Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, January 07, 1916, SECOND EDITION, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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!LY -
G. A. Orahnm, yho hns tor somu
yonrs rnlsod grain In (ho flnlflondalc
district In Eastern Washington, has
boon looklnK over Horuo r'vor valley
for n week or more within vlew .to
nrqijlrltiK a conslderftblo nrtu tj kooiI
land either by purclmae or rent, for
the pirpoxo of wheat prodtictlonhore.
lit- Is familiar with UiIb valloy nnd
lis ooveral types of soil. Ho also
knows that much or the older cultl
viilod area has been worn out by
wheat production. This Isn't the kind
of soil bo wants.
"I will select soil for wheat pro
ductlrn," said Mr. Graham, "Just
nn I would choose It for corn pro
it ""Ion, or for potatoes or anything
ehe, making the difference only In
the matter of soil type for wheat. I
am not onp those who bellevo that,
t land Is not worth much for any
thing else becnuso o Its Impoverish
ed condition, It may do to raise wheat.
That Is nn expensive error.
"I want Rood.clean, stroiiR soil for
ulenl production. Then, If climatic
rood 1 1 Ions nro favorable nnd I have
the requisite amount of moisture, I
ran nuke money raising wheat. One
o, the rensons I would prefer to try
ml Inn wheat In tho fertile soil of
Ibis valley Is that It Is stronger, more
li He nnd therefore more productive
than fie soil of Eastern WnBhliiKton
on l cli grain has so long been pro
dnred The Intter Is worn out nnd
iim-t b built up nunln. 1 do not enro
to t:ile time to do Hint, If I can obtain
bind to suit me In u valley and ell
in iii' like those of this Hokiio river
country. '
' IT Krnln producers In this valloy
will take god care of their grain
hinds, nourish thorn occasionally with
)r inr rotation nnd by plowing under
n crop of vetch once In nwhlle, chang
ing from fall to spring wheat when
rcnu'ro, thoy will find that there Is
M'l big money In wheat production.
Ttopti river valloy Is n flno whont
ouuin; but tho grontor pnrt of tho
a it a iim1 so long for grain produc
tion needs resuscitation. - It is worn
out Clop rotation and tho green
manure system of fertilization will
bcln It greatly."
WASHINGTON', Jan. 7. Tho
I'liltcd States government's I'au
Aiiicrlcim policy was rovonlod In de
tail by President Wilson Inst night In
an address before tho second l'nn
Amerlcau Scientific! congross. Ho
cxp'nliied tho proposnls'Stibmlttod to!
South and Centrnl American diplo
mats hero last week by Secretary
l.nnrlng ns n basis for an effective
pcr'-oment botween nil tho republics
of the western homlsphnro "not only
for International ponco of Amorlca,
but tho domestic penco of Amerlen."
This program, ns outlined by tho
president proposes that all the Amer
ican nations shall:
Tulle lo insuro to oneh other ab
rolutp Indepcndonco nnd territorial
Agree to sottlo. all ponding boun
dirj disputes ns soon ns possfblo by
nmbnlilo process.
Arrce to handle nil disputes aris
ing pmong them by pntloiit, impartial
Investigation and to sottlo thorn by
Agree that no revolutionary oxno
d'tlon shall bo outfitted ngnlnst or
supplies for revolutionists shipped to
iiol boring stntos.
'Tlieso nro vory practical sugges
tions" said tho president, "and I for
my part ballovo that they nro going
to lend tho way to something that
America has prayed for for many a
Enihuslahllc npplnuso from tho
delegates greetod the president's r
1" ec p-rt T
1(, ire. It'h
ii little e-b..
-. V
i . ..r
'i '."' I' ! I u
in BBPdCkRTmUbmmB' 4 -ft2, 'VH BBmVPSVSf Mrvr
the jjrojit udib, Utr a
lulm,, i l.r.t' tir
That the lognnbftrry crop Is rapidly
coining Into prominence ns a w'enlth-
produDIng hifrvest In this vnlloy np
pears to bo generally conceded by
frultlsts of thoughtful observntlon.
The honvlnosiof tho loganberry wlolil
and their rlchnoss of quality In other
berry-producing regions of tho coast
nttrncled general attention to them
ns a commercial proposition. They
havo borno out In fact all that has
been claimed for them as berries for
preserves In various forms, but they
bnve, In ndditlon to that, proven to
bo or great value ns producers ot a
wholesome potion far more popular
than the much heralded grnpo Juice.
