
the autninlt and eeorus of treos have
fallen across tho wlros.
Smoko n KIiik Kpltz clgnr, ac.
Thoy nre home-inado. tf
J. K. Wortmau. or thaPaoirio high
way. waa a Medlord lMlior Thursday.
Drs. A. It. and I.oulso'IlodgoA, chi
ropractic physicians, Stewnrt build
ing, zar. Uaat Main St.
.1. 11. Wtlsbn, er Tnfont. I tnu.w
aotlng biialneaa In thla oily today.
(ratcet suit aalo In the history of
Marfforrt.. talleied Snlta, valuea to
$47.60, now 16.00. Othera. J8.6.
ff).76, and 111.26.
T. 1C. Houghton, of tho ISagle Point
district, Is a Modtord visitor toil).
Plorco tho I'lorlBt, Phone 371.
Mrs. II. ICIIon Chllds, recent ar
rival In the Willow Springs district,
la vialtliiK with old (lino friend In
Medford two or throo daya. Mr.
Chllda enmo from Olyiupla, Wimli
Inicton, recently to niako her Iioiiij
with rtdatlvtMi In thla valley.
Midani 1)avetiiort, renownod Palm
ist and Clairvoyant, Sen thla girted
Indy Colonial A pig. S63
...KuroiirtjiB reports como from
ontsldo districts uoncernltiK the in
terest In the proposod jtotilt ry show to
be held In thla - cnifwypn
he held In this city. A great many
people In the valluy are Interlatod In
the poultry buslnosa; hut, there be
ing no urgnuliod effort to dnvelon
It along commercial lines, oarh has
kottu 'walling for some one olse lo
rituko a start In the matter ot or
ganisation, li Is pleasing to the few
who advocated the ahow proposition
its a means of Introducing a revival
of concern In the chicken Industry
that so mush Interest Is at once man
treated. Insure your auto In the Alliance
against theft, fire. C, Y. Tengwald.
All "lady Ulka" are Invited lo at
tend a function at the Btka' Temple
tomorrow between S and 6 o'clock.
Mra. Fred Colvlg will be hostess. It
will be Isdtes' day at the Mlks' Tem
ple. Pierce tho Florist for flowors.
Phone 171.
A baby girl Has born to Mr. and
Mra. Ilorman I). Swell of Oupliol
Hill Ibis nmrnlHg. .Mm. Powoll was
formerly Mlse lllaaehe WihmI.
iUnl dry wood (1.60 tier dollv
arvd. Csjl W. W. lreato; T.t. if
Arthur PetiNlll. of Applrgale. la (a
th- city loauy an a bualuees arraa4.
lie mk)'m I he rata aud aaow of lb past
Ivw daa have mado (be people of
that aeeiioa feel much ttHre liopefal
ion "the motature o.ueat!ou" both fur
the rnpat nd tlin ctvpa.
Try a King Spits elgar and on
oouraga home Industry. if
Hnao Uatend. of the Hog up Klv r
district. Is doing liusiaaas In Med lord
tuday. lie suys (be farmers of that
part of the valley aro waiting aume-
shai latpaileuUy fur news roacera
lug the location of the itronosed sugar
Ooacoaittti klaaes :tr per lb. at tna
The Sontheru Pacific eompaay baa
Issued many thouaaude uf calendars
thla yar for diatrlbutlon. The de
ltas and tpograblial work are au
imrb. while the descriptive matter
-.-- .- !
I r i I lit U" t
mack i - whenji Kbell b
i, 1 1 1 . ' 01 1 li j ' " '
kIuhi: the I v "j'tal la lAis j.
mt to t'ofh nr-il .W IiIkIi prici"
ii i ti i r It
to i.ounti ratt
'L ' !! I II '
Oi si -- '
I The Heventli mmpiim ii n
1 iiivttntlou to erery one lo .iticnd th.
