mrnmtjmMm ypMf " pxoEFOcrn WOTTOftD MIYIU TRTBTrNTC, MEDFOllD. OREGON. MONDAY, .TAXTATCY .1, WW tfl MEbFoM) MAIL 4'RIBUNBl "AN INDBI'BNnBNT NtlWSPAI'En I rUULISIIICU KVHICV .MTIJIINQON EDUCATION' And schools MY row yfar n JJI i . J ' ;) ' I EXCKIT KU.NI1AY HY THE MKDIOItU l'ltt.NTJNO CO .JMfieeiifim Tritiut.n riultilinir, 26-17-J9 North Kir stfcUj lekpliono 76. Th Democratic Tlni?, Moll, The ,MJCnrd TrUu crh OrrKonnti i, fho JfpJford n. Thfl (South' Tlio Ashland Trliudc BOBSCtell'TIOK kATEI Ono year, by fiial .... .....- .. .... .JS.nn One month, by inal I .. .to ivr montli, dcllvfrpil liy icarrler In Mertfonl. rfl'hotnlx, jJiickaimvlll . and Crnlrfll 1J'ol;it L..L . .to Baturftty 6hly, by mall, pr year. 2 00 weekly, per ywr ... . ISO iflel&l- I'nprr of (lie City of Mrdford .Officio! Taper of Jnckson County, JCnUred n.i HfCund-olann matter at ted ford, Oregon, under th act of March VJSJ9. Bjror'n Circulation for 1SH, 2:88. Full In'aMd wlro AssoclftUd Press din-pstcbrs. Bubsorlbari railing to recelro 4 papers promptly, phone CIrcu- Utfon Manacor nt 250-K. T HONG KONG KOLUM Whnt llccotqoH (cj! tired tlio titoro It Ih work oil? A flivver tthrol! Ilrynn'i), I'ord'n nml .Ioidnn'11 dovo of jicaco hn boon nrniotl an a dove of xvnr by tlio 'French. Abovo Ih a pic turn of n devo tinned with n niluuto dinicrn which will nutoiniitlcnlly plib-i lOh'rnpli enemy territory from the nlr, A 9nlt l.nke ftirnltnie Htoro tins placed n bedfltend on tlio nldewnllc nnd over tho foot of the bed Is hung tjilri Hli(n: . :ntiRKy for Snlo Well, what bqcatnt' or tho nrjnlrrel tlmt loft Now York on the Ford Khlp. Silt: I would lll;o to apply tho clo ture, rule to throe youiiK uiuit who nro doliiR their courting over our public telephone. Druggist. It-It-lt! (From Cnrllnvllle, III., Kmitilror.) Minn Icy Hand of Kldrcd paused through Carllnvlllu Snturdny enrouto to LltcUlcld. Slit, My wlfo tiled to net mo Into n dreMH nult litHt night. "All tho ho cloty men dteiiH for dinner," who Mid. "And all tho widely women tiudrcM for dinner," I ennui hnck. Thnt fixed her. Ttxhiy'n ItellrliiKvr KIiir (loorKO of Kuitlqud wan nut walking near tho neonn of 0110 of Croinwell'M hlstorio battles, accordliiR to Tit IlltH, when hu came upuu tho villain blackflintth. "Say, my Reed fellow," nld tho klnr, "I understand IIiIh wan a ncono of n stoat battle. Can you tell mo tho. exact opott" "Woll," replied tho blaakwiilth, "I Old have u couple of roundu with the ttOHtman, but I didn't know It uot to ltoidon," Knyj, the fili'l on tlio Fflin Many itntou which are ndvertlned n Kood hill cllmberi climb all rlcht -d9wn bill. aiit: j nnXn rN tmk patimis that the aurf nt J'alin Ileaeh In very phoHphorescnnt this M-aKon. Maybe lt licMiiao no many mnlehoH nro made therp. ' WJint? . At 'Hie 1'iimt I'rlvato A.w-Wot kind of clunrots hnvti you Rot? I'rlwto n (Hhndlnu him ono.) 'Fpr do Kltohenor.' tl"ilvnto A. (puffing) -They'd floor bettor men than JCHohonor' Tho early bird may cutch tho worm nil rlKht but lie's not a deuced K lo'n'it wait till dinner time. Maybe Ho' DivsmnI lp !.! u Tain Unit lun! (From I.nne, W Vo., lleoordor.) People In IIiIh clnlty are win nnd ajCtUimt KlvInK nionnj to h utrMtmer dUKUlitod at the ftilvtton Vrmy PIONEER JOURNAUSJ OF KANSAS CITY PASSES AWAY ' KANSAS CITY, M.l. JMn. t. 'l (IIU'I ItollOII TIOHIMll IUI lliilll, JjOundor ol' the KaiiMtx'fiU .loiuiml, (UUl )iuiiuor jounmlui ami (ale-.uinn tlio middle went. liod at hu home ro toila). lie mhN 111 er. fid. Xukltli won lint- tu thi iHtimiiliex r UK5. AYrnxTiO.v coMitAiuts o, a. it. Uit Important mnulna at I'nit lull lomorrow 2 avy 1.1 an4 jotui ttwlal- .Wrdnwdny vohIh at !'. 1 lisIL All nieilber coma and oiuoy a gaod tlw. " J 1. CAHMCNTICIt. AcilRg t'amni. n.l.-i UK recent gntlierinof lencliers ami e.