ANSWERS AHACK TUNNEL CRATER: 1 COMMERCIAL INCREASE SIZE OF o CLUB'S EFFORTS PARK SAYS STEEL ' ' . I fllEDffOKD ftlXTIJ TlttlJUNE. ftrfiDFORD, OKEOOX. FRIDAY, .lAXTARY 7, 101(5 PAGE THREE To thu Editer: An editorial in tin- Sun of the lith inst. criticising; tlio Mod ford Conimur cinl vluh and its hoard of directors evidently was nmpiied by those who do not know the situation fully, or nt least forgot easily. During 11)14 the'elul. was hehind the sngnr licet ennipnlpi, whiolr,;im iiiff to the latenohs of the seiisijn, was postponed to 11)15, and renewed in the autumn, and tho w'rl; done on this project is known to all. During the yenr (lie cluh probably entertained more prominent people than in its entiro previous history, unions these being: Willinni Jennings Uryan and wife; David Lamont, of the house of J. 1 Jlorann & (i.i Henry Kiihn, of Kului, l.oeb & Co.; E. 0. JleConniek, vice-president of ine boiitlieni l'neific; Charles S. Fee, traffic miinngcr of that com pany; J. p. O'llrien, vice-president of the O.-W. It. & X. C.; .Mr. 0roa. cnir, editor of the (leogrnphiciil Magazine: the Rovernor of Vermont, the Rovernor of Ohio, the governor of Illinois and their parties, the Pan American eongie of road-bnilders, etc. Sonic Activities Some or tho above wiros Inkcn to Cmlcr Lake and others went over the Pacilio hiRhway. Crater Lake has been exploited as never before ns tho Med ford Rateway. The club was nlao active in semir ing displays for the exhibition in llm three buildings in San i-YnncNco; "! nshiHieu in M-cuiiiiR inu trannpoita non tor thu exhibits to and from tho exposition. Autos wore time nml time nuniii tendeied the 110 of the club for tho enterlailimout of gncMs by C. E. Antes, A. L. Hill, J. A. Westerlund, W. II. Gore, Geo. Putnam, A. S. Kos enbnuni, II. L. Wnlthors, W. V. J. Campbell, J. E. ijark.lull, C. A. K'niRht, G. E. Treiehlor, licit Ander mii utid many others. This not only for entertainment, but in thu Migiir beet campaign each owner providing cars gratis. The club also .lisiMeil in the en tertainment and handliiiR of tho K". of P. in their Crater l.iiku trip. Information limvau Valuable information has been Riven to many iiupiiroix, thoso call iiir having, been entertainod; much literature has been sent out. letters have been promptly and intelligently nnsucied. Tho club is out of debt and owns its own homo with its contents. It has kept an adoipiato display of products Tit all tunes nnd conducts a public infoimatioii bureau. Tho ululi ha, enlisted the support . .. Ult-Kllll (IUIURIUIOII 111 congress ami tlio l uited Mate forestry orv iee 1 or leiieral an m huildiiiR the t inter Uik hiRhway and tho Apple Riite, lJluo Lodge, Kbiiiiath river high way. Tho Owens Lumber Co. has been n&sured tho co-operation of the club in anything it can do. The box fae tory was ahl.v put before our people by Mr. Ilafer during 1!)M, and tho club htmids ready to asiht any de velopment project. Offer. C'(M)jienitlon The Hour mill is welcome to any nsM,tonco the club can give it, and the club has nlirny advocated tho iio of home products and it is dis playing the mill's products. The olub helped finance the cannery and i willing to eo-operato in any way pos sible in clouting a market for home products. Tho club has mndo several onm lmigns for irrigation uud stands ready to make another when called upon. Our niinos have been oxploited whenever possible, and am known. Much capital has been expended in ineir iieelopmciit, and inoro will BECOMES FIGHTER 10 1 AN INVALID WIFE; ON HIS WW UP. MILLION IN STAMPS STOLEN AI SI PAUL come. Copper mining takes Jurgo eap '"' "'id when iuh i- looking iTEEPTJVER ACTIVE AND BOILS CLEAN u it WASHINGTON, Jan. 7. In order thnt victors to Cratct Lake Park may hae readv access to tho Uku itself and not be compelled to ninV