Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, January 08, 1916, SECOND EDITION, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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    4' J , 1 1ll HWWBOJwwttwji(.',JilJ'-.JWrWMN(lW
it Mt..ii.i t i ,, t-T- --- ' ' t
Mr. unci Mr. Samuel 1'. "Wilson, of
Chlcnpo, Illinois, am onjorlng a vIh
lt In Medford niul vicinity thla week.
They woro jioi tloiilnrly Interested In
ft study of tlio exhibits of fiult. veg
etables nmt ciofiln nt tho Commer
cial olnl) jontcrdny evening nnd ob
tftlnod n goodly quantity of lltornturo
notjCornlnB tho ranourcoii of thl coun
ty nnd tlit'Ir dovolopinent. Mr. Wll
wn It a member of tli Clilemto Iw
nnd Order Loagno nnd ho, arcompnu
Ind by Mm. "Wilson, In malting a
lnlsmoly tour of th northwestern,
wontnrn nnd goutliwoatern portion
of tho Unltod State. Mr. Wilson is
tho nuthor of ninny book ou . dlver
JUy of subjects. Ho Is collPrtliiK n
triltlmd of mntorlal for nnntlinr pub
llontlon, on tlio nreiwrs-tlon of which
lie will begin whon he nnd Mr. Wil
son shnll hnvo riiiMed tholr task of
"Boding Amtirlea Hist," as Mr. Wll
5n dwierlhod thnlr lour or Investi
gation. Madnm Davonporl ronowned palm
ist nnd clnlrvoynnt Colonlnl Apt.
Henry McConib, of I'orllimd,
Mu I nt), litis boon visiting (ho ftogito
Jllvjr country for n month, llo will
iflturn to IiIh nntlo stale boforo tho
mlddlo or till mouth -with a wnnlth
or luformittlou Tor hi ftlundi and
neighbors In the farther corner of
our c6tintry.
Mr8,..oach, Ahdo-Support Harcloy
sujglilni, corset. 320 N. Unrtlott. '
T, Trnvora, of Sjrnciiso, Now
Jyork, vfim Iijih bi'Oii looking over
' tiriutliurn Orogon and Nortliorn Cal
ifornia for a month or mo, nut down
, fioni Anlilnnd yesterday uftoriinoii
for a final viilt with no-mndn nc
iiunlntiincos In thl city boforo hi
Htart for homo, llo I iwpoclally In
torostod In tho mineral rniourco In
tho roglon juit Inwistlgntod.
nutto Kftllfl Wood yard Phono -IS
or 2.23. Wood nil kinds. 2B7
fllobnrt Kryo, of Hugctio. thl slate,
In In tho city on business for two
or three days,
Voto for Martin McDonoiigh for
vMf tecordor. 2 IS
Mih. I.tiiirn (.. Mori III, of Do
MbltiOH, 1dvn, who ha been visiting
In vnrloti pnrtH of thl vnlloy for
nearly two month, will loao early
uoxt wcoU for her homo.
Whun Iiolfor Insurance. I sold
llolmos, tho Inmirauco Mnu, wilt sell
Albeit Johmon, n former news
paper than of Seattle, but now a fruit
iHt of tho Yakima country, enjoyed
it glnncA'nt our valley dining the
grimier part of thl wook. Ho will
visit the Hood river country mi bin
return homo next weok.
2S off on Kodaks at Weston's
Catnurn Shop.
GHmrloy Msywell will tabs oIihikb
o a (on-ncre trad ho recently lent
oil In tho Willow SpihtM district.
Uo m) ho will tnlso fol onl for
llOHja and Hint the latter will bo
rufnly for tho innrket Mbout the tlmo
tho price for hog ou foot will 1ihh
ronotiml tho norinni rignrH again, llo
f Inure 1015 a an off )nr In
which estimate ho li much supiiort
Voto for Martin McDoiioukIi for
oily itMordor. SIS
It I not probable that the dairy
ohtltHt ot, Jackson county will In
oiuaitt muoh, If Hiiv, thl )oar. I'td
I too iHMrte Hint therfoit too high
In piieo to lugln with tutl the pros
pact fit another year or drouth, with
no Irrigation In lame area of (ha
ullH) to o vei conic It, U too great
to. rlak anlarglug the dairy herd an
Skovcaard, Denmaik' Uratot
VluJUiUt, and New York M(rooll
tan Co. at tap .'atUrlum Jan II.