At first regarded as a palatablo lux
ury, loganberry Julco is rapidly be
coming n dietary staple. In excel
lence of flavor It Is equal to most of
tho cordials on the market at high
prices, and for content of substan
tial nourishment It surpasses them
As n "mixed drink" nt home It Is
; delicious. It may safely be given
(n prominent place In tho rnmlly side-
Doara miring tnoso iiry t linos In Ore
gon. In addition lo being u heavy ylold
er nnd strong of growth, It Is n good
shipper In the berry class.
Acicime Griming Itnpldly
The ncrengo cultivated to lognn
borrles In tho Willamette valley Is
being extended rapidly. II. II. Pnt
torson, proprietor of tho Quaker nur
sorlos In this city, who recently re
turned from a business visit to tho
ShIoiii district, expresses much grnt
Ifleutlon over the information ho ob
tained thore concerning the general
fnvor In which the lognnberry Is
hold, both ns a canning product nnd
for lis Juice. One firm of shippers
of loganberry Juice told bliu while
at Salem that It wan behind 27 enr
louds In Its shipments of Julco to fill
onstom orders. It seems there to
hnvo quickly tnken precedence over
all othor fruit and berry Juices ns
n wholesome, delicious drink nnd. Is
used there both ns n dollcncy nnd ns
a stnplo beverage.
Mr. Patterson says tho Informa
tion ho gathered In the big valley
confirms bis contention that tho lo
ganberry will bo found to bo ono of
our most profitable fruit crops. Par
ticularly lu Itoguo river valley will
It be so because horo wo hnvo every
esosiitlnl ot soil, ellmato and season
to favor its growth and maturity.
Much Inteiesl Hero
Mr. Patterson has supplied from
local nursery 2000 lognnberry
plants to It. G. Smith, who sot
them out near Jacksonville ns a be
ginning of n large loganborry vine
yard. PluntiiiK tho lognnberry roots
night foot npart each way, It requires
(580 plants to cqvor nn aero of ground.
They will bear tho second your. Mr.
Patterson figures that $250 nn ncro
not Is a very consorvatlvo ostlmnto
of tho yield of profit to tho acre.
That flguro has, however, been ex
ceeded In this vnlloy.
Tho Itoguo Hlver Orchard- com
pany, whoso vlnoynrd Is In tho low
or end of tho valloy, has harvested
ns many ns -100 crates from an acre
of Its older vlnoynrd nnd sold -the
product nt 75 cents n crate, giving It
a gross receipt of 1.100 an aero. Last
yoar that company plantod sixty acres
of loganberrlos. This year It pro
posos to havo thnt largo vlnoynrd un
der Irrigation, having Installed a
pumping systom. That Is an expen
sive system of Irrigation, but, tnkon
In conjunction with the great acroage
plantod. It shows the eomiiany's faith
In Hie logniibtrry harvttst and the
market for its products This big
enterprise was not promulgated pre
cipitately. It Is the nNiterialiiatlon
of careful Investlitntlou of all tho de
tail connected with the eieime of
t ' t n '
I mi Hin. . Ii- .
imrinmw u r-
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IK; v wmVJmm f IraKk'L tSiAciSfUUmUm)
The former Mnrjorj Onuld, now Mrs. Anlliom ,1. Diesel, jr., of I'liil
nilelpliin. pbotngrnplied . she ;iru id in ( w Yorl. nbouiil the xteuiuhlup
Xew York. The ilo;; "Hello" she br ought from London,
planting, mnlntonnnco, harvest nnd
Information concerning the host
methods of planting, cultivation and
pruning of lognnborrles will require
another article.
Irrigation Is absolutely necessary.
sicovg uuo
Tlic Umntt.i VIolluNt
Tho New YorK Motiopolltan com
pany with Skovgitard. the world's
famous Danish vlollnUt, supported
by tho Lyric soprano singer, 1'lorenco
Hawkins and Clara Kroulor, niesso
sprnuo, nnd Francisco CuwIm nnd
Molly Hyerly Wilson will appear In
Medford, Jan. II, 1 Win. Tho music
lovers will have a rare (rent In these
groat artists.
Ill.ACKBl'nN At Ui homo of
his parents, Mr. and Mrs. I.. I. Illnck
burn, this city, January 0, 1910, nt
9 o'clock p. m.. Earl Edwin lllaok
burn, aged 10 yean and one month.