(lurnto'is in this eitv discussed and listened to nddreses unon nmny quest ions at'i'ectin our st-hools. They weije in abil ity the tfquals p'obnbly of any like number of public school teachers from auy part, of the country. Their proVeedinfts, however, loueh a' note of disapporntnient in the intelligent observer. ( , , - , , The reason for this is the almost total absence of ideality. In this the teachers reflect the spirit and senti ment of the t ink's. Thoy are seemingly guided and con fined by it. Instead they should rise above it. mold and giude it. For education is the subject which involves all other subjects. In Oregon we seem to have caught the fag end of what the educators of the east are discarding vocational edu cation. The proposal ,to unite or affiliate with the depart ment of vocational education and the commercial teach ers' association, will not better the educational system of our public schools. Tho public schools should be the place to prepare the vouth for citizenship, and this means for parenthood. It means, or should mean, in a government like this is sun- posed to be, not only for good obedience to its fonus and laws, but a citizenship with aspirations and ideals that ,'in t,ime would create and construct a still higher form of government. As a government cannot vise higher than the people, the advance in government must be prf-ceded by their intel lectual elevation. And this can never come' in a country where economic conditions condemn a large part of the people to servile, menial and manual labor. 'rhe great ambition thai lias led .mankind onward and upward has been the desire for intellectual and economic freedom. The people, who all their active lives are re quired to respond 'to (he factory bell and mill whistle are engaged in conscientious servitude. Years of toil kills hope and deadens ambition. , ,l"f the hope ami ambition so destroyed were only the hope and ambition to rise and shine above the mass of mankind according to the present concept of successful life, the picture would not be entirely displeasing, but it kills and destroys (he greater hope and ambition that wopld with slight stimulation be present in every youth the hope and alnbition for intellectual nifd spiritual growth. In recent years the idea of intellectual development has in our schools and colleges been thrust aside for the sup posedly more important idea of preparing the youth to get along in the world. In truth, our school system, as our politics and press, has been branded with .the dollar mark. Such is the cause of vocational and commercial edu cation. They will produce two classes worker and em ployer, and undoubtedly finished products. Hut when a whole generation has been educated along those lines, be hold the result! Schools and colleges are but tho beginning of educa tion. Theylmt point, the way to the sources of knowledge and nature. Hut when education is so devised iluit oimmi- IUII I I 11.11 I LI III i WELCOMED IN BY If MEDFDRD pat ions ot citizens are iixed in their childhood course of training, they will not be free, but the victims of a gen eration that is going out while they are coining in. The lives of Lincoln, (May and Jackson are often pointed out as showing that poverty is uot. suppressive of The reason that poverty did not destroy tliem and other great men of tiioir time was because such povertv as they lived under did not restrain their intellectual lib erty. But had Lincoln been taught, the tailors' trade at .school, and from school entered a shop to work at it, and Clay been thus made a wheelwright and Jackson a horse shoor, they would probably have remained so all their lives. Hut instead of that, with very little education, their minds were left free to receive impressions and dream dreams unfettered by any attempt to mold