Bj A. 0. Howlctt "Now Ycnr'a tiny was quite u watch tlmu In our little village, lor tliu Uaptlst evangelist arrived the day be fore and held n watch nights meeting In the rhtircli, to watch the old year out and the new year iu, and William Wright cntcrtnjucd a party, of his frluuds at his liouic, having n feast of good things to cat and spent the evening plnylng games and having fun .generally. And Now Year's" day wo had a lot of troublu over our mall, Something got the matter with (ho l'aclflc and Eastern locomotive so that It did not bring our mall until nftcr noon litBtead of at 9545 a. m., tliu schedule time. Some! one sug gested that Mcdford wan bo dry that lnornlng that they rould not get up steam enough to move the train. And on tho rc(urn trip tliu engine run off tho track at Untie Kails and after It was replaced the engine and all the rest of the crow could not get the thing to go no had to send to Mcdford for another engine to taku the dead one back to Mcdford and then No. 1 waB sent to tho rescuu and the re null was that wo didn't rccclvo our lluttc Falls mall until after bod tlmo and the passengers along the route had to wait In the cold for the train. One couple was waiting from two to about 8 p. in, at Derby without fire or supper and another couple was stationed nbout school Iioubc gap un til a lata hour and the loud was so licuvy that the little one spot had to stop every few miles to got up utcam no as to pull tho dcud engine mid tho cars, but they finally reached Med ford between one and two a. in. And New Year's the Kaglu Point Amusement company gave n danco and that caused quite a number of tho young follH to loso some more idrnp. Ho taking it all around New Year's day for 19 tC proved to bo iiulje n day for Eagle Point. And Sunday night there was preaching by Nov. Taylor at the church and a moving plcturo hIiow In tho opera bouse, no our Now Year starts off pretty lively and the weather Is Ideal, cs, simply lovely. 31 r. Hnrth, tho man who bought tho Marry Carlton place, about two inlk'H south of hero, and his wife came on from l.os Angeles the first of tho week. They came as far oh Rcd dlng In their auto, but had to leave t there on account of the snow, and caltio on tho S. P. to Medford. George West and wife, who haTo Itcun visiting the Itowlclt family at the. Sunnysldc, returned Sunday morning to their home iu Medford. Kenneth Brskluo, of Oakland, Cal who has been visiting hltf sister, who is teaching in the Ed Hlglubotham district, came out tho first of the week and spent tho night with us on Charles Manning and Miss Mabel lleuson stopped here Saturday eve, anil took an early supper and went ou up to the Manning ranch that ulght. Miss Hcuhoii Is teaching tho school Iu tho Flounco Hock district. MIbs Louisa lllass was smiling on some of her old friends Saturday ovo, at tho dance. C. W. Clements Is putting up a new telephone lino from here to reach ns far as the old S. A. Carlton placo and will accommodate some ten or twelve settlers in that section. Thos. Riley Jr. is assisting him iu tho work. August Elder and son Chris and Otto nnd Kd Frey of Lake creek woro here Monday for dinner. Irvln Daley nnd wife came out from Medford Monday nnd went right on up to their home on tho Wm. Daley placo. John J. Wood, now of Mcdford, hut recently from Idaho, camo out on the P. & K. and wont up to llrowusboro to look at a farm but tho uiuu ho wanted to see was not at home He wants about 40 acres of good land. Mrs H. II. "Waltermeler of Lake creek, Is here at this writing on her way to visit her mother, who 1h In a serious condition In tho Mcdford hospital with blood