Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, January 08, 1916, SECOND EDITION, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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fwi&J v : .J!? Jfcm-i rKl 1 Jfc
llUa- -if Y& J ffnyp"" 'WnW
Tlif third iinniuil Yulo-fenst of tlio
Srundinuvinns nt St. Murk's hull on
New Year's ovo was not so woll at
tiidi'tl iih Inst your. Put those who
v ro IIkmo Kccmed to enjoy tliem--ilvo
even lietler tlinti nl any pre
vents tfiithorine; of this organization
ol jolly makers.
IVrhaiw tho most notnhlo 'fcnturo
ol the evening was tho excellent lunoh
) , .red by Mr. Kmil Andron, nnd
,i lenj: driin of Swedish folk-gnmos,
the lnt linlc not appearing until
about "J o'uloek tho next morning. A
chort but' interesting program wns
lendoied, consisting mostly of :nus
lerl pieces, nnd recitations by tho
A timiiliur of people from flranls
P.i-, Ashland, Jacksonville, Central
I'nn I, I'nlo Point, and other points
in the alley attended. Kvon such
li -taut cities ns Portland and Chi
o"o were represented.
The society selected a council of
h pciMiiiH, which hIiiiII have full
i-Iut-m' nf all the fcntivaln daring tho
'nil' and elect all the eflicers: Dr. P.
(i. Sucilcuhurg, Ashland; K. P. Ad
tin -on, Talent; Dr. T. .1. Mabugren,
Phoenix; A. T. JSIIcstud, Central
Point, and .11111108 P. Hiiiikcii and
I'rauk I.. ISctieuii, Medford, were
elected to servo on tlio council this
0. X. NeUon, who is tempornry
luo-ideat, will call tho, council to
ccther in the near future, when n
place for holding this year's midsum
mer leied will ho chosen. Tlio mayor
of Alilnnd has already invited the
Middy to como to that city; but the
iiitijont.v of tho Scandinavians there
have not taken much iuterent in the
IcMivul, and CIrauts Pass, llutto
Kal's mid Jacksonville are in tho mar
ket tor the honor.
The Home Mission Society of tho
M. I-:. Church South lilot at the church
WcdncMlny afternoon. After tho gon
einl hiihiness Hosifon a literary pro
mum mis rendered as follew: Song,
"('mint Your Menning"; prayer, Mrs.
Ilinuhuiii; llihlo loxhon, Murk 11, by
M. Ik M. Drniihum; inxtrumeiital
ilo. "Sweet Dye and Dye," with var
iation, Mr. Joe Thomas; prayer,
Mi-. Kilcy I). lleuon; i,oag, "Somo
bod,'; selection, "The Now Year at.
llriwitd, X. ('., by All. lliley D.
IUii-011; "A Trio of (Ireut Institu
tion," lead by Mr. Prank S. Ilrnn
lon; intrumontul solo, Mrs. .loo
Tlmmn; "Fall Opening at Paino An
nex at Auguitn, Oa.' by Mrs. Itobutl
Talor; "Tho Jtosponso of Texas,"
lead li. Mr. Y. C. Pico; prayer by
Mi. Prank S. Hrnndon; Work
Anieni: Italian in Tomi," read by
Mi- .1. W. Scott; "The SpnlTord Ke-MiMn-
Home for Childien," read by
M--. It. P. Pifor; prayer by Mr. K.
I.. T.i lor; song, ''I'll flo Whoro You
Want Me to Go"; benediction, Mr. II.
VI.' Di.iiihum.
Mi-. Arthur llaieliiKg oiileilained
vv.tii .1 dinner wity nt her homo on
l.'iii.-i-wtt avenue Sunday ntteinoon
in li ir of Mr. mid Mr. D. 11. Kirby
mid clnlilii'ii of Salem. Later in tho
1 ei.11iK the flreonburg colony arrived
.'lid 11 MH-iul evening was enjoyed.
I lie iriu-t included Mr. nnd Mrs. 11.
II. Kuhv and children; Mr. and Mm.
(Ivde liazelrigg and sou Worth, Mr.
MctjuUten, Miss Kllu McQiiisteii, Mr.
mid Mia. It. II. l!ulo and children,
Mi. P. M. Ljndruiii, Mr. and Mr.
I nrrc-t Kdniondes nud daughter
Catherine, Mr, nnd Mr. A. Ji. Cuu-
.?...1i tonron.
