Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, January 07, 1916, SECOND EDITION, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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Offlco Mnll Tribunv Hulldlnir, 2527-29
North Fir atrcot; (clepliotie 76.
The Democratic Tlm"9. fhn Medford
MaU, Tho Medford Trbuno, Tlio South
ern Oreconnn, Tlio Aniilanu Trlnine.
Orm yenr. by tnnl , .... .....JS. 00
Unc month, by mall.. ................ ,60
l'er month, delivered by carrier In
Medford, 1'hoenlx, JnckonvIlle
nnd Central J'olnt . ... .50
Pilurday only, by mall, per year. 2.00
Weekly, per year.. ... 1.60
flrll rnper of the City of Medford.
Official l'nper of Jncknon County.
Entered on second-claim matter at
Medford, Oregon, under tho act of March
3, 1879.
Bworn Circulation for 1914, 2588.
Full leased wire Associated Press dispatches.
O UCGESS or failure of the allies' campaign against the
Teutonic alliance hinges upon the outcome of the min
isterial crisis in England. Not on the fields of battle, but
in the halls of parliament, arc the eyes of the world cen
tered. The British campaign has been one of blunders. Reve
lations by the retiring commanders show incapacity not
only of the military chiefs in the field, but in tho ministry
itself. No longer can the British hope to muddle their
way to victory.
Tho lack of patriotism shown by the laboriies is a raiz
ing. Onlyin England do the workmen refuse to aid in
saving the nation. German, Russian, French, Italian,
iuisman, jjuigarian workmen strive for the nation in
hngJand they consider only themselves. Their sordid self-
Butoscrlbori falling to rocelre
papers promptly, phono Clrcu- 4
Utloa Manacer nt 250-R.
l.snness ovcrsnauows ana submerges their patriotism.
Tho balance of the fighting power belongs irrevocably
to England. English success denends on conlih'nn nl' flu.
British workmen's energy. Asquith, great as he is as s
master politician, has failed to secure it. Tim mnn lu
can really control the toilers is the man of tho hour.
uniy one mnn can do it David Lloyd George, the man
Tlio trim hluo Buy who onlortnliis
fill tlio wnll floworfl Ih trtio liluo bo
cntiso ho won't "run." Cut inn?
Oh I war fioino power
Tho Rlfllo lo IIH,
To hoo ooino folks tooforo
Thoy ncc ub.
frnmed tills ml for Insertion In tho
Mnll Trlhuno recently: "Wnnted: A
furnished room by n liuly with elec
tric lights nnd cook utovo."
"AUK WTC AI.OXK?" whlsporod
tlio trngcdlnn on tho ulnge, tip-too-Ins
townrdB tho horolno Htcnlthlly.
"No," ennio n volco from tho hnlcony,
"hut you will ho tomorrow nli?ht."
questien: "Whnt Is n rudder?" A
freckled fnco hoy In tho ronr answer
ed, "It's n stern necessity!" Shnll
I punish him or promoto li If it 7
Tenchor 1C,
Dr. Coffin practices mcdlclno In
Cleveland. And drey CnBomont Is
tho nnmo of n Cleveland contractor.
Try our Btreet car armour. Cov
ers body from head to foot, lly
touching sprliiKB you hrlMtlo -with
atool polntH. Crowding mmlo easy,
A wrltor In a current nincnzluo
ftays that tho nutlvui In tho South
Sea Inlands oxchanRo RreuthiRS by
throwing Jnrs ot water ovor each
other. (That's exactly tho way 1
would llko to Kreot tho guy who for
two years has been colloclliiK 2G
cents a week from mo for n sot of
JlnUnc.) II. II.
wiio iirsc Jinanceu tne war and wJio tlien mobilized indus
tries to provide the munitions. A man of the people, a dem
ocrat with a small "d," a fighter of the battle of the masses
all of his life, an organizer and executive without, nnnnl. n
w. .,..,,., ,
,, i '
lar-sjgiued, trusted and proven leader of humanitv
i-jioyci ueorgo alone tills the bill. He alone has the pub
lic confidence, he alone con rally and unite faction-torn
Bnfain and bring victory to the allies.