! iii-liire by I'olaaeJ II. II. S:utiii .it
jthe nrnwry twmvrrnw ponnii .if!
i 7 :.'!. This diaeovrM- i tjn t irt id'
. M-riea to be given nl tli'1 tun nr
I during; the Winter b iuuidiih i I
I -Makrx. Tim nobject of fidom-l
'SHntitit'a niflr U "The IViltl- . t
San Malcn nnd the Di-nlli ol M.iior
jdcniTiil Iiwlon," n Hiibji'tt mi wl'p li
jcolonfj Sargent well nimlilKiI to
iiwk. MiiM of the bultU'fii-ld will
I he umh to illustrate tin- )lan of
. lie nnd dlpoitlon of the trvrnp- p ,
I di-r (Jencrnl Uiwton's nimmiiinl. uml J
(ill" aubject will be treated in n mot
entertaining mnnuer. I
A niflwical prop-ram wilt nUo lie
i'n, Ike pniMinl number bcin Ihc
icriHilion of "Ibirborii rrieliliie" li
(leorgv AmlrewH. Thii. u conmdcrcil
Mr. Aiulrew' bcl effort ii- it -oloi-t.
No ndniKxiou i-i rluiivd lo lhi or
I ut ii re li-i'liiri'i, and an iu itatinn in
fxtcmli'tl to i'ci'onc In ntteiul.
j&&m a
a, iirtL ntiri
w vrr.
I C81" '.ZZ.SZZmL VT.aT J-'vtJUaiBstiaani
v imim MiawMl OL imiXEim
TSiwiii in BCT9rwaa3wjiiJUJgggjiPiS'g5
llHlf-''"1 " ' 1 1 ta-Jwg, woi
tteymmiTiyiumiAi u J i itinwumtitinimmm-r
tuammfCAituKtaaBSKb . wnmm i
tKrwmk atvriatruraw-
llltll il W'IM
f"U4if7SlXMa h.1STir
y&&m.vW&t?2lf tn&r rs9fi
ur E V"-snVJmi4m&jpMaKf f
jgyMJ a
111. I in I't I
vius t Tt'ErcHie
"Mnrv Mill- Mndi-r maki
ftil HnrUnru lYntciiii- in h hliiTniKimr I'layey ami 1'lnyerM lo niKHf in
piclme linseil on WliittierV noem nnd!M V fivc-jwrl.. finlute .rou-liiiii.
ipimiIi- iarli. hen lieeti 4ikiik'iI l lh- V
the dn.v by Clyde Kilcb. Tlte director
mih HiKyiifufuJ in aagfiwlinn tho al-' pIiciT of u Noutlicni lown in wur
timc. WuIImcc Scott, Guy Coomba,
iln. Thomas V. WWrftm and liYannie
Kramiliola arc prominent in u well
flnwoii OaA.
M-. Thomas Wnirreu, who lian en
Icrlaineil nnd deliglilitl plnygiwra in
Hum eotinlry for two genurnlions, dur
ing the hwt of which by liar innu
Irrlv delineation of ehlerly women
14 ft ..I 1. J I t aa
iviirimm ineiciue. ainr.v Miles
Mintcr line the ntollur role in the pro
duction, nnd Airs. WliitTen (days the
jwri ot her grandmother.
In coujunctkm with Uiih grcnt fen-
lure picture, a uovclty mimical net
will he given by Carter Brandon, Her
uiti Miioni aim Mign nwimson. j iiih
net dl prove verv cntertainintr, iih
the lio.s will intriHluce oafll of the
liitc-t and popular Ming iiuinbors, ne
compaiiietl by ukulele, linnjo and
Jnnifia and 1M Purdue wore nrren(-l
Hi yesterday on a warrant charging
(hem with the tbeft ot parte or farm '
Implements of the value of 116, I..1
O. Penland being the. complaining
witness. The Implements alleged to
have been purloined wore taken from
a ranch a ehort dtstgnco north of this
city. A Jury Is being called thla af
ternoon lo hoar the case before Jus
tice of thneaeo Qlonn O. Taylor.
Henry O'Malley, or Seattle, coast
sHperiuletamt or the It. 8. bureau
or risherles. Is a Med Ton) visitor to
day. I Venn Is Winn, or Oregon hiy, n
lrauaaoj1aa;''bHalnaaaiJii this city to
day. Plorr the florist. Phone 7t.
Mr. and Mrs. Lincoln McCormack
will leave tonight tor Chicago and
the cant to visit relatives.
Mrs. H. C. Johnson. 3M King
street, this city, tort thm jaofstlag ror
Meridian, Idaho.