their minds at the impressionable age along the lines of anv vocation, mid being left free they sought and found their places in tile, world. Time was wlien education meant a studv of the classics and this meant familiarity with the philosophers of (Jreece and Rome, who discussed every subject tlmt occu pied the minds of men down to the present dav, and whose ideals embraced codes of ethics and morals which the world has never improved upon and probably never will. In the Iliad, the Odys.M'.v and the Aenid, 'in the trage dies of Sophocles and the plays of tiuripides thev foiind inspiration for every good ami nohlt thought and deno tion of all vicious and ignoble aims. Hut for IMato we have .substituted thesawbiick and for Sophocles the college veil. As a result the youth leave the schools and eiUerlilV without serious interest in the politics of their dav, which means the form of government under which thov five. And it they attempt a part they are seen to be wholiv ignorant id the lirst principles of government, because their educa tion on tlmt great question has been as nothing, and left them a prey to a vicious press. Their ideals have not been aroused, and thev find them selves wanting in murage to voice the natural sentiments 1 ijl honor, just ice and equity thai are everprosen't in vouth. Ilicir minds luxe erntered on the vard-stick, and thev have lost siid,!. r the sun and the stars. KAISER REPORTED SERIOUSLY I'UUS. Jan l Fit- lu-. ftvm HwilarrtaiMl Md ItaU mitinuc tu affirw taal lb ilia. U .mM iii wriaun. It if rerun: Irwn a .!. led Hirivti.ui ! uhu-h th tMitNNMMtt. eruption u jlmt an ittruleittal yimui. ami thnt the malady in etwnJiitl by the re- , utpt''uiiiff t hi old tin, ml tioulilf. i w In li hi-. i'MhuIi-,! tu Hi,, mouth In I'W'lt .- . II.. I III ' i' ,ull .(. l.ll (.1 1. 1. v hi. , ! ,, ,,rtl I'll I" I I' I 1. 1. . , I s , , The old year wn- propeih u-hcrettj out nnd the now yenr lipfittuurlv wel comed in one of the jtnvp-t ""'I ptp,i-nn(wt rnni'tioni in the eii history nt (he Hold ModTnnl Kridny jnijdit. Tho tanteftiil) deeornted yiill loom wan prowiled to itn ntrno-t -np-1 nelly, spaiM- eiioujili heiiir reserved for tlie fltoicinir between tin Ht of un elnliomtp tiiH'.ey dinner. N'oiiy nio-nfiekM weie ditiihuled nmomr the jrnesls niii nmid the din ol lioni-, the miiiii of tlio nfcueMro anil the lo"-'-ititf of iniilli-eoloipil paper nlihonx above ovoihead wite, jfi tn" 11 k" Oailiivnl Pffeet In- tile u'Put Happy Xew Year won drunk f'i the Inst tune with vptirkliifff vintnue. Daneitiir eon tinned until '2 iVi'look, ulien trie tle pnrtinr truentrt -howeieil eonjiiiitiila tii'iiiH nnd K0,'1 wishes itpmi Mine Host Kinil Jlolir for one of I he jolli-t't-t euteilninineiilH eVer pinxtdett any where. ' Klheulieie in the eilv the piiNMiix of (lie wt year and the hiith ot the liy tpkiiiip wn" noisily eelehinli'd, miiny eilizeim auppnueil to he .alej, nhOard the water wuon utili.iii the oppoituuitv for a vuddeii nud hiief, l'all. Mai" rooms wett1 crowded, though the cxlui nation of Mipjdies1 forced llle crowd to iliink whatever 1 happpiied to he on I111111I. This did ' not deter, but rather added (o thej general hilnrity. F.nt jtooil order wn; maintained mill tlioro was no liotiutt. ' At ehui'ehes will eh mcvtiiips were held and thnnkxxiviiijr sertiees over the defeat and depailuie of demon rum jjrcek'd the new -horn year. ; Notwithslniidlii the fact thai Hie' horoscope of the hi it leu liv uildlv to what it would hrini,',. it lnoiii;lit with it oil the liist day, at least, 11 delightfully Himny moiniii without storm. Itx initial milo is said to hu a ood uiiu'ii, for .laiiuary. to licin with; r. little more gloomy, with u pood deal of Muster, for rVljruui'y, and Koftei'aiid piore rain for .March. The pieatest ftivor the new year enn bestow on Uoin? Kiver valley, howeter, is to ;ive it at lenst thnty siv inehes of rain dnniijj Ihosp Ihiee moiillw. new year had been dtlfcrtn:; uiiuils us Not the weak, insipid coffee you might expect at Urk(M ia rS refully blended, steel-cut coffee, packed in air-tight .ti ij no chaff, no dust ,:i, e n- o nii -,i nn'f oKo Wo minrnfiEpt to be the equal ol any 30-cent coffee on the market-GERMAN-AMEMCN excepted. .i .