poisoning. Tho protracted meeting that was commenced hero last Friday night under tho management of Captain Taylor and L. I.. Simmons, Is growing In interest. H I). nianchet of the Evorgroen ranrh, was a pleasant caller Monday p m and took the P & B. for Mcd ford late Ip tho afternoon. TALENT TALK Mrs. P, L. Van der Sluice has ie turned from Portland, where ho has been visiting her parents. Miss Mary Gillc.s and Miss Louisu Allen of the V. W. ('. A. of the Um teiit of Oregon, wcte guests of Miss Kutli WiUon Christmas. G. A. Morse nnd family weie guet ot Mr, and Mr. Kathe ol Phoenix, New Year's. P. I). Dlaek has returned I ram the mountain ranch whigh he has been in (h.irge of. Mi Owen, the new owner of the Duckeye ranch, has been remodeling li house. Tln-ie Will be a i'oueort tt the WiM'Mlit tliurch Finlay evewug, January 7. Mr. Heed will deliver a lecture on the lcligiuus life o Ab raham Lincoln. Mr. nnd Mrs. lloxsolgruvo of Tal ent vKitvd friends and rolutives iu Central Point Sunday. Itcv. ami Mrs. ,1. T. Anderson of the RaptiM church will leave boon for 1 Kiddle; Or. Mr. Fuller, u former resident of Talent, is hero from .Maine un ti yiMt. C. M. Thouins of tho Talent Or chard Co. will move to the Gold Ilnngo ranch on tho Pneifie, highway, near Medford. Mrs. Ho-selgmvc's niece, of Ccn- Irnl Point, has been vUiting her dur- ijig tho past week. Mrs. Iligh bus boon vory ill, but is belter now. J, P, Dculimn and family will move to the Wellborn Hecsoii ranch, south west of town. Mrs. S. Coleman, who has been having In. grippe, is better now.. Mrs. C. W. Iloldridgv. spent Tues day, January -I, with Mrs. M. C. lived. Key. Van Foshcu of Ashland, the district- Mipcriutcudcut, preached ut Tnlent Methodist church Sunday. Five people united with the church. Mrs. Ten-ill is teaching tho fifth and Hixtu grades, us Miyj Pierce is ill. - Mrs. E. G. Lunt and her wins, Her bert and Knlpli, were dinner quests of Mr. mid Mrs. K. V. Muddox of Med ford Christmas day. Kulph Lunt is n new pupil iu tho fifth grade nnd Henry Pace iu the ninth grade. James Drown mid family liuvo moved to the G. A. ranch, across Hear creel;. Mrs. Vernon llropliy left Saturday evening for Monmouth, Or., where she is attending the normal school. Miss Murguerito Drown of As-bland was a guest of Mr. and Mrs. Walter .Keynolds mid family Wednesday mid Thursday. Miss Euunn MeCnsliu visited her sister, Mrs. I J. of Mcdford during the Christmas holidays. Mr. nnd Mrs. J. J. King entertained Mr. mid Mrs. J. W. Daifey at dinner Sunday. Mrs. I. C. Williams was pleasantly surprised to hove her sister from Iowa step in New Ycnr's morning. A cousin of Mr. Williams' is visiting them. Mrs. Ella Holdridge, I). 0. Htirly and wife, Frank Heed and family, F. L. Holdridge and family nnd C. W. I(oldrjdgc mid family ate dinner nt the W. II. Mntteson homo New Year's. Tho W. II. M. S. meets hi the M. E. church parlors Thursday, Janu ary G nt 2:30 p. m. Miss Ouu Mnzsoii is homo for n two (Months' vacation from her school at Trail. Mrs. E. G. Lunt was a school vis itor Monday. Floyd Dell has returned from a trapping expedition. Mr. and Mrs. U A. Huston of tho Duckeye orchard nre going to movo to California soon. Mr. nnd Mrs. Earl Withrow have moved to tho ranch l'onueily occu pied by Joe Smith. Our school icopciied Monday. A masquerade donee was given at tho I. 0. O. F. hall New Year's eve Tho prizes were won by Mrs. Stagg and Marion Sowndi. Miss Grace Smith, teacher in the Phoenix public school, spent New Year in Medford. Mr. M. A. Wright of Central Point and Mr. mid Mrs. Luther Stan cliff visited Mrs. Lizzie Slanclift of Phoenix Sunday. Mrs. Oarthaiishcr of Talent was a visitor at the home of Mrs. Dr. Malm gren of Phoenix last Sunday. Dr. Mahugven of Phoenix is ex pected home from Pasadena, Cal., where he went to spend tho holidays with his mother. