.yr-v T fT V miv fpfvf i f 1 I . m jat aY St ; . p I r il c mnm t vO.I 5 "4 K J..- U" IV ' 1 - ' 1 lf';l . 4 PXQEFOUR SEEDEORD MKIJG TRIBUNE. MEDFORD, OREOON, TUESDAY. JANUARY 11, 101G MEDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE "AN INDEPENDENT NEWSPAPER . rUULTKIIKD T.VKItV AI-TKUNOON KXCKPT MONDAY IIT THE tiaurouu yt?TiNO co. , OfXtca Mnll Tribune IlulMIn, pt21-Z9 orth fir street; ttlptione 70. North The Democrfttlo Tlnif, Xlm ltedford Moll, Thd MWfdtil JTrtjUnty Tlia South crn Oregonan, Till AnnionJ Ttbuna. One OBBCKUTIOH KATXM roar, by mal . Ono niorlth, Ly.inal).. . -IJ.00 .6U 1'itr month, cwlvnreil uy otrrl'r In MonrordV rboehltv Jdatnonvlll nnd CpntnU loint k... .. .60 Baturday onlr, by mall, pir year 2.00 Weekly, per ymr 1.60 Vfietal rarnir of tho City of Mod ford official lnpor of Jackson County, Kntcred jjji jKconU-clnss matter nt Mmlford. Or'iton, unlr tho et ot March S, JSJ. Sworn ClrciUatlon for 1914, 2318. T'itll loased yrlre AsfloclAtod Pra dl f Mohjf. " (Subscriber failing to rccclre papain promptly, phono Olrcu- ''latlon'ManAger'at 250-R. V 7 ' ! 42 iMS.'.'ajr.trjrjiwiggsmggrr.i am" 1 1 us. -i ' j jt art r.vra THE DNOE.jOyEjR (MWiV NOT ONLY YOUNGEST, BUT PRETTIEST OF OPERA STARS IN'U. S. HONG JONG KQLUM ,, Yjmi, Holly Dimples 1b a foreigner, lii) Isji 'tevliiininr. - Ask -tliu i)0fl ' Ailnin D.uuin Ih a Clrvoluml, O., ! drrihan. , Tho.Cub'.i Iliithtihlnsni fliaJUjmilllPJvn.J'a. Ilanncr.) .XflKrenchman -went' to buy a sad; (Hi horse.' "1'vo not Just tho nuliual you waul," said Mai tk'ulur, "Hound uh n iiAt and Koon )0 iiilloti without atop- jilhKl" "All not no!" cried thn French ntnn, "I Icovm olsht mlltH from zo Hlatlon and oof I buy him 1 will havo to walk two liillrN In zo backward di rection!" Heard' on the Jacluionvllln ntroot car yesterday. "Is your brother In tho Htanilliiit army?" "No ho'u In tho cavalry." ,Mr. Mutiny linn marrlod Mini 011 dor, of Wi'iokano, "Wash. TIiIh muni b(5-a' lov mateh for, undoubtedly, .JUIbh Olldor lovi'ii S'lunny. - ' " ,', ' IKTIJi: HAT V-la "hocoraliiB Hiu Klrl 1m prolty. ik.tjii; omi. .In piotty tlio hut Ih heconilnir Twwy' IlelliliiBer Kll rJ'laB .Yomirr, for years auixr Intondeut of .ClilcnKO publlo ncliooU tells of onco IriHtructlni: a cliwn In IiliytilolOKV. Thq nubject was tho liver. ,, - "Ycjf. ,te.achpr," aiiswcred on youthful atudent, "I know whero my liver V but I don't ltnow where my bncon Is!" 'iji. tho Hit Ion iliol'llin lon( wluded Htory lellern nhonlil b arretted for boluc ttbort In tholr accounts. REX MM-PiMAN, iitnoi'ul poet, viv.acious JjumorifJt and gentle anarehmt, Juik d'ouiul tui ameng: his multi larious dutjos as a meinberol' Uie Portland Jounial's rcp ertoi'lal staff to publish a book, entitled. "The Onee Over," comprising a collection of hLs -whinisical daily contribu tions to the Journal, printed under tho same caption, which have added so much to that newspaper's attrac tiveness. "The Once Over," although like the dictionary, some what disconnected, a feature perhaps that adds to its charm, has only dashes for punctuation and looks in print like the old ,,onclung'" automobile used to sound when climbing a hill, but is all the more entertaining on this ac count. Hex Lampman may properly bo called a product of the Koguc IHver valley, as he spent some five years here as nubliSher of thn Gold J I ill News, winnino" a Ktninwirin fninn ! j. . ,. 