Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, December 31, 1915, SECOND EDITION, Page PAGE SIX, Image 6

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    vMm six.
It ':
News From Our Neighbors
Lcroy Kelley returned to Seattle,
Vub1i., Wednesday, nftor it'iendlnc
tho holidays with IiIb small dniiahter,
Miss Gaynollo Kelley.
Mr. nml Mr. Will Mcrrlmnn nnd
Miss Kdyth Atnrrlmnn of Oakland,
Cal., and Miss Frances Clark of Port
land, wore recent pilosis at tho lioino
of Mrs. Hurry I.ny.
Don Cnnte.rbh of Calico wnH n Jack
sonville culler during tho holidays.
Minn Corlnno l.lnn left for Eugene
last week where she. will visit rein-
Miss Molllo Hny of Ruch Ih the
guest of Mrs. H. M. Collins this week.
Prof, and Mrs. F. C. Smith nnd
Mr. nnd Mrs. Lorn Ulrlch were the
dinner KtiCBts of Mr. and Mrs. Louis
Drown at Tnlcnt Sunday.
Mrs. O. C, Lowls cntertnlncd with
n family dinner Christmas, covers
belnj' In Id for 14.
Jim Trances Is spcndlm; his Christ
mas vacation with Geo. Hoffman on
. 1'ror. F. C. Smith, O. J. Shnfor and
Misses Kthol Dlok, Mnry Hurst, I.ora
Couch nnd Kmma Wendt attended
Oic Teachers' association meeting
hdd at Medford his week.
lv. and Mrs. lid Wendt snent the
intMnys w
Mhueu Cora nnd Laura Thomos
spent xhirlstmus with relatives llvlni
In AshlVul.
Mrs. Chtrlea Nuunu entertained
tho "FortW'htly Club" Wednesday
evonln In Honor of her sisters, Misses
Mao and MllHred Thompson of Port-
Jnnd. CardHjvoro enjoyed until n
lato hour, followed by delicious re
freshmonts. ThoXp enJoyliiK Mrs. Nil-
nnn'it hospltalltyVoni Dr. and Mrs
11 K. (loldon, SlrXnnd Mrs. lllonle
Kliim, Mr. nnd Mrsr. j. Kick, Mr.
nnd Mrs. Hurry Luy Mr. and Mrs
Louis Ulrlch, Mrs. 11. M. Collins, nnd
Misses Mao nnd Mlldreu Thompson
Mrs. J u lues Duckluy ui children
of ituch spent Chrlstmns ntho home
of her mother, Mrs. Chris Ohlcli.
Coiinrntulntions are holnVxtend
ed to Mr. nnd Mrs. Wilbur Joikb of
Klnmnth Falls on tho arrival w a
Imhy In their family.
Airs, liiiy iiarjier oiiicriiiincn uici
following niiosls at 0 o'clock dliinoV
illti i
vlth the hitter's mother nt
Christinas: Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Smith,
Mrs. Wilson, Curley Wilson, Frank
Coleman nnd Mllo Mee,
Miss Hess Volvln Is visiting Miss
Lora Couch this week nnd nttendlnK
the Instltuto nt Medford.
Joint Vincent iitul wife wepo visit
iiiK relatives hero Hiindny. .Mr. Vin
eent hii.vh a dihrnHo is rupiijV uinoni;
the hojs in the liiinil.v of Jackson
Mile, whieh is hilling Jnije iiimibern
of tliem.
Profe-wir John Xenloit, ,,Miss Sue
J.ydiard nnd MisH llnttie I.(tcr were
nlli-nding the teni'licn' institute in
Medfoid the first of tho week.
Mrs. Hnry llnyca win. Inltcn lo the
hospital Wedmdny lo undorfto u hcr-
ioiih operation.
Airs. Dollar nlid children spent
ClinstmnK with relatives in the Mead
ows district.