the har.nidoti trip down the hteo trail that IclMs" from tho lodge to the shore below, Will G. Steel, supcMin tendent of the purk, roconnueiids the construction of a tunnel through the rim, just above the level of tho lnko. lly this means the' trail ean be avoided, and those wishing to or boat on the lako ean reach the water without danger and without inconven ience. Mr. Steel, in his annunl le port, aks for an appropriation of $1000 to make surveys, investigations and estimates for such a tunnel. Mr. Steel also recommends ex tending the boundaries of the park to include other scenic spots, Uoumlat'y Intension .lvKel "Since my report for lDH," lie says, "the matter of extending the park boundaries t-u as to include Mt. Thieldsen, Diamond lake and Old llailey has been considered by the forest supervisors and myself, and wo have agreed to report jointly in favor of tho following limits: 'Commencing nt the western ex tremity of the south boundary of the Crater liake National park, thence went approximately thrce-ipiarters of a, iiiitu to the boundary between Klamath and Jackson counties, tinmen uoith nhmg nid county line to a point on tho boundary between Douglas and Jackson counties; thence east to n point due north of the present western line of the pnrk; thence north to a point two miles north of the sixth standard parallel, thence east to a point on the east boundary of the Ciupqua national forest, thence southerly along the said culcrn boundary of the I'mpquu national forest lo the present north line of the Crnter Lake National park." The past reason was the biggosl in the history of Crater I.uke park in the number of visitors. To the oloso, of Scptcmbor 11,171 persons visited the pink, iiti compared with 700(1 last year: New I toads C'iiuKmI Up to nifd including the current year congress has appropriated $12(10, 000 for road construction in Crater Lake park, and thi money has been expended in grading new roads from the Klamath, Medford and Pinnacle entrances to the rim of tho lake, and on that portion of the rim road ex tending 1 rout Cloudcap, on the oast side, to tho Watchman, on the west side, 1-1 miles in all. This, says Mr. Steel, JH about two-thirds of the roads it is proposed to build, but ow ing to tho fact that the noil is ex tremely light and is cut deeply liv travel, it is neeossary at this time to pave these roads, and then const runt and pave the remaining proponed rondo. Automobiles will now find good roads leading to the park, not only from Klamath and Medford, but also from central Oregon by way of the Pinnacle entrance, on Sand creek, says the superintendent. CLEANSES YOUR HAIR -IKES IT BEAUTIFUL, ST. PAl I.. Jan. 7. llobbers Inst iigit obtained approximately unci '''' million dollar in negotiable internal i revenue stamps and several thousand doTlnrs in cnh as a result of prob ably tho most skillful ntid neci"fiil lobbery in the history of the north west. Ulowing a large safe hi the old Etdernl hiiilitinir. the robbers tto- JWtcd their loot with comparative luasuro tiuil icjected a lingo quantity of stumps that weie nnncgotiablc. The robbery was not d'seuvored upUl the building wns opened for bus iness today. It will bo two days befoie K. J. lyneh, ruveituu collector, in whose office tho robbery was ooinniitted, cuu detuimlne the exact amount ob tained bv tho criminals. Obviously well informed, the roll bin's effected an entrance to Mr. hyneh's office, and with apparent deliberation used an electric drill to open a hole five iuiTios in diaiaetor In the outer door of the big vault. THICK, GLOSSY, WAVY V This! All DnOiliiiff UlMipilf-nr.s llalr Slops Coming Out. STORIES OF WILD LIFE I'liiukie Whitney, the cuiiciitci'-rlglitcr I lly IMOWN 1IOLMKS. a Hieii wijo mis given tlic ring rns,t When Itllloiis, Slrl;, lleadaih), Coiistliateil, or