7 j. , .. . through his delightful verses and a brief and not as envi able glory as a muek-rakt'r. As a reporter on the Oregon inn ho originated "Tho Crawfish," a humorous,- onee-a-week feature. Hut the sordid, .smutr stand-patness of the Oregoniau jarred Jfcx dreamy, progressive soul and he joined the journal family to mutual profit. Hex Lampman was succeeded at Gold Ilill by his brother, Ben, gifted as a writer, with poetical talents, sur passing those of Hex. Given leisure and opportunity', in stead of being forced to consume his best energies with his nose at the grindstone in the tlmnkkT4fjrlc of publishing a country newspaper to eke out an existence, Ben's fame would be nation-wide. Country towns and country news papers have produced many a literary genius, and among them we hope some day will be listed the Lampman blath ers Hex and Ben. But to get back to the "Once-Over." t sells for fifty cents cash or one dollar credit, and is well worth the price. Genius needs encouragement, and the people of the Hogue Hiver valley should delight in patronizing a home product. ANOTHER ASSAULT ON BUSINESS :NNSSWVVW,V siUi "WOW! I'OU.OWINO WAS mi it. M ' nviu heard In our otflco teday: Moo fiayn ho can many any Klrl III) plonROA." I don't doubt It. Anybody could uinrry n ulrl that Jon pUuuen." In Defonso of the lg "PlKrt," wo are Informed by an eminent eastern coIIcko man, "ai tUu moHt (aHtldtonx creatines In tho barnyard, contrary to neueral belief. Lot' neo how he utackH up with the Hont, sheep und other lluwtouk. II010 ute, the flKureA: Out of R7." plants, the j;oat oirtB MO and refunefi 120; Hbeep. out of 5JS plnntH, eat 3S and return. HI: cows, out of tlM, eat l3, and retiiHe 'il8; liorsivi, out of IS) plautH, mi ms Hnd rcfiiKe 213: while plK, 011' of 3 1A, eat only 72 nnd refutto 171. 1IAYDKS. Silt: The huOO Oermau bodlM ad to be 1)'1ik fnueu before ,1 sin olit treueh In the Clmmp.mne romludH me of the wonU of the Irlnlunau who went through Home l-'lllplno hVlr inlHllOfi. SpoaUlnR of dend Filipinos Un until; "Shure, an tho hill wan aluUo villi dwd uion. OUVIU,K. T 01 IN SK10LTON WILLIAMS, comptroller of the eur J rency and muinber of the federal reserve bank board, has virtually put his head in the Jion's mouth. A few months ago the comptroller gave out a list of banks thtt wore lending money at usurious rates, charging from ten to one thousand per cent. Immediatelv a demand came from the banks for his removal from office. Next we heard a bill would be introduced in congress to abolish the comptroller's office. Now, in the face of these threats from the money lords, he has the. temerity to call on the banks for a list of their loans "upon which interest was charged or collected, either in the shape of interest, discount or commission, at rates which would amount to more than tho equivalent of six per cent per annum." And then he goes further and cautions our financial overseen to bo veiy, very careful in making the statement. Jle also ns.ks banks 'to state whether it is their custom to require borrowers to carry' deposits when loans are granted. ' The I'uvy this