AilllHtoalun BOo. Ticket on aale at S5i
fl'ho aiidHfall on the Niirroiindlng
(MHinlaliia la teimrtwl to u lew at
lilt ttw or Ike j ear thau ror many
ynra It, )Ndd, It ar mm lea.
i. Q. Qarklng, the tMiat alt around
Photograph!- in win them Urcgon.
A I way teltabl. NVgatho hm4 any
whora. tima or plaee. Studio SIS
Jlaln it. I'hone 3J0-.I.
Uarttoti plot about the elt are
balag etaurd up and etkerataa put
.In rafdUMaW for early planting thl
JMU'. 'irMH4l& to $l wonk or gar-
' tm truck- la rreqtHotl hl4 from
the baekjard or an ordinary houaa
l Id (hla cit) .
Wratoji Cgnifra Shop roi flrat elug
KtjtUaMt rifkUblag gud Kodak xupplla.
JtiMt ynold. of Hip nteloH
ootMlrr. MUd larga blu-k bear
OH Taaaday In n rrl! pasiura uear
ilia hut. Ho had tiu ounu hoga.
of which inyivrloiiit dluppr
ad fw day prior to that luv The
apptaiaojr of th ln-ar nr Tuosdg)
moralux exilalnd thf nptei
. 9twtal Krieta oh ograva cards
mv f" -' Plata lor a few
day t ik aiadtord PrlatUti Co.
Joh'Mabrr will go tu Kiiata
Nalaaf, CaUforata. totuorrot to iloa
. "mmt Is cult hate a large aire-
"' '' whaat land aith hi tractor
' r He lia iii sou acma.
" iMTfi Wtm mmi Uil Mr in.
i).inri jinlte OWUe IUII TrlHune
Kd AMIllnms, or the IiuKsoinllle
district, who was Injuied Hcrlmislt
a month ngo, when n tiee IioukIi Tel!
on blin and bruised his head and
shoulders sovorely. Is nble to be out
again. He says some mountain trulls
arc danRProilH hlfthways when the
wind Is blowing n kuIu.
Jf. Purdin, Iwiwycr, Itoom 4 0C M.
f. & h. mils.
.T, If. Warren, who has been con
riued to his homo ror ton dnvs with
tho provallliiK, Is out nulu.
1'lerco tho Florist ror flowers.
Phono 374.
It I believed, ou tho evidence of
proKiesA now IioImk itiado, that a
larKo registration of voter tor the
next couutv election will be made In
most or the prednots or the count).
RinoUo a KIiik Hpltz olgnr, He
Thoy are homn-mndo. tr
At the Methodist chinch tomonow
p cuing ii special feiituro ot tho ser
vice will be the music by the Med
rord Conceit oichimtru. A ipeclnl
service. Dr. Itolllns will ieak on
"The Mini Who Dlitlhlncd a King
dom." The pulillo I chrdlnlly ln li
ed lo hoar this proKiniu.
Drs. A. It. and l.oulsu IIoiIkos, chi
ropractic physician, Stow ait build
ing, "i', lat Main St.
The SchoOlmnator'ft club Is hold
liiK h meetliiK this artoiiinou at the
hlKh school. Prominent jiiiidiik the
several speakeis ou tlio proKruiu ror
the iirtornoon is Dr. Deltusk, at tho
head of the depaitmeut or educutlou
In the l'nlverlt or Olefin. Not
withstanding the stormy weather, a
good nttendnnio Is onJoyitiK the meet
ing. Hot tamnles nt Hhasta.
