Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, January 12, 1916, SECOND EDITION, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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    ta( jrmn
Freckles and His Friends
By Blosscr
CONSTANTINOI'U:, Jan. 11. via
London, .Iiiii. l'J. Tin lollovvinjr of
fieiul titteiiiciit was iHiiv(l lonujhl by
tlio Turki-di war effice:
"On Moniltt) evening, dcbrin, booty
iind n number of dead bodies, hut not
ii single soldier of I lie enemy i cumin
0d nl SciMiil llulu'. In the coiirxi of
our pursuit, (Ik1 iciimiiidor of tlu en
t'niy who refuHCtl ( mii-render mill
fled in Iho dlieclionn of 1k litiidinif
idneiw wuio annihilated. On (ho loft
win, in the sudor of Kcievsdcio, wo
discovered n Kiwil quantity of auto
matic initio;, ninety of which wore de
Htroycd by our unineei's in n sinnll
"Irnk frenl: On Iho night or .Tiiiui
nry 0 the enemy, who hud been sur
rounded in Kul-cl-Aiiinni, attempted
at niuny pointx to iimkv am turn niter
a vigorous bondmrdiiient. Those vvuie
rupitlsril with Iokhcs.
"On .luuuuiy 8 thcie was a heavy
artillery battle in the lllaek hoii for
half an hour between the Tut kiHh bat
tle oruNor Sultan Sclim (funncrly the
(Icrmun oniiner (looben) and tliu ICus
Hiau huttlchip ninpreiN Jlnritt. The
engagement was nt lonjf range. The
Hitlttni Selun wns not damaged, while
u hit was observed on the lluiprens
I'AItIS, .Ian. 1J. -General Snrail,
eouiinnntler ot the Fieneli army in the
east, has ironed a new order to his
1 1 oops, from which the Saloniki oor-lo-poiidcnt
of the Temps quote the
following tin the most impoitaut nies
Miigo: "I lepeat again: You luust all, both
officeiii and men. observe tovvnitlt, the
officers of the Greek nrmy of rank
Mipcrinr to your own the authorized
mien of deference and the outward
luaiks of rexpeet. Von will he good
enough to entertain jclntioiiH of
friendlic-t comradeship with the mill
linv men of jour own rank."
NOlt'Fol.K, Va., Jan. 12. Ten
whale, w'eigluiig tiom 101)0 to :i00l)
Hiundi each, were washed ashore at
Chh llntlerus .Moinlav night.
.Marine men believe thut the whale
were part of a xchool and that thoy
either were nt nick hy ships and killed
or vvoto H'HMhed ashoie by the north
cant pile that swept the Atlantic
coast recently.
The whales aic to he of no
Milne except us ieinliPi.
Xcl Sntmdiiv morning, ,la:nuin
l.'i, at an cuilv liom. a lot ot young
folk, with sled,., kns nail .uowhIiocm,
will H'ulo I be Siskiyous for a duy of
MifU in the exhilarating and stron
ihmim series. They ute iiu'iiiliuis of
the Ashland Young People's union
hihI invited gue,t., who will entrain
lu'lf on Xu. .VI iind, guided by a sky
pilot, will siuirch for terutory neHr
the sutuuiit where eonting is tkoJ
sfeKt Olid Im'sI. ((erv(Uioils cull
be lumle lor X". ti for tho-c who do
not wish to letiirn Inline earhei.
The EvhIcimc Is Convincing. Tho
Testimony Open to lu cstticiit ion
Hot ore a statement can lit) accent
ml hero, It iuu.i be supported b local
t9liuB -b the ovidenco of Mine
olio residing lit Medford. Statements
from unknot u people In remote
lilac may be true, but we cannot
prove them. Here ! a statement by
a Modfurd resident
S. Colbert, furmer, 903 X. Central
Ave., Medford. say: "Kidney trouble
0i wo on suddenly. I bad terrible
ualui and woakneM acrosu my back
Md efluld hardly atoop or straighten.