will arouse is beyond present compre hension, but in a week wo will hear the roar. But this time it will not come from the big banks of the great cities, and by their direction, but from the usurers and pawnbro ker bankers of small towns. Banks are necessary and useful institutions, and com munity upbuildors, and those legitimately conducted will have no objection in complying with the comptroller's or derbut rather be glad of exposing those whose usurious practices reflect discredit upon all banks. Many bankers of the latter typo, paying big dividends upon small capital and accumulating big surpluses bv usury, tint tor themselves that they are financial giants, when in truth they are financial leeches, sucking the life out tu tiicir localities. Mr. AVilliams proposes calling tho usiu-ers to account. Back of it all is the greater movement for rural credits for the emancipation of rural communities from their grip. Good luck to Mr. Williams. OUR WIDEAWAKE CONGRESSMAN A ASHINGTON dispatch to the Portland Telegram snows that (oiiuressninn HawleviH widn uwnkn to the interests of his constituency. It reads as follews: WASHINGTON. Jan. S - Hepreaentatlvo HawleyhaH aubmltted to tho HupuiWKiui; architect of the troitHury department tmmplou of brick manu fnctuied at Wlllamlua and bus requested that Oroon brick bo used tn the const 1 net Ion of the proposed publlo bulldliiK at .Mediord. The local brick U IIkIu colored and resident or Medford want It lined tu the bulldliiK Instead of red colored brick as nuiposed by the government of ficials The protest over the use of foreign materials was made two or three years ago, when the Commercial club peti tioned the Oregon delegation to work for the use of native tone. brick and other materials in the oonstruetimi of the Medford federal building. Mr. Ilawley, as usual, gave tho matter his nromnt at tention after seeral years and lost no time in filing the protest some months nfu.M' the exterior of the building had been completed. When it comet, to doing things for his constituents, Mr. llawlev has few emmls and no snnnrioiv Hlf 'v.MH ..nnwvnwvjhhbk 'l9HHn LSI --A'-MiLiLLB ml f i jLlft'' I TVsJ'' "v - " iS'" " fjgfiflL $ li ' ' 'TS-, im Ameni: tho three hundred, lie eouldn't ell. hart fall. "That in nuide of rubller. And uill.wiuenk. . When you tw- it. If hu ll.Hevd it. To' Ultrjrl ' "' A. .Miss Concilium Saponin Is the yomiKeM Ktiuid ohmii star In tlio world Just (uracil liO. You can see foe yourself she Is tin- pivttiest of the MiublerN, nnil It'.s 11 erj safe nuess u n"ess tlmt. .she's Spanish, she made, uu early slait towiinl htniiloiii, IuivIiir Miiitf Caniieii In .Milan when Mie vum X 4 jxm old. She Is liiinous In Kut-ope and tier ait and her beau ty lire ftluiiliiK fame In this1 country. She Is stntrliiK vtlth the I'lileiiKu (Jniiul Oin.'1-it company. iWjs ft-7.j--rr' Tales of the Town Ho'h it nice doj:. A collie (lop. And he lives on Went Main. His nume isn't Pickle. And he doesn't know anything. About filh'eer mining. Or xtrcet ears, Or ride in 11 Font. Like I'ieltloR does. Hut lie is""ii eouiioiisoiir. In toys. And they 1i.ie to walk. Around the block. To avoid a toy store. For one dfty they didn't. Ami Lnrry went in'. And lirlped liimselt'. To 11 doll. And