Mimiliers of the foico or foietit
raiiKoi-s In this illHtrlct. sevoti in
number, have hold tuo or'thiee moot
ing at the chlor's office In this city,
nt which piohlonm that most con
cern the service and the promotion
or it lutei est Iihnc been given se -Ions
Plorco tho Florist, Phono 371.
Tho three oiiiik men arrested nt
their residence ou Oiaugo sheet In
this city on suspicion or beliiK ottv
thieves, weio bound over to the nmnd
Jury In Justice Taylor's court and
tnhon to (ho county Jail In Jackson
ville. The (onresslon or one or tho
trio served to clear up a number or
petty robbeilos In this city and vi
cinity during the past seernl wook.
Insure your nnto in tho Alllnnco
against thott. :iro. O. Y. Tongwald.
Night orricer Ciawfoid Is confin
ed to his homo with la grippe. When
the chief called him up by 'phone
to ask how ho roll and wheie ho
felt most, he replied that he felt
woro all oor than nnywhoio else.
Owing to tho scarcity or live poul
try Mcdrord Poultry Ar Kgg Co., are
offering 13c per pound for 1iohv
hen; llo per pound for light hous; per pound Tor young roosters.
Ml othor kinds higher. 2 17
Pracllciilly all or tlio work on tho
Itogue Itlver Cunal Co ' system above
the llradshnw drop ha been compter
oil. Thai Include the now cunal con
minting tho south fork ot Kittle
Miitli' with the main steni.
(late sella Font est, J200 down
nnd K.'i a month.
Hiram Watt, or Hilt. California,
I In I he cltv todav, mulling IikiuIij
for IrriKiitod laud ror rent. Mr. Hilt
Una been In tho timber biisluo ror
some .war In the HUkl.soii moiiiitnlus.
II W Itlnghaiii left iitunlay ror
a mouth' vtlt In California.
Pierce tho Flotlut tor flowers.
Phono 871.
The Mlaalouary oclo or' tho llup
tlt church will hold a special meet
ing TutMMl) afternoon Jantfary 11
In the upsiulr kkhii ir the church.
Ml meiHliHr of tli society and con
gregation are urged to attend n there
I Important bulitt to trsnaact.
(liMid dry wood 1.50 tier dollv
rwl. Call W. Freato. :70-lt. tf
HurglMr jimmied opeu h rear win
dow of the Kagle infe on Main strtntt
11 night, and rohiit( the caah reg
ister ot jsi In rash Nothing ele
lu thp oater houne wa dlturbiHl.
it Car the hurglat or burglar ni
ar in have uwvxHfully concenled
their Identity or made their eope
Tha authorities are qulntl; bu ou a
clue or two
Warra tha Plorlat. Phono ST I.
H lluiiliaril, of Heagle. I Hans
acting bimliiess In Mulford toda
tller Ualne. uf (l(. Trail creek
eountrv, I doing Uiaineaa In this clt
thl wak.
Tiy a King 8pt cigar and en
eouraga home Indnatry. if
Atioraey K. I Urlgg. of hlnd
did legal biiMlneH In thU city and
JecksoHVitte toda
Thereiwit thai K M Bramwell h.i.l
beeu hurrledl) culled lu Salt Lake
m jom in i go ii( UMr wln WM1
ffrenr a eiroueou-i He ha r. !
mala! In Urant Pan J
Typewriter paers of all kind at
the Mrdrord Printing Co.
Cieoige Watte, of Pasadu c..ii i
fornla. who ha been iUtluit iu Hi. '
Hoiuhfin Oregon eouutle roi ,.
wek. will nMitrn home arh ii.m
week Mr. Walte ha wade .. ,
fnl iud of Mir pronitaeat uii.Ute
uihhI raeurt.
iiA. .. ... i .
uwuui aiaaa oc nor m at t(w
m HaaMI, or 1
. ht a rail v ,
'PIN 111 III" Vlll
M IIolilorHOli, .iMompanlrd In
Mis llolderson, whose home is In
Untie, Montana, Is looking owr the
Itogue tlvor eountrv thl week Mr
nnd Mrs. llolderson hine-been enjo
Inj; a tour or the const, from Mexho
to llrltlh Coliimbht, hnlng Mslted
both of the )lg falls In California
and are Just now i ('turning The
wcip much nttrnrtcil to Itogue ilver
vnlloy us thoy passed through It last
October nnd coniiuifml to know more
about It, Mr. llolderson is a mining
and stock man uf prominence In Mon
tana. '
Tlio funoral or the lalo Mis. I,.