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Kader spent Monday in Medford on business. Mr. nnd Mrs. Louie Colver wero iu attendance at the hard times dance nt Tnlent New Year's eve. Mary McVeigh, who is visit ing her cousin, John E. Groffes nnd wife, were among the many who wero at the watch patty at Phoenix Friday evening. Emmelt Deeson, F. E. and A. S. Furry were gathering up some of their stock off the lower range Tucs day. S. P. Hunter of West Talent was in Phoenix Tuesday doing trading. Mrs. .Nunoy J. Hendrickon of near Salem, Or., is iu tho valley visiting her daughter, Mrs-. D. A. Dougherty of Talent, and l(cr son, William lfcn- drpjksou of South Medfoid. A very pleu.sant community watch partv and social dance was held last Friday evening at Phoenix, and nbout seventy-five persons spent n very pleasant time. Games for thoso who did not dance were played. Ho froshtucnt were served at mjdnight. Musio bv Mcdtord talent was hired. Mrs. D. N. French and her three daughters, Misses Linnie Dell nnd Anpie. were all at Talent attending the ha id time dunce New eiiih eve C, Catey has been selling u lot of epen rower medeord man tribune, grain nnd ulfalfn hay during- the re cent cold sun). it North Eden whs 'well' represented at the community watch nrty given ut Phoenix last Friday evening. Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Roberta mid Koy Coffmun, Mis Lulia HoberU of North Talent, A. II. Houston, Mrs. Mneie Wright of Phoenix were New Year's guests of Mrs. Nuuniu Wolf of Mcdford. Mr. and Mr. John A. Perl of Med ford entertained nt dinner Sunday Mr. and Mrs. II. 0. Shearer of Mcd ford mid Mr. nnd Mrs. C. Carey of North Talent. Among the ninny de licious edibles was a fourteen-pound turkey, the cooking of which was n compliment to the hoMes. Miss Ivutheriiie Foley attended the Oregon State Teachers' association held in Medford on December 2", 28 mid 20. Mr. and Mrs. George Higiubothnm and little sou, Orland of Itosebiirg, returned home on Thursday after several days' visit with relatives nnd friends bete. Messrs. Elmer Higinbothmu, Thos. Norris nnd 11. W. MaeDougnll of the Gold Kidge mine, spent New Year's with their families iu Medford. Weuther prophet's ferecast: Wann er weather and rain. Mivmul Mrs. Muson wero Mcdford business visitors on Monday. Gold Hill business visitors this week were: William Lewis mid wifo, James Iiwrenee, Katie Foley, Tony Olson mid wife, Johu Drown, Thomas Cook, Mr. Davidson and John Mar don. James Lawrence was a Medford business visitor on Thursday. Willuiui Lewis mid family spent Christmas the guest of Mr. and Mrs. John Sisty of Willow Springs. Tho hog cholera struck Touey 01- ficn h tine bunch ol hogs, causing death to about forty head. Glen Eaton of Ashland has been ppeuding n few days with Jmncs Lnw- rcticc nnd family. Reported by Jtckion County Ath tract Co., Blxth and Fir 8U. Circuit FcUir Von der Sluis et ul vs. Dan iel Stump et ul., satisfaction of judg ment. Lawrence I. Drown vs. Carl Schmidt, transcript of judgment. Dig Pines Lumber Co. vs. F. G. Mnthison, mechanics' lieu. II. N. Lofland vs. Hale's Pimio House, reply.' Hurt Andenson et al vs. Nellie Me Phee, motion to strike answer. W, II. Edmpuds vs. Nnera .Mining & Milling Co. et ul., affidavit of Mar tin Durkliart. George T. Watson vs. Mrs. Ann II. Russell, demurrer. S. F. Keichert vs. Josephine Sooy SmiMi, undertaking ou appeal. State vs. J. Frauk Carson, trans cript justice com t. I '101)1(10 Estate of David Minis, proof of publication. Estate of Edward D. Davis, older continuing. Estajo of Edward IL Davis, proof of publication of final notice. 