Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, January 12, 1916, SECOND EDITION, Image 1

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    Medford Mail Tribune
Snow Thursday mu IYm-bicc
Jim, lit; 3Iln. 120.5.
-orty-flfth Tear.
Osllv Tnth Toar.
NO. 250
New Crisis in Foreign Affairs Created
by Slaughter of Americans by Mex
ican Bandits Prompt Action Is
Taken Senate Resolution Pro
poses Joint Intervention.
WASHINGTON', Jtui. 12. T1iq
Mexican Hituution litis been brought
to tlio boiling point again by tlio ex
ecution of sixteen or more Americana
nenr Cliibtinluin. In congress, nt tlio
white house and at tlio slnto depart -jniMit
today it entirely mdepluecd all
other intornationnl affairs.
Secretary Lansing, after sending a
demand for satisfaction to General
Cnrrtinzn, issued ft statement declar
ing it was to bo doplored 'that tlio
Americans had not followed tlio state
department's warning against expos
ing their lives in tlio guorilln warfare
region, and adding:
"Every step will bo taken to soo
that the perpetrators of this dastard
ly crimu are apprehended and pun-i-ho'd?'
A.sKs Intervention
In tlio senate an cxpoetcd storm
broke iih soon as it assembled. Sen
ator Sherman, republican, introduced
11 resolution proponing that, unless
General Cnrruum givoK proper pro
tection to -foreign -life and pnorty,
the United States should invito the
Pan-Ainurienn nations which have
been associated in tlio Mexican nego
tiations to join in restoring order and
government in Mexico.
Senator Sherman' resolution was
read to thu senate ami without uom
nient or discussion of any kind was
lclerrcd to thu foreign relations
In the 1 1 on c, Hopresentntivo Dyer,
reiiiblican( introduced a similar res
olution, oalliug upon the president to
in form congress if ho did not believe
the time had eomo to abandon tlio
"watchful wailing" , polioy. Other
members gave notice of their inten
Imii to iniiko speeches. Tlio minimis
t ration wns not without iU defenders,
who gavo notico they also would
Iiiuslng'.s Statement
Secretary Lansing's eluloinenl fol
low s ;
"In October tlio department sent
(he strongest kind of instructions to
the consuls in the states of Chihuu
luiu and Souord, calling upon them to
iie every menus in thir Kiwer to per
- mule Amerieniih to leave immediately
for United States territory, and these
eoiuulg were instructed to employ
f-podu agents to carry this message
to Americans located in isolated see
tioiw, A few ottnie out; some, re
gardless of thu disturbed conditions
Noting in Mexico, would not heed
the warning.
"Jt was onlv two or three weeks
(Contlnuod on page three)
SAX NTOXIO. Tpbb. Jan. 12
(ienorul VletorUno Huortu, his for
mer purofliiging agent, Joie II. Hat
iter, and ten others, wore Indletod
here today by a federal grand jury
ror eonanlraey to violate the uoutral.
It) lawa.
BL PASO, Tum, Jan. 12. Ren
oral Vletorlano Huorta cannot live to
stand trial under the indictments fil
ed against him by the federal grand
jury at San Antonio, according to
Dr. II. P. SeMuater, his phyalelun.
Dr. Schuster said that while the aged
suldttfr'a cendiltaH waa generally un
changed, he Is steadily loetlng
Train Halted by Band of Bandits Es
timated at 200 Americans Taken
Off Train, Lined Up, Ordered to
Disrobe and Shot Down Escaped
Slaughter by Flight.
EL PASO, Tex., Jan. 12. Tliomns
B. Holmes, tlio only American to cs
enpo tlio massacre, arrived hero
.about noon today with a inoro detail
ed story of the killing. Ho declared
that tlio train was halted at 2 p. m.
by ft band of bandits which ho esti
mated at about 1200. After the Amer
icans wcro taken off tlio train and
lined up nlongbido tlio track they wcro
ordered to disrobe, llcalizing what
was about to occur, ho said ho made
'a break for liberty, together with C.
11. Watson, Tom Evans and It. P.
They were pursued by about fifteen
bandits, who one after tlio other shot
his companions in tho dusk for lib
erty, but missed Holmes.
Ho said ho ran about three miles,
when, noticing ho was no longer pur
sued, ho titopped, exhausted. Some
ranchmen came to his assistance and
loaned him u liiulo on which ho reach
ed Chihuahua City tlio night of Jan
uary 10.
Wntwm Decapitated
Holmes said Watson's head was
blown off, and that nfto tlio bodies
woro brought to Chihuahua City it
was found they had been riddled with
bullets and otherwise mutilated.
Holmes declared ho did not know
who led tho bandits.
Delay in the arrival of tho bodies
of the eighteen foreigners murdered
at Santa Ysubcl, .January 10, has in
creased popular indignation.
