MEDFORD MATk TRIBUNE, MRDFORD. OREOON, FRIDAY, .TANTARY 7, 1910 ' 1 1 . i' ; I, i i i i - in iPAGE SEVEN ' : .', .: , '. ","' , , a ASHLAND AND VICINITY Fine holly tree growths linvy re plnecd the inngiiolius ui ijiiinll- set out alone; the Uunleviml parkway. The magnolias were a failure in this latitude, n iiumher having died, while other never ndvniieod as to .substan tial growth. Hn.sketbull players from Siskiyou county will invade local territory on Saturday of this week, when a ieaui from Klna .Mills will play the local hie,h school squad at the gym. On Friday evening the Cnlifornians play the military at the armory. An echo of the paving agitation was awakened when the old council just before going out of business inmlo mi ante-mortem recommenda tion that Mill street should be paved at tho first opportunity. John Ulriuli, wife and two sons packed up their belongings early this week- mid on Wednesday started overland for Lane county, where they hnvo routed a ranch. Originally from Ucnuany, they stopped by relays from the Atlantic .seaboard to tho central west, coming to Oregon by easy stages from Nebraska. Upon their arrival here all the real estate agents iii town vied with tho Sun shine society and associated charities in getting the family on its feet. Pro German in sentiment and living up to tho traditions of aristocratic Prus sian junkerism, they finally establish ed a hof bran on-Kit Canto Height 4 in the nltra-fashionnblo west end suburban residence section, having secured a hand-to-mouth lease from tho Heaver Yoekey estate. .Many wore glad to see them go, and tlioac! who found tlicni'-elves unable to be present at the leave-taking sent their regrets. Uillnli Temple of .Mystic Shriuera will install officers Friday evening of this week. The official divan for Jillll includes a host of names em bracing elective and appointive ones. The installation event is an impor tant, and in fact assume tho pro portions of a circumscribed cere monial. Superintendent emeritus i a new title as applied to 0. F. Hillings by virtue of having served tho Metho dist Sunday school as superintendent tor twenty-tour years. A substantial recognition of this fact was the pre sentation to him of an expulsive chair on the eve of resigning formal duties faithfully performed. Inform ally he will yet respond to any needs which church and Sunday school may demand. In this connection it trans pired that the retiring superintend ent has been identified with Sunday school work II years. Several Jackson county cases will appear on the triul docket of the su preme court, which meets at Salem I hi month, l.oeallv the case of Clins. Dodge vs. ('. Root will come up for di-posal. Other cases arc W. K. I'hipps vs. City of Medford, A. It. Hupps vs. Hoguo Kiver Canal Co., J. P. Ilcnsou vs. A. D. Dobbins and John Mintcr vs. It. (. Mintcr. E. C. Gard, living at Vancouver, D. C, and identified with timber and ranching interests, is homo on n visit. It has been two years since ho was in Ashland. In a spasm of economy and while the president of the council was temporarily occupying thu mayor's chair, that body cut down the police force, which now includes the chief and one patrolman instead of two as heretofore. On Satin day night this week the local Klks lodge will receive on offic ial visit from W. It. I.ogus of Oregon City, who is a deputy grand exalted ruler of the order. Initiatory work will add pleasure to the pre-cnee of the visitor here, a social reunion be ing planned in his honor. The great Danish violinist, Skov gaar,d supported by