(hub Hamlin and wife of Med foul
Wfie Sunday iNitoit. (it the Collins'
The hutulicrinit of Iiokh seems to
he the order of the day here, ami
most uf the meat will he smoked mid
iim-iI for home (loiiHiimptioil.
ii account ot ohildrcn rtinuuu? it
i r. int ut nutninobiliw, two accident
miic narrowly averted here Rtiudav
Scxernl of our citizens have her
imikuiij rexulur trips to the ilmitiM
the hut lew weeks,
lames llcese nnd William Kldiidu.
l UM Hill attended (he Christ nut
tne lute Friday iii(ht.
Miss France Aiken of rsp,-.' is
speiiil'iit; the hulitln,M ut the Ncalon
mi .wonuny, superniteiident of the;. Mr
cement plant Ht fMd Hill, nnd Mis.
KIiIiiiIkp pHt Smidttv vwjIimc utih
J'nemls in thin vteiniu.
w.... I... i. ..."
i uiiufin mm iiHv,. HUiud uear
Mr. and Mrs. Kubert Moore of Oold
Hill hM'tit Chnstinns with mint Ives in
our city.
Will Pyburti left Sunday evening
for n few days' viiil with ielnties nt
Wone Kiver.
Ifilt Vnn Huron, who w employed
in the local Southern Pacific depot,
left for n thirty ilnyu' visit with his
pnrentM nt .Ieffernon. He is releiiscd
by Robert llorninr Holmes,
Fred Iloper of (JrnntM Fohm wn
vihitin I. C. WHIintnn and family nnd
other relatives liofo Sunday.
Herman Siinpklns, who lias been
vlsllin rolntiviM mid friends for the
past Wcekf left for his home nt Port
land Monday evening.
Alvin WillinirtH wan visiting frinndi
nt lloKitc lliver the llrst of the week.
V. J. l'Veeman )h HpenditiH: tho hoi
idnys in California with relatives.
II. I'. Peart is spciidinf the holidaj
vacation with Mrs. Peart and dniiRh
Icr, l.ela, nt Chico, Cnl.
J. V. Williams wn.s transaotinK btLs
iuess at Grants Pass Monilny.
Mr. IhotnnH, who has been visit
inn: her daughter nt Hoeburir fol
some ueelcH, returned to her home
here Tuesday afternoon.
Oeore Wllco.v and family of Cor
vnlli nre xpeiidin the holidays in
our eitv with rclntiveH.
A. II. Im Polite made n himincsl
trip to (Irants Pass Tuendny iiioiii-
Mr. (Inrdiiur, who has been visit
i'iik: his daughter, Mrs. I.ove, retuiniH
to the Soldiers' home nt lUmeliurK on
Tuesday moniiii);.
Fred Terry lettmied to Tolo Tiiol
day uioruiiiK, where ho is employed
on the highway.
Clyde Ajiplepite nsslHtaiit foremnn
of the II. nml II. crew of the South
em Pacific, spent Sunday with his
Mrs. Foster of the I'pper Ilulto
country, was visiting .Mrs. (leorfic
HVshulf-rnve Moiidnv oveninir.
Miswert Sadie mid Font lleebe, who
have been spendiiijf (lie holidays with
their sister at Snlcm, returned to
their home here Monday morning.
Oeorj,'e Stidhani ami family ot
(Irants pass nre spending the holidaj
vaeiiuon wttii Ills niotlier, Mrs. I)ais
Stidlimii, and otlmr relatives.
Quite a number of sportsmen ot
Snts Pass, attended the I. 0. 0. F.
H here Christinas ,luV mid report
Hume n ureal siieeens.
Mr. and .Mrs, Moorohoiiso mid
(biUKbter, Clnri llelle, of Ashland and
J'. ('. lLrnnrd niid wife of Tolo were
alhiiL'Vi Kobeit Ashwolth Monda
Drs. JMu hpent
Will Hainnnitt ami
W. K. Alexander and wife and fl.-ii.
Ilesfcolnravo an'd wife spent tho week
end with Pred iKwhidnraVe and fam
ily at Talent.
