Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, January 13, 1916, SECOND EDITION, Image 1

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Medford Mail Tribune
rncttlc-d, probably onow.
Max. ill), Mln. OH, Viv, .2.1
forty-fifth Tcnr.
Dullr TnUi Tr.
Mexican Government "Deeply De
plores Dastardly Action" of Villa
Forces In Killing Americans Lan
sinn Hints that United States Will
Furnish Protection.
" WASHINGTON, Jnn. 13. Goncrnl
Cnrrunza's nmbnssatlor hero today
fonnally assured Secretary Lansing
that the Cnrranzn government "deep
ly deplores the dastardly action" of
the Villa forcos in killing sixteen or
more Auiorioans near Chihuahua on
Monday and added thnt "efficient
action will be taken to bring the inur
derorg to justice." Ho ulso guvo as
surances thnt General Cnrranzn
would tako stops to remedy the situ
ation in (ho statu of Durango, in
which depredations against foreign
ers have boon roporled.
There wero no developments in tlio
Bituation at tlio white house or at tlio
ntutu department, but in congress,
both house and senate continued to
give it attention.
Lewis Itesolutlon
Senator Lewis, democrat, introduc
ed a resolution proposing to empower
thu president to use the army and
navy to restore order in Mexico uk
had been done in Haiti and Nica
ragua. Ho asked that it lay over without
action, however, and thorn was no
i'urthor debate nt that stage. In the
house, Representative Slaydon, dem
ocrat, of Texas, defonded tho rec
ognition of General Carrauzn and do
eliued that if order woro not ro
stored a Pnn-Aiuoricuii coalition of
nations should do it.
President Wilson today told Sena
tor bhoppnrd that the Americans hud
boon specifically warned to keop out
of Mux i eo in reply to a suggestion
from the senator thnt thu situation
wns serious.
Another Wanting Issued
Secretary Lansing today gave an
other warning; to Americans in Mex
ico to leave any districts where
"there is revolutionary trouble."
Tho secretary stated that so fur
as tho stcs taken by (he C'arrnnza
government on the American repre
sentations appeared to bo satisfac
tory. Ho udded that tho United
States would ox pec I uvidcneu of pun
ishment of tho bandits who killed the
AnioritiBiis near Chihuahua and that
the ovidenco would depend upon tho
Seerotary Lansing said if proper
and final steps wero not taken an is
sue might arise between thu United
States and the Curranzn government.
His last statement was rcgnrdod as
significant of tho dotonuinatiou of tho
United States to enforce ptoteetion
for its citizens In Mexico.
To Kn force 11-oteclloii
Seerotary Lansing added that tho
question of rcsjraiMibility for thu
killings still was undetermined and
tlwt tho state dcnrtment recognized
a certain analogy between tho situa
tion in Mexico and thu situation in
the west during tho early history of
the United States, t'nrraiun author
ities, however, he said, had warned
the Amoricaus away from n region,
which t hoy kuow to bo dangerous.
Late today President Wilson and
Secretary Lansing conferred on tho
Mexican situation and devoted prac
tically tho wholo discussion to means
of securing accurate information of
the attacks on Americans.
10 LEAVE 110
EL PASO, Tex., Jan. 1 J. AH em
ployes of the American Smelting &
Nefining ooMipsny in Chihuuhun and
Durango and the employes of the Al
vurwdo Mining company of Purrs I
hare been ordered out of Mexico. A
number of other foreign eompaniee in
these states have issued similar or
ders. The action followed receipt of dis
ateks from the state department
reiterating advice for foreigners to
come out of Mexieo and atay out,
gien prior to. the recognition of the
ik t'ueto guveininmt.
Assault Developed Upon Large Scale
Montenegrins Evacuate Capital
as Austrlans Continue Advance
Russians Capture Sarlarjura In
Drive Into Bessarabia.