1(01)1 Ktalo Transfer Juekson County Duilding & I.6an Ass'n to Charles Traut felher, lot iu block I, Duugn low Add., Medford $ Hi L. Emma Humphrey et vir to Adclia J. Muusnn, undivided ope-half iot'rt, blpekL', Cen tral subdivision to Cottage CoilL'Il mcdiilmn. ns a rul enntnln n larte iiiBiitity of plum hvrup. A pint of cranuiaicci migur iui pun ol wurm water, btirred fur ' imiiiiiU'm. gives you us good syrup us inuiiey cuu buy. Then get from jour drugsit214 outicci I'inex (oil icnts north), into a pint oouio and mi lln; Lottie with Hiigur rup. i am "r ou, ui a ton ol only hi iciiiM, a inn pint ot really ixtu-r coiiuii syrup tlian you could buy ready made for frj.ou n clear savpiu ol nearly if-, roll dirictionu with I'inei. it keeps perfectly ana tati-n good. It takes held of the initial cough or cncn cviu ai.niicB una conipirrs it in -1 hqurs. Hplendlij for whoopiag cough, uruucuiii uuu miner euuin It's truly itonihlng how quickly It icKJM'na ma ry, noaim or tignt i-ougii and lieal and soothe the inflamed mem lira lies in the cae of a painful coiiirh. It a I no htopa the fnriiialion of phlegm in the and hronehial tiilien, thus end ing the pcrnintent Ioomj cougli. I'inex is a highly concent rated com ixiiinu oi genuine .-iiruy pine exiruci, combined nith giuiaeol, and li peeu lied for generation to heal Inllaoied mtnibrane of t In- IhriM. "d client. fTo avoid dmappnlntment, d: -our druggut lor '"ilA nnnee ot I'ltiei, ' , .1 dnp't aticpt am filing ele. A giinrautra of nlinllle Mtlfiu'tlcni, or iwiiwy plilinpt- S&awr' COURTHOUSENEWS 5 Household Economy 2 How Jo IUtc thn fir I Couk M 3 Kmtrtljr find vc 13 by 8 2 JUkoc It at Home 8 medford, OREaoyr, TmjrcsDAt, .tasutary g, Add., McdroVd . 100 John S. llmninuraly et uv to A. E. ICellogg, land in "block 1, Gold Dill -.... - 1 J. H. Dritt et ux to A. E. Kel logg, Ihud iu block 1, Gold Hill J..w. 10 JOE BAR MINE IS HELD AS HOMESTEAD Tho mining property In tho Dlito Ledge district at .loo Unr, owned by Dave llarrell and hln sister, Mrs. Martha .loues, has been filed upon as n homestead at the land offlcu nt Yreka, Cal. Tho former town of lluttou, uotv Copper la locnted upon tho site, mid tho homestead entry will probnbly nieau the pausing of tho little village that flourished when tho Ulna Ledge mine operated. Tho homestead entry was" made by Mrs. Jones, upon tho suspicion that plans wero afoot by others to thus secure tho property, making a hurried trip from her homo to Yrekn, Cal., to go through tho legal formalities. Thora are several houses located ou the Joe liar property, and tho road to tho llluo Lcdgo runs through It. Under tho homestead entry It Is prob able that owners of tho houses will be held as squatters, and tho road subject to closure, unless other ar rangements could be made. BOUflTY WARRANT TOTALS $421 FOR DECEMBER During ho month of December tho county clerk'a offlco paid out game bounties to tho amount ot $121, a record breaking period for Jackson county, and (ho hunting mid trapping ot varmints has becomo a profltnblo pursuit in tho mountain districts. Monday of this week $52 was paid out, and Wednesday $12 was con tributed to hunters. Charles Pen nington of Trail received $12 Wed nesday in bounties from tho comity, and in addition will receive $30 from tho state tanking a total of $72 for his nlftlncss with gun and trap. Pen nington turned In two cougar hides, five coyotes, and tho same number of bobcats, all being energetic enemies of stock. DEMN'QITKNT SAIjK N()TIOF-OAI-IFOUNIA-OIUWOX ltlWKIl CO. Location ot principal ptacu of bus iness, San Francisco, California. NOTICE Thora are delinquent upon tho following described stock, on account of Assessment No. i, lev ied on tho 20th day of October. 