Martin llowens ami fnmilv if flold
II ..I. !.,. .V .. '
I lowers par-
" '; '- -
The I'ri'iich wdlee on lue find s his new helmet the latest ''tJikf."
sjl -t-liv J .:. i.rga err -' '-t -
npcndlnR holidays with Iiome folks
on Kvnns creek.
School closed Friday for a week's
vacation and MIbb I-owo returned to
her home In Ashland.
Mrs. W. C. Kenney was visiting
and shoppInR In Central Point nnd
Medford Thursdny nnd Frldny.
0. T. Wilson nnd family accompan
ied by his father spent a very pleas
ant Christmas with S. M. Nealnn mid
family Jn Table Itock.
Peter Van HardenbuiKi W. C. Kon
ney nnd Harry Treshatu were amotiK
thoso who butchered this week.
John Hall mid wire arrived from
Trail nnd are vIhIUuk H. A. Trcsiham
nnd family.
Uy A. 0. llowlett
Cliristmiis with
wife at (haul
last Monday, and o was (ieorKo.N'Ich
ols Jr. of Medford. and Koernl strau
gcrs. In fact (hire is RettltiK to bo
quite a number or Jtrniwrs here now
looklnj? over the country.
Charles Harth, th man who pur
chased tho Hnrrj Carlton place east
ot here, uns In town Inst Monday.
I seo that there are some of tho
farmers still planting fruit trees In
stead or sii(;ar beets.
Charles Potter, ono of the promi
nent stockmen -of Siirafcno river coun
try spent Monday ulBlit with us. Ua
was heto vIsltliiR the family of A.
J. Florey and took the train to up'
to Prospect to visit the Nye. family
Revival sorvlces will r"imncne
next Frldny n);ht nnd n watch nlht
meetlni; will bo- held to wntoh the
old enr out and the nevi year In. Tho
servktiH will h6 conduced by Itttv.
Taylor or AlUtny.
Ci'phus Mofinin nnd wife of Joseph
ine county, mo here visiting thnlr
relatives, Joe Moaumn, Mrs. S. II.
llnriilsh and tho Hutloti families.
Chnlincey Klorey, our county re
corder, and wife, came out nnd spent
Christmas with their people, taking
Mr. anil Mrs. I,. K. Iiughem of Ferr
valley spent Xmas ot Ailnud with
Mr. Iluchex' mother.
A. V. lug of Talent watt Inlying
hay of C. fiarev last Friduv hud
(litiuliii'r to the Dowel place, above
Miss lArjrln Tuinbow, who Ik work
ing in .Aledtord, enmn out lo PilouiiU
Xrnns day t visit Iter mother, Mm.
Wm. WHbt, and family.
Mr. .Mary MiiVeiglt of llroineji, 0
is visitlnjlm'r tiousin, John Hunif-
1 lis of Kortlt Ktlen. Mm. MeVelult hut.
been visilioj other relatives in Shc-
I rainonlo, Cnl., nml hlis been at the
j exposition uud is now en iifnle. homo.
Onesls nt the Ciitey home ort
t'hristmtw were: Mr. nnd M). K. 0.
, Kease, Mr. rtml.Mrs. Xonli Chondle'r
land little 'Irene.' A (lirlrtlnuts treo
nnd iliimer were Huiunjrthe''foitrVfttc'l
imtiilired tti. , f
TIiomo who werp rmnemboiml nt
Xmas with n lovely bloottih'ur eyole'
iiiiiie, rre .irs. Alumni i-iync; ,Mr&.
Liic Stnneiiffe, Mr, l.llile lllnek
wood. The nboe were loinesnbcicd
by .Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Stancliff,
wlilltho Cheerful Country club pi'c
Minted Mr-. Jnincs Allen with one
Tuesday evening dtncsscd nnothcr
one of those oIlv (,'ood times so often
indulged in among the neighbors be
.tweon Talent and PhoenU. The oe
ension was a sun'rise on .1, F. Hob
erts, the 'JSth being Ins biithdny: aim
that of Miss l.inuie Frenoh mid Karl I
Jlriseoe. A celebration of all (lire
was artiiitged nt the Kolieitt home,
(lames mid innsie were the onler ot
the evening. At midnight refresh
ments were M-rved.