Tho bodies were reported Inst night
to have arrived nt Chihuahua. City.
They woro reported from thoro by
Mexican officials as having started to
the bordor. This morning official
ndvicos from the mining association
in Chihuahua City were that the train
would not start for Juarez until this
afternoon, and it was said tho train
would not reach the border until mid
night. OnrmiMft Inefficiency
Am nn ovidenco of the alleged inef
ficiency of tho Carnuixft militnry
government of Chihuahua, it was
learned today that a troop train con
taining only seventy-five soldiers has
been dispatched from Juarez to pro
tect tlio properties of tho .Waders
Lumber coni)xuiy at Pearson and
Madera, western Chihuahua. Those
propei ties represent investments of
nearly nine millions of dollars, and
it is said thev arc in a program of
Mexican bandits to bo destroyed, to
gether with all American lives.
HKItLIN, Jan. 12 - Tho collupso of
a French attack on Herman positions
north of Los Mosnil In tho Cham
paguu along tho front of about 1000
yards was announced by tho wur of-
llco today,
LONDON', Jan. 12. Tho official
French roport of tills afternoon re
ceived here by wireless follews:
"Thore woro no ovonts of import
ance lust night oxcopt In tho region
between the Mouse and the Argonno,
whoro battorlos dispersed groups of
enemy suppers.''
SAN ANTONIO, Tex., Jon. 12.
Murray Croett, rt-orU-d killed by
bandit near Chihuuhuu, in safe in
Chicago, uceordiug to a message re
ceived by Mrs. Croett here last
night, lktoiuew iu Chicago prevent
ed him from joining bis employes
near CluhuuUiM.
sss tP jBBu1b JFtf ffi -JHvBMBBBBBBBBBKSfcQflH rmfSH
llii.sli'rtg tb bridge In the lilg YoimgMowii Meel strike riot. -Ills
picture shows tlio approach to tlio North brldgo in Hast Yoiingstovm,
where most of tlio strlko shooting occurred. At tlio loft and right two
two offices of tlio big plant to which rioters applied the torch. Tlio
locked bridge gatOj which strikers later Imtteroil down, can 1h mcii.
The plcttu-o wiin taken Just iH-foiv tlio shooting broke out.
SEATTLE, Jan. 12. A low pros
Buro storm aroa Iioh appoarod upon
tho Washington coast, coining from
tho direction of Alaska, and has caus
ed snow and a rlso of tomporaturo of
olght or ton degreos In wostorn Wash
ington. At Seattle and Tacoma tho
minimum tomperaturo lust night was
22. A wind of sixty miles an hour
from tho oast is reported at TatooBh
Island, and northeast storm warn
ings havo been ordered for all sea
ports in this district.
Tho conditions aro fuvorable for
snow in tho I'ugot sound region to
night and Thursday with strong nor
therly winds. Low tomporaturo of
15 degroos Is forooasted for Seattle
tonight. In Seattle light snow foil
all night, and continues today.
PORTLAND, Oro., Jan. 12 Snow
hulf a foot deop Impeded vohlclo traf
fic on Portland's streets this morn
ing and thore was no sign of a let
up In the storm. Snow In Portland
Is a uovolty, and slnco New Year's
eve almost unprecedented woather
conditions havo prevailed as hardly
twenty-four hours have pawod that
thoro has not been u downfall of
With the exception of the south
wostorn coast of Oregon, where ruin
is falling, the snow storm Is genornl
ovor the stato. Some delay to i ail
road traffic is reported and the tel
egraph companies aro having wire
Tho thermometer here fell to 13
degrees above aero today, a now low
record for tlio last sovou joers. At
Maker In eastern Oregon, the mercury
registered four degrees below zero.
LOS ANGELES. Cul.. Jun. 12. -Matthew
A. Schmidt, couvided of
murder two weeks ago in connection
with the dyuauiiting of the Times
building five jears ago, waa sentenc
ed today to life imprisonment in San
C;u.ntin penitent iarj,
LOS ANGELES, Cal., Jan. 12
With thousands of smudge pots alight
orange growers throughout tho south
ern Cnliforniiv citrus fruit region
fought freezing tctupcrnturoa last
night, and today palls of smoko rosl
ed ovor all the valleys. In most soo
tious it wm colder than any time
since the disastrous freeze of 101. 'I,
but being forewarned and aided by
tho moisture remaining fiom tho re
cent rains, orchardiets asserted that
little damugu had been sustained.
In Los Angeles water puddles re
maining from the rams were surfaced
with ice thu. morning, the first seen
this winter.
In Sun HcMian'.iio the temperature
fell to 21 d'Uifc- aboe aero.