In a (w days 1 wan knocked out com
yleJely and I thought I waa done (or.
The klil aey aecretioni were unuat
ra and 1 had to Kt up often at
night. I lua't much aleep. loan'a
Ktduay Ptl brought me wonderful
twasdt. i can now do my work with
t Pfcln and wMkneaa and I get my
Pfr reat at night. The kidney
gnnratlOMB ar natural, too."
fiice &0r, at all dealer. Dan't
atmply aak for a kidney remedy set
Dwui' Kidney IMHa the name that
Mr Colbert had Poster-MillMini Co
Prop . Iluffulo, X Y - Ah
.. ';' W : ' 1 House-lets- jfr :i QTCTT?V ' -M- JQ i'fc'"
- iz :: ,
ilaines 1J. Tievorrow of Jfedford,
Ntipriiiitciideut in Noulheru Oregon
territory for the Metropolitan Lite,
was in this city on Tuesday inter
viewing District AroiiI l'urueker and
Kcltinjr acipiaiuted with local pat
rons of the eoiiimuy. Mr. Tievorrow
leavoH for New York City nc.l week
to attend tin important meeting of
lending officials of the corporation.
Stockholders 'of the Dend Indian
Telephone, Telegraph & Cable Co.
met Monday afternoon in the Com
mercial club rooms. Charley Lindsay
is president of the board and Frank
Moore secretary. The line has elcvuu
subscribers. Three other parlies nrc
on the winting lint pending extension
of the system to their locality. Tliu
corporation now controls eighteen
miles of single line, seven miles of
which ate "doublo-traeked." The
equipment is KOod and the condition
of the line is in keeping with careful
supervision and mnuagement. Al
this particular meeting the stockhold
ers took uiider advisement various
matters involving the future growth
and well-being of the company.
Among the season's greetings re
ceived hereabouts was u holiday ic
miudur to old business associate,
from John A. Harvey, who is now
vice-president of the Citiens' Com
mercial and Savings Hunk of Santa
Ana, Cal.
The public service commisbiou has
made a ruling i educing rales of thu
Klamath Telephone & Telegraph Co.
to points outside of its city exchange.
h. Id. Mulit, a former cashier of the
First National bank, and now one of
the ice-presidents of the Xoithwes
tern National of Portland, was in
town cully in the week on his way
home from Berkeley, Cnl., whore his
family have beou residing for some
time past. Mix. Mulit prolonged her
stay here for a visit with relative
and friends before returning to I'oit
Inud. Shu bears testimony to the fact
that Ashland is by far the helter
place in which to live.
Mr. and Mt. Leouard, who have
been eonduetiin' thu Gregory rooming
house on r'utiith street, have disposed
of their interests in the leuso and
have gone to Montana.
An adjourned meeting of the Busi
ness Men's aisociution, which otdi
nnrily is but a nieio routine at fair,
developed into an ideal social reunion
at the Hotel Ashland on Monday eve
ning. A fine chicken aupper com
plete in all its Hpinnntiiiimts and
served to n luni by Mr. Updegraff,
the lHipular hostesk, of the Ashland's
dining annex, was u lilting pi elude to
the interesting business ami social
hoxaion which followed. On next
Monday evening, .Innunrj 17, the as.
soemtiou will meet in tegular session
at tin Coinmeiviiil cluli iihiiiis for the
election of officer.
A bryif notion ftom Smith, Kuierv
& Co., eontrnotors on the spungs
project, culling for the presentation
of hills and letiirn of tool and other
equipment to the couimiii's hend
quarter h January i:i indicates that
he firm evidently does not intend to
remain much longer on the joh.
A plate glass iiihurHiico company i
biiv replacing one of the big window.,
in Klks block, front of MeGee's store.
