Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, January 11, 1916, SECOND EDITION, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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H'f rfST"
By A. C. Hewlett
Freckles and His Friends
By losser
Professor W. E. Uuebnnitn, wife
ami Mn, Ko.v, of AMilmid, f.toppedoff
on their return from Rutto Fulls,
.whore thoy htul been to spend tlio
holidays, itml visited some tit' tlieir
old lricnds here. Tliu professor
taught ns prineipal of our school here
two terms and is now tendinis; near
Astilniiil. While here they nt tended
church services mid met miitc u nnm
bur of their old friends, who jjnvc
them it hearty greeting.
Hrnij. 41. Rrophy, son-iu-law of one
ol our townsmen, Tlmum E. Nichols,
wus in town hint TucMluy, mid while
here- renewed his subscription to the
W. M. T. Mr. Rtophy is one of our
hustling stoeknieii and fanners.
Mrs. ,1. 31. Eiggin and her nieoe,
Miss OlndyH Holmes, of Eerby, eame
oat on thn P. & E. (lie first or the
week and .spent the night with us on
tlieir way to the Medford hospital.
Miss Holmes is in such a nervous
doiidition that she was taken there for
George I. Nelson, who has a home
stead near the junction of Rig Hntte
and Rogue rivet-, and has been time
keeper on the Pneifie highway under
Chris Nnlwiek. returned to his home
Thursday, hnvinj; come out from
Medford iho day before and spent the
night with i'.s, and while here "live mo
his subscription for the Daily Mail
A. (1. Bishop, proprietor of tho
Hollywood orchard, was doing busi
ness nmoug as last Thursday.
William' Atmy' of Yreka, Cul., eame
in on the P. & E. last Thursday, took
dinner at the Sunnyside mid went on
up to visit his mother, Mrs. Martin
Howls, of Lnke Creek.
Mike Hnnley mid his sou Mike,
Hurry Young and William Heekn
Ihorn, were also here for dinner the
same day.
E. !'. Anlhonv of MeMinnville, Or.,
who is out buying up hides for the'
Albany J mining- uoiiu-nuy, was also
with us Ihursday.
Thursday night the Eagle Point and
(.rut ml Point basketball teams play
ed in the opera .house before a good
audienee, and the result was that the
Central Point boys cairo "off away
behind, the score. Mumling: Englo
Point, :L, ii nd Central Point, 1", and
the next morning one. of our lady
boarders was so hoarse that she could
not eall "Number, please." 1 under
stand that the two teams will play
again in Central Point in the near
Robert Pelotie, formerly ono of
the Med ford high school boys, but
now a student in the University of
California, who has been sncndinir tho
holidays with his parents, assisted
tne hngle Point team very materially.
Wo have a stock law in our little
villujje and our mayor i:; vety par
tienlar to ,ee that if any of the
fanners' stock ventures over the line
that the marshal runs them into the
pound, and a short time ago he ran
four hogs in and they were advertis
ed for sale mid duly sold, mid they
brought .fJI.LVi, and tho fee.l bill was
$11, so the original owner lost his
hop and the town was in debt TJCt
a very unprofitable buuiuesv, for the
Charles Haeon, (he conductor on
the Pacific & Eastern railway, spent
the night with us Thnrsday. Ho
Mopped off to attend a meeting of
the lodge of the I. 0. 0. 1'.
How Taylor has been conducting
services here duriiu the week, but
the attendance has been very small,
owing pcrluip.. in part to the fact
that since :e commenced his meeting
Friday night, that night there were
two or three little social gatherings
and Katuida.v night there was a daticc
in the opera house, Sunday night a
picture, show, Monday night basket
ball practice, Tuesday night basket
ball game, Wednesday nijjht there was
nothing of note that 1 heard of,
Thursday night the E. P. and C. P.
basketball game and dunce and meet
ing of the I. 0. 0. F. lodge, and Fri
day night it rained so that some had
to stay away from church um that ac
count. Hut notwithstanding the hin
drance there scums to be some good
being done, and I understand that it
is to ho eoiitinuud all next week, un
til and iiiuludiiig Sunday, January 0.