Pie .M.llnxllsl
(Cor. lOlli and Ivy)
Siindu)' school 10 a. m.
Preaching 1 1 a.m.
Preaching 7::io p.' in.
Proaohlng at firlffln rrcek
Tlio pulpit In town will I
lilted In the morulas. .Ml
prayer meeting Thumla at
All are Invited to those sei
.1. K. HltADI.KY, 1'a.
Mi- .11,1 Arm. A. .T. Umibv
1. Hind nt dinner Friday eveutof al'bcrt Drown, Mr. 1a Ituotf Mr.
1 lieu home oh Wlli itiwt fur Mr.
.id Mrs. It. H. Kirby and obihlron
n.l Mr. ami Mr. Furost EdMdc
. 1 il iiimily.
Mi- Margnrit Carley, who ba
!" n tin- gnt f W. X. CawisWU and
1 niiiix during the li"iiys, un rn
.i' lor Cortulii-, wli-r Jm i at
t ii.liiti; O. A. (
I v.ilndv, lo lia- Ihi'O
' hi- n.irrlil- .'I llii ir li"iii'
Por the pleasure of Miss Harriet
Wight of Portland, Miss Marguret
Publish entertained New Year's eve
with a watch party at her home on
Minnesota avenue. The sitraU en
joyed a theater paity at the Star dur
ing the early pari ol the evening, af
ter which they returned to Miss Knir
Hull's home, where tho remainder of
the evening was spent with games and
music, followed by a dainty two
conrconrso luncheon. Tho center
piece was a Christmas tree, at the
top of which hunk a kowpie doll drap
ed in tinsel and holding a 1111(1 greet
ing to the guests in its hand. At each
pi a co a lighted caudle nud 11 dainty
hnud-pniutcd place card was arrang
ed. The house was prettily decorat
ed with Christmas greens. The
guests were: Missus Junnitn Carsteus,
Yivinn Stewart, Dorris Layne, Kdna
Marquis, Harriet Wight, I.orena
Stratton, Delia Whisennnt, Walter
Marquis, John Wliiscnnnt, Harry
Welsh, Park Stewart, Arthur Trout-
reather, Hob Iciit, Plovd Pickcl nnd
Kollie Pally.
Margaret Irene Smith and her
Priend, D. T. I)e I.osh. who have been
holiday guests of her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. S. S. Smith, returned to
Corvallis Wednc-dnv to attend the
installation of tho Ahncck club, of
which Mr. Do I.oh is a member, into
the Alpha Tan Omega, one of the
leading national fraternities that was
organized shoitly after tho civil war.
The installation will be at the col
lege, last three days and close with a
banquet and ball -ut which Governor
and Mrs. Withyeonibe and several
other prominent men and women of
Oregon, as well as national officers
of the fraternity will be patrons and
The Golden Link Hible ela's of the
First Ilaptist church met at the homo
of their teacher, Mrs. P. W. Mcars,
on Thursday afternoon. After a shoit
business meeting, in which plans for
class work were discussed, the re
mainder of the afternoon was spent
in social chat and needlework. Mrs.
Mcars served delicious refreshments.
Owing to sickness in a number of tho
families of tho members, there was
only a small attendance, but those
present had a most enjoyable time.
Mrs. Mcars will be at homo every
Thursday afternoon to all members
of the class who may call 011 that day.
The Greenburg colony was miter
tamed Monday alternoou with n
001110 luncheon by Mrs. Clyde Ha
zolrigg at her home 011 .Minnesota av
enue for the pleasure of Mrs. 11. II.
Kirby of Salem. Covers wore laid for
twclui and tho house nnd table deco
rations wero suggestive of the holi
day season. Tho guests included:
Mrs. D. II. Kirby, .Mrs. II. P. Marsh,
Mists Florence Ilazelrigg, Mi's. For
rest Kdmendes, Mrs. Kobert Doyle,
Mis Kiln Mcljuiiibten and Mrs. Ar
thur llaclrigg.
The Paicnt-Teacheiv' circle of tho
Jackson school met Piiday afternoon
at the school building. Tlio
interesting program was given: Song,
second jrndo; concert reading, sixth
jfrado; folk dance, fouitli grade;
mule qiiurtet, seventh and eighth
grades; reading, Maiy Sox more; talk
"Thrift," Superintendent V. Moldo
Hill; nolo, Mr. J. M. Grouy; talk,
"In finance," Prutwaor JoUn W.
