Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, January 12, 1916, SECOND EDITION, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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KV -
. Office Mall Trlbutu lluUitlnff, t2?-2
Worth fir atrial, telephone lb.
Th Democratic Tlm. fhe Medford
Mall. .The Medfurd Tibune, The Bcutli
ern OrrRonnn, Tlio Ashland 1'rbune.
tBBsemurrieir katjm
wne yenr, by uiai ..
One month, by mall..,
- .ti
I'er month, uiilvsrnd by carrier In
Medrord. rhtwnlx, Jacksonville
nnd Con I ml J'otnt .,-.... ......
fViurilay only, by mail, prr 3rutr.
Wfrukly, per yar, .,. .
f lelnl I'ntMtr of lh City of Medrord,
Official Paper of Jackson County,
Kntered 9 Botond-clmin rnntlrr at
Medford. Qrrson, undnr the act of March
l( l7.
Swo?n Circulation for 1914, tfiss.
TiIII. Iwaed wire Associated Prats dia
4tchrn, jtm
Dubscrlbori fAtUrig to rcce!r
ppora promptly, phono Clxcu-
Utlon Manager nl 2G0-K.
? .
Mt.1 ii I " Uli. Mi.. X
i For.-thp first tlnio I have been de-
llfihlert to 'hear the'nelRhhor's iifniio
RolriK ((loltiR ilownntnlrH.) Hit) Hnl
A. II. Cotflu Is tho best
;! known unilnrtnlicr Jn ;Mau-
inciT, O.
.Mnyix This In tin Opinion of Kvei-y-
body in AuromV
(1'ioin tho Aurora, 111., llcncon?)
VANTr2l.Mr. Anna atenrnn
wiiiita washing anil scrubblnB apply
Anton Fury U n school toucher In
fjQMon. (Oosli li must ho fltrco ori
IJtO "lililii when ho' rolled.) 'i
,' I
Iii'XVlilrli (Jlnlre I'moeeiW fl. Ui'iJ
- flutotllntorson. jh. J.-l'rearhnr lifted
iiirf f
sIF,iSwor,,'an,1'1)r,,n,'H lnt0 Bamwinif
, ,ien..(l.ra.eron reformat)
' ' To.hyH it,.itrirr. '
Kato Douitloii WlcRln. author of
plrs. WlRga or tho Cahbnce I'alch" be. a klndcrAarten teacher.
"Onrc." nayit tho nhthorrBU, "f win
fihastlrtlnit tin habitual evil ilonr nnd
nvobano rtwiulted In thn ncbool yard.
'This would bo a flno Rume,' cried
Ulft culprit ut Inst, Mf you wasn't nl
fit$ii IT, toaohor. "'
Hitya (ho f!l I oti tho Film
'l)uylnn on niarKln" iuwiuh keep
Inn out) on odK, doiNMn't It."
Finurativoly Npnuklnn Iota of itlrln
Copindo Iiuh decided that to uau
braudy or liquor of any kind In mlnco
pltw, Cahrw, or preserves Ih a viola
tion at tho liquor laws. (Another
initio door" olosed to tho toporl)
Keeping It Oiilot
A lively yotinc flnlior nntued Fischer,
Flsker for fish at tho edfie of it flssurn
. A fish with a nrln,
Pulled (ho fisherman In;
Ifovf tUoy'rn HahliiK tho fissure for
Wouldn't It ll (iixMU Stuff If Tlioy
All Cimi Aeiwt UKo Thl.sV
l From ths MontMMma, Itid., Kntor
Itrlse.) Mr. and Sirs. Kd llalue wish to
fprwn 1)1 elf hoortfolt tltnnkN to .Mr.
Hull hrn. llort Van Sickle. IIvIiik In
LntkwiM)d, fur dulivorliiK and mnk
Uut UK h prnsom or u nice rat lion last
utitrdny far Wimday dtiincr, also
Hmn milk. May their shadows never
grow wm. If fwrmut and all o I hois
wko i sod this that are side would fol
low Mr. and Mrs. Van Heklu' ex a in
ph tlinlr klNdnsM would b appriH'l
Atod m whs thslrs. We were not ox
pettUi tlm ehleken and milk for
haUiImi nod off fied to ixo for tliuni,
tot Ibny would not ortpt unyllidm
d llnlnes.