19 IS, tho several amounts set opposlto tho names of tho respective shareholders, as follews: American National Dank of San Francisco, Pledgee. Cert. No. 322, nnOO shaves. Ami. $3,100.00. Aldcnhngon. W. 0.. Cert. No. 210, 10 shares, Amt. $40.00. Chahot. Kmullo M Cert. No. 233, 00 shares, $00.00. Clot. L'mlle. Cert. tto. 325. 400 shares, Amt. $400.00. DoLong, F. L., Cert. No. 2ii, 10 shares, Amt. $40.00. do Tristan, Phlllppo. Cert. No. 30, 1000 shares, Amt. $1000.00. dp Tristan, Philippe, Cert. No. 37, 1000 shares, Amt. $1000.00. do Tristan. Phlllppo. Cert. Ko. 92, 1000 shares, Amt. $4000.00. do Tristan, Phlllppo, Cert. No. 93, 500 shares, Amt. $500.00. do Tristan, Philippe, Cert. No. 90, 5 10 shares, Amt. $540.00. do Tristan. Phlllppo. Cert. No. 170, 250 shares, Amt. $250.00. . do Tristan. Philippe, Cert. No. 295, 250 shares, Amt. $250.00. do Tristan, Philippe, Cert. No. 29C, 250 shares, Amt. $250.00. Dlcckmann, Jr., J. IL, Cert. No. 231, GO shares, Amt. $00.00. Dlcckmann, Josophlno C, Cort, No. 232, 60 shares, Amt. $00.00. Dover. Chester L.. Cort. No. 251, POLITICAL ANNOUNCEMENTS City Treasurer I am n candidate for City Treas urer subject to the election Tuosdny, Jan. 11, 1910. J. W. SHIRLEY. I am a caudldnto for ro-olectlon to offlcu of City Treasurer at general election, Jan. 11. 191U. GUS II. SAMUELS. City Recorder I am a candidate for ro-olectlon to tliu office ot City Rccordor at annual election, Jan. 11, 1910. EL.M15U T. FOBS. NEW TODAY SO acres on tho Applcgato, with somo stock and Irrigation, $4900,00. Another there of 1C0 acros, stock, Ir rigation and buildings. $7500 and many other rauchca priced right. A good ono near Pondlotpn, trrlgat cd and water right paid, 187 acres at $100.00; will take in good little placo in exchange. A fow furnished and somo unfur nished houses for rent. C. D. HOON Room 10, Jckoii County ItAiik lUdg ESTABLISHED BUSINESS AND MAKING MONEY Present owner, on account of business interests elsewhere, will sell for J."i per cent less than actual value, SEE US t-v . . , . n Bennett Investment Co. Had TerribVPains fP( in Kidneys and Back. Dear Mr. Editor 1 want to wrlto you MmuL Anuria." I was verv fiiok. conkl linrdly bo up ; I was in bed most of tho time, iiau ternoio pntns in my Kiunoya and back, so much so that I bad to ccream Bomctlmcs when I was Bitting down nnd wanted to get up, tho palu wm so great, i iiau iricu n woiiKnown kidney medicine- but it didn't help mo, 1 heard of Dr. Pierce's Anuria Tablets to I thought I would try thorn. I took only ono uox ot tno xnoiew, nnu my back Is now free from pain nnd I can work and taku caro of my family. I feel I cannot say enough for this medi cine Sincerely, Mna. Wm. Kellek. Netk: Tills "Anurlc" Is adapted especially Tor kidney complaints and diseases arising from disorders of tho kidneys nnd blnddcr, such ns backache, weak back, rhciimntism, dropsy, con gestion ot tho kidneys, Inflammation of tho bladder, scalding urine and urinary troubles. The physicians and specialists nt Dr. Pierce's great Institu tion, at Buffalo, N. Y., hnvo thoroughly tested Uiis prescription nnd have been with ono accord successful In eradicat ing theso troubles, nnd In most cases absolutely curing the diseased kidneys. ratienU having once used ' Anuria" at Dr. rierco'B Invalids Hotel, hava re peatedly sent back for more. Such a demand has been created thnt Dr. Picrco has decided to puf'Anurio" In tho drug stores of this country, in a roady-to-uso form. If not obtainable send one dlnio by mall to Dr. Tierce for trial packago or 50 cents for lull treatment. Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery Is a blood cleanser and allorntlvo that starts tho liver and stomach into vigorous action. It.thus assists tho body to maka rich, red blood, which feeds the heart, nerves, brain and organs of tho body( You feci clean, strong and strenuous. 280 shares, Amt, $280.00. jlollwlg, Christian. Truslca Cordon Hollwlg. Cert. No. 327, shares, Amt. $200.00. Knox. R. U.. Cert. No. 228, for 200 80 shares, Amt. $S0.00. Knox, R. 11., Cert. No. 299, 200 shares, Amt. $200.00. Llllls, Helen C. Cert. No. 35C, 100 shares, Amt. $100.00. McLaughlin, L. II. , Cort. No. 215, 100 shares, Amt. $100.00. Mercautllo Trust Company ot San Francisco, Trustee Cert. No. 121, 100 shares, Amt. $100.00. Mercautllo Trust Company ot San Francisco, Trustee, Cert. No. 128, 200 shares, Amt. $200.00. Mercantile Trust Company ot San Francisco, Trustee, Cert. No. 13 1, 200 shares, Amt. $200.00. Morcnntllo TiubI Company of San Francisco, Trustee, Cert. No. 138, 400 shares, Amt. $400.00. Mercautllo Trust Company of Han Francisco, Trustee, Cert. Nor 139, 400 shares, Amt. $400.00. Morcnntllo Trust Company of San Francisco, Trustee Cert. No. 199, 40 shares, Amt. $40.00. Mercantile Trust Compnny of Snn Francisco. Trustee. Cort. No. 200, 40 shares, Amt. $40.00. Mercautllo Trust Compnny of Han Francisco. Trustee Cert. No. 202. 20 shares, Amt. $20.00. Patnrnou, Thomas M.. tort, '-no. 1S2. 20 shams, Amt. $20.00. Stoddnrd. II. C. Cert. No. 375, 350 shares, Amt. $350.00. SUtlffo. E. C. Cort. No. 201, 20 shares. Apit. $20.00. Sutllffo. .E. C. Cert. No. 271. 20 shares, Amt. $20.00. Wood, V. I)., Cert. No. 300, 200 shnros, Amt. $200.00. And In accordance with lnw and an order of tho Hoard of Dlrectora uiiido on tho 20th day of October, 1915, so npiny shares of each parcel of such stock as may ho necessary will bo sold at public auction nt tho offlco ot tho company, number 131 Leldcs dorff street, San Francisco, Califor nia, ou Wednesday, January 12, 19 tC, ut tho hour ot 12 o'clock noon of suld day, to pay said delinquent assessment thereon, together with costs of advertising und exponso ot salo, ALEX J. ROSIIOROUUII, Secretary of California-Oregon Pow er Company. Offlce: Number 131 Leldosdorff street, Sun Francisco, California. 247 FOR RENT MISCELLANEOUS FOU RENT To responsible party, 15 acres Ross Lane, 1 1 acres extra sugar beet land; now bungalow, largo barn, silo, good water, nine ndam road. Inquire (t M. Loomls, Ross L11110. Phono 788-R1. 249 TIME CARD INTKnirilllA.V AUTO OAK CO. Lcavo Mcdford dally except Sun day far Auhlaud, Talent and Phoenix at 8 a. m., 11:50 a. in., 1:15, 2;30, 3:45 and 5:15 p. m. Also ou Sat urday ut 11:15 p, iu. Sundays (cava at 10 a. m., 4 p. m, and 9:30 p. m. Leavo Ashland for Medford dally excopt Sunday at 9 a. m., 12:50, 2:30, 3:30, 4:45 and G; 15 p. 111. Sunday leave Ashland at 9 a. m., 1:00, 5:00 and 10;3Q p. m. WHY? IT IS VOl'll IIUKI.VESS TO SUE MK DccauiA my stocn m trudo Is to hare optioned at the lowest cash prlcn tho best buy In this county. I havo bcon on tno ground look ing out tor you for tin. past fife yean. Nearly evoryday I bavb ln restlgated some "good thing." I hare eliminated everything oxcept those deals which I am convinced will se cure me satisfied customer. In a few hours time I can giro you the benefit of this research. It Is nij business to show you over the county and Introduce you to the possibilities and opportunities here. Bee Med ford first and J. C BARNES iu WC Weie BJmt imn sas FOB llKNI KUltmnUKU ROOMS !, -,,-,l ! iL ii i i ! Iil linluL lll"l - " H FOR UliJNT Furnished rooms. 