II. It Hoekmaa, or Jacksonville,
left laul night for Portland on bua
i:i. L'AHt, Tew.. Jan. 13.--Ueiurnl
llonjaraiii ArjjunK'ilii. in commnml of
A00O Oiixucn troop-., ia revorteil today
in mlvives Miercd riliublv, to hnvc
been vintoriou ,mh buttle nt Kucalon
with :t.Vlll tic famfft viivernmetit irooj
Irma t'lrthimhaijf ;'V haul,., ,t ,.
.jinirwB fniinyBir'T'--ri
Tnc (mope laojcl.i'- Hrmv are
minI to hav Heat) galliir. i in On-
fina ly (Jener.ih. Blamiuei. MmihInii;oii
ami Aifiulnr, m' the old llm ri.i ann.
The retort if the battle WUH
brought to the rrxidenee uf (leuernl
Vietorinno llm rta here today by u
mc-cngcr from nbchlon.
UUKI.IX, .Inn. i:i. A Mroug llrit
teli attnek near Armontiurea nnd two
Frfiicli fHialiiuKhU in the (.'liiimpiivnc
were ropulsed by the (lennan-, (lie
war office announced todiiv.
Demand for
Royal Club Coffee
Has Increased by Leaps
and Bounds '
nf Into f lmvo hen forn-it tn work our plnnt ilny
to nupply the ctr-mand
Tli puhllr linn come to the rinll.itlon that Hirre 1 "" "''
cofffi on the marhut than ROYA1, I'l.l'B nnd theii- I- n Kti-t
rraonabl tasen hr w i an alva a licUer rmftw Ml u
prttr. Thn bHtti fSSlor In ni-llliiu rriir -o ct oir r"'
t tn IS cenSHHier with lha name nrsanliatlnn thnt hmiilii-"
our big wholMale kualncan. ThU Haven u from 10 per cant
tit SO pr c-l on thla Item alonr. W can, thirnforr. put Inli
JtOVAI, Ct.Ult the hlghimt uraito Sinnatra anil C'enlrnl AniPt
Ican coffa aenrrally uacd only In the more rxpen-lve hli nd.
Say HOYAI. CMTM to your grocer today tlio "dlffi-nnrc" will
be eaally apparent.
l-rnUMi tin n-roi' tin b-imiimi ti.n
40c $1.10 $1.75
Tlir llojnl i lull limine, I'urtlniiil. Or.
IIKItMN. .Inn. 13. A great na
tional organisation for tho purchase
or nil livestock orrereil ror sale In
Germany la foreshadowed by tho Vos
alscho Xeltung, as a result of roc nut
conferences among the various nilu
Intern at Ilarrln.
Two groat orgaiilsstlons are to be
formed representing jroduccrs and
Tho pnper f.ijm 11 Is Intended to
I.UXM)X. Jan. i:.--Tlie Muwri.'
fedeiiiUon of (Ireat Uriliim, meetinir
in Lotidim today, nisohed unanimous-
lv to opHe the bill lor iiunpulxory
muitai "ciMio.
OVErt BTrrfillA rtiVEK
HAI.VIKI. tlru Jin. i:t The
important rnilrond liri.l,:,. x,.r the
Struma riter at Dewii lluMnr hua
bean blown up by French iiiKiuecru
n- n preeiiiilionr meanrv.
HIIAVKK W M. Shaver, so years
old, died st the home of II. W. Wheel
or. a mile and a half southwest of
Phoenji, yesterday, January 13, from
Infirmities or age.
ltoeeaaed aa lived In Ihla valley
nine tears and ror his many genial
qaallikM and kiiidllneaa of manner
toward all wtta much loved by ihoee
who kaw him. lie waa a former
Couiedlrat aotdler.
llurlal will take place In the l'boe
nt cematr-ry tomorrow. January H.
at 10 a'elot'k in the morning.
nea imve wood about that fire tug Hder the iiendaul a leader is srl. -.ji ' "..' " "
ayiioe policy. Offlc U TribaaeN tntertalntng aud Instructive. U n-T ,e"'',c xa J" ,s "
aX "V J&Sr
m jm
- "Tfl
Do Your Eyes Tire Uasily?