Will IIAtlfK. Jsu. 13 -Tho Ford
MC .pdltlou han jteleited next
finuUy for the election of tho fivo
tywrtalN tueiuiierk of th permanent
mat bosid. The itlegatos from oth
Of MSutrsI ilstiti will ohmt a like
HtUMktt-. It will almi prohuuly bo de
0Wd wbttker Tli II.iruo or RtocK
fcQlw will be the huadquartors of tho
IfSsmauimt boat d. William JonnlnK
fjlrdH, Miss Juus Addainn and lleury
Pr4 am rrdtHl us certain of o1k--in.
Oiksr uapitw niuntloned are
WailMi Howard Taft. David Starr
4ni and ltbbl Wlso. Tho mom
ban of th exttfiiUtlon will proee 1 to
Awsterduui VYUlna$fliiy.
THAT fiii'iiT revision is, for tin- present at least, no
longer a real political inula, exeejil as a theme for
spellbinders, is evidenced by the following from the New
York Journal of Commerce, the Wall street moniter:
The tariff quoMtlon cannot successrully bo reopened and redlsposed of to
day. There li na yet nd certainty roKnriUiiK tho level to ho nsminicd h' na
tional outlay for dorenso, and hence no certainty sih to the revenue require
ments. Thin matter may he temporarily disposed of during the current win
ter, but a much longer tlmn will be rcijulred in tho wocklnx out. or it ronnlst
ent policy or dafonse. Neither In It ponolhle to readjust protective duties at
thlH time. Tho hlRhtat protection ever enacted would probably have In
creased tho pant year'ft revenues little, if at sill, and could not, olonn, have
yielded to domestic Induntry, the monopoly accorded to It by clrcummnnces.
Free trade would have had us little remit either in stlinulatlnK Importn or
luodlfyliiR domestic prices. Tho pntiimttiro adoption of a tariff policy or tlio
determination to adopt a certain litiid or dialed at tho close or tho proeut
ar would today be nothing hort of abiiurd.
The tariff is, and always has been, a raft for tho ben
efit of special interests. Its beneficiaries, mostly huge
monopolies, constantly clamor for more. It wis devised
as a clover scheme to tax the many, without their knowing
it, for the benefit of the few. The tax, being indirect and
distributed over the eiitire nation, tho' increasing the cost
of living, never aroused the protest that direct taxation
causes, the multitude, while pitying higher prices, being
apparently in ignorance of its cause.
Revision of the tariff, cither upwards or downwards,
causes industrial disturbance. It is not so much the direct
effect of the duties that causes the psychological depres
sion, bill the dread and fear of what will happen in the re
adjustment. (liven known conditions and business will adjust itself
(o them. Given new conditions and business, not knowing
what to expect, falters and hesitatesand doubt replaces
certainty, creating depression.
business has adjusted itself to the new conditions cre
ated by the present tariff. Other than a most gradual,
piecemeal readjustment either way would again upset bus
iness, as it always will unset anvthinir founded mion :i
purely artificial basis.
Beneficiaries and prospective beneficiaries of special
privilege will continue to agitate for selfish reasons, but
until the readjustment of commerce following the war is
aci'omplished, there can be no intelligent tariff revision.
ill' i
WJIRN the school boavd elected .T. V. JJcrrinn as a
member to succeed J5. V. Mnlkey last ;-i?i; ,J.
Palmer filed a protest on thc'groijrjd fliat he believed "Air."
nernan would not, if elceKl. work I'nv tin. boat infi.mst
of tlKMlistrict, but in favor of one of the financial institu
tions" wh.vnis the present repository of school funds.
We. believe that the insinuation vmpktifl mi iiiiimfinn tn
MiJJen-ian, who has no connection with the bank men
iioned, and whose reputation for honesty and square deal
ing is above reproach. AYe believe that air. Berrian was
all excellent, Choice and that
m - . - - .. -
,l all the taxpavers, and not for special interests.
Jt k nxQ thc bftnUs ()f (lu(,Uv j, jn
V) secret politics to secure the handling of the schof
funds and that at times the scandal thus created has seri
ously interfered with tho offioicnev of the schools. But
we hope that this is a thing of the past.