eminent artists of the Xew York Metropolitan com pany, will appear at the Yiniug Jan uarv r. A jeweler and druggist in the per son of Mayor Johnson and Hal Mo Xnir, ynsisted Division Engineer Wester, Assistant Superintendent FiUgenild mid Master Mechanic Small oass upon the demerits of a collision on the Southern Pacific in the vicinity of Wall creek recently, in which considerable dniunitc was done to a . freight train. As a rcult Engineer Maiskeand Conductor Foil Ian were criticised for not exorcising due diligence in the face of unfavor able weather conditions prevailing. The First National Dunk will install a chime clock in lront of its estab lishment at an early date, provided the street commit teed, to which the matter with referred, interposes no objections. Permission is as good as granted. The new timepiece will be elaborate and as useful as ornamen tal. This bank is located midway of the business center, at the corner of Main street and First avenue. Vital tlittiv a related lo burials show that M interment weic made in the three uwjiftinrie here during .the (ast year, SO in Mountain View. 17 in Ashland and 6 in llargaduje. (Jf theae 1") won uoufsidmt. Th average ago of 33 of tludiH'sed persona was 7.1 your. Khmkbc Wiilnid lw ! sfxioti ( the wumriMt teuietvr Freckles and His AFTER I GIT THIS COAL IN TH' Moose i have r TAKE MV MUSIC LESSON, SHOOT IT' mm. II ics hero for yenrs past, mid foregoing figures nro official as submitted by him. In the face of many applications for jL'ity appointments, the new coun cil stood by the old guard, City At torney Moore, Chief of Police Por ter, Patrolman Wimer, Street Com initsioner Fraley, Electrician Strick land mill Water Commissioner Hosier being retained. C, D. Watson was u candidate for city attorney, 1). p. Good for chief of police and Fred Putnam and Jim Fewcl for street commissioner. Upon the retirement of Major C. Ciiiiiiiiilinm, dean of the council manic body, P. L. Ashcraft was chosen by riht of succession to tho honor of being chairman of the board ip the absence of the mayor as pre siding officer. The cement finishing on tho cor nices of the city hall proving defec tive to the extent of peeling off, rec ommendation tins been made that metallic work he substituted. Miss Anna Hargrave will removo her millinery stock to tho McGee dry Roods and furnishing establishment as soon as the latter vacates tho Elks building and occupies the storerooms in Memorial block. Property descriptions to the num ber of 12G3, delinquent on special benefit assessments, have been or dered by the city council placed in the hands of tho county tux col lector. Mr. mid Mrs. D. II. Jurvis of Port land arrived this week and will re main hero indefinitely trying the ben cficial effects of Ashland's medicinal spring waters. They will occupy the 'Glenn residence. Mrs. Jurvis is a daughter of e.v-Governor Whitcakcr of Oregon, In Dcdding, January '', occurred the marriapo of George Quille of Doseburg nud Gwendolyn Long of Ashland, according to California pa pers. Tho iiro of George is given as ;i2 and of his bride 'JO. A small army of itllo men woro handled here the past year, accord ,ing to official figures submitted by Chief of Police Porter. The number aggregated 10,80:, of which 11,003 wero housed from time to time nt the Fourth trcet station. During the year 'l'u doors and windows of bus iness houses were found open, and '2292 gallons of liquor were shipped into this dry town by common car riers, not to mention tho uncommon ones. BUTTE FALLS BUBBLES Dr. W. E. lluclianan and family returned