-! i.-l i..... ii. ,i v, ,fM, TArtv it. wg know vou iiiconomy uemaiius uutiy yuu try it unu uxit- jiyj -..- IT 111 J1UU UU VWtJU.rjVJAll.4 car Think 125 imsfteuiami&m w iMr indold for a Drawing and abetter y u'v W !5fi l Contest Open to Amateurs Onljf ES&I '-. ' , For tlie best 'drawing of the Planta ' tion Coffee can, and label, in its nat ural color, accompanied by a letter of not more than 50 words, stating your opinion of Plantation Coffee, we will give a first prize of ?10. For the next two best drawings and lntfnrs vp will nav S5 in (rold each and then five prizes of $1 each. No tolling just whn&ythink of it make a )l'Oiessionai anist win do puriiniiuu (irawinjj oi me cwm iiian it to our au to compete in this contest. vcrtising departrnt-address below. Tlio tli'flwinff wmrnfc as 25', tho letter as 75'. Get a caiGood Old Plantation Coffee today amljer this contest you may win $5.00 orj.00 and, besides, you will get tho bigg25 cents' worth' of coffee you cverlht. Remember all vou have to do isr&cnn of this coffee try it write a lefrof GO words or less, Contest closes February 15. If your grocer cannot supply PUJATION write us and we will see that you get it. 1 P LANG & C! .tins Advertising Department 704- Broadway Building Portland, Oregon GENERAL GRENVILLE DODGE RAILROAD BUILDER, DEAD COfN'f'IL UI.ITKS. la.. .Ian. .. flenernl flrenville .M. Dodjje, distin fiiished soldier and railroad luiililer, ilied at his home heie nt 1 oYloel; this nftenioon. Glass of Hot Water Before Breakfast a Splendid Habit Open dulcet of the system each morning and wash away the poisonous, stagnant matter. Thnso of ub who aro accustomed to (eel dull and heavy when wo arlno; xpllttliu; headache, stuffy fioin u cold, foul totiguu, imut h ten th. acid Htomach, la inn IkicU, can, ItiHtoad, lioth look and feol an fresh us u daisy al way a liy wushliiR tho polKotiH and toxins from the hod) with ihoihatcd hoi water each inomlnk". We Hhould drluK, liofore breakfast, a class of leal hoi water with a to.i HiKiouful of llinostono ihonihato In It to IIuhIi front the Monuuli, liver, Kldnoyn and ton jardii of howolii tho prevloiiR day's IndlKeMIMe wnsto, Bour Idle and poUonouu toxlnti. thin i-leaus-liiK. NweutenhiR anil purlfyluK the eutlre alliuoutaty tract before pitut; moro food Into the mnmarh. The action of limestone ihoiihnto and hot wntor on on empty stomach U wonderfully ImiKoratliiiE. It cltunts out all tho tour fermentations, Rasos, ate and acidity and gives one a splendid appetlta for ureitkfnst and It Is Maid to bo but a little while until the rosea licaln to appear in the rheelts. A quarter pound of limestone phosphnto Will cost erv llttlo nt tho druR store, hut Is suftlclont to innko anyono who la bolhorod with blllotia t.owi, constipation, stomach trouble or rheumatism n real enthusiast on tho Mibjert of lutornnl sanitation Try It and you nro assured that you will look bettor uud feci hotter lu cory vuy shortly, JOHN A. PERL UNDERTAKER Indy Assistant 28 S. MAUTIiUTT Phones M. : nml 17-T'J Ainbnliiiiro Sei'lcu Coroner Medford HouseMovers NKW HUM 1 Iihiosj, MiK'liiuei')', llollet-i, .Mied Auy Distance AImi Ilotisu 7!epali'liiK I'liono IKK M. (III! So. New low ii 7it7 W. I Itli St. li T li TTY r I I I 1 I 1 A, irw ..xiitfivJi xB awl iff Z. Br.Joees Dentist Health depond larel on good teeth. Start tho now.yor ti lun Inn your teeth made un they should he by in. Wo am going to mud speolal iVDITItVlKXTS on plutoti tho not We guHmntDo a fit ten days. Coino In nud uud perfect antlufnotlun. tnlte It ovar with ns. Modern pa in loan methods usod in flllliig nml UNtiKOtlug telli. We ran anvo you money on any cIuhh of work. 2'.'K Cold Crowns .sr..oo lli-Ht Set Teelh . 