Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, January 10, 1916, SECOND EDITION, Page PAGE SIX, Image 6

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    'Jiff ' '
lly HEN' C. SHKfcDON.
liuvc been nHkrd to ttatc, for tlir
romler of the Mnil Trilnin, bouhj of
llio anliviit facts nnd resultH of tliu
lute J'niintnn-I'neifio exposition nt
' hflll I'TIMCISCO. With tmrtimilnr rnf.
creiico to Jaclwon county'a pnrtieij.n
tiun therein.
;. Jo tfuhi H inir iintirefWHon of t ipso
' rcsultfl, one intiht tukn a viewnoint
Hint permits a broad perspective of
the' exposition ns a whole. Viewed
thus, one ennnot fall to sco that the
general impression carried away I13
the 10,000,000 visitors was ono of
uniiualificd amirnvnl ami nrniap. Tln
flint, irivnu llui inilirMnnl fft i.l.
'-' -.. ...... uvv ilium'
fit the exposition on behalf of nn)
paniiMiiar section or product, a great
initial nlviiiitii(,e. It is hard to over
ehtiiualo this xitit in judging of the
results to ucerne from n participa
tion in tho work there. Tho average
lisitor was doubtless impreshed most
strongly by somo ono or few features,
varying wiiii Ins interests nnd tem
perament, but the value of any im
pression that ho carried away with
Mm was projKirtiountcly high or low
s tho general impression of tho fair
ns a whole was pleasing or otherwise.
AJI Well ncn-sod
I believe the assertion enn bo fairly
made that practically all tho visitora
wcru wen pleased with what thuy
cniiio to see; left with n sense of be
ing well treated and given their mon
ey'" worth. This fact is of fiit im.
portnneo. It is duo to many causes
-among which might be mentioned
the open-hcartedness of the people
of San Francisco and California;
their well-known ability to entertain
which comes largely from tin appro
elation of the economio ndvantagc of
imiting the stranger within their
gales and seeing that he i well treat
ed when he comes; the great pains
giwn to the more oMhetie side of tho
I'Ajiobition'w structure (which includes
uie exiiiihito sculpture, architecture,
lighting effects and landscape gar
lciiing), and last, but not least, tho
largo place that strictly entertaining
features placed in tliu exposition ac
tivities. So, firstly, let us clearly nijireci
uto the fticl that tho isitora went
borne with the certainty that for ninny
v...n i cunio nicy would look back
linn uie nays spent at the cnehanting
jewel city, as mnoiig (he ha)piest nnd
most entertaining of their lives,
lingo .VHciuliMiru
Tho Second inmoi-liiit !..
Hint tho exposition was very well at
tended nnd that tho attendunco was
nlnioMt limited to Americans, u very
largo proportion of whom came from
ho eastern and middle western
Mutes, from which tho const must
look for its newcomers. The total at
tendance was n little under 10,000,
000. That is n nation of people. It
s snfo to say, I bcliou-, that no sco
tion of the United Slates failed to
W'Mjl such 11 quoin or that total that
it did not riven a decided impulse
", "' "ni goon impression
oncerning H, Ieir,0 fmhi bll(oN
J know tlllS from IHn.mml .. ..
tion with Usitorb from every bection
oi tho Union.
Tho I Inn! important item is nega
tive so far ns preiil results nro con
veined. This is that the homeseeker.
" we know him, did Hot eouio west
Ins ear. It was n Hurpriau to mo
liow jury many ensteniera were de
nledly and favorably improved with
tins section of the country, but did
''t go tho rtlghtM endeneo of
I'lanniug for the immediate future of
I'oiiiiiiK out here to live. This was n
"j constant and eomiiiou rumark
"uiuiib mo rcpresentntivofc f the var
ous purl of Cnlifonua. Their dis
"PPomtment was keen. They ww
lint the ivsulU of tho exp.uit.on
Mould to he 1,101c or low, general
nd This nppheH , 01l
Mate ns wu ns to theirs.
Wlutt AImmiI Jn1kM.11 mum j ?