Kunu. After tho proginm a tluut
hutiiuos sokioii wh held, at which
time several new mcuiU'r joined the
oin le.
On Friday aftoriUMin a pleasant
surprise was given ut tho homo of
Mrs. II. C. Glaseoek, 2.11! Heatty
treat, in honor of Mm. Kthel Wint
er's birthdav. Tho afternoon was
pent in quilting and music, nfter
which light refreshment wero nerv-
sl. Those present were: Mosdames
Vimer, Franks, Slingor, HuriHM, II.
'. Wilson, W. C. Wilson, Caskcy,
Voods, Glascock; Yelwa
A'oods and Jreno Fninks.
Mrs. Pdwin Jiinuey ciitertuiiiiHl
Friday nftcrnoonwith a bridge jmrty
for the pleasure of Mn. Arthur Cuu-
'linchnni. The xuets inmuura: .Mrs.
Irthur CuDnuighMin, Mrs. D. W. Iuke,
lilrs. I'aul JHUUev. Mr. Yenion
ontor-lVuU.T. Mrs. Htsit Thierolf. Mrs. Al
Kalph Iterdwell, Mr. Irw Dodge,
Must Helen Wutt, Uura Triehlr,
Ptru llutoitiusuii ami liorwet Ful
ger. Mrs. JuMfihiNe Prsto ha bwn
Uw giKst of br on, Fraak Pitoa,
and trtinilv ut their bow oa lluo
vlt avenue, left Sunday fur bar buM
itt i Pmaviaro.
Mr and Mr P H Knl ami '-"'i-,
. VII" iiae (, 11 in.liila .uet "!
The Pan-Hellenic association en
tertained with its annual luncheon
Friday, December HI, nt the homo of
Miss Susan Deuel on South Onkdale.
The guests were the sorority girls,
homo for their Christmas vacation,
1 mm their respective colleires. The
luncheon was n dninty four-course
affair, the members of tho club pro
gressing from table jto table wirli
each course. After the luncheon
curds were enjoyed for tho remain
der of the uftcrnoon. Thoe present
were: Tho Misses cra Olmstead,
Ifuth Lawrence, Lcuoro Vance, Lu
cille Messner, Cross, Luclllo Marshal,
llertha McKinncy, Hazel Iltiucr.
Theoue Cm kin, Susan Doucl, Louise
Williamson, Hess Kentner nnd Mcs
dames Koherl Hannnond, Olen Arn
spiger, K. W. Klden, Vernon Vawlcr,
Herman Harrison,
Tho irohl medal contort iriven under
the nuspices of the W. C. T. U. nt
.St. .Mark's hall December 17. 31)15,
was a decided success. All conlost
unts do-orve much credit for the mas
terful manner in which they handled
their i;u'jects. Tho three matrons
taking part deserve much credit for
their havimr found time in their husv
lies to deole to this noble woik.
The two young ladies deserve special
mention for the part they took in this
contest, ns they, too, are busy work
ers. Ulieir tcachar. Mi's. McDonald.
was untirinir in her efforts to brimr
out tho very best in every contestant
ami to her they felt they owed their
success. Miss Grace I. Drown won
the lovely medal.
Miss Xettie D. Frniuro of thii citv
and John D. Goodrich were united in
marriage at Salem, Xew Year's day.
Mrs. Goodrich was formerly in tho
millinery business with -Miss Louus-
hury. Mr. Goodrich is one of tho
popular young bu. incss men of this
city, identified with the Toggery
Clothing house. Mr. and .Mrs. Good
rich returned Momlav and will he ut
homo to their 'many friends, who will
be delighted to welconio them ami
who express the wish that good for
tune fa"or them abiinduntlv in a Ions
life of happiness.
Mr. and Mrs. Herman Harrison en
tertained a number of their friends
Thursday evening, December HO, for
Chostcr Putney, home tor the I1.1 1-
day from Dausmtiir, Cal. The even
ing was spent in jrames. after which
all adjourned to the (cii, where 11 lit-
tlo Christmas tree was celebrated.
and refreshments served. Those
present were: Misses Hazel Putney,
Wilna Harrison, Ksthor Harrison.
June White; Messrs. Hnmict Palmer,,
Norns, Chester. Putney. Mr. and .Mrs.