20 M.iin SUe.t. fur t'.nlt.i! $!).OII Mnnroitn. eiu: Bargains in ROSES . Kmntro. qhichESTER S PILLS MlNti'U tlmt yfir ii4iiijii.irSiMi,iMA J00 Tnroe car-old ; Caroline Testout Wovit for sU at UargHln Tho Ilnt roaes ih Medford from the bMt rMti hdg la tho city. Th CaroltHs Ttuut Is n prpt- ual blwemer, Utrg pink rwtM and tliM ut bnU or stnwt roan far this eiiHMlo. Pierce, the Florist 'f. 4Fr tallH Isimi U sWsBsW W HH H MM si ,. A ' ..Uf ' M irumJtj -crowds -gos lJ x WHERE, THE inssr I I su wiiM DVil) I'l I WO n c i .ir the first time iii l lioiu Ir i'i Mil i i i I i an ' i LAURA HOPE CREWS In a uoiidt'i filth ri'ii.ti .mil !lnillii. piciiiriiiiion i.r that in comparnlile itKI.Vrii'O iiiodcrn S' "The Fighting Hope" Ii William .1. Iluilliut This l a nlui plj that will hold our atteutlon vei lust ant. It telU the Htur of a wife's heroic fldelit.v to luer uu worth) lonvlct hunliand. The KtrunKeat ami most nnexpeci wl last riwl n( 4H Antirrtcan I'hotodraiuu eei piintueed. It Isn't qunailou of Iih much, bet how good and cuuslsfont. that niakMi aud helila our busluesa No pulriure theatvr business baaed on s-orvlet e noaalbiy fail. "The ngktlMF lloiw" is n five part sukiUI ItoMougt r4urten Hit JHumwoMMt pkiure originate and tthr hjHltgt. I yen tmh want s quarur a1to for a dime ! sura you at "The Fighting nop." TODAY jWill Sell ul Publif JCTION MDjai'niu lots across uii' pjti Irniit (il'tnir store at 2 . in. Satfay, Jan. 8, 1916 li 'I limit's. K niai'c. s.. coll. si i lav ninrtvs. il' linrst'. t n jrratlci'. n t . infill & Robnctt ! M Point. On'. I I(ur Prices , 1-2jOaea Garden Syrup.... 50c I pal. a Garden Syrup 85c S-ilifCKaro Syrup 33c lO-lb.jiKnro Syrup 63c CryjtMite Soap, tloz. 45c ,3 cakrjc Sweclhearl Soap. - 5c Star, Mfca Waslilnn, Powder, 25c 19c 1 CltrjJS' powder, 25c size 20c moss ircli, 2 pkcjs. I Corjnslch. 2 pkos Sprlnqtiips ps, doz i-arsew Toilet Paper Royal limp, Powder, II) K IC. lting Powder, 25c size. in." nty s cocoa t Grounckflcoiate. II).... . III. (I...V Tn J... ,,,, B , l. 15c I5c 05c 05c 43c 20c 29c IMseys Baklno Chocolate 19c JiiT fVl i "BMcn's Tea 5MBUea, per lb. Japan Kt per p,,. ... Head t, ,,er bt ouiwin,pcr )f BullcjC-Knut, per lb." Bu kJWs, per Ih.. 30c 33c . 63c 37c 6ViC . Oc 6:C ..20c 9c l5c ..70c ,25c 35c 30c 35c .-I5c !T35c IL.-20C 25c 12c IllOc EZlIc HolkSlLOonnc Yelafcijf t02y3 3 I'JffliCricr'ers and Cookies, licit SS!Valnuts,2ll)S. gsack J0' Wan, sack 2IOj?tSalt 2 23 ieki salt 1 Leinert Oraifgi,,),,' "'" Con ku ' ' J b" Bitches" CotlHs. it Shrlinic Mc Canw.pMs d0Z- $.05 Sa"tfir Corn, doz $1.05 BestRmnj-y Buter, Ih 30c MO CREDIT NO DELIVERY PA- THE JUGGERNAUT Tuesday pirttirv n.-ver io iw un not i. a A proUiu lion hleh coat a for mac to produce Tliv llirlllma railroad wreck en alette avat $" eoo n ou misa lbl snilMl feature ou'vr nilaaed tb grecteat rail road dr.iua tk world h vr torn. Ceiue aorly a vryk4 ill 4ni to not II. AdMUaJon TlaWOAY CkUalroa I Or; A4tta K CUMIlOrTIIAVUN JJUsOM COUNTY !. ft WHWildi l4 Vdn.-.u re, to lli.iiih.the n .. 1 i iii I SUPPLY CO. Gut price Grocers I i3 toth Grape Street Iillldiu il'inii, ... In iv nt k Mturv tit i ..I , ' ni. It v -initu .-. III I'llljM l"l Ol wtt.r it.rrvor v .a. .LI. lllktl'lll.! in.Vvui hUiiimi iimsn 1'; Ollietit ,uiMiiixmvH, Hi,ikiMW SOl08VWttGCISTSlRHtR jina. jus.s.i- ..1. wr i fcSiA! f 11 u-dl ifsivrg J4t4 1IJXVX fill. 1. 11,4 .. li.u StHiiiVAy i... m.u ik iu4 rt.. W l tWr II. r rtMr v 1 OORI . k ror jiicir I L v bori'S zr