322 South Central. 247 FOB RENT- notJBK8 FOU HKNT 3-room modem apart ment. J H South Central. Phono 479-M. 250 FOR UKNT Colonel Sargent's ros ldeuco ou Onkdalo nve., telophono owner nt Jacksonville, or Inqulro of II. 11. Nye or Koy II. Peoblcs nt Mcdford. 53 FOU KENT First class C-room mod em bungalew: rango cennected: gnrngc. Tel. 4SSX. FOiTsALK Cheap, 1 fine Day mare, 7-ycars old, 1420 lbs., $tt0. Nasli Livery. 218 FOU SALE Cheap, team, wngon, hack, harness, implements, small tools, cow, separator, churn, It. I. Ucd chickens, Incubators. J. II. Patterson, It. 1. Mcdford. Phono S57-U. 248 FOU SALE Good family cow. Wm. OMIara, Holland Hotel. FOU SALE Team of mules, weight 900 lbs. each) 0 year olds, $225. O. C. Hoggs. FOU SALE Team, weight nbout 1500 pounds. Phono 315. tt FOn SALE Cheap, 18 horsos. Vin son's bam, X. Riverside Avo. 248 FOIt SALE MlSCrcijIilttEOUB FOU SALE Ono fivo foot cigar case Win. O'llnrn, Holland Hotel. FOR SALE Vacuum cleaner, almost new; first class, $25. llox S, Mall Tribune 2 1 1 FOR BALE- At n bnrgnln, 5-passen-gcr 1914 Maxwell automobile fully equipped and In first class condi tion. AddresH L. S. Orosso, Med ford, R. 3, llox 57. 2 17 FOR SALE Com. Phono 597-R2. 217 FOR SALE 100 Phono 571-J5. tons grain hay. 248 FOR SALE Gas range at n bargain. 431 West 11th. 247 FOR SALE Ono man tops for Ford cars nt tho Tont and Top Factory, 100 N. Front St. 245 FOR SALE Parley; also baled hur ley straw. Phono 732-J2. 255 HELP WANTED Mido or Pcmnlo WANTED Experienced man nnd wife for orchard work and gen eral running; In reply state how many years experience you bavo had; how many In your family, mid glvo names of references by whom you have been formerly em ployed. A. H., Mall Trlbuuo. "i1 - -"-'. - WAUTKn fllTUATIONB WANTED i Tosltlon as liouseUcopor, old couple proforrcd. Address llox 178, Roguo River, Ore 245 WANTED Man and wlfo wnnt Job ou ranch to do general ranch work, wlfo to cook, J. W Carroll, Mcd ford, Oregon. 245 WANTKIl tMIftimiiliANEOUH WANTED Live " poultry ; wliuiay 13c per pound for heavy hens; He for light hens; 13c for spring chickens. Medford Poultry & Egg Co., Phono 583. 247 WANTED To hear ffom owner of good ranch for salo. Send ensh price mid description. D. F. Uuslt, Minneapolis, Minn. WANTED Frosh cow. Phone Farm or, 293, Central Point. 245 WANTED Women lot ua help you mnko money selling guaranteed hosiery to wear; full or part tlmo; big profits; experience unneces sary. Address, International Mills, llox 122, Norrlstowu, Pa. MONEY lO LOAN TO LOAN $100, $500. $1000 on farms after February 2nd, nt 7 per cent. llox C. C, Mall Tribune 213 m TO LOAN $1000 on Improved ranch Holmes tho Insuranco Man, TO LOAN $1000 to loan. Room 400 M. F. & 11. llldg. 2 IS , - - - : r-r SS- .1 tf XT s ix)m STRAYED OR 'STOLEN llrown mare, weight about 1200 lbs., ago eight yours; branded J on loft shoulder, scar on 111 p. Anyone knowing wliero she Is please notify Rogue River Ranch, Trull, Oregon, and receive reward. 218 LOST Poland China boar, at rayed Sunday, Dec. 2C. Pleaso notify Walter Norris, euro P. W. llamlll ranch. 215 YEARS OF 1HOD JH57 IH.