With this general peisis-etno let
us ...quireWhat about Oregon, and
particular y Jackson eouutv ABa.u.
b I wo it, tho grcutokt element of
benof.t to (his M-ction l.os in the part
w played in thoroughly sueecKful
whole. Oregon ,,s Mate moat ,...
flidedly ,, 0 so,. Wo heard homo
QrilioiMim dimK ,10 lW mnth oj.
two, largely duo to the Uowne m
i.emhhng exhibit,., but v.ewed from
tuurtnndpolut of the full expohition
j)onod, Oregon gained a icputation
nnd miido a lasting JmprcMon upon
tho vast number of well pleased tin.
itora, (hat was second to no section
oi tho woild. In saying ii, 1 feel
"" 1 sun piy echo tin ....w.ri :...
ma'SSiOII. freelv nn.l ..i,(l.. ...'....: .. 11.
,i,r(,fif, That this roult was ac
i""iv wiui sued u small (rola-
t tively) appropriation, speaks vol-
iwues for the good management of the
Orogon coiniiii,ion and the uttiuera
w ciirge or tiie imilding. The oom
k,Joner gave their lime nnd bet
effort frcel,v for more than two jcara
to thifl work without compensation,
Hv Ilie mtefacUon of a ti jrork
Well done. I believe that Orcgonians
owe to these gentlemen Mossri. O.
Jf.'Clnrk of T'ortland, . t Jlontlt of
Kugcnc, Senator V. L. Hnwlcy of Mc
Coy. John F. IOgan of I'ortiand ariil
W. h. Thompson of Pendleton n
fijdendid vote of huiik. It wai their
work, with that of George M. II) land,
managing secretary, that brought to
tho state an immense amount of moot
favorable attention and regard.
TJ10 Oivgon I'Milblt
I The several counties of California
-ii-m. wiui nit' Mime Kovernmeni sev
eral millions of dollars in placing be
fore tho jM'ople tho attractions that
state had to offer to investors nnd
liomesoekers. It wiw a fine exhibit.
The Dominion of (.'aiilldn lnm Imill im
- "I-
11 iwrmancnt governmental exhibit at
great co-t, which had been to Aus
tralia nnd wns collected with tho idea
that it would be sent (0 the various
nations of the world to display Can
adian resources. It also is 11 fine
In the same class was, by general
I nrmit-il mf n,.iiii .l.:i.:i r ..-.....
partly iw a matter of my own nmiise
ment and partly Tor tho infonnation
of companions for tho time being,
stepped up to attendants in the sev
eral 1)11 In CCS or on dm ..
plained that I was rushed fur li.n..
and could onlv snntui n fow hmini .
the stale and nationnl buildings, and
asKcu 1 or suggestions as to which I
should re and which I could nffoiil
to miss. It was surjn-ising how gen
ernl wns tho reply that linked the
.California, Oregon nnd Canadian
buildings together as those one must
Oregon .Made (wmmI
Yd. Oret'on inndn imml. nn.l Id..
host of visitors to tho building were
sent nwny with n good impression of
tho stato and it people ns well as the
resources mid opportunities for cap
ital nnd home-makiiig. The nttend
outs were uniformly courteous and
vied with each other in their effort
to miiko the iuoiiirer fed Hint it ,...
ft pleasure to nnswor questions nnd
uo 01 any service possible. The nt
mosphero of tho reception room, with
the only log fire in oK-n fireplace 011
tho grounds, which was also the onlv
reception room kept open to the gen
cm! public, during tho evenings, n
llected tho spirit of (Im nn.,... r
") and tho impression the stranger
j,". i mo siiiic.
Now, us to Jackson county. Xo nun
will deny that wo did our full share
toward this favorable nwnii ,....1
most will admit ,tbat wo did more than
our share, Judged from cither tho
standpoint of showing mudc or from
that pf contributions of exhibits,
vi inu.iiy aim men to (Ho work, Jack
sou county deserves and is receiving
the thanks of nil the ntate. I hao
heard visitors frm.. ..,-, -
thp Htnlo cxpreSH this sentiment. 1
believe (lie cnmmihMiiii f...,! !...
li'-lpeI them loyully and materially.
And as there wiih an immense number
of Oreronians at tho o.position, this
contribution of ours to the work in
which they nil took a well founded
Imilit 11. 1. 1 n..,:..! .1 .
,..... ..,. nmmmuiioil, IIIKIh a rc.
Hection in their feelings of common
nation and .nrnisn for il:u i..-
share in tho sen ice to tho Mule.
Appreciated Ik-tter
Wo nro uufoitiniiiixlv u r.... c-
tho metropolis and sevcinl .iid.