Deceased was a jiopular momlmr of
tho third grade in the Washington
sohool. Ho had been a resident or
this city for five years.
Funeral services will bo bold at
the I'orl I'ndortaklng Parlors at 2:30
o'clock Saturday afternoon, January
S, 191 ti. Burial lu the I. O. Q. F.
cemetery, Itov. Rollins of the M. E.
church officiating.
Tho pupils of the Wiiachlngton
school and otlneis extend sympathy
to tho parents, ono brother and two
sisters In their Iocs of their older son
and brother, who was a bright and
lovable boy nnd ver popular among
all who knew him.
(Continued nom pngo ono)
opcrntiiur tlieie. In o.xeludiii(f all
khijin except linen from Hie Mur
mice coveriug uliiarine warfare in
the North -h, the Oennan govern
ment wax represented u eouaiileiing
that nn Americaun could posibly he
.ibonnl hi other than linen in reg
ular puM-neor-ruiTViutf Men ice.
It ha been kuowu for ouie tiuo
that ( iniiit Yu Uerntorff had ib-
i-ed a i,Iiiii uliieb he believed would
! -.iii-i'iieturil. wul the l.tinitaiiui cou-
1 tliiwl-. He WMr. lllli!el'iMid tu lime
Mibinilli 1 the ir' ion t the lUr-
ili iolcmil ul'iue hi-luiv (Ihi-Iim;i.
There wii-. -in l-'.i b. imim t ,nl
I . . , II .1 .. .! ,
,8wp .mi,,
KClitllliel t i i. .id ii l,
mini inililaiv mid iittiirhei. nnd M
i I-1 im- ni-llllllil i ill. inil il id- II
iiict lr the .li.n.t.l ..i t,- (j.-r-.thl.
iln il.iii.iii.l- in llu- )ii-t Ainiiiiu ' v Y. for a sample hottle When
imif .)Ai-n,.i IIimmi. ..ii tin hi. I ' inn iii-,ui.-'Hid mention the. Med
stiU ui the li.iu.iu jinn A... miu I'o'J. or Mail Tribune.
Reported by Jackson County Ab
tract Co., Blxth and r.'lr Hta.
W. W. Ilnmiuett vs. Anna E. Hen
sley, assignment of lien to Amos
Nlnengor. ,
W. II. Edmunds vs. N'ucrn Mining
and Milling Co., affidavit.
Estnto of Augtisn S. Noll, order ap
pointing ndmlnlstrntor.
Estnto ot Henry Thompson alias
llalvor T. Kuo, order appointing nd
mlnlstrntor. Itoal Estate Tniiitfci's
W. A. Pointer et ux to G. W.
Prlddy et ux, blnok 2 and .'!
or Summit nvn. llolchts add.
Medrord $10.00
Geo. W. Prlddy et ux to Chas.
Trautfothor. lot in blk 1
Iluugalow add. and lot lu
blk 79 Medford ...- 10.00
Chas. Johnson to William C 1I-3C-3W 10.00
Mlloa Ageo to Wnrron D. Men
ot al, ditches In sec. 20-10-IW,
agrooment 1.00
Annie E. Heiisley to A. C. Nln
Inger, lot In blk 1 1 Central
Point, 10.00
George L. Trolchlor announced last
night that ho had rotlred from tho
rnco for councllmunshlp In tho Sec
ond wnrd lu fnvor of tho iirosont In
cinubont, Dr. J. M. Keono. According
to Mr. Trolchlor ho acceded to tho
roquost ot hit friends to run only
when assured thnt Dr, Keono would
not bo a candldato for re-election
When tho doctor filed his imperii the
hustling automobile dealer decided
that ono good man from the ward
was enough so retreated from the
campaign entirely. This leaves the
race In this wnrd botween Dr. ICeeno
nnd C. G. Harrow.
Swamp-Root Saves
-Kidney Sufferers
You natiiralb feel secure when
you know that Dr. Kllmor's Swamp
Hoot, the grout l.ldnoy, liver nnd
blnddor rojnody, Is absolutely pure
nnd contains no harmful or habit pro
ducing drugs.
Tho same standard ot purity,
strength and excellence, proscribed
by' Dr. Kilmer many yours ago, Is
maintained In overy bottlo of Swamp
Swamp Itoot ts slntlflcally com
pounded from vegetable herbs. It Is
not a stimulant and Is taken lu ton
siMHjnful dotos. It Is not rocommend
eU for everything. According to ver
ified testimony It Is nature's great
holpui In rollevlng nnd overcoming
kidney, liver mid bladder troubles.