A lU-eent kid engiiKcd in placarding
u two-lnt hasketbull stunt overturn
ed a eoretiero's model, which in turn
vented it spite by muashiiig m $100
This winter Harry and Hetli Hautu
are looking alter tbeir 1000 head of
goats which are browsing in the Green
Spungs mountain district. For n
rounding up center they aie using the
Claronce Lane ranch in that locality.
The Knight of Pythia. lodgo at
Montague, so visitors trora here say,
have installed a moving picture outfit
lit oho of the ha lit, m that town and
are giving a sene of fine entertain
ments every Friday evening.
The Ash land Fruit & 1'toduce
ftoeiatiou met m 'annual session last
Saturday. A board or duector com
posed of Willinw Taverner, .1. H. Dill,
S. A. Peters. A. C. Ilngga and It. D.
Saninrd were elected, who ill
ebooae a president and manager. V.
II. Gowdv i the nreent chairman of
the boa ul and K. I). Itand manager.
A sjveeial euttuuittee whs nl lea at
frank m rfpniluii. tlml lh. "do i,
v( ai.ub.uj t,. In- .uimj by the as
sociation belonging to the Ashland
riusiiiess Men' orgaiuaatiou." The
same committee reported against the
udoptioii of u general co-operative
feature such lift prevails nt Hood
I liver, but unanimously favored u re
turn to the plan whereby thu tisaoeia-
tioli enters trade channels to the ex
tent of retailing flour, feed unit some
other commodities. Secretary Ware
'in his niiuiial repoil showed assets of
$11,000, against which is n lien of
$0300 on building aocouitt.
Stockholders of the First National
Mnnk iiiet on Tuesday and elected K.
V. Carter) George . Dnnh, Geoigo
Oiveiis, ('. II. Vnupel, V. II. MoNnir,
U. Winter, T. II. Slmjwon, 0. S. But
ler mid F. I). Wagner directors, who
chose K. V. Carter, president; C. II.
Vaupel, vice-president, and J. W.
McCoy, cashier, who has Chirk Bush
and Hal Kuierv for assistants. Ger
ald Weiiuer and Harold Simpson are
The Civic Impiovemont club, which
incuts December II at the library, will
be addressed by its first president.
Mrs. J. F. Meiklc, now a resident of
Berkeley, Cnl., who is visiting a lnwt
of old-time friends lieu-, and who has
been the motive for u number of so
cial reunions and entertainments.
The wannest December tiny was on
the 7th, when the temperature record
was 30; the coldest, the IlOth, nt "
above. Theio were thiee inches of
rain and two and ono-hnlf of huovv-
fall, the number of clear days being
Hi;th school students are busy at
rehcniwing "Carmen,'' which will be
given in the not distant future under
the instruction of Mis I la iris,
teneher of music.
Tho Hotel Oregon dining room re
opened .Monday after temporary re
uiiiN. Pennnnent remodeling will
soon be transforming the familiar old
place into an up-to-date house with
all modern conveniences.
Publicity Manager Duryea of the
Commercial club is in Portland this
week on business.
Hill Hover was trading in Cent nil
Point Monday afternoon.
Thm week tlie Southern Pneilie
company have had a crew ol moil
working on the grade in this dial rid.
Harry Hail was a dinner guest at
Scenic lluifthU orchard Thursday.
Mr. uml Mr. A. F. Niehola arrived
from Willamette valley to again lo
cate in the Ilogue Itiver valley.
The Ilogue lliver Canal company is
survcving the pioposed higli-tiue
ditch, but, due to the storm, they havo
Harmless to flmh Kidneyi and neutral
Ue irritating acidi Splendid
for system.
Kidney and Bladder weakness tmuH
from uric aoiil, aays a noted authority.
Tlio kidneys filter this add from tlio
blood aud past it on to the bladder, where
it ofton remains to irrilato and inflame,
causing a burning, scalding seniation, or
setting up an irritation at tliu neck of
tho bladder, obliging you to seek relief
two or tlirse times during tlie night.