HOME, Jan. 13. Tho attack ot
tho Teutonic allies on the entento
forces defending Salonlkl Is being
developed on a largo scale, according
to tho Athens correspondent ot tho
Glomalo d'ltatta, telegraphing under
Tuesday's dato. Ho also reports that
a bombardment of tho Ilrltiflh lino In
tho Dolran zono proceeded alt day
Tho German coinmnudor of tho at
tacking foicwi, says the correspond
ent, will make use of Austrian, Bul
garian and Turkish forcos. Tho par
ticipation of tho Turks has been
doubtful, bo adds, but it is now cer
tain that they will bo included in tho
attacking army.
Kvncunte Ottlnje.
PARIS, Jan. 13. In view ot tho
succosB ot tho Austrian offenslvo
against Mount I.ovcon, measures havo
boon tnken by tho Montenegrin gov
ornniont to evacuate Cottlnjo Imme
diately, according to n Scutari dis
patch, says tho Petit Journal's Milan
Tlio Rovornmont, howovor, has de
cided to rontlnuo tho stniRRlo against
tho Austrlans, the dispatch adds.
Tho Austrian forces ndvanclng
from Cattaro and Iludna havo reach
ed Mlchltz, flva miles from Antlvari,
which Is being bombarded by tho Aus
trian long range guns, according to
a dispatch to L'Oouvrc, undor Tues
day's date.
Ituss.'nn OffcnMto
LONDON, Jan. 13 Tho nows from
tho oastem front of tho capturo of
Sudagura Is rogarded In military clr
clos as probably true, although offi
cial announcement on tho subject lias
not been rocolvod.
The town just north of Czornowltz
Is a convening point for flva good
roads and Is of groat stratogic Im
portance. Prior nttompts to capture
It havo boon stoutly roslstod.
The report from Petrograd that tho
offonstvo In Gallcla and Dossarabla
havo boon suspended for tho prosont
Is rogardod as at loast premature.
Tho Itusslau offenslvo could not, it
Is bollovod, bo suspended suddenly as
It was undertaken nftor careful
presentations and launchod with un
oxpoctod strength. Tho object of that
offenslvo is said to bo threo feld:
To domonstrato to tho HujiuinlanB
that thu Husslans are able to assiuuo
tho Initiative whon they choose; sec
ondly, to dlvort Austro-Gernian foreos
from the Ilalkans, tho western front
nnd finally, to improvo tho gonoral
stratoglc position ot their own left
ICrfect Problematical
Whllo tho full effect of this Itus
slan offenslvo cannot yot bo dotor
tnlnod, entento military exports nf
ftrm that tho second object was at
tained; that tho situation In tho Ilal
kans was sonslbly relieved and that
tho oporatlon undortakon by tho Ger
mans against tho Pronch In Cham
pagne waB robbod of Its force.
Tho fact that tho French flag now
Is waving over tho Achllloion. on the
(Continued on pago six)
TOKIO, Japan, Jan. 13. Count
Okuma, tho Japanese promior, had a
narrow oscapo from doath early to
day at the hands ot assassins, lie
was returning from tho royal palaeo
shortly aftor midnight when two
bombs Here hurled at him. The pro
mior was not injured.
Okuma's chauffour caught a
glimpse of the bomb thrower as he
uas about to launch his missile and
put on speed so that the bomb ex
ploded behind the Machine without
causing any damage
A second bomb was thrown, but It
failed to exnlede.
The asssilant, or assailants, escaped.
Mexican Chief Hopes to Force Inter
ventionBodies of Victims of the
Massacre Reach El Paso Identifi
cation Almost Impossible as Heads
Almost Blown Off by Shooting.
EL I'ASO, Tex., Jan. 13. Devel
opments in tho Mexican situation
moved with kaleidoscopic rapidity
hero today.
Public feeling, stirred by tho nT
rival of tho bodies of eighteen vic
tims of tlio raid of Villa bandits nt
Santa Ysnbcl Monday, was further
moved by tho reported capturo of
General Itodriguoz.