Ceorgu Knowlus and wife, neo
Ituth Warner, and her slstor Miss
.May Warner of Trail, came out from
.Medford Inst Moiida), mid took tho K.
P.-Porslit stage for tho Warner farm
on Trail crook.
August Hdlur, Fred Fiey nnd Chns. i ciirlstMian dinner aK1i Mr liorev's
Hdler, passed through hero Inst .Moti- jmientri, Frink Lv ii- iiul lunilh.
day on thulr way to Medford Just In
time to catch the train.
W. V. Horn of Modfoid came out
on .Monday and was taking orders
for sultH. He was representing tho
each' year we pay the
United States Govern-;
ment an average of
5 00000
tax payments on goods with
drawn from U. S. Boaded
Warehouse at San Francisco
Tliis does not include tax-payments
from Distillery Bonded warehouses in
Kentucky, Ohio,. Pennsylvania and
Goodsfor export to foreign countries
pay no tax. ' . '.v
we can give you greater value than you have
ever received because we do a greater volume
than any firm from whom you have hitherto
Crown Distilleries Company
P. O. HOX 3000
Hill are visiting; Mr
ills, Mr. and Mrs. TJ. O'llnm.
Mrs. Hen I-Miiif-ton h .pending the
week with friends nt SoV Valley.
Trnnk Middlebusher ofNlrml uindi
abiiHinrss trip here TiicmIiiv.
Jnok Leo of .Medford wniyheic on
a busbies trip Tuesday.
hmil wiiRe, who hns been spond
Fnw a year in tho Sncramcnto valley,
it viJriluiK with homo folks.
fr. nml Mrs, I. p. Lewis spent flic
week end with relatives nt Oold Hill.
I'., ..I I ii.:.. M.i. ii ... m .
in iiiiii innr .iiewiiniiui oi .HM-
frd ate spcudiuy this week here on
biiKini .
Mr. and Mm. II. M. Mnin of Tolo
made a bnsiuisth trip to our eit on
bout neiemiu m Hio. district rupm't i conducied ty Miss Lo
jo iu in a Tew iluys to ptvpare
fholr land for the -...raii; miiiir.
A Inrtte and li'ui etod rslhtnl
aj tlio selioi.lhuiiHe Fndav eeuuin to
vwtijew. the pmirtani rendeHfl Ml the
(jjirilions tree eutcriuiutuHit am ij
jiiod ! enjo it inimeMly. Th
JbollSO wn tAxtetiilU deeomtwl imJ
(tho Jreo n loudtsl .). (l with pivs-
entg, n uiaji'it of wli.i. .,. it.iriil
pSiple. iuhmIciI iu nr .i. i- ' .. t;.,
!. II Utile Just arrised trom
ed and U visltliiK his dmiglunr,
V. O. Kelinoy.
Christmas pusuml mwa) tuihoi
goletl) In our Mtiiimuully, liHun col
ebrsted in 1)10 usual uianuHr.
A rtillier pltwiuiut lltll slfstr wm
e st the Mlool
hour. whu after n short splendid
piogrum Old Sals ttiHtle hU sjuh'sn
nc nnd deliverotl to the uiuny school
oblldrwn nttd nutslde 1IU1 tols hs
writ buumlful supply or cudy and
Johuule KriMtttUer and Mlw Hhi1
Continental TallorltiK Co. ,
Last Friday ulaht our school ituvo
a very luterestliu' entertainment con
sIstiiiK or sonns, recitations, drills,
mid IiiHtrumeiiFil musics Tho piano
solo by Miss Helen Holt, also the
piano solo by Miss Nora Chlldreth
nml violin solo by Vaughn Qunckon
bush were simply flno for school
children, nnd If they lontlmTn to lm
prove as tlie have In tho past until
thoy are grown they will make their
mark In the music world. The Christ
mas treo was beautifully decorated
mid at the piopcr tlum Rnntn Clans
put In his, appearance nnd dlstrimii
ed cattily anil nuts to each child in
the house, niter which wo were for
mally dismissed by old Santa himself,
and we repaired to our homos hop
Iiik that wo may all lw nblo to meet
attain at the opera house next Christ-,
mas eve. The three touchers In our'
school dflsorvo ureal eiedlt for the
pains they hnvo taken In'tralnlni tho
children In the vat lotis parts they
took In tho exercises.