to their homo In Ashland Saturday. Thoy havo been visiting Mrs. Jluchanau's mother, Mrs. Kco. Mitts Kill tli Fredenburg and Ituy Parker returned from tho teachers convention at Medford Thurnday. Ilcnulo Kdmaiidxon has moved his family to town, so )iln daughtor can attend cchool. Jack TunRutc and family returned Saturday to Hutto Falls. Thoy havo been vlHltlng relatives and friend at Jacksonville. .1. .Yt. Murphy returned to his homo In Medford Saturday. High Bchool was dlHiulKhod for tills week horo on account of so much Hlckneua. .Mifis Kdytho Crecdo, teacher of tie Itanclierla school, MIrh Elslo Wright and C. II. Branchla returned from the teachers' convention Saturday. William and Lome Mooro are homo from Medford where they have been some time on business. EAGLE POINT ITEMS Among the many social events of the holiday week was the meeting of the Onward and Cpward club with W. C. Clements, and tplundid uork wati reported. Philip JacUon and wife, wbo have been H'iidin tke holidays with hi brother, J. D. Jwrmmi, lft Monday for Klamath Falls. Mr. and Mr. Carl Xarrogan outer taind at diitaor 1mta day Mr. and Mr. Will IInn. Mr- and Mr. "Pwrnk Dn.WM. Mr. and M. W. C Clement . Mr. nod Mr- George wu SBjfes-g railPli Friends :" '!'-"i:: -;::;:';: - i-rlliiT -Kir h:;' :,:gnl lnll! y v ih freckles, mrr;$$m ILtM L !!!5ii ilili.1 VOU 60IKI AMD )rW "M k J?p;.:;-: $b practice voor lAWm. yil rlltP' &$& Music uesffoM, fY:::Ji$?$ JssL v """-slv W fev dor llellcn, Mr. mid Mrs. William von dcr licllcn. Mrs. tiuorgu T. O'Dricn and daugh ter, Allison, of Medford, spent the holiday week with relatives, return ing to Medford Sunday. Dr. and Mrs. W. P. Holt enter tained at Christmas dinner Mr. and Mrs. Fred L. Heath, Mr. mid .Mrs. F. L. Doltr. and children. MJss Har.el Drown of tho Medford hich school spent the holiday week with her parents Mr. and Mrs. It. (I. Drown. The many friends of .Mr. and Mrs. F. M, Stewart, who arc spending the winter in southern California, arc pleased to learn that tho Judge is much improved in health. Marvin Mitchell of Medford spent Xew Year's day with It. G. Drown and family. Mr. and Mrs. J. V. Mclntyrc en tertained Wednesday evening with a dinner party in honor of Miss Alice Mclntyrc, who is visiting her brother indefinitely. N. L. Nnrrcgan, who spent the hol iday week with his family in Med ford, returned lo Kaglu Point Mon day. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Drown enter tained with a watch party Xcw Year's eve. Mr. and Mi's. Gcorgo von dcr llel lcn entertained Xew Year's night with ti fivc-courso bridgo dinner. Their lovely homo was tastofullv dec orated. Those present were: Mr. and .Mrs. Will Drown, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Drown, .Mr. muVWrs. Carl Xarrcgan, Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Clements, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Pclouze, Mr. mid .Mrs. William von dcr Helen, Mr. and Mrs. J. V. Mclntyrc and Miss Alice Mc Intyro. .Mrs. Otilla Nichols of .Medford was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Will Drown Monday night. .Mrs. Lottie Van Scoy was (oiled Monday evening to attend tho funeral of her niother-iii-law, Mi's. Van Scoy. The deceased was tho wife of Professor Van Scoy of Ashland. Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Jackson Tues day evening eiitertiiincd at dinner Mr. and Mrs. George von dcr Hellen and sou, Donald. Kcr Ui'tir This Ono Sir: Yesterday, I pot UiIh note from M. H. C: "I loft my portfolio nt your office Thursday afternoon.1 If you can find It, please return to inc." Then, "P. S. Slnco writing this I havo found my portfolio, so you need not trouble yourself to send It." POLITICAL ANNOUNCEMENTS City Treasurer I am a candidate for City Treas urer Httbject to tho election Tuesday, Jau. 11, 19 10. J. W. Sll MILKY. I am n candpiato for re-election to offlco of City Treasurer at general election, Jan. 11, 191G. OUS H. SAMUELS. City Heconler I am u candlduto for re-election to thu offlco of City Recorder at annual oloctlon, Jan. 11, 1!UG, KLMKIl T. FOSS. T1MK OAHI) INTErtl'itll.W ALTO C.VU CO. Loava Medford dally oxcopt Sun day for Ashland, Talent and Phoonlx at 8 a. tn., 11:50 a. m., 1:15, 2:0, 3:45 and 5:15 p. in. Also on Sat urday at 11:15 p. m, Sundays leave at 10 a. m., 4 p. in. and 9:30 p. m. Leave Ashland for Medford daily except Sunday at 9 a. m., 12:50, 2:30, 8:30, 4:45 and 6; 15 p. in, Sunday leave Ashland at 9 a. in., 1:00, 5:00 and 10:30 p. m. ESTABLISHED BUSINESS AND MAKING MONEY Present owner, on account of business interests elsewbere, vill sell for 125 per cent less tban actual vni . SEE US Bennett Investment Co ; wi- n'l "riJi - - w SALTS IS HNE FOR KM, QUIT MEAT flush tho Kidneys at once whon Back hurts or Bladder bothers Meat forms urio acid. No man or womnn who cts mwit rcmr lsrly can nmke a mistake by flusliW the kidneys occasionally, slys a well known authority. forms urio acid whlqh clogs the kidney porea so they sluggishly filler or strain only part of thn wntto and poison rom the blood, then you get sick. Nearly nil rheuma tism, headaches, liver trouble, nervous ncn, constipntlon, dlulncss, sleeplessness, bladder disorders coma from sluggish kid neys. The momejit you feci a dull ache In tho kidneys or your b.ick hurts, or if tho urlno is cloudy, offensive, full of sedi ment, irregular of passage or attended by a sensation of scalding, get about four ounces of Jad Salts from any reliable pharmacy and take a tnblespoonful in a glass of water beforo breakfast for n few days and your kidneys will then act fine. This famous salts is made from the ncld of crapes and lemon juice, com bined with litlila. nnd has been used for generations to flush clogged kidneys and stimulate them to activity, also to neu trall?tho r.chls in urine so it no longer causes irritation, tints ending bladder dis orders. Tad Salts is inexpensive and can not injure; makes a delightful effer vescent lithia-watcr drink which all reg ular nient caters should take now and then to keen tho kidneys clean and tho blood pure, thereby avoiding serious kid ncy complications. DKIiIXQCKNT SAM' XOTIC15 OAI.-IFOUXIA-OltKOOX I'OWDi: CO. Location of principal i:nco of bus iness. Sun Crnnclsco, California. NOTICKThoru nro delinquent upon tho following described utock, on account of Assessment No. 2. lev ied on tho 20th day or Octobor, 1915, tho several amounts net opposlto tho names of the respective shareholders, no follews: American National Hank of San Francisco, Pledgee. Cert. No. 322, IIUOO shares, Ami. $3300.00. Aldcnhagon, W. O., Curt. No. 40 shares, Aint. $40.00. Chubot, Kmoliu M Cert. No. 00 shares, $00.00. Clot, Kmllo. Cert. No. 325, 210, 400 shares, Aint. $400.00. Doling, F. U.. Cert. No. 244, 40 shares, Amt. $40.00. do Tristan, I'hlllppo, Cort. No. 30, 1000 shares, Amt. $1000.00. do Tristan, I'hlllppo. Cort. No. 37, 10110 shnrcs, Amt. $1000.00. do Trlstnn, Philippe. Cert. 