From the beginning Lloyd George alone comprehended
what the war meant. Listen to this, from an early speech:
This Is not a passing shower. Jt Is tho dnluKo. it Is n convulsion n'r
nnturu. It Is (l CICIOIK) Which In tnnrlmr mi tn i. rnin ,i.
plants of niodern society ami wrecking some of tho fllfnsy trestlo bridges coming w
of modern civilization. Kwlng is i
nt. in. . r T" ,, .. I"P,IVI"K tho very rocks of Kuropoan
Wo; It Is ono of thoso seismic dlsturhances In which nations leap forward
or fa I backward generations In n slnglo hound. All this chattering about
with nn miSSiinl"H",,e11 ,B " C"S,n' 'S Ut f ',llK'C' You cnnnot ,inB"'
CBITrOISM, to be just, must be based upon knowledge,
not hearsay.
criticism oL Hie Commercial club comes with' nnnr
grace from those who never attend a meeting, and spend
their energy in finding fault with what is done by tho few
IsiiiiiiiiiHsWiL - 'miiBk- 'oji- i H
wtiJLiMsi ' l'.' vst-N. '
isiiiiiiiiiVsiiiiiiiiiK rlf M ' Ai m
HHK '-M k - I
1sK V ffjfcW' M
v 'Tjsfcwfc ? BSr
m P' V
I Kt-oe 1
n a w ' tmg
....Scnora do Kwlns. wife of Major
Alfredo lhving, military nttsi'lio of
tho Chilean omlinsHy, vlll bo ono of
tho most popular hostcssos of Wash
ington's official circle during tho
Intor season. Sonora do
g is shown -with linby Hisa ami
lior oldor daughter, Nina.
Order n dozen or n box todny. Servo thii health
ful fruit at every meal.
All fint-clait dealers now have n plentiful supply.
Save SunkiU tluue wrappers forbcuuttfui lilverware.
Co oii.uMm Non-prolt
Eailem llJqunrtri! I3 N.CIjibS'rrft.CliiciiEO
A Means of Personal Contact Between Teacher and Pupil.
loyal enough to (he city's welfare to unselfishly devote
time, money mid energy for the community's upbuilding.
The club's membership consists of a hundred whore it
ought to consist of a thousand. Of the hundred, nhmif. inn
can be counted upon to appear at a monlhly meeting. The
work of the club necessarily falls upon this few with lit
tlo money to spend.
Tho club's record is an enviable one. It has launched
every public effort for community development of the past
ten years. Jt has made Medford tho best advertised citv
of lis size in the country. .It has called Crater Lake to the
world s attention and started its improvement by the gov
ernment. It is responsible for iho highway development
of Jackson county. It has made several eounty-wido irri
gation campaigns and two sugar beet campaigns. Jt has
or years maintained a creditable exhibit of local products,
TodajV, Itclli Ingcr
Mack Sonnntt, tho famous Key
ntono comedy producer tolls of onco
overhoarlng two irishmen engage In
tho following conversatien:
"flhuro." says 1'nt, "I soo h' tho
pnpnrs that thoy'vo cut folvo clnts
off tho prlco of n loaf of broad."
"Ol hopo." says Mlhc, "that it's
tho folvo clnt loaf!"
Says tlio (ill! on the Savon
"Filmy" girls nro tho order of tho
day. Kvon tho compllmunta paid to
thorn uro usually veiled,
Ovorliourd ou an Ashland Jltnoy
5'osterday: ".No ulr do mos' useful
unlmulo allvo Is da rhlckon, llort.
You kin oat him bufo' he's bawu mid
yo' kin oat him ilftHh he's dald!"
Wo Admit That Tills N a I'Mi Vain
Old Hoy Well, soupy, catch any
thing? Sonny-Ne: I don't think tho
worm was half trying!
Jn Which tho Vitiligo riijhfmphor I'n.
loads ills Mind
(I'roin Toronto, Knu , llspubllc.)
Aftor gadng a loiijr vhllo at tho
lints In tho dlsplny wlliilow of the
inllllnory storo yMtordtty, old Hill
Hook was hoard to obxerve: "TltBro's
lots o' fooler wsys spoHilln' ihhuo
than buylu' chaw In' totiMtker."
development of latent resources and thei)atronageof homo
industries. It has made Medford famous for hospitality
and entertained countless excursions and disfi.Hmislin.-l
The Commercial club is just what the people of Bed
ford make it, and it is up to the citizens to infuse new life
and energy, now policies and new efforts for tlio coining
year. The faithful few upon whom the burden has fallen
during the period of depression havo done the best they
could with means at their command, and will gladly make
way for thoso bettor qualified and extend their heartiest
co-operation to those unselfishly assuming the burdens.
i iiu .iniiii.ii iiiri-uiig oi uie ciui) win lie Held at tlio pub
lic library .January 17 and it is hoped that every live wire
hi i iiu cuiiiiiiiiiiuy win ne present to lend lus counsel and
assist in restoring the old-time Medfor
lly P. Q. MOOltK.