Fayette .Siuidurlin of Medford wu
out and spent two nights with us the1
luM week.
Sum .Sundry, the fish warden of
Rogue River the town and George
Aitkins of Medtord were here Thurs
day. Mr. Sundry was trying to find
out where the ditches are that he may
put in imp to prevent the fish from
going down the ditches, and Mr. A.,
just name along for an nuto ride.
Miv. Alma OquUI, who is teaching
school in the Lake Creek district, and
line been taking a layoff, returned to
luir school home Saturday on the K.
P. uud L. C. stage. She wa accom
panied by Misi. Eta Heche of Agate,
who wa on her way to reopen her
school i u"trownboro.
Since my last report R. II. Rrophy
and I.. A. Smith have renewed their
wibiifoiptkins io the W. M. T. Geo.
II. XoUon of Prospecj ha subscribed
tor the Daily .Mail Tribune and S. F.
Coy lm- icniMvi.l j,is Mih-i'iiptioit to
h- U. M. T.
Ji?i31v5Stt2 ,-.. ),;.:. ' I 11 !',:'!iii!l!iii;f itilli ij!ili!iii!:::iii:ii!:!!:::i!::i:':::'!i:'it:'ii:l!!l I ! l! Ii! il!llili!!J!:i::!'i!:i:i:i.,i!'i'ni:!s:!:!:!ii,lrt(!lt iiiiii:::i:i!:!:ii:i::!::::!ii:i::i:i!Tii:i!!i! lilUiift
.W WHEE I ! ! lii-Mltl fililrtlll ZVf ir -dl
?S b-VxW. ,.v,.uuim" i'ri& " -"SiW -C r ck rrJT i -wT a1. 1Si ff' K-slwS
Mr. and Mrs. Louis Drown mid
daiiKhter ot Talent wore week-end
visitors at the homo ot I'rof. V. U.
Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Morcom mid
MIhhch lUtn and Margarot Morcom
enmo down from Ashland Inst Friday
to spend Now Year's with rclntlvcs
living here.
Miss Mnilon 1). Townc of Phoenix
Bpent u Tow liouru lu Jacksonville
Misses Mildred mid Mao Thompson
returned to their homo tu Portland
Monday, having spent the holidays
with their sister, Mrs. C. .1. Nunan.
Mrs. Sam Wnlach entertained tho
Royal .Neighbors with an old-fashioned
quIltlnK bee at her home Tues
day afternoon.
Mrs. Harry L. Porter of Gold Hill
Is visiting relatives living here. ,
Frank Nell of Prospect Is spending
the week tu Jacksonville.
Win. Usher of Ashland attended
to business matters at tho county
scat Thursday.
A very enjoyable afternoon was
spent at the homo of Mrs. Paul S.
Handy AVedncsday when she enter
tained tio sewing club. Additional
Ritests were Mrs. Roy Smith and
.Airs. Helen Porter of Gold 1)111.
Adarel Chanter, 0. K. S held their
installation on Thursday evening, tho
following officers being Installed:
Jennie Floroy, worthy matron;
Chatinccy l'lorey, worthy patron;
Nollle Flck, assoclato matron; Nettle
Thompson, conductress; Olga Smith,
assoclato conductress; Lulu Wil
liams, set-rotary; Anna LaiiKloy,
treasurer. A regular program was
rendered, followed by a banquet.
The Misses Allco and Kdytho Hoef
entertained Saturday evening with a
farewell pnrty In honor of their
brother, 'Henry Hoef, who left Sun
day morning for Seuttlo to rejoin the
navy. Tho liouso was beautifully
decorated in tho national colors, red,
white and blue flowers being used as
a centerpiece on tho dlnlui; room ta
ble. Tho favors for the ovcnlng for
tho girls were silk flags anil tluv
kowplo snllors for tho hoys. Tho In
vitation list Included Crotchon Piibl.