A message from Mndcrn nnnounc
ed his capture and Mio dispersal of
his band by Americans and a few
Cnrrnnza soldiers, nnd contained un
appeal from Americans for help,
"from whatever quarter it ijnmo."
Villa Want Mntcrrcntion
Itoportfl to the stnto department
from local representatives wcro un
derstood to express tho belief that
General Francisco Villa personally
was back of an organized campaign
to wipe out Amoricaus in Chihuahua
fur revenge and in the hope thnt it
would bring Amoricnn intervention
nnd break up tho Curranzn govern
Activities in civilian circles includ
ed a movement to organize 1000 min
ing men to run down Mexican ban
dits. Sponsors of tho project stated
tho proposal would bo submitted to
Curranzn officials and their approval
llodics of tho Santa Ysnbol victims
wero being prepared for shipment ntid
forwarded to their homes.
Ktory of Itococry
F. IS. Stephenson, secretary of tho
Mining & Smelter Mcu'h association
of Chihuahua, who organized tho
party that recovered tho bodios,
said :
"Somo wero hard to idonlify, for
thoir heads wero almost blown off.
They wore stripped of clothing be
fore they wero drugged out of tho
enrs and kiilwl. When wo arrived at
the scono of tho mnssaoro tho Car
rauzn guard remained nt Snnta Ysn
bel. Nearby wo found a band of ban
dits encamped. Wo returned lo llio
troop train to got a innchino gun and
then proceeded to tho placo whore tho
bodies wore heaped, and woro not'ino
lestcd. "Heaped in a pilo wero fourteen
bodies, stripped of nil clothing but
their undorsliirts. Somo of them
wore punctured with mauy holes,
whilo without exception tho fenturon
woro so disfigured by oloso shooting
that identification was difficult."
l'al.Mj Humor Honied
The Mndcrn telegraph operator re
ported thdfo was no truth in tho ro
port that ton American nnd two
Knglish women woro killed nt Madera
jib rumored in Chihuahua City and
brought to the border today.
Co-operation of the Cnrrnnza con
suluto and the military aulhoritioa in
Chihuahua re id ted today, it was
said hero, in preparation for special
trains to bring tho Americans out of
tho ParraWIistrict nt tho shortost
possible noTioo. Somo two hundred
foreigners nro in tbo district, for tho
most part employos of tho Alvarado
raining onmp, of which A. J. McQuat
tors, now in New York, is tho mali
POItTLANp, Jan. 13. Itallroad
communication botweon Portland and
Tillamook was completely blooked to.
day tiy heavy drifts of snow In tho
ooaat mountains. All wires to Tilla
mook failed during yesterdays storm
and when communication was restor
ed today It was lea mod that Southorn
Paolfic train Xo. 1 12 whleh loft Tllla
mook yesterday, was compelled to ro
turn after getting as far as Ifnrlght.
LONDON, Jan. 13. The Times un
derstands that Lord Chellsford is to
be toe new wcero) of India,
YHuHK. laaaW ftrt jiaaaar JflaaaaaT
aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaW aaLaaVBaaaBsaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
CJoncnil Vlctorlano Iluertu, pmfcS'.loiiul soldier, t-oiiiiunndcr of cl
can minie.s under Dlnz nod Madciti, who overthrow mid iisMifiMlnatcd Lit
ter and Ix'Cnmo dictator of Mexico. KoitimI to floo Mexico by tlio Suc
re,' of the revolution, ho mine to tlio fulled States spring nnd wu
nnvMvri in Now Mexico for violation of neiituillly in MvkliiK to ivcovcr
his power and was in Jail until December -P, ulien his lllnos caused re
movnl to his residence.. He is djlng from Juimdlrc.
JOPMX, Mo., Jan. 13 Closing
arguments In tho trial of tho alleged
publishers of tho Menace, a wcokly
newspaper of Aurora, Mo., began to
day at thu afternoon sosslon In fed
eral court. Tho defendants aro
charged with sending obscono matter
through tho mnlls.