Waste uf nervouit energy tliru eye
b train la the primary cause of many
human ills, aud its alleviation is ac
complished by scientific skill, not by
cotumorclsl enterprise.
Dr. Rickert
over May Co.
A Dainty
New Creation
- a iltatinctive Face Powder
MitMeFiiir the very character
i -tic fastidioitM women dit-ire.
Marinello Powder reully aids
in beautifying the complexion
il protect-; ngmtiKt wind and
huh it blend iwrfcctly with
the akin'H tevtntv nnd color, lta
exehiMive, delicate fragrance is
un e.xprcHsion of (rood iflite.
PLEXI0H Marinello
Hair Shop
407 Garnclt-Corey Bltly.
Says skin orcs nre closed aud
uric acid renwitta
iu bkxxl.
Rhcumatikm no remerivr nt n
' SCk. color or rank, if not tha
ditngcron. of human afflictions it is
one of Ihc most p.iinful. Those subject
. to riicumatism should cat lets meat,
Vlblllrlo Or VILlA.ioift pur.v"'
I Kbvutnatism is csuieil bv uric arid
I which is generated iu the bowels and '
Ml. PAsri t, i... I- .. Absorbed into the blood. It it the fum-I
Hi. I ASO. ! iu Jan I.. - onflr- ,io r lc kl,,np)1 ,Q fi)cr lhlf aii J
roation of tlir death ot tlcorgc F. .from" the blood and csst it out hi ihc !
k-...., '-..I n-..l,,r,n,i "" lo'C of the akin sre also
......... .... ir( a MMHl
i VAirtirf fMro Vka
of freeing the blood of tint
in damp snd chilly, cold
; auujiv
1 V"
Parsons Hiri
Keaae al the hada of Vlll.i hundiia Impurity,
la Chihuahua aas racelvod here to-1 "" hc Vn pofes are dosed thus .,, N (, '-nril Avi.niii.
day Varaotui was oruaoe.ilt.. .ritrCTII.B ,hc k,,ln:, lo d. "W work. - i0nil Central AM'Illie
uajr. v nraona waa iroaieiung near : lney )trme we,k wa !-. h and fad I .
tna itaiiricorH mowk in weaiern Chi- to eliminate this uric acidwhich keeps j
hnahua, near hhih Keane was ex-1 accumulating and circulating throirgh )
octited waaka ago. Kramer ' J"? tcm, eventually witling in the .
waa tn the tiu.-rraro district. P.r-i 1!' amt ,mM?c,M ..',frc I
- - - nirinipia ainii hiiii a-naiaai vnaiimiiiiaHi
. . . r" .. .mu..H,..,,
For Friday Only, January 14
We will sll all ODDS and ENDS in
SHOES at a liberal rtnlurlion in price
"Coob Shoes'
son's wife as. nald to Ih Iu ('alifor-nla.
Uus Ktweiison. uf Astorta. con
tU-aee to prolong his visit In this val
ley, waiting for news concerning the
location of the soger factory. If Ig
this district, wbero retulhee have
subscribed for tho t,ultuie of beets,
he will remain nnd raise berth. If
la aaolber oouaty. Mi. Htevenson
gays ha will uol take the chance to
fame batU oa hla anele'a plse
at. Purdln. Lawyer, Koam toe M.
i; n. nidi.
Mr. and Mrs. Had ley Walls, who
have baon waking their residence in
the CMatral Poiut district for navaral
mouth, will rdturn naat week to their
formei honta at Fresno. Mr. Walla
haw a ti n isora UvhWrapa vineyard
jn the i ulty ! that elfy. Ha aaya
k iHii.-ven tbara.wlll be an safMwtoliy
fvin .! u,arkt far table trans tali
earns tke old mlsslona along Ihc
Southern Pacific lines, giving briefly
4 hlstorr of ihelr origin, arcbltactura
and Die iiecullarly latcrestlng obarm
of legendary iorv alth which thay are
dates sella Kord ears. !(00 daw a
and IS 5, a meuth.
Kd Csrlel'in of TU.. Kink was a
aeceut Md(or4 visitor..
Typewriter naiwra ot all kinds nt
the Medford mating Co.