'No. 92, 4000 shares, Amt. $4000.00. do Trlstnn, Philippe, Cert. No. 93, 500 shares, Amt. $500.00. do Tristan, Philippe, Cert. No. 90, 5-10 shares, Aint. $510.00, do Tristan, Philippe. Cert. No. 170, 250 shares, Aint. $200.00. do Tristan, Philippe. Cert. No. 295, 250 shares, Amt. $250.00, do Tristan, Phlllppu, Cert. No. 20C. 250 shares, Amt. $250.00. nieckmnnu, dr., J, II, Cort. No, 231, 00 shares. Amt. $00.00. NEW TODAY 80 acres on tho A-pplcgato, with sonio stock nnd Irrigation, $4900,00. Another thoro of 1C0 acres, stock, ir rigation and buildings. $7500 and many other ranches priced right. A good ono near Poudlutou, Irrigat ed and water right paid, 187 acres nt $100.00; will tako In good llttlo placo In exchange A few furnished and somo unfur nished houses for rent. C. D. HOON Itoom 10, Jackson County Hank HIil. WHY? IT IS YOCJt lIl'm.MlSS TO KIT, MK Occausn my stocx m trade Is to havo optioned at the lowest cash price the best buy In this county. I have beon on tne ground look ing out for you for tht past five years. Nearly everyday I hav in vestigated some "good thing." I have eliminated everything except thoso deals which I am convinced will ie ouro me satisfied customer, In a fow hours time I can give you the benefit of this raiearch. It Is mj builoess to show you over the county aud Introduce you to the possibilities and opportunities here, Be Med ford first and J. C. BARNES !oa Wtl aUht ttUnl J ??j'' mm one-two- Ufi liffjATVlQEE-ONE i-0ffi :;:;:::;:;:i;V, " i tgr' -' )i Uleckmnnn, Josephine C, Cert. No. 232. GO slinros, Amt. $00.00. Iiovey, Chester L., Cert. No. 251, 2S0 shares, Amt. $280.00. llollwlg, Christian, Trustco far Cordon Hellwig. Cort. No. 327, 200 shares, Ami. $200.00. Knox, It. 11., Cort. No. 228, 80 shares, Amt. $80.00. Knox. H. 11., Cert. No. 299, 200 slinrcs. Amt. $200.00. Mills, Helen C. Cert. No. 35C, 100 shares, Amt. $100.00. McLaughlin, I). It., Cort. No. 215, 100 shares. Amt. $100.00. Morcantllo Trust Company of San Francisco, Trustee, Cert. No. 121, 100 shares, Amt. $100.00. Merrnntllo Trust Company of San FrnnclBco, Trustee, Cort. No. 128, 200 shares, Amt. $200.00. Mercantile Trust Company of Snn Francisco, Trustee, Cort. No. 131, 200 shares, Amt. $200.00. Mercantile Trust Company of Snn Francisco, Trustco, Cort. No. 138, 400 Bhnres, Amt. $400.00. Mercantile Trust Company of Ban Francisco, Trustee. Cort. No. 139, 400 shares, Amt. $400.00. Mcicnntllo Trust Company of San Francisco, Trustco, Cort. No. 199, 40 shares, Amt. $40.00. Morcantllo Trust Company of San Francisco, Trustco. Cort. No. 200, 40 slinrcs, Amt. $40.00. Morcantllo Trust Company of San Francisco, Trustco. Cert. No. 202, 20 slinrcs, Amt $20.00. Pntcrson, Thomas M., Cort. IXo. 182, 20 shares, Amt. $20.00. Stoddnrd, II. C. Cort. No. 375, 350 shares, Amt. $350.00. Sutllffo. K. C N"Cort. No. 201, 20 slinrcn, Amt. $20.00. Sutllffo, K. a, Cert. No. 271, 20 shares, Amt. $20.00. Wood, F. I)., Cert. No. 300, 200 shares, Amt. $200,00. And in nccordnnco with law and an order of tho Hoard of rJlroctoni mmto on tho 20th day of October, 1915, so many nharen of each parcel of such stock as may bo necessary will bo sold nt public miction nt tho offlco of , tho company, number 131 Loldcs- , dorff street, San Francisco. Califor nia, on Wednesday, January 12, 1 1910, nt tho hour of 12 o'clock noon of said day, to pay said delinquent nssossment thorcon, together with costs of advertising and expense of salo. AM3X J. nOHIIOHOtJGH, Secretary of California-Oregon Pow er Company. Offlce: Number 131 I.eldosdorff street, Sail Francisco, California. 247 FOIt ItKXTV-nOUHHa FOK KKNT 3-rooni modern npnn nient. 144 South Central. Phono 479-M. 230 FOIt KKNT Colonol Sargent's ro ldcnco on Onkdalo avo., tolnphono ownor nt Jacksonville, or inquire of II. II. Nye or Hoy II. Pcobles nt Medford. 