Ii. Keamos wlHHw hold at the Week
fk Mcdownn clutfial Sunday, January
!, at I SO o'cleck: In the afternoon
Interment will bo lu tl I O O F
Harg llallornii, or Contrnlla, Wash
ington. I looking over the Jackson
county country this week with a view
to becoming inteiosted lu our ngrl
cultural ilpvolopmoiit. He has aban
doned tho hop-raising business In
Washington. Ho says tho hop ncrc
ago lu that slate will be growth re
duced on account or tho prohibition
Alex Ilentli-y, or Marshrield, Is In
thl city today on business.
Mr W. W. Harmon of (Irnnts
Pass arrived Friday for a week's visit
'with fi lends In Mcdfoid
Another Jull break has been re
ported fiom (Irnnts Pass. The Don
nollj hrotheis, sentenced tor violation
or the prohibition law to Hues or JTiO
and CD day liupilsonniPiit, calinlv
walked out or Jail Thursday night,
soiuo one kindly unlocking the Jail
doors with dupllciito keys They
have not been lien id or since.
Miss Olive Hi own or Omnia Pass
1 vhtltlng her sister, .Mrs. A. Jt
Oi.cnry, or thl clt. who Is III.
LONDON, Jan. K - Utempts
were made today to induce the labor
members or tho government who
bine resigned lo reconsider their po
sltlon. Arthur Henderson wrs In
vited to see Premier Asiiulth nnd the
two men met Into In tho arternoon
Aftorwaid Mr. Henderson hnd an lu
torvlow with Andrew llonar-I.nw,
secretary tor the colonies. '
Vnilous suggestions were discussed
at these conreiences, but Into last
night It was undeistood Hint Mr.
Henderson anil his colleagues, Wil
liam Draco nnd Oeoigo P. Roberts,
who toslgnod Thursdny. respectively
as parliamentary iinder-secrelary tor
home affairs, and lord commissioner
of tho treasury, adhered to their de
termination to iiilt tho ministry nnd
that tormal letters to this cHocl will
bo sent to the premier Monday.
Much Is hoped rroni the reopening
or the Hsrl or Dolby's recruiting
scheme. The Chronicle cpieae the
heller that (ho premier's conscilptlou
bill will undergo some inodiriciitlous
lu It committee stage which will
alleviate the situation.
llCNXCLI. Freeman W. lluuuell
ilicil Thuiilii night, .Ihiiiiiii.v II, ut
Itiw iPHi'itpiife on (Iaitilil ntivel, Ali
loml, Hller n Imef iIIiicm. with pueu
mouin. lie wuh 71 sear- of ue ami
n inline of .Ma i ii i'. For rniv. he wiri
n iiiiuing pnihpci-tor, workuiK " t Ik
iieiglilioiliooil of (Inthillo. Cnl. Dm
cliiiieh alfilinlioii hii with the Con
KiegotioualjotM. lie vn hUo n mem
ber of the (I. A. K. niul MiiMinie or
der, liohliiiir HieMibeikhip in the latter
IhmIv hi Ui In cite .tiiluc. Nil IS,
Ki'Hdl'ielil, Me. He feilM- ii itc nnd
dnitghler. I'iiihuiI M'niiT. uill ln
held on Moiulu.v, Jnnuarx III. mid an
eenrl I'ihimi lliiiuide Po.i will r.
enrt the icniaio to their lnl n'-iuii:
What llut You llceii Looking I'm'.'
Metiltil White Unlmeut la a prepa
ration that giea antlafaetlon whore
a pain killer and healer i needed.
We do not bellow )ou could get a
better llnlmeut ut un pi Ice Price
2". .'. $1 i:dUMie ageiiix, 11 a s
kiu. Drug Slori d, if
t:.o,a !:t Coaor'.Nr.