Tn order to forever eliminate this feature, tho school
board should play no favorites in the future. All of the
banks aro heavy taxpayers and all should share! in the ob
ligations and prosperity of the community. J I makes no
difference what has been done, in the pastthe square deal
is the only safe guide for the future.
The banks themselves should Indorse the division of the
money between them, as, according to their own state
ments, the account is a liability rather than an asset, and
I hey should all help share the responsibility. Jt is not fair
to any one institution to have to cany the burden
W1XNHMIT0A, Vev , J,n. is. -At
n eonfori'iH'O beiin jestenlny ami
which probably will eontmuo until
Into tlit. afternoon, the milieu bltun
tiou in N'cvndtf, northern Onliforniu
uiitl mitilhorn Oregon and lilulio u he.
in disoiufefld. The inortiuir wim pre-,
.i.l.-.l nv.,p l,v n..Vrtn,nr Fn.n.i.1 H I
'' aeen i
It toomeil lo bo the prevailing opin
ion uiiionic the ieoiteutative. tlmt
the iniiKliiijC ut' dog ami the exter
mination of unvotes would be the
bout method for elickniK the piead
of tlio iliiouse.
OTQKIO. Jan. 13 Thoro li much
Interest hero in tlu- fortuight visit of
thu Itusslau Krsnd duke Mlkkatlovltoh
who lifts eonio to Toklo to coney tho
cpnKrntulatlons of Kniperor Nicholas
to Win pot or Ynslilhlio on (ho latter's
coronation The puhllt- renr8 tho
visit us the sealing of the trlendshlp
of Hussla and Japan bused on mutual
Interest, and hopes are oxpt eased In
lilKli quartars that tho war allljunco
now Ui operutlou will mergo into n
formal allluneo between the two coun
tries. Tho Husiilan crund duke, who made
the vnago from Korea to Kobo in u
Japanese warship was met at the sta
Ho b Kwperor Voshihllo and a par
ly of dlstlnRUlshed pcrstinapes and
eaeortd b lancers dlspatahed from
dm twlute, IGOO otbsr troops and
thoUAands ot aivlllans to hs quartern.
The graud duko while horo will ho
tho reolplent of uriwt honors. Jl
brlnns hljsh dration for th em
peror and mpriW4 and jnrom.
ho will wni'f ?7u tlm ;.Wri.,.iW
- - . . - .. '. wa- . JWI-Vl-OlJ
fKN'TltAI.IA., .Inn. I?j4
The sawmill of the Slillwnter I.umher
eompiiny at Voder wn. destroyed by
fire Into IrnI niirjit, The loss in esti
mnted nt 10U.O0O. Tlio origin is
iinkuowii. I)numile wits used to
blow up the ilooks ouueetini; tho
snwmill with the pianino- mill nnd the
OlOSh-anil l'0toi, llllll both Of tllp
loiter weie saved. The mill fimiisheH
'practically the only imjndl in Ytulur.
JVVU18. Jao J2.In. opouIhk his
speech In the chamber of deputies,
Haion Do Maekuu. who Is the oldest
or deputies, imld:
"Hod's hour has not yet struck; the
rountrj'i trial still yentlnuoa, but Jt I
accepts the trial with the'contldeneo
juul tenaalty ot the first das, follows
without IxtfVailon the vtKllaut uuar
dbiuii of Its honor, Oalllenl, Joffre.
Cutelnau, firtll and looks tenderly
towards tho arm), ii whleh all soclul
conditions- -workmen In the towns,
country priests, sons of tho families
of France, both ancient, iwid. jijoJsr.k
who hae. wqn by ulwe. n,nd labor
their tltes to nobility, are unltiu! In
the same pusslon.tto-enthiulasm and
march in step towards tUory aud
supreme sacrifice."
Tho speaker paid n tribute to the
Frongh vomou In town nnd cquntry
who had taken up the work of their
relatives at the front.
A nlmllar ntlrrliiK addrws was de
livered in the ienau i hert the veter
an Senator lJttappy. who presided,
attribute Franeo'j site of uppre
parednoss for a German Inuisloa to a
Ions sorioa ,Qf ministerial ontastro
phi m wkleb had the etfeoX of iuler
ruptlHK the work of national defense.