If ou suffer, don't dalny another
day. Go to your ueapwt druggist
now and get a bottle. All drug stores
tell it in tv.o sIhm fifty cents and
onn doilur.
Ilfiu'nr If ir. n ulah HmI In Irv
J "- " -- " .
gri irfisrstlou sand ten cants
',r- Kilmer & Co., Illiigbuuipton.
The Municipal Chrlstmnfl Tree com-' Reports come from vnrions pnvU
mltteo met In tho assembly room of,0' '10 "" 0,ln.v ",l' I''ect tliut
tin, mililU Mnnitnv nvnnlm?
IV '..W,,V ..".... ..w...... v.......n
tor the purposeot winding up Its nf-
fnlrs for lust yr t and oloctlng now
officers for the ensuing yoar. Tho
surcosK ot tho first Municipal Xmns
tree exceeded tho expectations of tho
most snngulno and prospects for the
l next ono nro even gronter. llesldos
the expenses ot the treo Itself tho
I committee. In chnrgo scut out22 Xmns
dinners thnt Included cblckon, sweet
potntocs, celery, 1 lb. butter, 1 lb.
sugar, 1 lb. coffee, 1 lb. candy, 1 lb.
nuts, 1 lb, candy, peaches, 1 bottle
maplo syrup, n wedgo of fruit cako.
n plo and sack of apples. Included
In this list ot baskets was ono from
tho Girls Thursday, ono St. Mark's
Guild, ono Altar Society, ono Col
1 ge Women's Club, one Thursday nnd
Friday Ilrldgn club, ono Wednesday
Study club, two from Colony club,
and two from Tho Greater Mcdtord
Candy canes and oranges worn dis
tributed to tho children ot Med ford
nt the treo and with nil accounts set
tled tho splendid sum ot over $40 Is
In tho treasury as n nest egg for tho
coming year. Tho commtttoo wish
to thnnk Mr. nnd Mrs. Ed Andrews,
their nsslstnnts, nnd tho teachers of
the various schools for their efforts
In behalf of tho music, and wo want
especially to ncknowledgo tho gener
osity of tho Collfornln-Oregou Pow
er company tor lighting tho tree dur
ing tho holiday week, and Mr. llullls,
with bis over ready spirit to do for
Medford, for the cutting and trans
porting the tree from Jacksonville to
Tho Colony club's generous check
electrical nppllunrcH from Mr. Paul,
wo duly ncknowledgo with thanks,
nnd to Mr. lloscoo Johnson and his
r a-.ti
41 5C JL
E Baking Powder
Those who have had cakes ruined bv jarring the
slovc, slamming the oven door or a heavy footstep, may
have wondcrejd how the dining car chef can turn out such
marvelous biscuits, hot breads and pastry when his oven
is being incessantly jarred and jolted and shaken by the:
motion of the train.
Tc get pastry to raise and stay raised under these con
ditions, a baking powder must be used that continues to give off
its leavening gas lltat smtaim the mine until the dough is
baked through. ,
Dining Car Chefs have found a baking powdcrcxactly suited
to their 'needs In K C and you will (Ind it lust as well suited to
your requirement. K C Is really a blend of two baking powders,
one active as soon ns moistened, the other requiring both mois
ture and beat to start the general Ion of leavening gas. No matter
how moist and rich you mako your cake, K C Making Powder will
s utaln the raise until a crust Is formed and all danger of (ailing
Is past.
K C Baking Powder Is pure and healthful. It Is guaranteed
under all pure IimkI laws, and Is guaranteed to please you. And it
i-s Svl.l at a icasoiuble price no baking powdir should soil for mure.
et Tw ft can at our rltk and bv convinced.
Jones Leads All the Time
Daisy and Applegate Butter 55c Roll
Why not start 10 IG rlfjht? Trade with Jones anil sec what you can save. 0"r many customers are
more than pleased with the way we Slave treated them iluriiifj our four months' time In business, and
are all pralsinn Jones for tlis way lie has "cut their cost of living."
No. 5 Lard - - - 60c Pail
Sugar Cured Hams, guaranteed, 18c
Sugar Cured Hams, guaranteed, 22c
Oranges Apples Strictly Fresh Eggs
"" !"". '"" "' .