P'irtant bcetioiiM of Dm .!.. 11...1
people and their aspirations have tieeu
rather inisundcrstood and uudcr-up.
.recjaic.i i,y the rest of the state. I
bchevo that is far less tho case todiM
than ever brfore, duo mainly to our
part 111 Huh oxjM.Mtion. If JnekM.ii
founty gained nothing from her woik
other than Him one feature, it ,i,
money mighty well hpeni villi itIiiiiih
cumulative in nluo and evtoot.
Another impoitant fact wasth.j vl0
had a Jueksou count v exhibit in e
'iy putt of the biiililniu-. n ...v.i.
occupied U most udwiutogeou po.i
lion on the mum Hour. n,.,n...t'
giune exhibit wns at (he head of the
neiino leaning to the cc.ud Hour, the
booth diMi.euMiiu- Mmi-Ii., 1. n..
)oanes new temperance ,Mllk WII
in another corner, while the excellent
Kuor colored photo, of (Yater Lake
Mimuiil the wall from tho main en
traneo louiid to the center of the .....
invito end wall. '
To this must be added the actual
direct benefit In .1...
tho number of people w,, whom the
u.11 111113 h lepreM'iilatnes lalkvd. This
i deeidodly larue, tb..u. not a. large
iik wo had hoj.c.1 n year ago. i.,r the
mi-ou that ,vl,,tively MMM ,,,,.
ot thow to whom Koj.uo i,INPr Ulliiv
us talked were, for tho i.iwnt .
leasi, eonlemi.latii.if n ..i.u .1.
JJ-t. I mn thi ,at , ,; (llltlll
lully bear wi no ... i... 1...
valuable work done ...r the eoun.xb;
.Mr. rrohbac 1 nf .Uki...... .... . .
Mr. I lartlett of l, ,.,.. Tl, ,
imtl 1-iuirR.t ir ,mP blMIIIl Mllll M
'i opportunity sbpb, ,0miutl1(kl
,,."""' """ "'' 1'l'lc. Mi
lin.u.u,iM,,.v,l,, !:,
"Moftllly cotton im mhJ lua.l
'-pla)' ji Kcutiuo
the i.Hprek.uU. .0 ono fao, Wa, H
prukkod 011 iii iii.ilniteiiMiiii .
tiimly than thm-thut an exhibit
"WMiiittafiiiitHrworn "foatuie"
nnd It , these fealmes that bit
lowed by givt lH111,,.r ,,fw.1111i
coujunetiou nilli tnuuy other, of aiw
w. 'irfAl' Tir hx
' mW1' StaPHih ., timA
v ifflfL. nvmafg? c xm;m imem.i
z. x yjjx' mm:: w mar
KMjyLa yN. V .A i .j 2 f0'
Jewili xnl.ied at 1,000,000, which the Maharajah of Kapurthala had
gneu to hi. wife, form, rlv Anito Delgado, a Spanish dancing gul, were
lo-t whin tin Pir 1,1 u- unk in tho Mediterranean by a submarine.
ilar nature, must bo out of the ordi
nary, distinctive, "impiossiw," to
leavo 11 Instiuif iii.i.Mmsion. ami it
uiiiht he ilcniiif (o havo that iinpiOH
siou one that ia xabmbln. Southern
Culifoi niaV wonderful oullection, pre
pared at groat expense nnd with
painstaking on re, uhwilutcly failed, in
my judgment, to attract the visitor or
leau a lasting impicMou, for the
fact that it wiw absolutely couumi
tiouul. Hood Itncr'x nn
lle was the o))poMtc, And exhibil in
motion uttractcd more attention than
11 "still life" picture. And so Mr.
Haitlett's huntcr'8 (jump arrangement
of his giune speeipieus wiik most ef
fectively ninl ine.peih-iely done, and
gave a line impression of this sec
tion's uttraetious to the sportsman.
I saw and talked with probably :I00
auto tourists to whom I i-iirofnllv i.
l.lailied the attractions of 11 Iri.t into
I this section. A percentage of them
I I nNo wrote articles on this trip
"Tim n.iblln innrKet Is the Brent
regulator of local produce prices,"
wild Mrs. Hylc at tho public market
Saturday afternoon, while, there do
ing her market-day shopping. "It
solves tho problem of obtaining 'good,
fresh pioduce more cheaply and gen
erally In better condition than wo
could get them without It," sho con
tinued. "It appreciably reduces the
amount of the household budget for
tho mouth."