A discussion as to whether tho en
tire book bearing the tltle: "Tho
Popo, Chief of Whlto Slavers, High
Prlost of Intriguo," should bo placed
in tho hands ot the jury occupied con
sldorablo time today.
Tho court finally rulod that only
such parts ns Indicatod as bearing
upon tho ohargos In the case should
bo placed In ovidenco.
Although tho tostlmony ot twolvo
witnesses for tho defense was offer
ed comparatively Ilttlo ovldonco was
allowed by tho court to bo hoard by
tho jurors.
Tho only now exhibit tho defonse
was allowod to onler was tho "salu
tatory" prlntod in an isauo of tho
cnaco of 1011 over tho nnmo of
Thcodoro C. "Walker, ono of tho de
fendants nnd designed to show the
alleged character of tho newspaper
It was road In court to the Jury and
set forth that tho publication did not
fight tho "Itonmn rollslon," as a
"means of snhatlon," hut did take
Isauo with the aliened "dominance"
sought by the hcadx ot the organisa
tion of that rollalon. Nono of tho
defendants was rall'd to the stand.
EL PASO, Tex., .Inn. 13. -A don
blo funeral for Maurice Anderson and
K. It. Kobinnon, xntmis of the Santa
Vsubol massacre, v ill be held here.
Announcement of the time was chalk
ed upon the bulletin board of a local
hotel. A complete revised list of the
bodios brought to tbo border follow;
( It. Watson, 151 Paso.
V.. i. Hobinson, El Paso.
M. II. Romero, El Paso.
It. P. MuuIIalton, K Pao.
Charles Wadloigh, IMsboo, Ariz.
Alox. Hull, Douglas, An-
Charlos A. Pringle, San Krwneiso.
It. II. Simmons, Danrille, In.
A. II. Couch, Oona, Tox.
W. J. Wallace, Tombstone, Aria.
(loorge W. Xownian, Kl I'nae, Te.t.
V. I). Penree, Los Angeles.
Thomas W. Kvaus, 151 I'aso.
H. C. Ilaase. Holts, Mo.
J. P. Coy, IJI Puko.
Mauriee Anderson, IS Paso.
Thomas Juhusou, 151 Paso.
The body of Joe Under of Hayden,
Ariz, .reported among thoas killed, did
not arrive with the others, and hie
uunie is listed a oiitu.
JANUARY 10, 191G
.NKW YOUK, Jan. 13.--Tho now
Leylniul liner lliiroutan from Gal-
voaton wns torpedood on Docombor
29, off tho Irish const, according to
reports curront In shipping clroloa to.
day. Tho International Morcantllo
offlulnls said tlioy had rocolvod a ca
blegram saying thnt tho Iltiroulan
had met with Injury nnd had boon
towed Into p (, but did not stuto
what had caused tho damage.
Tho Huronlaii sailed from Galves
ton bound for Liverpool Docembor
IS. She was reported to havo on
counterod a submnrlno not fnr from
the spot whoro thu Lusltanla and
Arabic wero sunk. Sho was built In
1913 In Glasgow. Sho was 176 foot
long and hor registered gross ton
nage Is S7GG.
WASHINGTON', Jan. 13. Two
heavy earthquakes were rocordod,
early today on the seismographs nt
Georgetown university observatory,
They wore very pronounced and woro
centered approximately '2000 miles
t'riiin Washington.
The first tremors wero recorded nt
J: 10 a. m. They continued until 3
o'clock, reselling their maximum at
about 12:33 oeloek. The soootul dis
turbance ooiiimeuued nt .1:12 n. in.
and continued until after (I o'clock,
its muximum being reached nt -lull
n. m.
The greatest movement during both
disturbances was north and south.
Tho iceords were not easily rend nud
determination of the location of tho
center of the disturbance was iin
possible. It is considered probable
thu quake was one of thoaa whieh
have been sbukiug Central America
for some wecls.