Tho sufferer is in constant dread, the
wator passes sonietiuiM with a ssalding
sensation and is very profuse, again,
there is difficulty in avoiding it.
Illaddor weakness, most folks call it,
hocauM they can't control urination.
White it Is extremely annoying and soiua
Urhm very painful, this is really on of
the most simple ailmenU to overomne.
Oat about four ounces of Jad Salts
flow your pharmacist and take a table
spoonful in a glast of water before
breakfast, oontioue this for two or three
days. This will neutralist the acids in
Mm urin an it bo longer U a souree of
IrrlUtioa to the bladder and uriaarr or
gs as which than set uornully again
Jad Smile is incxnraaWe. harmless,
ml U aisits from t'ie arid of grapes and
tanoa juice, roaibSa-d with fithit, and
i usf by tlin'ienad of foil s who arc
't'lject to ur.',.- iP'trdera eauatsl ly
ric v-1,1 in,t'.ion. : ii is spUti
''! for l.i.lnys and hhj. . btu1
Xitt vli:tevr.
P-i- rtn l-'ii" a ilst oTorvscetil
, ' ' 1 I. 1. jl,t I ) ,, ,
i .1 jl'l
had to discontinue tho work for the
Mrs. S. IT. Glass of SaniH Valley
is visiting her daughter, Mra. lliilph
Jim. Frank MeKce and daughter
spent the week-end at Scenic HcigliU
Thursday evening Miss Lena Wcl
deruccht, Messrs. Henry Hiley mid
(leortfe Fnrnuin of Milon City, Mont.,
were guests of Miss Francine Me
Nasser. Sickness litis been very prevalent
during the pait week. Those confin
ed to their homes were Mor-dninos
Sarah McKay, Sam Aiideisou, I.ouer
man, George Ta.vlor and George Kl
den and Mr. Cobb Law.
Saturday the Grangers of the Agate
and Willow Springs Oranges, met at
Central hall mid installed the offi
cers for tlie coming year. Mr. unit
Mrs. W. A. Cowley were wot thy in
stalling officer, assisted by .Miss
Florence. Kiucaid of Agate. Mr. 01-
I son oflieiitted very acceptably with
the uucompniiimcut. A delicious din
ner was served at noun by the Indies.
The Willow Springs Grange will
celebrate their fourth anniversary at
the sehoolhouse Saturday, January
18, 1010, by iii all'-day session. The
- ' I
i -..
------------ ,
- .-. .... .
Oct a nuinll iu'lii(,'o ot Ilniiilmrg
llrcant Ten, or as tho German folks
call it,"Iainliurgvr llrimt Tlice," at any
plinrtniwy. Take a tahlmrmotifiil of the
Ua, itit a cup of bbillng water upuu
it, pour tlirntili a nirve ami drink a
teacup full at nay timn during tlio
day or Morn retiring. It la the most
-fTl I. - ...... .. l..-t. . .tl.l an. I ......
. YJivetlic ii n jt ,j minr. i vi'iii nii'i tiiiu
grip, tin It opciia tlio porp of the nklii,
' relieving congettlon. Alwi loiicns tlio
' bowcl, thus driving a fold from tlio
I Trv It tlie next time you miller from
1 a cold or the grip. It la InexprnHlvo
ami rntlrely vegetable, tiierciuru taie
anil linruilcstii.
Rub Tain and StifTneH away with
a small bottle of old honest
8t, Jacobs Oil
When ,vniir bark la ixirn and lame
or lumbago, M-ialtoa or r lieiitnat tsni liaa
j on stiffvnfl ii, (lon'l suffer! Oct a
2T rent lmttlo of old, honest "Nt.
Jacobs Oil" al nay drug store, pour n
little in jour baud mid rub it riuht
into th va in or anhe, nnd hy tho time
jou count (lfty, tho soreness and liuw
lien is gone
Don't kIh) crliphll 'Hits soothing,
peiKtrating oil iiculs to hn lieil only
once. It takes tho nclir and pain right
out of your liark mid ends the misery.