KonliziiiL' thai iicrsonnl eoutnet
butuceu teuclier nnd upil is fumln
meutal in flu liOMt government o a
seliool ami reulixiug Hint the host vc
kiiIIh nre obtuiiied only vlien tlio iu
j)il has I lie advice nnd personal guid
ance of nt Icnsl ono lonelier, the
mniingemeul of tho high school linn
Hceii fit to organize what tlicy nro
pleased to call their advisory system,
Kncli (enolior has practically tho
piiiiio number of pupil from the btu
dent body, over whom ho is tlio nd
visor nnd to whom Iho pupils mny go
for oousullntion hud ndvUo upon any
subject, principally, however, eon-
fined to school work. Tho system
euuhles each pupil to have at least
one particular teacher to whom ho
been nddeil to tho work. Tho pupils
Lmcet with their advisory teachers on
Monday morning eneh weeki when
they nro insdruotcd in tho funda
mentals of nlntfonn speaking, given
u little drill in parliamentary law and
required to furnUh number for the
program. 1'upils of the same rank in
school, that U, nil sophomores or nil
freshmen, nro put in tho snmo sec
tion, so that their capabilities are
about tho same. The woik which is
done in thoso sections has been enro-
fully outlined under tho supervision
ot tho huglinh dcpailment.
In nil tho advii-ory sslem seems io
offor tho much needed personal touch
.between toaehor and pupils so funda
mental in efficiently dealing with the
pupils, so necessary in udnpting their
may feel freo to go with his questions courses to their individual needs, so
I'd spirit.
The New Year's Novice
Xollco of Salo of HvlUMrt. Wui-iimts
Notice is horby ttlVtfnr tmt tke
directors of School Ulstrtst No. 49
of Jackson County. Oregon, will offr
for salo an Saturday, January the
15th, 1 QIC. to tho klKliMt bidder, for
cash in hand pnld, fifteen thousand
dollars In rofuuding warrant. p
nblo on or boforo ten yoars from dato.
with lutorost nt flvo pur oont pr an
num, latorest to bo paid iMitil-ttHual-
ly. Illds for subsortptlRM, will Hot
Ijo received for shiiw Ism tfcaN fifty
dollars. Tho directors ronwve tits
rltjit to reject any and all blln
l)atd this 4th Oiu- of Januarv.
fW. J- W. I WT.
AHCfti Chairman of Board.
J1..H. frTiM:.
(lly llai II. I.Miiipiiiaii in the (lold Hill Hint these youthful limbs will nover
Doctor, won't you feel my pulso
and stlok around nwhiluf i fnr mo
(hot this iiomoly map will povor
wrwttli a smilo. Hlow mo no hunk of
iilad New Year, nor rin your droad
ful (sriu Iho iwticut tlm't oonfronls
you, Dee. iu listed to cash in. Us
niht, Hi (Tiarlsy's Down tho Lino, wo
WHlriit'il the old your die; full four
and twenty spiiiliitjr ports, and eaoh
ftill na I. Our glaiMp jinsjled on
Iho bar, our ailvor sought th till. O,
luMtiy a toast and many a boast to
Haeohus did wo t.pill. Vet jiit' was
in oaoJl calhint htfHit. though all im-
dnmutid nucli ie; we soiht to sou
our sorrow, Hoo the state was going
l)iMtr. spak not of lu sob that
wrius; thf manly rawe, whan sorrow
wjth a sickle cleave the good old
fttiully name. Tho )taiu that )Mut
within our breasts we held and made
no mou. wight wris te tars a Zulu
luof or IUiifjr a stone. Yt hiugh
rr Uitwl at the tight and round
through the door we drenched the
harfueos of our .oul and called or
one niund more. And. IWtor. hul
me uot that 1 win not the lea.t of
ttiise until the bt-lita wont round and
round llki i r Chnsttuas tre.
Who WOlibl li,. I -miiio Li. U. nu.k. iiMiryf We .ill m.
wounierc: t . we the kiate mu
jfiir dry.
Ji-tcior, w.m'i a .. 1, ' , x
'lid tl' L ,!(', II:. i ., J
limp a nolo, ltid them cull mo no
flowers fair, when 1 am slarward
fled. Whoever pined for posies, Dee,
niiil onrried such a liond? Liut night
at Charley's Down tho Line, wo
watched tho old your oronk to song
and quip and ribaldry tho Now Year
yawned and woke. Hut, Dootor, iu
on oh gallant heart a secret pain
a.hori each man braced up, n all
men must, and nought to boar his load
. . . hy do you Mmko your
lonmotl oonk and smilq nnd softly
sigh I've got to havo my bracer,
Dee tlio jwor old state's gone dr !
1 4
Xo (iils Sony lly King
LONDON". Jan. C Tito usual cus
tom of tho king and queot sending
Clirlstmas cards to tho koldlors at the
front was dlspoused witn this yoar,
as t Is loalUud that somo millions
of canls sent over tlio world would
Uo mi enormous extra bunion on the
noitofflee, whoso rosouroee are al
ready neuvll) taxed.
Mid (roubles, and bo sure Io find Iho
desired sympathy.