Oldest Da ii cum Master Alive
I gfc Sr
The oldest iluuiiiur ninster in the
of Cd. Uivtlnw, who N "I )! old
NIJW YOUK. Jan 12 Ho in 71 I
years old, be wears a rubber collar
and woolon sock and his whiskers,'
tho flowing kind, reach half way to
his waist h
Hut, by crlekcly, old Colonel Kret
low Is sllll 01)0 qf the best dantinRj
masters In thoooiintr).
Ho halls from Chicago and has Just ;
proven tho sensation at the conven
tion horo of the American National
Association of Masters or Danolnn.
Jealous rlwls call him the "hu
man fire trap,'' because of his rubber
oollar and Ills whiskers, which have
not been trimmed for r.o jears. Hut
tho only thing the colonel burned up
was tho daneliiR floor f the McAlpIn
silken flag ! Texa-, hand wmuuht by
member-, of t lit Ihiughters ut the He
pulilie of Ti'., lo he hung m luile
iM'iidcuei' hall with Hie tlaus of other
states in eoinmeuioiatiou of the fifti
eth imniveixary of the cIum of the
c'uil war. was uti exliibitiou IihIu.v,
pieliminniv to heuig foiwnnlisl to
l'Jiiladelplua. The ling w nine feet
long ami mk rVrt wirfo, and Ike five
poiutctl "lone star" in the eenler is
eiulilttioued with Ike nainei. of Ahno-
t'rockett. Howie, Trui. Milam and
llonhaiii. Tlie Uag will he r.lnpil
north in a lew da,.
! I 'I
The republicans of Jsekou coiint I
will hold tltolr seeouil aunual l.lmoln
da banquet m the Medford hotel.
Saturday evening.. February, l;',,'w,
plates will U. la hi for i0. l.wt
year the banMt ball was crowded
and It is expeetwi'thai the 850 tickets
will bo qui. kjy oipnl of. Ther
will bo plaifd.on sale next Moudn.
A meeting of the republloaus from
all parts of ihcouul) will be htthl gt
the Mmtforri Witel Tuetay. Jaaiwry
IS at i i ut, w complete arWMe
ments and ull republicau who can
should he present.
There will b a splendid program
an. uied for Uua aeasou which will
bo one ot tlc iggest nt'ln Jaik
son eounn mi tuiii
f ASK FOR and GET v
Chssp jobstitutsi cwt YOU w prtse.
country In nrtinn ami in-ei xn!ntll
and hulls fnmi (iileago.
Nor Is that his only claim to dis
tinctive dancing The colonel, It It l
convenient, piefers to take a cold
bath Just before nolng on the floor
for an exhibition. He sayc It tones
him up. gives him pup, and puts
"spring" Into his legs.
"You can say what you wont iibout
my rubber collar," ho says, "but I
want to tell yo uthls rubbor collars
are a lot more drosslor than starch
one's and much more economical "
Although C'olonul Kretlow wears
a frock coat when dancing, he In not
a bit old-fashioned in his ptcps, no
slr-e-e, he won't waste time on am
thing but the latest thing In fox trots
And lie muM he good, for all the
girls want to dance with him
I.OS ANOHF.KS. (al .Inn. V2 U
leging Hut the jur which eonM'Utl
Malhew A, Schmidt had not pn p..l
conducted it-elf and that the Joitx
fSve-minute pnod in which it d mid
Solimiill wa guilly of first tlcree
murder wn not snffu'ieut to p-i"i
ea infill eowmideiation of exiilcin e o.
judge's iutruetMMi, Nathan ( c-h-Ihii,
eJtiel' eouusel for the d iine,
deniuuded a new trial tsnv i"i the
prisoner. Sclmudt w coiim. inl ,
'uu accomplice of .hiine-. It. M. -Viiii
aro in the ilxiiiuiiiiiii'.. ot tin Tniiti
liiiildiiii; Inii' lif m.ii- .1'"
Iwcnuse swollen glands or lnH.imed
niciiihrniiet ofion jitlei.; otiier tisstws
and lung trouble e.isil follows.