-iO IHO.I 1H7JI H3 UJ03 401S JZ , YEARS OF LOW VALUES ' ' v ' THE AIIOVE DIAGRAM SHOWS JUST WHEN REAL ESTATE SHOULD HAVE IIEEN llOUGIIT AND WHEN IT SHOULD HAVE 1IEE.V SOLD. Real Estato rises quickly In valuo with good times. Prosperity la coming. It has not struck Real Estato yet. Real Estato is gonorally the last to fool prosperity. It must fool It iu a short time Thou It will Jump In valuo, How many will have the foresight to tako advantage of the present depression and the low prices of Real Estate. Rt'VTHlS 1G0 ncr timber tract, located 3'. miles South ut Gold HUI, esti mated 1V4 to 2 million foot saw timber and 4QU0 cqrds hardwood. WILL SELL FOR ?. PUR AflRB. Can you Imagine losing on this? BENNETT INVESTMENT 00. REAL ESTATE LOANS RENTALS INSURANCE lO'i West Main Street Phono 709 PATJE THRBB, HU8INKHS DIIIKCTOUY Auto Supplies LAiinn auto spkino qp.wn nro Qporating tho largest, oldes and best equipped plant In tho Pa ctflc northwest. Uso our spring when others fall. Sold under guar antee. 2C North Flftoouth St., Portland, Ore. Attorney CEO. W. CltEUItY Attorney., and Notnry, lloom 0, Jackson County Unhk llulldlng, ontranco N. Cen tral, Medford, Ore POllTBU J. NHFF, WM. P. MEALET Attorneys-at'Lnw, Itooms 8 rod 9, Mcdford National Dank bide. A. E. ItEAMES. LAWYER Garnett Coroy bldg. O. M. ROUERTS Lawyor. Medford National Rank Uulldtnr. i- r '- - VcnUsM Dr. W. M. VAN 8COYOO 11R. C. C. VAN SCOYOO Dentlits Gamctt-Coroy Rldg., ulte Mcdford, Ore Phbno 860. Collection nnd Reports 310 COLLECTIONS AND REPQRTS 9 collected somo accounts 14 years old. Wo know how to get tha money. Tbo Ruiiock Mercantile Agency, Inc., Rooms 1, 2, 3, Ha klns' llldg., 21G E. Main st. Engineer nnd Contractor FRED N. CUMMING8 Snglncor mi contractor, 404 M. F. & II. Mdjr. Surveys,, estimates, lrrigatloa drainago, orchard and land lm- " provoniont. Gftrbnge GAItnAGE Got your premise cleaned up for tho nummor. Call on tho city garbage wogonn for good servlco. Phone 274-L. Y. Allen. Instruction In Music HAIGHT MUSIC STUDIO Room 401, Gnrnott-Coroy bldg. Fred Al ton Halght, piano; Mrs. Florence Halllday Halght, volco. Phone 72. Physicians and Surgeons mM M DR. V. Q. CAULOW, DR. EVA MAINS CARLOW Osteopathia physicians, 41G-417 Garnott-Corey bldg., phono 103C-L. Residence 26' South Laurel at. PR. W. W. HOWARD Ostoopathte physician, 303 Garnott-Corer building. Phono 130. DR. J. J. EMMENS Phyfilclsn ,an surgoon. Practice limited to eye, car, uoso and throat. Eyes scien tifically testod and glasses sup plied. Oculist and Aurlst for S. P. It. ft. Co. Offices M. P. & If. Co, bldg., opposite P. O. Phone 6C7. DR. R. W. CLANCY Physician and surgeon Phones, offlco 30, real- dcucQ 724-J. unico nours, iu ie 12, S tQ 5. DR. MARTIN C. HARDER Phyal clan and eurgoon. Offlco Pain block, opposlto Nash hotel. Moure 10 to 12, 1 to 4. Phono 110-J. T. 0. IIEINE, M. D. Eyo, Ear. Noso and Throat. Headaches ana norvoun conditions relieved by properly fitted glasses. Cross oyet stralghtonod. Offlco 228 E. Main at., phono 303. Consultation free. GORDON MAC CRACKEN, M. D. Homoopnthlc Physician, Surgoon, 228 East Main St-. Mcdford, Ore gon. Offlco phono 14.2, residence phono 732-112. Offlcu hours 1 to 4 p. m, Public stc;ipgrnplier IIERI1KRT J. RERRIAN Stenogra pher, room 29. Jackson County Rank Uldg. Dictation taken any placo any tlmo by tho only Steno typo operator In Southorn Ore. Of flco phono 515, Roc. 275-J. Printers and rulillshcra MEDFORD PRINTINO CO., has the best equipped printing office In southern Oregon; book binding looso lent lodgors, billing systomi, etc. Portland prices. 27 North Fir at. Hewing MnelilucM SINGER SEWING MACHINES FOIt SALE OR RENT Somo used ina chlnoB also for salo. Ilaldwln pi alios for Balo, from fnctory to you, direct C. A. Chupmuii, nt Mcdford Furnltiiro und Hardware store. Resldeucu 375 So. Central. Phono 390. l'ransfer EADS TRANSFER & STORAGE CO. Offlco 42 North Front at. Phone 315. Prices right. Sorrlco guar anteed. HIGH VALUES HHH iHIHI 1007 --. 10 ' ,! ar . '. '" fer. a. 35T: JWAii'ii 1! ... w i i M '