He lut- ! n iiUm-imI iH'U iuII
af I I In ni). liiillrli il mi urloua i llari;-
mow nil. mu of hi- at
Ming 1ai- iirlnoa. N'e Yark. hera
Ik tnaMct aoiortt) hy lijhHIirting huv-
I prlepn i fcin
"WPP "",s
ikVJ "'
I -Jil"iW" ."
Louis cj. Smtiliv
I. oiii- ,1. Smith, ullcccil n lie mi
ngciil in the eoiispiraev lo ihiuuiiite
hlui- niul r-iipplic- loi the ulli('. llo
luix been held lo ilunl ot Sun I'imiii
POItTLAND, Jan S -lloimsnow
tell Friday tliioiigliout the northern
and wosteru parts or Oregon, In the
Portland vicinity the depth being
tour to sk (mhos.' At I.n Orande,
Ore., a high wind developed tonight
and every precaution Is being taken
to keep ihaunel of traffic open. The
Columbia rlvor ia froien over In
place and one boat nt least was
fioion In the Ice. At The Dalles, the
farmers welcome the heaw snow as
protection for their cropx aaalust the
fioezlng weather that has prevailed.
The temperature dropped nlno de
gree above zero this morning. In
the Hood I tlvor district ot Oiegou the
snow wa a toot deep this morning
Storm warning were ordered out at
the month of tho Columbia iher to
(Continued on page the.
when th tin -lull nt the pi, nit ni tin1
Yiiiiug-tnwu Sheet ,V Tube i nuipauv
unit tor i lie iln.
Catarrh Cannot Bo Cured
rtliS lm VI. .M'I'I.U VTI'As ,. oirt rttmat
. k llir ! u( It illwa.i Clartb I' liUxxt
r vuUfetlluit.Huil iUmmm. imI In Mtlii lu rurv It
)hi iill ik rtrllf lldll'a I HlarrU
I r U ulxii tairrunU) ul mI . I i i -. l- ui
the lih'.J mil Mill' IM uilui lli (atuflb
i uc U ii i h ium L iu.!. In. 1 1 u ir
Mrlbnl l. uw tt llw lat Ui)lclw. Ih lkl
uuulrjr ( r ar mil h m r. galar rirrlllu
II Uii' n v( Um mt look khii. ixhm
Unl tviiii Out !! 'iirlrr mitiie ll
IMIIf lh iskm urfarv Tti. vrhvt
''atMa.i ii i .if llu lKi limmili nt i-. wlut rw au t ir4,Wrfll r. -ttlta lit luting lalarrk.
hkl (r I. tli.lal fi'.
I J i IIBVfY . I H I"w - T.I. J i,0.
H M I v I rnfl,l. i r. J .
TaVf II I a I aiull l'lllt ( r i-oaat!atlHi.
Mail Us Your Watch
and Jewelry Work
i i e preiMttd to like car or
.ill w.i n i loi a. .u. it Jewell) rtalr
Int. .1 ' uutl ami nitaMe niouultas of
all kut 1 done l an iieit UTW
tliliii; m m'II oi tepali U bnoutly
Heur.iu i eil
Martin J. Rcddy
. ;or- vi .o i i li'ime
a: i
A crowd o men ami women cli
ninted nt 'Jdll hail jftitluril at tlio
Im Youngclown end of tho hiiilfe-e
nnd jefcitfll the workineii us tliC.v
eroiieil. . Kiuldenlv a allot wftf fircil
mid (Mint-iU. InkHil. tlli na It fliiiiill.
fln'.l over the heailx of tlto erflwdJ
Tile mob lopllcil, niul linolhor olley
eamj'. A nuniher of person, iiielud
intf two women, fell ami Hie mob
Imiko nml ran up the hillside. A
block nwnv the.v lefoimeil nnd nl-mft-)t
iuiliii'dlntclv et Hi-o to the
lillllillllg: oecupieil liv tile ItlliO eoiii
IMiiyV employment luiienu. I.utor
tlip'v firwl n nnll waiehoiise nnd
.thep tiiiued their nllenlion to private
A Milnoii ilooi on tlie corner nnd a
I mill was inaile for Hie door, n shout
ing crowd ipnckly loolcil the place
ami tlieii n mntcli wiw nppllod. A
lotliiiis; ""line iieaitiv wna ncl en
teit'd mid the idock m-eil mil to the
(onxtontly jttowinir eiowd in the
vltcet h, thoe iixiile. When the luot
iiik wax finiihcd the plnee wus fiieil.