253 FOK KKN'T--First class 0-room mod cm bungalew: range connected; garage Tel. 488X. FOK ItKNT MISUKLLANKOUS FoTrTtKNT To" rospoiiBlblu partyi 15 acres Koss Lane, 14 acres extra sugar beet laud; new bungalow, largo barn, silo, good water, iiiuu ndaiu road. Inquire (i. M. Loomls, Kosu Lauo, Phono 7S8-K1, 219 FOIt BAW lir.XV ILSTATH FbK'sXLK-Tscr land, 2 '4 miles SIC or Medford; also .ri-room huuso, modern, on West tOth st.; also $500 vendor lieu note, bent of security; will trade any of those with part cash. Lilllo Kinder, Mudford. 215 FOK SALK 10 noros, good Improve munis, all can he Irrlgutod, ono inllo from Mod font, price $22"0. Phono K. J. Stownrt. Medford. 240 $25.00 Ail I uk If 11 i'WTn77r Ji:',' ))) Jl W HBw Mjlity ILU-M I Hl lllfuitp A-JkA CvL jfflJJn g,s mcJHLH We will pay $25.00 cush reward to tho party who will furnish us with an actual buyer for tho following 100 acre wood and timber tract: 100 acruti, located 3V& uitlus south of Cold Hill, estimated Wt to 2 million feet saw timber and 1000 oords hardwood. Prlcu $900.00. As nu Investment for a wood proposition this cunt bo beat. BENNETT INVESTMENT CO. ItllAL HSTATH LOAXH IIHXTALH IXHUlUXQll lOt Witst Main 8trt,e.t Phono 799 :!'i):l: - MM::f-'jiii 1 i'i't'''' -'t' ,i .',,'IV : I'M ONTU' m what do you m mm ' w wwmffm KEXS. MA :: 1NU W1IH sjlX.M I :: s: :::t a :::::: I w . ir: , r :.:: mmg wi vv. i t hanp5 f : :-!: ::? r: r ::: -m KH . ..U-,,. );.i: M .',' - . '!:.'H j nsm w. & ,,-; , 'm HliiB . V . J'Jirf-l r liiiiiiH FOH ItKNT FUltmsllKD ROOMS F TmUlTNT Fu rn Isb od Vooiiis? ll 2 2 South Central. 347 Foil BAIiF-lrtVimTOOM FOK SALK Cheap. 1 flue bay ninre, , 7-years old, 1420 lbs., $140, Nash Llvory. 248 FOK SALK Cheap, tenm, wagon, hack, harness, Implements, small tools, cow, sopnrntor, churn, 11. I. Hed chickens, Incubators. J; II. Patterson, It. 1, Medford. Phono 857-11. 248 FOIt SALK Team of mules, weight 900 lbs. each, C year olds, $225. O. C. Hoggs. FOIt SALK Team, weight about 1500 pounds. Phono 315, tt FOK SALK Cheap. 18 horses. Vin son's born, N. Klvorsldo Avo. 248 FOIt BALK ailHUttbiaXROCS FOK SALK At a bargain, R-passon-gor 1914 Maxwell automobile, fully equipped nud In first class condi tion. Address L. S, Grosso, Med ford, It. 3, llox 57. 247 FOK SALK Corn. Phono 597-U2. 247 FOK SALK 100 Phono G71-J5. tons grain hay. 248 FOK SALK Gas range nt n bargain. 431 WcBt Uth. 247 FOK SALK Uarloy; also baled bar ley straw, Phono 732-J2. 255 HKLP WANTKO Mnlo or Female WANTKI) Kxporloncod man and wlfo for orchard work and gen eral farming; In reply stnta how many years exporlcnco you havo had; how many In your family, nnd give names of retoronccn by whom you hnvo boon formerly em ployed. A. U Mall Tribune WANTICI SITUATIONS WANTKI)--Washing, ironing or gen eral work. Phono 344-Y. 247 WANTKI) imMnrsiiliAMCOUH NVANTCIVvooTr cutters to cut stumpage; can pay stuinpago In wood. II. Luut, Talon t. 218 WANTKI) Llvo poultry; will pay 13c por pound for heavy lions; lie for light hens; 13c for spring chickens. Medford Poultry & Kgg Co., Phono 583. 247 WANTKI)--Women lot iih holp you uinkn money selling gunrantood hosiery to wear; full or part tlmo; big profits;' oxporlunco unnecca tary. Address, International Mills, llox 122, Norrlstown, Pa. ?