T. J. Gilford and Mr. and Mrs. J.
Herman Harrison.
On January . the Wcduesdnv Study
club had for its topic tho "Southern
Countries of South America." After
a hummnrv ofciirieut events by .Miss
Young, the regular program follow fellow follew
ed: Mrs, Hutchinson's paper 011
"Dolivm and Its Development" was
of great interest, Mr. Deuel read
an entertaining paper on "Paraguay"
and Mw. Crews handled tho subject
of "I'niguay" in an inleroHling and
comprehensive manner. The club ad
journed to meet again January It).
The (I. A. IL and W. It. C. had
joint installation at the Hodmen's
hull and elected the followim; offi
cers; Elizabeth Mulholleii us nrei-
dent; Fruiiees Metz, S. P.; Moioy
Hall, J. P. After installation all went
to the banquet hall, where a bounti
ful supper was lerved, everything
mortal man could want.
The Woman's Home Missionary so
ciety of the First Methodist oliuroh
will bold its louular monthly meotinsr
on Friday, Janury II, at tho homo
ot .Mrs. T. G. Heine, 1PJ1 Past Main
struct. The study of the now text
book, "Home Mission in Action."
will bo started with Mrs. X. J. Wiloy
us loader. '
Tho Wct Side Danciu? club was
cnturtainod by Mr. und .Mrs. Fred
IlHnieblirsr Wedliusdav ni'imiiw u-itli
u dunuinif imitv in the small hull of
tho Xatatoiium.
The youiur. ladies of tho Catholiu
church oHtortaiued their mouther nnd
lneinls with h card party and daneu
at tlw parish ball Friday owning.
Mr. J. P. Ktfddv. who ha been
ftUMuliiic the winUr ia San PmuPiaea.
pd through MiMlfonl Tuesday
vveuiag on her wnv to .Spokane.
J1S. .i rtkut .1 I iiiiniinfliu.. ...
WUIistM, K P., ii tut sacst tit bcr!
parents, Mr. and Mr. D. W. Luke
Mr und Mi- Nitli It uli- .!.- ij J Mi- 1 I
i-t- t Mi ..i.l M 1 . Anli. N ' II'"'-'
V . . . I.l.
gBgjHfff' rrvumrEMnr 1X11 .tJK V
aaaaV'rAUataSMUamBRT EJmaJF
JannnnnnnnnBKrt!8LBwCVv iavlLnn
ibbPbBBw(Ps9H -1' ' ."saawKBV
BBBBBBSwSJiiaftT fix 1ffXKSiB9S-''vBflBi
jBBBnrf?? lJrJwvSLisUSBBwBBR
BBBacBwt- :y si ttWhbbmKobIbWbi
llliss and Mildred lUine enteitiin
ed informally Wodne day evening for,
their cousin, Lewis Procb'-ting, vtho
is ntteudnig school at the Piiiver-ity
l fi.l. IV. ....... .....t it, ....... .1,.... Ilw. t
III I llllliri lllll mm in nii-iiuiiK "'v
holidays at the home of Dr. nud Mrs.
T. G. Heine. The evening wns spout
with games nud guessing contests, lif
ter which dainty refreshments were
served' cafeteria style. Tho guests
included the Misses Gladys Xatwick,
Helen Lydiard, Lornino Cowgill,
Georgia Whillock, pa Jnno Osborne,
Dernico Dalcoin nnd Deatrioo Sim
inons; Messrs. LewiR Proclwting,
Xolo Lindley, Kobert Lindley, Jlilo
l'owcrs, Leon Lawton nud Kalph Dal
coin. Mr. Procbsting will lonvo Sun
day for Derkelcy, wliero ho will ro.
siime his studies.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Pu'rdin onler
tiiiued tho following guest with a
Xow Year watch paity at their home
last Priday evening: Missea Grace
Davis, Mae .Meadows, Annabel Olson,
Myrtlo Meadows, Gortrado Troal
feather, Kthcl Troutfoather, Valoru
Hughes, Itutli Hughes, Pidela Mor
an, Lura Pouts, Leila MelVugnll,
Feni McKilligan, Virginia MuCreigh,
Ada Coggins, Myrl lJavi and Ilvu
McClnin; Dehmar Wnrren, Pail Hy
att, Prank Wallace, Hubert Scheiiok,
DurroM McClain, Pied Stockurd, Or
illo Ilurr, Plmer K. Vroinsn, Ilumur
McClnin, Mr. and Mr. Puidtn.