Inquiry among local producers of
vegetables, meats, poultry and fruits
who find ready salo for them at the
public market elicited the assurance
that a greater effort will be made
(lurlnc the comlnc season to
tho domnnd for country produce. Tho
drotitli cut short tho supply last car.
Many will overcome this on small
tracts this year by obtaining water
for irrigation purposes. In this way
thoy will Insuro'a better yield and
an Improved quality of produce.
Undor fair conditions and good
mnnagoment n public market should
succeed where the city population Is
sufficient to exact a domnnd equal
to the of tho rural districts.
Tho fact that tho Mcdford public mnr-
ket has succeeded Is duo to tho in
tercut generally taken by producers
to supply n flrst-clnss qunllty of
truck- nnd nients nnd to the modern
methods employed by Sunorlntondont
K. J. Itunynrd In Its mnnagoment.
Tho desire to patronize tho mnr
kct Is encouraged by tho ability of tho
purchnscrs to obtuln whnt thoy wnnt
In tho form of fresh produco nt fair
prices. Kreo competition Is main
tained In tho stalls of tho market,
which Is nn nssurnnco ngnlrwt fixed
prices. This prevents tho abnormally
high prices that obtain In many
places among rctnllcrs In tho stores
In which fresh produce is merely nn
Incident of tho business.
The best supply during the past
year came from tho Irrigated tracts.
Tho yield was much greater, and the
quality bettor nnd tho vegetables
and berries xvoro kept growing nnd
mnturlng during n much longer period
for sixteen newspapers and wven
magazines mid hae the promise of nn
article in Sunset which I shall pre
pare in time to bine published before
tho auto seaM.n of 101(1 opens up.
Hut the.Mi efforts uie merelv inci
dental. The big and important fact
is that our county contributed u
splendid, quota to a thoroughly suc
ceshful and highly vuluablo display
of the Mnti'V rcM.urccs at one of I In.
bivgest. best attended and thorough-
l Miti-.iiig expositions 111 the
world's historx.
1 S ' - - ry V iT0" T
Get the Range of Smoking Satisfaction
Rn "R. " n.ivi-,rir., ;f r : .f ..j 1 i :.l
al the vim, vigor and dash of Uncle Sam's fighting men. That's
why the American Army is an army of "Bull" Durham smokers.
"Bull" puts onap into their action and "punch" into their systems.
For a virile, lively, manly smoke, "roll your own" with "Bull."
ll Durham
a .1 f.. pnrp
inf.X Se mtk.
"Bull" Durham is the mildest of nil tobaccos a fragrant, mellow-sweet tbbac-
co inai soomes me nerves ana brings the happy, con
tented feeling that comes from thorough satisfaction.
Made of the famous "bright" Virginia - North
Carolina leaf, "Bull" has been the great American
smoke for three generations. There is no other
tobacco like it. You "roll your own" with "Bull" and
enjoy a real smoke.
4 BMti 1
An llluitrsted
Booklet, thow-
in nn '... n. f ...:
. .... .wm. m. -iaiciirs.
ond a package of cigarette papcia,
will both be mailed, fttt, to any
ddieu in U, S. on lcquet. Ad
dtc "Bull" Durham. Dutham,
1 rTm .. . .i! ...
Lt jajP1- ni jKcs'f .
, .. . jMhftf!PS A i I
1 This Baking Powder
Keeps Its Strength
The large can of K G lasts longer
than 25 cents worth of other baking
powders but no matter how long it
takes the user to get to the bottom
the last spoonful is guaranteed to
give perfect satisfaction. K G raises
the nicest, lightest biscuits, cakes
and pastry you ever ate, and it is
guaranteed pure and wholesome.
For goodness sake, use K C.
M. M. Dept. Store
Clean-Up Sale
But Long Lives
,, ,
The drink of all drinks nothing hotter through win
tor or .summer, butter-milk is recommended by all
medical science as a great system builder. .Fresh at
the Dairy by the glass, quart or gallon.
The White Velvet Ice Cream
TMiono J8L
322 East Main.
New Price on
You can now get the big
35-Horse Power Overland
for $695
and the
Roadster $675
f. o. b. Detroit
The biggest automobile value for the money
Geo. L. Treichler
ABent Medford
lY y