WASHINGTON. Jan. 12.- Senator
Thomas, democrat, of Colorado,
charged during the Mexican debate in
the senate today that the Standard
Oil cflHieiiy, on ouo hand, ami the
Pearson Oil swida ule on the other, iu
rival efforts to obtuiu a monopoly of
the oil industry in Mexico, weio re
sponsible for the revolutions iu that
count rv, and had covered it "with a
cit of blond '
SPOKANE, W.ih.. J.m. 12. Jas.
MonsKhuu, who came to Ihe north
went iu J8.'!, died at his home here
unlay, lor many years no was a
dealer iu government supplies, u
freighting contractor and later a post
trader. He was aeiive iu contracting
wor tbrougkout the state.
BaBvaaarrias P u.h0 iiiiaBvaaaaarBuiii Bair Sail
Baasaaaaaaaaaaak. ft waaWaaBaKftjBaMMmBttMBiBasaaatw4' - ti
BPKSHnBBjLrv W!VTlyaMvtMBjajaaaaaaaaaaaaaj
aaaaaaa w? HBaaalaHrB sCbff BaaarvM-,M
i jBp jRuaaBBr'aBBaaaaaaaaaaaaBBaasBBaK4BBSfiiiaasA
Sheriff and soldier trying to bring iknicu to Yoiiugstovui. At tlo left
l.s llilg. Ceil. John ('. Sptwiks, in coin iniuiil of tho iiatlonnl guardsmen;
at the right Sheriff J, C. lluistcad of Mnlioulug county, tlio was KiiocIumI
dinvii iliirlng tho rioting and tcmpocailly Minded ullli i-imI iH'pKr.
WASHINGTON, Jan. 12. Chair
man Stone of the foreign relations
committee said ho was in sympathy
with tho general idea expressed by
Senator Gnllingcr.
"Evoryouo will agree," said Senator
Stone, "that some kind of punish
ment should he meted out to the as.
snssiiiH who committed this crime.
Tho senator from Now Hampshire
says ho thinks thu time has eomu
when some permanent step should be
taken to protect tho lives of Ameri
cans in Mexico. Would the senator
object to informing the senntu and
the country just vshal ho thinks our
government should do? Ho knows
that wo can say cattily that those
outrages iu Mexico ought to atop and
that wo eau denounce them aa wo can
insist that punishment bo moled out,
but (he things that concern mo, as
a senator, and many others iu and
out of congress, is just what wo aro
to do. There iu whoro wo oomo to
difficulties and on that very iniMir
(ant subject f would bo glad to lure
the opinion of quo wkcr ami more
exjwrienced than no self.
"My record during this emt rovers v
will show," Senator Gullingor said,
"that I havo carefully refrained from
criticising the government or from
making special plena to protect lives
and proMrly in Mexico. 1 have re
alised the difficulty confronting the
administration and have no disposi
tiou to embarrass it simply because
it is not of my own party. Hut here
is a very serious matter confronting
SKATTl.L'. Wn , Jan. 12 The
Hewltt-Iia-Kunek Lumber company
of Sumner, Wash., and Its assistant
treaauror and general manager, Wil
liam G. Kunck, were Indletml liv tha
fedoral grand jury today on charges
of fraud in attempting to obtain
transportation of building material Iu
Interstate commerce at leas than the
lawful tariff rates In violation of tho
Interstate commerce law. Ten counts
wore returned agtdnat Kunck and the
company, which Is a subsidiary of the
Hewitt-Lea Lumber company, oue of
the largest and richest concerns In
the northwest. It la alleged that in
lnvolc of goods shipped by the in
dicted feneration widen does a large
mall order business, Kunck Included
such articles as glased windows and
doors, nails, hardware, bulldtug pa
per, paint and other articles, while
furalshiug the railroad with a false
billing certifying tha shipment to
contain only lumber and shinnies
which are carried unuer a lower rate.
SAN FRANCISCO, Jan. 12. Floyd
Peysor, n dishonorably discharged
United States soldlor, shot and killed
threo women today and then com
mitted stilcldo. Tho first victim of
Poyaor's rovolvor was Mrs. Marjorlo
Illll, iiRod 19, and divorced, and with
whom ho wns Infatuated. Tho shoot
ing took place In her apnrtmonta to
which Peysor had gained admission
by pretending ho was n relative.
Aftor shooting Mrs, Hill, Poysor
alto killed her mother, Mrs. O. W.
Ifivaus, and Mrs. Hill's sister, Mrs.
Irene White and then, with two bul
lets loft In thu revolver he turned tho
nuusle against his own head and fir
od twice
Mrs. Kfflo Ilamsey. nnothor shitor
of Mrs. Hill, secretod her oloven year
old daughter Jenulo, In n clothes
closet and escaped injury horsolf.
Peyser, who had bon wnrnod uvvny
from tlm Hill apartment, huiitod tho
women down, from room to room,
and shot them as lie found thorn.