As Nature's toncitor of tluoat
troubles tlm pure coil litroil in Scott's
luuulsion is sjxeiiil) KMiiuited into
germ lesisting tissue; its teiHiml glyt er
nie is curatim and healing, whik this
wholesome emulsion relieves tint
trouble and upbuild thu forces ti resist
tubentLir germ and aert thc wt'.ik
cuing itiHueuce witiih usuall) follows,
lit any member of ynur family lias n
tekder throat, sret a bottle of Si'otiV
EwiilkkNitoilay. IliysiciariiOfccrib
h in hm'u uuoat trmioies, overcome
bromhial disorders and strengthen
the lungs. No .ikohol or liaiiiiful
dru". .!was insist on Scott's.
Ikvlt &. IWwuc. PtocoiticM N
luly AnslstAiit i
28 S, n.nTI.TT
Phones ,M. 41 and 7J3
Ambulance Sonic Coroner
12. lfl
inniJLUin l k i
i mrcmHL wmu
.Intl. Vl. The rm-t that reuuneiil-. t'
tlio iiniHTwl gunni wen- "" ""'
llO.OOn men Unit nttnrked the Fwn.-li
line bi Chamnriie .i Xun".v ',li-
enle lio earel'iilly tho ueiinn... -
leUeI lljeir trt.M- f ll,iH n'a ""
iniilt. A ennxidernble ntimher l
priMinpm tfli hy the Freneh w
lolled tn itie fmniHi wnnl".
The Hllnek folliiweil one or the
ItOUvrfat Inimtmhlment the Oeminii"
lute et inflieled upon the l'lem-h
po-itiiMi". It l-tca tWe.ilv-I'Mir
houi. 'Die proiHplnJtiw of the French
leply with eoneeiitrnted tire trin
theii- three-ineli trull" tnpMil the
fiift wiex f the nltHek n the pm
nnet.H of the OVnimti lietu-he'. fhil
lit the Toiirlh attempt did the tier-
i I .. f lin
mnns nller iieioy iow nn ' "
Fieneh Ireiielien. Tho iin'i""'K
proniptne-x l' tlio Freni'li counter
attack eannlit the nermniH liel'oic
thev einilil nisiaiii.e Hie pii-iiuuw tl"
I....1 Al...... i,i., in - 1 1 1 -
l llflft null. .tinii i ........v.. .--
I lender mill "iil. lew unt 'i.nk t
Ihcn nun line'-.
"lope's t'olil ('iiiiipiitiinlM Itclleit"
Win-! t'ohl r Chi (iilppe In Few
limit-. Xii Quinine I'mmI.
Take "Pane's Cold Compound" ev
ery two hours until you have taken
three doses, then till grippe mlserv
goes mul your cold will be broken. It
proiriptly opens jour clogged-up nos
trils and the air passages or the
bend; stops nasty dlscharn or nose
running; relieves the headache, dull
ness, feverlshness, soro throat, sneez
ing, tioreness and stlffnoM.
Don't stay sturrod up! Quit blow
ing and sniirrilng. Kase your throb
bing head notblng else In the world
gives such piouipt rellor as "I'ape's
Cold Compound," which coils only
25 cents ut any drug store. It act
without assistance, taste nice, and
causes no liuonvenlence. Accept no
substitute -d.
The Pag
Wednesday, Jan. 19
M XII OltDl lis oxx nt) (li .
FKi sxn X()iix, ,IX. 17.
I'UKiN I .oiiei Hoof si. oo nnd
IS I.. "ill.
n.XI.C.ONX : .-,o, 7.c mid .SI. (Ml
I - . n.Jta I I
I IlLMUII lll-Mwi'u.,
1 I
i 4 ml a-( 1K7
i Jhm
Jfa'Ky fl m n wmwif'WrY
Tom Thumb Wedding
Under Auspices
Music Dept. Greater Medford Club
100 Local Youngsters Will Aid in
Making thc Wedding a Success
ALL SEATS RESERVED. Prices 35 and 50c
Lady Baltimore Cake
The MottPopulnrCnhe Thla Seajon
DyMn, Janet Aft Krnmc Hill, liilorel
the Boston C'udinij: &titl MaaatMe
Till U considered by many rookinu
nnthorltleft the fiiient cnlse that can bi
made. lirougU hi reality it is hot at tl
It r 1 ml nntllmorit CnL.