ho wn nwiuHy pleaneil. With himself: Hut it eost'Dr. Conner. Some money. To buy tlio doll. Wliieh wiiHii't ehoiip. For I.:iit' knows. The bent onV. And he liifrt a pi. Jlnde of tubber. illicit squeAki. When you presn it. And he'll hriiiR die pig. And stnml in front of you. And squeak it. And look into your eyi. And will put it in your lap. rop you to admire. ENTENTE TO CRUSH GERMANY: AT ARMS AND IN COMMERCE. And he has had the pig. A . ear. And has never torn it. Hut it i wearing out. And l.urry knows it. And heV wonicd. And ewrything. And if fail Fitehener. Would only vulcanize. The split in its back. II would he fine. Ileeiiuse it wan made in Ocnnany. And though Henry Ford. Tried to top the fight. So they could get another pig. For I. ntry. ' ' lie tailed. And Idirry is -in I. "' ' "For lie enn't have the pig.' All the time now. Fbr it lias to la-t. Till the war it ovop. So the other day. lie went out. "?" And enme bnek. . With a lennih hall. And they took it nnay."1 Hut he went out. And got another. And the. took it nwiqy. ' And lie went out. And got another. And lie'- going to keep jt. And I want to ask. John Wchterlund. If he has a pig. Catarrh Cannot Be Cured Inumliuilj- lleait Tixiublo J)o you have pains In tho ronton of tho heart? Dues quc heart tbiiiitpT Us terrible pouudiu alarms yoji? What Is wioiir' Io xu bo llu.vt' these Hmptonis oiruslou inueh puln. Nearly all o( these pains tiro I cumwd b) soma doranRoment of tho fiipniuch. Merltol Tonic 0Jr,olIve is (ttpofilaily reeommcuiled for IuiIIkiw (on and dyspepsia, und for restoring tjio stomueh to ItH norma) (unctions andjm? iyore "hQart dlsuusu." Vrlce J. J'oluslvo Rgenta, Jliuliluj Drue StoiP. wNdr. tf i-i.,i-jfc -y-.-fr j JURY MAKES ERROR AND BULGER HANGS niSNVKlt, Jun. 11 J C. RiilRer bus been deehued s(iue li a jury In tho district eouit wuleh lecently wss orilered by (he Colarailo supremo com l to delermlnn lluloi's meiitul condition The uijrdlot means the pilsoner must hang tho week of Fob. ruaie 27 V th jury filed Into the room, Hie cltrh was handed u,u envelope. He lead: 'We. tlju jury, flnjl that Juinen O. nulKor ut the propent time h Insane." llulsur smllet) uud bis attouiis turned to ooiiRmliilatu hltu Foronuui Ourduer roe ami' de clared a mlstuke hud been made. "The wrong slip was put In (ho en- elope," ho aald. Amid tho consternation that fol lowed. JudKo W. 1). WrlKht ordered (he men to return" to the Jury room I're.sently a verdict of "sane" was lotuincd. HulRer was convicted for (he kill Ini? of Moyd NteodemiiR. In the lobby of a l)eniy hotel of which Nlrode- imu was part owuer llulger had quarrelled wuh other gue-ts of (he hotel. At tho time tho rulsoner, known as "Colonel" HulRer and as a Holdler of fortun because of mlltturv uotlvlty In Mexico and Central Amer ica, was endivivorlng 10 recrull n reKluuiiK for the United States urtu. will. MKMb APPLICATIONS i br wnoot 1 iriti it- Mut ui lu ill.Miw. 1 autfl, a Uluod 1 or ivitltu:lul illn-'M. ami In uUwr lu rutr II I jou mul uln lulcrual rruinllc. Iltll l'ur:ti l'uri U UVru Inirrimll,. liJ il- dlinlli up.iu lb bl"Hl tint iuucu wttl-i... Ill rattrrb I lur It lint 11 ,uk iiw'Uk lu ll vr V'r lWil k lf I't in 11. ki ,inluo lu llilt (viiilt ("t )vn iul a a r.fcuur nr crlpllou. ll