Mrs. Nellie Sklllmnn of Ornnts
Pass, a niece or Wm. (1. Knlnhton,
and n brgthor-ln-liiw and sister of
Mrs. KnlKhlon. or Ashlund, onme lit
last Friday to spend Chilstinas to
aether. '
i Miss llaiel llrowu who Is attend
In IiIkIi school in Medrord mine out
;t;Udiiy to spend the holidays with
bar imronts She was aecomimnied
llv hU cousin, Miss Allison Otlror.
Anhjherl ntistrtaut event that took
place Vvs the marrluKe of Mr. Amos
Xveix ton of one of our prosper
ous fnriifrs and stock raiser and Miss
Mt Tra of Klk crowk. on ChrUt
mas day hj ltev. 1.. 1. Sliuiuoiis.
Although iho brble was raised ou
Klk ereok, nvurihuless he has spent
so much ot Imr time kmiour us that
site hsM surrttunittd liiir wuu a
host of warm fitejiils who are wish
Tiny Mis" Ilon-l Uk-huIii MeCnbe
nrrived nt the lljjnie of Mr. nnd Mrs.
Anthony Me(.'niipl lleiby for an in
definite visit, i
Amoiifr the IlQtle l'oint visitors
this week werji .QcorK" Fry. Uoyd
French and T.'fJjJU'oU'nbo.
Missis '.i1ii mid Iiln Iloustnii nttd
Dneie Howe, I'rttfommr .loliiiHen and
Mrs. Marie Fosfar are attending the
leneheis' iiM.tittilc in Medfoid this
week. '
Mi-.s Klleu Jlnpabo visited her
brother, Anthony, and family . of
Derby hit week.
iMis. Mabel Hush stf.i little dattgh
ter of Ashlnnd are the nrol nt Mrs.
llobeil and AJItplt MeCnbe were
Medford visitor Monday.
A party of frtund 'oroiiadcd Mr.
and Mrs. 0ooro Ci'Oft Inst Mondi
yfr. and Sirs. T. Houston were
ulioppinR and vlfllliy rolnlixoh in
Central 1'oint Iftat rrelt.
Alee Milton Uolphoi, nised A on
of Mr. and Mrs. Milton lleluher, died
at (lis family lion in Central Faint,
Deoember 'J7. IfljWHl -.ervieeu early
Tuesday mominic nnd was laid to rest
nt Trail cemetery. ' The relatives line
the Hyinpathy of tho oiitin eontniitn
ity in their sfld bereavement.
lint Vestal is liou(i) iroui the (). A.
C. in Cornllis to ptul the holidays
with his parents.
The entertnlnyjiint and CIiiikIiumm
tree at the K'etsjU oraok sulimd was
well nttended and rtis cnslit to the
teaeher. Pioftswor Dtwrorff, nnd to
the community, ami rrtfdnied the fl
lowinif irotfrwt '
l'rnyer by l,rooMH Jolnimi;
oit, "The Hells Hif Christmas a";
reeitnlu.n, "A Dear lJUtlo Sehisner,"
Cleo HolMrtsOU; lUfllogne. "Mimui-
dewtoiMl"; rwitiitto'il! sThe Modern
The I test hiihw fell here Tuesday
night, making the air eiv cold
11 round here.