Miss Mabel Meal's and mother, Mr.
P. J. Mcars, who havo been viailing
relative during tho holidays, loft 011
Thursday for their homo nt Klamath
Falls. They weio acconqmiiiud by
Mrs. P. A. Kittridge, who will visit
111 Klamath Pulls lor aoiuo time, and
later join Mr. Kittridgo in Klamath
Mr. G, A. Anderson and aon Al
ton, vvhij have been viaiting Mr. An
derson' mother, Air. It. C. Miuear,
of Xorth Ivy street, loft for their
homo in Poitlaud.
Mi Harriet WiitM, who ha been
tho guost of Miss Margaret nglish
during tho holiday, ruluruod to bar
home in PoitUiul Monday avnuing.
Tho Miaaea Unaino Itlitan and
lono Flynii roturned Tueaday from
(1 111 11 Is Pam, where Uioy hava been
visiting Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Plynn.
Mr. G. P. Johnson and children of
Wet Tenth trett hav returuad fruni
a visit with relative ig Portland, Kv
urutt and Seattle. '
Mr. nnd Mr: P. H. IIopkiMa ralar
tainod with a Xew YugV la nnd
daneo Saturday aftcrgang nl tbair
home at Central Point.
Mr. and Mr. Prank i'jnnion enlar.
(HiHtHl Xew Yar' with a dnuo-
ing and card party at Uwir Ikwm 1
Koosevelt avenue.
Mi-- Oirliu.le Waabs waa bostasa
.. 1 1 1. i.tii 1 1 ... I, i.Imw. Is mA Lm L..ia
'nh 111.111 "- WM '-
1 1.'
'I'lie n business meetiiur nnd
clcition of ofliccrs J'or tho coming b the Altar society of the
(alholie chu'vh was held Wednesday
afternoon at the parish hall. Tho
following ofliccrs wero elected: Pres
ident, Miss Knto Kelichor; vice
president, Mrs. G. C. Garrett; second
vice-president, Mrs. P. A. Gliddcn;
secretary and treasurer, Mm. Charles
The Christian pndenvor of the
Christian oliuroh elected officers for
the ensuing year at their regular bus
iness meeting Friday evening: Pres
ident, Herbert Dorrian; vice-president,
Miss Ignore Godlovo; corro
Hindiug secretary, ltussell Wallace;
recording secretary, Miss Marybcllo
lloiuou; troasuror, Howard Grover;
pianist, Mi Lenoro Godlovc.
Mr. nnd Mrs. J. Herman Harrison
entertained P. C. Krilm nnd family
nud J. T. Harrison und family at din
ner Now Year's day. Ono fcnturo of
the decorations was the tiny decorat
ed Christmas tree in tho center of
tho dining tabic, in keeping with tho
holiday season.
The Misses Sum Van Motor nnd
Myrtle Chiyvillo havo returned to
Mouuiouth to rfsiiino their ludiim nl
the Oregon State Normal after spend
ing tho holiday with friends and rel
ative and also attending tho slilo
Dr. and Mr. T. G. Heine ontertaiu-
ed informally Tuiwday afternoon.
Cover were laid for Dr. nud Mrs.
Clancy, Winifred und Kobert Clnnoy,
Mrs. Procbsting, Luwi Procbtiug,
Itlis ami Mildiod Heine, tho host and
There will be n meeting next Wed
nesday evening nt tho horn of Mrs.
S. A. Nye, tt Kaet Alain street, to
organise n Wbukespeato olub, in
which anyone wishing l fti.dy
Hhukesiieure is invited to attend.
The Neighborhood Shakiwpearo
club met nt the home of Mr. and Mis.
West ou North Dartlctt street Mon
day ovouinir aud the studv of "The
ilorehaut of Venice" wit returned.
'ftp regulnr weekly business and
soeitfl meeting of tho "Dubious De
eorum elub"'naa hold Tneday at tho
home of John Purknr, 815 W. Knight
The, Ladle' Aid f ihe Presbyter
ian church Meats -in the ohniiel Tucs-
da nftariMMM ntttdO. All the hullo
of t!st eitngregalioa aio invited.