It is magical, jet absolutely harmless
and dixsn't burn thn skin
Nothing I'lco stops liiiiibago, srintii-n
and lame Imtk miscrv so promptly!
Leave Medford dally except Sun
day for Ashland, Talent nnd Phoonlx
at 8 n. in., 11 CO a. in., 115, 2:30,
3:45 and & K p. in. Also on Sat
urday nt 11 15 p. m. Sundays loaVo
at 10 a. m., 1 p. in. and t:30 p. m.
Loave Ashland for Medford dally
excopt Siinduv at 'J a in , 12. SO, 2:30,
3:30, 4:4" and u:lo p. in. Sunday
loave Ashland at 0 a. in., 1:00, 6:00
and 10. SO p m,
it is Yorn nuKixKss to skic me
Kecauss my stoex in trade Is to
have optioned at tho lowest cash
prlco tho best buy In this county.
I hare been on tno ground look
ing out for you for th past IIta
years. Nearly ovoryday I havo In
vestigated some "good thing." I have
ollralusted everything except those
deals wbloh I am convinced will se
cure me satisfied customers.
In a fow hours time I can give you
the benefit of tbls research. It is my
business to show you over the county
and Introduce you to the possibilities
and opportunities here, Ba Med
ford rirst and
; YVt Mala Htrwl
business meeting at IOnIO, followed
by dinner, arc for the Willow Springs
(IriuiHers exclusively. Following the
dinner, the public is eordiully invited
to attend u program, ('(insisting of a
play, entitled, "The Old Jlnid's Club"
and musical number. No admittance
will be ehniged.
rtaxscs -.ategyss. ; "ii aa
HOAltD Table bonril ?l per week
ilrn. W. T. York, lit. I.nurol tjt.
roit iiK.T I't'itMsnr,)) aith.
1'Olt UBXT Threo furnlnhed hounc
kreplng rooiim, ground floor, 220
South Orape. 2B2
rort iticrt'i' Fiiitntnrirni rooms
KTilMUJXT Ftir'iiiHiio'tl rooiiiH. 322
South Central. 2fi3
von i:i:.vt riousica
iOR"litiXT" Modern aUoonriioiiBe?
Phone 537-V. 252
FOK HtoXT Modem bungalow. R
rooms nnd bath; garage, nicely fur
nished; good neighborhood. Jan.
Campbell, Phono 31 1 It. 2f,2
FOn KKXT Furnished, uttractlvo
five-room bungalow on paved m.,
strictly modern, oleetrlr heat, elee
trle runKO. Alun Ilracklnrced,
phono 337, or Hotel Holland.
FOK KKXT 3-room modern upart
ment. lt-i South Central. Phono
170-M. , 250
FOK KKXT Colonol Bargont'fl rea
idcuro on Oaltdnlo are., telcphono
owner at JackRoiirlllc, or Inquire
of II. II. Nye or Hoy I). Pecblcn at
Medford. 253
FOK KKXTFIrst claRH C-room mod
ern bungalow; rango connected;
ganiBe. Tel. t88
i in ! naii n i i
( ron bai.i rtKAii kstats
FOK SALK--Or trade, 13 3 ncro of
Irrigated land at Orlanil, Califor
nia. Addrtma It. I., Hox 100, Med
ford, Oregon. 253
roit nA&fr-s-TrtrrevroaK
FOK SALH-Hoirur a months old.
, $tr. Phono ':i"-K2. 25B
FOK SAI.H Stock hogH at a bar
gnln. Write M. O. Powers, Talent,
Oickoii. 285
FOK SA1.U Or trade, rogUtored A.
.1. O. C. .lersoya, onn cow nnd pno
hull dropppd Feb. 23, 1915. John
II. Ilulr, Itoguo Klver, Oro. 271
FOK SAI.K Team of rnuloH, Weight
900 lbs. oach, 0 jour olds, J33S. O.