Km inn Wendt, Minnie Kelly, Flora
Tuoiupkon, Laura Thomas, Cora
rhomas, Marlon Rower, Jewell Rail-
ey, Htta Morcom, Margaret .Morcom,
Chester Weudt, James Francis, Den
ver Marsh. Sidney Abbott, Julian Alt
bott, Looter Thompson, Alfred Nor
rls, Lou Raker, Fred Collins, Dan
RaKshaw and Ratio Kennedy.
Miss norland Roliliihon will give
nn exhibition or, her painting at tho
Hotel Holland noxt Friday afternoon.
The exhibition Is under the direction
of the Greater Medford Club and a
large crowd Is anticipated to view
tho young artist's worK. Miss Hou-
Inson Is a native of Jacksonville and
has studied both tu San Frauclsco
and Philadelphia and at present Is
devoting her time to portrait paint
Kluert Olass Is very sick with la
grippe. Dr. Chlulom ot Hold Hill has
made several visits, and wo are glad
to hear that the pattont Is Improving
under his care.
Dr. Rowen and Victor Crojghton
are improving their flno Ueagto
ranch. They havo built an addition
to their barn and are clearing tho
land adjoining the public road, noar
the Kcaglo store.
Mrs. Nelson or Medford Is visit
ing with her sister, Mrs. Frank Mur-
Mr. and Mrs, Roy Stacy were vis
iting the home folks Sunday.
Mr. Klncald and sons are busy
thee winter d.iys clearing their land
with an up-to-date stump puller.
William Jones, the Beagle rangr.
was attending to business in the val
ley towns .Monday.
We wore not surprised to loam that
our road master got Wed Uy the
commissioners. Joe knows what the
kooiI hook tolls us no man can serve
Uo, and he ua Uilig to
..WvuUiv.uu-W,uui" '
serve three and Joe's scalp Is not tho
only one that Mr. Leover has got to
his credit.
Tlico. Glass and Jesse Glass woro
trading and visiting In the valley
towns Saturdny.
S. V. Mooro and son, Arlhutv who
hnve been visiting relatives In An
tlocb returned to their home lu tho
South Unipqun valley Monday.
Four Inches of snow greeted the
eyes ot the Antlochers Sunday morn
ing with tho prospect or plenty more
thu next Tow dnya.
Grnndmn Glass Is visiting with her
daughter, Mrs. Ralph Dean at AVIllow
Del Morrison and Rcrl Chapman
were visiting mid trading In Medtord
Mr. and Mrs. Frank DoFord and
family were visiting Trleuds lu An
tlouh Sunday.
K. D. AVi'lhlto and spn nro getting
along nicely with their new bungalow
and It will be an up-to-date homo
when It Is finished.
Some ot tho young people havo
rented the Cooper hall at Moonvlllo
and there will be a dance at that pop
ular place Saturday night, January
Claude Chapman has been very sick
with la grlppo this week but Is better
at this writing.
Jasper Rodgers, the Reaglo mer
chant, was traUlng lu tho valley
towns this week. The worst pleco or
road he has to travel is In tho An
tloch country. Wnko up, farmers,
and petition the county court to re
pair tho worst pleco of road In Jack
son county. Now Is the time to get
tinny. Start In with the now year
lot us got together and sco .what
can bo dono In this matter, Instead
of building now roads, let us petition
the court to put this ono In shapo so
wo can get to town for our supplies
during tho winter months.
Keportod by Jackson County At
tract Co., Blxth and Fir Bts.
Carl on dcr Ilcllen s. Myrtle von
dcr Hollcn, answer, motion ami affi
davit. George T. Wulson vs. .Mrs. Ann II.
Russell, notice to call up demurrer.
' Alexander .McMillan vs. Henry H.
.Saunders el al., notiae.
' Nellie SkUlnian vs. K. If. Lawrence,
cost bill, default, decree.
First National Hank of Ashland vs.