The ndxisory lonelier is expected
io oon for with his pupils, lenrn thoir
tendencies nnd natural bend of na
ture, iu order that the high school
courses pursued by them may ho
shaped for nnd adapted to (heir
Tho ndvisor is, through his fre
quent conference with tho pupil io
discover if pommIiIo any deficiencies
in tho nupipK nature and emleaor to
strengthen him, to discover any ir
regularities wlmh nmv exist and rec
tify, if po-iblc, by means of n
course of Mud. especially adapted to
(he individual.
An illustration of iho way in which
Iho advisory system advisee is hero
given. When the reports (o (he par
cuts at the end of each six weeks'
period nre ready, they nro sent from
the office to the advisory teacher nnd
given then to the impils. First, how
over, tho udvi.ory teacher makes a
nolo of all failures and of tho work
which is being dono by oaoli pupil in
his section, if tho work is not up
to tho capabilities of the pupil or is
holovv the passing average, tt eonfer
oneo results, in vvhieh the oause is
ascertained and a remedy suggested.
Tho matter is then repotted to the
office, where tho final steps are
taken. Thin does uot lessen the work '
of the prineipal to any marked dc-1
gree, but briugs about a personal su
pervision which would ho otherwise1
UuVossible. ,
There has been put into the ad-1
visory work, however, more than jiM
conference and suggoktion. The need t
for some sort of trnmiiur in public
speaking has 1,,'on felt, nnd m order)
to meet tins i -ed in ns ndctjuule a (
wav Hi im.iMo. this feature bns.
vital in enooiirni:inir tho dehnniient
piqiil, prodding Iho procrnstinnlor
and heljiing tho deficient. Ineorpor
nting ns tho advisory system docs a
drill iu public speaking ami parlia
mentary law, it seems to fill a funda
mental place in the school curricti-
Jersey railroad u) girl ? 10 each
for five eyoUshes burned off b
park from engine, (fiten up girls,
one at tinif ' I
The JH
Finishing Touch fmfim
I Th finulunh. louch to VAVII I AIsI
taity dsxcit CVc, Ice rpxM
I Cream and Pudding HKVlB
I flavorad w.rn Merit ,Jb.-'.fK
I Vanilla have that Ei2l-.T
pl' l-ainB tat'e Sf
that makrt one iee io ood,
Orrlor of Your M
i Grocer f
Cbc4p ioVititutcs coit YOU same prlc.
Itily Assistant
us s iiuti.i:tt
rbouo4 m. t; mm 17-Ja
Ambiil.inco bcrvlro Coroner
The Girl from His Town
A romantic drama of tho theater
full of Vim and Uo nnd strntllug cli
maxes. Featuring tlio prettlost girl In Mo
(ton Pictures, Fascinating
If you don't know hor como nnd
get acquainted.
She Is .nt bar best In this Vivid
nicturo drama of lovo and tho stngo.
"Tlio Olrl l-'rbm Ills Town" will
prove ono of tho most onjoynblo pho
to plays von over saw.
This Is a four part Mutual Master
picturo (nne better) magnlflcontly
staged and acted. Don't miss a good
There will also bo r good eoniedy
ou tho same program.
Motion Picture Theater
IThe Thirteenth Girl
Itroadwav Star Feattiro
j Three act Drama
It's an unluik number for the lit -
t'e fjBhlon model, but, ilcspito the
i great odds, her sterling charactor
and Innate goodness saves her from
the easiest road."
Benjamin Bunter
Book Agent
l Ylt.igruiU one-act comedy.
The Merry Models
i:suna one act, wtih a big puucb
George Ade Fable of
The Heir and the Heiress
Moral Somebody must rake up the
leaves before the oung neonl iaii
bsve a successful bonfiie.
The Height of Good Service
Is the offering of a Cup of our Barrington Hall Coffee
Hie rich fragrance, the
mellow flavor, the in
vigorating effect all ap
peal to tho guest as no
other refreshment will
or can. '.Pry our Teas
and Coffees oil your
own table and you'll al
ways he proud to servo
them hereafter to your
Choico Lino of Vegetables and Fruits
Seeond door east First National JJnnlc. Phone 252.
Influenza (Grippe) Vaccine
For the prophylaxis and treat
ment of common colds, mixed
infections of the respiratory
mucous membranes, acute and
chronic catarrhal conditions of
the nose, throat and respira
tory organs,
Consult your Physician.
Medford Pharmacy
com IV", St MY 11.
lk l.o if of !..'' b
-- 1 t"n in
ASK OUR GRADUATES. Their earning
rwMrv.o nave ucen doubled and trebled since
completing their courses of study at the
Medford Commercial College
Mid-Winter Term Begins January 3. Day and Evening Sessi