SKATTLE, Wh., Jan. 1.1 -It is
estimated that 70 per cent of the lumber-producing
industry of this dis
trict is idle because of suow and cold
wasther. The nulls still iu ojierutiou
have difficulty in getting log for the
logging eaut aro nearly all elosed.
It is said there am no logs in the
Columbia river and on Puget sound
except those owned by mills, and
these toys have risen sharpy. Hail
road orders just placed have aided in
stil'teuiug prices,
General Huerta Breathing HU Last at
El Paso Unconscious Since Noon
.and Slowly Sinklno Secretary Is
sues Statement Censuring United
States for Cruel Treatment.
HI, PASO, Tox., Jan. 1.1. General
Viotoriano llucrta, former provisional
president of Mexico, reported last
night ns dying, was still living early
today. It was suid ho waH growing
weaker. Shortly nftor 0 o'clock
physicians reported llucrta. sinking.
At 1 o'clock ho beenmo unconscious.
At that hour Klisco Iioblos, private
seerotary, issued tho following state
ment: "In this actual moment of gravity
to Qonorul lluortn, I wish to state
thnt tho unjust nnd omol conduct of
tho United Stales government has
prodnued his condition.
"Whon ho wih president of Mox
ico ho gave' all kinds of gunrnutoes
In Americans, regard loss of the dif
ficulties with their nrhitmtiou. I:i
this country ho was thrown into jail
like n common criminal."
About II p. in. Dr. M. P. Schuster
was cn'.lo.' to (ho bedsido of (lonorul
Iluertu, rnd it was suid at tho gen
eral's rosidoueo that his death prob
ably was u mutter of minutes.
Story of Carcci
Iluorlu devoted liimelf to tho mili
tary enrcor at u very early ago. Horn
nt Chihuahua in 1854, ho entered tho
military academy ul Chupultepca nt
tho ago of 17 and passed through thu
full course to graduation in 18(0,
when ho was commissioned second
lieutenant of engineers. During his
academic term ho was known for his
predilection for scientific studios,
particularly astronomy und tiinthu
luulioe. When I'orfirio Dinz began his re
organisation of tho Mexican army,
Iluertu was promoted unptaiu of en
gineers and while holding this rank
devised the plan for n Mexican gen
eral stuff corps. IIo was an active
member of the military map commis
sion created lo draft a stuff map of
Mexico on u large seulo, and ho had
oharge of all thu astronomical work
of (ho commission, lending exploring
nud surveying parties over tho wildost
regions of tho ropubliu.
Kaw Active Horvico
During tho ensuing years lluortn
saw much aotivo service. In 1001 ho
left tho staff and took command of
tho infantry in tho campaign against
the Yaipii Indians. After this oum
pnign ho was again put in charge of
the general staffs topographical
work in Honors, Ho partioipatod in
subsequent Yaqul campaigns nud also
in the campaign in Yiioiitnu ugninst
tho Maya Indians. As n reward for
hie Indian soruco lluortn wns given
the rank of brigadier gonoral und
once more detailed to the general
Iluertu commanded all thu detached
government forcos in thu state of
Guerrero at the beginning of the Ma
dera revolution. When Madera ac
eeedcil to the presidency, General
Huerta was sent back into Morelns
with a force to put down the Zapata
rebellion. As u result of ill-feeling
growing out of this campaign lluortn
Has recalled. Subsequently he led
the army sont against Orozeo and
was iu command nt the battle of llu
ohiuibw. Fur tliia service be was pro-
moieii to major general, lie was
then reoHiJud to the capital and given
leuvo of absence bocauso of an af
fection of thp oyos, and thus did not
take pait in the suppression of the
lirst uprising Jud by General Felix
Diaz iu Outohor, 101J.
ltccallctl (o t'Diuiuniid
In tho sooonil Felix Diaz revolution,
(Continued on lust page)
LONDON, J.HI. 1 I. A wneless
disputch from Home u)s that tueeu
Sophie has been suuiuioiied to the
bedside of her brother, Kmperor Wil
liam, whose illness is described as
serious. The queeu, the uossaga
uys, t t depart at vuue for Uvrlm.