C. L. Cunningham ct nl., cost bill, do
fault, judgment.
Frank P. Ilrosium vn. Southern
Pacific company, reply.
II. M. Mer'nrlnnd vs. .1. (I. Uoblc ct
nl., cost bill, default, decree. '
II. 11. Helms et al. vs. Wnllaco
Johnson, ct al, reply.
flrants Pass Hardware Co. vs.
Jack Katun et u., cot bill, dufault,
Hoguc River Co-operative Fruit -Growers'
association vs. W. II. Stew
art, cost bill, default, decree.
S. J. Taylor vs. Clinton Cook, nw
ohnnicV lien.
Margaret K. KollogK v. James K.
Hut-oii et al., suit to foreclose mort
gage.v L,stul-Stui land Lumber Co. vs. ,J,
T. Gagnon, action at law.
State of Oregon s, Frank Reed et
al., jiiMu-c court transcript.
C S.nva rVinm Annlipil In N'nalrtlo Y
Opens Air Passages Right Up.
Inftnnt relief no waiting. Your
cloggfd nostril open right upi the air
paiiagqi of vour icad clear uml you can
lireatlie frwy o more hawking, unf
iling'. Mowing, livadju-lie. dryiir. No
truggling for lretli at night; your
cold or catarrh dinappeiir.
Get a small bottlr of Kiy' Cream
Halm from your liriiggut now. Apply
a little of tiii frugrant. antitepllc,
healing cream in -tr noitriU. It pen
etralei through ever) u.i ml'i' of thn
he-ad. tooilie the inflanu j i "Pollen
mucou inrtnbrant and relief wuii . ...
lt' Jiut fine. Don't stay tulfl up
A-Rh a vdd or P'y uilarru,
?''2P t.
3 Li -- o - M cjfoicr--
J. M. Dodge vs. E. A. Heiuing et
til., suit to foreclose mechanics' lieu.
Pro onto
Estate of Edward Henry, petition
to appoint administrator, order ap
pointing administrator.
Guardianship of John L. Fowlor,
order appointing guardian, bond of
Estate of Ella C. Dunhip, decree of
distribution, filial report.
Estate of ,losoh Walter, retuni of
sale of real property.
Estate of James G. Smith, order.
Estate of George I Merrimnn, us
sigiinient of heirs to administratrix,
Estate of Jacob Gray Fry, citation.
1-Mulo of Mary A. Barclay, final
Estate of Augusta S. Neil, order
appointing appraisers.
Estate of Robert Ashworth, petition
for letters, petition to probate will.
Rciil Ksliito Transfers
Bertha S. llannini to W. S.
Itanium, lots in blocks 2'J, I'll
mid 2-1, .Medford; lots in
Fail-view Eastern addition,
lot in Galloway's Add. . .$ 1
A. C. Howlelt et ux to Hutliu
' Howletet, lot t-I, Uliieh Ad
dition, Eagle Point 10
Effie lliirch et u.x to Erastus
J. Fouts, lot on Cottage
street, Medford
Xolk-o to Hie Voters of Mcilfout mid
Vicinity '
Wou am hereby notified that tho
following list of precincts havfc'been
formed by the County Court and dffl
clnl registrars have heen apiKilntod
ror the respective precincts, as fol fel fol
eows: .Medford, North .Main, Helen N.
A'oekey, Mall Tribune building.
.Medford South Main, Ren Gnrnott,
Garnctt-Coroy building.
Modrord North Central. II. II. Hull,
M. F. & H. bldg.
Medford South Central, L. R. Cam
eron, Postal Tel, ofHce.
Modrord North Riverside, F. G.
Snedicor, Medrord Rook Store.
.Medford South Riverside, L. II,
Cameron, Postal Tel. Office
Medford Oakdale, K. C. Schullz,
Oakdale Grocery.
Medford Newtown, R. L. Kwlng,
Kwlng's Gun Store.
Modrord Park, A. O. Rennolt, Ron
nott Invostment Otflco.