NEW YORK, Jan. 12. Twelve at
tempted aid on London by Zeppe
lins duiuig December were repulsed
by the Uiilish, chiefly Hi rough largo
licet s of urotliit8, and three of the
Gcruinu aircraft were destroyed or
captured, according to I Jr. W. II.
Vincent of the colonial medical
corps who arrived today on the
American liner Philadelphia.
"The real reason why Zeppelins
have not been able to bombard Lon
don or its suburbs since October 11
luM,'' uid Dr. Yiuceut, "is because
the Ilntish have established an ef
ficient dofeuse agaiuet the German
uir raider. During December there
weit twelve separate attempts by
.oppeliuB to leucli luidon. Prom
two U four Zeppelin turucipuled in
each attempt.'
CHICAGO, J..n. l. II. J. HollW,
one of the managers of the Cusihmr
iaehie Mining eompuny, is on route
to El Paso, Tex., today to iuvustignto
the reHjrted murder by Mexican ban
dits of niueteeu employes of tho
eomimuy. C. It. Wutsoii and W. J.
Wulluce, whose names appear in tho
list of the dead, were saul by Mr,
Hollis to huve bean Cbieagoaua. Wat
eqa, according to loaai ajauW of Uo
Cusihuiriachio eomtway, formerly re
sided in Michigan.
New Storm From Alaska Sweeping the
Pacific Coast Cold Wave In Or
nnrjo Belt of Southern California
Southwest Gets Its First Real
Touch of Winter.
With a now storm coming front
Alaska, a elxty-mllo gala blowing
along tho coaEt, and snow falling ovor
tho ontlro northwest, with frcoxlng
weather In tho Southorn California
Orange bolt, and tho middlo west In,
tho grip of a blizzard, prospects aro
for a llltlo real winter woather. Snow
Ih prodlctod tor tonight and tomor
row, though only occasional flurrlon
havo fallen bo far, whloh hajro spread
a thin blnnkot of whlto over tho -valley.
Southwest Suffers
KANSAS CITY, Jan. 12. In Kan
sas tho storm is tho most severo
slnco tho wlntor of 1912. A galo
from tho northwest that reached &0
inllos nn hour carried blinding unow
and slcot beforo It.
Tho mercury bogan to sink at Kau
nas City during tho morning. At
noon ,it had descended to two de
grees bolow zero.
Tho southwest got Its first blast of
wlntor wcathor today and nature's
offerings lived up to advanco notices
of tho woather bureau. Tho mercury
dropped from 35 to 00 degrcen In 21
hours in tho nffoctod district and this
morning tomporaturcs ranging from
zero downward provall throughout
Kansas, Iowa, Nebraska and this sec
tion of Missouri, Oklahoma, and Tex
as too, folt tho drop. Snow is railing
In much of tho torrljory.
ltllzzanl Kulcs Knitsas
In Kansas City tho doath list from
accldouts as a roeult of tho storm
romnlnod at two, while more than n
scoro of portions aro in tho hospitals
recovering from Injuries.
North PIntto, Nob., roportod tho
lowost tomporaturo In tho now storm
aron 18 dogroos bolow xbro.
A blizzard prevailed all ovor Kan
sas. A snow measuring from two to
four Inchos foil iu tho stato.
Tho woather map Issued by tho
local biiroau today shows a rango of
126 degreos In tho Unltod Statos and
Canada this morning. Llttlo Hock
hud tho highest reading 70 above
while Prlnco Albort, Canada, had tho
lowest, 68 bolow. The mnp shown
the northwest still Is firmly hold by
an unprecedented cold vvnvo that haa
prevailed iu that section fo rft weok,
TomporaturoH of 43 degrees bolow
lero in Montana, 40 below In North
Dakota and 32 below at Rapid City,
S. I)., provall.
Stock Poi-Milug
OMAHA, Neb., Jan. II. On tho
twenty-eighth nnnlvortary of tho
most terrible bliasard or whloh thero
Is any record In this section, during
which many persons and thausandu
of head of atoek perished from cold
thu mercury this morning registered
nine degrees below zero In Omaha.
This temperature was accompanied
by a heavy fall of snow and a strong
(Continued on last pago)
LONDON. Juu. 12. Tlio rosigna
tiuus from the ministry of tho labor
'members, Arthur Henderson, presi
dent of the board of odueation; Wil
liam J I race and George II. Huberts,
resieetively jiarliamentary under
secretary of home affair and lord
eowmiaaiuner of the treasury, hnvo
been wilhdmwu.
A a conec.siun to tho labor op
poailioii tu compulxiou. Piejiiier As
(juilli anuouueed in the hoti-ti of OOIll-liiDli-
lod.iv lliat the V"'UUUSlt will
iiitroducd nn uinciiduH'1,1 (i-eveiitiiii;
wNiaoyer lruni luing the tuansuro us
a weajwn aguinst euiploj es.