Tson aad Ashnry Baall were re
tool vi.lior tn Medoid
Mr. H. looks, of Ashland. Is a
Medford vuttor today.
The Klamath Falls basket bail
teams came ta Medford (ram Aenmftd
this morning for their games toatfnt
with the Medfard high school taaaaw
at the Wal f ha girU taam played a
tta enmc and fee boys ios at Aan
Mac last sight.
emtiloyaa of tho American Mmelting
and Itnfinlug coutpauy were ordered
ta leave Mexico, in a telegram from
tho rompany'a offices at ail Pom to
day. The message waa received hare
and relayed over Mexican government
llaea yg Mtedraa Kegras to Torrooa.
U. W. Newman, a wttiiag engineer.
otto tol'lha nnusarra vtctlma in Chi
bnahtui. formerly lived lnvKsgle i'a
aad has relative here. Ills mother's
homo ta at Keaae N. 11.
sw-waBenawweiarwmrgjMi jl
:i. Ii, Tex., Jan. in Ovaeral
Manuel M M llnavlctm. former chief
af ataft of Villa, now a prisoner In ' made from the arid of grapes and
At the first twinae of rheunuti.m act
from suy pharmacy about four ounces
of Jsd Saks; put a tsbicspoonful in a
?lsss of water and drink before break
ast each morning for s week. This
Is said to cbmiiutc uric acid by stimu
lating the kidneys to normal action,
thus ridding the blood of iliesc impur-ilk.
Jad Sslts is inexpensive, harmless and
i he elty jail herv, rbsrgcd with bring
ing stolen prnporiy iOtr- Hie t'nlted
State doah d today that he had hud
lemon juke, combined with lithia snd
is used with excellent results by thou
sands 01 i oiks who arc subject to rhcu
mati.m. Here you have a phvsant. cf
anything lo do with tlie airct.t or , fervescent lithu water drink whWi
killing of Peter Keane. an KnalUh
man. hool.ko. ,er, employed uu the
Hearst ranch .it Habrlcora. fu western
Chiluiaima. Keaae aas killed at
itublo, at the xtrlmliy of the ranch.
He related i hat Villa had planned
an attack on Juares and later upon
Kl Paso.
i eu i i ii i.j i i .at-w. "
PON HALK Pumiture. Phone 1S-H
14 17 W. Mslu sit. so
POK 8AIJC - .Manure.
r. Y. Alien.
Phone 2T4-Y.
roa SAMS Taam and haraaas: tn-
rabator. broodor. greea bone nslll,
child's a t uhw ta--
- u:
TclU Rir To Oet (lulck Itellef
from Ucul-Cotds. It1 Stdsauid!
Ia im" minute jour ekatt.-.t imtlril.
Will open, the mr pas-agi-s M aur l.rat
willrlevr anJ yutl ran breathe frerl
Ku wore iking, sauasleg, Mwni.
hradai'he. drying. No alrugghag lor
bteatli at Right . jaur culd or eatarrli
WIN be Kuat.
(let a small HsOtb) of El Cregm
Balm frum 3 out draggiss. aow Apaiy
a littta m t!ii fragrant, aaiisspik.
be Hag rm m your WiriU. It pea
etrstes thrtm!. every air passagw of the
, swinn iim raaamoa er
mnceos ' abriia tad relief
mrrcomes imc acul snd is beneficial to
sour Mdne) as eU.
Mail Us Your Watch
and Jewelry Work
Greatest Suit Sale in the
History of Medford
Values to $47.50
Others $6.50, $9.75 and $1 1.25
Want stay' stufed-na
' eatwiktlaf
VNV are prei,vu to care of
all watch, clock aud j-Hiy repair
lag, diamoud sid agate mouuiing of '
ail kinds done li an evjuut Uver-1
thing we sell 01 repair W boluttI '
guaranteed. I
Martin J. Reddy,
Manor Always Welcome 1
The Advantage
Oeate:. tlu- ()iortinit
The Svin Account
Craatea the Advantage
Don't work up hill with a load on your back Try coubt-
tng down hill with a savings aeoftfest
AravawQiliisstiyfrrg-rftgviKW- -rVBi',f,TITr
i ' ii -t it . -n nt, --fc53