Qnt cup bullrr: i nts grauHkiei
sugitr; 1 rn inilkt 1 trasfoonjHt ixne
miter; S rusJeMr: 3 lextl Uasfan.
fnli K C Bating J Unlet; whites vs
eggs, beaten diy.
Crenm the butter ntitl heat in thc gnjtar
... it., uir. iMfiiiv.. ii- ....
gradually. Sift together, three mn
flie flottr and lking ixiwiler, and ad,l
to the butter Mul sugar, alternately ith
the milk and roue water. uw, ad.
the eg white, llake in three-la t r cke
jMiis. Fat the layers together v iih the
Jullowitnr froRtliiR.
Notk Tlie rakr li n Inrge one an 1 .tin it
U'owtn'a hxt-bansf fur Jl 50.
. 3
Fro jllnil tor Lmly Uslllmnrv Calm
7ltt tH tmlnlnt tnear- ) ..',,-valnitt-hmiffJ
Htm: I tup iAiMi i,n, i
iut ciivttl Hul-imati; 3 fin cut m thin tins.
Stir the miRar and water until the
rucnr Js dissolved, then let hoil without
Mfrrhiff until the 8rupfrom a spoon
will spin n loiijr thread ; jwur utHm the
whites of the ejfK. heateii dry, bea'iBj;
constnntly mtaiiwhilc. Continue the
beating until thc frosting is cold; adit
the fruit and spread upon the calc.
The K C CooL' Ilootc rnnlxlni ninety Jmt
in.h ttrlkiWH tr. iix lrrml, miifllu?, i a.,
midlnKlry Youum .curniroiivyii'Ct rtn,.
Iiiulhecrrtirinilprwl.' I" fry JS.rnlrnii
a KCIkikitiK l"oilcrto UirJAUrixM, i en,
ChUnirn. Hm.ill Lani do nut luuUiu Luvi
Ikwk 1-crtifiitttei.
Kept her locks youthful, dark, glouy
and thick with common garden
Sage and Sulphur. s
Wicn you darken your hair with Suge
Ten and Sulphur, uo one con tell, I
caiiKO It's done wi naturally, to event.
l'rearliig tbls mixture, tlioupb, at iiome
in niusoy anil trnublesoiikc. For f0 cents
you can buy at any drug store the ready-lo-iMo
tonfo nallixl "Wyrth's Sng ami
Sulphur Hnlr rtcniily." You jmt
(1hiiic'ii a sponge or soft brush with it
ond draw lids tllrough Jur Imlr. taking
one small strsnd nt a tima. iy nmrn.
Ing nil grny hnir dimtpieur, .-ihI, MUr
nnotlier application or two, jour hair
lieoiiies lifiiiitlfully darkened, glwiv ami
liixiirlnul. You will nNo illwwr dtn
druir is gene and hair bns stopid falling.
Cray, faded hair, thouh n Urucf,
is a sign of old ngcr and as wo nil de
sire a youthful wild attractive nprr
nnce, pit busy at once with x -th'i
SoguandiSulpluir and luok j. aixiuaj,tr.
I Medford House Movers
j ' ,HIV HUM
1 IIiiiim's, .Mtiiiilnery, llolfers, Moinl
j Any Iristmuv
AImi Hiiiiso Itepali'lug
' liione iHK M
IIIU So. ewlovn 7;I7 W. I lib St.
ICI'fecIs luMiixinco
of AH Kinds
Telephone 123
Spnrtn Illdg.
Bargains in
200 Tnroe-ycar-old
Caroline Testout
Hoses for sale nt a bargain
The finest roses in Medford
from tho best rose hodgo In the city.
The C.irollno Tostout Is a pcrtet'
tint Itlnrtlnai In ia tilnl rnend ft Till
-.. miuuiiivI) Kit pU (f 1 141V .t "
the best hedge or street rose for this
,D2rt... i.fv T?lrxJnf
i iuiuu, uit; riuuai
jKssm- m
Sf PSSSiBti' jf a
I llllllllll-MIIIIMlllllflll S