North Medford. F. G. Snedicor,
Medford Rook Store.
Northeast Medford, F. (',. Snedicor,
Medford Rook Store.
Knst .Medtord, V. K. Conser, Consor
Cash Grocery.
Southeast .Medrord, L. H. Cameron,
Postal Tol. orflce.
Southweast Medford, C. K. Win
koop, S20 W. 12th street.
West Medrord, llolen N. A'ockoy,
Mail Tribune biilldlnr.
Northwest Medrord, W. II. Lydlnrd
Jackson St. Store.
Grirrin Creek. W. S. Hammond,
Modrord, Ore.. R. F. D.
Perrydnle, Kd. Jannoy, Jackson Co.
Abstract office.
Electors nro respectfully Invited to
confer with any of the above named
registrars where they will iccclvu In
iNTKnt'itlSA.V At'X'O CAR CO,
M;avo Medford dally .except Sun
day ror Ashland, Talent and Phoenix
at 8 n, m., 11:50 a. in., 1:15, 2:30,
3:45 nd 5:15 p, m. Also on Sat
urday at 11:15 p. in. Sundays Icaro
at 10 n. m., I p. in, mid 9;30 p. m.
Leavo Ashland for Medford dally
except Sunday at 0 a. in., 12:50, 2:30,
3:30, 415 and 0:15 p. in. Sunday
leave, Ashland at 9 a. ,111., 1:00, 5:00
and 10; .10 p. ui.
Because my stoct. n trurto Is to
have optlonod at tho lowest caib
price the bost buy In this county.
I have been on too ground look
ing out tor you for the, past tire
years. Nearly everyday I hart, in
vestigated eome "good thing." I have
eliminated everything except those
deals which I am convinced will se
cure sne satisfied customer.
In a few hours time I can give you
the benefit ot this research. It is my
business to show you over the county
and Introduce you to the posjilbllltiei
and opportunities here. B Med
ford flrat and
lit Wti Uatu Htrml
. & rim'wmk . :.
formation as to tho proper plnco and
time to register, cither lu .Medrord or
tho vicinity .thereof.
HUnty (?l?r.k,'..
FOR ItRNT, tumlsltod Iioukp
hooping rooms, ground floor. 22(
south Urnpo.
IcOlt HK.NT FUlt.-MtmrCtl ROOMt)
FOR RKNTI'urnisheirrooms'na'a
South Central. 2S3
bt ur-..i:-f3airt--- . ,
FOR RENT Modern .slx.rqoni houso.
Phono oUT-Y. 2D2
FOR Rl-JNT Modem bungalow. 5
rooms and bath; garago. nicely fnr
Jilshed; good neighborhood. J as.
Campbell, Phono 311-11. 2C2
FOR RICXT Furnished, attractive
five-room bungalow on paved at.,
strictly modern, electric heat, elec
tric range. Ainu llracklurced,
phone :i:i7, or Hotel Holland.
FOR RENT 3-rooni modern apart,
nient. Ml South Central. Phono
I7!t-M. "50
FOR RENT Colonel Sargent's rwi
ldonro on Oakdale ave., tolophono
owner nt Jacksonvlllo, or Inquire
or II. ii. Nye or Roy R. Peebles nt
Medrord. 253
FOR. KENT First class C-rooni mod
crn bungalow; rango connected;
garage. Tel. 48BX.
FOR HALE Or Dade", 1;L3 "acres or
Irrigated land at Orland, Callfor
nla. Address It. L, Rex 100,' Med
ford, Oregon. 253
roit BAm-r-irtrRvrooK
i FOR SALE Or trade, registered A.
J. C. C. Jorsoys, ono cow and ono
, bull dropped Feb. 23, 10 IB. John
ii. Hair, Hoguo lllver, Ore. 271
FOR SALE Team of mules, weight
900 lbs. each, 0 year olds, $225. O.