Molt In a Fron.y
lt lhi time the mob wn in n
Iien. hiipmr wns iii-eil ntoiiiid
lieel, nml thiKie who hml no ciip
scooped it up in the lnilIowi of their
IniiiiN. Within hull' mi hour oilier
"iiloonn had been looted mid the fire
wa- ucmliti;r rapidly.
For mi hour or tunic I he mob w'ns
content with the Mniill hop. nml Million-,
ou the Mile lrcct. lint then it
tinned itn uttciiiion io the more pre
tentious Htoro iu Wilon m.011110, the
iiiiini -trect.
Ily this time it hail lot nil einli
luuce of Icaderiliip, nnd. plit 1 fnjr up
into linuiln of twehe or more, went
madly nhotil the woili of iliwlrnctioii.
Saloon ufter ulooii was looted niul
fired, the flnnie sprendtnjr to liusi
nes building. Funned by n Mronir
wind, the fire sprawl up the lull nml
innny rcidoncos wore Inn mil.
Cmic or 11 st 1 Ike
Two wcckf ugo luboieix ol the He
pulilte lion A; Slccl eotiipuny struck
for mi iueieiixe ot wngis from I It to
2.1 cents an hour. The ouugslowu
Sheet & Tube Co. offered them '1'lV-i
cents nil hour immcdiutely after the
( luted Stnles Steel eoiporutiou liinl
aniiouneeil its iiieicne of 10 per cent
for laborers. I his wim lejectcd by
tue woikcis mill the strike luis ince
been in jitogrcss. Reports todav inn
picvulent Hint stnkc-ln-eakciv hml
lieen impoitcd mid prceipitntcil Hie
botoio It POISONS tttf cUnh or; to BONE
No X liny ot oi. '
HirliulU' All 1: und
pUiitimilc lt 1 uro
SORE on tlio lip, Into
or boily lone 13
cancer; It nu r
:0-PAC V00K t nt
ItKK, U "U tc It
moilla. . Willi ti Mil
I'UtlnUlltlT ' lvU 1 " I KIIIS QUICKLY
JiicMi'iuuiiiii 7ui"ioictr r I t i' port
UtTl'KOl iMthlUllt RilPUitlllC
I.ertUi d ft lull IjI -o it 11 t .' t small
Dr. & Mrs. Dr. CHAMIEY & CO. SK'&YSB
"StrlfUy RtlUN., Creittlt Cinear 23cUIUt llvlni"
4340 & 436E ViUida St., Sn franclrco. Csl
A Dainty
New Creation
--a 1isluieie Fuce I'onder
poesiuu' the eiv ehaliK'tt'i'
isie DistidioiiR women ieire.
.Mnriuollo I'owtler rcnlly anU
in heuutif.MUir tilt" eonipleMou
it pruteels ntfiiiu-t wind and
Min -it blends H'ili'itl with
the skill' leMure and eolol, lis
e'ltsie, delieiite liaurauie is
nil epiesinn "I i:"hI teste.
PLEXION Marinello
Hair Shop
407 Garnett-Corey Bltly.
Ali.iKoi oitr
Wo Will Sell at Public
On the vacant lots across tlio
street in front of our store at
U o. in.
Saturday, Jan. 8, 1916;
stnu mules,
black inn re.
1 Kiiftu Hmv nini'Od.
tr2 W'j
1 gray lu !.
1 Century grader.
1 xurivy.
Cranfill & Robnett
(Nntral Piiiiif.Oir.