C. IlogRS.
FOK SALK Toam. weight about
1500 pounds. Phono 3I&. tf
FOK SALU-Ked Pollotl cow and
enlf. 510 X Ilurllotl 2,',
FOK SAl.lf "riiit"lieali TersTiT
cow. v V llariiuiii. It F. I)
No. t, Uox 75, Phono I03-.I1. 252
Present owner, on ncoouiit of
iKisiiicss inlorcsts clspwlit'i'c,
will st'll for 2.") per eent less
than actiuil value.
Bennett Investment Co.
We will pay $2,". 00 cash reward to tho party nho will furnish us
with an actual buyer fur tho following 160 aero wood and tliu bur
100 or ua, lt)atad Xtt nillaa south of field Kill, estimated 1 V4
to J million feot(aaw timber and 4600 eonla Hardwood. Prtjc
$b'0.00. (Saw tlntbur mostly yellow and augur aluui.)
Ah an lnvMtmont far a wood proposition this cun't bo Boat-
102 West Main Street
bVU SALK -Old TriiBty Inculiitlor
and brooder. 300 King Htrcot. 2S2
FOK SALK Drtrley; also baled bar
ley straw. Phono 732-J2. 2RD
FOK BALK Mammoth Uroiuo tur
kcH for hrcrdtng; hens 12.50;
toins, of dlfferont aOalns.
J. C. Herring, t'cntrnl Point, Ore.
WAXTKO AutomoVillo reunions to
do nt C0c per hour. Oyer'u Uar-
, iiKc. North Central Ave, 2&1
WAXTI30 Offlco dcik nnd clmlr.
AddreaH D. L. Delohanty, Mcdford.
Oregon. 2d I
WANTHD Mnternlt) cases nt lioino;
tiveryihlng furuUhed for $20 per
week. .Mm. A. O. Utile, 3G X.
Itlverelde. 2S3
WANTKD To bttv of owner, li-acrea
uenr Medford; must bo good free
soil; 50 down nnd $100 per year
with Intercut; give locution nnd
price, AddresH O. C, Mull Tribune.
WANTHO Women let ua holp you
niulto money nulling gunrntitood
hnnlcry to wear; full or part Unto;
big profits; oxperloneo unnocoa
nary. Addrasn, International MUIr,
Hot 123, Norrlfltown, Ph.
TO LOAN $1000 on Improved ranch
Holmes tho Insurnnco Man,
YOll lacitANGK
FOK HXCIIANOK -Improved n.uar
tor, middle west, for nmrtll ranch
dty property or established bunt
nnsa hero. Oranl Alldor, Medford,
Oregon. 254
FOK KXCIIANOK SO acres clear of
niortRugo 11200, for hoplo and
garden ground. Clark Kcnlty Co.,
200 Phlpps Illdg.
dence In Ashland for property In
or near Medford. Inquire J. C.
Rrown, Sparta IlldR. 250
WANTKD- -Il ninn and wife, cook
ing at orchard, mlna or camp. Ad
droHH n. 11. Mull Tribune. 2C0
i r r.i rr ",' i "i . - -vmjunaeai
Sewing .Mndilncs
SALK OK KENT Soino uaod ma
chlnoa also for Hale. Cleaning and
repairing. C. A. Chapman, nt Med
ford Furniture ft Hardware Htoro
Kcatdonro 375 So. Coutral. Phone
I have tin no hundred twenty acres
of fine timber laud In DotigluH Co.,
six. million foot of anw timber, closo
to I'aclfh: hlgliwav, a roally fine
proimsltlon, thut tho owner will ox
chnniio for it good house In Medford.
A good nmiduncu and general Htock
of goaijH In a Willamette valley city
to exchango for u good dairy, gralti
and stock inncli. Value $25,000.