for Hail Uroiith or Sour Stomach. He ofcoorfHl! Pttu n Inohlo U niKlit nail feel (ine. Take C'arrrtt lo liven yauj- lvr nnd cm?i Ik bovvl and aiop hHtarhM, bad cnhl, bllloHlHVM. olfeimtvo brMth, roald tongue hIIgwhcu, tour Uuw irh and m TomM ik' (' rareu nd tHjox the in... I mnlleii Hv.r bmI to a i . nb hk Mm mvw ekrHIIM4. V. ' 'Hi. TMMt Kvryjo4 i " ' ' '"w "l Ui4tlv for ihlMrn lo - Lfor such propeitie, thoc of South ern Oregon will have further atten tion, Tho (dub has tried the public nioel jugs and has found but a doxon or so attended. It has been difficult to got eight to a board of governors' meet ing, regiudles of when held, and us- uully the smiie members are picocut. Credit Whom Cieillt Olio It has not been u time for a blare of trumpets, nor for a high-snlnncd promileiit or hooretHiy. I.d the ex hibits bo kept ii), tho building kept attractive, correspondence answered and culler given reliable intorma- tio. It is oflsy to find fault, but who cuu do better. Those who think a .Moes is needed to lead iw out of the wil dcrnesii will bo the last to follow. Kathor than oriticUo, wo liould take our hats otf to our president, uIid BHciifieod" hU oun lutenwts for -i week to uauio for the vnllvy a -njiar beet ffletory, mid to tho who IiUiwim- nucrificed thwr time W. II. (lore, II. A. Thierolf, A. I. Hill and itheiK. It there arc ihomn who Uelievo a eliunge in method lire hsimImI, they should come forth and not only ad oealc und cxtin their in-ojsxtod melhtsL but at the mum time an nounce their lYudiiM-tfB to ae(sj.,t (heir ham of tM wait and niftiisibilit. Tlwrw u an old aaying that "Pretty i that pivtly doM," ao come loith u4 hflp out. The vnier i n4 a mmUr of Ida hawrd f 4iels aattiwr dta ha laiiu anything varful aa ham waitilijiad Uu last tearhut UHs of work Wa haa doaa, and eradtt ahouM ha iao to thoaa far k kitka aVaM lha wnrk and ittMi. il the uial ui" h Id .v Mt M I 1 1;. IN JANUARY SPORTS AFIELD fighter who is good enough to he I in the running for tho lightweight Did you ever travel at night oer championship, and ir ho ever lands tho lonely alkali plains of Colorado the title it will bo beeuuso ho fought bleak, bine and desolate to the ae- fur a grand cause, eompniiimeiil of yapping coyotes and Several jours ago Frnnkio Whitney the swish I swish! of your bicycle tires was plying his trado as onrpontur nt through the deeii sand, until vouiv Cedar I'anids. In., his limne. Ili ,inuseles weie so "iliig tired" thnt you, wife contracted tuborcnlosja. 1iit ould hitrdly sit ujion your wheel to vtiey decided ho would have to earn camp nt lust at a lonely prairie more money so 4 wife could scouro cabin, the only other occupants being proper treatment. ' a "happy family" of rattlesnakes,, He had boxed borne at a olub and snugly ensconced between tho nuilts? shown pretty wollt,o ho decided to 'Did you over fight half-stnrved benrs, try (ho milt game. Ho Miuteended in tlic .loop gorgis of tlio llig Smok- rapidly and just, recently guvo Ad ies? Did you ever .shoot ducks in u'Wolgtist, former champion, such u winter cornfield, und hear the dead hieing in five rouiuli at Atlanta, (la., mallards falling in a perfect shower WolgastV seconds throw up the about yon striking the ground with j sponge. Jhe peculiar thud! charnclqri,tii. of,, Whitney hamllrd all tho detail of big fat duck hitting tho hoggy (torn the nlateli him-(jll$ lie neled as his middles? Did you eer experience the thrill of bagging the bull moose in the wilds of far Tcmioknming Did you ever fifdi for rainbow trout in llennett'.s Spring in the Missouri () arks, tho largest spring in the world Did you ever go conn hunting at night, climb the tree with a hickory club to scare out Mr. Coon only to step on a deud limb, full to the ground like u (nib bear rolled up, and in a