No. 7701.
The First National Bank
at Alcdtord, In the State or Oregon, at thp close or hiiH(ng on ftoc. Ill, loia.
Lonna nntl discount
IJ. fi. bonds deposited to nccure circiinuuni u
tllil lurn-iiMi" ,
V. S.'Vonili ploiiptcd to'gectire V S. dopositfi fpnr
value) .
Premium on lT. S. bond "
ltonds other than V. S. boa.l pledged 16 hflcurc
Iioital navlnni" lepolt .... ",;; -y," V,Vs
liomlR and necurltle plmlt as col aU)ri 1.
rftate, or other depoMtn 01 Idll payalilo (lioititl
Vr'lltilfil 1 .ti' J
Secuiltleg other than C. S. bonds 1 Hot Inclytllnt,
slocks) owned unpledged .........
timI 1. inula unnnrlllrtn. etc. '
SubHcrlptlon to stock of Cederal Heservo Dank
.m aniount unpaiu
Vnlue or bankliiK house iir iineiii iinthpiml)
Furniture and rixturos
Ileal estnte owned othei than linnkliiK hoilse.
Net aniount due Horn Federal Iteserve Hank......
Net amount duo rrom nppioved reserve agotitB In
,Ncw York. Chlcnuo, and St I.ouls ...
Net amount due rrom appioed reset ve asonui in
ilhni- r,iiie rities .
Net amount due rrom banks and Imnlcors (other
than Included lu above)
Kcliaiinos Mr clonrlnK house ..,.
OutBlde checks and other cash Iteiijn ', ,i iS
Fractional curronc), nickels, and cnt I Is.lo
Notes or other national banks
Coin and certificates ..
l.egal-teiider notes . .,.... .
lleileiiiptlou rund with F. S. treasilior nnd due v
from F S treasmur .
Capital stock paid iu '
Surplus rund
Undivided profits
CliculatliiK notes outntfliidlnn
Due to banks and banker
Dividends uupnld
Demand dupeslts:
I Tid 1 vf iliinl ileiiosits subject to check
Certificates or deposit due In lem than
Certirled chocks
Cashier's checks outstandlim
Fnlted States deposits
Postal snviiiRfl deposit
Total demand deposits .
Time depesits:
Certiricntos or deposit
Other tlmo doposlts
Total time deposits
Ullls payable, Including obligations
money borrow od
STATU OF OIIFOON, County or .lackfon, M!
I, Oris Craw Mi d, cashier or tho nlNiViMiumdd Imuk. do soleinnl visciir
that the above statement Is trim to tho boat or my knowledge and belli r
Cash If r.
Subscribed and swoin to beroro me this 7th dny or .laniiarv, 1!) Hi.
Notary Piiblli
coinmlsHlon iplrcs .Ma 20. I'.M'i.
COItltlKT Mu ft
Los Angeles
the (l.ittuu
Ili.x inii t t Ut t to I .ii,
Soiitluiii ( 11I1I0111111, und
Miii'iu- .1tl1.11 linn- Mm wish to ee.
MOUNTAIN RES0RTS n Fa-ndcua, .Moniovin. I'omon.i,
Keill.iniU nml lfieivide.
BEACH RESORTS o San Dieso, l.enj: Ileneh, Cnlaluni
Islntid, Venice or Santa I tin burn.
SCENIC TRIPS to Ml. I.owe. Mt. Um or tlio .M.ninc
(liinleiiN n Cniahiiii.
in the hpeeinl round I up r.itc to F.os Anftelcs fnun
Miiltoid. Stopoets iilliiweil al iniv point.
Ask llle loenl .luilit or wute
Southern Pacific
.liilin M s,
I'tt. (11 n P
Foil1 111. 1. ().
ASK OUR GRADUATES. Their earning
powers have been doubled and trebled since
completing their courses of study at the
Medford Commercial College
Mid-Wintcr Term Bckius January 3. Day and Evening Sessions
I- -
ill 1 1 1 aBM n Uzf iifl ifr! fiWC itKI ilTTffiir
The Advantage A
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