- --j rs-- -iaol. j r 1 SIONKV TO LOAN TO LOAN $1000 on Improved ranch Holmes tho lusiiranco Man, TO LOAN -$t0()0 tn loan. 4015 M. F. & II. Illdg. Itoom 248 LOS LOST Two fcmiilo Aberdeen tor rlurs belonging to Ceo. 1). Carpen ter. Finder please notify F. An derson, Phono G11-K2. LOST Small blnck coin purso con taining change, stumps nud key. Finder return to Mall Tribune of flco. STK A YlTlJ T' bit ""sfoiTKN Hrown mure, weight about 1200 lbs., ugu eight years; braudod J on loft shoulder, scar on hip. Anyone knowing where sho is pleasu notify Koguu Itlvor Kunch, Trail, Oregon, and recolvo reward. 248 Reward By Blosser ':':':;;:,:,',?::r - : -i-1.-; ;'1..Ij''j.. ONLV PUAJIKJ' BUCK 11USINKSS imiKCTOUV Auto Supplies k LAIIKR AUTO SPRING CO. We nro operating tho largest, oldest nnd best equipped plant in tho Pa cific northwest. Use our Bprlngs when others fail. Sold under guar antee. 2G North FUtoonth St., Portland, Ore. Attorneys GKO. W. CIIKKKY Attornoy.. anrl .Nntnry, Koom 9, Jackson County Hank Hulldlng, entranco N. Cen tral, Medford, Oro. POKTKK J. NKFF, WM. P. MRALBY Attorneys-at-Lnw, Hoonis & md 9, Medford National Hank bids. A. K. KKAMKS, LAWVKK GarnotU Corey bldg. a. M. KOUKKTS Lawyor. Medford National llank Dulldlng. Iiontlsti nr."wiL vXn scoYod ' DK. C. C. VAN SCOYOO Dentists Gnrnott-Coroy Illdg., ulto 310 Mcdtoro, Oro. Phono 850. Collections nnd ltcnorta COLLECTIONS AND RKPOKT8 W collected somo accounts 14 years old. Wo know how to get the money. Tho Uunoclc Mercantile Agency, Inc., Hoonis 1, 2, 3, Haa klns' Uldg., 21C K. Main t Knglnccr nnd Contractor FKHD N. CUMMINGS Snglncer anrj contractor, 404 M. F. & II. Uldg. Burvcys,, estimates, Irrigation drnlnngo, orchard and land Im provement. Garbage GAKnAOK Got your premise aa cleaned up for tho summer. Call on tho city garbngo wrignns for good sorvlco. Phono 274-L. F, Y. Allen. Instruction In Music HAIGIIT MUSIC 8TUDIO Room 401, Garnett-Coroy bldg. Fred Al ton lialght. piano; Mrs. Florence Hnlllday Halght, voice. Phone 72. Physicians nnd Surgeons DK."f. a." CAKLOW, DILEVA MAINS CAKLOW Osteopathia physicians, 410-417 Oarnott-Corey bldg., phono 103C-L. Residence 20 South Laurel st. DK. W. W. 1JOWAKI) Ostcopathto physician, 303 Oarnott-Corey building. Phono 130. DK. J. J. KMMKNH Physician and surgeon. Fractlco limited to eye, ear, noso nud throat. Kyes scien tifically tested nnd glasses sup plied. Oculist and Aurlst ror S. P. II. It. Co. Offices M. F. & H. Co. bldg., opposlto P. O. Phono CC7. DR. It. W. CLANCY Physician nnd surgeon Phones, offlco 3C, resi dence 724-.I, Offlco hours, 10 to 12. 2 to C. DK. MARTIN C. 1IARI1KK Physl clan and surgeon. Offlco Palm block, opposite Nash hotel. Hours 10 to 12, 1 to 4. Phono 110-J. T. G. 1IK1NK, M. 1). Kyo, Ear. Nose nnd Throat. Headaches and nervous conditions relieved by proporly flttod glasses. Cross eyes straightened. Offlco 228 K. Main st., phono 303, Consultation free, GORDON MAC CRACKKN, M. D! i Ilnmonpntlilc Physician, Surgeon, 228 Kast Main St- Medford, Ore gon. Office phono 142, residence Phono 732-112. Offlco hours 1 to 4 p. in. Public Stenographer ' HKKUKRT ' j". nKKKIAN Stcnogra? pher, room 29, Jackson County Hank Kids. Dictation takou any placo uny tlmo by tho only Steno typo operator in Southern Oro. Of flco phono 515. Rec. 275-J. Printers uml Publishers MKDFOKD PRINTING CO., has the best equipped printing offlco In southern Oregon; book binding, looso loaf lodgers, billing systems, etc. Portland prices, 27 North Fir at. Sowing .Machines 8IN0KR SKWINO MACHINKS FOR SALK OR JtKNT Some used ma chines nlso for sale. Haldwlq pi anos for islo, from factory to you, direct C. A. Chapman, at Medford Furnituro and Hardware store, Rosldeuco 375 So. Central. Phone 390. BSi- ."J Traiikft-r KAIja'KANSFKK & STORAOH CO. -"Office 42 North Front st. Phoat SIR- Prices tight. Service guaranteed m