C. Hoggs.
FOR SALE Team, weight about
1500 pounds. Phono 315. tf
FOR SALE Red Polled cow and
cair, 510 X. Rartlett. 251
FOR SALE A flno fresh Jorsuy
cow. AV. V. 'Itanium, R. F. D.
No. 4, Rex 75, Phono 103-J1. 262
FOR SALE Cheap, liotl and springs.
Cnll 121 South Fir street.
FOR SALE- 150 Her only, shodded
wood nt Central Point; excellent
chance to handle at big profit.
Rosenberg Rros., Central Point.
FOR SALE Rariey; also baled bar
ley straw, phono 732-J2. 255
FOR SALE- .Mammoth Hroiuo lur
keya ror breeding; hens $2.50;
tnms $3.50, of different strains.
J. C Herring, Central Point, Oro.
Pi'oscnf owner, 011 account of
business intcrcsls elsewhere,
Avill sell for 2.) per cent less
(litui actual value.
Bennett Investment Co.
Wo will pay $25 00 cash rewutd to tho party who wjll furnish us
with an actual buer for tbo following 100 aero wood and timber
1C0 uoroii, located UVi miles south of Gold Hill. iirmttd 1 Vj
to 2 million feet saw timber and 4000 ooida hardwood. Price
$900.00, (Saw timber mostly yellow and sugar pluo.)
As au Invostment for a wood proposition this can't tie beat.
102 West Main Strept
FOR ltli.NT MLSCi:iiIi.Ni:0Ucl
FOR RENT To responsible parly,
1 r acres Ross Lnne, li acres extra
sugar beet laud: now bungalow,
largo bam, silo, good water, tpac
ndain road. IniiilltC G. TU Loom Is.
JtoRs Une, Phoni 788-R1. 24
WANTRD Automobile repairing to
do nt fipc per hour. Dyor'n Gar
age, North Central Ave, 201
WANTED Otflco desk and chair.
AddrcsH D. L. Delchanty, Medtord,
Oregon. ' 2B1
WANTED Maternity eases at home;
everything furnished for $20 per
week. Mrs. A. D. Little, 30 N.
Riverside. . 2R3
WANTED To buy or owner, 6-ncrc-s
near Medrord; must bo good rreo
soil; $50 down nud $100 per year
with Interest; give location and
price. AddreiiH C. C, .Mall Tribune.
I WANTED Women lot us, licit) You
mako money soiling guaranteed
hosiery to -wear; full or part tltno;
big profits; oxprrlenco unneces
sary. Address, International Mills,
Rex 122, Norrlstown, Pa.
TO LOAN $1000 on improved ranch
Holmes tho Innurnnco Man.
FOR EXCHANGE 80 acres clear of
mortgage $1200, for homo and
garden ground. Clark Realty Co.,
200 Phlpps Illdg. f
FOR EXCHANGE Close In resi
dence In Ashland tor property In
or near Moil ford. Inquire J. C
Drown, Sparta Jlldg. 250
TAILORING Have your tallorlrtg
dono nt tho Krister's Ladles Tall
orlng College; pupils may enter at
any time. R. 42G M. F. H. H. bldg.
'.i ft i" .mui'Jiegr :."".' .. . . 1
iioji r
TAKEN t'P Ono yearling Hplatolu
heifer; no brand or enr marks;
black and whlto tall; had a small
bell and strap on neck. Ownor
t-au havo same by paying for ad.,
feed bill and damages. II. E. Krou.
tor. 249
Sewing .MAchbirs
BALK OR RENT ome used ma
chines nlbo for sale. Cleaning and
repairing, c. A. Chapman, at Med
ford Furniture & Hardware store.
Residence 375 So. Central. Photic
1 havo Ihreo hundred twenty acreu
ot flno timber land lu Douglas Co.,
six million feet nt sav Umber, close
to Pacjric highway, a really flno
proposition, that tho owner will ex
change for a good house lu Medford.
A good residence and general stock
of goods In a Willamette valley city
to exchange ror a good dairy, grain
I mid stock ranch. Value $25,000.