Mi-s Kuth Xve letuwod to Kiigeno
Isi-t Suinluy after upending tho huli-dav-
uiiii her uarout, Mr. und Mr.
s A Xve. of Kat Main atieut.
Mi Mildred Drown, ho was a
hobduv giiot nl the home of Mr. and
Mi-. P. . II. .ili, returned to Pq-
jeii, I" II -nip 1 t, r -hiilni.
I I. ' A to tin.
:siiiir eluh at her ln.nn ..1,
"in i" Tue-il.n ulti iiiui'ii
r ' it rd
Tlio regular monthly meottuK ot
tho Greater Medford Club was hold
In tho assembly room of tho library
Monday afternoon and was given over
entirely to business pertaining to thr
club work.
After tho reading ot the mtnutcs of
tho preceding meeting nnd treasurer's
report, Kcv. Shields was given an op
portunity to nnnounco Urn coming
January Hth of Skorgnnrd, Don
mark's srent violinist, with eight oth
er finished musicians under tho aus
pices of tho Ministerial Association,
llev. Shields nskod for tho support of
the Creator Medford Club, which was
promptly given.
Mrs. Porter Xcff made n strong ap
peal to tho club nnd ladles of Mod
ford for nomo substantial support for
better quarters for tho young women
ot tho Stato University.
Mrs. Stoddnrd, chairman ot tho
civic department ot tho Greater Med
ford Club, then presented plans for
n reception nnd exhibition or art to
bo given tho afternoon of January 14
at tho Holland Hotel. The artist, Miss
Dorland Robinson, Is n nntlvo daugh
ter ot Jackson county, nnd wo arc
proud to Introduce her beautiful
work to tho many lovers of beautiful
pictures in Medford. The G. M. C.
aro devoting all their efforts this year
to the musical and civic departments
and tho need ot funds In most ap
parent and to this end a Tom Thumb
vvoddtng will soon bo staged.
Mrs. Stoddard urged tho forming of
neighborhood clubn for tho purpooa of
beautifying streets, cnrlng for vacant
and unsightly lots nnd watering trees
planted In pnrklngs whoro tenants
or owners fall to do so.
Tho beautifying of Itcservolr
Hill nud tho adjacent land ot five
acres is In progress. Mr. Hull of tho
manual trninlng department of our
city schools, hns superintended tho
making of rustic tnbles, scuts nnd
benches by tho boys nnd tho 0. M.
club to thank both Mr. Hull nnd tho
boys who havo dono thin work gratis,
A committee was appointed to con
fer with Mr. Kd Androwu In regard to
a future dnto for tho production of
Iolnntlte, tho proceeds from which
will bo divided with tho Greater Med
ford club.
A letter from Mrs. Caroline 1M
wnrds of Portland, Malno, asking for
support to n fund for the purchaso
nnd malntalnntico of Longfellow's
homo was rend nnd tabled.
A letter wns rend from tho presi
dent ot the Antl-Vlvlscctlou club of
Now York, urging women to work
for tho dofcat of tho Owens bill which
provides for compulsory trentment of
school children by n class of men
styled Political Physicians which ex
cludes every school except nlopnths.
A motion was mado and carried to
ask every woman In Medford to bo
como n member of tho Greater Med
ford club nnd also appeal to thono
who havo not paid tholr dues to
promptly comply with a request to do
bo as funds nro needed to meet cur
rent expenses.
Miss Mnurino I lia tt enlcilaiiicd tho
High Jinks club Thursduy evening nt
her homo on West Main street. Tho
following incmbers were present:
Jenn Pudge, Murgnret Souttor,
Gladys Peait, Katherino Siver, Mario
Gatis, Sadie Lacy, Jean Anderson,
Louise Williamson, Flora Welch.
Miss Lucille Marshall has returned
to her school iu Klnmiith Palls after
spending tho holidays with her par
ent, Mr. and -Mm. G. P. Marshull
of South Onkdnlo avenue.
Mrs. 0. L. Davidson entertained at
dinner Monday evening for Mrs. C. It.
Itowmaii, formerly of Mcdl'ord, who
is visiting friends in tho city during
the holidays.
Tho regular meeting of Kcumos
chapter Tuesday evening, January
PJ, ut Masonic liall at 710. This will
he social ovciilug and installation of
Mrs. M. M. Dole and daughter
have returned home after an nhscuco
of several mouths from a delightful
trip to tho east, Honolulu and Cali
fornia. Mr. P. P. Merrick entertained tho
Fridny Dridgo eluh with a 1 o'clock
luncheon Friday afternoon ut her
homo on Past Main street.