Kit 1 1 Stnnley ictitnied tn his wile
nnd baby on Thompson creek lnt
Helen nml fieri 1 tide .Mee, (ilndy-.
Kisi, Charley, Thomas and (llcnn
Mee mid Miner Throekinoilon spent
Wediie-day eveniiiK nt Wight's, the
time beinx spent iu pin inn K'Uiies,
music mid piillim tnffy.
The Xmas ihitiee ut UoscV hull was I
a bi HiieeesH. Fort-si ntimbt r-
were sold. The dnneers all had ,1
k'drtd time.
Quite n few Thompson eteek bc.s
are Koinjc to join the baskei'mll
teams in their jinnies and all inpn
plensmit evenings together.
Wood .leeler, Welch and Hessie
Cooper, troin Slenmboat, spent Xmas
on ApplcRute.
Sum Irt' nn,d Karl Keunisly ot
I'rovolt (mspiI through Appleuate on
their way to Medfoid Thursdnx.
Miss Ora Wilson of (Irants I'ass
is Msiliiitf on llunibiig, the !?uiM of
Minute Walter
ASK OUR GRADUATES. Their turning
powers have been doubled and trebled since
completing their courses of study at the
edford Commercial College
Mid-Winter Term Begins January 3. Day and Evening Sessions
hnn&MSioAfM j'lNiuinijUfi
Ing the happy couhjo a long, safe and .Santa Clans, lilwtml lleliows; ii:i
prop8rou Journe through Hfo. logue, "The SeUnIg"tW Abriaid';
Hut I see that I am getting nhogd (recitation, "WTiun Slitta Cl.u..
of my Us tea ror 1 should have said '('nines." I'lMtmlt: -"Uf. "I'w
lirtfnrs. thai Dr V. V. 1 Holt has Hoeu (iood": dtalome, "The l.M
reported the follow lug births to have Dot;"; recitation, '"le
la k tm ilwce since m last teport.
lloiu Dee. Is. to ilr. nud MrH. Au
thou MrCalie of ltsoae urevk, a
daughter, horn to Mr. ami Mrs. O40.
Xlepbraaon of Uiwttabero, h )nu,
Uec. 20; hnrn 1h 30. to Mr. atd
Mrs. M. it Centex of ttrow uabtify.
Is the nuraye quantity in a Itcilthy
adult, but It is the qualit) of the 1KckI
that determines our strei.h to r(.siJt
iiduiess. With weak bluoil wo ftncl
cold liaiuK and rltitU feet; iiiiltilduii
nn aversion to Mudy, and in adults
ilicumntic tcndcniies.
In changing seasons get
fresh air and tnku a spitonful of Scott's
Kiniiliion alter inunls, Ittfrnttsv Si ott 's
KmuUioii is ;i rich bhsxl UkI will
incrcitsK.- IkjUi cjuaittity and tpt.ility of
tlte blood while it warms the IhhI) and
litljia cany otT tho impurities.
When iiitiltitudcs oi jHople are to
day taking Scott'; Kimilsion to .ivert
winter sickuess, and are RiviitK it to
tbeii cliildrttt, it is c.m-lvis to neglect
its twiicfltM. I.ok out for i.UtxtltlUS.
ikxtut ik)iH.uuwu(Hi4. , j i:.
From Now on Let
"Wlmt Hit' Kovtl car will do is amply
proved by its daily tiso in the hands of
more than 000.000 owners. So sim
ple to understand thai every Ford
owner knows his car like a hook--he
rnn it andvarcs lor it himself. Hitilt
of the best materials, powerful and
efficient, it saxes money in operation
and maintenance and comes at a
verv low price. . llunahout $W)0;
Toiirint-- Car $-110: Town Car GI0, t.
o. b. Detroit. On stile at
ik::'.AA-j.--:-rxa-c-..JvaTlviJ'J- . raarjgjj '1
l'.OV 1l
tSenflwl nt Sunt (,ljntKn Kail V ""l .
ilialoKue, "lbr Shu iXlun'U'ed I."
no'nr, "Star if 'nve"; teeiiiiimu, ' . a... XI-. I. ...... 1.