It iwwt ,f 11 k Ihi uiK kumn. run. UnJ vrllb lUo ll bl.x-1 urlll.. arllni ill ircllr uu thv imu aurlai-a TIh i-rffvt Hqillwllon at ISf ! lufftslkiiila la what ,ro. umlrinil r. flilt ii iiuiui; valuta.. nwni in- I J lllJMyAi Prop. T.I.J", O. Mil l, lruBSt' I'l f T TaW 1UII I juitlj l'lii t r roDitlllos. LONDON. Jan 1 1 The debate lu the house of commons last night wub ohtufl) remarkable for the unanimity of the members lu urging the goieru eminent to exert the lnrKtwt possible ilojsrnii iif eronoinv ni inisin'.i on Cor. t Jn- au-b w ..-.,. ,. -?... .... ....... . 'KiJ fr lcil many and In recommondlug that ; steps should Immedlatel) be taken (o ! prevent any, menace fi out Herman I trade wartaro dliuctntt against the; entente allloa aTter peace Is sIkuoiI. A resolution was adopted that "with a view to Increasing tho power of allies lu the pioseeutlon of the war, his majesty's government should enter Into immediate consultation with th.e governments of the colonics In order with, their aid to direct the whole economic strength of tho em pire, J 11 cooperation with tho allies nKnlnst U10 enemy.'" The principal speech rondo bv ' Walter Hunclnian, president of the board of trade, whoso emphatic dec larations on tho impoitance of main-' Ulutng Urltlsh trade were rogarded . . as laieeb directed toward making , - JC . T1 clear the position which caused him MCdlOrCl HOUSeftlOVerS to hesitate to endorse Premier As-j .M'W I'UDl quitU's compulsion policy last week . ij..-t 1 lloues, lacJiinery, llollci-s, Mow) Any HL-tniiiv Al-o IIoiim Ilep.ili'ing , IM10110 IKS M III 2 So. eitown TJI7 W, lltli SI. liliUrttiUlNiW milM w Does Not Rub Off, Lasts 4 Times at Lqa; l 0lbir, SlTCt W01L Get a Can Today njknanai riTrt.'iiri fftXt VS. -V. 1 i ney can t Wait The Cmldicit cn hardly ui tfoi .K til. tv ionic flic UWiais olof of Cuke baked with Morit Vanilla hat CAJtiv!cd (Sem A 25c bottle it ital coiMwy, At Ycur Grocers 2l JOHN A. PERL UNDERTAKER l.ady AiltADt 28 S. nAUTLnXT I'llouirs M. i: nml IT-Ja Auibnliuice Service Coroner PRINCIPALS TOM THUMB ., WEDDING WEDNESDAY-AT PAGE; n l "IP lllckle Isaacs, ItolicU Jlinest ( limey, Mis .Marian lie Lew Hi-nun. "Some toln. Tom Thumfi Wedding (NOT A MOTION PICTURE) Under Auspices Music Dept. Greater Medford Club THE PAGE Wednesday Night, January 12 100 Local Youngsters Will Aid in Making the Wedding a Success ALL SEATS RESERVED. Prices 35 and 50c TONIGHT-Last Time-TONIGHT BETTY NANSEN Arthur Hoops & Dorothy Bernard IN- "The Song of Hate" Based on Sardou's "La Tosca" Nothing like it yet beheld on spoken or silent stngc. vSwny8 your soul will, subtle wizardry. 'NEAL OF THE NAVY' P A G F. Ib-'WHERE THE" ?-l " ' - - - -- - i r ii Xj CROWDS G05 TODAY (One Day Only) Llllilll l'lt'M'llts Edwin Arden J n His Well-Known Play The Eaglet Net A special V-Y-S-K Si Part l'Vatinv by Lnbin. Thrilling drama ulucli ill ajipfal tu every one. . COMING THURSDAY Jesse L. Lak (ictnniie P.trainonnt Kxtraordinary J'Vatnre, CARMEN 1'Vatnrins tin- world's f?i'catest Opera Star, Geraldine Farrar This woiidert'ul subje.-t broke all theatrical records ai the Stnuul Theater, New York, playing to 22,411 people in one day nt the admission of $&n scat. Cnr nmn" will he sung nt tho Star Thursday with tho . picture.