Some fluo bus In ranch and city
propttrty here In tho valley,
I loom 10, Jatkaon County Uank Illdg.
Phone 7n
Auto Supplies
are operating tho largest, oldeflt
arid host equipped plant In the Pa
cific nortliwest. Use our aprtnga
when others fntl. Bold under guar
nn tee. 2G North Fifteenth St,
Portland, Oro.
CKO. W. CIIEKKY Attorney.. aa4
.Notary. Koom 9, Jacknon County
Hank Building, entrance N. Cen
tral, Medford, Oro,
Attornoya-at-L&vv, Koomi 8 ra&
9, Medford National Hank bide.
A. fi. KnAMES, LAWYER Oarnott
Coroy bldg.
O. M. KODRKTS Lawyer.
Medford National Dank Dutldlng.
Oarnctt-Oorcy Dldg., ulto
Mcdforo, Oro. Phono 850.
Collection and Report
collected some accounts 14 years
old. Wo know bow to get the
money, Thu Iluuock Mercantile
Agency, Inc. Rooms 1, 2, 8, Ras
kins' nidg., 216 B. Main at.
' -' --.- -. i
Knglnecr and Contraetor
FRED N OukMINaS Snglnfter anrl
contractor, 404 M. F. & II. Olds.
Surveys,, estimates, Irrigation
dralnaeo. orchard and land im
provement. 8mj.i; , i-,"Tru-3i, , . ,, J
OARBAOB Get your pretnlsea
cleaned up for the summer. Call
on the city garbage wagons for
irood service. Phone 274-L. V,
Y. Allen.
Instruction In SIuslo
401, Oarnott-Coroy bldg. Fred Al
ton Ilalght, piano; Mrs. Florenc
Hulllday Halsht, Tolce, Pbona
Physicians and SarReoBs
MAINS OARLOW Osteopathia
physicians, 41C-417 Oarnett-Corey
bldR., phono 1030-L, Residents
20 South Laurel st.
DR. W. W. HOWARD Osteopathia
physician, 303 Qarnett-Conry
building. Phone 130.
DR, J. J. EMMENS Physician and
surgeon. Practlco limited to eye,
oar, nono and throat. Eyes scien
tifically tested and glasses sup
piled. Oculist and Aurlst for S, P.
It. It. Co. Offices M, F. & II. Co.
bldg., opposlto P. O. Phone 667,
DR. R. W. CLANCY Physician and
aurgcon Phones, offlco 30, rest
dnuco 721-J. Offlco Lours, 10 to
12, 2 to C.
clan and surgeon. Offlca Palm
block, opposite Nash hotel, lloura
10 to 12, 1 to 4. Phono 110-J.
T. O. HEINE, M. D. Eyo, Ear.
Noso nnd Throat. Headaches and
nervous conditions rollovod by
properly fitted glasses. Cross eyea
straightened. Office 228 E. Mala
st., phono 303, Consultation free.
Homeopathic Physician, Surgeon,
32K Hunt Muln S(., Medford. Ore
gou. Offlco phono 143, rostdenca
Phuno 732-R2. Offlco hours 1 to
4 p. in.
Public Stenographer
HIHiVbkt" j" DERRLVN Stenogra.
pher, room 29, Jackson County
Uauk Dldg. Dictation taken any
place any time by tho only Steno
trpe operator In Southern Ore'. Of.
fico phono 515, Roc. 275-J.
Printer ami Vubllsnors
boat equlppod printing offlco In
southern Orogon; book binding,
loose leaf ledgers, billing systoms,
etc. Portland prices. 27 North
Fir st.
IAKL S TUMY Gonerul Insuranco
offlco, Fire, Automobile, Accldont,
Liability, i'luto Glass. Contract,
and Surety Hands. Bxcollent com
panies, good local service. No.
iiu narnett-uorey utdg.
Office 42 North Front st. Phona
a t ft Prices rlyhl, Htuylro Kiiar