NO. 251
Seventy-Mile Wind Brings Zero
Weather to Texas Worst of tlio
Storm Passes Snow and Low
Temperatures Prevail Over Entire
Eastern Section.
KANSAS CITY, Mo., Jim. 13.
Tho great cold wuvo, bomo from tho
northwest on tho wings of n soventy
milo wind, strotched itself out nil over
tho southwest today nud dipped its
southern fringe into tho Gulf of Mox
ico. Temperatures ranged from 22
degrees below zero nt Omaha to 20
degreos above nt Corpus Christ!,
Tox. Yesterday Corpus Christt was
busking iu Biinshino with tho mercury
nt 73 degrees. Galveston, too, had
u drop of 'J8 overnight.
With diminishing winds, tho worst
of tho storm ling passed, according to
tho local weather buronu.
Tho fiouthwost experienced last
night its coldest wenthor in years nud
awoke today to sub-zoro tempera
ture. Suffering nud property loss con
tributed to tlio cold wuvo nnd accen
tuated by tho comparatively mild
weather up to this time. Stnokuicii
nnd fruitgrowers expressed fcur of
largo losses,
In Middle Wot
CHICAGO, Jan. 13.--Tho storm,
which begun yestorduy iu tho middle
west, continued today, dnow, high
wind and low temperatures prevail
ing over Illinois, Iowa, Missouri,
Kansas, Nebraska, tho Dnkotus, Min
nesota nud Wisconsin.
From tho Canadian northwest there
also came reports of unusually low
According to nioagor roporls today,
Iowa, tho Dnkotus nud Minnosotn nro
tho worst sufferers on account of tlio
heavy snowfall und (ho lowest tem
peratures. Trains Arc Klullcd
St. Paul roportod 33 dogroos bolow
zoro; Haiinnh, X. I)., C3 bolow, nnd
Dos Moines, In., 22 bolow.
ltnilroud truffio west of Chicago
has been seriously delayed und in
many instances trains havo boon
abandoned. At Council llluffs, In.,
more than twenty passenger trains
nro stulled, unable to movo in cither
Telegraph nud (elopliouo oommuni
oalion with tho wost was praotionlly
shut off early today, all oompani'-j
reporting thnt rognlsr routos nro out
of commission ontirely.
.VoillinoAt Wanner
SIS.VTTLK, Wash., Jsn. 13.--Tho
low pressure disturbiiuco thnt was
off the Washington eoast yesterday
has moved southward. Pressuro con
ditions indicate unsettled weather,
with probably suow in tho Puget
Sound country tonight und Friday,
continued cold and moderate north
erly winds. Seattle's lowest ttmpor
ature last night was 2fl ubovo zoro;
Tueomu's 22. I,ow tempanitnro of 18
is forecasted fur Seattle tonight,
Tho precipitation iu Seattle siiico
January 1 has been about half of the
normal amount.
SPOKANI5, Wash., Jan. 13. ISusl
eru and central Washington uxpori
eueod warmer weather today, but the
temperatures remained ueur zero.
Helena, M011U, remrtud n tempomturu
of 18 degrees below Mre. No report
was received froin Havre, the uoldost
place iu tiie state yostorday.
The ooldest teniperaturo reported'
to the local weather bureau was 48
degrees below zoro in northern Sas
katchewan. The oold woathor hue do
luyud trunsuoiitinoiitul trains from
two to six hours.
WASHINGTON, Jan. 13. Formal
announcement that the department of
Justice will ask for new trials of tho
five former directors ot tho New Hav
en railroad charged with violation of
the Sherman anti-trust set. in whoio
oases a federal Jury If. New York dis
agreed iGgi undav. will bo mads try
Attorney General ureor within tho
next few das.