I noon nt the public mniket will he
well attended by persons, both men
nnd women, who are interested in
chicken uml turkeys and desire to
iidd to their store of knowledge eon
(.'I'litiiu the liiiaiiicx ami the best
menus of developing it profituhly,
The only way to pel nnylhing done
is to do it, if Shcrmnn'H philosophy
ho trustworthy, and it generullv hn
proven to be. Tho people who nro
interested in poultry production mid
its consequent profits can combine
their forces mid net eoncertcdly with
gruuler profit nnd security tluui by
attempting to net individually. In
union there is always ndded strength.
With this foot in mind the poultry
people of tho vnlloy will meet tomor
row to bejiiii in a businesslike mnn
uei' the organization of better poul
try development. It will he mi ex
cellent thing for them mid fur oneh
community represented.
able assistants, the Messrs. Sherld, wo
owo the success of Mcdford's first
Municipal Chrlstmns tree.
"With tho consent ot Mayor Emor
Ick and tho Library Hoard the treo
had a beautiful setting In Library
Mr. Gntos In Iho nowly elected
chulrmnn nnd Itov. Ilranhnm con
tinues ns secretary and the success
of our next Municipal Xmns tree Is
Wo wish to thnnk our friends nnd
neighbors for their kindness during
our recent bereavement.
Mil. nnd MIIS. (V SI. PAItKEU.
Mil. and MIIS. MCE Sl'ltllAN.
gwgg gi
A a a a a A A A A A
GSCF Jn 33e
r e a t i, w . y- . ggggv
, . miwzM
U ' Bsr lWgBP ggKgKgBI
n H iv j
a mw mmu
.sa, -w-jy-'Trrr .-rJ"rt3ww
"iw-ww-wwww W
ihf yoiu msim, a
Says wo can't help but look
better and feel better
after an Inside bath.
To loel: one's best and fool ono'a best
ts to enjoy an Insldo bath each morn
ing to thish from the system tho pro-.
vloi'B day's waste, sour fermentations
and poisonous toxins boforo It is ab-'
3orbed into tho blood. Just as coal,
when It burns, leaves behind a. cer
tain amount of lncombustlblo material
In tho form of ashes, so tho food and
Irlnk tnken each day leave In tho all-'
tncntary orgaiiB a cortnln amount ot
Indigestible material, which if not
eliminated, form toxins and poisons
which aro then sucked Into tho blood
through tho very ducts which aro in
'ended to Biiclc In only nourishment
hi sustain the body.
If you want to sco tho glow ot.
cnlthy bloom In your cheeks, to sco
our skin get clearer and clearer, you
iro told to drlnlc ovcry morning upon
irlslne, n clnss of hot water with a
toaspoonful ot llmcstono phosphate la
It, which Is a harmless means of wash
ings tho wasto material and toxins
from tho stomach, liver, kidneys audi
bowels, thus cleansing, sweetening andi
purifying tho entlro alimentary tract,
beforo putting moro food lato tho stoinj
Men nnd women with sallow skins?
liver spots, pimples or pallid com-;
plexlon, also thoso who wnlic up with
u coated tongue, bud tasto, nasty
breath, others who nro bothered with
headaches, bilious Bpolls, acid stomach
or constipation should begin this phos
phalcd hot water drinking and aro
assured of vory pronounced results In
ono or two weoks.
A quarter pound of llmcstono phos
phate costs vory llttlo at Uio dniR
storo but Is sutllclcut to demonstrato
that just an soap and hot water,
cleanses, purines and freshens tbo
sklu on the outside, so hot water and
llmcstono pbosphnto act on tho Insldo
organs. Wo must always consider that
Internal sanitation Is vastly moro Im
portant than outsldo cleanliness, bo
raimo tho skin pores do not absorb
Impurities Into tho blood, while tho
bnwel pores do.
We Will Sell at Public
On tho vacant lots across the
street in front of our store at
2 p. in.
Saturday, Jaii. 8, 1916
span mules. .
bhick mare.'
span bay marcs,
jjrny horse.
Century grader,
Cranfil! & Robnett
Central Point, Ore.
Camera Shop
208 East Main Street,
Tho Only Exclusivo
Commercial Photonraphors
in Southern Oregon
Negatives Made any timo or
placo by appointment.
Phone 147-J
E. D. WESTON, Prop.
A A .- .- -
T -.