twinkling liavu the dogs strip you as bare of clothing a a new bom baby Theo things and many more nre all at forth in the Janu ary SportH Afield. If you like gen uine humor, you'll get your moue.v's worth out of .left" Sniallin Wife Tamer. It's rich and then soine. ItV 'by William Perry Hiowii, and one of tlP fiuest things he ever wroti1. In this same isue this popular writer kUmj begins a gripping orial Woods Life in Dixie which will continue throughout tho year. In fact, the dnnimry Sport Afield i brimful of good things. own manager in coming to terms with Wolgast, rented the theater where the bout was held, then, lining his ability a a carpenter, erected tlio ring. The ciirpenler-fighter attracted so much attention by the maimer in which he conducted the whole affair fans packed the theater and he mude ii nice pjooo of money for use in aid ing his wife to better health. Whitney entered the light game at an iirc when most fighters ure quit ting. Ho was 'Jo when he stinted. The reason in that until Ml. Whitney became ill ho hud no idea of going into the ring. Whitnov, going toward lop form at 27, offers strong contrast to Knock out Drown of New York, who flushed long eunuch to whip two world's champions and make a lot tunc, and now, at 1, is a has-been, contented I.OIMSVII.I.K. Ky .Ian. 7. A fire In the heart of I.oulsvlllo'a wholomiln liquor and tobacco district early hint night did damage etlmnted by the police nt from $.100,000 to half n million dollar. It started of un known origin In the poven-ntory bull ding occupied by tho Ox-llrecches I .Mnnufnctiirlng company, nnd quickly jHprond to tho Taylor nnd Williams liquor wnrohouso nnd tho building .occupied by Altshler nnd cqmnaii)', j wlioloatilo grocers. "IP EASES TIRED, SORE, SWOLLEN FEET Instant relief for rtching-, puffed- up, calloused feet and corns. W hy jo limping around with nching, feet feet o tlied, clmfid, oro nnd swollen joii can hardly get your shoe on or onr Why don t you get a aWnit Ikix of "'IV' from tlio drug ntoro now and gladden your tor tured feel? i "?'il'.' "H" y"" 'wt glow with com fort, tnkci down wclllng and draw the nrriiPM and mlncrv right out of in. una cnaie, smart nml burn, "Ti" Initnntly toji iiln In cormi, cnlour nun i.nnions. -iif." l uiorlou i pick up a preliminary bout now I tired, aolihig, tore fcrt. Vt, inore bLoo "hi 'urn. i ut'iiiuMsjit; niorc foot torture. u M Mawuctfru tfonu " a r . cr "a - If .HP HT-.M'--. - aW '0U771'. Surely try n "Danderlno Hnlr Clonne" If yon wlnh to Immedlntoly double tho beauty or your hair. Just inolMon a cloth with Pandorlne Und tlmw It carefully througli your lntlr, tiittlitg. one Miuill Htrnnd nt ft tllue; thin will demise tho hnlr of dilut, dlit or nny oxcnHHlve oil In n few minutes you wilt be amazed. Your hnlr will lie wavy, fluffy and nbund utit and pusseM nn Incomparable HoftnoBs, lustro ntld luxuriance. Unslilos beautifying tho li'alr, ono nppllciitlou of Danderlno dlsRolve.s evory partiulu of dandruff: IhvIroi iiUd the ncnli, RtojipJiiK Itching and fiilltiiK hnlr. Danderlnc Is to the hair whnt fresh iilioworn or rnlu nml minahlno aro to vegetation. It rocs rlsht to the rootH, Invigorates, nnd strength euq them. Uh cxhlllnratlng, stlmu littlng nnd llfoproduclng 'propertlos cause the hnlr to grow long, strong ami hcnutlful. Yoil can ntircly hnvo pretty, noft, luHtrniiH hair, and lots of it, If you will Just get a 3fi-ccnt bottlo of Kiioh lion's Danderlno from any drug store or toilet counter nnd try It nn directed.