Home fine buys In ranch and city
property hero In the valley,
Room 10, Ju'ktoii County Hank RldK.
Phone 799
nirgiNKss jjiitKoxoity
Auto Supplies
are operating the largest, olaet
and best equipped plant In the Pa
clflc northwest. Uso our aprlngs
whon others fall. Gold under guar
antee. 2G North Fifteenth Bf.,
portiana, ore.
GEO. AV. CHERRY Attorney.. rb4
.Notary, Room 0, Jackson County
Dank Rtilldlng, ontranco N. Ce
tral, Medtord, Oro.
Attorneys-at-Iiw, Rooms B rad
0, Medfprd National Dank bldg.
Corey bldg.
G. M. ROBERTS Lawyer.
Medford National Unnk Building.
Garnctt-Coroy Uldg., utto 310
MCdforu, Oro, Phono 8GG.
Collections and Iteports
collected some accounts 14 years
old. AVo know how to get the
money. The Durlock Mercantile
Agency. Inc., Rooms 1, 2, 3, Has
klna' Illdg., 21G E. Main st.
Engineer nud Contractor
FRED n;' CUMMlNaSnglneM Yn4
contractor, 404 M. F. ft II. Bldg.
Surveys,, estimates, Irrlgatloa
dralnago, orchard and last Im
provement. '
f ''; "' '.;.t , - - . I
GARBAGE Get your bromlswi
cleaned up for thojsummef. Call
on tho city garbago wskooi (or
good service. Phone 274-L. F.
Y. Allon.
Instruction In Maalo
401, Oarnott-Corey bldg. Fred Al
ton Halght. piano; Mrs. Florence
Halllday Halght, volco. Phont
Pbystctitns aad Hargeoaa
DR. F; O, "cXrLOWDr"VA
MAINS CARLOW Osteopathia
phystclanB, 41C-417 Garnett-Corey
bldg!, phono 103C-L. Realdenc
20 South Laurel st.
DR. AV. AV; HOWARD OstopothU
physician, 303 Garnott-Cory
building. Phone 130.
DR. J. J. EMMENS Physician and
surgeon. Practice limited to eyt,
ear, nose and throat. Eyes ccjea
tlflcnlly tpstcd and glasses sup
plied. Oculist and Aurlst tor 8, P.
It. R. Co. Offices M. F. & II. Co.
bldg., opposite P. O. Phono E67.
DR. It. AV. CLANCY Physician nnd
surgeon Phones, office 30, rest
deuco 724-J. Offlco hours, 10 to
12, 2 to C.
cian and surgeon. Ottlca Palta
block, oppostto Nash hotol, Hours
10 to 12, 1 to 4. Phono 110-J.
T. O. HEINE, M. D. Eye, Ear.
Nose and Throat. Headaches and
nervous conditions relieved by
proporly fitted glasses. Cross eyes
straightened. Office 228 E. Mala
St., phone 303. Consultation tree.
Ilomoopathlo Physician, Surgeon,
228 East Main St., Medtord, Oro
roii. Office phono 142. residence
phono 732-R2, Office hours 1 to
4 p. in.
Public Stenographer
'phor, room 29, Jnpkson County
Bank Rldg. Dictation taken any
place any tlmo by tho only Steno
typo operator In Southern Ore. Of
fice phono 515, Roc. 275-J.
x. u jsL-?--i.jr,..i n
Printers and Publishers
best enulppod printing offlco In
couthern Oregon; book biudinr,
loose leaf ledgers, billing systems,
etc. Portland prtcoj. 27 North
Fir 8t.
EARL S. TUMA' General Insuranco
offlco. Fire, Automoono, Acduent,
Liability, Plato Glass, Contract,
and Surety Bonds, Excellont com.
panics, good local service. No.
210 Garnott-Cdrey Bldg.
rriA i. x-"m
Office 48 North Fcont si, Wea
15. Pdcon rlcht. SorTc sar
JUlteqd. . i
r ,'