"fTIIIin IMHV VJir, l.x i'n I
iliHlittiae. "(luiii-r t t'alifon.ia"; v. .-1
tation. "Hul.iitf Wilh S ' lan-."l
Lois foh.ti-.iiii: iyi ilatiiHi, "Wini I
Got t..i (.'hnstnw." Mert .1 !. "i.i
o cImK lUNuny ftrnoou. Dae. I,
; at the bom of hi brtUhcr Itlehanl.
; lohnnl kua aient moat ot his life tu
lUOifram mhs ir .iiiim, ,,,.,,, an iM uouuty auU la tUouMht .(
itvetl rtiiidorml, . Hifi.-r..i 1Wris I). x. .wttdo h luu rootiloit. m pom
firny oorri,l out in a vm. that sh..u,,i m it. vrj kluki ualitlaa set
iiah tniiniui;. Mwh i tin work m i'""' fwin.i In Man now. Un.
projtnvijiK the proHrnm w... dune l , 'rdaaber formerly rooMud it As
our lonelier, .Minn umt mu, I,, Unit &tl tliounh Hiih ua out a year
enjijij in duo her fm n- muw,. ! h wm uuiu) trienda aud our cou-
WlD'liO W.viauil Of lb- Mf...'JlKraia4iitatM uud 4 vvtol M
bounlit. smentl head of esiiV ,,i tht ' ixrUly ortfitart l sslfp tiapU.
K'enloii Jfiich .Monilny. JIM 04m ta NUmif4 aMlor'
a Hen: baru 11m. f.. to Ueo. 1'.
, ... . i -- - --
-uiur rr qmu morriMi ot inn . Mansfield of I'rospact. a daunhter. illtfu,., ...iu,, i,, m; re-twit mi .
and at last accounts the muthera and oi,t Su:hh i lau in HI l'." '
ehiltlnttt wir dotaa ett. iraih.w- t.cit.ntiti. IV .!:"' . iv-i-Miaa
Clraco Mlli lio (a taking tntu,,,, 'i.r,' . .1 hti-oii -on.
lson tratnlui i u. urofdaaionnl ,c,ivi. !. i ,!. . It.nn" .! !- n-.
uunst la tao Mdfer: ho.lia! and 4nM Ml ,.,,1,, st.ix - "
had bru up to visit hn
lavolr tarai oh the aout
tU Muttt riwk and
at how, roturutsl
Mtat of taw Mk.
C 0. lotr. the man ho has
teoat Ma HMVor f4ar. aorih of k X Jii'X
m suMt at tu auuuide s SOID B)' PcjlKJOISTS tURWHfRE
cjcr.ni3cx3V-;raawrriwrr, !
Mw If I
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New Year
1 v ir.v ,
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rs V
I.,... ,.i is. au v1m y
fVLr m sikr. Iluf f i v
l.r-..;. Tk-( lll0 t-.TKII
n ;U t nt x . ii ii m tui .il
- u ri. 1 .nal.intii il. I
Kn It Mi'k ''IkI i nam. " ,
t c c. Itiiitcmu k . ml Fieh V.tfs ,i,
ll . Il.i'ix.
White Velvet Ice Cream Co.
' 481 :t'J2 lv Mam
mv t H. drttn
Can be spent with friends or relatives at
a small cost for traveling expenses if you
take advantage of the Holiday Uutcs.
Low Round Trip Tickets
are on sale between all Southern
Pacific stations in Oregon on'
Fri., Dee 111, and Sat., .Jan, J.
Return limit of dan. -It...
Special joop Train vin the Southcn-u Pn
I'ifie iSlwtuie Hue vl nin Portlriud to re
Minnvillo and return on the above dales.
Ask our agent for further Mirtifuuirs.
Goneral Paaiigar Agunt PORTLAifD, ORE.