- Adv. Our Prices yi-rjal. Tea Garden Syrup.. I nal. Tea Garden Syrup 5-lb. can Karo Syrup .., IO-IIj. can Karo Syrup., Crystal White Soap, doz.. Wnisbls to (iiiaiilaimiuo 1MIIL.VDKMMIIA, Jan. O.Tha bnttloshlpH South Curollnn. Knuaas nnd Michigan left hero for the (iuun tnnamo station to relieve the Kour Harge and Kentucky. HARD GOLDS Cause Weak Lung, MtilfoKl Ding- gist SuuKols u llellalilo Itt'iui'ily. AV have a conatliuttoaal ramedy for hard colda and wk luuga which wa guarantw. Such letters aa thin prove lla affietenry: Wlokatunk, V. J.: "I auffarod from wsak luaga. aalaa la uiy chttst and vetT abort of breath. I am an agent for tho C. It. It. of Xaw Jer suy. I had a vory bnd oough aad lost flftoon pounila In walght and my i rou Lie Inlorfwrrod wltk my occupa tion so thnt I had to atop work laat July. I had doctoraU for aoinallnui ylthaut lioMem. but whan I laaraad of Vlnel through a frland I darldad to try It, aad anon owaed to improvo. aly rougk baa goaa. tha aoraaeaa from my ahaat 4laaiwurad, I auj korking aata. aa4 buvf r gaiaad ibi flriM-o tututuU In fleab wbtrg I loat " Vu tor WiMn, Wick- atuak. V. J. Tfca rmtagaj VNmI la afirtor t aar aiber raaaa4y haca a il eo taiga hi 4aJioHalr iaiubl form Um. K4I1m. taaix-hulbJUu nnd paia'aWlb'applaBPaBp VavPaaVablaajBV P9 wwW WW Itvan, umJ imp jmI bgay ganutae Ik cikkHM aa4 aagat faajggs wa kMg to ajadlai Trr ia . . w rani- M'4rarl l'liruiar laua MJi Sale is a real money-saving salo for you, not alone do wo offer you a good clean stock of good Shoes to choose from, but we take special pains to fit your feet correctly. We are aware of tho fact that tho public expects sorvice plus good merchandise, and wo are hero to bo of just such assistance to every person who wishes to buy good shoes at this sale. l& N-flr i( r" Vv -"""'ir ARE YOU FROM MISSOURI? ..()() Shoes rodjiycd to....$3..85 )$.M Klioi-s l't'ducod io.. ?3.-15 $1.00 Shot's rcdiKM'd to ..$3.15 $:J.."0 Shoes 1'ndui'od to $2.85 ..'1.00 Shoes I'oduee'd to $2.45 Ono big lot of "Short Lines," luidly broken in sixes, at, only, per pah' $1.95 See Them in Our Windows .JUST I'OKVVOLTU INI-'OlttlATION: This is no sale oC a lot of show that have jiloyod tho tyirgaiii eoiiute!s i'ov sovoraj seasons in tho past, pawod ovor, shop wui'u and completely oijt of date. If you are looking for real GOOD SIIOKS, stylos niul (pjaliiy of thy bout, at a induction in pinco, then this is iho salu that you eamiot affoj-d to nvoi'look. QITAL1TV and SlfiliV IOIC nilo here. Aim Gooo Shoes" "GOOD aHOKS" 15UILT OUR BUSINESS OfpojUo Aliyui! Storo. .50c .85c .33c .63c 45c Star Nnntltn Powder, 25c size 19c Citrus Washinn Powder, 25c slze,.20c Gloss Starch, 2 pkgs 15c Cornstarch, 2 pkfjs. - 15c Sprlnrj Clothes Pins, doz v 05c Lnrae Moll Toilet Pflpw, , , .,. 05c Royal Bakliin Powder, II) ,.43c K. C, Baklnu Powder, 25c sze20c I II). Hersey's Cocoa 2o Vi Ih. Kerseys Bakinn Chocolatel9c Ground Chocolate, l).... 30c I lb. Upton's Tea 63c 50c Bulk Tea, per ll). 37c Japan Rice, per it). G&c Hoad Rice, per lb. Cc Macaroni, per lb B'jC 20c - 9c J5c -35c -30c .35c .150 -35o 20o J2c .100 .lie ..lie Bulk Coconnut, per Ih.. Bulk Crackers, per lb.. Holly Milk. 2 cans.. Soft Shell Walnuts, 2 lbs Cornmeal, sack Rolled Oats, sack 2 10c sacks Salt 2 25c sacks Salt. .. Lemons, doz. Comb Honey . ...... 3 boxes Matches Codfish, lb. . Shrimp, can , Canned Poas, doz $1.05 Canned Sugar Corn, doz $1.05 Best Creamery Butter, 2 lbs. .. . 55c 25 lbs. Prunes $1.00 15 lbs. Best Cane Sugar . .$1.00 Aster Milk, doz. 87c Bon Ami, 2 for . .. 15c Sapolio, 2 (or 15c 25c )k. Qtiakor Oats 19c Kerosene Oil, 5 gals, 85c NO CREDIT NO DELIVERY JACKSON COUNTY SUPPLY CO. Cut Price Grocers 33 North Grape Street Bargains in ROSES 200 Tnroe-ycur-old , Caroline Testout Honed for Bala nt a bargain Tho fluoHt foKCH in Medford from tlio hoHt roao hoiliro In tho city. Tho Caroline Testotit la a perpet ual bloomer, lurgo pink rosea nnd tho boat hodgo or struet rose for this climate. Pierce, the Florist Union Feed and Livery Stable PULL EQUIPPED LIVERY STABLE AMBULANCE SERVIO.H 112 Smith KuiTMiiU: Plume lot) Gaunyaw&Bostwick 4taii 5K .