Mr. and Mrs. H. P. Lumsden en
tertained the Norwegian Whist club
at their home 011 South Holly Thurs
day evening.
Mrs. Vernon Viiwter enteilaiiied
tho Girls' Thursday Dridge club nt
hur homo 011 Koto avenue Thursday
The center has been verv fortun
ate in securing Dr. McKinlev of
Portland t"r the February open meet
ing, at vvbirli time he will deliver a
lecture on 1 1 -1 1 1 1 iiu-s laiii"ii- 1 "in-
Hiiuu. im M. u.Trua
1 A
i -iiir iiiimian hhasu. x
(&4M. ";.,. HI... B,.V0
Vv TJ I !'. mk. HIV KiUaa, V
cdy, "Tho Frogs." ITo will nddrcs.t
tho high school pupils ou tho morn
ing of his nrrivnl.
For Mnreh, Dr. Rates, who occu-Wtf-
tin Imir of Enc'ish literature
at tho University at Eugene, will nlso
nddress tho high school pupils on
"Contempornncous Drama," in tho
morning, and in tho evening will pre
sent 601110 of his own dramatio work.
Dr. Dates has written tho scenario
for the" pngenut which is to bo used
.ill tho Shakespeare tercentennial ccU
ebrntion at Eugene. His pageant is
based upon n beautifully fantastic
and allegorical conception of tho
early history, development nnd pres
ent achievements of the great stato
of Oregon.
Tho management of tho Page the
ater wishes to express its great np
preciatiou of the co-opcrntion which
tho locnl center recently extended to
it in connection with tho Forbes
KobcrtHou nud lllington engagements,
and also wishes to thank tho theater
public for its generous rcsponso to
their efforts in bringing both attrac
tions here. With the league's support
and tho public's faithful response, wo
can feci nssured that tho management
will continue to afford us somo of tho
bookings which nro being offered in
the country this season. So, let us
give to "Tho Bird of Pnrndiso" ono
of our old boom-time audiences.
If CroHH, l'Vvcrlsb, Sick, Illllotu,
CltMin Mltta IJvei' nnd IIovvols
Children love this "fruit lnxatlvo,"
and nothing else cleanses tho tender
stomach, liver nnd bowels so nicely.
A child simply will not stop play
ing to empty the bowols. and the re
sult Is, they become tightly clogged
with waste, liver gets sluggish, stom
ach sours, then your little ono be
comes cross, half sick, feverish, don't
cat, sleep or act naturally, breath Is
bad, system full Of cold, hns soro
thront, stomach actio or diarrhoea.
Listen, Mother! Sco If tonguo Is
coated, then glvo a teaspoonful of
"California Syrup ot Pigs," nrtd In a
few hours all tho constipated wasto,
sour bile nnd undigested food passes
otu of tho systom, and you havo a
woll, playful child ngatn.
Millions of mothers glvo "Califor
nia Syrup of rigs" because It Is per
fectly; children love It. and
It never falls to net on tho stomach,
liver nnd bowels.
Ask jour druggist for a 50-cont
bottle of "California Syrup of Pigs,"
which has full directions for bnbloa
children ot all ages and for grown
ups plainly printed on tho bottle. Ho
ware of counterfeits sold horo. Clot
tho gonulno mado by "California Pig
Syrup Compnny." Ilcfuso nny other
kind 11111 contempt. Adv.
Affect Instil-unco
or All Kinds
Tolcphonn 1S3
Sparta Uldg.
Bargains in
200 Tnroo-ycar-old
Caroline Testout
Poses for salo at a bargain
Tho finest roses In Medford
from tho host roso liedgo In tho city.
Tho Caroline Testout la a pornet-
unl bloomer, largo pink rosea and
tho best hedgo or Btroet roso for this
Pierce, the Florist
Camera Shop
208 Enst Main Street,
Mod ford
Tho Only Exclusivo
Commercial Photographcra
in Southern Oregon
Negatives Mado anytimo'or
placo by appointment.'
Phono 147-J
We'll do tho rest
E. D. WESTON, Prop.
I 11
iifur ( 1 nir.ii 1
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I 1-.. Inn .! - .11. .1 1 in
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